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Ah, yes, the old 'Victim of your own success's routine. I know it well. T_T

Well, Anji is at least crafty enough to not reveal she can detect when people are lying, so good on her for playing along with the ruse. : p 

I'll hop on posting once I'm back home in... A little less than two hours? Give or take. 

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I would like to ask something openly, and I hope nobody takes this the wrong way.

This is now the 3rd time I feel that my characters are being excluded since this RP started. Don't get me wrong, given the current cirumstances and the people Fera is talking to, I understand that Fera's an absolute idiot with clouds for brains xD and she can't really prove to Anjira that she can take a beating without...well...taking a beating, so I feel stuck on what to do. It feels a bit like being slapped with a 'Get out of here'. She can't prove useful to Anjira though, so she might get left behind. It saddens me with how kind Sybil was being to her (like seriously, she's seems so sweet to Fera and I love it), but if it happens, I can at least partly understand why. Right now my only hope is really that Archer, or maybe Sybil might say something that could help her out.
However, I'm genuinely starting to worry that even if she'd gone to join the Beach group with the nice elderly people instead of running into the mobsters, she'd have ended up being excluded somehow. I might be reading way too much into this, but because it has happened a few times now already, I was hoping someone could shed some light on this?...

Am I doing something wrong by trying to let my characters interact with a lot of people? Is it just bad luck that I'm having them meet the wrong characters? Or is it something personal with me? I really don't understand.
Is it something about the way I RP/write? Have I somehow been rude to people without realizing? I often struggle to 'read the room' correctly, so if something's an issue, I would really appreciate just being told what I did wrong so that I can actually attempt to improve and fix it. When I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I can't help but feel dejected...

If I'm just misreading the situation, that's fine, but...I wanted to mention it, since it's been eating me up inside a bit.

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I think its just the particular situations that they find themselves in and the type of characters they are currently around.
The Mobsters aren't good people and are quite aggressive. I was definitely going to have Sybil find some way to convince them to keep her around if for her at least.

I don't think its you in particular but character placement. Some characters are purpose built to work better in groups in general and some are not. With a bunch of ill-tempered mobsters a character like Fera is a bit more difficult but I do think the group of geezers would love her where they just tried to kick Lucas out and didn't even welcome Delmar with open arms cause they aren't as easy going / low class.

I wouldn't read too much into it on a persona level. Its just group make-up. You're a good RPer absolutely.
Fera is just the right girl in the wrong situation or at least the mobsters aren't considering what she might be useful for but a demonstration of strength might help that.

I can't answer for the other situations though.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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I don’t know what the 3rd time you were excluded was. I mentioned about ditching the Basement group 1 and joining the beach people, because 5+ people groups are often bit confusing and heavier to play and they easily get slower if players follow strict posting order. 

At the moment Beach and Basement 2 groups are leaning more on story side and Basement 1 is more about social interaction, which is why it’s easier to include all kinds of chars in it. 

There is loveable idiot, the clueless char type and then there is Fera who is mentally challenged to the point she can’t be considered as an adult. If this site didn’t allow underage chars, I would have told to change her personality because otherwise we would be in trouble. Both Archer and Sybil can ask/demand to keep Fera around on the condition that they will look after her. The reason why Anjira has no use or interest in her is that she can’t even have normal conversation with her and she can’t rely anything to her. Which means someone has to babysit her. Anyway, this means there is solution to the situation.

I believe Fera would have done better in the Beach group. Anjira group is difficult to handle for any char because they are murderthirsty walking problems, but they are necessary for story progress. 

There is nothing wrong with interacting with lots of people. It’s common in larger groups that things get slow and some chars become wall flowers. In my experience 2-4 people groups are ideal. Personally I have nothing against you.

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18 minutes ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

I think its just the particular situations that they find themselves in and the type of characters they are currently around.
The Mobsters aren't good people and are quite aggressive. I was definitely going to have Sybil find some way to convince them to keep her around if for her at least.

I don't think its you in particular but character placement. Some characters are purpose built to work better in groups in general and some are not. With a bunch of ill-tempered mobsters a character like Fera is a bit more difficult but I do think the group of geezers would love her where they just tried to kick Lucas out and didn't even welcome Delmar with open arms cause they aren't as easy going / low class.

I wouldn't read too much into it on a persona level. Its just group make-up. You're a good RPer absolutely.
Fera is just the right girl in the wrong situation or at least the mobsters aren't considering what she might be useful for but a demonstration of strength might help that.

I can't answer for the other situations though.

Yeah I do understand that in the current scenario, it's a case of Fera joining the wrong crowd. I was still enjoying the interactions though, until it seemed she would be left behind, but I can rationalize why these mobsters don't want her around. ^^ I appreciate the attempt, it's very kind, but don't force yourself to do something Sybil wouldn't just for my sake.

I have to say I saw nowhere else to place her. This is my first group RP in almost a decade, so I didn't want to throw her in the other basement group, and the bus had already arrived by the time her character sheet was approved. (which is no one's fault, and I didn't specifically ask permission to join the bus group either, so it's on me to have made the decision of going to the mobsters)

Thanks for the kind words! I want to say I rly enjoy reading your posts, mostly Sybil's right now since Fera's involved, but I've been skimming the Beach thread and it's always a pleasure. : ) 

22 minutes ago, Kissa said:

I don’t know what the 3rd time you were excluded was. I mentioned about ditching the Basement group 1 and joining the beach people, because 5+ people groups are often bit confusing and heavier to play and they easily get slower if players follow strict posting order. 

At the moment Beach and Basement 2 groups are leaning more on story side and Basement 1 is more about social interaction, which is why it’s easier to include all kinds of chars in it. 

There is loveable idiot, the clueless char type and then there is Fera who is mentally challenged to the point she can’t be considered as an adult. If this site didn’t allow underage chars, I would have told to change her personality because otherwise we would be in trouble. Both Archer and Sybil can ask/demand to keep Fera around on the condition that they will look after her. The reason why Anjira has no use or interest in her is that she can’t even have normal conversation with her and she can’t rely anything to her. Which means someone has to babysit her. Anyway, this means there is solution to the situation.

I believe Fera would have done better in the Beach group. Anjira group is difficult to handle for any char because they are murderthirsty walking problems, but they are necessary for story progress. 

There is nothing wrong with interacting with lots of people. It’s common in larger groups that things get slow and some chars become wall flowers. In my experience 2-4 people groups are ideal. Personally I have nothing against you.

My only issue with ditching Basement Group 1 was...to not be excluded, I feel like I would have had to exclude the other characters he was grouped with. Since I don't enjoy it being done to me, I try to avoid doing it to other characters too. : ( I do realize I should have taken your advice. Discussing with some people involved OOC, I made the sad decision that I might have to forcibly split Ao off if the unpleasant situation persists.

Also I will say, yes, Fera isn't smart, but I have only made 4 posts with her so far. She's a mascot character, positive in the worst situations, but there's more to her. She definitely seems stupid and I won't pretend she isn't or say her intelligence isn't child-like either, because it is, but she's survived 18 years on her own, and these last 10 it wasn't like the old lady has been solely babysitting her this whole time. She's got trouble with names and can't read the room. She sometimes makes simple connections like 'no introduction = rude' because she was taught this way...but she does remember what she was taught. When people mention Anjira and Roger, she does know who is being talked about even if she'll call them Autobot and Regigigas. She can think though, and she might not be as fully incompetent as her first impression might make her appear. It would just need some digging to see what else there is about her.

Still, I do understand why Anjira, being the way she is, wouldn't want to bother finding out more and would just want to write her off as useless. If the final decision is to leave Fera behind, I'll understand, and maybe she can meet some of these characters again in the future. I'm not sure what to do with her afterwards though...Should I have her wander out and go to the Beach? There's 2 serious guys that might think she's also just too dumb. Celestine seems the kinder sort, but given what's happened at the Beach right now, she might just end up hating her. I just want to enjoy this RP with everyone because I genuinely like it, but I struggle to see where my characters could fit into.

It's reassuring to hear though that it's not something personal!

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As for the question of if Ao splits or not.  We’ll have to see what happens after the girls get in.  No idea what Leona will do.  Nadia’s discomfort isn’t necessarily a reason (but we will have to see exactly how she acts around him).  Now if he finds out more about her, and if she and Jijii head down a dark path together.  We’ll see.  I don’t necessarily think he is danger of breaking off. Though you would know what he might do better.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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6 minutes ago, diogora said:

Yeah I do understand that in the current scenario, it's a case of Fera joining the wrong crowd. I was still enjoying the interactions though, until it seemed she would be left behind, but I can rationalize why these mobsters don't want her around. ^^ I appreciate the attempt, it's very kind, but don't force yourself to do something Sybil wouldn't just for my sake.

I have to say I saw nowhere else to place her. This is my first group RP in almost a decade, so I didn't want to throw her in the other basement group, and the bus had already arrived by the time her character sheet was approved. (which is no one's fault, and I didn't specifically ask permission to join the bus group either, so it's on me to have made the decision of going to the mobsters)

Thanks for the kind words! I want to say I rly enjoy reading your posts, mostly Sybil's right now since Fera's involved, but I've been skimming the Beach thread and it's always a pleasure. : ) 

No worries, for all of her issues and darkness I do intend for Sybil to be tragically kind even if she does have some serial killer tendencies. I'm actually more worried for how Fera will handle the weird woman and her eventual emotional issues. It might not be too fun to deal with.

Lol like I said having her actually be on top and just hanging on would be a good way but it is what it is right now, I do think the current basement situation does well to force a connection between at least 3 characters because now they've got to survive being surrounded by people who might turn on them. It can be kind of difficult to jump into places and if you end up in the wrong place it can go REALLY wrong but I don't think this is that.

I appreciate the kind words! I do try to make everything I write entertaining to read and I am very much enjoying doing it with all of you.

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Home now... Was stealing glances at OoC earlier, so I'll put my 2 cents in.


You're perfectly fine, Dio. : ) I enjoy your interactions and both Ao and Fera are enjoyable in their antics to me, as someone who enjoys light-hearted characters. Like the others said though, the situation with the mobsters is very tense, and I can't even let Archer have the same levity with her in the moment as he had with Ao earlier. I don't know what the other situations that contributed to your concerns were, but if I contributed to any of them, I apologize deeply, for it was never my intent at all!

However, hopefully Archer and Sybil can do enough to find ways to make Fera seem useful to the mobsters without endangering her way of life. Archer gave his first college attempt at trying to help, but it might not be enough. : p 

Edited by Gardsorm
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28 minutes ago, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

As for the question of if Ao splits or not.  We’ll have to see what happens after the girls get in.  No idea what Leona will do.  Nadia’s discomfort isn’t necessarily a reason (but we will have to see exactly how she acts around him).  Now if he minds out more about her, and if she and Jijii head down a dark path together.  We’ll see.  I don’t necessarily think he is danger of breaking off. Though you would know what he might do better.

It depends on a few things. We'll see how the scene plays out, if it continues. I'm not sure how inactive threads will be handled in the club.

27 minutes ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

No worries, for all of her issues and darkness I do intend for Sybil to be tragically kind even if she does have some serial killer tendencies. I'm actually more worried for how Fera will handle the weird woman and her eventual emotional issues. It might not be too fun to deal with.

Lol like I said having her actually be on top and just hanging on would be a good way but it is what it is right now, I do think the current basement situation does well to force a connection between at least 3 characters because now they've got to survive being surrounded by people who might turn on them. It can be kind of difficult to jump into places and if you end up in the wrong place it can go REALLY wrong but I don't think this is that.

I appreciate the kind words! I do try to make everything I write entertaining to read and I am very much enjoying doing it with all of you.

Who better to handle someone with emotional issues than someone with mental issues? xD

Riding on top of the bus rather than stepping in does sound like the type of decision she might have made...Perhaps there's room for her there later on, if she gets left behind now. But if she stays, I do agree the 3 might need to work together to survive. She might prove useful to them, or not. ^^

13 minutes ago, Gardsorm said:

Home now... Was stealing glances at OoC earlier, so I'll put my 2 cents in.


You're perfectly fine, Dio. : ) I enjoy your interactions and both Ao and Fera are enjoyable in their antics to me, as someone who enjoys light-hearted characters. Like the others said though, the situation with the mobsters is very tense, and I can't even let Archer have the same levity with her in the moment as he had with Ao earlier. I don't know what the other situations that contributed to your concerns were, but if I contributed to any of them, I apologize deeply, for it was never my intent at all!

However, hopefully Archer and Sybil can do enough to find ways to make Fera seem useful to the mobsters without endangering her way of life. Archer gave his first college attempt at trying to help, but it might not be enough. : p 

Thanks for the extra reassurace, Gard (or Gards?) : ) Ao might not even be that light-hearted a character, but he's simply run into those types of characters so far. I believe he could do well in the story-driven groups too, whether that be the mobsters or the Beach Crew. Please don't worry about those other situations. You've been nothing but pleasant to talk and RP with since joining the club. : ) 

We'll see how it goes! I'll also make an attempt to maybe show a hint of how Fera could be useful, but the decision will ultimately be Anjira's, and I don't want to force Kissa to make Fera stick with them if she really thinks Anjira wouldn't want her there. I don't want to try and force things either, but I truly appreciate all your efforts.



Now...I hope my worries didn't bring the mood down. In order to remedy this...I recently got a commission for Fera delivered, so if anyone wants to see the silly tiger in some nice lingerie, do check out her character sheet!

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I get that. We’ll see, as for me very little beyond an interest in Jijii and Fonfon and desire to test her pheromones on them is planned for Nadia.  She is a very open character at this point.  She might go very dark, it’s true.  Or maybe one or more people will prevent that (maybe a mix).

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22 minutes ago, diogora said:

Who better to handle someone with emotional issues than someone with mental issues? xD

Riding on top of the bus rather than stepping in does sound like the type of decision she might have made...Perhaps there's room for her there later on, if she gets left behind now. But if she stays, I do agree the 3 might need to work together to survive. She might prove useful to them, or not. ^^

I'm sure once everything settles groups may just change in some ways. Characters who wanna meet can figure out ways to meet up and Fera will find a group of people willing to spoil her lol.

For now Sybil will definitely try to take good care of Fera.

Edited by AsBloodTurnsEverCold
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About inactive scenes. It's up to players how they want to handle the situation with scenes I'm not involved. 
If I have a character in scene that becomes inactive, we fade the missing char/s to black and keep going, fastforward the scene to completion or drop it and then decide it was non-canon, meaning it never happened.

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Apologies for the delay, something irl needed by attention, I'll get to the post right away.

31 minutes ago, Kissa said:

About inactive scenes. It's up to players how they want to handle the situation with scenes I'm not involved. 
If I have a character in scene that becomes inactive, we fade the missing char/s to black and keep going, fastforward the scene to completion or drop it and then decide it was non-canon, meaning it never happened.

Thank you for addressing this! I suppose I should wait a few more days to see is anything happens, then make a decision.

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1 minute ago, diogora said:

PS: @AsBloodTurnsEverColdAs someone who's fluent in French, it has been quite nice to read the subtle bits here and there. ^^

I've got limited study of french and even more limited study of Cajun french so I'm really glad to hear that!
If it gets real bad I'm sorry lol

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