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Princess Lost in Thought

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Elie who was relaxing in her hot spring pool sat up hearing music coming from the garden. She stood up having relaxed for about a hour in the wate. She stepped out of the pool listening to the lovely, beautiful but yet haunting melody. "Someone is playing a harp near by, maybe I should check it out." She said turning looking up toward the ancient Sakura blossom tree that loomed over most of the estate. 

Elie listened for a moment more before packing up her backpack with her information from the temple and her tarot cards. She then changed into her sexy silk lingerie dress pj's before walking toward the garden maze. She had left barely any food or drink that Sebastian at set for bath. She knew Sebastian would take care of the rest but this melody was to pretty to just ignore. She took a deep breathe and started to make her way toward the sound. Her new song lyrics echoing in her head as she listened. "Hold on to me love.You know I can't stay long.All I wanted to say was,I love you and I'm not afraid." She sung softly turning a corner in maze. She smelt of roses, jasmine and lotus thanks to her bath.



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Exzelcryth finished the song, as Elie rounded the corner. She looked at her with a gentle gaze, stood slowly and turned toward her, unable to supress a smile at seeing her, looking her over in the beautiful dress she wore. Exzel walked up to Elie, looking rathing seductive in her bikini, hugged her, one arm behind her waist, the other going around her back. Pressing against her chest to chest. She held her in the warm embrace for about 20 seconds, "I have longed to see you, since your departure. That dress! Mmmmmm. Beautiful." She didn't go in for a kiss, not wanting to seem as forcefully as she had been to see how this played out, without her handling like she owned her off the bat. Instead she stepped back from the hug once she finished it, her face wore a feint, hopeful smile as she looked for some clue as to how she would react. She looked down and to the side a moment, suddenly aware of her heart bearing in her chest. Did this mean so much to her? It had been forever since such emotions had overpowered her cool, or somerimes even hot exterior.

"How are you feeling?"

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Elie seeing Exzel felt her chest tighten part of her wanted to run away but she knew that wasn't a option. She let the hug happen but Elie seemed a bit distance unsure what do. 

Once she backed up Elie took a deep breathe before speaking. "I'm better now then I once was but I thought you'd be with her......with Diamond." She said her tone cold a bit still unsure how she felt about Alexandrine and whole event that happened. "I...I've learned some things about myself....my family....and about you and kind." She said looking into Exzel's eyes her own were full of pain, sorrow, and emotional unbalance. "I....I....I have so much I wish to say but....I...I don't know if it'll hurt you are not." She sniffles trying her best to remain strong. She knew this meeting was going to happen and it was better it happened now then later.

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"I see." The slight smile faded from Exzelcryth's face, as she concentrated on looking at Elie. Seeing the emotional pain on her. She had never really cared how someone she had taken before felt, be she did care now. It was her nature, their first meeting, see heard something in her singing, saw something she wanted, and went for it. She didn't necessarily regret it now. Taking by conquest was the demon way, though it pained her now to see the pain on Elie's face. It made her feel conflicted, and she didn't care for the feeling.

"I have... done what I needed to do with Daimond." She looked deep into Elie's eyes with her exotic, purple demon eyes. Squinting a little as she saw Elie's emotions flowing strongly. "If I am being honest, I'm surprised you didn't warn her about me. Especially after our first meeting. I took you, by conquest. It felt right. At the time. I feed on energy,  at times."

She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly, chest heaving in her bikini as she did so. "I felt something, a connection? And I went for it." There was a certain brightness in her eyes now, a desire. "I had to have you... My kind are impulsive." She blinked, shrugged her shoulders, eyes narrowing again. "Some of my kin, like to 'break' their chosen. Alter their minds. That is not my way.... But, I will understand, if you... Hate me. I'd rather have your hate, and it be you. Genuine, than I turn you into something you're not." Memories of her early life flashed through Exzel's mind as she said that last line.

She stood up, a little straighter, "I took your first kiss, and your virginity. Say what you will, I probably deserve it. In fact, it's more than certain I do." Exzel grabbed across her body to hold her arm on the other side, looking down and to the side again. A breeze came up and blew her hair in front of her face. She liked who she was. Didn't she? Self doubt was completely new, but something about Elie was bringing it out now, and she didn't understand why.

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Elie seeing Exzel's emotions change made her want to break down she took a deep breathe and looked at her with all courage she had. "Your Romeo and I Juliet. We are different but the same. You....you gave me something I haven't had in so long...love and attention even of it was forced. I still felt something.....and...and when I called you mistress it felt right. But my jealously took over when Daimond said it. I....I felt like my world was crumbling down. I felt like what I worked so hard for ment nothing...here in my estate my parents are to busy for me...so I don't get much attention or love." She sniffles looking at Exzel still. She was scared and she could feel the depression,sorrow and sadness boiling inside her very core.

"But today I learned about my family's history and so much more. I even learned about you and....." A few tears came to corners of her eyes. "I realize now that leaving you last night was selfish. You were doing what you had to.......I....I feel like it's my felt that you don't have freedom to do what you wish. I.....I'm not better the him. I'm not better then that horrible Demon Lord Gyumoah that enslaved you. You gained your freedom and all I've done is want to be selfish and keep you for myself but now I see that makes me no better than him. I.....I know your need for a sexual desire with others will always be there and hell even at times it might be stronger then ever. I....I know your need for aexual desire and engery to be happy in life is what you need....and I haven't given you that......I haven't given you any of that. I....I....haven't made you truly happy....So....So I set you free. Be you.....Be that sezy demoness you were born to be. I know somewhere down the road you'll mark another and.....and I won't be your prize anymore. I know you'll love others like you do Diamond....but....but that's something I need to get over and grow up."

She looked into Exzel's eyes showing the passionate and loving emotion she had for her. " I've learned that love is like a butterfly. If you let it go and it doesn't return it wasn't ment to be. I do hope and pray one day you find that special someone that makes you see the light. I...." Elie paused closing her eyes taking a deep breathe before looking Exzel dead in eyes. "I've fallen for you....I've grown to love you even if it's small right now but I love you and I want to thank you for showing me some kind of love and attention these past weeks. Know I'll always be here waiting for if you wish to return." She said touching her mark as tears streamed down her face.

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She had listened intently, letting her talk. The emotions she could sense from her mark, on top of what she was already feeling were incredibly intense. She knew something like this would happen, but wasn't prepared for it in the moment. Her eyes watered, a single tear rolling down her cheek hanging on her chin before falling to her chest.


She was surprised Elie knew who that was, even more she would invoke that name. But horrified she would even think of comparing herself to him. "You are no Gyumoah!" Memories came flooding to Exzel. The demon tyrant had devoured. Eaten wives and partners that did not please him. His mere presence l, his aura could incite demons to acts of violence even beyond their normal nature. Exzel shivered that she had survived so long as his occasional concubine. Going out on missions when she was finally allowed, was a relief. Even though she had targets and missions, she had some level of freedom at least. Gyumaoh's presence had been completely suffocating, and even now the thought made her skin crawl. Elie on the other hand felt like a kind soul. Perhaps that's what had so attracted Exzel in the first place. Such a different sort than she was used to.

"There are leagues of difference between you. Pray thee, speak no more of that."

She took a deep breaths again, to settle herself, "I did not mark Daimond. That was something else. Necessary, satisfying a need, and making an enemy mine. But not the same as what I did with you. In fact... my attention is on you."

Exzel dried her eyes with her arm. "I don't... I can't bare to mark anyone else, anymore. You are the one I chose for that, and you will be the only one for that special bond."

Her pure, good soul, there was something about Elie that drove Exzel crazy with a want to possess her, especially when they were close. Was it a demon will to corrupt that, or just something so different that she really wanted her. That dress... also made her extremely eye catching. Beauty on different levels, but complimentary.

"I'm not sure who Romeo and Juliet are. I can only assume fated lovers. If that is the case, then it is only you. Daimond is fun, but it is not this kind of love."

She was fun, and perhaps it had filled a need for Exzel to subjugate powerful enemies, with her most practiced way. But she feeled very different about Daimond than she did about Elie.

"I don't want to keep hurting you, however. If you can deal with a crazy demon lover..." Lover, she had said the word. Butterflies felt loke they were dancing from her stomach up to her chest. "If you can deal with me, I thought I'd stay with you."

She carefully reached out and held Elie's hand, moving it and placing Elie's hand on her, mostly bare save the bikini top, white demon chest. Those exotic eyes peering into Elie again, like they could see through her.

"Can you feel my heart? Know the words I speak are true."

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Elie looked into Exzel's beautiful haunting eyes as her heart broke. Tears streamed down her face as she took action pressing her lips against Exzel's in a passionate kiss one would give someone they loved with all their heart. 

Once she broke the kiss she wiped away her tears and Exzel's. "I know your words are true and that means everything to me. Your music was beautiful and...." Elie hit Exzel's playful. "Don't call yourself crazy. You're beautiful, sexy, tempting and overall prefect. I am yours and I wish to give myself to you tonight in anyway and anywhere you wish. I....I love you." She said her smile and emotions happier then any other time Exzel's wad around her. She was ray of golden sunshine beaming with engery. Her eyes did show a bit of lust as a cold breeze swept pass them making Elie's nipples perk up in attention. "I....I can give you a tour of the estate and....and maybe a place to rest for the night next to me." She blushed before a bright light came from her bagpack as two celestial figures appeared. One looked exactly like Elie and the other a humanize demon with blue hair. 

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Elie kissed with such passion it momentarily surprised Exzel. Only a moment though, she was soon kissing her back, with soft hot lips on lips. Grabbing her waist, it sparked the flame of desire, until she broke the kiss. Exzel noticed Elie's nipples hard under her dress. She had the beat set of breasts in the magical girl community, if not the whole city. The same breeze that effected Elie, did the same to Exzel in her bikini. Her heart beat in her chest as Elie said she loved her. Exzel was not quite ready to say it that way, to admit what her body was telling her.

"Mmmm, good. A tour sounds wonderful, then, I have plans for you tonight," She said, with a devious look. Suddenly on guard as two figures appeared, jumping back into a defensive stance, her bikini top struggled to hold her assests in as she did, landing with a jiggle.

"What witchcraft is this?"

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As the light shined and two figures appeared one smiled brightly. "Following in my foot steps young?" Her voice of soft and kind. She seemed noble. Royal even as she held herself.  "My name is Juliet and here next to me is Romeo. We are your ancestors and the spirits of the lovers card. I have noticed the cards have be unkind and locked their powers away from you young one but fear not they will return." 

Romeo looked over at Exzel. "A Nexus Devil with taste. You feel for the young Capulet because of her voice...maybe body and wish to protect her yes? What Juliet speaks is the truth the young one's powers have decided to lock themselves away. She now only has four cards she can call upon."

Elie was in shocked due to seeing her ancestors. She couldn't believe her eyes. "H....How How did you return?" Juliet smiled brightly. It was the same warm loving smile Elie gave. "Simple young one you proved your love for her." Pointing to Exzel. "Even though pain and jealousy clouded your mind and heart you had the courage to release what your heart knew was true." She said before hugging Elie. "Fight for this love and know it's pure. Know that there will  be alot of ups and downs but in end it will be worth it." She kissed Elie's forehead like a big sister would do. "If you ever need us don't be afaird to call upon us. I do believe your love has a wonderful night planned for you and I can tell by the way she holds herself and looks at you that she'll protect you.

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Exzel stood up straight, dropping her hands. More spirits, not hostile at least. "A-ancestors?" Exzel blinked at them. These were Elie's ancestors? She could see where Elie got her looks from, Juliet was lovely.

"It is true. Her voice was lovely. It did draw me to her." There was no denying that.

She turned to Elie, "Your cards... have locked away their power from you? Has this happened before?"

She listened more. Wondering how long the cards would withhold their power from her. See eyed Romeo, "What... who are you?"

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Romeo chuckled. "Me...well you could say I'm a dream demon, a nightmare of sorts. Juliet and I, along with rest of Tarot Card spirits are kind of angelic guides.....But yeah.... after meeting Juliet I knew my father and my family were in wrong in their waysbof torture and pain. Even though her cousin Tybalt was the worst....it was his fault she died. Making the rest of males in family use her and abuse her. Even the Elders summoned lesser demons to tortureher rape her along with male family members....and I fear Tybalt's wrathful spirit has taken over one of Elie's family members. So be careful and protect her Devil.."

Elie looked at Romeo. "What do you mean? Is that the fourth Capulet my book speaks of." Juliet looked at Romeo with a glare as she punched him the shoulder. "Yes young one and you need to remain safe. My cousins spirit that's inside him is ruthless.....if he finds you he will either do what must be done as old tradition speaks of or he'll kill you to finish the deed he started 13 years ago." Elie's eyes widen hearing this news as she turned to Exzel.

Fear and dispear filled her eyes. "Yes....my...my cards locked themselves away.....because of my self doubt after the event at the convention. I was only left with Death.....for a while but then I was blessed with King of Wands. Somehow I got the Queen of Pentacles and now the Lovers. My....my powers aren't what they use to be....." She said sadly looking away. 

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"A dream demon eh? That sounds wonderfully useful. The things I could do in people's dreams..."

Exzel moved closer to Elie, moved an arm around her waist, and pulled her closer to hug her. Pressing her body against Elie to comfort her. She looked over at Romeo as he spoke. "This Tybalt... his spirits has been reborn and lives now? And he is a danger to Elie?" She didn't like the sound of this one bit.

Looking back to Elie as she spoke. "Perhaps I can... help you recover some of that." She squeezed her in her arms as she said that.

Exzel took Elie's chin in her hand and gently pulled her gaze back to her face, "Powers or not, you can still sing for me."

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Elie blushed softly looking into Exzel's eyes. She could get lost in them for hours. Feeling her protective arms wrap around her. Her hand resting on where Exzel's heart would be. "I will sing for you whenever you wish. I....I just hope I'm not burden if it takes a while for powers to return. I might need my sexy Nexus Devil to save me." She said kissing her cheek. 

Juliet smiled as she looked at Romeo. "Yes my cousin has been reborn and I please ask of you to help this young one refine herself. Romeo my love we should leave them to court eachother." She said smiling taking Romeo's hand before smirking. "Don't have to much fun now lovebirds."

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Exzel was going to laugh off that remark about needing to be saved, but this was a real danger. She suddenly got a surge of possessiveness over her marked territory. Her arms around her grabbing her body more.

"What fool would try to steal you from me?"

Her cheek tingling as her lips touched her. That mingling of positive and negative auras, yin and yang was always exhilarating. She watched as Romeo and Juliet, made to leave. An interesting pair.

"I know exactly what kind of fun this one needs."

She dropped her hand to Elie's butt, and grabbed her pulling her in for a deep kiss, bending her back a little as she did. It was hard not to pounce on her right here and now with the possessive surge she had felt, but she resisted and broke the kiss, even as she felt her mark react to her lust and closeness.

"You had mentioned... a tour, my darling?"

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Elie feeling Exzel's protective arms wrap around her made her feel warm and safe. It felt wonderful. As she watched her ancestors leave she turned to look at Exzel. "What do you.." Before she could finish her sentence she felt Exzel's kiss take hers. 

The negative and positive auras mixing made Elie want more. Her lips deepened the kiss as lust was taking over. She wanted Exzel now more then ever. She'd get on her hands and knees and be for her if she asked but then the kiss was broken and Elie looked at Exzel's with dreams lustful eyes. "Yes...yes the tour follow me. I'll show you lower part of house first which is the living rooms, hot spring pools, ball room, kitchen, servant rooms, a small bathroom and dinning room or and the library. Upstairs is guest bedrooms, my parents master bedroom, two huge bathrooms, my room with balcony, my recording room and the offices. Any of the rooms I said so interesting to start off in?" She moaned softly as Exzel's hand was on her ass. Elie bit her lower lip as her hand brushed against Exzel's nipples and then pussy before grabbing her hand and walking into the estate. 

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Exzel smiled, as she felt Elie's touch. Her nipples were sensitive to her fingers thanks to the breeze earlier, when her hands went lower it sent a shiver up her spine. Becoming wet in fairly quick order. Exzel swatted Elie's butt playfully.

"You! You are going to get it!" She squeezed her ass again, harder this time. And what a nice ass it was! She kept her hand on it as they walked, holding it like she owned her.

"Mmmmm, show me either the hot springs, or the library." Exzel was fired up enough, that she had pretty much decided they would not make it far into the tour.


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Feeling Exzel's smack her ass Elie let out a moan of delight feeling her wetness growing as she blushed opening the door to estate from the garden. "Welcome to my home, The Capulet estate." She smiled as the smell of Jasmine, White Iris and Lotus filled the air. The hall was long and a  beautiful purple and gold rug lined the hall welcoming them.. The doors were elegantly craved dark oak doors. Small side tables with flowers were evenly placed a few feet away from eachother. Wall lanterns motion activated were above each table.

As Elie walked to the library photos of her family lined the walls and photos of when she was little girl. Elie sighed as she looked at one before stopping at the library door. The photo was her in a elegant princess grown surrounded by her aunts and uncles all happily and cheering. The gold nob rested in her hand as she turned it opening the door.

As she walked in she swayed her hips sexually knowing she was turning Exzel's on more and more. She couldn't find for her punishment to see what she had in store. Once inside bookcases lined the walls, a fireplace that was lit brought warmth to room. There were couches big enough to be rearranged into a cozy comfortable bed. A small bar filled with drinks was corner along with a bar top table and a few chairs. A large mirror with the family's chest on top of mirror in the dead center was behind the bar showing off the massive book collection and above the fireplace was a elegant well done family portrait of Capulet family in there house in Verona. Two crimson red eyes pired into Exzel's soul. She knew those eyes, she had met that man before. "Here is the library. Beautiful and relaxing no? This is one my favorite rooms in house besides my recording studio and bedroom. Oh and also if need anything Sebastian is just a call away. He's the only thing I have close to father figure since mine is always gone." Elie put her backpack on one of couches and took out her Family History book leaving it on a side table near her.

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Exzel looked at the family photos as she walked by. Taking note of each face. The photos of little Elie were cute, but she noticed she was often picture by herself, or with a servant.

"Your parents, are always gone? That leaves you lonely, doesn't it?" She suddenly had more clarity on Elie craving attention and her confidence. She was forming a plan to 'inject' some confidence into her. Perhaps all over her house.

"What a fine collection of books." The library was nice.

"Sebastian? What would he make of me?" She wasn't sure if he was used to seeing spirits, or if he would totally freak out seeing a white skinned, bikini clad demon wandering the halls of the estate.

The crimson eyes caught Exzel's attention. "Thay man there! Who is that?" She pointed to the family eyes.

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Elie sighed looking at Exzel. "Back in Verona before the horrible event that killed all by four of my family members. My parents were always around and happy. It was the happiness day of there lives when they heard I had the gift. Our house is mainly made of Knights. It's rare for daughter to be born with magical gifts and powers." She said touching the white iris birthmark on her collarbone. Oh and Sebastian is fine with it, he knows about my magical girl side and has seen alot of weird shit....so we'll be fine." She said sitting down looking at Family portrait. "That was one of my father's brothers I believe Ditimir was his name. He would have been my Knight and if my father agreed to it. He and I when I teached 16 years of age would have been sent to do the traditional bonding ceremony. We would have had a room designed just for us and he would have had his way with me till our family crest appeared on the back of neck behind my hair marking me as his. It would have lasted three days and three nights of non stop sexual desire and if I got pregnant they would have praised him.....our child would have been just as powerful as if Romeo and Juliet had a children...but he's dead so I don't have deal with that thank the gods." She smiled looking at Exzel standing there in nothing but a binki. Part of her wanted to tease Exzel by spreading her legs and playing with herself but she already teased her once and knew the punishment would be coming sooner or later. Elie didn't care what was wrost Exzel could do. Elie spread her legs a bit showing just enough to draw Exzel closer before slipping a finger or two inside her wet pussy. Even with Elie pumping her fingers lightly the lewd wet sounds of pussy could be heard faintly.

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Elie's body was gorgeous, the curves, her eyes the hair, that face! Exzel's exotic purple eyes were bright with excitement as she watched Elie spread her legs, revealing a little in her dress, then touch herself. Exzel felt herself getting wet as Elie softly played with herself. Damn, she wanted her! But there was important things to discuss.

She walked over to where Elie sat and spread her own legs, straddling Elie as she sat. Kneeling wide over Elie's legs, with her perfect skin and boobs near the girls face, but she grabbed Elie's hair and made her look up at her face a moment. Even as the sound Elie's wetness was making inflamed Exzel's lust more, wetness starting to show on her bikini bottom, when they made direct eye contact wven as Elie's fingers were in herself.

"Your kinght?" She didn't like the sound of that. "Elie, you naughty girl. I need to... tell you. That man lives. I have seen him in the underworld! He has fallen, behaves as if her was born in demon society."

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Elie stopped as she listened to Exzel her eyes widen. "N....No no he can't be. He.....he died 13 years ago." She said fear starting to take over as she looked into Exzel's eyes. "How....How could be a life? What sort of demon helped him life?" She asked her body  shivering out of fear as she pulled her fingers out. They were coated in her juices. She then remember her nightmare as her heart raced. "Wait....my nightmare. You....you don't think he's the one who....who killed our family do you? He...he wouldn't have had the power on his own." Her juices slowly ran down her leg as she looked at Exzel for answers. 

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"My words speak truth. He lives and is clearly in league with demons now. A particularly strong one named, Zorn."

Exzel moved off and sat next to Elie. Arms going around her, and embracing her with a comforting hug.

"I don't understand his motivation, yet he lives and contorts with the underworld. It wouldn't be a far stretch. I'm sorry to give you such startling news."

Exzel stroked Elie's body and her hair, trying to be as comforting as possible.

"I do not like him. He had an ill favored look about him."

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Elie nuzzled into Exzel's chest feeling the warmth of her next to her own. She felt save in Exzel's arms. "Zorn....that's the demon The Diamond Sorcereress killed long ago....." She said starring to calm down thinking of ways to stay away from Azreal or how to defeat him. "I...I'll need to stay away from Azreal the best I can. I...I need to defeat him but only once my powers return to normal." She said her body relaxing a bit more as she felt like Exzel's was grounding her a bit.

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Exzel's chest was soft as Elie nuzzled into it, her delicate looking neck and collar bone was close to Elie's face. Of course looks could be deceiving where demons were concerned, but her look, the way she carried herself was indeed confident and soft at the same time.

"Almost killed. He's not quite dead yet. In fact, he seems to have recovered quite well." She cuddles Elie warmly, stroking her side, as she continued to comfort her. Listened to what she said. There was the key, "Maybe we can start building your confidence back up?"

Exzel felt down Elie's side, hands exploring over her waist, lower over her hip. She found herself lingering, really feeling down Elie's wide hips. Eventually caressing down the girl's thighs. Exzel considered melting her mind by giving her orgasm after orgasm. She could chain so many together it might help Elie forget. Then again, maybe she should just take it as it goes and see how she feels.

Suddenly, she had an idea. Throwing caution to the wind, in a rather loud but sweet voice she called, "Sebastian?"

Time to find out what he would make of a drop dead gorgeous devil In bikini, assuming he really was just a call away. If he was, she had something in mid to ask him for.

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Elie looked at Exzel her eyes widen. "Wait so if Zorn and Azreal are a team.......that means all he'll will break lose? Are....are you a part of their team?" She asked looking into Exzel's eyes. "Does that mean my life is in danger?"

Sebastian came walking down the hall as he knocked on the door before entering. "Yes my Lady and a honored guest. It's a pleasure to meet you My Lady." He bowed. "How can I be of service and will you be spending the night?" He asked looking at Elie curled up in this beautiful women's arms and chest. 

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