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Awakening Beast. (Hellhound's Entry)

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Hellhound had left the Underworld though one of her secret paths to the surface. It was not as quick as a portal but it did the job to not announce her arrival to anyone. With her past experiences and especially her latest, she felt like she had grown a little stronger but she required more power to match the level of magical girls. The only way she knew was to go after humans and not just for a fun hunt this time. She wanted to provoke a battle with them. The blame would all be on her, anyway. No demons would be involved in this so it would not go against Zorn's wishes. Technically. And so, Hellhound found her way to the human world, leaving the secret path secret, and looked around at where she was. A road was not too far from there, leading to a town further down.

With a smile, the dark beast girl started moving toward it, her tail wagged behind herself as she didn't care to hide. She always had been lazy but she finally had a motivation to become better. Raising her hand once close enough, she formed a flame but didn't stop at that. Giving the flame energy, she wanted to increase the damage done. Without any doubts, she was quickly noticed, bringing armed humans to focus their attention toward her. As they readied to shoot, she finally swung her arm with full strength, casting the charged fireball toward them forcing them to move. The impact however caused a sudden but powerful fiery explosion, igniting all in its range. Alarms rang as humans fully understood that they were under attack in plain daylight. Humans were coming.

Hellhound starting moving closer again while panic was setting in, everyone wondered where that explosion had come from but the few who saw shouted that a monster was coming. A few shots was finally heard, flying toward her, making her dash instead of retreat. She would not run. Going through the burning area, she stepped into the town and started attacking without hesitation, leaping at her attackers and slashing them or kicking them away. The brutality of her strikes did well to eliminate her enemies but this is when the humans understood how dangerous the threat was. These humans didn't have magic but their weapons could hurt and kill. They were the best defense for when magical girls could not be around to take care of threats only them could really fight.

Unfortunately, the beast girl was not just any monster as she was capable of controlling fire and flames at her will, spreading it around herself while moving and jumping around to evade attacks sent at her. Hellhound was seemingly getting hit by some but did not stop, setting fire at everything she could touch or see. She slowed down when she saw a female human with a long sword coming toward her, thinking she might be a magical girl but she did not seem all that special. A smirk still drew on her face as she headed toward her, kicking another human near her and closely dodging a slash before she grabbed the woman by the neck and pushed her against a wall nearby, getting a gasp of pain out of her. Hellhound looked at her with a smile and leaned close to give her a kiss.

The woman blushed slightly, confused by what was going on before she tried to push her back. "G-get off me...", she ordered her. Hellhound licked her face as a response and whispered, "I'll make you mine, soon. ♪" before she moved back and ran before more shooters would have the time to take aim at her, leaving the girl shocked for a bit before she shook her head and told others where she left to, pursuing her as well. This beast girl was killing without mercy despite the fact that she had been wounded by now, why did she stop to her, not to kill her but to give her a kiss... A warm one, even... She had felt Hellhound's tongue lick inside her mouth. It felt so wrong to her. The underworld dog in question was fighting still, a red-ish glimmer coloring her chest slightly. Heat?

Not only that, Hellhound seemed hurt yet her body was still trying to heal, slowly. She was getting a little faster by the moment, more merciless as everyone tried to fight her off or kill her somehow. Yet, doing so only seemed to make her worst and angrier... More savage... Exactly the feeling the beast girl was looking for. Even worse, the town was getting eaten by flames more and more as well. "Play with me more...! Kill me if you can!", she taunted everyone, wanting to feel the thrill of battle. The sword woman was getting closer but waited while her men tried to shoot at the monster. She was fast, getting rid of them one by one until nobody but her remained. A panting beast ignoring the woman for now stood still, hurt but not done. What pushed such a monster to do this?

The woman did not wait, thinking that it was her chance... She was filled with anger at seeing so much destruction from a single monster girl... Shouting for revenge, she dashed to slash but missed as Hellhound dodged just in time, watching her for now as the woman attacked relentlessly, forcing the beast to either dodge or block, getting hurt worse as a result but it fed Hellhound's power. The desperate woman tried to go for the kill but the blade of her sword was stopped by the monster girl's hand, making her wince but give a violent strike at the woman's chest, knocking her back and letting go of her weapon. Hellhound then just dropped the sword before she leapt at her before she could regain her stance, pinning her down to the ground. "I told you I would make you mine."

Hellhound was bleeding here and there but that did not seem to stop her. Grinning a bit even, she leaned in to kiss the confused woman who was powerless to push her back now. The town was burning and nobody around could save her from what this cursed monster girl would do to her. Using a hand and her claws, she undid the woman's armor and stripped it off her, casting it away, leaving her to blush and more so when Hellhound stripped any chest protection she had. "W-what are you doing?". The beast smirked and stood above her but put a foot on top of her stomach to stop her from going anywhere, soon grabbing her legs and stripping any clothes or armor off them as well. Afterward, the only thing the woman was left with was her panties, otherwise, naked.

The woman was in panic, having seen her town attacked, set ablaze only to be stripped naked by the same beast girl who committed all of this destruction. The girl's foot had pretty threatening claws against her belly as well and trying to escape would only make her tear through her like paper. "A-are you going to...", she started asking, as Hellhound soon lifted her paw, turned around to face again then moved down kneeling above her. "You're mine... I earned it.", she said to her then leaned down to kiss her again. This unnatural warmth again, it felt good but she didn't want to be the toy of a monster. Despite this, Hellhound only stopped the kiss to offer a worse alternative, one that was bound to come. Sitting on her belly, she started to cup the woman's breasts, playing with them.

"S-stop! I don't want this, you filthy m-monster.", she ordered again but Hellhound suddenly squeezed her breasts hard, making her cry out a bit. "I don't want to hurt you but I will if you don't play nice... ♪", she warned her, making her quiet unless she wanted to be tortured by a monster and probably killed. The worst was that Hellhound was leaving blood stains on her body, only adding to the nastiness of it. The woman was tough normally but this was a lot, enough to make her cry. Not enough to make her beg, knowing it would not help. Hellhound played more kindly with her breasts now that she was quiet but the worst had not come yet. Playfully, she moved back to between the woman's legs and before she could resist, the beast girl lifted the woman's butt against herself.

Now partly upside down, with her legs forced back toward herself, she was locked for a much worse fate. "L-let go of me now! You won't do this... I forbid you!". Hellhound grinned but gently grabbed her panties before she tore them off and instantly started licking her pussy. It was warm... It felt good... Even her butt against Hellhound's chest felt good from her unnatural warmth. "N-nooo... Don't make me f-feel this..." but that didn't stop her. All hellhound wanted now was her reward and she was going to lick her easily pleasured pussy for it. If it was not bad enough, she soon inserted her tongue inside and started eating her out, probably since she was already getting wet. Why did it feel so good...? She was so hot, so rough... The woman already felt like she was going to come....

Hellhound didn't stop. If anything, she was getting rougher with this poor human who barely could take it, forcing her to moan loudly and louder. It took only a moment that seemed to last longer to the woman, for her to cry out, squirm and squirt in orgasm to the thirsty beast girl who switched from licking to drinking her juices. At the end, she gave a deep and hot lick of her pussy once more before she pulled back and licked her lips, taking in all the juices she could before she let her butt down gently and moved away. "Thank you...! ♫ You have been fun to play with.", she told the woman panting on the ground before she started leaving. The town was in flames and if any survivors existed, they probably escaped the town. The woman for now would be safe, recovering...

With this attack, Hellhound started feeling what she was capable of but what she never had tapped into due to her laziness... She was stronger and quicker than she knew and if she continued to train, she probably could get her revenge with the magical girls who made her feel weak. They did not know the power of the Underworld Beast. She barely knew her own power and what limit she could reach and the fun of finding out was only starting. Hellhound did not plan to leave back home just yet. The battle had put a toll on her body, even if she was healing slowly from it. A proper rest somewhere close by would probably do well. Nothing wrong with resting after a fight. What she had absorbed from the woman would also sustain her for the time being, until she would hunt.

Edited by Warning
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