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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Mitsuko had a bright smile at first, taking that news like a good one. The rest of the information however made her more and more worried. "Well... We knew that this place was strange, right? You might be getting nightmares but with the way you're explaining this, it does look real... Maybe you should ask her later. She's the one who knows her home best... Speaking of which... Is she still up there?", she asked, trying to move to another subject for now. "I think a bath wouldn't do bad for any of us right now. Nall... Please give us some girl time for now, alright? You can come back while we're in the bath, though." The cat just nodded and flew off, not questioning Mitsuko. He knew better than to question girls, being 3 of them.

Once he was gone, Mitsuko separated from Jumi and smiled a bit still. "If she's still sleeping, I'm carrying her again. She is not as heavy as I thought...", Mitsuko said jokingly, flexing her arm like she was a strong girl. "Oh... I hope you'll like the apple... I had a feeling you both would be hungry so I left you the two best ones I could find for when you wake up.", she said softly and took Jumi's hand before she started going back upstairs with her, if Jumi allowed it. The valkyrie at least did witness how messy the two had been but not what they had done to get to that state. If she herself got any messy in the process, it did not show on her body anyway and she probably washed it away. For now, she went to the bedroom.

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“She was still asleep when I left at least.”  Jumi answered.  Maybe a bath was for the best.  She looked at the apple.  This one was from Mitsuko after all, not…whoever that was.  She was a little concerned about that girl.  But as long as Mitsuko and Shinigami were here, it was probably all right.  She took Mitsuko’s hand, slowly followed her up.  They would decide what to do about Shinigami, whether to wake her up, if she was not already, when they got there.

”Thank you for the apple, but I think I will wait a little.  It was weirdly connected to that dream and girl.”  She did not intend to refuse it, but she wanted to wait a little before eating it again.  Even if that one was probably safe.  “…A bath is probably good for all of us.”  More for her and Shinigami, but Mitsuko would certainly be welcome.  It was probably the best way to relax.

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Mitsuko seemed to smirk but only softly at the idea of Shinigami being asleep. Whatever she did during their sleep seemed to amuse her, at least. And she had ideas of what she wanted to do, especially with Jumi with her now. As they got to the bedroom, she still listened to her friend, looking strangely at her and the apple. "Maybe you were being toyed with... Dreams can be bizarre. I assure you that these are good, though. I've eaten one myself before I started training.", she tried to reassure her but Jumi could wait if she was not hungry. She worried mostly for what efforts they had spent during the night. Jumi, by the sound of it, seemed to have spent more, if only psychologically. Bad dreams never were really fun.

For now, Mitsuko inspected Shinigami and uncovered her gently then smiled and moved close to hold her close before she would pick her up princess style. The reason for it was because of her tail and any other mean would just put it in the way of her own legs. Surprisingly, the dark vixen just remained asleep. She would blush by what she had under the eyes but she gave a smile to Jumi. "I-I said I would carry her so let's do it... Let's bring her to the bath, just like one of you did for me... If she wakes up, well, I think it will be alright. Her wounds don't look too bad...", she observed before she started heading, looking like she was comfortable enough with bringing the fox around, always minding her tail, to the bathroom.

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Jumi was cautious about the other girl.  Would likely remain so, at least until Shinigami was awake and she could ask her.  Ask her about that version of the house too.  It was just so strange, like it was almost connected to Shinigami and maybe not completely a dream, but a real place of some sort.  Why the rush to ‘escape’ otherwise?  Claims she should not have been there?

She picked up the second apple as Mitsuko grabbed Shinigami.  Could maybe give one to her after she woke up.  For now though she just followed Mitsuko.  “I’ll feel better about it after figuring out if she has any idea what that was all about…whenever that is.  She was exhausted when I went to sleep.”  

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Mitsuko nodded as they went, "...I don't know what you two have done but you make it sound like you had a good time...", she said softly, not judging but feeling a bit envious. The mess over Shinigami did not seem like it was entirely her doing. Like she... came onto herself. Jumi herself certainly had sex but how much, Mitsuko could not really tell. But to exhaust this fox...? Granted, she did not look in very good shape either so she held off from assuming too much. Entering the bathroom carefully, she went and climbed over the bath's edge and gently put her down inside it. Once there, she turned on the water and started filling it with them inside, reaching to the soap to drop a generous amount inside the flowing water.

While it was filling, Mitsuko looked at Jumi. "Well, I am sure we will have answers very soon... But for now...", she said, wanting something else for now. Moving to the edge of the bath, she offered her hand to the fairy... She would not do anything playful with her since both probably had enough but she would gladly wash her body for her if she let her. Shinigami would probably wait for afterwards, even if she did wake up before she'd get there. What mattered now is that Jumi needed attention, other than sexual, after what she had went through. It wouldn't stop Mitsuko from still making her feel good and share some warmth with her. Answers would come soon or later... The days were already moving and ticking toward the end.

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It did help that Jumi probably had a meal that Mitsuko was unaware of.  Though just how healthy/filling the milk was for Jumi was uncertain.   She just got into the bath, sighed deeply, tried to relax without falling asleep.  Though she was probably awake enough to not be in danger of that.  She was shaken a little, but not panicking or anything like that.  “…Just one thing after another for me today…’. She dryly observed, looking up at the ceiling.  It being so soon after her issues with Shinigami earlier probably did not help.

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Once Mitsuko got her in, she'd help her down then took some shampoo and took liberties in helping her hair get wet by cupping water to start washing them. Despite what happy things Jumi seemed to have done, her mood didn't look so good. "Just let me take care of you, then... I'll make every parts of you feel good.", she said but not without her face reddening from the way that sounded like, doing like she didn't say anything and just kept washing Jumi's hair carefully while keeping an eye on the fox as the water filled up still. The fox seemed completely unbothered and not moving even as the water took her tail and lower body into itself. The both of them needed some care and Mitsuko was more than happy to help with that.

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Jumi had been feeling better before the dream.  The problem was she was not sure how much of a dream it really was.  The water did help her relax some though, as did Mitsuko’s presence.  She smiled a little at the wording of that comment, but did not say anything. She just let Mitsuko wash her.  She did need it, after that night.  It felt a little nice.  “Just shake me or something, if it looks like I’m going to fall asleep.”  It was probably safe, she was not tired either, but she would prefer to be awake at least until Shinigami could give her any answers she had.

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Mitsuko kept going, making sure to not miss a strand of hair but also not rushing, wanting Jumi to really feel comfortable. It's not like she had better things to do right now and taking care of these two were the best activity she could be doing. The concern of Jumi over sleeping was concerning but Mitsuki would nod to her, "Of course, Jumi... Don't worry, I'm here...", she told her confidently, feeling like she was being supportive in some way to the older magical girl at least. If she could help her anyhow then she gladly would. Meanwhile, Shinigami's fur and parts would at least see some stains and soreness eliminated with the warm water touching her body. Once done, Mitsuko rinsed Jumi's hair then started on her body.

The blue haired girl would have taken the body soap and began washing her friend from the neck and shoulders, going down without much hesitation. She looked a little less hesitant in her movement than she was before, anyway. Certainly, it was a personal touching experience but Mitsuko only wanted to help and make her feel better for now. Only on her breasts, would she more carefully rub and feel them but she tried not to tease her much. The rest was easier with her as she went on her arms, hands, fingers, almost massaging the smaller bits to make her feel nice. Afterwards, she washed her stomach and her sides, her belly then moved closer to hug her gently, smiling shyly but washed her back, checking the water rise.

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It did feel nice.  Jumi was not going to encourage Mitsuko to do it one way or another.  She did not need anymore action at the moment, but she would not have stopped Mitsuko from being more playful.  It helped her relax, thankfully without making her more tired.  She moved whenever necessary, to help Mitsuko reach places.  “Don’t worry though.  I’m better than before.  I just want to make sure if it was just a dream or not.  Whether I somehow got my own ‘Lenneth’ after me.”  She was not sure where the girl came from though.  Seemed unconnected to anything she had fought before.  Probably not anything looking for revenge.  But that made it more strange.  It seemed completely random, unless the girl had some connection to Shinigami.

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Mitsuko soon moved from her to go turn off the water before it filled too high, checked quickly on Shinigami, who at water up to her chest now, then went back to Jumi. This time, she would aim for her feet first, wanting for her to relax from where she had sex before she'd help her with washing her there, not really knowing that Jumi went both ends with Shinigami. The water would probably still feel good for a while. While she started on her toes and going up slowly, Mitsuko looked at her friend, showing concerns for her current state. "...I almost had forgotten that I was being pursued by someone. Being pursued in your dreams does sound worse, though. I didn't know it was possible...", she replied, wondering if that was how it was.

Mitsuko would wash more and more of her legs after cleaning her feet. While enjoyable, she wanted to give her friend a fair treatment that was more for her than for herself. Even then, she felt a little shy to make it too obvious that she liked it. Once soon done with her legs, she hesitantly moved closer and started washing her pelvis and going down slowly. "...I-I'm sorry if I make you feel good.", she only said, moving lower to gently rub her pussy, mostly to clean it. In normal times, she would be too embarrassed for it but she figured that, between them, Jumi would not mind it too much. Even from her end, Mitsuko liked to touch but she tried to make it quick. Her hand would slide a little lower under her to clean her butt, next.

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“Demons can certainly sneak into our dreams. It is usually only succubi or incubi though.  The girl did not seem like one of them though.  There was nothing sexual in how she acted.”  It was probably good to make that clear.  Mitsuko was technically in danger of a demon getting into her dreams. All humans were, though it was thankfully pretty rare.  Mitsuko should be aware of the possibility, but was unlikely to experience it.

Jumi smiled a little at Mitsuko’s embarrassment.  “You’re my girlfriend, don’t be worried about something like that.  Just give me a proper washing.”  Mitsuko did not have to go out the way to please her, but Jumi wanted to help her get over any shyness that seemed unnecessary at this point.  Shinigami had quite satisfied her, but there was no harm getting a little bonus from Mitsuko, though the first touch did not really get much reaction.

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Mitsuko simply nodded to her and tried a little harder to clean her, doing like she would clean her own body. Whether or not Jumi would feel good, she would still continue for a bit before she gave her something as thorough with her butt as well. She was not going to insert anything inside but did rub enough with her finger to leave clean or up to the bath water to do the rest. Once done, Mitsuko gave her girlfriend a hug and a kiss before heading to Shinigami to do the same, starting with her hair first. The fox didn't have as much to take care of on that side but the fur added a lot still... The valkyrie would mostly use the shampoo to get it done, trying to wash her head and hair nicely but checked on her.

Mitsuko still heeded Jumi's warning and turned her eyes to her sometimes to make sure she was awake but while she she was rinsing Shinigami's head, the vixen seemed to move a bit, emerging slowly from her sleep state with Mitsuko right in front of her, washing her. The slow realization of what was going on made her look confused for a moment but she didn't stop Mitsuko or anything. "...A bath? Did you carry my body to the bath...?", she asked, a little disoriented but the valkyrie nodded to her. "I did... It was easy. I didn't hurt your tail or anything...", she reassured, smiling to her. Shinigami nodded, feeling at least impressed by the feat before her eyes shifted toward Jumi, smirking but feeling something odd.

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Jumi happily just let Mitsuko wash her, feeling happy she seemed to be moving more comfortably.  She did probably need this anyways, helped her relax to the extent she could.  Returning the hug and kiss, leaning back and relaxing as Mitsuko moved over to Shinigami.  Who finally woke up.

She silently watched them for a moment, seeing Shinigami’s look, not quite sure what it meant, but taking it as a good sign.  “Hope you slept better than I did.  Have to ask you some things after you have a moment to completely wake up.”

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Shinigami wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not as she only remembered falling asleep with her. How did she not sleep well after what they had done? Maybe something else troubled her... Humans were still confusing creatures to her. Mitsuko herself seemed worried but she quietly washed the rest of the fox from the neck downward, treating her fur and skin gently, not without some pleasure to do so. She would not interfere in their discussions, though. She had work to do and intended to keep working on the fox unless she was herself interrupted. Shinigami looked like she appreciated it, at least, but her gaze focused on Jumi, taking a minute to wake up before she replied, "Well, ask away... I am comfortable enough, now..."

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“You know a girl?  Looks human, but not, short white hair, skull earrings, lightly dressed, carries a scythe?  Lives in a place similar to this, but mostly sealed doors and surrounded by wasteland?  I either had a very strange dream and/or some random strange girl I’ve seen before wants me for reasons I can only guess.”  Jumi wished she could explain the strange girl better, but hopefully that was enough, if Shinigami did actually know who she was.  “Well maybe she did not live there.  I don’t how much of it really was a dream, but felt too off.  Oh, the house became full of undead too.  You were sleeping there too, but couldn’t wake you up.  Not fond of the fact, that girl gave me the only apparent way to wake up, eating the dream version of one of these apples Mitsuko brought us.”

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Shinigami's eyes looked troubled as Jumi started describing but at the end, she seemed outright uncomfortable. She didn't want to interrupt Mitsuko, though. But her concern was visible. "Y-you saw this girl in a dream, with me in it? Did she say or do anything...?", the fox asked with an uncertain voice, her expression tried to force a serious look, out of her shock state. Whether she looked like it or not, she took Jumi seriously. "...We might not be safe here for very long. Maybe I will have to cut the three days deal short...", she continued and grabbed Mitsuko's arm gently enough. "Give my back some of that good feeling...", she told her, making the valkyrie nod and move around as Shinigami moved herself forward for Mitsuko to do so.

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Shinigami knew who she was.  Or at least had a good idea.  Jumi was sure of that now.  “For a while her voice was hard to understand.  I did not understand everything she said.  Mostly seemed to be about eating the apple to wake up…but in the beginning, if I heard it right, ‘you’re mine…or you will soon be…’. then trying to get me to eat the apple to wake up.  Something I tried to avoid as long as I could, did not trust her.  She had grabbed me at first, trying to get me to take the bite, but let go after I did not.  After that, things were hard to understand for a while. Then encouraging me to eat the other apple, that you could not save me, while I tried to wake you up.”

”The house itself kept telling to get out it seemed.  There was a whisper most of the time.  But the only rooms I could enter was the room we were sleeping in, and a strange one.  Had your symbol on the floor, on the wall, an etching of a fox like creature, something else I did not recognize and a single word I could not read.”  Did that room mean anything to Shinigami?

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Shinigami looked alarmed as the description of the dream kept going. Mitsuko herself didn't look very at ease with all of this but the apple thing was strange to her, considering she had brought these for Jumi and the fox herself. "...She knows you're here. Both of you... You did well not to trust her but I don't think she's here for you... If not for the apples you speak about, she might have kept you there. She's toying with us...", she explained with a nervous tone then sighed but felt slightly better as Mitsuko hugged her from behind after washing her back, hoping to wash her front again but from behind. It did feel good, to say the least. With the last part of what Jumi explained, Shinigami stared at her for a bit, "ጋቹልፕⶴ".

The dark vixen had spoken softly and in that strange language used by the girl, in response to what Jumi had seen. Her eyes looked side ways, mixed between impressed and afraid that the fairy found out so much in her dream, which really was another place altogether. "...This home of mine is not what it looks like and I did not think you would get to find that part of it... I was ready to let go of it with the two of you here... After we're done here, we're leaving.", she said with a forced smile, trying to relax for now. Mitsuko didn't stop but she couldn't hide that she was still worried. Not about Shinigami herself but about what she revealed. The "word" that she had spoken made her give a confused look at Jumi, however.

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Was it really a dream at all?  Her soul drawn out in her sleep or something?  Something was very strange here.  The girl certainly seemed to want her, but if Shinigami knew her as well as it seemed, she would have to trust her judgement.  Was Shinigami the real target here?  But then why leave her alone?  Unless it was a bit of a dream after all, and that was not really her.  "I don't suppose we can lock her up with the tentacle monster..."  No, that would probably be too easy, was not a serious suggestion.

There was more too the house?  That room was really here?  Was she meant to see it?  But if she was, by who?  She was not sure if she should ask, either the meaning of the word, or what the other creature on the wall was.  "And where exactly do you intend to take us next?"  Jumi was still not even sure where 'here' was.  Whether they had actually switched worlds or not.  And that wasteland in the 'dream'?  If even Shinigami was troubled by this girl, where did she intend to go?

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