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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Time to rest. She didn't mind that idea. A break would help her to regather her courage. Also she could finally get herself some food and something to drink! Perhaps that would help with the dizziness she was feeling. That and some time away from so many prying eyes.

She accepted Alexandrine's hand, lifting to her feet with the woman's assistance. Emi wondered what the private rooms might be like. They were the places that fans were brought, after all, and so their design would be very telling. Were those rumors true after all?

The winged girl seemed to be worried that she was intruding. A fan, perhaps? Maybe someone who was in a similar position to Rin. That was probably it, although she probably wasn't a boy. It was, as far as she knew, quite rare for that to happen.

I've had stranger luck though.

Emi nodded once in agreement to Elie's words. They were all friends. Or, at the very least, friendly. Of course she had become friends with Alexandrine and Ryan very quickly. That had been helped somewhat by the whole showering thing.

Maybe showering with people is a really good way to become friends. It leaves everyone vulnerable. And naked. Then stuff happens. Okay maybe it isn't the shower that brings people that close together.

A faint pink settled across her cheeks as she remembered the other night. As she followed Rin out and back through the crowd it only got worse. She felt hands brushing across her exposed arms and shoulders and ears. Head pats. Mostly just excited fans hoping to congratulate the two, or to interact with any of the magical girls. A few bolder patrons touched her tail and her rump, one was even daring enough to briefly cup her chest! Not that they found much there, of course, but as far as she knew some people preferred smaller breasts.

By the time they had reached the knights and staff guarding the entry point to the private rooms she was quite flustered. Emi avoided their gazes, keeping her own to the floor. Legs squeezed together. She did her best to avoid her now wildly running imagination and all the lewd scenarios it was trying to present to her.

A cold shower might be good. I wonder if they have showers here?

When they finally arrived at their room Emi's suspicions were confirmed. It was set up like a hotel suite! The presence of a bed in these sorts of places meant that people definitely had sex. Or maybe people just had sex because the bed was here in the first place? Even so it really wasn't helping her to calm down, but at least it was a different sort of distraction. She would rather be horny than overwhelmed by stage fright.

With a snack she was led into the room with the bed, hopping up to settle in against the large fancy pillows. When the plate of snacks was set down she lifted it up, plucking some fruit to nibble upon. Once Rin was sat next to her Emi leaned against the girl's shoulder and closed her eyes. She finally had a moment to rest, to calm herself down, to snack, and perhaps to get rid of the urges that had built up.

This is nice. Maybe I can nap.

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Elie sat down as she looked at Mitsuko and then the Diamond Sorcereress. She has a few questions but nothing like the questions Mitsuko must have had. Elie's questions would probably be seen as simple or stupid questions. She looked at the Diamond Sorcereress and sighed. "I believe Lady Mitsuko has more questions then I do. So I'll give her the honor."

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Rin was tempted to see what happened if she tried to feed Emi.  But Emi feel asleep rather quick.  She leaned against Emi looking down at the Alexandrine plushie brought in with her.  She imagined one of those being made for Emi soon.  For both of them.  Though the real thing was much more appealing to Rin.

She heard the stories.  What could happen in these rooms.  Eventually she and Emi might be here with a number of boys.  An experiment Rin was a little nervous about, but willing to try, if she had Emi at her side.  She was not really listening to the conservation the other three were about to have, though it might have useful information for her and Emi.

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Mitsuko looked at Elie, considering her words, then smiled and nodded.  She was right and the Diamond Princess didn't seem too bothered by her either. "Alright, thank you. I will stay, then." She followed them for now and when offered, she took a seat.  The place was a little more relaxing, more calm. She welcomed it a lot, finally able hear her own thoughts. As she was asked if she had questions, with Elie giving her the honor to start, Mitsuko looked at the Diamond Princess nervously. "I am not quite sure if I have questions but there are things I certainly wonder about. Perhaps it's best that I stand...", she said and even stepped back. "Maybe you already guessed but these clothes are not what I normally wear.", referring to her transformation.

Putting her hand away safely, she soon summoned a blade of the same style as her armor. She was not sure how she was doing it but she somehow knew as if it was part of her. "I found this sword in my home not long ago but it was small compared to what it is now. And touching it lead to, well, what you see here. Before I did, I heard a voice. No... I don't know what it was but it compelled me to find it... I don't know how I know but I know. Then I saw images in my head when I touched it... I don't know if this is real but...", she brought the sword closer, holding it in front of herself with two hands on the hilt. "This feels real to me. It wants me to fight...", she said as she gently put her blade town on the table. "I hoped to find answers by coming here."

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Alexandrine watched, listened.  This sort of thing could happen.  There was some variation in how the girls found their power.  Some needed help of an established veteran, like Rin had.  Others discovered it on their own.  In some teams there was another power, spirit or other that gave the members their power.  Mitsuko’s origin was not especially strange.

“That you are one of us is real.  I can say that much.  Though, like the Princess of Fate here, where you go from here is a question mostly for you.”  She took a seat on one of the chairs.  Without questions, it was hard to say where to begin.  “Before I try to decide where to start explaining things, do you have any questions.”  She asked Elie.  If Mitsuko did not have any, it was worth checking with her again next.

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Elie listened to Mitsuko talk and her story sounded alot like hers. When her magical girl name was mention she nodded. Before she was asked if she had questions. "I....I have few. One is it wrong to fall in love with enemy. I know that's a troupe in alot of books but is there a rule against it? Two, you've been a magical girl for so long do you know anything about attack in Verona about 13 to 14 years ago where a family estate was attacked? Three is it weird to feel good and motherly when you help someone? I felt that way helping Mitsuko with her reading. I'd love to give you one some day Diamond Sorcereress. And finally once Emi or in my case the cute bunny wakes up may I show them my true self?"

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Alexandrine listened to the questions.  The first question.  Was Elie asking what Alexandrine thought?  She closed her eyes.  She had already told Elie that she had also had the enemy, demons, force themselves on her.  There was no reason to mention that again.  “Be very careful.  What you are asking about…normally leads to what that other woman was singing about.  ‘Broken Girls’.  Traitors, who fight for those they fell in love with, abandon humanity.”  She sighed, it was time to tell them.  “Most demons only do that to hurt us, for their own pleasure.”  She glanced at Mitsuko.  “Be very careful when fighting.  Many of them will try to force themselves on you.”  That said, she could not exactly force Elie to give up anything  she might feel.  Unaware she had also been partially seduced by the same demon.

”’Luna’…Emi is the result of that sort of thing.  Her mother was a Magical Girl, no longer with us….her father…I ripped her father apart personally.”  There was a little bitterness in her voice.  “For unrelated reasons.  I had no idea about Emi until a few days ago.  I did not know her mother well, was not part of my old team.  Her father, Zorn, was a general of my old team’s last enemy.”

She was handling these questions out of order.  They were all somewhat connected though.  “I am not her mother, could never take her place.  That said, I feel something like that I suppose.  A desire to give her a happiness she has not felt, at least since her mother died.  You could maybe call it a little maternal.  If you want to show Emi your other self, there is no harm doing that here.”

There was one question she could not really answer though.  “That attack would have been shortly before I became a Magical Girl, and far away.  Maybe I could ask around or do other research, but I know nothing about it right now.”

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Posted (edited)

Elie listened to Alexandrine and her answers. "I see...I see and has any magical girl turned a demon over to the good side. I mean it's possible right?" Elie was holding out hope but was ot childish of her. "And Emi even though her father is hmmm well the evil guy you told me about....Emi doesn't seem evil and I doubt she ever could be. She's so cute and tiny."

When Elie heard the last answer her eyes looked down sadly. "I.....I see thank you. That would be very nice of you." She said not feeling one step closer to answers she needed about that day when she was 6 years old and her happiness disappeared. She fidget with her tarot cards hoping it would help her calm down.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko nodded to Alexandrine when she was reassured that what was happening was real. She was short for words at the moment but she remembered what Elie also had told her. What she needed to do now was to adapt to it, now that she was there. Taking her sword back carefully, she put it away for now and made it go away for now. It felt insane how she knew how to do it yet she did. Somehow, maybe her transformation made her capable of knowing these things although these were only the basics. Her own skills would matter more for what was coming if she was going to fight real demons. Or... Any other threatening life forms who were the natural enemies of hers now. The enemy of humanity.

Hearing the questions of Elie thereafter, one of them made her think about what she was told before of the manga that she bought. Perhaps she fantasized on the idea that something out there could somehow play nice with a human. In Mitsuko's case, she doubted it. Maybe it was a cliche that monsters were always evil or scary but these enemies seemed to be all but nice. Especially with what answers she got and what warning she was given by the diamond sorceress. Force themselves on her?, she wondered. Indeed, that was a threat that magical girls faced. Not that the valkyrie knew anything about it but whatever threat she would face as a magical warrior now would go beyond the rules of humans.

Demon was a word that meant what it meant. Underworld creatures from hell? Or from the darkness? For a moment, Mitsuko pondered about Elie's words before she turned to her. "A demon can't be good, can it...? If they are anything like the oni or the tengu, it would be hard to say. A yokai as well could perhaps...", she shifted her gaze from Elie to Alexandrine a bit, for the sake of discussion between them, "...be good, IF they exist the way legends talk about them. But... we're not dealing with these kinds of creatures and spirits, are we? I'm sorry, I happened to learn about these stories at school...", she finally said, feeling embarrassed that she rambled about folklore. Still, she had no idea what she would fight.

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Now that Alexandrine believed this question about a very specific demon, she had to consider how to answer it.  With Mitsuko here, she was not going to mention what the demon did specifically unless Elie did first.  Though it was probably worth mentioning indirectly.  "I should put it this way.  After what that one did, do you have a reason to believe she can be brought to our side?"  Was it impossible?  Had it ever happened?  In the centuries they had protected the people for generations, it was hard to say it had never happened, but if it had, it was extremely rare.  Maybe not even once a generation.  She was not going to judge Elie for wanting to try, having an idea what she went through.  But she had to be realistic about this too.  "I am not going to tell you not to try...just don't let this hurt you, or lead you down the darker path."  That was what she most wanted to avoid here, she did not want to risk her encouragement leading to Elie's corruption.

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Jumi had also watched Emi and Rin have their concert, from the side of the crowd.  She was pleased how it went.  She was no expert, but maybe the girls had potential.  She did not join the crowd heading off towards the private rooms.  She had done her part to keep Elie here, now it looked like she and another girl had something to talk to Alexandrine about.

Instead she found her way back to the merchandise area.  Curious to see what was being sold about her this time.  She was aware of most of the official stuff at least, but there was usually surprises.

One of the men selling various art of different Magical Girls looked uneasy as she browsed through them.  He knew what she was checking for.  Of course she was unlikely to see it just sticking out.  She asked the question as she looked through the stuff on display.  “You aren’t selling any drawings of me nude, are you?”  He fidgeted.  It was not against the rules, as long as it was not openly displayed.  The girls understood plenty of boys, and some girls, were interested in them like that.  At least no one here sold the twisted stuff.  Drawings of monsters and girls, bodies united.  That art existed.  But it was too disrespectful to sell here. 

The man had not answered yet.  It was allowed, but it was embarrassing to be asked by one of the subjects of the art.  “Maybe I will buy it off you.  Or have you already sold some of it?” It was allowed, Jumi was not going to try to insult the man, or shut him down.  But maybe she would buy all of those pictures, as many as she could, before someone else did.

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Elie looked at the Diamond Sorcereress as she thought for a moment. She knew the Diamond Sorcereress was more experienced then her and her words of wisdom might be correct. "I believe anyone can be redeemed but maybe I should ask fate and my cards for answers. They have never let me  a stray yet.....well at least in a reading." She said looking at her tarot deck feeling a comforting warmth from them.

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Mitsuko's gaze returned to Elie and she smiled to her. "To be fair, perhaps you're right. I don't have the experience to say but maybe there's one out there who would be willing to be friend? However, I think it's safe to not trust them. If you cards speak to you as well as they spoke about me, maybe you could find an answer.", she tried to comfort her somehow but then looked at Alexandrine again. "By the way, I thought I may ask but don't magical girls have magical pets sometimes? I mean, they do in some stories... Cute talking creatures, you know?"

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Posted (edited)

Alexandrine remained quiet on what that demon did to Elie.  Maybe it would have changed Mitsuko’s opinion, maybe not.  But it was not her place to say.  She still did not really understand why Elie felt this way.  Getting confused in the moment.  Your body enjoying it while it happened.  That happened sometimes…Alexandrine could understand that.  But to have feelings linger after that.  That was risky.  At least that demon could not have given Elie a child, like Emi’s mother.  That would have complicated things, much more.  She just hoped the demon had not put some spell on Elie.

If it had been Elie instead, given a child by Zorn…what would she have done?  “Some are beyond redemption.”  She said it with a blunt certainty.  Nothing would convince her otherwise.  But she was talking about old enemies.  “But that was the first time I saw that demon too.  I am skeptical but not as certain about that one as others.  But if you’re cards are that reliable, see if they will give you an answer.”  She really doubted it would work, but she still would not stop Elie.


Then there was Mitsuko’s question.  “Pets would be the wrong the way to put it.  But some teams have something non-human among them.  A spirit, or other more noble creature’s who feel they have same duty as us.  For some teams that creature is the source of their power.  In other cases they are not, but help the team.  Their size and shape can vary greatly.  Some deceptively small or cute.  Others impressive enough to intimidate demons or monsters or other enemies.”.


Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Elie knowing she might have overstepped a boundary went quite as she listened to Mitsuko and Alexandrine talk. She had alot to think about and maybe Alexandrine was right and she was just being childish. She hadn't been a magical girl for long. She had only fought smaller demons which were easy enough for her to handle and then dealt with Exzel. 

She kept to herself and started to overthink things. Was her original tarot she did at her estate wrong. Was the fates testing her? She had to know. So after she showed Emi and Rin her real self she'd leave this private room and do a reading for herself to make sure things were normal or if they had changed.

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Mitsuko considered what was said before she nodded, wondering if it would happen to her to meet with one. She had not really thought about it before when she had found her sword. If she had to have a guardian within the sword, surely she would have met with it already. Unless... Well, she didn't know exactly what to think of that. For now, she looked at Elie and smiled to her, wondering if she was alright. For now, there was a lot she didn't know about, many of which could still surprise her in the future. "Alright... Well... We should have fun now, should we not? Though... I wonder if it's best that I change back to my own clothes. Assuming that they are when I think they are right now...", Mitsuko was thinking about her transformation.

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"The two of us still have to talk about the other two.  Mostly with them, after they wake up, but we can start beforehand.  You can stay for that if you wish, or go have so fun.  It is up to you."  Rin and Emi were the other reason they came back here.  Elie could apparently help them make progress, maybe they would really be professionals eventually.  She turned to Elie.  "Was there anything you wanted to talk about regarding that with just me first?"  This was something that was going to be more between Elie, Emi and Rin but as the team leader, Alexandrine figured she would have some part to play.

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"Well I can tell your a motherly figure to them. I need to know boundaries so I help them grow. Being a celebrity and being famous isn't easy....it cut throat sometimes." She said coldly before her looked at Alexandrine. "I just want what's best for them. They're so young and it hard on young ones. The meet and greets....the parties and autographs. The photo shots and interviews." She sighed as she transforms back into her normal self in a simple pink and white flowing kimono. She put her tarot card deck on table in fornt of her.

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"They are going to maybe get a taste for some of that here."  It was probably safer than the things Elie was talking about, but similar things could happen.  She would not be surprised if the two of them spent some time in a room like this with fans before the convention was over.  It was a big party of sorts.  "Me and Rin are all Emi has at the moment.  I have some responsibility for both of them as team leader.  The closest thing to a guardian Emi currently has.  Rin of course has more, still has a family.  Though I should tell you.  Her civilian form, biologically at least, is a boy.  Between that and Emi's mixed blood, if they make any steps to becoming professional, it will both be transformed, as Magical Girls."  She was sure it would not be easy, but if both wanted to do it, and Elie thought they were good enough, she was sure they could succeed.

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Elie sighed. "I see....you want their magical selfs on stage and not the real them. That could be dangerous. Using their magical girl transformation while they do a concert or tour will take to much out of them and paint a target on their backs."She said claimed starting to grow a bit angry. "But that's what you want. Once Rin and Emi are awake the choice will be theirs. I can get them a foot into the door and pull some strings but other them that it's up to them. If they sing as their civilan forms or magical girl forms it's up to them." 


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Mitsuko observed them, more quietly for now. She could stay or leave and admittedly, she felt like she was too many in the room if they had something to do with the other ones. For what it was worth, she was merely a guest who should not overstay her welcome. She had spoken in a way she felt that she should help decrease the tension but it seemed to not help at all. Perhaps it was not a good moment, either. Whatever had happened to the other two was mostly between them. "Maybe it's best I return home... School tomorrow is not going to like it if I exhaust myself, after all. But... It's nice knowing that I'm not alone. Balancing studies and being this will be something to adapt to...". Slowly, she stood up and bowed politely.

Before she left, she took at look at Elie first, smiling. "Thank you for introducing me and helping me. It was amazing. Your magic was very impressive to look at. Is there a way I can find you all again? Just in case I may need to talk...", she asked them, figuring she might need to talk to them again later. She did not know if there was a base of some sort, unless they were inside it now. There was so much she did not know about. There probably were many more of them elsewhere. For now, she had to understand her own role in all this. There would surely be a time soon enough where she'd have to fight. Mitsuko would however try to hide herself by changing back to her own clothes somewhere, before she would leave the building.

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Alexandrine nodded at Mitsuko.  “It was a pleasure.  If you come again tomorrow.  Maybe you will get that chance to have fun with one or more of us.”  She then stood.  “I will see if Emi has rested enough.  Let you talk to them if she has.”   Before she did, she picked up a small pen and pad of paper left in the room.  She wrote on it and gave it to Mitsuko.  “The address of my apartment and phone number.  Just in case you need to contact or find me.”  She then walked back to the other room.  

Rin sat up immediately.  While Alexandrine put her hand on Emi’s shoulder and lightly shook her.  “Our new friend wants to talk to you to, about possibly becoming singers, if you are rested enough.”  She guessed that was a surprise for Emi.

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Elie looked at Mitsuko writing down her address and phone number. "Here you go. You're always welcome at my estate...well it's my family estate but my mother and father are rarely there. So feel free to visit if you need a get away." Elie felt a warmth in chest as Mitsuko said she enjoyed her magic. It made her doubts start to disappear a bit. Elie then watched Alexandrine try to wake Emi. Elie doubt either Rin or Emi knew who she was as a civilian.

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The bunny's eyes flickered open, body sitting up with a slight jolt. She had fallen asleep? Emi hadn't even noticed it, Her gaze lowered. Empty plate. She had at least enjoyed her snacks. Perhaps she had been more out of it than she'd thought. Or she wasn't resting as well as she should?

Or maybe Rin is just really comfortable. Or the bed.

A fist raised to rub the sleepiness from her eyes. A discussion about singing? She frowned, however Emi also nodded and scooted from her seat, arms stretching out overhead. At the very least she was feeling much better!

Upon entering the other room Emi gave a timid wave towards Elie and Mitsuko, making her way over to take a seat nearby.

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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko looked at the both of them and beamed. "Oh I did not expect so much but sure, I will remember... I will be back tomorrow, certainly. However... It will have to be after classes. Thank you, however... I appreciate your help." She then stepped back and looked at them both for a moment longer before she turned around and left. It had been quiet fruitful so far. Now, she only had to make sure nobody noticed her like this, normal life friends or foes? Either way, all she needed to do was to do a quick visit to the bathroom.

From there, she would go to a stall then do what she had practiced. Calling her magical form away, her old clothes would suddenly take the place of her battle ones, replacing everything almost instantly. It was quick enough that she barely felt the bareness of the change. Her eyes would turn back into a blue color as a result of taking her old form back and she would be wearing her school uniform instead. The sword then appeared as a pendant of some kind around her neck. Then, she finally was able to leave properly, unnoticed.

Mitsuko would probably take a look at what is sold in the convention a last time before she would leave. If she didn't buy anything, there was always the next day. When she left afterwards, she looked both sides and around her then made her way back home. There was a lot to do... At least she was able to explain where she was, since many fans had gone to the convention. What she needed now was a shower and a good night of rest. Hopefully, no one following her home. She was not worried but she wanted to be careful.

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