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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Jumi laid them all out on the bed.  In addition to one matching her own, there was one matching Alexandrine’s robes.  She had thought about buying an imitation of the costume of one of the other members of Alexandrine’s team, but that would have been too painful if they ran into her.

”Well, that one is probably for the apartment only.”  She said, pointing to one that that was little more than an ‘armored’ bikini.  Very little of her body would be hidden by that.  “The robe works if you want to be hidden from the crowd.  Matching is good too, if you like that.”  There were a few other options too.  They had all been bought.  Mitsuko would just have to find times and occasions to wear others.

”I did try to find one close to a school uniform.  Closest thing to ordinary clothes here.”  It was a little closer to what Rin had been wearing, though that was a coincidence.  It was just the sort of thing a number of Magical Girls wore.

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Mitsuko felt a little embarrassed by all this but she also figured that these clothes could be temporary until she went to pick some of her own clothes. Still, for the sake of all that happened between her and Jumi, it was best to not go too wild with clothes. Nothing too revealing, for the time being, maybe not something from a magical girl she didn't quite know either. Jumi seemed to like the idea of having some matching outfits as well, having mentioned it more than once by now. There was no harm in going along with that.

"Thank you, Jumi... But I will probably go with your original idea for now... When I head back home quickly, I will go pick some of my own clothes.", Mitsuko told her friend before she picked up an outfit of the Fairy's tastes. Taking off her towel, she didn't mind dressing up right there with her watching her. The colors definitely didn't fit her own kind that she usually wore, even mismatching her hair, but she did not mind for the time being. Cosplaying as the Fairy could be interesting, as long as she did not show her own wings.

Once done, adjusting the ribbons and details on the outfit, she stood there for Jumi to see and judge. Being covered felt nice, at least. The clothes were comfortable and could last for a while. Mitsuko was dressed the same but everything of her hair and eyes made her very different from the original. She was a kind of odd incomplete copy of Jumi but the dress otherwise was pretty. She felt like she could walk freely in this dress without too much worry. At best, she might even be hard to recognize visually so that was good.

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It might not have been Mitsuko’s style, but Jumi liked the symbolism.  It helped tell the crowd, ‘look, this girl is part of my team now.’  By the next time one of these came up, Mitsuko was likely to be reasonably well known.  Mostly in their territory, but perhaps in general as well.  Though it partially depended on what happened and what they fought, if it got the attention of others.

Jumi nodded as she looked over Mitsuko, wearing her imitation outfit.  “Good!  Good!  Of course, next time you will probably be able to buy a copy of your own outfit, though it probably won’t be necessary.  Enough waiting, though.  Time to look for food.”  She led Mitsuko out of the room, into the hall, then into the crowd.  But after that, she let Mitsuko somewhat take the lead, look for the food that most interested her.

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A report from the day at the convention?  Zorn was willing to hear.  But he would judge how useful it all was.  The other point was more interesting.  “A question?  Ask, but I don’t see how I could answer?”  The was a purely human thing, mostly, if not completely focusing on teams he had little knowledge of.  The Knight was a little bold to ask in such a way, but Azreal had been loyal and useful enough for him to overlook it.

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Azreal took a deep breathe and combed back his hair. "Sorry my Lord about my rudeness it's just information I found out. But I have collected that the Diamond Sorcereress is making a new team and two of members are a girl named Emi and a female boy thing named Rin who haven't taken a liking to. This Rin told me that Emi and her wish to professional singers and might have gained the helped from the famous singer the Lotus Princess here in Japan but the only problem is that damn Lotus Princess is my niece." He growled angrily. "I thought you helped me killed every last one of them. You promised me they were all dead and now I have niece Elieon or Elie to deal with. From what my sorts tell me my niece is a magical girl as well and a strong one at that who can read and control the fates with her tarot cards." He huffed looking at crystal. "So with the information I've learned so far where do you wish for me to go with it?" He said his crimson eyes staring dead center into the crystal at his master.

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Mitsuko looked surprised by the idea that someone could actually sell a cosplay version of her own magical armor but Jumi was right... If she accomplished any amazing deeds, she could be recognized enough to see something like that happen. It felt a little embarrassing to think about but she probably would be fine with it when the moment comes. With the proposition to finally find something to eat, Mitsuko showed a smile and left the room pretty quickly. Nothing could stop her now... Hopefully, at least...

There was only so much she could take before she does die of hunger... Right now, she did not focus on anything else but food. Anything that looked remotely delicious would do fine. Mitsuko could even just eat some ramen and she would be happy. In fact, she even had found some and it didn't take long before she made a choice. "Here... Let's get some. I can't stand being hungry for much longer...", she told to Jumi, looking like she was really suffering. It didn't take long before hunger turned into stomach ache.

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Jumi semi-led, semi-let Mitsuko wander towards the food area, of course, she was hungry too, though maybe not as hungry as Mitsuko.  “Whatever you want.  Remember, we get to eat for free.”  The only things that might influence what was chosen was what was available, and whether or not it needed any cooking or other preparation.  Plenty of options were available though.  They did not have a completely separate breakfast selection either, though some breakfast focused stuff was mixed with all day things.  As long as Mitsuko did not grab something like 2 or 3 people’s worth of food, no one would have any reaction to whatever either of them picked.  Jumi stood back, let Mitsuko look a bit and choose something.

Thankfully the area was mostly open, there were a few people at the various tables, but they picked a good time, most were still open.  The crowd was still light enough too, that no one was likely to try to talk to them as they ate.

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Mitsuko nodded to Jumi and picked her food, which was a single person meal. She was not greedy for more than she could handle or anything but she had a belly to fill. "Alright, I got it..." She said and waited for the Fairy since she probably wanted to pick some food as well. Once they did, she headed to a table and sat down, finally getting a whiff of nice food. "This is going to be good..." Mitsuko voiced then started digging in. At first, it looked like she had not eaten for days but she tried to keep an appropriate manner.

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“You were there with me.  I made every effort to keep my end of the bargain.  But you would have had better idea than me, if they were all dead.”  Zorn was a demon of his word.  His intention truly had been to kill them all at that time, but Azreal would have had a better idea than him if it was successful.  That was part of why they did it together.

The Sorceress was finally making a new team though?  Well he had seen evidence of that in the forest.  The two girls with Alexandrine there.  The boy seemed unconnected, at least for now.  Apparently the Knight was speaking of the one that was not the bunny girl, who had pushed back in the portal without fighting.

”Do what you wish with that one.  She said nothing more than the name of the bunny girl…Emi?”  That was what he cared most about.  Confirming who that one was.  But perhaps the girl Azreal took interest in did not know the truth about her.  “Do what you wish.  Play more with that girl, or someone else if you would prefer.  Though if you did not ask about the nature of this Emi, do so, the next time you see that girl.  You can see if your niece is there if you wish.”  He did not yet know that the niece was Exzel’s marked girl.  He had no reason to directly order him to avoid her.  “My new ally, Exzelcryth, did tell me she had recently marked a Magical Girl.  Pay attention if you play with any others, watch for the mark.  Do not touch that one.”  For most of the girls Azreal could do what he wanted.  Only Emi and the marked girl were forbidden.  Though not strictly forbidden, he hoped the Knight did not do something as dangerous as provoke the Sorceress.

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Azreal growled a bit. "As you wish. I will continue to play with Rin and gain more information on this bunny girl Emi you desire and speak. As for my niece if I find her I have many plans for her. Maybe I can being her to you and we use her together. Maybe I'll have my way with her before killing off the last Capulet myself." He smirked devilish his crimson eyes seeming to glow.

"As for the marked girl. I won't touch her. Won't want your new ally upset with you my Lord. Anything else you wish for me to find out?" He said his tone cold but respectful to his master. "I do know one of your strict rules that must be folloeed don't upset the Sorcereress. I don't plan to, so don't worry or fear. Wouldn't want her getting in way it's to early and your pet isn't exactly ready for battle yet." He said. "Besides many of older Knights know who I am so my cover won't get blown. They know me as the last of the Capulet bloodline won't they be surprised when they hear I'm not." He snickered 

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Jumi gathered her food and followed Mitsuko to one of the empty tables, taking a moment to quietly eat, letting Mitsuko have a moment to just eat and get something into her stomach, before getting back to the subject of conversation mentioned earlier.  “We can get to more dedicated training later, but like I said, there are options here.  That can give you training of a sorts.”

”Contests or shows of a sort.  Trying to hit as many targets, fast and accurately as you can, seeing if you do betters than others.  Or races or obstacle courses of sorts involving flying.  Naturally, being brand new, you can’t really expect to win anything like that.  But it’s a good safe way to practice your powers, maybe you can even learn something from watching what the more experienced ones do.”  It was an idea worth considering at least.  She took a few bites, waiting to see what Mitsuko thought and maybe letting her eat a little more before answering.

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Mitsuko took the time to taste her ramen before she gave a look to Jumi. Training was what it sounded like... And she was indeed new, putting aside her own secret training that probably was not in any ways as advanced as what magical girls themselves had. Still... She had to find more about what this sword was about. How it communicated with her and what it was capable of. What she was capable of. It was only a matter of time before she would find out all of it and now was a chance at it, having Jumi's help to do so.

"I am not very competitive but I would not mind trying your ideas. I know I will have to fight a real enemy sometimes. I wish to find what my own powers are about... I will do what you're telling me.", She told Jumi before she took more bites of her food. Mitsuko looked down at her sword to her neck, looking as normal as it tried to appear to be. The small gem on it however gave a very faint glow unlike anything it did before. It was barely noticeable but the magic aura from it was also detectable by those gifted by magic.

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OOC:  This post is in the evening of the second day.  Since Alexandrine is likely to have a quiet second day, and something to get done before she potentially shows up elsewhere.

Alexandrine kept to herself much of the second day, after buying the present.  Hoping not to run into anyone she knew.  She had been changed, she was not sure how easy it would be to hide from those who knew her well.  She felt mostly like herself at the moment, but deep down, she could feel the darkness inside her.  She could also feel the collar still, even if it was invisible.

She interacted a little with fans, signing autographs, taking pictures, but most stuck to more isolated portions of the building.  Until evening came.  She was eating in the back, away from the crowd.  When unfortunately, her hiding came to an end.  But it was not Hikaru who she expected to find her.

He walked up to her, the usual serious expression on her face.  “Alexandrine.”  He greeted her with a nod, then continued.  “Earlier today me and Umi and met Elie.”  Both faces looked at each other passively, Alexandrine not showing the unease inside her.  “We learned much, took her to the temple…She told us about the demon Exzelcryth, and why she left the convention last night.”

The head twitched.  Could he see what had happened?  Guess what had happened?  “She’s gone now.  If you wanted to ask that.  Don’t worry, I’m fine.”  She tried to shake off any suspicion, hide the corruption.  It was hard to tell if she had convinced him though.  “She caught me with my guard down.  Never guessed a demon would dare enter this place.  She isn’t stupid though, would not do anything to draw the attention of so many enemies.”

Hikaru could tell her more about what was learned about the demon, that he was not out kill her.  That just maybe Ellie was right about her.  But something more important needed to be said.  His hand tightly gripped the handle of his sword.  “One of Ellie’s tarot spirits told us something much worse…Zorn lives….”

The cold expression of Alexandrine’s face cracked.  Visible shock.  A sickness inside her.  “Impossible!  I made sure…”. She certainly intended to kill him, could he have survived all that?  Demons were certainly harder to kill than humans.  It was sometimes surprising what they could survive.  Had she not done enough?

An anger started burning through the sickness.  Fueled by the corruption?  But she tried to calm herself.  “We need to find him.  I’m sure he has not been quietly hiding.”  Hikaru nodded.  “I agree.  Though it may be best to wait until after the convention.  Give us all a little more rest, and just we can find more allies.”  Alexandrine nodded.  “Do you want to find Emi and tell her, or should I?”  Hikaru asked.

”I…need some time…maybe you should.”  Between the corruption, and shock of learning Zorn was alive, Alexandrine needed a little time by herself.  Process it.  Decide what to do.

”I will look around for her.  Tell her if she is not busy with others.”  Hikaru turned to give her the privacy she wanted.  As long as Emi was not doing anything too private, he would tell her quickly.

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“I can join too.  See who else is there.  Don’t know how much of a mix of new and experienced people will be there.  No huge prizes or anything.  Little trophies for the winners, if it is like other times.  It is more about seeing how good you are compared to others.”  Jumi was not that competitive either.  The competition itself was good natured, friendly, though people did still try to win.

She took a few more bites.  She felt something coming from Mitsuko? Or her sword?  It was a little interesting.  Strange she had not sensed anything like that before.  She was not sure what it was, but felt it was probably something not too worthy of concern.  Maybe just Mitsuko getting more connected to her power?

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Mitsuko nodded while she proceeded to eat some more, finally feeling better now. Less in pain, more satisfied instead. Good for a while... "Alright, it sounds fun, I think... I will have to make sure that I change to my own form for this.", she said and looked at her own sword, its fainting glow remaining constant. Even she seemed to have noticed and it made her reach to the sword to touch it, soon slowly rubbing the glowing part of it. If anything, Mitsuko herself looked like she was confused, as if it happened for the first time.

As soon as she did touch it, the faint glow seemed to give a brighter light, enough for it to be noticeable by more people, now. And like magic, a small creature of sort emerged from it only to be left suspended above the floor, in the air. A white cat-like creature with wings appeared, looking asleep for the moment but it didn't take long for it to wake up, slowly, opening its red eyes and taking a look around itself. Mitsuko could only stare in silence as this was the least expected outcome happening from her sword.

sf066NF.pngThe creature seemed to take a look at Mitsuko first, then at Jumi and finally at the food on the table. A wide smile forming on its face. "Fooooooood...! This scent... I must have it!", a small yet loud voice was cast from it, leaving Mitsuko still speechless for the time being. The creature flew to the table and landed on it, its size was about a human head or about. Surprisingly, it only took one look at Mitsuko before it turned to Jumi and sat down in front of her. "Hi! I am Nall! You don't mind if I take a bite, do you? I think I did not eat in decades.", the cat creature told her.



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So that was what it was.  Jumi was completely unsurprised by the creature, which was apparently connected to the sword in some way.  It was one of those things that was just part of their world.  Jumi did have a creature like that connected to her, but she was quite aware of other cases of this sort of thing.

Why it chose her food over Mitsuko’s was harder to guess.  Did it sense Mitsuko was hungrier than her?  But she did not stop the creature.  “No, go ahead.”  She said as she leaned back and let Nall eat. “Maybe this one can answer your question.”  She suggested to Mitsuko.  If this creature was connected to the sword, maybe it could tell Mitsuko about her attacker.

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Nall hesitantly made sure that Jumi was fine with it before grabbing a bite of food and stepping back then sitting again. Mitsuko could only stare for a bit more before Jumi brought her back to reality. "I... Maybe later... I am sorry, I didn't know it would..." She stopped for a bit, not wanting to hurt the cat like thing on their table. "I mean, hello... Your name is Nall?", she asked. The white cat turned around and smiled after swallowing his bite. "Yes. And your name is? I have been sleeping for a while.", He replied to her.

Mitsuko quickly figured that this creature probably was not what communicated with her. Not if he slept within the sword, at least. "I am Mitsuko... And this is Jumi.", she replied with a smile. Nall nodded and took a better look at the sword at her neck before he responded, "Alright, Mitsuko. You and I are going to be friends.", but he turned to Jumi and continued, "Are you a good friend of Mitsuko...?", he asked Jumi, to which the valkyrie just blushed a bit and kept quiet, mostly looking at Nall's fur and details anyway...

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It seemed like as good a time and place as any to ask, but Jumi dropped it, if Mitsuko did not want ask.  It was probably safe to wait a while.  She just watched the creature eat.  Then that question came up again.  She was sure Nall meant it innocently enough.  But it was still a little awkward.  “Oh, yes.  Very good friends.  We hit it off very well, after meeting.”  It was true.  Them living together, having sex, did not change that.  If the creature followed Rie’s example, it might get a little more awkward, but she could honestly answer the question as asked.  She seemed unbothered by Nall eating her food.  She had had enough to avoid immediate hunger, at least.

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Nall seemed to understand the answer well, smiling at the fact that Jumi was an acquaintance of Mitsuko. Although, it seemed a little awkward even for him, trying to figure who was in the surrounding of Mitsuko. It was hard to say what he knew or what he didn't know of what had happened so far. Already him being there was strange enough. "I hope I did not interrupt anything... Waking up after so long is rough.", he told Jumi, a little embarrassed and soon stretching his body on all of its length.

Nall was definitely more innocent than Rie was and it was not surprising as he was just a cat in appearance. An odd fur pattern but a small winged cat nonetheless. He kept a good attitude and only took a bite or two of food, not wanting to appear greedy. Mitsuko finally spoke, "It's only surprising to see you, is all... Were you really sleeping in this sword all this time?", she asked and Nall finally turned to her and replied, "I was! I was to wake up when the keeper of the sword would be ready.", he explained.

Mitsuko did not feel exactly ready for anything right now. She gave Jumi a look too, wondering if she knew or understood what Nall was about. He looked different than anything she expected coming from the sword but he seemed kind hearted. "Well, Jumi was about to show me a way to practice with my sword. We can talk more if she does not mind...", she said, looking at her. She was done eating her ramen now and was ready to leave, if Jumi was. Nall looked at Jumi before looking back at Mitsuko.

Nall finally seemed to notice the dresses being the same but he didn't really comment on it. His eyes however did seem to look curiously between the two, mostly at the clothes they wore. Mitsuko however decided to get up to go put her dishes and garbage away while Nall used his wings to start flying but remained above the table, his little wings flapping and looking like they carried his weight rather well. Instead of following Mitsuko, his eyes turned to Jumi but simply observed her for the moment.

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There was no rush to move on to those training activities.  It was not like the singing, with specific times that people signed up for, they could do it whenever they felt like.  Mitsuko could get to know Nall more if she wanted.  Jumi would as well, but with the connection to the sword, Nall was more connected to Mitsuko than her.

“We’ll be getting to that stuff, and the flying training soon but we don’t have to do it right away.  If either of you two want to ask any questions, it’s fine.”  She mostly meant them asking each other questions, but she did not mind answering any either.  “We don’t have that much planned for the next day or two.”  As hectic as it could seem with the crowd, Jumi considered a slow paced relaxing day, it would not get more hectic until Mitsuko started moving in to her place.

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Mitsuko smiled upon coming back, looking at the cat being so comfortable with its flying in place. Her eyes then shifted to Jumi. "Ah, right... It's good to know that we have plenty of time.", she said, but still felt pressed by time with what was going on. Lenneth always being on her mind even if she tried to hide it. It was not hard for Nall to notice that she struggled with something. Perhaps he could somehow ease her mind about it. His presence, while Jumi's was much needed, could perhaps help a little too.

The valkyrie did not seem like she really wanted to talk about it, though. She had recovered a little from the attack, feeling less anxious now but she still was not out of troubles and she knew it. Perhaps she was even the only one to understand how much in danger she was, IF her enemy decided to show up. In Mitsuko's mind, she didn't think that a convention of other magical girls would stop her. Although, she did not know her power compared to the magical girls in the convention but still. She was afraid.

Nall watched the both of them for a while, feeling concerned but smiled anyway and flew close to her. "Why don't you show us your magic?", he proposed, not knowing if Jumi and the others saw it yet. The point was not for others to see it but for Nall to try and ease her mind, even if he had no idea what ailed her. Mitsuko blinked at the suggested and looked at Jumi, wondering if she should. Having eaten, she had regained some strength and would be able to transform now. She wanted to get an okay, first.

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"Just be on the look out for anything else interesting."  There was nothing else specific that Zorn wanted to know.  He had limited knowledge of the sort of things that might go on in such a place.  He would trust the Knight to judge if there would be anything else that might interest him.  "As for your niece, perhaps, I will consider that when I see her."  It had been a while since he had that sort of fun.  Emiri only sort of counted, now that she was broken.  If this was one was appealing enough, he might have that sort of fun again, but he would decide that later.  "Unless there is something else you want to tell or ask me, you are dismissed to go have whatever fun you want and see what you can learn."  This whole situation was interesting, but there was only a little bit involved with it that was really important to him.  He would let Azreal do what he wanted for the most part.

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Azreal bowed. "Of course my Lord I'll say in touch if anything else of interest comes up. You enjoy the rest of your day." Azreal dispelled the crystals magical connection by chanting before putting it away. "I do my sweet sweet little niece. My little princess is around. I do wish to see her again." He smirked devilishly a hint of darkness and lust in his eyes. 

He got into his Knight uniform, sword on his hip and brushed his hair. He was ready for the second day of the convention. He knew a few Knights and fans might know him so he was ready. He walked out onto the convention floor seeing all the magical girls and fans in this area. He kept his ears open in vase any information of value came across his way. 

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That was a potentially interesting idea.  “We could do that, though we should probably move to a less crowded section first.”  Jumi did not really know what to expect.  Whatever powers Mitsuko had, it was probably best to do it in a space away from people or objects, no risk of anything or anyone getting caught in the crossfire by accident.  She waited to see if Mitsuko would get up.  “There are a few fairly open areas in back.”  She would let Mitsuko decide if they did that.

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Mitsuko considered Nall's suggestion and Jumi's idea then nodded and stood up to head there. It was easy to find anyway and the flying cat simply followed. If it was not obvious if one of them was a magical girl or not, Nall sure attracted some attention on them and Jumi was already known, which lead people to believe Mitsuko might be a new one among them if she was not known at all yet. No such creature like him existed normally but he seemed to take the looks with joy while Mitsuko herself just remained quiet.

She was about to show the hard evidence that she had magical powers anyhow. She had to be ready for it since she could need to transform anytime. While Nall stopped from a distance to leave her some space, some few participants of the convention were getting a little interested in him but the attention span would be mixed as soon as Mitsuko would start calling upon the power of the sword. Removing it from her neck, she summoned its power and pure light soon filled the area while her body started shining bright.

Her clothes changed pieces by pieces, only making Mitsuko's body barely distinguishable for a moment until her wings appeared wide behind her, her transformation finalized by her grabbing the blade at its full size, revealing herself as the Valkyrie. Nall's face meanwhile was one of pure amazement, like he never had seen her before. Although, it was correct from a Mitsuko point of view. This is when Nall finally flew to and around her before stopping nearby. "You did it! It suits you well...!", he cheered, making her blush.

One thing Mitsuko never tried until now was to use magic. Her strength in itself was already magical but she would hardly be a magical girl if she wasn't capable of displaying magic. Nall simply nodded to her and moved away before she held her blade with two hands. She needed a moment to demonstrate it but her sword soon gained a small aura of light before she gave it a swing, thankfully not sending the energy anywhere. Rather, it clinged to it, merged with it. The Valkyrie held in her hand a sword of light.

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