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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Mitsuko looked surprised at Jumi but she guessed that she must have went through a lot as a magical girl. There was no need to question it. Seeing her search for any hints of humanity in this place made her look a little, too. "Do you really think someone lived here, before...? I mean, of course someone surely did. There are paintings but no photos anywhere... Maybe they have a room with bookshelves. I just would not want to find a body anywhere.", Mitsuko said a bit nervously, seeing that the house seemed normal. Or almost.

As for the sounds, Mitsuko followed Jumi closely but also made sure to check their backs, just in case. Jumi at least reassured her about Nall, who probably was hungry. Moving closer and closer toward the sound with her, they would find the dining room first then the kitchen linked to it, where they would find Nall as expected. Currently, he seemed to have found a bunch of different food stuff. In fact, the kitchen was not lacking of options of things to eat if they were hungry. Some of the things however needed to be cooked.

Mitsuko stared for a second then sighed in relief, only for Nall to stop what he was doing and stare at them in panic, his fur bristling with surprise. "Y-you...! Oh, you're still...", He started and suddenly looked embarrassed as he looked elsewhere, trying to hide the fact that he was surprised with pride. "How did it go with her? Did she hurt you? She did not scratch your body, did she? I will give her a taste of my claws if she did.", he said, serious or not but still with a slight protective tone. Mitsuko certainly did not feel hurt by the fox.

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“I assume our host did not build the place, at some point one or more human families lived here.  But no idea if any hints are left.  We’ll probably find out over our time here.”  How long had it been since any human lived here?  Was there a gap between then and Shinigami moving in?  Jumi doubted Shinigami directly disposed of the previous owners at this point, would be rather surprised if any bodies were left.  What sort of hints might be left though would depend on how suddenly they left and why.  Maybe they could ask Shinigami later, but she might not know.

Seeing Nall again temporarily distracted them from that subject.  It was cute how he acted and looked away.  There were several reasons for that she guessed, though she figured as something completely non-human, and naked himself, she did not care if he saw them naked, and maybe he would get used to it, by the time the three days were over.

”She has kept her word about not hurting us, wants us to be comfortable over our days here.”  She glanced to Mitsuko.  “You want to tell him?”  Did Nall really want to know exactly what they did together?  She offered Mitsuko a chance to tell him.  It was the sort of thing he would become very aware of if they all lived together.  Though she expected it would be in a different room when possible, while it was happening.  She could not imagine him doing more than maybe watching once or twice, to see what it was like for humans, or two women.

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Mitsuko figured that if anyone did in fact live there, they probably would see the signs of it. With Shinigami seeming to have assured them that they would find no one meant that the place was emptied at a time or another. Unless this place held a secret only Shinigami knew. From the outside, it did look like a normal place however. If some of it was an illusion then it was a pretty good one. Something they would have to figure later. At least it appeared like the manor had plenty of food for them.

Nall focused to his food for now, distracting himself from them. It's not like he was embarrassed exactly. Or if he was, it's one feeling he at least knew when it came to looking at human girls. It was already set that he would have to look at them at times but he tried not to stare, just in case. Perhaps he wasn't sure if he could or if Mitsuko or Jumi would mind it. Whatever his reason was, he pretended like it did not really bother him anyway. At least until Mitsuko came closer and pet him, making him look.

When Jumi suggested to Mitsuko the idea of telling Nall, she looked at the fairy. "Tell him? W-wait... You want me to tell him that?", she blushed, driving the attention of Nall to herself anyway. The cat easily noticed her embarrassment, making him look at the both of them alternatively. "Tell me what? Did she do anything...? Wait... Was it naughty?", he asked and Mitsuko shifted her gaze to him, wondering how much he knew about that. Hesitantly, she sighed and replied, "Y-yes. W-we had lot of fun."

Mitsuko didn't know why she was saying it. She got a little comfortable with what she did so far but she also trusted Nall, being a guardian of sort to her. Hiding things from him would not go well for when he would find out on his own. And he would if they had sex and he flew by. Nall seemed to have understood as his eyes looked up and down at Mitsuko and not just anywhere. "W-we both had sex with her... This is what she wanted but she did not hurt us. We're fine...", she explained carefully.

Nall stared and his fur bristled in surprise while looking at the both of them. Closing his eyes, he took a breath as he seemed to need a moment before he would open them again. He did not look angry but confused. "Did you want it too? I heard of monsters taking advantage of vulnerable girls, before. Besides, I thought she was an enemy. She looks scary, too...", He asked then commented. Mitsuko pet him gently and nodded but looked toward Jumi, looking for her help to say any more about it.

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“Oh yes, they love fucking us.  Though that is more of a male monster thing.”  Jumi drew on past experience, but was not bitter or hurt in saying it.  It was just a fact.  “She is capable of becoming…somewhat male…maybe that was part of her interest.”  Being a temporary, magical, creation, it was hard to guess whether that contributed to her desire for women, or was just a convenient thing she could use with a woman.

”We’re young women.  We want sex sometimes….often at times.”  She and Mitsuko of course seemed to have different desires there, but with the agreement they made, she expected them both to be happy about it. It might have been ‘obvious’ but it was worth saying.  “She said she was going to give us a ‘good time’.  She wants Mitsuko more than me probably, but she ‘likes’ me in a sense, as far as I can tell.”  She would not say anything about Mitsuko’s desires/feelings.  That was not her place and Mitsuko could explain it better.  “She did not force herself on either of us, don’t worry about that.  I don’t completely understand her, but at this point I believe her about not intending to hurt us.  She is not like others I fought, and not just in power.”


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Nall listened to all of it, something looking confused at the details but otherwise obviously embarrassed as he heard them. "So... She will do it again? And how did she become male?", he asked curiously, to which Mitsuko looked sideways, having to think about both questions. "Y-yes, I think she will... And, she said she used magic but...", she stopped for a second, wondering if she should go ahead with explaining but at this point. "It looked and felt very real, though. Like it was part of her... Yet she still had, well...", she spoke hesitantly, trying to figure out how it worked while Nall tilted his head. Shinigami had a way to grow a penis, through magic or whatever, and it was Mitsuko's first time at it.

Seeing the girl blush at the thought, Nall looked at Jumi next and both seemed content with her company at the very least, which calmed his concerns. "Well, if she is not bad, her food is good. I, um... I will be eating if she needs you again. Or napping. This place has so many spots to stop at and rest my wings.", Mitsuko looked a little concerned, feeling bad about leaving him alone. "Sorry, Nall... It feels harsh to go with her and leave you on your own. I don't think you would like to be with us, though... We had a bath and you may have enjoyed it, though.", Nall indeed wasn't sure if he would enjoy watching something this naughty and if he was teased anyhow, he pretended like it didn't affect him.

Mitsuko petted him again then looked at Jumi and moved close to her, holding her gently with one arm and wondering if she had any thoughts about the current subject, or anything she wanted to do now. There was food for them or the rest of the house to explore. Nall may or not also have seen something if he had explored anywhere on his own. If they looked for a path to a basement, the first floor would be the perfect place to look for it as well. There were other rooms that may also help them figure out where they are. Shinigami herself may be done with the bedroom too but what she would do next was impossible to tell unless they went to look for her, if she was still in the manor now.


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“Now that me and Mitsuko are together, you may be learning and hearing a lot about sex.”  Jumi teased Nall, with a smile, finding his reactions cute.  Of course she just meant him hearing her and/or Mitsuko talk about it.  Not doing anything with him directly.  “As someone who has had men numerous times, it was a perfect copy.  But a woman other than that part. Some demons can do that, though it was the first time I’ve seen it.”  Jumi backed up the authenticity in size/shape and feel.  “Only difference, is she says it can’t make us pregnant.  Though we are capable of having children with true male monsters or demons.  I see no reason to doubt her.  I have no idea what her long term goal is, if she has one.  When all this started, the idea was probably just to have some fun with Mitsuko.  No idea if me coming along changed it.”

”You will have to find a place to sleep here.  It sounds like both me and Mitsuko will be sleeping with her every night we are here.  At other times, me and Mitsuko will each have some one on one time with her, no idea if there will be any of that today, or how long it will be.  No idea if she plans more than sex…I don’t believe she intends to make either of us ‘Broken Girls’ though. I’ll keep you company whenever Mitsuko is alone with her.”  She held Mitsuko back, reassuring her she was not jealous or worried about what might happen when Mitsuko had private time with Shinigami.  That Mitsuko should just let things happen, do what she wanted, see where it went.

They way they were holding each other, she might as well admit it.  “The two of us aren’t exactly just friends anymore either.”  They were officially a couple now.  Though what that meant and how their relationship would develop would remain to be seen.  She let go.  “You can eat too, if you want.  I’m sure there  is enough here for all of us.”


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Nall simply blinked, learning more about them and their lifestyle or about Shinigami in general. It sounded like the fox girl would take a lot of their time and he was fine with it, not willing to leave Mitsuko as soon as they had met. It was a fair trade. Mitsuko however pouted a bit. "I-I was only offering myself so she does not do anything harsh. She doesn't just like me... You and her had sex, too. A-and it looked rougher than when she did it to me...", she commented, remembering how Shinigami even teased her with how she was pounding Jumi in front of her. She remembered every details. "B-but yes, she will have some time with the both of us, alone... It sounds fun..."

Mitsuko's attention turned to Nall after a bit, "We will be with you when she does not keep us busy...", she reassured him and went to pick a small thing to eat, at least so she doesn't end too hungry later. Shinigami at least really did not seem like she wanted to break them. If she had used her energy on a single person instead of two, she might have lost her mind in sexual pleasure but thankfully, they had a well paced change of partners. Mitsuko however felt like Jumi really could take more than she could herself. Rougher sex with the fox and even being fine after she herself went to lick her. She hoped at the very least that Jumi enjoyed it as much as she did herself.

Nall, for himself, looked at the both of them. "It's alright... This place is so big that I can find anywhere I like to be at. If you need me, you only have to call me. I can be your eyes.", he told them and he was right. He could always be used to see something for them if they needed him to. The only thing he probably could not do was to open doors but anywhere that was open would be accessible to him. He could also check on Shinigami if they weren't with her, depending on how the fox would react to his presence but if she was not going to hurt the girls, maybe he would be fine as well. At least so far, she did not seem to mind him being there waiting in the manor.

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Jumi did not mention that even back in the hall it looked liked Mitsuko had some genuine desire for Shinigami.  There wasn’t really anything wrong with that.  Though she was still not sure if it was more than a purely sexual attraction yet.  “Well, it’s just three days.  After that you both move into my apartment and we go from there.”  She had not forgotten she had offered Shinigami a second longer deal, depending on how these days went.  She had given the creature a goal, both for the times they were all together and when Jumi was alone with Shinigami, to see what sort of deal she might offer if the days impressed her enough.  But whatever happened, she did not expect they would be living here permanently.

She decided to change the subject at least for now.  “Did you see anything  interesting while we were busy?”  She asked Nall.  “Any hint of who used to live here, or anything else that stood out?”

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Mitsuko wondered what she would be doing these three days. Some of it was obvious but her mind might change in three days... Who knew what Shinigami would do to her or Jumi. How they would evolve from it. A part of her felt unsure about it yet thrilled by it. But how it would end was unknown yet... Still felt concerning to think about. Her plans with Jumi were still in motion but there was no doubt she was fearing what she would feel when it's time to leave. Looking away, she tried not to think about it while Jumi was asking Nall a different question. He smiled in response at first. "I'm glad you ask. This place is big but I didn't find anyone. I found a door with a magic seal, though."

Mitsuko looked surprised at the fact. There was not anything like that during their walk around the place. "What? Where...?", she asked shortly, leading to Nall replying, "Down some stairs. I tried getting close to it but the seal would not let me. It would need a strong dispel magic to undo it. There are scary sounds coming from there so I think it's for the best...", he confidently said, trying to think if he saw anything else. Mitsuko froze for a bit, though. This revelation by itself made her wonder what they were standing on or rather what was under them. Nall continued, "There are old books in another room, too. I could not read them but they didn't look very special...", he simply said.

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Jumi silently considered things for a moment.  Best not to jump to conclusions.  Also best not to rush into things.  “The books could possibly be a hint of the former owners.”  It was possible some of them were Shinigami’s but if there were a significant number at least some of them may have already been present.  “What sort of noises, exactly, did you hear behind the door.”  She guessed the seal was more likely Shinigami’s work. That did not mean whatever was on the other side were necessarily her friends though.  Demon or not, if the seal was her work, it may have been put there for good reason.  “I don’t think we should look too close too quick, as long as the door holds.  But maybe something to ask Shinigami about later.  At this point I do not believe it has any connection with her plans for us.”  With a more traditional demon, that might have been the case, but she was giving the creature the benefit of the doubt.  Though she wondered if Nall could give any more hint on what it was.

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Nall gave a wide smile to Jumi at first, "I can show you the room. It's a small library.". He seemed glad that something he found may be useful but the question about the noises clearly made him less comfortable. "Well, about that... I don't know how I can describe it but it did not sound human. It sounded like scratching and groaning. I could not see behind the seal but I don't think I want to..." Mitsuko herself seemed nervous but she somewhat trusted Shinigami as well. "She would not put us down there with whatever is in there... Would she be upset if we told her that we know about it, though?". She asked curiously but with their freedom to explore, Shinigami might have expected them to find it.

Right as Mitsuko wondered if the fox could hear them talk about it, a cackling could be heard not too far of their location, probably as a result of her question to begin with. Nall was the one to panic first but Shinigami made a normal entrance from the dinner room, leaning against the nearby wall. "You're being quite nosy for your first day here... But to answer you, no... I have no reasons to be upset. What I wonder about however is why you wish to know so much about the place. Worried about who may have been here before...?", she asked smoothly, just looking at them. Nall's fur was bristled but he didn't move. Mitsuko tried not too look like she suspected her of anything but she only looked at Jumi.

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That was quicker than expected.  Was Shinigami going to taking one of them for some private time in a moment?  If so, which did she want first?  "This is our home for the next few days.  It is only natural for us to be curious about it, and who used to live her."  Jumi responded calmly and honestly.  No secrets, no suspicions.  That was the safest and best way to go through it.  "Is there something locked up, we should be concerned about?  While I trust your word, it is only fair if we know, if there is anything dangerous here...or are we misunderstanding what is locked up?"  She asked not with suspicion, but curiosity, open mindedness of a sort.  With a demon who could say, maybe it was something unexpected.  Not dangerous, but something she wanted either Jumi or Mitsuko to see/experience, before this was over.  It was impossible to guess everything they might experience here, or what Shinigami considered to be showing them a good time.

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Shinigami listened to them, remaining calm as well. "Our home, hmm? You're right. However... I don't think anyone lived here except me. This manor is mine.", she said to them, making Mitsuko a little confused. The fox stepped closer, following Jumi's next questions. "As for what is locked up down there, there's nothing for you to be concerned about. I did not plan for any of you to see it. I hope that it will not spoil your fun in my home... Some creature should never see the light of day, would you not agree?". She asked with a smirk but Mitsuko felt like it confirmed something. "I-Is there a demon down there...?" Shinigami sighed and replied, "A naughty pest... My body would tell you about it."

Mitsuko looked at Shinigami's body then suddenly blushed... Could she have been... By whatever was down there? Her blush only made the fox grin though, as if Mitsuko had understood something. Her eyes however turned to Jumi before she spoke. "Not only your kind are taken advantage of... I would advise you not to be too curious unless you want to find what it did to me. The difference between us is that you would not escape it as easily as I did.", she told her as warning. Mitsuko had no real idea what it meant but it made her wonder anyway if Shinigami could possible have been forced into something she didn't want... Was it even possible? And did Jumi know with her experience?

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Jumi studied Shinigami, listening to what she said.  Looked over her body.  Some sign of what of what it did to her.  On some level, it sounded like what she went through.  But her choices of words made it hard to say, Shinigami talked about ‘escaped’, but at the same time it sounded like an experience she was not completely upset.  “Hmmm, isn’t that how your kind mates?”  It was not asked with hostility or to insult.  It was her understanding that was how they did things.  Love was not really a thing, marriage was rare and generally political, when it happened.  It was closer to some animals.  It helped explained why they forced themselves on Magical Girls too, though in that case there was also an effort to humiliate an enemy.

She was not suggesting it was something Shinigami should have liked, though she suspected some female demons did crave that sort of thing.  “…Just how powerful is it?”  If her interpretation was correct, and with how powerful Shinigami was, there was a concern of how strong that thing was.

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Shinigami seemed amused more than anything at Jumi's questions. Truthfully, only she could know what it was that she went through but she felt like entertaining her about it. "It would be what your kind would call rape more than mate. Once it grabs you, it doesn't let go very easily...", she said, stepping closer to Jumi, enough to put a hand on her but only around her shoulders. Her other hand grabbing her wrist, holding it tightly. "Think about what could hold you this tightly, wrapped around every limbs... Leaving you completely open to be fucked...". She told her, making Mitsuko blush red this time, seeming to guess what she was meaning, what she had mentioned before, if that was it.

Shinigami was not holding Jumi to hurt her but the tightness was rough. Her face closed in to her. "Every holes become theirs...", she whispered and gave the fairy a kiss on the lips before she would lean away to look at her eyes. "...For as long as they lust for them." She continued, gently releasing her grasp. Nall was just left shocked while Mitsuko stared, thinking she was certain of what was locked up down there. But the detailed explanations of how Shinigami could be the victim of such thing made her definitely feel something. Naked, it was hard to hide her excitement but thankfully Nall didn't notice, being too focused on the Fox and her story to look where Mitsuko preferred he didn't.

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There was one thing that came to mind, but two things that made Jumi uncertain.  That was something Magical Girls were sometimes a victim of.  While it was hard to escape their grasp, they did eventually become free.  That did not sound like something that should have been able to hold Shinigami.  The other issue was just how much variety demons and monsters had in shape, it could be something very unusual, size, shape or otherwise, though Shinigami seemed to be saying Jumi should know what she was talking about.

Jumi had already told Shinigami this was the sort of treatment she wanted.  Her legs got a little weak as she was embraced, did not try to break free.  She did not expect it to go very far, especially with Nall there, but she felt a little arousal.  She returned the kiss without hesitation.  “…Trying to confuse or tempt me?  You talk like it is both something completely beyond me, while hinting it is something every Magical Girl with any experience has at least seen, fought, if not been caught by.”  She actually was uncertain now, if it was something she really wanted to keep away from her and Mitsuko.

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Shinigami stayed close to her, smiling a bit to her as well from the reply she got. "I was merely warning you of what was down there, is all... I found it here and out of control. But of course you would know of what I talk about. As I said, I did not leave it there for you to find out about it... After all, I did promise to protect the both of you, didn't I?", she said while looking at Mitsuko as well, who almost drooled but quickly retracted herself when the fox turned to her. Her tail however did quick to reach to her leg and wrap against it, pulling her closer gently, her fur rubbing against her crotch, making Mitsuko cover her mouth with her hand to muffle a gasp while Nall observed the scene.

Shinigami looked back to Jumi, looking a little more serious. "You know the lust of these creatures then you know it would not stop at anything to play. It's not a creature that I control and so, it would be an unpredictable experience if I were to let you anywhere close to it. They tire after a while but they leave quite a mess. Even I am not without weaknesses. The need for a bath after that was unquestionable. But I did not bring you here to break you with pleasure...", she tried to reassure her. However, she had a feeling she was only tempting Jumi more. "...If it's something you'd ask out of me, I would not say no but you have to be prepared for it. You will be tested...", she said, smiling.

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It was what she thought then.  Something Jumi had plenty of knowledge about.  It was not necessarily a threat.  Not something that wanted to hurt them.  “It is also something with a different danger…for all three of us?”  At least her and Mitsuko, she assumed Shinigami as well.  It was potentially possible for them to give birth to new tentacle monsters.  Unlike most humans, demons, where it would be a hybrid, more human than not, in this case it would be pure tentacle monsters they would create.  It really was mating of a sort.

”Test us huh?”  That was something that would be figured out.  Possibly by Mitsuko first.  She could tell the girl was at least strongly tempted, and knew her desire to experience it.  But she wondered something else.  “But what is it you wish now?”  She doubted Shinigami came just because she heard what was being discussed, she probably originally had something else in mind.  It had been a surprisingly short amount of time.  Jumi had thought the two of them would have more time on their own, though the deal was the deal, Shinigami decided what happened when, who she spent time with and how long.  “Did you come to give one of us private attention?”  In all honesty, she was a little curious about that.  What it would be for both or them, how different it might be.  To find out if she had a goal for one or both of them.  To see the impact it had on each.


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Shinigami took a moment to think as she was reminded of the danger. "Not all three... Maybe not even you. This is a monster that was sealed away exactly so it does not do what you're thinking about. I should not have told you about it but I thought you might be curious about what it did to me. A small tease to let you imagine how vulnerable I may have been, if even for a moment.", she told her, smirking and enjoying herself as she embraced the fairy while her tail held Mitsuko's leg, the girl quietly observing and getting wet from it.

The fox continued after a bit, speaking to Jumi but made sure Mitsuko heard, "You magical girls may experience it when it's forced upon you and you may be used to it but the new girl would not see it the same way... I may enjoy my time with you, especially earlier and right now, but I am not a monster.", she said sarcastically yet honestly, her embrace and tail tightening on their respective focuses. Mitsuko blushed still, trying to not make any sound but the tail and matching words felt oddly protective if not pleasurable. It felt... pretty nice.

After a sigh, Shinigami let go of Jumi and decided to answer her last questions: "I followed you for fun, nothing else... It may be a little early for that, don't you think? Unless you're already looking for more pleasure...? We have three days together but these days can be enjoyed however you please.", she told the fairy while she pulled her tail back, wiping roughly against Mitsuko to clean away the wetness, however causing her to muffle a moan. The fox gave Jumi the choice if she wanted to feel more or not. Nall was just staring at them all.

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The danger of course if any of them were involved with the creature.  Which at this point seemed unlikely, though she had to wonder if Mitsuko would beg for it later, especially if she was in a moment of passion with Shinigami.  She was a little curious what she meant by a test, but was not going to push for details right now.  It was a good chance to clarify things.

”You get to decide who and when, that was our deal.  Me, Mitsuko, both of us.  We will spend time with you whenever you want.  If you want our bodies, fair enough.  But is that the only thing you intend to do with us.”  Whether one on one, or all three, sex was great of course, both had proven willing to do it with Shinigami.  But was that the only thing she had planned, Jumi was curious.  Did Shinigami have anything else planned?

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Shinigami observed the fairy, wondering but soon shook her head, "Not entirely... I can change the deal as I see fit but I am not an unfair host. I will not have you be my playthings all along... I've shared my body with yours, my bath with you, my little pleasure and my moment of weakness for your ears and only yours alone. You are free to use my home as you like because I allowed you. I am as much to your disposition as you are to mine. This, is the deal... Consider it as thanks for the bath."

Mitsuko tried to remain calm, at least she was not being teased anymore but she had been enough that the had been pushed to being a bit aroused. Something she tried to dissipate. She was smartly turned so Nall only saw her side and her hip for the moment. Still... She gave Jumi a look, wondering if she understood as much as she did herself. Shinigami being at their disposition meant that they could ask her for anything. Or almost... She didn't want to forget that Nall was with them, however.

Besides their mutual wishes for pleasure, surely there were other things that they could do as well. Mitsuko was starting to hope for even trivial moments with the fox at times, be it cuddling or other kinds of fun. She wanted Jumi to enjoy it as well, though. She didn't really know if Jumi had certain wishes for non-sexual activities with Shinigami. The range of possibilities might be vast, but the fox was unlikely to let them approach the sealed basement, which Mitsuko considered a good thing.

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That complicated things.  Might be an improvement, but made things harder to predict. Part of Jumi just wished there was a deeper purpose here, some goal.  It would make things easier to predict.  She casually shrugged.  “Well, you can do what you want.  I agreed to that, and don’t have a problem with it.”  She could not really think of anything she would want to get out of Shinigami, though maybe that would change before the days were over.

Did Mitsuko want something?  That seemed more likely though she could only guess at what that might be at this point.  She would probably encourage whatever it was, though she did not mind them doing things she had no idea about either.  “Go ahead, surprise me, impress me.  See if it leads to something.”  She vaguely referred to the challenge of sorts.  To see what sort of second deal she could get, when the three days were over.

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Mitsuko looked at Jumi after she responded to the fox, feeling like she was not as interested as she was. A part of her felt bad about falling for Shinigami so easily, not wanting to make her friend feel like she didn't belong. She was happy to have both of them with her in this place but there was not much she could do to make Jumi happier. She didn't know her all that much yet but she still thought what she had said to her. Leaving her life to become a magical girl, with her. As friend or more...

Still, she couldn't help but feel a bit sad for her. Jumi was here only because Mitsuko stupidly offered herself to Shinigami. She didn't regret it but she wanted Jumi to be happy, too. The fairy challenged the fox to surprise or impress her and Mitsuko thought it was a good idea. "You two should go together, then... I need to clean a mess someone made...", she said vaguely, not wanting to alert Nall about what was done between her legs. Shinigami eyed Mitsuko, smirked, then looked at Jumi.

Mitsuko wanted to trust the fox with her and she was not going to let Jumi protest. "And play nice... Cuddle and spend a good time together.", she told them with a smile before she called Nall to her, getting him to take off after taking another bite of food and land on her shoulder so both could leave together. Shinigami simply watched the fairy, being alone with her for the first time. "...Cuddle? And what do you think of her plan?", she asked with a grin, wondering if that would please her.

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It was true Mitsuko seemed to have feelings Jumi did not currently, regarding all this.  Jumi was not bothered by that though.  She thought it would have better for her and Shinigami to have alone time first, especially since she understood exactly what Mitsuko wanted to clean up and why.

”She likes you, and not just in the sense she wants to fuck you and take the only dick she might ever genuinely crave.”  Jumi of course could be rather blunt about this sort of thing.  “Nothing personal, I just don’t feel the same.  This is one of things, love at first sight or whatever, just happens sometimes.”  She was not sure how much she had to explain to explain to the creature, how much was uniquely human.

”I don’t hate you or anything, you are different enough from other demons.  Sure, I enjoyed getting fucked by you too.  But Mitsuko wants me to feel like she does for you…or I feel for her.  But that isn’t so easy…”

”…That’s the challenge though isn’t it.  Who knows what new deal I might offer in three days, if I felt like that.  But it’s up to you to figure out how to do that.”  Jumi genuinely had no advice there.  She just slept around up until now, Mitsuko was her first serious girlfriend, and that only just started.

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Shinigami seemed caught off guard by the blunt revelation about Mitsuko. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, the short memories she had of the girl suggested that it might be the truth. Her curiosity, her unusual request to the fox before sex then her genuine orgasms from what was done to her. And... Her hug while bathing. Mitsuko had enjoyed it and it kept puzzling Shinigami. Yet, her expression revealed that it was occupying her mind, making her think, if only for a brief moment.

For what else Jumi revealed, more about herself in this relationship, Shinigami smiled to it. "No offense taken... I brought you here to be my guests. You enjoyed making me cum with your mouth and I enjoyed fucking your pussy. Nothing forces you to feel what you think she wants you to feel... If you wish for this to remain carnal between us...-", she continued, giving Jumi another kiss, making it last a little before she pulled back, "-...then so be it. But we might still, I think it was... cuddle?"

Shinigami couldn’t help but smirk in the end, whether she was joking or simply amused. Her tail wagged slightly as she offered her hand to the pink-haired girl, suggesting they move to a more comfortable place, whether the bedroom or elsewhere. "For now, let's enjoy ourselves... Mitsuko left you in my care, or rather, me in yours. I would not want to disappoint the girl. I will even let you rest against me if you’d like. Or whatever you decide. My personal business can wait...", she told Jumi.

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