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Princess Lost in Thought

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The man was remarkably calm seeing Elie with someone. Who also happened to be a bikini clad demoness. Exzel wondered exactly what this man was used to seeing as she glanced from him to Elie. Was he used to strangeness from Elie's spirits perhaps?

"The pleasure, is all mine, good fellow. Sebastian, I wonder if we might have a bowl of fruit and some whipped creme? Say strawberries, if you have them?"

She wondered if Elie had had other guest stay the night, as Sebastian was rather forward in this question, even as she remembered she had been the one to take Elie's virginity.

"Yes, I believe I shall be here over the night. Is that exceptable in this household?"

Exzel addressed Elie's question as she looked back into her eyes, "I am not part of their team. We do however have an agreement, I'm not supposed to mess with their interests, and they are not supposed to mess with mine. That includes you. Nevertheless, I don't trust Azreal, and I would recommend being on guard." She held Elie tighter as she talked.

"I could take you to another world, if you wanted. But that seems a little drastic, and you'd have to leave all this behind. Running at the first sign of trouble on the horizon might be an overreaction. If someone did try to take you from me, I would end them. But always have situational awareness!"


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Sebastian smiked. "Oh course. Strawberries,Whip Cream and Caramel/Chocolate as well. Will you be rooming with Lady of House or do you wish to have a separate room. Either way I'll get a room ready." He said looking Exzel's in eye his red ones glowing a bit before he bowed again and left.

Elie giggled looking at Exzel. "Looks like Sebastian likes you. He's a demon himself that belonged to mother's side of family. He's a hybrid of a Crow and a Raven demon. So since you made that pack Zorn touch me and neither should Azreal?" She asked finally calm now. Hearing Exzel say that if someone tried to take her from her she would end them made her heart race and her face have a bright red blush. "E....E...Exzel." She whimpered almost moaning.

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"Thay would explain his calm demeanor, and here I thought it odd. I must say, he is accomplished at surpressing his aura, only after you told me, can I begin to feel his presence."

She watched him go. "A crow and a raven. I had heard legend of a flock of storm crow demons from Jotunheim, long ago. I don't suppose he is related?" There was legends of great Raven demons from a realm of cold and giants. He may not be descended from that stock, but itade Exzel curious. It was adjacent to Hel's realm, which Exzel had visited once. It was cold, a bit too cold for her taste. Most of the demons she had met there were ravens, crows or wolf types. "They were remarkable scouts. Sometimes with, sometime fighting the valkyries."

"Shouldn't? Yes. Won't? That remains to be seen. How well do you trust a demon?

Exzel gave her a playful wink. It did not sit well with her how many liberties Azreal had already taken with his waging tongue in front of Zorn. Exzel gave Elie a playful swat when she moaned out her name.

"Situational awareness will save your life also, I have something for you." Exzel raised one hand and snapped her fingers, opening a small storage portal. Reaching in she pulled out an old style white jug with a cork, and the cutest blue lion plushy that ever existed. Exzel handed the stuffed voltron lion to Elie, "I had got this for you at the convention. But you were a bad girl, and left while I was in the middle of something."

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Elie thought for a moment. "Sadly I don't know Sebastian's history or bloodline. All I know is he's very loyal to my family and has taken care of me since we moves to Japan." She smiled softly. 

"What if Zorn or Azreal attack me? What if they try to take me by force? Will you come save me if my powers aren't 100% here when they attack?" She asked before feeling Exzel's swat her. "What do you not like when I moan your name. I was hoping to moan it later tonight as you and I have fun." She blushed showing she wanted Exzel even after the horrible new.

Elie looked at old jug confused before her eyes widen. "It's the blue lion. It's Lance's Lion. Lace is the one who likes Lotor. You remembered." She said her face shimmered and happily from the gift. "And I wasn't bad.....just...just jealous." She pounted cutely.

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"No matter what your powers are, I would come for you. If they attack you, I consider it an attack on me. They may think me soft, and try something, but they would learn otherwise when I open a portal to a realm of fire and magma and drown them in lava. But that's a last resort."

A momentary change came over Exzel's face, shadows seemed to grow longer and darker, eye's more fierce. The determination in her voice was scary, "I would burn through the world to find you, and woe to any who try to stand in my way."

The shadow faded and her face resumed a gentle expression.

Lotor had been a character Exzel could sympathize with. He had worked for the best interest of his people. Had been noble even, and courageous at times, but his eye on his target. Lotor had also liked the Princess, just as Exzel liked her Princess. And he knew how to get what he wanted out of people. He had to put down his father even.

"Did not the Princess also pilot the Blue Lion? That made it the only lion suitable for my princess."

"I do like my name moaned, in fact. I can think of better ways to get you loud though."

She squeezed Elie in her arms, "Jealous, that I was getting intimate with Daimond?"

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Seeing the protect dark side of Exzel made Elie wiggle in her seat crossing her legs as her natural lustful scent filled the room. She hugged the plushie and smiled kissing it. "Thank you my love. My demoness...My mistress for telling me you'll always be there. It....it means alot." She hugged the plushie again this time tighter out of love to hide her tears which quickly disappeared. 

"Yes she did ploit it and Lotor even had a thing for the Princess. So he could either have blue paladin be impaled on his cock or the princess or hell even both." Elie blushed hearing Exzel call hern her princess as she giggled kissing Exzel's cheek holding the plushie tigthly. Before she felt her squeeze her arm a but. "I....I guess I got jealous because I thought you were mine.....all mine. I....I've never had sex with another person and I called you mistress first.....so I....I thought it was nickname my....right to call you that." She said feeling her doubt kick in a bit.

Just then Sebastian came knocking on the door before opening it. "Your strawberries, Whip Cream, caramel and chocolate drizzle as you requested. I even brought some flavored water. Please enjoy if you need anything else please don't be afaird to call." He bowed and left.

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Elie talked about Lotor being able to have both, was she alluding that Exzel might also have both, her and Daimond? She listened to the rest she had to say. Exzel hugged Elie as she talked, her chest pressed against the side of Elie's chest. Exzel smiled, saying something to try and lighten the mood, "I am your mistress, and look at you now! Only your second time and you landed a threesome? Who would have thought my little princess was secretly a lewd sex goddess?" Exzel squeezed her playfully, her arm around her coming up her side and cupping Elie's far breast in her dress, just as Sebastian walked in.

"Thank you Sebastian." She told the demon before he left, eyeing the fruit and whipped cream.

She continued to talk as she lightly played with Elie's far breast in her hand, "Currently my darling, my entire household calls me mistress. My mazone minions, Zef, who you have not met yet. Does that make you, more jealous?" That was the standard for strong female demons when amassing minions in a household. "If that bothers you still, what would you have them call me?"

Exzel carefully moved Elie, turning her sideways and pulling her onto her lap. Noting Elie's dress fastened around her neck, she put finger on the back of Elie's neck massaging her. Slipping fingers deftly over the fastening, and undoing it, the neck of her dress suddenly falling loose. "A demoness of my current status is often called mistress, even by someone I have no delationship with, as a sign of respect for my power. What's in a name? A rose by any other name is just as sweet, is it not?" Yet Exzel was willing to hear her out. Certainly she could command her minions to call her something else, or she could let Elie find a new title for her, only she could use. "Or was there something else you wanted to call me, something I will only let you use?"

She would let her think. She liked being called mistress, but she'd make special allowances for Elie. "You are, my darling. I only have one. So you see, that is your special status."

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Elie thought for a bit as she sighed and giggles a bit at the lewd sex goddess comment. "You have minions working under you? What are they like? I mean....no they can call you mistress because it's a respectful thing to do but when it comes to sexual fun time in the bedroom I.....I just get jealous when someone calls you it during the heat of sex. Also great use of a line from the play Romeo and Juliet." Feeling Exzel touch her breast  through her dress a faint blush came across her cheeks but disappeared as Sebastian entered the room.

Feeling Exzel's massage her neck she whimper a bit in pain and pleasure. She had a few large knots in her neck. Feeling the neck place of her lingerie dress come loose and fall forward she blushed. "I...I've never actually really thought of a special name for you besides Mistress because this is all new to me. You're the first person to actually like me like this and..." She hugged her plushie again. "And having someone like you loving me makes all the pain of my past and present seem to melt away." She said. "And....and Darling is cute name. Why did you decide that name and if I may ask what are the strawberries for?"

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"Darling is traditional name for beloved of royalty in some Oni tribes. It just seemed right for you. The stawberries are for eating." She said with a smile.

"I'm glad I can take your pain away."

Exzel grabbed on Strawberry, and placed the tip lightly on Elies upper chest, between her breasts thatvwere barely covered by the sagging dress. Dragging it up her skin, up her delicate neck, past her chin and over her lips, full of flavor, holding it for her to bite.

"I do have minions, yes. You can meet them sometime, if you want. Zef is my best retainer. A 7 foot tall Oni with red skin and white markings. He is quite strong. I also have a handful of mazone, or tree spirits. Something like a dryad, able to take the form of a woman. I have some things I can summon, friends also, but they don't live at my fortress yet."

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Elie feeling the strawberry run across her skin made her shiver they were freshly washed and the cold water that dripped off them made her need for Exzel grow. Temperature play was kink she read about and when cold water of ice touched her body it made her juices flow. Once the strawberry made it to her lips she licked it playfully before sucking the tip and taking a bite. She looked Exzel dead in eye showing her she wanted more.

"I see. I've never met a Oni before or hear that they call their royalty or beloved ones Darling. It's nice." She said wiggling her butt against Exzel her mark glowing a bit showing that she was in mood. "I can see my beloved Mistress has a strong army to protect her and her assets."

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Exzel smiled at the last remark, looking at Elie as she responded, running a head down her body as she did, starting with Elie's neck, feeling down her chest to her between her legs over the dress, "Something tells me I should be more worried about guarding your assets."

"Now, it's time for dessert." Exzel laid Elie back on the couch. With a light, feathery touch on her cheek, she dragged her fingers down her neck, touching her just enough to tingle her skin with each movement. Further down her chest, catching the top of her dress and pulling it down, until Elie's breasts popped out. Taking the whipped cream, Exzel put it on Elie's breasts, and moved feom under Elie, to over her, bikini clad body hovering about 6 inches above her. Exzel kissed Elie's delicate neck softly on the side, trailing kisses with hot soft lips down to her collar bone. Down further until she came to the whipped cream, licking it off her enthusiastically. Starting on top and working her way around in a spiral until her tongue licked over Elie's nipples. Coming to the second one she licked around and over with the tongue work of a professional, finally her soft lips pressing against Elie as she sucked gently at first but harder with each second on her hard nipple. Using her tongue to play with the tip in her mouth. Toying with Elie was starting to male Exzel moist herself, she loved the sounds her girl was making under her.

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"Guarding my...my asset? What do you mean...by that?." She blushed feeling herself being guided backwards to lay down. Feeling Exzel's feather like touches she whimpered gripping the arms of the couch. "E....Ex...Exzel." She moaned soft as her breasts popped out of her lingerie dress now understanding that Exzel's want her for dessert as the whip cream was placed on her nippels.

Feeling the soft warm gentle kisses her body twitched with excitement. Her tongue teasing and licking her nipples made her willingly spread her legs a part inch by inch. Once Exzel started to suck on her nipples a blush took over her face as her toes curled. "M...m..mistress....Mistress Exzel." She moaned with such passion and love.

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As she kept sucking on her nipples, and flicking the tip with her tongue, she put a hand on Elie's knee. Caressing up her inner thigh, still with a light touch, thier auras pressing against each other just as their bodies did, tingling them both. Ezxel got wet herself listening to Elie moan her name, and couldn't supress a wanton moan.

"That's right, I am your mistress!"

Exzels finger slowly found there way up Elie's leg, up her dress to her panties, feeling over them. Rubbing an over her sex through the panties.

Her fingers deftly felt around the rim of Elie's undergarment, until they slid in stroking down her wet slit. Teasing her with the tips of her fingers.

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Elie looked into Exzel's eyes. She could lost in them for hours. The light touches made Elie melt Into Exzel's body more. "E....Exzel your touch feels so good. I...I..." Elie bit her tongue not wanting to start begging yet. It was to early. What was coming over her. She had never gotten this horny this quickly before.

As Exzel rubbed her sex through her clothes she felt Elie's juices dampen her panties. Elie felt a bit embarrassed as she looked away. Her hips grinding upwards wanting Exzel's touch. Her body slowly betraying her and showing Exzel was begging for more. Once she felt her fingers tease her slit after entering her panties she could hold back the moan of delight from the skin to skin against her sex. "Pl.....please please Mistress Exzel I...I beg you I'll do anything you desire. I...I want more.

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Exzel pulled up Elie with her strength sitting her on her lap, Elie's back against her, spreading her legs on either side of Exzel's. The demon's breasts against Elie's back. Using shape-shifting ability Exzel focused and her clit grew long and hard into a hard cock. Changing into a futa, her hard member sprang up between Elie's thighs.

Her breath was on Elie's ear, "The benefits of being a shape-shifter. Your mistress wants you, and will have you tonight!"

Exzel felt up Elie's left side grabbing her big breast and fondling her, holding her back against her. Smirking to herself how she had managed to mark the most well endowed magical girl in the city, thus far anyway.  Her right hand in the meantime, felt down Elie, a feathery touch trailing down slowly in little circles until she found Elie's little clit. Immediately caressing it up and down, with a touch so light she barely touched it, but caused intense tingling when she did as she toyed with her.


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Elie feeling Exzel's breasts on her back made her look back into beautiful eyes before she blushed looking between her legs to see a cock. "M....Mi...Mist...Mistress." Elie moaned feeling the heat from her mistresses new member. 

Biting her lower lip Elie could help but enjoy Exzel playing with her breasts. Unlike the last time, this time she wanted this. She wanted to feel Exzel use her body. Feeling her other hand move down lower the tingle of her feather like touches only made Elie grow wetter. "M...Mistress E...Exzel." She moaned softly grinding against her fingertips. "Pl....please please don't tease me. Un...unless this is punishment for for earlier. I will...take it galdly." She moaned her hands massaging Exzel legs as she wanted to grip onto something. Her nipples perking harder then last time. She wondered what her mistress had in store for her for night since they were in family library.

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Exzel's legs were silky smooth and warm when Elie grabbed them. Shapely looking like a super model or Olympic athlete had legs under her.

"This is your punishment, Datling. I'm going to play with you, and use you just how I want." Exzel kissed Elie's ear softly, then gave her a playful lick. Her fingers on Elie's clit switched to rubbing her in a gentle circle, starting slow, but going faster and fasyer as Exzel kissed slowly and wetly down her neck, giving her a playful bite at the nape of her neck.

Her hand on her breast squeezed, and fingers found her nipple, flicking and then firmly pinching her between skilled, femine demon finges. Then kneading her like she owned her.

"I have all night to play with you.." Her voice was half sweet, half threatening. Exzel's hot, hard, shaft was bulging up between Elie's thighs, the mid shaft touching against Elie's lips between her legs. Exzel's voice was low in her ear, "I wonder how wet you can get? How much you'll be able to take tonight?"

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Elie couldn't help but shiver from the overall pleasure she was experiencing. When Exzel licked her ear Elie wiggled back a bit. Did Exzel find one of Elie's weak spots? Feeling Exzel fingers start to rub her slowly made her grind against them more but once she began to speed up Elie's mind was slowly beginning blank. This demon...no her mistress was so talented in ways in of sex. How could she not enjoy it. "E....E...Exzel my...my love...." She moaned feeling herself growing wetter but she wasn't there just yet 

Once she felt her nipples being pitched a d flicked she moaned loudly before a rush of pleasure took over her and Exzel's fingers were soaking wet. "My....my....ma...mate..." Elie whimpered under her breathe as she had a blush across her cheeks. "M...Mistress....I wish to be use for your pleasure all night all. I wish to pleasure my mistress in anyway....any position she deems right." She moaned grinding against Exzel's cock her juices and cum from a second ago coating it evenly as she rubbed working her hips. The heat of her mistress cock and the lewd super wet noises made Elie's face twist into such a pleasureable look as she looked back at Exzel.

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"What a lewd girl, and we're just getting warmed up!" Exzel's fingers kept dancing on Elie's clit through her orgasm. Putting more speed snd pressure on her sensitivity just after she finished the first time.

Her hand on her breast, flicked her nipple once more, then letting go went up and held her back against her by the neck. Licking back up her neck, her soft lips brushing up Elie's ear, before she licked her gingerly again, then nibbled her. Her voice a low whisper, breath hot on her skin, "Now I've got you right where I want you!" Her fingers rubbing her mercilessly.

Exzel began to grind under Elie, her long cock throbbing against and teasing the girl's slit. Lewd sounds from the wetness filling the room. "Who do you belong to?"

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"F....F..Fuck Mis.....Mistress. I....I belong to you Mistress Exzel. I love the way you pleasure and tease my...my body." Elie moaned grinding against her more wanting her. "Pl....please please Mistress I....I'll be good. Pl...please please give me more." She moaned feeling Exzel's go after her ear again. Her heart was racing she bet Exzel could feel it being so close. Her mark activating as she melted into Exzel's.

"I....I Elieon Anna Arst de Capulet belong to Exzel my Mistress. I belong to her as the Lotus Princess and Pri....Princess of Fate. I belong to you and only you." She arched her back moaning as her felt her juices dripping onto the couch.

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Exzel could feel Elie's heart beating faster. "Mmmmmm, that's a good girl. I'm so hard and ready to feel you." Exzel momentarily moved her hands to Elie's hips, lifting her slightly and guiding her down on her long, hard futa cock. The head of her member sliding into her slit and pressing against Elie's entrance, stretching her as she came down. "Yesss! Mmm! You are a tight one!"

Exzel's hands pulled Elie down hard, her ahaft penetrating her as she handled Elieon like a toy with her strength. Exzelcryth began thrusting up, not hard at first but at a good tempo, her hardness pressing against Elie's silky walls. Her hand went back down between the Capulet's legs, and went back to teasing her clit even as she started to fuck her on her lap, bouncing her in time with each pump up into her. "Ugh! I love your pussy! Feel how deep I can take you!"

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Elie feeling Exzel's pull her hand from her sex and clit was a bit confused till she left herself getting lifting up and felt the tip of her Exzel's futa cock press into her entrance. "M...Mis..." Before she could moan out her title Elie gasped feeling the full length inside her.

Her silky walls pulsed against her cock massaging it with each thrust. Elie could speech as the pleasure of Exzel's cock pounding her was to great. She couldn't help but move her hand to go play woth clit but Exzel had beaten her there. Each bounce made Elie slip more and more into submission. "Mis....Mistresses cock feels so good deep inside me....Oh....Oh gods yes...yes Mistress fuck my tight little cunt." She moaned out enjoying Exzel's cock and it showed 

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They kept going for some time. Exzel let out the sexiest, most wanton moan right into Elie's ear, as she kept thrusting up, slowly ramping up her speed faster and faster, just as she started going harder, only to make Elie, and her big tits bounce even more. Elie's tight, wet walls massaging her cock with each thrust. The demon put her free arm around Elie hugging her to tight back against her body. Her other hand busy rubbing and flicking over Elie's clit faster and faster, until her fingers became a blur of motion.

"You never had... anyone cum inside you... have you? I'm going to... fill you up tonight!" She said between waves of pleasure and deep breaths. Exzel was bucking up now, pounding into Elie, and bouncing her each powerful thrust. The sound of Elie's wet pussy being stuffed filled the room, along with Exzel's moan crescendoing loudly. Exzel's shaft went rock hard, leaking pre-cum in her marked girl as she got closer and closer.

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Elie whimpered her breasts smacking against her chest hard feeling Exzel's cock punishing her pussy. The sound of her wet pussy was music to her ears. She moaned loudly as she felt Exzel rubbing her clit faster and faster making her wetter and wetter."E....Ex....Exzel...Mi....Mistress...so...so wet. You...you might slip out. So so wet." She moaned bouncing on her cock harder and harder. She was making Exzel's pelvis soaking wet.

"No.....no no Mistress I...I've never felt someone cum inside me. You...you'll be filling me? How...how much? How much will you fill me with?" She moaned asking feeling Exzel's cock harden inside her. "Mis....mistress so...so hard. F.....Fill...Fill me...give me your cum. I...I want to feel your cum stirring up deep inside me." She arched her back a bit blushing as she teased the tip before feeling her mistress' cock slip out. "M...Mistress it...it slipped out."

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Exzel was so close when Elie bounced too high, making her cock slip out of her, and instead press against the skin near her slit as Elie sat on it. Exzel gritted her teeth and growled, the sudden loss of the sensation of Elie's tightness around her shaft was frustrating. "Elieon!"

She grabbed the girl, and stood, picking her up in a fireman's carry, keeping a hand on her ass to keep her from falling off, and stormed over to the bar in the corner. With a sweep of her arm, she knocked a few glasses off which broke when they hit the ground behind the bar. Exzel handled Elie, putting her down on the bar top, spinning her towards the large mirror, she bent her over the bar, and stood behind her, erect member resting on the girl's ass between her buns. The demoness smacked Elie's ass firmly, leaving a red hand print. Then reaching over the bar, grabbed a handful of Elie's hair and pulled her head back until she was lookong at herself in the mirror. It was then thay Exzel readjusted, lining up with her entrance, and rammed her thick futa cock back in Elie. Elie could see Exzel's body, and breasts moving and bouncing, as she fucked her furiously. Exzel was now showing Elie herself being taken by the demon in the mirror. Exzel smiled seeing the look on her face in the reflection. Her cock was bulging bigger than ever in Elie, since she slipped out moments ago.

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