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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Azreal was walking making his way to dealer room as a few fangirls screamed seeing his sliverish white hair sway against his black cape and fur. The clicking of his boots against the floor as they ran over. "Your.....Your the Russian Singer...You...You're almost the last known Capulet Knight Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet. The Knight of the Icy Winds." The one girl blushed almost wanting to faint. 

Azreal chuckled. "Ah fans I see. Yes I am Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet. The last known Knight and heir to Capulet name." He bowed kissing the girl's hand. His crismon red eyes piercing into hers. "If you wish for a photo we can and autographs are free for beautiful maidens like you." He said taking a few photos and signing their convention badges like so: Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet ❄ ♥ 

Azreal bowed once more as he left the girls feeling something off. He could still heard the girls freaking out about meeting him as he thought to himself 'No demon is stupid enough to attack this convention. It would be suicide.' He said slowly walking to the  competition area holding himself high.

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Jumi’s face darkened.  A presence both like and unlike anything she had felt before.  She was troubled but also very irritated.  Like she told Mitsuko, these events were supposed to be the only time she could relax.  She was not pleased by something that might interrupt that.

But she was not going to underestimate this.  Something that would not even try hide, even in the more isolated sections, was not something to take lightly.

”…No…I can’t say what this is.  Though it shouldn’t be ignored.”  But before she could take a step, she was relieved to see Rie show up.  Any lingering tension between her and Mitsuko should be set aside while looking into it.

It might have been been better to gather the whole team.  But moving fast was probably more important.  She nodded to Rie.  “Play time’s over for now.  We have to at least figure out what this sort.  Decide what to do then.”  A fight could hopefully be avoided, but they had to be ready for anything.  She slowly stepped forward, towards whatever the source of the presence was.

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Nall took off soon enough to allow Jumi full movement. He was able to fly after all. Mitsuko, for herself, didn't mind to see Rie, especially since the situation seemed serious. Her presence didn't surprise Nall too much as he already had figured he would meet with many more. In normal times, he would happily take a moment to greet her properly but the feeling he had took the most of his current attention so Mitsuko spoke instead, "I don't know what he is but he said that he's not a cat... But yes, my guardian, I believe..."

All three of them headed to the main hall for now, where Mitsuko had spent some time before already... Azreal might or not notice them and the flying pet heading there together. However, something was different than before, this one time. Someone or something who definitely was not human, if only humanoid in appearance, stood in one of the main areas without a hint of fear, overflowing with confidence. In appearance, tail included, she looked like a fox. If she was a demon, she was not as bad looking as the statues...

The demon in question looked around at everyone with strange pink and white eyes but didn't seem to single out anyone in particular, not even Jumi or anyone. With a playful grin, she observed everyone's reaction before she spoke with amusement, "It's good to see so many of you gathered here and enjoying yourselves. I see you even prepared a warm welcome for me...". She stepped forward on her paws while her tail moved in perfect curves behind herself. "You have quite a nice place... Mind showing me around...?"

Mitsuko stared at the personage that this fox displayed. Her look had goth vibes or so and while that fur looked smooth to touch, she had no doubts that Jumi would instantly warn her to be wary as she was, most likely, exactly what she was told to be wary about. Was she even a demon, though? Were there non-humans magical girls existing? She had lot of questions about what was happening and but the reaction of Nall quietly being in full alert near them didn't tell her anything good about her. She was an enemy...

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Rie had already mostly forgotten the situation earlier in any event, simply viewing Mitsuko as another member of the team though it wasn't quite official yet. She was focused purely on the idea that a demon, confident, had made their presence known. She did nod to the creature though if the situation was lighter she wouldn't hesitate to list off a various observatory names in the hopes of hitting upon one. It wasn't important right now. It was frustrating. This was meant to be a stress-free time and yet here they were potentially faced with another of hellspawn with little decorum. Ah. Rie despised the servants of the dark.

Rie followed or rather moved in line. She stuck close...prepared. The presence felt dark. Demonic, and yet apart. The world of magic had many foes of many types. She could only be sure this wasn't an alien, at least, not anything like the ones she had met during her adventures in another city. Inside step and step and soon those orange eyes would land on the source of this feeling. Not human. Canid. Fox-like. Rie knew demons and monsters came in all shapes and forms so the overall sculpt of evil rarely rated anything more than a mental note.

She stood quiet with the others before the demoness spoke...or was she a demon? There was no doubt in the mind of the healer that this was an enemy but what is was? She couldn't pinpoint with an exactness and that made her more uneasy. She moved just a little, ready to move in front of either Jumi or Mitsuko should this creature try to harm them.

"What are you doing here?" she asked point blank. Did it really want a look around? No doubt if she did then she'd have assumed a more....mundane visage. She looked at Mitsuko trying to search for any recognition but she looked just as unknowing as the rest of them. She turned back "This really isn't the place for...whatever you are." no need for a mock welcome. This presence was anything but.

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Azreal stepped into the area. Hia boot clicking against the foot as he felt the demonic engery. He sees a group of girls as he steps forward quitely hiding his footsteps. "I believe we should heard this fox spirit or demon out. Also fox I wouldn't say it'ss welcoming party. It seems to me this group of magical girls may have formed a team, pleasd correct me if I'm wrong." Azreal smirked his russian accent flowing behind his words. His sliverish white hair flowing elegantly as he stood behind the group of girls a foot or so taller then them. He looked like a dark knight with a hint of wintery theme in his features.

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Jumi quietly walked down the hall, until they found the source of the presence they felt.  A strange creature, she could not be entirely sure what it was.  Demon like, but was it one, or something else?  She did not have much else to say, as Rie spoke up first.  Curious how the creature would respond.

She was surprised to hear the voice behind her.  An unfamiliar one.  A Knight apparently, one she did not know.  She was on guard, her power building but not attacking.  Waiting to see if the creature responded to what Rie said, finding it too tense to say anything to the Knight just yet.

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The fox girl didn't stop her movement toward them but showed no signs of hostility. However, that did not stop her from giving off a bad vibe if anyone felt any from her. Her eyes shifted toward Rie as she was asked what she was doing there. Her body turned toward her to take a good look at the voice's owner who spoke to her. "Come, now... You know the answer to this question. Your kind gathers here for your own pleasure and those of these lower lifeforms gorging you on admiration.", she started, waving her hand at anyone still present around them, as a way to refer to the fans and magical girls or knights alike. "I've had to see it myself with my own eyes. No...?", she said, smirking while tilting her head slightly.

Her eyes then took a good look around before looking at Azreal, whether she knew his nature or not, soon walking around some more as she replied, "I see there's a bright one among you.", commenting about his advice to hear her out. "Of course, there's always a team of them, isn't there? The heroes of this world fighting selflessly for the sake of everyone else. I would hate to spoil the ending for you...". Mitsuko saw the fox behaving quite casually, showing no real fear nor shame but also still no signs of hostility. Her eyes notice the symbol on her chest, though. And it was hard not to look at the rest while she was at it. The tension was palpable and nobody seemed to know what to do or how to react to her.

The fox girl simply moved ahead, taking a good look at the place, not waiting for anyone to allow her through. She did not seem to care. She however made sure to brush her tail against Mitsuko's skin while going, probably on purpose if she saw the way the valkyrie was looking at her. The schoolgirl blushed as her brain struggled between enjoying the softness of the move or whatever threat this fox girl supposedly was for, well, everyone. She was left speechless for now, anyhow. It took Nall to land on her shoulder to bring her back to reality. If that was not enough, the demon in question gave her a look back with a smooth smile before looking at everyone. "Will one of you show me around, now?", she then asked.

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Rie looked back at the man who had joined them "What sort of idiot hears out a demon?" she stated bluntly not disguising the clear annoyance with the idea. He seemed familiar, not that she had ever met him but as though she had seen him before. Perhaps she had passed him in the halls or seen his countenance. It was difficult to focus and ponder on the name before their new guest spoke up as well.

Rie clicked her tongue "Not helping your case furball." not dropping her guard even as she moved. It didn't matter that she didn't appear hostile as her mere presence was an affront. Rie did not like this at all but she kept control of herself. No need to start a battle first though her hand did travel close to her bag just in case. The crosses within the magical healers eyes were more apparent, brighter as her own magical energy would build. It was a clear indicator that she as more than ready to fight.

She was moving clearly unworried again asking them to show her around. Maybe they should? No matter who this was parading her in front of the veritable army of Magical Warriors would have her dealt with but.....that put the normal in danger. No it was best to keep things where they were for now. Rie looked out of the corner of her eye at Mitsuko and then at the demonness "No." she answered though it was for herself primarily. Jumi, the man, and even Mitsuko were their own people. Rie had no intention extending that hand.

"This is not the place for you." stating it once more and a bit more firmly though she had a feeling it hardly mattered what she said here.

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Azreal looked at Rie and sighed. "Hearing out the enemy can sometimes help you gain valuable information and knowledge. So demons can be used for good, you just have to test them and hear them out. Learn the way to twist them to your needs so you gain something out of meeting them. Not everything needs to be fighting. Also fox not all Magical Girls work as a team, some work solo." He said clearing this throat. "Now if you wish to stay here you must follow the rules. No chaos at all is that understood. It would be suicide to attack at a convention like this." He said his hand on his sword the Capulet family crest on the handle of the sword.

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“Is it a demon?”  That was the lingering question.  It was not just a question of semantics.  It was possible she was much more dangerous than one.  It was too dangerous to expect to her to just play nicely.  The Knight’s logic was troublesome.  “There are too many lives at stake to let her roam.”  Jumi was willing to listen to an extent, exactly what this creature was and why she was here.  But escorting her around was another matter.  She tried to block the path, though she was not sure even all of them together could stop her.  She kind of wished for the rest of the team, maybe Alexandrine to be here.

”’Lower life forms’?  Demon or not, that is always how your kind thinks.  All the more reason for you to go back wherever you came from.”  Still not trying to start a fight, but hoping she could be chased off if they stood their ground.

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Azreal looked at Jumi and sighed as he walked closer to fox spirits or demon rubbing his temple. "I can agree there's are many lives at stake and escorting her is simple out of the question unless she had power limiters on. I know you might see my logic and methods troublesome but if you don't gain valuable information you might attack a person or thing that isn't a threat or foe and then cause war or even death. But what do I know I'm only a Knight, who's been around 16 plus years." He said summoning a icey wind barrier to block the pathways out so the fox would have no where to run. Before crossing his arms to see what these girls would do next.

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The fox girl watched them, letting them talk, while Mitsuko was trying to focus on what she had to do. Listening to everyone's point of view made it conflicting, added to what that fox did but her mind was clear and she would act accordingly if she needed to. Nall stayed close to her as well. After everyone gave their insights, the fox shifted her gaze to Azreal and seemed shocked for a moment before she finally eyed everyone else, chuckling before she cackled. "You seem to confound me for someone who might be afraid of death...", she then said but muttered the last word with a twisted grin. "A suicide is nothing but the appropriate departure for me... But not quite the end you think it would lead to.", she explained smoothly.

Mitsuko frowned from what that could possibly mean, was she insane...? She looked far too confident and calm. The fox didn't leave much time before she continued, "I think you are not very aware of who I am so let me introduce myself with a proper demonstration... For the sake of presenting a name to you, you may call me Shinigami.", she told them while soon pointing a hand toward them as a triangle like magic symbol appeared, similar to the one she had on her chest. The difference with this magic symbol was that the single line in the middle lit up brighter than other parts and before they could realize, she had cast an invisible spell, seemingly at Rie. No effect? But the number "30" appeared above her, soon going down.

The countdown seemed to be slower than seconds and the end of it probably would not mean anything good. "Wait... Shinigami?", Mitsuko soon realized that she might have heard of such name before, only in meaning since she never had heard of this fox girl before. "It can't be...", she whispered but looked the others. Nall seemed to panic as he shouted at the fox, "Stop this...!". Shinigami, if that was even her name, stood there calmly now with a smile, "If you were to attack me, it would be not only dangerous but the consequence would not be one that you like. Right now, however, I am hungry so if you do not mind...", she said, unbothered while pointing her hand toward the barrier that is supposed to stop her from going further.

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Azreal eyes widen seeing the timer above Rei's head as he looked at the fox glaring. "If I'm right your a God of Death in a sense. What business do you have here at the convention! Why target Rei? I have a strong feeling once that counter reaches 0 you'll take her soul and she'll be dead. Am i correct." He said pulling his sword as his eyes seemly started to glow. He knew he had his demonic contract with his master but this was a serious matter and he needed to protect these girls. "If you're hungry I can take you somewhere to eat but the people here at this convention are off limits." He said making sure to watch the timer closely.

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Rie was less than impressed with the knights logic as she continued to stare it down "I beg your pardon Sir Knight." she said reaching into her pouch "We're not exactly novices." she said though Mitsuko did fill such a role Rie looked less unsure "She appears without warning, purposefully making her presence known. The lack of fear or concern for the many that could put her down means she's either powerful or she has some trick up her sleeve. I became a magical girl as a child. I have never met a single demon with anything more than horrid intention delivered either by words or by force." she took a step forward "Our job as Magical Protectors is to safeguard those 'lower lifeforms' as she calls them demonstrating the standard lack of love for our charges that many of her worthless kind do." Rie sounded aggressive, barely keeping control of her famous temper as she pondered on this creature more. Its presence really did bother her.

"And you want to let it walk free? You want to allow it to walk among the people we protect? That would be stupid even if she promises to behave. We are the safeguard against these creatures not their tour guides! You are suggesting we let this hazard roam among the people she has little respect for. Those people out there have faith in us to protect them from things like this...but what faith would they have if they realized we let one roam free? Not worth sacrificing." she really did not like his logic on the situation but she calmed with a deep breath, giving him only a side-eye before returning it to the demonness who spoke herself. She really only did confirm Rie's suspicions about her with every word.

Shinigami? A Death God? No...that was only her name as she had introduced. They were creatures of darkness, Kami, but this one felt too close to a demon to be a Kami. The name though evoked power of death and if she bore such a name then perhaps that was a clue as to her abilities and within moments? She decided to give a demonstration. A counter. 30 and ticking down. Rie pulled from her pouch a syringe which she uncapped as it grew to its full enormous size. Hardly welcoming really.

She preferred that focus be on her so did not budge though she got closer to stand before her. Keep those eyes on her and show she wouldn't be so easily backed down. She had been a magical girl for far too long. "You want to play? We can play. What cards do you think you hold?" she asked "Kill me, prove you're a threat, and die anyway. Go outside even with Sir Knight's permission and the multitude of protectors here will hunt you down. Some of us are a bit more gung-ho so damage would be likely ignored if they knew it was in service of ridding these grounds of an infestation." she said "Maybe you have some way to hide yourself in which case it would have been smarter for you to do that instead if you were really just here to see the sights."

"And what? Think you can threaten me and get your way? Jokes on you! They don't even like me." another likely tasteless joke though possibly delivered too seriously to be properly registered as one though of course they could immediately ruin that but even still this was Rie's way to testing this....demon. She would have preferred the others arrive too but right now? It was just them.

"So whats your endgame besides being a nuisance?" the clock was ticking but Rie wasn't exactly the type to back down.

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Threats of death did not sit well with Jumi.  Of course it was a danger that came with the job.  Live everyday like it might be your last.  It might.  Though that did not mean be reckless or throw your life away either.  Rie’s temper was certainly understandable.  She was angry herself, but was the creature bluffing?  Being demon like did not rule out being a higher power of sorts, but maybe not a god.

”If death will send you back to whatever pit you crawled out of, maybe that  will be good enough.  Go find something to eat there.”  Her wand appeared in her hand.  Still defensive but getting more prepared.  “I don’t take threats to my team well.”  She did not know what would happen if Rie’s ‘counter’ reached zero.  Was the implication for them to think she would die when that happened?  Even if it was, it might be a bluff.  Though things were now getting very dangerous.  Someone had to back down soon.

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Shinimagi could only grin for a bit before she shrugged with disappointment to Azreal's question. "Did I not explain this already...? But you are correct about the spell cast upon her. Mostly...", she confirmed, soon resting her arms crossed against her chest. As she listened to Rie's ramble, she didn't seem fazed even once, even smirking at the end of it. "Your loud mouth is what got you there. I do believe it is also the reason even your kind doesn't like you... As you pretend to fight to protect others, your behavior is the very one putting them and yourself in danger.", she observed with amusement before she snapped her fingers and froze the clock above Rie's head at 13, not without a fearsome yet calm expression to herself.

"You seem to be under the impression that I do not hold the cards. Think about your situation carefully... Pulling your weapon as I warned you of the consequences of fighting me, even as you gloat over the damage you would be causing, for the only reasoning of convincing yourself that you did something right...", she spoke coldly before she snapped her fingers again, this time quickening the counter down to stop again at 01. "Your death would bring no consequence to me that I am not already enjoying. You cannot bluff or intimidate me into leaving you alive... Your life is meaningless. Kill me and your friends will watch you die. I thought your kind would be more judicious...", she called out the group's behavior with a smile.

Mitsuko watched with horror as Rie could die anytime and this fox girl did not give a care in the world. Worse... Rie was even provoking her and all of them were ready to start a fight in this place once safe. Obviously Shinigami was in the wrong but she had not done much so far except for holding Rie's life within her grasp, if she spoke the truth. Nall himself was quiet and shocked and there was not much he could do. She may be new to all of this but if she let this happen, these magical girls, Rie more so, would just cause everyone's death. The fox had said it herself, her death would be inconsequential but Rie's would be real. "E-ENOUGH!", she suddenly shouted and moved between them and the fox looking at the group.

Mitsuko closed her eyes for a second, knowing she was forfeiting herself on either side but someone had to speak wisely. The fox herself blinked but observed quietly. "A-are you all really going to do this here? Rie... Stop. Talking!", she kept shouting, her face showed as much fear as she showed a glimpse of courage mixed with sadness, even shaking a bit as she went on. "Do you really want her to kill you this much...? I-I don't know how you fight your enemies but this is not a game... I am sorry to be out of line but I beg you to stop... She is not afraid to die, not afraid of any of you... B-but...", her eyes shifted up to the "1" above Rie before she looked at everyone, barely able to stand on her feet. "Please... stop this now..."

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Azreal seeing the number reach 13 and freeze made his heart race. This wasn't a game he sheathed his sword and looked at Fox and then Rei. He had to agree with a few points the fox said. Rei's temper was getting the better of her but before he say anything he saw the countdown start again and as it dropped into the singled digits he felt something was off. Seeing the fox stop at the counter at one and talk about how Rei's life would be taken he looked at the young magical girl and saw her explode with emotions. He saw the glimpse of courage and sadness as she stood down. He watched this girl..Mitsuko beg Rei to stand down. 

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The demon's own lack of reaction did little to deter Rie's own as she stood there "Gross. The only thing I'll ask you to spare me is the tired, mealy-mouthed rubber routine demon." she said disregarding most of what she said "You were not invited." and then it moved to 01. A moment more and they'd see whether this one was all bark or if she had any bite. Rie didn't look very scared about it either from a lack of belief in her words or a true lack of concern about the possible result but she didn't move back instead staring dead ahead. It either happened or it didn't.

"Better dead than to betray the trust of the people we protect." would be her last words on the topic before.....Mitsuko stepped between them. Begging. This was the only time Rie's face change as she looked at her new teammate and softened as she spoke. Rie sighed "Mitsuko...you are brave. It will serve you well." and she looked to the demon but her look was no less hateful "Unfortunately.....you're wrong. It is a game, especially, for these abominations." pointing a finger at the demon just past her before turning a calm gaze to Mitsuko  "Fear. Sadness. Loneliness. These shows of force are common to their kind. If you are susceptible to any of it then they win. I've seen what that can do to even the best of us and I'm past it. Its not worth stepping aside for." she didn't lower her weapon or back away but she didn't move either "Nor a luxury we have."

Still she didn't move though she looked at Mitsuko with sadness she only looked at Shinigami with hatred. Rie tilted her head "Close your eyes."

Pap! The sound of a closing book came from behind that cold barrier.

"I do quite enjoying seeing Immovable Objects meeting Unstoppable Forces even if its only that way in ideology." a voice from beyond the cold shield. A white haired gentleman with book in hand was staring right at them, smile on his face. The book bore an ancient language upon it. Sumerian. He dressed rather nicely and under the hat...a head of silver. He hummed "But before we set about attempting to answer an ancient question, or testing whether that counter means anything but theatrics I suggest....compromissum." though he looked to Azrael to see if he'd be willing to drop the barrier.

He didn't much care but he would wave a hand "Apologize for interrupting but I couldn't help but be curious." she said "The Nurse is correct, but in the interest of peace I suggest we give the rude demoness what she desires....in part." he said though it was unclear when he got there or how he did so without alert.
"How about the back channels or a nice costume? We don't have to go about parading a demon through the convention in full view and if you are so inclined a watchful eye can be kept on her. She does not interact with the people, and we avoid a nasty incident." though he did point to Shinigami "Though if you could do something about that horrible stench about you that will make this simpler." he said.

"Of course if not well....Madam you might not fear death but punishment doesn't have to come with expiry. Attending this celebration are great multitude of protectors. It does alarm me but a fair few of them are not quite as heroic as these fine heroes and well....your kind has done enough damage that they'd be more than happy to make things last." though he looked to everyone but Rie to potentially cosign a compromise either way with Mitsuko's outburst and this new presence the air could clear a little before it really got out of hand.

He didn't introduce himself but things were too tense for that.

Rie was still there but she didn't say anything more. If everyone around her was willing to compromise then she was outnumbered and could do nothing else. She wouldn't like it and she'd be beyond angry but there would be little she could do.

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“Damn demon bitch.  Don’t you talk about my teammate like that.”  Jumi did not make a move, but she was pissed about what was said about Rie.  Especially claiming no one liking her.  “You want to claim to be some death goddess, grim reaper or whatever…You already have Ruby Pixie, Silver Soldier, Holy Storm, Jade Guardian, who knows how many others, countless I’m sure.  Their friend is here, would probably love to meet you.  Go play with the souls you already have.  We fight to stop you from claiming billions more, so that there is another generation for you, after we get old.”  Names that probably did not mean anything to anyone else here.  Alexandrine’s old team.  All dead….as far as she had reason believe.  Just a few of the countless people who had died over history, of course.

She might have gone further.  But then another interruption.  Someone completely random this time.  Did not seem to be a Knight.  What was he doing wandering into a place like this?  Getting involved with something like this.  His suggestion stopped her from saying anything else, though it was another distasteful one.  Powerful as she was, were they really just going to let go out, even with escort?

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Azreal was starting to get fed up as he created a ice barrier with spikes but let the new man inside before closing it off. He crossed his arms and looked at Jumi and Rei. "I agree with Mitsuko is has gone far enough. I believe we all need to take a deep breathe and take a step back. We can't move forward without having a level head. I may have upset you with my logic Lady Rie and Lady Jumi but sometimes you must the see the small things before the big picture. Because if you don't more people might get hurt in the process." Azreal looked knew the names of people Jumi had stated due to his master but he was playing it off.

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Shinigami remained calm as usual, just taking the vocal beating as she closed her eyes too. Mitsuko herself seemed horrified by Rie's continued outburst but Jumi's addition to it seemed to put the nail on the coffin of what she intended to do now. She had no idea who the names were but perhaps they held a significance to them. She, herself, was too new to know any of this. Her eyes turned to the fox to see what her reaction to Rie's suicidal intents was and the horrible reality struck her as the fox raised her hand, seemingly to snap once more. "TAKE ME!", she shouted before even thinking, still shaking as she felt out of place anyway. Lenneth was scary by strength but Shinigami had something else to her... Darker.

Shinigami stopped and opened her eyes, looking at the girl between them and herself, not counting Azreal's field. "Take you...? You would sacrifice yourself for her...? Tempting...", she replied with a smile, even her tail started moving. Mitsuko was too new for this but she had went too far already and she started to have a lot on the heart, replying, "R-rie will die to prove whatever she thinks she's proving, she will not shut up...", she said, turning her head to glare at the nurse with annoyance. She barely knew her and this part of her already annoyed her. The adrenaline also made her speak more freely. Her head turned to Shinigami again, "B-but she is Jumi's teammate and she needs her. Leave her be for her sake."

Nall was speechless, just being there and not knowing what to do, his wings flapping lightly. If it was not bad enough, Mitsuko soon lost her transformation and turned to him before she removed what was around her neck and tossed it toward him, finally making the flying cat react to dash and catch the sword necklace. "Mifuko...!", he tried to call her name but the necklace broke his pronunciation. His worry was readable, though. The schoolgirl smiled and looked at Shinigami. "Jumi told me about what demons do to us... Take me but leave her be..." The request seemed to work as the fox lowered her arm before she looked toward Azreal mostly and said, "I was not here to hurt anyone but I will gladly take this girl..."


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Azreal looked at Mitsuko in shock as he then looked at the fox and spoke up. "If you spare the girls. I will bring you somewhere where you may feast on the souls of the strongest warriors." He stepped forward putting Mitsuko behind him before looking at her. "Self sacrifice is honorable but at a time like this would only hurt your team mates more. You must think back to any wisdom or advice you were given." He looks at at the fox. "It's my duty as a Knight to protect these girls and if you follow me I promise it be worth your time." Azreal's heart was racing hoping his trump card would help in this situation.

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Shinigami blinked then finally burst out laughing, awkwardly probably with the tension that was around, "Wait...", she said while finding her breath, "When I mentioned being hungry, did you believe that I was looking to feed on your kind...? Reaping souls in order to feed on them? Is this what this is about...?", she asked, looking at everyone with a return of her twisted grin. "I am sorry to say that you all have been sorely mistaken... I was truly here to spend a nice time with the world's most famous beings. Do you believe that I would have wasted my time if I wished to do what you're implying?", she questioned and snapped her fingers, making the counter over Rie vanish. "Not very kind of you to assume this, now is it...?", she amusingly commented.

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Rie, as if in defiance of the mood, turned around rapidly with a shine in her eyes as Jumi spoke up to defend her "Jumi defending me? I need to write that down!" though the names she spoke of did calm her down. Those names...weren't they...?
She hardly had time to ponder as Azrael spoke up again and Rie could only loo at him blankly "I found it lacking." she said "And stop switching the characters of my name. Its not Rei its Rie." but strange lull in the situation would be broken by another turn of events.

Much to Rie's confusion the roles switched. The demoness was more than ready to prove her own point and Rie was more than ready to let it happen to prove hers but then....Mitsuko again and this time she was offering to sacrifice herself. Rei blinked a few times. It was a sweet display made so much less sweet due to that look she was given which Rie only returned with a wrinkle of her nose. Really Rie was just more confused but they got what she wanted....she was quiet.

Attempts to hold back a laugh would come from the side however as the man from before had his face buried in his book as if to hide "Kepph-What an adorable display! Snrt-" he said trying hard not to completely lose it. He would lower the book when he was sure he would burst out into fits. He closed the book again.

"Careful Sir you could be mistaken for a villain talking like that. I do admire the pragmatism but it doesn't fit your image to be so willing to sacrifice others with so little hesitation. Still you've worked to protect them so to that I say....bravo." he advised as he opened his book and began to speak into it. Truthfully he was keeping records, of course, and this group was quite the entry.
Rie nodded her head "Yeah were were you even-"
The man clicked his tongue "Oh nonono. While your dedication to your station Good Nurse a healing hand is only worthwhile with a soul behind it. I have no doubt you would die for your noble beliefs that would be such a waste and all to deny this rude creature? Tsk. tsk. "  he did not hesitate to point his thumb at the grey furred demon.

He hummed admonishing Rie a little bit which she bared her teeth at but didn't say anything. He looked to Mitsuko "I'd say the same goes for you really. Brave but I'm afraid this wouldn't make for a good epitaph despite the good intentions. 'This fool died for another fool who was ready to die all in an argument with another fool' maybe the subject of a rousing comedy but not good on a tombstone." and then to Jumi who he would stare at and then looked at the other two. He would look at her again "Truthfully the same for you but a rose is often overlooked for this thorns. I have no doubt you'd have sprung into action for your friend but...should you? Questions for later."

He hummed and clicked his tongue "Oh no." she said hearing the demon's words as he looked up almost laughing again "There is no misunderstanding prompting their desire for your expulsion. You are not unwelcome for what you devour but for what you are. There is no simple panacea to the long standing and frankly justifjed animosity between your kind and the protectors of those "Lower life forms" as you so lovingly called our charges." Though truthfully he agreed with the notion.  "If anything this interaction has achieved the opposite." he said and closed the book though he didn't care if she even tried to put that mark upon him. He did, luckily, find this creature interesting. He was sure that there were other demons perhaps but they had some semblance of understanding to not reveal themselves.

She smiled however "So now that we're all calm and some modicum of understanding can be reached my suggestion still does stand. I don't suggest parading this demon out and about but its quite easy to move around unnoticed or if you have a disguise. If nothing else do something about your repugnant aura. This entire operation will fall apart otherwise if other protectors notice it." he tossed his book up and down over and over "Now lets hurry this up. Those er.....hotdogs are calling our names." what strange food earthlings had.

Rie sighed and closed her eyes thinking for a moment if she should even bother to stay...or go. Perhaps she needed to see Alexandrine not to tell her the exact specifics of this situation but....

She just didn't now. She was unsure for the first time in a good while.


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Azreal looked at the newcomer glaring a bit,feeling a bit off about them. However he was keeping his own mental notes to give yo his master late. He then looked at Fox demon and the at Rie as he bowed. "Sorry my Lady I will keep that in mind. I ask for your forgiveness. Also ask for your forgiveness Mitsuko I overstepped a boundar and tried to protect you while you were standing up for your friends. You are a honorable warrior my Lady " He bowed before looking at newcomer. "Thank you for your comment about me doing my duty but you know nothing about me and calling me a villain is a bit harsh." He sighed before he dispelled his magic the barrier dropping.

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