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Princess Lost in Thought

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Exzel had passed out, as the potion had thrown her demonic bio-regeneration into hyperdrive. The strong waves from Elie, woke her, eyes opening with a flutter, even as the wound on her back and chest were cloaing before Sebastian's eyes.

Exzel sat up, spitting out blood, one more time.


She struggled to her feet, gritting her teeth, growling. Hunched over slightly, holding one of her arms.


Her eyes took on a bright purple glow. Gathering energy and focusing, even as the blood slowed dripping from her chest.


Zef sat, excellent posture, legs crossed, meditating in the zen garden at Exzel's fortress. The sound of water trickling into the pond and and the wind through the tress, as he sat in starlight, contemplating his existence. Clearing his mind, so his movements in combat would flow naturally like water. An almost imperceptible micro portal for communication opened near Zef, Exzel's voice coming through to him,

Zef.... Zef... It is time. I have need of you...

His eyes opened, and he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. His strong red arm reached forward and clasped the sword in front of him in it's ornate scabbard. Grabbing it smoothly he stood and fastened it to his sword belt.

His deep voice responding, "My blade is yours, mistress."


Kaji fucked Elie hard over the wall for long minutes, as Red fucked her mouth, his tip barely fitting in her mouth, muffling any sounds and screams she tried to make. Kaji went very hard as he took his pleasure from Elie. Pausing and stopping as he got close to emptying in her. Grabbing her hair and lifting her up, red's dick popped out of her mouth. Kaji threw Elie to Red. The large horse demon held her by her sides, facing away from him, pressing her down on his large shaft, he made her take him in. He handled her like a rag doll, moving her body faster and faster. Red's massive cock stretching her womanhood to the breaking point. After some time, Red stamped and pushed Elie down hard as he made a sound half demon roar half horse sounding, and started cuming in Elie, each time he brought her down. His cum exploded forth in her, bulging her stomach, such was the force of his ejaculations. Kaji and Green looking on with hard cocks in hand, ready to take over soon.

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Elie whimpered feeling Kaji punishing her pussy. Tears streaming down as she felt her insides screaming for it to stop. She could feel him wanting to cum inside her. The way he popped in and out of her womb made her hips move in way that only made him go deeper. Her mouth from Red was sore but to her surprise she felt Kaji throw her making both cock pop out of her. Droll dropping down her face.

Once in Red's arms she shivered as she turned to face Kaji and Green. Her eyes widen looking down at the massive cock that Red had. "Pl....Please no...no...me....mercy...no more....I...I can't." She cried before she felt Red forcefully push his cock into her. Her pussy stretching but only so far till a shot of pain overtook her. She felt herself rip inside as Red that slammed his full length into her bulging her stomach. The outline visible for Kaji and Green to see. Elie's tiny body shivered and shook as she felt her insides scream in pain.

Her juices dripping down Red's cock as she smell of blood filled the air. It was her blood. The way Red thrusted into her made her feel like rag doll. He was huge compared to her. Each thrust felt like he was tryijg to rip her in two.She was to shocked to speak as she felt the warmth of Red's demonic cum fill her to brim and then some. The sheer force of Red's ejection made Elie's body want to go limp. She weakly looked at Kaji still impaled on Red's cock her pussy a cum dripping bloody mess seeing his and Green's cocks where as hard as stone. Her mind raced wondering what Kaji was going to do next. Her eyes so full of fear as she whimpered. "E....Ex.....Exzel." She cried as the cum overflowed dripping out of her. Her vision wanting to going black.


Sebastian got up quickly helping Exzel to lay back down. "My Lady you need to rest. I know the potion is helping but you're still injured. Here." He said cleaning up the blood she had coughed up. He knew Elie was being hurt bit he had his orders. He was trying so hard not to disobey. His eyes were glowing red as black feathers flowed around him. "Please Lady Exzel Lady Elieon needs you to rest and recover. She can't lose you. She can't lose the one thing she treasures more then anything in this life." He said also cleaning the blood off her chest.

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Exzel's voice was rough as Sebastian laid her naked body back down, "Your loyalty, is admirable. But I hear her calling me now..." She looked at him with partially open eyes, "If she calls, I will go..." While clearly in no condition, she meant every word.

Raising her arms she unleashed her energy, opening a tear through reality. A large portal which stepped through an equally tall red Oni with short, white hair. Zef regarded Sebastian and Exzel through squinting eyes as he tried to grasp the situation.

Exzel spoke first. Voice still rough, faint, "My marked girl is here. Elie. Demons have her nearby, find her, and kill the rest."

"Very well, mistress," Zef replied, and just as soon, he was off, running through the estate.


They now took Elie, handing her off to Green, he made her face him as Kaji stood behind her, putting hands on her hips. As Kaki and green both held her, Green entered her stretched pussy while Kaji pressed into her virgin ass.

"Oh dear, don't tell me I've found some unclaimed territory? Exquisite!"

Kaji and Green began bouncing Elie between them, like a toy. Sharing her as they made her withstand the double penetration. Both rock hard inside her, slamming their cocks up into her.

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Sebastian smirked seeing the tall red Oni. "A minion of your Lady Exzel I see. She maybe calling you but if she loses you I doubt she'll be herself or even be here soon after your passing. So please if you love and care for her rest. I can tell your Oni can handle it....if not I will step foot into the battle before you do. I've been dying for the taste of soul for while." He chuckled darkly his eyes glowing before he reformed himself. "Sorry you shouldn't have seen that." He said giving Exzel some ice cold water. 


Elie feeling so limp fell into Green's chest. Her eyes glazed over in pain. She was semi conscious feeling this horse demon's demon slide up into her with sloshing sound due to blood and cum. Tears streaming down. She felt Kaji come from behind. "P...pl....please....m..mercy.....pl..." Elie's eyes then widen as she gasped feeling Kaji thrust into her virgin ass into warning or preparation. She screamed loudly as it reached all the way into the estate. "Mercy....mercy please...please." She cried and begged feeling this demons bounce her between them using her. She could feel both cocks rubbing deep inside her. Blood dripping to ground as her body collapsed into Green. She felt her body going limp as she grew dizzy from the blood she was losing. "E....Ex..Exzel...I...I'm s....sor...sorry...I...I....l...love you." She cried closing her eyes.

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Zef ran through the estate, hand on his sword hilt, swiftly and silently, surprisingly quiet for a being of his size. Footfalls audible but soft. He could feel the demonic energy flowing from from the garden as close as he was, and zeroed in on his objective.

Kaji could feel the approaching danger, and pulled out of Elie quickly. Stepping back he looked around, "On your guard!"

Zef burst into the garden, closed the distance with the demons, and leaping through the air. Green had just enough time to turn his head and see the blade leave Zef's scabbard before the lightning quick slice passed through his neck. Green's body fell limp as his head hit the ground separated from his body. His body hit the ground a moment later with Elie in top of it and a splatter of blood. Zef landed on the ground not far from Red and launched into an attack, which drove the large horse demon back as he parried with the pole of his scythe.

Kaji looked annoyed, not having finished yet, and loosing a minion. He put his dick away, frustrated, wouldn't do to leave that exposed during combat. Leveled his hand at Zef and fired a blot of shadow magic which hit the Oni in the back. Zef gritted his teeth, fighting through the pain.


"She calls... to me."

Exzel wanted to sleep, her eyes heavy, body needing to heal and recharge. But she could feel Elie calling again. Her eyes open again, body aching, she reached out grabbing Sebastian trying to pull herself up.


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Elie felt Kaji spill out of her ass but her body was to numb she couldn't move much. Feeling the Demonic engery coming this way she hoped it wasn't another of Kaji's minions. She couldn't take anymore of this punishment but once she saw Green's head roll and she fell back with it. She whimpered feeling his cock thrust up once more as they handed making Green's cock enter her womb. The horse cock still buried deep deep inside her. She looked over to see a red Oni and somehow she felt save but she didn't know why. She tried to pull off ane get off Green's cock but it felt like it was neverending till she hear a wet pop. Elie stood up briefly bur her knees and legs gave out as she watch Kaji attack this Oni.


Sebastian looks at Exzel as his form changes. His once butler attire as transformed into a tigth leather pair of pants. Sharp hooked heels and a wide open back top with a black cape fit for a royal. "Lady Exzel you rest I will handle helping my Lady and bringing her here to assess the damage she has been given. I can also sense another demonic energy of a Oni." His red eyes glowing in the dim light.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Horse demon Red launched into an attack, a flurry on blows came fast and hard, driving Zef back as he parried. Thr attacked ended as their weapons locked pressing against each other, in a quick move to the side Zef dodged another shadow blast aimed at his back, and it hit red, causing him to yell out and stumble back. Zef rushed in close and jammed the hilt of his sword with his whole body weight behind it, into the throat of the horse demon, sending him down gasping for air.

Kaji looked annoyed and drew his sword. Locked his head to the side, as I'd to say, "really?" Before he himself launched an attack. He was skilled, unable to find an opening Zef had to fall back under the assault. Kaji delivered a quick kick catching Zef in the stomach, which sent him back further into a flower bed, as he grit his teeth.

Kaji smiled menacingly, "After I vanquish you perhaps I'll claim Exzel as I meant to?"

Seeing Elie collapse, he knelt down and removed the celestial prism cuffs. He'd need those later, and they were extremely rare.

Zef stood again regaining his feet, lookong for an opening to strike.

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Elie weakly feeling Kaji take the cuffs off her power started to flow again. She garbed Kaji's wrist the best she could as two heavenly celestial figures appeared. One looking like a priest and the other a watery judge. Elie glares at Kaji as the Judge creates a watery prison around him. She was panting heavily as The Hierophant started to chant as he began to heal and power up Zef to help him gain more strenght from the celestial gods. "I.....I....I won't allow you to take Exzel. I will use...my last dying breathe to....to protect her." She said coughing up blood as the Judge and Hierophant looked over worried at their master.


What the Judge looks like.


🌟 Celestial Meaning:

Attributes: Justice, Truth, Equity, Fairness and Objectivity.

Reversed Attributes: Dishonesty, Unfairness and Subjectivity.

You've been called to face your actions, and it's JUSTICE that will judge you. If you ever acted with fairness and honesty, then you should have no fear. If, however, you've acted dishonesty and selfishly, the appropriate consequences will be levied. Perhaps you're considering the merit of a particular course of action, or the pros and cons of a decision. If so, this card recommends you be like justice and remove emotions from the situation in order to make a fair choice.

When Reversed: Justice shares some commonality with the flaws of vigilante. The card reserved suggests that you know you've done something that isn't morally right, and whether or not you own up to this deed, you must live with this truth. Look beyond your desires, your ego and your biases I order to get back to the truth. Don't let your judgement be overruled by emotion.


What the Hierophant looks like.


🌟 The Celestial Meaning:

Attributes: Spiritual Beliefs,Doctrine and Tradition,Education and Confirmity.

Reversed Attributes: Personal Beliefs, Veering from the status quo.

Often seen as the male counterpart to the High Priestess. He leans less toward Personal intuition and more toward the wisdom, tradition and knowledge of trusted authority figures. He asked you to listen to institutional knowledge and represents the tried and true way of doing things. If you're looking for advice or understanding this card may be pointing you to mentor who can guide you though a challenging situation, one who can help you explore spiritual enlightenment.

When Reversed: This card might indicate that you're replying too much on institutions. Challenge the status quo to make your own path. When reversed he may also suggest that you're going too much against the grain by rejecting necessary common mores and that you should instead pay more attention to your elders. It's a reminder to listen to those who have more experience than yourself.

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A look of deep seated anger soldered on Kaji's face. A hazy aura manifested around him as he poured off heat, seeming to evaporate the water around him as excessive amounts of steam poured off him.

Zef took the opportunity and dashed forward, though Kaji's footwork was impeccable, he dodged a number of attacks, and would have dodge more, except his foot slowed and caught on remnants of the watery prison. This was all Zef needed to slice into Kaji's side in an arc of blood. Though he got in his own hit, cutting Zef on his left shoulder.

The two backed away from each other, Kaji holding his wound even as his bio-regeneration began to close it.

"It's been delightful, do give my regards to Exzel. And you,"  He looked at Elie, "I do hope we can finish some day." With a quick motion, Kaji snapped his fingers, and him and Red both dissappeared in a flash, using his limited teleportation power to go a mile away, and make good his escape.

Zef looked around cautiously, before flicking the blood off his sword, producing a cloth after that, wiping the blade, then sheathing it at his side. He knelt down by Elie to assist her, putting an arm around her, to hold her up, "You are injured... Let me assist you back inside, I saw your healing cambers. Let's get you cleaned up"

Zeff scooped up Elie in his strong arms, and walked back towards were he had left Exzel and Sebastian.

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As the water prison started to evaporate Elie's eyes widen. She felt like her last remaining energy wasn't enough she tired to push through to give Zef and opening. As the Judge glared keeping Kaji's foot in prison until Zef handed a hit. 

Elie's vision was blurry as she felt her body became numb once more but it also felt heavy. She could see Kaji speaking and hear something about finishing things with her but she closed her eyes fall forward but was caught by the red Oni. She spoke soft trying to hang on. "Th....Thank You." Was all she could say as blood dripped from her lips, before Zef picked her up and walked with her into the house to where Exzel and Sebastin were.

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There was nothing quite like wanting a girl after a fight. Elie was cute, although roughed up. Zef felt the post battle need for a woman, but pushed it aside, even as he held Elie in his strong arms. He walked back to Sebastian and Exzel, setting Elie down by Exzel. The sight of Exzel naked did nothing to diminish his desire afyer violence, yet again he concentrated on keeping himself respectful. He looked at Sebastian, "One is dead, the others driven away. I did what I could, I only hope I wasn't too late, for your lady."

Ezxel was breathing deep, chest heaving, asleep as the potion put her into an enhance healing state. Zef looked at his master for a long minute, "How long should it take her to recover?"

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Sebastian's eyes widen seeing the Oni enter the holy healing chamber but it didn't come as a surprise due to him havingthe Lady of the Estate with him. Sebastian seeing the damage Elie took was in pure shock for a moment."You're lady should be better in a couple of hours if she continues to rest as she is but if she moves and tries to leave or get up like before then it will be longer. I thank you for helping my Lady in her time of need. At least one of the horrible villains that did this to her is gone. However I have none of the healing potions left. I gave the last one to Lady Exzel as ordered by my Lady Elieon. How will I heal my Lady." Sebastian said  with a hint of worry looking through all the bottles and skimming through books. Elie's hand had touched Exzel's as she lay there barely breathing having lost so much blood, engery, and bodily juice and etc before and during the battle.

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Zef considered Sebastian's words. "We have a healing chamber, at Lady Exzel's fortress. I could wake my lady and have her get us there... I'm not sure how else we could help her. Will she be okay with her own healing abilities?"

Zef asked with genuine concern. Poor Elie looked a mess, and Exzel looked drained and tired but recovering.

"Unless you know of something else, that may be our only choice. I can't watch my mistress's chosen perish as we stand by."

Zef looked at Sebastian, gis eyes clear, there was no hint of deception, he meant the words he spoke, and had said them with real feeling.

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Sebastian looked at Zef and crossed his arms. "Well a healing pool you say l. Do you know what herbs or magical powders are in water of that pool. If you do I can draw a bath/hot spring full of it to heal them both. I want my lady and her lover to be happy and health once more. If you need sir I can bandage your wounds." Sebastian said as Elie opened her eyes looking at Exzel in tears not being able to move. Her vision blurry as she signed love you to Exzel before her breathing starting to disappear as her tarot cards started to glow.

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"I don't know what's in it. We have tree spirits that oversea the healing bath. As for me..." He looked at himself, "I should be able to manage fine, perhaps later. Our mistresses first."

Zef noticed the cards glowing, and looked at them. "Strange..." He reached for them, feeling the magical energy surge as he touched them. He drew one and placed it face up next to Elie. "Alright cards, your mistress is in danger. I call upon you! Heal her!"

He had no idea how her cards worked or even if they would work, but figured it was worth a shot.

Exzel was waking up, her bio-regeneration had been kicked into over drive, and was looking much better. Her hand reached out and grabbed Sebastian's leg. "How fares Elie?" She saw the card flipped up and glowing, reaching over and focusing she touched the card, "Please help her..."

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Sebastian looked down feeling a feminine hand touch his leg. "Lady Exzel! How are you fairing. Elie is holding on the best she can but as you can see the damage was severe. Also Zef her cards only work if they wish to do so. None of us can command them to do anything....." He sighed saddness in his features, looking at Exzel touching the card as she seemed to be asking no begging the card for help.

As the card glowed a bright flash of light appeared as a female emerged from the card. She looked down at Exzel and smiled. "I can see you care deeply for my Lady. Your heart shows you love her. Seeing this damage done to her has caused you great pain. I will heal her but know this her body might reject the healing due to her thinking she didn't protect you enough." She said her hands started to glow a light green with a light blue hue. She placed them over Elie's body as her body began to heal slowly. The High Priestess was on high alert in case her body began to reject the healing.

519c1ff5-6ad9-4bda-9ac5-66fee6efa2daThe High Priestess, this is what she looks like.


⭐ Celestial Meaning:

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"Elie, I'm good, I'm getting better by the minute, you did great. You hear? I'm okay!"

Exzel lay next to her, faced her and put her arms around her. Channeling her her at Elie, making her mark glow as she pressed her bare breast against Elie's chest. Put a leg around her to get as much skin to skin contact as she could. "I love you Elie. You did enough, I'm okay! See?

She looked up to Sebastian and Zef, "Don't go far. If she rejects this healing,or needs a boost, I might know one last desperate laat ancient demon technique to try, but I'd need your help. Both of you, and it's quite... lewd, if we have ro go that route. Hopefully her spirit is enough."

Turning back to Elie she tan a hand through her hair, and kisses her lips. Hoping this was enough to save her beloved. She really didn't want to resort to her last ditch technique.

Zef's eyes shoot between the girls and the high priestess. Where all Elie's spirits as good looking as this one, he thought? "My thanks high priestess." He said, cautiously and gently reaching out to try and put his hand on her hand reassuringly.

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The High Priestess looked over Elie's body seeing it was taking the healing but slowly. "It seems she's healing but slowly. I'll be able to get her to be stable once more Ms." The High Priestess smiled looking at Sebastian and Zef. "It was a pleasure to help my Lady. She did her best facing that man....a Kuja I believe and his two horse minions." She said crossing her arms. 

Elie feeling the warmth and hearing Exzel's voice made her smile as her eyes opened weakly. "E.....Exzel love you to my.....darling." Her voice was weak and her movements slow as she touched Exzel's cheek feeling her mark glowing. "I.....I protected you that"s.....my....job." The High Priestess seeing Elie slowly opening her eyes smiled she knew her healing was helping but ot won't heal her fully due to amount of damage.

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Naked still, Exzel looked at the high priestess thankfully, "Kaji." Exzel said the name with distain. "Kaji. Ex-captain of Gyumao's Vanguard forces. A cunning and dangerous foe, to say the least. I suspect we haven't seen the last of him. But my thanks to you."

Ezxel looked to Elie as she spoke, "You did good, my darling." She touched her hands gracefully. There was love clearly in her eyes as she looked at her beloved. "Now I need you, o rest and recover. You hear me? I need you." She could feel a genuine ache in her heart as squeezed Elie's hand.

She turned her head to the group, sitting up, "I know a healing spell, to aid her recovery..."

She looked from the priestess to the Oni and Demon servent, and began to explain, "It's an old demon spell, little known these days, and it requires... the seed of a male, the more the better. If I am to use this healing magic, I'd need one, or preferably both of you to donate your seed. On the body of Elie.'

She looked in Zef's eyes, then into Sebastian's. Reaching out to the demon's upper leg with a gentle touch. "What do you say Sebastian? If you need help, or motivation, I'm sure I can assist. If you even think it's something you are capable of." It was a desperate measure, not one she ever used lightly, but it looked like Elie could use a healing boost.

Zef looked surprised, only a brief moment. "Very well, my mistress." Dutifully he began undoing his pants, looking unsure as he glanced to the side at the high priestess. He found Exzel wildly attractive, as did he the high priestess. Elie was too, but not in her battered condition,  besides, he dared not look at her that way, not within his bosses gaze. If he was going to do this, a good image would help. The high priestess, he thought, might be most appropriate at this time. Plus she was a new, mysterious unknown to him.


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Posted (edited)

Elie hearing Exzel's voice smiled. Feeling the love in her touch she felt at peace. She had a tear or two in her eyes as she nodded weakly drifting back to sleep to recover. 

Sebastian smirked. "If it's for my lady. I'll do anything. In truth if you didn't take her virginity I was blaming on it in order to keep her safe from the any other demon,human or creature taking it. So I will gladly give my seed to her. How shall we give it to her? Fuck her holes together, rub it out, have her suck us off or even use her hands for a handjob. The possibilities are endless." He said looking at his sleeping mistress. He had waited for this moment where is hands could touch her in that way.

The High Pristress bowed. "I have heard of this healing technique. It is quite powerful. However she will need a bath afterwards. I will help in anyway possible even if it means allowing demons to use my tight pussy to get off." She said looking at Exzel, Sebastian and then Zef.

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Exzel cast Sebastian a surprised glance. He had come off as a dutiful servant so far. Professional even. This was a new side to him, she had not expected, but then again, it might be his demon nature he couldn't fully surpress. She hadn't fully wanted to do this because she felt possessive over Elie, she was her mark, after all. But still the situation called for it.  And ahe couldn't fault Sebastian for wanting Elie, she was so cute in so many ways. So she controlled her expression, and smiled lookong at him, "I hope you have a lot saved, the more we get on her the better the effect should be." She moved her hand to his dick over his pants, hoping to get his lust sparked, she needed him to get hard to get this started. He felt a decent size, she grabbed his balls lightly next,and gave him a gentle squeeze. "Sizeable, I think you'll do fine." Exzel was especially sensitive about letting anyone in Elie. However, with the monster horse demon cock he had taken, it would actually be beneficial for her to get more inside her.

Firming her grip through his pants on his balls, not enough to hurt, but enough to let Sebastian know she was serious, as spoke to him, "Let's be clear, Elie is mine. However... due to these special circumstances. I will allow you to enter her. You had better fill her full, and not hurt her. We need to fully heal her internally and externaly." Her eyes flashed a serious look, deadly serious, commanding. "If you have any left after you fill her... you will spill it on her chest and face." Her expression softened, "She is beautiful, isn't she?"


As the high priestess spoke, Exzel was just unzipping Sebastian. She stopped, then turned her head to the priestess with a sly smile, she liked this spirit. She had intended to help rub the boys off, but when she offered her pussy, it caught her attention. In her fully female form, she was getting wet again, as the lust filled her loins. Had she been in futa form, that offer from the beautiful spirit would have started getting her hard. She had always wondered how a spirit would take demon cock. She had an urge to change form and take that dress of her down...

Between his mistress being naked, for he found her wildly attractive,  her waist and her breasts were perfect in his sight. Then the stacked Elie laying before him and the busty high priestess next to him, he found himself surround by world class level beauty. As he disrobed he was already starting to get hard as he looked at the girls and grabbed himself, his huge red Oni cock firming up as he held it, stroking himself to get hard. His muscles flexed as he moved, his body masculine and strong to a degree that would shame human men. He shared a glance with Exzel when the high priestess offered her body. Then they both looked from Elie to the spirit with desire. Zef found the high priestess extremely alluring. It was easy to get hard with them all right next to him.

Exzel stood up and walked around the high priestess. Her proportions were not unlike Elie's. Her face and hair were different, Elie had a bit more up top when transformed, but the priestess ignited her demon drive to claim her body. She could tell Zef had the same urges. Likely what Sebastian had, though he was focused on Elie. Exzel stopped behind the priestess and grabbed her hips. Recalling a way to possibly surge the spell, she leaned forward, her naked body pressed against the high priestesses back, seperated only by the spirits this dress. Exzel's ample breasts pressed into jer back as she spoke into her ear, "Your offer, is excepted. If I can cum just as I finish casting this spell, and the boys have done their job, it can cause my demon energy to surge."

Exzwl ran her delicate hands up the priestesses curves "I might borrow your power to" Exzel could siphon the spirits energy if she made her cum. Exzel let go of the priestess a moment and looked down and up Zef. Her minion, was hard, strong. "Don't hold back you'll need to cover her with as much as you can."

She walked by him feeling pleased she commanded such a man. Oni. Didn't resist her urge, to grab his cock a moment and help him get harder. Zef looked at her, "Mistress?"

Exzel took Elie's hand and placed it on Zef's long and fully erect Oni cock. She started making Elie's hand massage up and down his massive length. "Aim well." She nodded to the high preistess, "and undress her."

Judging by Zef's face, she could tell he was starting to get into it. "By your command." Zef himself grabbed the high priestess and pulled her over to him. His strong hands feeling over her body, cupping a breast, before he began to undo part of her dress. The excitement of it making him bulge even bigger in Elie's hand.

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Sebastian feeling Exzel's touch let out a moan of delight as he saw her glaring at him. "Of course Lady Exzel. I will gentle with my Lady. I wouldn't dream of hurting her. However how will protect her from the possibility of getting pregnant or is that what the seal is for?" He smirked thrusting up into her hand. His hard on could be seen bulging out his pants. He began to slowly unzip his pants before his cock seemly pushed out. "My Lady is beautiful and I'm honored to be able to share her with you." He said softly pushing Elie's legs apart as her scent was intoxicating to him. His eyes began to glow a eerie red as the tip of his cock rubbed against her slit.

The Highest Priestess blushed feeling Exzel behind her. Feeling the demoness' hands roam all over. "I will do anything for my Master. Lady Elie is the Master of the Cards and of it means my body must be used to heal her or help her in any way then I will do so gladly. I've never taken a demon's cock before. So excuse me if I'm a bit tight Mr. Zef and Lady Exzel. You command me while we heal My Lady. If you need me to suck then I will suck. If you need to fuck my holes till I'm dripping like a cum addicted whore then so be in." She blushed a soft moan escaping her lips as Zef began to undress her. Her underboob showing as the bottom of her dress feel to the ground below.

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