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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Shinigami followed them inside and the portal closed, leaving only what they had left behind, mainly Mitsuko's clothes. They would find themselves inside the main hall of the manor in question and despite Shinigami's look, the place did not seem too creepy looking. A carpet made sure to leave their feet on soft ground but the floor otherwise was made of polished wood. It almost certainly was not a demon made place but nobody seemed to be around. Perhaps Shinigami took over the place sometimes in the past...

The fox girl turned to them, enjoying the sight but she allowed them to get a sight of the place. Like any good manors, a large stairway brought to the second floor as well. "You have access to anything in this place, as you wish. Food in quantity, bedrooms and even baths. Consider yourselves guests of mine... Nobody will bother you. My only rule is for you to remain nude at all times.", she explained while Mitsuko still seemed impressed with the area. Remaining nude was new to her but it did not feel so bad, at least.

Nall himself probably was not new to it but he certainly did not expect it for the kind that appeared dressed at all times. Shinigami was right on one thing, the both of them were beautiful. Mitsuko still held Jumi's hand while exploring with only her eyes for now, wondering when and how the fox would want to do something with them. Meanwhile, she also felt a little happy inside that Shinigami thought so of her, considering the doubt she had about herself at first. Yet, Jumi and the fox girl both showed appreciation.

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Jumi nodded.  “We are yours until the time frame of the deal is up.  May I ask if you have decided a timeframe yet?”  She remained respectful, business like, for now.  Shinigami would decide when the time for intimacy.  Jumi was more or less comfortable with that.  They were guests, but they were not her equals.  Jumi would show Shinigami she understood that.  She suspected the two of them and Nall would be left alone at least some of the time, though they might always be watched.  It was pleasant place at least.  She could relax a little here.

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Shinigami seemed to think for a bit but wasn't very sure. Still, she did an effort to reply, "You spoke of a few days so let's make it so. No longer than three days should suffice... Once three days are gone, I will personally bring you back to where you come from myself. Expect to have some time with me within these three days. Otherwise, the place is yours to use as you see fit.". Her eyes took a good look at them, thinking about how she could offer them an appropriate welcome to her home. Mitsuko seemed to also give the fox a look but looked away as she was herself observed.

Shinigami smirked after a while and moved closer to them, mostly at Mitsuko. "Perhaps a first satisfaction of curiosity would be in order. You expressed much of it while looking at and touching me... How about more?", she asked the schoolgirl who turned to face her, suddenly blushing plenty. She was asking her, which was already a good step but she was not sure what to respond. Her body mostly did for her, bare for all to see, and she knew. But there was Jumi... Even though she would be safe in this place unless she wanted to join. Nall seemed oblivious but not completely dumb...

Still, there was not much Nall could do and all he cared about was that Mitsuko would not be harmed. "I-I... would not mind that, I suppose...", she said quietly, looking at Shinigami more carefully, from head to toes... She was not anything like a human, like Jumi, but she still was caught thinking about how soft some part of her would feel. As if to answer a kind of inner thought, the fox played fair and made her clothes vanish, allowing them a sight on as much as she could see of them. She was not wearing much to begin with but her body was humanoid alright, with noticeable nipples.

If they looked between her legs, that part would be slightly harder to see due to some of her fur blocking the view. She seemed to remain in control enough that her body remained calm and composed despite the wish to play with them. No signs of arousal could be seen but it did not mean that she was not thinking about it. And then, her feet, more so for what Mitsuko cared about, didn't seem like the kind she was normally attracted to. Touching them or seeing them wiggle might still be interesting to at least one of them. Mitsuko was more worried about what Jumi wished.

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It was the first time Jumi was approaching anything sexual with a female demon.  None of them had ever expressed that sort of interest in her previously.  Only a desire to fight.  But then there there was the question of what this Shinigami really was, demon?  Goddess?  A mix?  The similarities to male demons were a discomfort, but the differences easier her a little.

”I accept.  We are yours for the next three days.  I will be a good guest.”  It was a formality, but the first deal was official now.  Jumi had completely agreed to it, all the details.  She looked over the creature’s nude form.  Familiar, yet different.  Humanoid, but not human.  She was still unsure what to expect.  How they would be ‘treated well’.

She did not want Mitsuko to feel uncomfortable due to her.  She encouraged her.  “I agreed to this willingly.  There is something about her that interests you?  If you want to touch her, go ahead.”  Mitsuko had seemed to be a little attracted, physically, at least, to Shinigami.  Jumi was not going to be bothered if Mitsuko acted on it.  Unsure as she was, how far this time would go.  Jumi had her concerns, but she was taking the risk of trusting the demon’s word.

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Mitsuko seemed pretty willing, half because it was part of the deal but half because she was curious. She still liked and wanted to be with Jumi but as the fairy herself mentioned before, the sexual nature of magical girl allowed them to play here and there without much worries. That explanation did not exactly include beast girls or demons, although that risk was told to her anyhow. For Shinigami, who treated them well so far, Mitsuko felt a sense of security, false or not, and knowing Jumi's history, she had a feeling she would be fine if hopefully she was comfortable with things.

Shinigami was already aware of her concerns. Jumi's submission to want to do this gave her a smile but she would probably give her a chance and see how far the girl would go. Maybe getting Mitsuko into this would encourage Jumi to get into it. For now, she took Mitsuko's hand, leaving the other one free for the girl to hold Jumi's. "Let's head to the bedroom, then. Please do not bother us, cat. You have the manor to yourself...", she warned Nall while climbing the stairs with them. Nall was going to retort but figured it would be best not to. He hoped both would just be fine.

Once at the bedroom, the two of them could see a very large bed inside. The room itself fit the kind of place this manor was and a small surprising scent of freshness floated in the air, proof that the place was kept clean at least. Shinigami did not hesitate to climb the bed but more so, lift her tail to give a glimpse of what they could enjoy. Mitsuko who was following right behind her until then blushed easily while Shinigami didn't stop there, finally sitting on the bed with her legs spread open, soon offering a hand to her and perhaps Jumi to join her. "This room will be ours, now."

Mitsuko gazed at Jumi and leaned close to give her a kiss before she joined the fox, sitting on the bed that was amazingly soft. "W-what should we do...? I-I'm sorry, the only person who I recently enjoyed some time like this with, was...", she started, blushing as she looked at Jumi. Shinigami turned her eyes to the fairy before she looked at Mitsuko. "Anything you like... If you're willing to be the one to pull a move on me. Unless you prefer for me to make you feel good instead...", she teased but spoke the truth while her eyes looked back to Jumi, trying to see what she thought.

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Jumi took Mitsuko’s other hand, let Shinigami lead them.  They going to get a taste of this from the beginning.  So be it, it was up to her to decide when they did that.  Following to the bed room.  ‘Our bedroom’ she said.  She and Mitsuko would have some private time, but the three of them would be sleeping together for the next few days.  It was not really surprising, but Jumi had wondered if they would have their own room part of the time.

She returned Mitsuko’s kiss.  Tried to hold a few seconds longer.  Not caring about the demon watching.  Shinigami already understood the bond between the two girls.  Sexual, if not more.  But she did not stop Mitsuko from going to the bed, both had offered their bodies to Shinigami, at least for the three days.  Jumi was not the sort to feel jealous seeing Mitsuko with someone else, anyways.

For the moment she watched them.  She did not feel Mitsuko’s attraction towards Shinigami, but she was curious how the creature had sex.  She would soon demonstrate those words, how she would treat Mitsuko well.  “Do you desire me now?” She asked Shinigami, not anything like a Broken Girl, but as long as the deal continued, showing a respectful submissiveness to the demon, a side of her which Mitsuko would not otherwise see.  “I am willing to just watch you two for now, otherwise.  Let you have your moment with Mitsuko.”  She would join in at some point, but for now, she would watch.  Unless Shinigami instructed her to join in.

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami smirked a little with the question about desire for her but she was not going to force Jumi into it if she didn't want it. If she was willing to watch then it was fine by her. Mitsuko seemed to be the principal one interested in having a good time with her. Especially with what she was told or what she guessed of Jumi's history, it was fair to give her some space. "Don't be silly... You're no slave of mine. If you're willing to watch then so be it. This one, however...", she turned to Mitsuko and slowly moved her legs under herself to kneel until she approached over her.

Mitsuko was also fine with her watching, even happy Shinigami did not force her. As she seemed to guess that she was more interested, the fox moved closer to her, enough that she could smell her scent from her belly now at her height, softly furred, making her lean against it as she was too close now to stop herself. Shinigami simply smirked and rubbed her head, looking down at her. "What will it be, then? All you see here is either yours to play with or...", she said, pushing Mitsuko back gently and reaching for her legs that she lifted slowly up high from between hers.

"...Or you become the one to feel what I can do to you.", she said as she held Mitsuko's legs up against herself with her feet on each side of the fox's head now, forcing Mitsuko down against the bed. Granted, she did not feel any force but the position made her absolutely embarrassed yet not in a wrong way. Her pussy could probably be seen from between Shinigami's though and she was hardly controlling her arousal. Mitsuko's eye looked up to the fox, her face red and even if she wanted to do anything at this point, she made this so teasing. "P-please lick..." she started.

Shinigami tilted her head while Mitsuko suddenly remembered Jumi was still there to hear any of her thoughts. It was too late... Mitsuko moved her leg slowly and presented her foot to the fox, making her blink before she grinned. "Quite naughty for a human but alright. Am I the one making you feel like this, though?", she asked teasingly while reaching to give a rub of her pussy, to which Mitsuko just gasped and looked away, nodding slowly. It was hard to deny, her legs hugged by the fox felt her fur so nicely. So close of something to occur. Jumi was also watching...

Mitsuko knew that her foot would be the least of concerns here... She was going to make her feel pleasure somehow. Shinigami was focused entirely on Mitsuko, looking down at her for now. After a bit of thinking, she gave one lick at Mitsuko's foot, making her gasp again then, "I will make you feel good, then... Tell me first how you feel about this.", she said and seemed to cast a spell on herself and suddenly, where her clit was, something grew into something bigger and longer, appropriately sized for her body, which Jumi might or not notice. Mitsuko simply turned red.

"I-It's... B-but...", Mitsuko was speechless from what Shinigami was willing to do, especially in this vulnerable position. And yet... She was practically a virgin but she liked to think sex with Jumi counted and she was her first. But this still changed how she was going to feel it... inside... Shinigami teased her a little and took another lick of her foot, making her toes curl. She was right... She liked it so far and probably even wanted it but maybe Jumi would be against~ !! Her thought was soon interrupted by another gasp as the fox rubbed it against her pussy. "Speak, do you want it?"

Mitsuko was so embarrassed but... She didn't want it to stop. She was there for it and she knew it would come soon or later. "Y-yes, please... W-will it feel good...?", she asked, being so new at this. Shinigami grinned from the question and nodded, "See for yourself and tell me.", she told her and pulled back until the tip pushed against her pussy then suddenly, she gave a thrust to push her penis inside. Not too roughly but enough to feel her inside, making Mitsuko's eyes widen and if the penetration was not visible to Jumi, her curling toes and moan would tell her much.

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Jumi did not consider herself a slave, but if this creature was what she might be, she deserved a great deal of respect.  Obedience, within reason, but as part of the deal.  She did not intend to betray core beliefs or anything like that.  Maybe Shinigami would understand, it was a sign of a slowly growing if reluctant respect, combined with acknowledging their power difference.

It was a little arousing to watch someone else do things to Mitsuko, not the first time either.  Mitsuko truly wanted this.  It was becoming clearer.  Jumi was not bothered.  Though it was why she was here.  Together it should be fine.  If Mitsuko and Shinigami had been alone long term though, Mitsuko might have eventually forgot her, fallen for this creature.

It took her a moment to realize what Shinigami was doing.  Then she blushed.  She had heard of this, some demons could do.  Temporary hermaphroditism.  Jumi had offered the possibility of a toy to Mitsuko.  Shinigami was going to offer her the real thing though.  Teach Mitsuko what it felt like for a man to take her, though it was not a man, a woman with a man’s part.

She did not regret Mitsuko was going to feel it this way first.  She had hoped Mitsuko would feel the ring thing eventually…Shinigami might do the same thing to her later.  She felt a little wetness, watching Mitsuko lose a different sort of virginity.  She  could not look away, did not want to.  She wanted to watch Mitsuko learn this pleasure, Jumi already knew.  How good it could feel.

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Deep inside her pussy, Shinigami observed the schoolgirl taking a bit to calm down, she playfully gave another lick of her foot and watched her reaction as Mitsuko was realizing what her pussy was tightening against. "Y-your... You... I-is it real...?", she asked with uncertainty while Shinigami smiled and nodded, "As real as I am... This is only the beginning. You wanted me to lick your foot and I wanted to enjoy your virgin pussy... A fair deal, isn't it? Now, sit tight and enjoy...", she said, pulling her penis a little, almost taking the tip out but soon thrust inside again once more.

Mitsuko's body reacted again but Shinigami was holding her ankles, stopping her from moving too much. Her moving toes would not stop her from starting to give a real licking of her foot as she had asked, not really minding what it looked like. In exchange, she was starting to fuck Mitsuko's pussy slowly, letting her to get used to the feeling first. She did not say anything to stop it from happening, only grasping the bed with her free hands and moaning louder and louder. "S-so... T-this is what i-it feels like...", she muttered but she enjoyed it as much as the fox did.

Mitsuko was barely able to control how her body reacted to each single thrusts invading her pussy, reaching against the end each times. "J-jumi... I-It feels so g-good.", she directed her moaning comment to her friend who she didn't know if she was still watching. She obviously didn't want to make her feel like this always felt good, not to devalue her suffering, but Shinigami was really making her feel amazing. Or was being raped felt this good as well...? Mitsuko had given her consent so she did not see this as rape anyhow. Her pussy was squirting a little, now.

It didn't take long before she even drooled a little. She didn't even understand how this worked but a question sprouted in her mind... If Shinigami came into her, would she...? !! Mitsuko looked down as the fox soon sped things a little, giving sounds for Jumi to enjoy and whatever juices she was leaking. "S-shinigami...", she finally called the name of the fox who was done licking her foot by now and focused on fucking her. "I must say... You have one of the best pussies I had the chance to enjoy. I will give you all the cum you moan for.", she told her, moaning as well, now.

Mitsuko blushed red and moaned out. "W-wait but I-I don't want to be...~", she moaned out as Shinimagi moved closer and grinned, "You won't be...", she said while thrusting harder and soon roughly but before she could cry out, the fox girl moved into a kiss with her, laying on top of her as Jumi could only see Shinigami cum inside Mitsuko's pussy enough to even leak out a little after a bit. Shinigami's pussy also squirted out some as both climaxed at once. She soon ended on top of Mitsuko as both panted heavily, sliding her penis out of her to let the cum leak free.

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Jumi watched intensely.  Aroused by the sight.  Was it Mitsuko getting fucked that turned her on?  Something else?  She had not realized at first, she had started touching herself to the sight.  Listening to the things Mitsuko said.  “I know…doesn’t it?  I knew you would love it, if you gave it a try.”  Now Mitsuko could at least somewhat understand her desire for men, even if this was not quite the same.

Then the question came up.  Yes.  Impregnation.  That was the risk here.  Shinigami reassured Mitsuko it would not happen, but Jumi was sure it was possible biologically.  They could bear a demon’s child.  She was sure they were both capable of having Shinigami’s child, though if Shinigami was the goddess Jumi wondered if she was, Shinigami probably had control over whether that was possible. Could do it safely in a way others could not. “It’s feels natural doesn’t it?  She might not be a man, but you have an idea of what it feels like now.  A ‘man’ and woman becoming one.”  She did not care if either of them had realized she was touching herself.  Though she took a break from it as Shinigami came inside Mitsuko.  The warmth of the fluid.  She was sure Mitsuko would enjoy it, find it ‘natural’.  

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It took a moment for Mitsuko to pant, recover, get a fine whiff of the fox girl against her, gently hugging her while her pussy was freed from her penis yet still feeling so warm down there as cum was leaking out her spread pussy. She indeed loved it, somehow. Shinigami had given her pussy the experience of sex and her womb felt hot cum for the first time. Listening to Jumi, she wondered but she was right... She had not been fucked by a toy. However that worked, it was Shinigami's penis. "I-Is it how that felt when...", she started but blushed, stopping herself right away.

Of course it had felt the same... Or worse, if they mistreated her. Shinigami took a moment to raise herself above Mitsuko, her penis had gone slightly limp, leaking a trail of cum. "Now, that's not a question to ask... Don't make me punish you by fucking you once more.", she smirked and looked back to Jumi who made her smile and turn over to sit at Mitsuko's side, a hand gently scratching the girl's belly. "Well, now who is desiring who? Tell us, what did you like more...? Me fucking her tight pussy or this pussy taking it so well...?", she asked while reaching to Mitsuko's clit.

Her fingers gently rubbed the girl's pussy while her own penis hardened gently. Making sure that she could see, Shinimagi spread Mitsuko's pussy open with two fingers to let the cum out but even inserted two fingers inside, making the girl moan again as the lewd sound of a wet, cum-filled, pussy could be heard. "S-shinigami...!", Mitsuko let out but didn't stop her, closing her eyes to feel the pleasure from the fox rubbing her inside for Jumi to see. But this alone was not all as she also gently reached to her penis to stroke it. "What will it be? You want part of the fun?"

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The two were presented before Jumi, showing the aftermath of their sex, Mitsuko showing the signs of her orgasm, on her face, and Jumi looked as well to the cum filled pussy.  She showed no reaction to Nitsuko’s unfinished question.  Then her eves to Shinigami.  Below, her mix of man and woman.  Both parts.  Though her woman’s parts were concealed by her man’s parts.

Her body belonged to Shinigami for the next three days.  She could feel that too. She addressed the earlier point.  “Let me clarify first.  You are right, I am not a slave.  But I still think you deserve a degree of….submission, from me.  I am not doing it out of fear or anything like that.  I’m doing it because I think you deserve it, hopefully you will appreciate it.”  It was both sexual and not.  She would not be completely passive, but she was doing it in part to please the creature, and hoped she would take advantage of it.

”As for what I liked more..I cannot say.”  She truly enjoyed the sight of Mitsuko, the sounds she made.  But was that it?  She no longer considered Shinigami a demon, at least not a conventional one.  Though she was uncertain whether the term goddess truly applied.

To prove she was not considering herself a slave, she walked over.  Stood before Shinigami, looked to Mitsuko.  Then dropped to her knees before Shinigami.  Her mouth so close to the shaft.  “Would you enjoy it?  I would show Mitsuko something she has not seen before, if you want it.”  She had prepared herself.  Knew she was going to have sex with Shinigami.  Though she had not expected this way.  It did somehow feel right to start with sucking Shinigami off, if she liked the idea.

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Shinigami smiled while still playing with Mitsuko close to her, her hand resting on the girl's pelvis while she fingered her casually, not being too rough but still making her moan and spread her legs. Her position allowed for Mitsuko to have a reach for her tail as well, which the fox didn't mind as her attention was focused on Jumi who felt like clarifying things, which was amusing to her but she respected her honesty, "I appreciate it so far... Your friend was quick to submit herself to me and she seems to enjoy this a little much, doesn't she?", she said with a grinning smile.

With the juices that were coming out of Mitsuko, she probably was heading toward a second orgasm. Shinigami wasn't too rough with her but her fingers were definitely masturbating her. Still, Shinigami's attention was on Jumi and the fairy didn't seem decided on what she was enjoying more. The fox herself had kept her penis ready for more but she soon had left it be so Jumi could see it clearly, a small trail of cum leaked out of it while her pussy was wet under it. She did not force the fairy to make any choices, however. The scene by itself would make her choose.

As Jumi stepped forward and stood in front of Shinigami, only to kneel down to level herself with her penis, the fox gave a smile and reached to rub her head but did not move her or anything otherwise. "You would lick it even after I fucked her pussy? I would enjoy that but speaking of which, she seems to enjoy my tail while her pussy is begging to come again.", she observed and increased the pace of her fingers, even thrusting Mitsuko roughly, now. The moaning could be heard going louder as a result and Shinigami would not stop until she'd get her orgasm.

Mitsuko was indeed enjoying Shinigami's tail, hugging it while her spread legs allowed for Shinigami to masturbate her so roughly, She had no idea if Jumi watched but she felt so good that it was only a matter of time before... She cried out as her pussy squirted and her body convulsed in orgasm for a bit. Only then did Shinigami pulled her fingers out and brought them closer to lick the juices off them. Mitsuko seemed to pant for a moment before she would slowly bring herself up, only to see Jumi in front of Shinigami who smiled to her. "She wants you to watch, now..."

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“You were right.”  Jumi admitted to what Shinigami said earlier, that Mitsuko would enjoy this.  Jumi watched it all, not taking action yet.  She was exploring a new side of herself here.  She had never been this submissive towards someone before.  But it was by choice, she wanted to act like this for Shinigami.  “…I want to lick it…to suck it.  I will please you.”  The act itself was sometimes seen as submissive, and as the opening act, Jumi somewhat intended it as such this time.  Though while she not have been exceptionally skilled, this was far from the first time she had done this.

”Please watch, Mitsuko.  This is another way to please a ‘man’.”  Something Mitsuko might try with Shinigami later.  Something not really worth doing with a toy, but useful with the real thing.  “My tongue has already tasted Mitsuko.  It only makes this better.”  She addressed Shinigami’s other question.  As she licked the tip, first, sucked a bit, drawing out any lingering drops of cum.  Her hand wrapped around the shaft, jerking it a few times to harden it again.  Before sliding her tongue up the shaft.  Then she took it into her mouth, closing her eyes.  She did it.  She was having willing sex with a non-human for the first time.  Her head eagerly bobbed.  Sometimes going up and down the shaft, sometimes lingering at the tip.  Wrapping her tongue around it.  Occasionally left out a soft moan.  It was surprisingly natural.  No reluctance.  Some eagerness, as if to prove her words.  She let out a soft moan a few times, out of enjoyment of the act, pleasing Shinigami, and that Mitsuko was watching her do something like this to someone else.

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Shinigami only gave a smile to the fairy admitting that she was right even if she was not sure about what but the possibilities were not many. Jumi or Mitsuko especially looked like they were enjoying themselves. The vocalized wish to lick and suck her penis made her hard still and Shinigami really believed that Jumi would indeed manage to please her. Mitsuko herself moved to sit more comfortably while her body could rest, blushing to the fact Jumi would really do this. It was not as bad as seeing her own pussy being fucked by it. She wondered if Jumi would do it, too...

When Shinigami was revealed that Jumi already had tasted Mitsuko before, the fox eyed the schoolgirl who just slowly nodded. She didn't want to hide it, not after this. "Naughty but delicious, I bet...", Shinigami teased but Mitsuko's gaze shifted to Jumi who had started to lick, making her stare. The fox looked back to the fairy as well, gasping softly as she started making her feel good. Her own hands were left behind herself for support while she watched. First, she was licked and cleaned up then jerked, making her pretty hard but the licking and what was next were the best of it...

Mitsuko watched her friend take Shinigami's penis inside her mouth, the one which was deep inside her vagina just before. Shinigami herself gave out a pleased moan and did nothing to interfere with or force the girl. "S-she... I saw her lick me before but seeing her like this...", Mitsuko commented as the fox girl grinned slightly, along with controlling her moaning. "Looks good, doesn't it...? She's really giving it to me, right now. She wants it...", she replied, feeling the willing and unforced movements of the fairy. Mitsuko was kind of happy but watching it made her feel strange...

Slowly, Mitsuko moved from the bed and went to kneel nearby Jumi, wanting to be there with her. She was still watching alright but she would be at her side, a hand feeling Jumi's back gently. Even with Shinigami being playful with them, Mitsuko liked the sight of Jumi's body but seeing her licking and sucking the fox's penis even made her somewhat feel good. Not something she would masturbate over right now but... Her hand moved down, caressing the fairy's back and soon her butt. It was a daring move but she wanted to know how Jumi felt. Perhaps make her feel good.

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A girl did not get any direct pleasure from sucking someone off, of course, but Jumi usually enjoyed doing it.  There was something appealing about the feel of a hard shaft in her mouth.  She enjoyed pleasing her partners as well.  She had done for most of the human men she had previously had sex with.  Usually as a warm up.  Though it was usually more playful.  There was some playfulness here too, but it was also to demonstrate submission to Shinigami.

She was trying to trust Shinigami.  That she was honest.  That they would enjoy this.  She might not have been 100% convinced ye, but she was starting to believe.  This was a demonstration of that.  A hint of what Shinigami could get from Jumi, if the trust grew.

Her eyes were closed, but she felt Mitsuko move.  The girl she had chosen to do this for.  What would they be like in 3 days?  Towards Shinigami and towards each other?  She pleased by the touch.  She wondered if Mitsuko was curious, wanted to try sucking Shinigami.  She would eventually get a chance, if she did.  But Jumi did not stop.  Her mouth clung to Shinigami’s shaft, hoping to use her mouth to bring the maybe goddess to orgasm.

When Mitsuko’s hand reached her rear, she shifted a little.  Pressing it more against her, silently encouraging the hand to linger there, if she wanted.  To keep touching her how she wanted.  Slowly beginning to shift it into a proper threesome?  But did want Mitsuko to keep watching until the blowjob was over.

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Shinigami watched what was going on but also gave out some moans to Jumi's efforts. Whether this penis was real or magic to her, she felt everything done to her like it was a real one. Jumi would easily know it from the twitching her penis was doing from being licked and sucked, not to mention the pre-cum leaking for her as a result of pleasure. Mitsuko stared still and eyed up to Shinigami a bit who smiled to her, "What are you waiting for...? You look like you want to touch her...", she told the girl who looked back down at Jumi, unsure about wanting to do so.

Mitsuko didn't want to quit looking but her hand wanted to feel more and the fox girl could see her touching there. Jumi herself looked like she was teasing her into it and after consideration, she nodded slowly. Her hand moved slowly behind her and between her legs, first touching her butthole but moved further to brush her fingers against her pussy, not forcing anything on her but rubbing there gently while she watched still. A chance for her to give the fairy some pleasure while curiously seeing Shinigami's penis being played with so lewdly. Jumi seemed to know...

Shinigami's tail slowly moved as she watched both of them, thinking about Mitsuko doing the same thing to her but Jumi already made it incredible. A beautiful pair of human girls that would normally be an easy prey for demons. Their perfect bodies would attract the vilest of them to rape them and she knew now that at least Jumi had suffered it. She was going to fuck them as much as she was allowed to but not in a way a demon would. Not in a harmful or trauma-inducing way. They accepted it and she was willing to let them have as much fun as they wanted.

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It certainly felt like the real thing in Jumi’s mouth.  With her eyes closed, she might have easily convinced herself she was sucking a man off again.  Her hands lifted, put themselves on Shinigami’s hips, feeling the furry skin for the first time.  And the feminine shape of them, reminding her it was not a man.  It was an interesting feeling.  She swallowed the first drops, similar but distinct from the taste of human seed.  She was quite willing to swallow, unless Shinigami preferred to leave it on her body.

Mitsuko’s fingers were pleasing. She blushed, and moaned softly, at the hint Mitsuko was interested in both her holes.  Again something she was comfortable with, and had some experience with from men and women.  She would not stop Mitsuko’s hands, wherever they went.  She could feel Jumi’s wetness, from watching what Shinigami did to her and what she was doing now.  Deep down, perhaps she already wanted Shinigami to do that to her.  But she wanted to finish with her mouth first.  Shinigami must have understood, feeling it in Jumi’s eagerness.

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Shinigami's penis throbbed as she was getting closer for sure. If she had any weakness, she was at least capable of feeling pleasure and enjoy it. Mitsuko for herself pulled her fingers after a bit and blushed, soon licking the fairy's juices on them. The act made the fox only grin to the sight. "You know what to do... If you want to keep watching as I cum for her, you can still do to her what I did to you.", she teased in so many ways. She was going to cum, as in the warmth she felt inside her womb as her penis dug deeply inside her pussy...? But from there, Jumi was going to...

The face of the valkyrie turned red and she could only watch more intently, wondering if Jumi was going to take it or not. But Shinigami was right... Maybe a little would not hurt. Her fingers returned to her pussy and she rubbed once more before she pushed two fingers inside very gently. Hers were not anything like the fox's but if she trusted when she herself tried it, before Shinigami herself pleasured her, surely it was going to feel good. Feeling Jumi's pussy was wonderful in its own right and Mitsuko started moving her fingers inside, thrusting very slowly for her.

Meanwhile, with the efforts Jumi was doing for Shinigami's penis, she was starting to moan and throb a little more, to the point she reached to put a hand on her head but left it leaned against it. In no way was she forcing her to stay and take it if she did not want to. It was hard not to pull her to deepen the orgasm like she had done for Mitsuko's pussy to cum deep inside her but she kept control, letting the fairy lead. A moment later, her hand moved away for her own support again as she was moaning loudly toward it. Her penis twitched as she gave a last moan.

A flow of cum soon shot inside Jumi's mouth and Mitsuko could only stay there and watch, however Jumi reacted. Even her fingers at her pussy would slow down to a stop to witness the moment Shinigami was cumming inside the fairy's mouth, fully expending her orgasm inside her unless the fairy decided otherwise, which would leave quite a mess on the girl, potentially even both. Shinigami would only calm down after a moment when she dropped herself laying on the bed to enjoy the pleasure of that moment, panting but her penis would not calm down, just yet...

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Jumi let out a muffled moan as Mitsuko touched her.  Her hips squirmed a little.  She already deeply craved Mitsuko of course, as she had proven the previous night.  She enjoyed Shinigami’s hand on her head too, her fingers pressing into the creature’s hips.  Enough to leave a mark, if she had been human.  She kept going, she was growing obedient in some ways, mostly sexually, though not a slave or puppet.  If Shinigami asked her to do something, she likely would, but she would do what she wanted, if left up to her.  Her mouth remained secure until it came.  Her eyes finally opened, she looked up, into Shinigami’s eyes as she swallowed it all.  She lingered, trying to suck out lingering drops.  She finally opened her mouth, licked her lips.

She looked at the still hard shaft.  As Mitsuko touched her.  She moaned softly, temptation entering her mind.  Was she ready to experience what Mitsuko had.  “…Did you…mmm…enjoy watching that?  You might not be able to do it as often as me…but you might enjoy it later.”  She suspected Mitsuko would never enjoy a man’s touch the way she did.  But Shinigami gave her the opportunity to experience something more or less the same.  At least how it felt.  “I enjoyed watching her fuck you…teaching you mmm what it felt like.”  She let Mitsuko know, she watched it all.  For the moment Jumi and Mitsuko were focused on each other.  But neither of them were likely to be able to ignore their host for long.  She would get more attention soon enough, one way or another.

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Shinigami relaxed for a bit but Mitsuko had watched everything. She had not let one drop of cum escape except for what was now lingering onto the fox's penis. Jumi asked if she enjoyed it and all Mitsuko could think about for now was to lean close and give the girl a kiss on the lips, if only to get a glimpse of what it tasted like. She didn't know if she could do what she had done but kissing to get a hint was the least she could do. The last part came and she was so embarrassed. "Y-you enjoyed watching...? M-my pussy never felt like this before. S-she was pounding me...", she muttered.

Shinigami slowly got up and grinned, mostly toward Mitsuko, as she was rubbing her own penis gently. "I was pounding you alright. Each thrust inside your pussy felt like a bliss. You tightened around me and didn't want to let go... I could fuck your pussy so many times but...", her eyes shifted to Jumi while Mitsuko was left speechless with memories of what Shinigami explained. Her pussy really felt this good? At the same time, she loved every thrusts as well... She did not have an interest in men but Shinigami was not one yet she still managed to almost make her beg for more...

Shinigami's attention, turned to jumi, begged the question of sex, "Maybe you would like to take her place... Not the way I did it to her unless you want me to but perhaps you would like to experience it yourself... Your friend left your pussy quiet wet...", she said and smiled at the idea of Jumi riding her to satisfy her own pussy. Mitsuko wasn't sure if she wanted to prevent it or not. She would gladly take her place if she had to but Shinigami was not trying to force Jumi to it but rather invite her. "J-jumi... I can also do it if you prefer... I-I really don't mind.", she offered to her, for her sake.

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Jumi had actually been considering offering a kiss, to Mitsuko a hint of the taste.  She was pleased Mitsuko did it on her own, though she would have given a much more passionate one.  “Two bodies becoming one.  These is nothing wrong if you don’t desire men.  But it is what our bodies were made for, natural for a girl to love how that feels, to want it.”  To watch two people have sex as ‘man’ and woman was naturally appealing.  She did want to see more of it eventually.  

“I believe you could have made Mitsuko completely yours, if I had not come with.  Made her happy to live here forever.”  She admitted to Shinigami.  She completelY believed it.  But now that she was here, she did not know would happen but it was more complicated.  “Be honest with me, Mitsuko.  You are attracted to her?  You crave more of that?  More of her?” She said it with a smile, friendly yet dirty.  That she would not be hurt at all to hear what she expected to be the truth.  She was not telling Mitsuko to take her place, had not answered what she wanted to do yet.  She wanted to hear Mitsuko say what she suspected, since before they left the convention.

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Mitsuko simply nodded slowly to the first explanations given by Jumi. Shinigami was perfect in kind as she could please her vagina like she could never do on her own. Sex with jumi felt incredible as well but that was her lesbian fantasy and she would not want to replace her. Still... Jumi's comment toward Shinigami and the smiling fox's reaction to it seeming to agree with her made her feel odd... As if it was not enough, Jumi now questioned her about her interests for Shinigami. "I-I mean..." She started, looking toward the fox, sitting there and watching them. Her penis waiting.

Mitsuko looked down a little, feeling guilty. Looking at her at first drew an interest for sure and like magic, Shinigami teased her right away for it. An amazing fur that did not feel only good to touch but also to hold. And... She smelled good. A detail she remembered from being face against her belly before. For a demon, if she was one, she took an incredible care of herself. The very first step to being a magical girl was to embrace their sexuality, not let it corrupt them. But... She did not feel corrupted. Shinigami was a beautiful fox, no doubt. Dark in nature but still beautiful to her.

"Y-yes...", she finally said, closing her eyes in guilt before she hugged Jumi tightly, "I-I'm sorry. Am I failing to be a magical girl already? I know she is... who she is. But...", she quieted down, not knowing what more to say. Shinigami, who observed the scene, found her tail to move again at the honesty of the girl without real fear for her. "You're a special one... The rest of your kind would be ready to kill me at first sight and you're here admitting your feelings for me.", she said, not without a small cackle. A place in her heart appreciated the thought. The sight did arouse her though.

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Jumi embraced Mitsuko tightly, not the reaction she expected, but not surprising either.  Before saying anything, she gave Mitsuko the deep kiss.  Plunging her tongue into Mitsuko’s mouth. Reassuring her, also giving her the opportunity to get a little more of Shinigami’s taste.  She held it for a moment, before releasing it.  Pressing their foreheads together.  “I wasn’t judging you.”  She glanced to Shinigami.  “I don’t feel exactly the same way, but I sort of get it.  She isn’t like the others.  And not just because she is much more powerful.  I compared her to a goddess earlier.  I would not be surprised if she truly is one.  She makes me feel things nothing else, man, woman, human, or demon, have.”  She mostly talking about her submissiveness towards Shinigami.  Whether it would be more later, remained to be seen.

”Honestly, I do want to watch her do that to you again.  I’m not jealous, she can satisfy you in a way I cannot.  Just like men and women satisfy me differently.”  Differently, not necessarily one better than the other.  It was more complicated than that.  Even the toy she mentioned earlier, was unlikely to compare to Shinigami’s flesh.  But that did not bother Jumi.  She let go, stood up.  “Thank you, for trying to protect me.  Keeping my past pain in mind.  But like I said, she is different.”  Jumi took a deep breath. “I am ready.  I choose to do this.  Watch if you want.  Just a little different.”  She walked to the bed, crawled on to it.  Offered her body to Shinigami.  But she remained on her hands and knees.  It somehow felt appropriate.  Was it because of the animal like form?  Facing her past?  Just how she wanted it?  “You don’t have to be gentle.  I like it hard.”  She was sure it would be different than previous partners.  “I hope it pleases you as much as Mitsuko.”

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Shinigami tilted her head as she listened to Jumi's words but Mitsuko enjoyed the kiss enough that she happily shared it. She did feel bad that Jumi did not feel comparable to the fox, though. She really did like her and wanted to stay with her, as a teammate and as a protector. She figured her time with Shinigami would only be temporary and whatever lesbian or vaginal experiences she would get in this place would be left to that. Shinigami herself grinned at being called a goddess. She did not really see herself as such but she was not exactly of a demon mind either.

Mitsuko blushed as she admitted to want to see her get fucked by Shinigami again but it was soon compared to what little she could do versus herself. In a way, Mitsuko had broken her promise to have Jumi show her vaginal pleasures. A few things made her feel bad and she was not going to simply leave it at that. But for now, she watched her stand up and plan to take this for herself. Jumi was going to have her watch Shinigami fucking her... It made her speechless but she looked ready. The fox girl herself smiled at the willingness and so, she reached to bring her closer.

"If you like it rough, alright... I'll give your pussy a rough time...", she teased with a grin and moved to get behind her before she pulled Jumi close to herself, her penis now leaning against her pussy between her legs. Soon, she aimed the tip for her entrance and without hesitation or preparation, she thrust inside all the way to her cervix. Before too long, she pulled back then started fucking her roughly, holding Jumi's hips. "Is your experienced pussy satisfied with this hardness?", she asked teasingly. Mitsuko could only blush at the sight, wondering if Jumi was alright.

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