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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Shinigami wondered what she would do, even if a part of it was obvious. Or so she thought, before Jumi went to put her face between her legs, making her eyes gently widen. Her pussy felt licked... Some attention for the first time... Her tail tried hard not to wag while her penis hardened again, more so when her clit was licked and played with as well. It made the fox move her legs up some to give the fairy a better angle, tilting her penis frontward gently while her paws remained on the bed.. Shinigami might not succeed to let her do something like this without wanting to masturbate but she wanted to give a fair chance to Jumi to make her feel good. As such, she tried a solution based on some trust.

Using some magic of her own, her own wrists soon found themselves bound by dark magic chains forcing her arms spread toward the corners of the bed. Her ankles soon found the same bindings but didn't move her legs too much, allowing Jumi what fun she could have with this. Shinigami herself groaned as it soon left her at Jumi's mercy. "...Can't let myself want to masturbate now, can I...? You might be the first one I'd give power to but... Do you want power over me...?", she asked with a smirk, being in a most risky situation with the fairy, now. Her penis was hard too and left to itself while her pussy was all for Jumi to do what she liked with. She didn't know what the fairy would actually do, though.

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Tame the fox.  Tame the fox.  Shinigami was offering it, at least somewhat.  She was surprised by the chains.  Did Shinigami actually want it?  How far would it go?  Just for tonight?  Purely sexually.  She could not help but lift her face.  She smiled, both out of gratitude for the trust that indicated.  “If you offer it willingly…I do not know how far I will go.  But I want it.”  Shinigami would have the choice.  Was she willing to go into such uncertain territory?  Did she want to?  She waited a moment to hear Shinigami’s answer.  Her hand rubbing the leg again.  Would Shinigami say anything about how far Jumi might go?  Her tongue would wait to hear what Shinigami said.

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Shinigami tilted her head slightly, now curious. This girl could probably not do worse than when she was raped. Jumi knew her secret, anyhow. They were the only ones who did... "Alright, come closer and kiss me... I will give you power that I won't be able to control anymore for a while. It will undo my bindings but I want you to make them again for me...", she said with a smile, not telling more for now. The fox was willing to do a little more, with what they had been doing and sharing so far. Jumi might find a surprising temporary effect to it but Shinigami would not explain further, just waiting to see if Jumi would take the deal and approach to kiss her or not. Her tail, for now, wagged gently as she waited.

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Jumi looked down on Shingami.  “I take this power because you trust me enough with it…please do not get angry again if I go too far.  Though I don’t know if I actually can.”  It was only a fair warning.  She closed her eyes.  Leaned down, gave a kiss that showed her trust.  Warm, deep, comfort, but maybe a hint of desire to use such power, though she would let Shinigami change the pace if she wanted.  She waited for the power, curious what it would feel like.

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Shinigami simply smiled and nodded slightly, agreeing to the terms. With the kiss given, something then started to happen as she would lean into it. Jumi would barely feel it but the fox was giving her a part of her power which, at the same time, disintegrated her magic bindings for the moment, allowing her to hug the girl as they kissed. At the end, she pushed her away gently, wanting the fairy to see the result of what had happened, starting with a symbol that appeared on her belly. Dark Chains of sorts glowed faintly in circle around her navel, now. It was not like a demon mark but rather a sign of power gained by the fairy. "...It is only temporary so don't get any ideas but now you have power...", she told her.

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Unfortunately Shinigami had given Jumi ideas, intended or not.  She did not intend to cross lines.  But she could not shake the thought there was a possibility, temporary power or not, they might go further than either intended.  Results that might or might not be temporary.

She looked down on the mark.  Something like a mark anyways.  “Looks nice, especially if it is our secret.”  As a Magical Girl already she was already comfortable using the power, as if it had always been hers.  “Experienced as I am, this is a new area for me.”  The chains appeared one after another.  “But…I’m sure you will be a good girl..”. She said playfully, Shinigami bound by her own will and power, though only borrowed.  She was not sure what to do yet.  “How far will you go to earn my pleasure?”  It was another playful question.  Testing how much Shinigami wanted her to be the dominating one.  She offered this.  Deep down, how far did she want Jumi to go?


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Shinigami seemed happy with it for now, or with Jumi being happy with it. She was also curious about what a human would do with this power... Not just any human but her sex partner. "...New is not a problem...", she replied before she felt her wrists and ankles being bound once more. As the fairy daringly teased her by calling her a good girl, she only smirked but the game was set. The question more or less made her wonder about that but she replied, "...I will not beg, if this is what you are looking for... I still have my pride but my body is yours to play with and I can't do anything to stop you, now can I...?", she said, trying to pull her arms but the chains locked her in place, rather solidly as well. Her body was aroused, though.

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Not yet?  But would she beg later?  Could that pride be not broken…but relaxed, maybe, for Jumi?  They would find out.  Shinigami’s reactions would greatly influence how far Jumi went.  “Of course…well, I can’t do what you did to me…but I can still do plenty of things.  Back to work.”  She returned her face to Shinigami’s crotch, for the moment, continued licking the ways she had before.  This time though, there was some enjoyment, knowing it was up to her to please Shinigami.  Shinigami might not beg, but relied on her touch now.

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Shinigami was still curious but Jumi seemed a little more confident now, perhaps because the fox had made herself helpless... Her penis was hard still but she had no means to even touch it now as her power was not hers anymore, even if she wished to do something. Jumi went back to licking her pussy, making her move slightly, let a soft gasp out and pull on her chains but all she could do was remain there and take it while her pussy was already wet for the fairy. Her tail was the only thing that was not bound yet but it only swayed very slowly for now. Shinigami only felt this helpless once but this one time did not feel as bad as the other one... A cute girl was licking her down there now, leaving her to do nothing but feel pleasure.

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Jumi was getting more confident, but was still not sure what she wanted to beyond the moment.  There was something hot about how Shinigami whose power had awed Jumi, was now willingly helpless before her.  The tail was watched.  She had the impression it was honest, one way Shinigami did not hide her feelings.  The penis though…how similar was it it to a man’s?  If she ignored it too long, would Shinigami get uncomfortable?

For now she ignored it, but took a step further.  Pushing her tounge inside.  Continuing that affectionate licking, not unlike kissing, if Shinigami’s inner walls.  Eager, curious.  Just how similar to a human’s?  Similar spots to look for?

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Shinigami's pussy was not so different from Jumi's, feeling similar in this aspect. Her vagina and peehole were the same and so was her clit. Feeling Jumi lick inside, Shinigami moved slightly again, gasping again... Her penis was fully erect she would not say much about it. Her body felt good for now but Jumi was not yet going hard enough on her to really get a strong reaction out of her but she enjoyed it, relaxing on the bed while she took what the fairy was doing. "...Having fun exploring...?", she teased lightly, wondering if Jumi enjoyed her pussy but it was early to say. Her body felt wanting pleasure but the pace she was going for was kinda nice for now and her tail only swayed as a result of what she was feeling.

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Jumi did not necessarily think this was going to be easy.  But the idea was for her to do what she wanted.  Hopefully please Shinigami too.  But she could take her time.  Though the shaft so close to her was a little hard to ignore.  Both wanting to use it, and the curiosity of what it would feel like to use.  But that was impossible for a human.

She let out an affirmative noise, but kept licking.  Time to focus the search.  Look for the more sensitive spots.  Probably in around the same place.  Put an attack on them, see how she reacted to that.

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Shinigami's penis didn't do much now but still twitched slightly as Jumi kept licking. The fox girl just moaned softly from being pleasured there and leaking wetness for her to lick. Some spots might make her react a little more in subtlety but her penis might be a give away as it twitched more or less in front of her from what pleasure she received. The noise Jumi did made Shinigami smile but her binding started to feel restraining with how tingling her penis felt as her pussy was pleasured. Her tail swayed a little more, even gently rubbing against the fairy, wrapping only so slightly around whatever body part it touched... The fox girl could take a lot but she still felt good from what she was getting right now.

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Was Shinigami just more used to giving?  Or did she need to take a different approach?  There was no rush, for now she just focused more on the spots that seemed more sensitive, rubbing them harder.  Still ignoring what seemed to be the ‘easy route’, twitching above her.  No, she wanted to give Shinigami an orgasm her.  How long had it been since she had one, Jumi wondered, especially not counting the monster below.

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Shinigami's body moved a little, especially if Jumi had found a weak spot. If she was leaking some juices down there, her penis also seemed to leak precum on its own from the pleasure as she moaned a bit. "...You're going for where it feels good, aren't you...? I didn't... feel touched there by anyone for a while and you're there licking my inside...", she said as she moaned a bit, watching her penis twitch and leak but powerless to do anything about it. Her arms or her legs moved but were all held by the chains, leaving only the tail to rub and wrap against Jumi a bit. Her paws' toes also curled some by the pleasure but Jumi would only notice if she looked. Shinigami moaned and grunted, not used to be in such position for sex.

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It was like Jumi guessed.  Maybe that would help.  She put her skill into it.  Practice of touching it, focusing on it.  She had thought about including a finger.  But she wanted to pleasure Shinigami with only the tongue inside her.  The fact it had been a long time only drove her further.  Jumi had, at least in the moment, unexpected became closer to Shinigami than Mitsuko…had she begun to understand Mitsuko’s feelings?  She was sure Mitsuko could catch up, but it still felt special she had gone this far.  Done things Mitsuko would probably not.  Would Shinigami willingly allow anyone else, including Mitsuko, to chain her?  To dominate her at least to a degree?  That desire, and the bond, whatever it exactly was, drove Jumi.

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Shinigami only seemed to struggle a bit more with the more Jumi licked inside her, causing her penis to twitch a little more, even leak out more precum. She moaned a little more and moved a little without being allowed much space to do so, thanks to her chains. "...You're planning to make me cum like this... You will have to do more than this...", she said between a moan though her body seemed to tell that she really loved it enough to struggle fending off her coming orgasm, her paws curling their toes while her penis twitched with each lick, squirting precum slightly. Shinigami knew she was not going to last too long but she still acted a bit defiantly anyway, trying not to show how she felt, whether it was obvious or not.

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Jumi knew better.  She might have been new at dominance, especially the degree they were approaching.  But she knew the sign’s of a woman’s pleasure, how much Shinigami was enjoying it.  She would her tongue was good enough.  It worked to prove her wrong.  What would the fox do?  Would it hurt her pride to call Jumi’s name?  To acknowledge how much she enjoyed this girl, at least in sex?  Her power tightened the grip and length of the chains, to tell Shinigami she knew the truth.  Take a little more control.  Soon.  It was very close, she knew it.

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Shinigami's eyes widened when she felt her chains pull tighter on her, as if to punish her for misbehaving. It got a grunt out of her but then she was still being eaten out, "...Oh, it feels... good...", she let out, her body moaning more and more as her toes soon spread at each lick, her penis twitched and squirted slightly more, while she grunted, seemingly trying to avoid moaning too loudly, closing her eyes then, against her will, she soon let out a longer moan, squirting with her pussy a bit while her penis started cumming, mostly on top of the fox, belly and breasts, some of it even reaching her face. Her body had arched in orgasm a little as well until she just laid there, panting and feeling embarrassed with her own mess while her penis dripped cum.

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Jumi was being playful dominant, at least for now.  She pulled her face out, slid over, and began rubbing Shinigami’s stomach.  “Good girl.  Didn’t that feel great to let out?  I had a lot of fun doing it.”  Small steps, tame the fox.  Maybe she could do it, if she was careful.  The chains remained tight.  Jumi asserting her dominance, however temporary or not it might be.  Would this insult her?  Deep down please her?  Or just be part of the game.  Jumi just kept rubbing, smiling, for now. She did not know what she was doing, but was starting to like it.

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Shinigami even blushed a bit as she was held tightly, her stomach being rubbed while the girl didn't seem to mind that her cum was staining her fur. At the same time, something still made her wag her tail a bit. "...Playful, aren't you...? But that felt good...", she said but her eyes still looked at her penis dripping with cum, still hard and almost begging for more. Her arms and feet moved but she was locked tightly without any chances to escape. "...What will it be, now...?", she asked the fairy as she looked back at her, knowing that her fate was in her hands now, being in a lewd state for her with cum sticking to her body, her face and her breasts. She seemed a little defiant still but was prepared to brace for it, or so she thought.

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“What should I do…?”  If she waited long enough, would Shinigami beg?  Was the penis really just magic?  Maybe it truly was part of her, the magic just hid it sometimes.  There might be potential if that was the case.  She ran a finger down the chain, not changing anything about it, but perhaps showing Shinigami she taught Jumi a new desire.  “Like I told you, I have no idea how far I am going to go…”.  Hinting vaguely, that just maybe she would try to truly tame Shinigami.  “I think you should thank me first.”  She slid up spread her legs, straddled over Shinigami’s face.  Pressed down lightly.  “You love to lick.  Show me how much.  All for you.”  She rubbed herself a little against Shinigami’s face, in some light dominance, waiting for the tongue.

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Shinigami still blushed as the girl was teasing her or most likely was. She had no idea what she was doing just yet. "...Don't tempt me so much to find out...", she said with a smirk in her defiant manner as a response to Jumi's comment. But then the girl became a little more daring. "...Thank you...?", she asked before the fairy would put herself over her face and pressed down against it, doubling down on teasing her about how she loved to lick and rubbing her pussy against her face. Her tail started wagging against her will but she would obey and open her mouth to lick at her pussy, not unwillingly... Her tongue would run against her lips and against her clit but she'd start licking inside her vagina, moaning quietly as she did.

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Jumi was facing the wrong way to see the tail, but the feel of the tongue made it seem genuine.  She liked the moment at least, if not being dominated in general.  She moaned as the tongue got to work.  “That’s right…good girl…show me how good it tastes.  How much you like it…”. She decided to push a little further.  “Demonstrate it.  Show me how much you want my pussy.”  Let whatever she was thinking or feeling guide her.  Show Jumi what she felt, what she would not or could not say in words.  Do what she wanted to do specifically to Jumi.

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Shinigami blushed more, being treated like a pet but she was not in any position to argue except her tail kept swaying on its own and her penis was sexually teased by it, if anything remaining hard. She would not necessarily cum from being facefucked by Jumi but it was not entirely impossible either. The fairy was begging to be eaten out back. And as such, she nodded slightly and started licking her pussy more, sometimes pulling her tongue out to give her lips and clit a good licking. Jumi was right on one thing... She would show her how good it tasted, passionately licking her then inside again, letting her tongue run against her vagina walls a little roughly. She desired her juices as much as Jumi desired her milk right now...

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