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W Wing, 2:00 am, [Open]

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Nadia had woke immediately when the power went out.  Something like this immediately set off alarms in her head.  She listened silence.  Waited for the back up power to come back on, nothing.  This was not natural.  Something was wrong.  She was not afraid though.  She was reminded of her life before she came here.  She was a fighter, a killer.  If any of these bitches wanted blood, they would regret going after her.

They thought she was one of them.  The staff had known otherwise, but she kept it hidden from the other prisoners.  Exactly what she was and the details of why she was here.  She was better than all of them.  Better than the men too.  The perfect blend of man and woman.  Though she was not stupid.  She had no intention of getting into a fist fight with any of the men.

Then someone finally opened a cell door.  It would start soon.  How many of the doors unlocked though?  Would the men and women remain separated, if not, a different sort of violence might fall on this wing before long.

She jumped out of bed.   Slid her cell door open.  It was moments before she heard a scream.  Fighting had begun.  She certainly could fight with her fists if necessary, but she hoped to find an improvised weapon quick.

She did not have anyone she specifically wanted to attack, but she remained alert for anyone who might attack her.  People were bound to group up.  Some in pre-established prison gangs, others looking for whoever could help them.  If one of the bitches begged for help properly, she was not against making alliances in the moment.  She had another weapon that she could use to make a woman or two more eager to protect her too, but she had to be careful, she would only have one chance to use it tonight.  She needed to use it on the right person.  For now, she made her way down the hall, avoiding the common area.

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Curled up within one of many uncomfortable prison cots, Jijii had been kept awake late thanks to the soft grumbling of a food-deprived stomach. Just two weeks ago she had arrived and been tossed into a cell with naught but her thin clothes. The other three women she shared a room with had been quite displeased to find their storage bunk now occupied, and that displeasure had been taken out on the little mouse since the first night. Beatings. Stealing her food. Forcing her to perform lewd acts upon them, things she had never done before in her time outside of her new home. It had been a miserable start, but it had at least taught her how to keep her ears open while she slept.


Not the click of a prison cell door, but rather the much softer click of a light flickering out.

Click. Click. Click.

Soon the prison was plunged into total darkness. The second had prompted her to open her eyes, and when she realized what had happened a shiver ran up along her spine. Was the power going out? How long would it take for back up generators to kick in? When would the other women realize what was happening? She sat up, slowly, quietly, and started to push herself from her cot.


This one was much louder. Closer, but also further, as all at once the doors of W Wing's cells were unlocked. It was enough to give her pause, to stop her in her attempts to remove herself from her vulnerable position. More importantly, it was enough to wake one of the others.

"The Hell was that?" replied the one named Bertha, words almost snorted out as she recovered from what was probably a pleasant enough slumber. The sudden sounds had been enough to wake the other three. As Jijii heard them sitting up within their cots she remained frozen in the hopes that they wouldn't take notice of her or, if they did, that they might realize that she had not been the one to wake them. Cloth rustled against sheets. A large, somewhat rotund figure dropped from the bunk above her. Bertha was awake, and the pink creature could feel eyes bearing upon her.

"You awake?" the woman asked, metal springs groaning and the entire cot shaking as a foot slammed against the bed in an effort to wake her. All she could really do to answer was nod her head, as she dare not touch the woman without first getting permission. That came a moment later when a large hand pushed against the top of her skull and, upon feeling what she was aiming for, collapsed fingers down to grip upon Jijii's hair. With a wince and a quiet whimper she was pulled from the cot and up to her feet.

Cold metal smacked against her face, the mouse having been forcibly pushed against the cell door. She heard two more figures slip from their bunks behind her. All three were now awake. Hands lifted, fingers grasped for any grip she could find upon the exit. Already she could tell what was to be ordered.

"Why's it so fucking dark?" mumbled the one known as Kate, another tall Human, albeit much thinner than Bertha. Often it was Kate who took the lead on lewd things. Bertha liked to hit more than anything else. At least Kate was generally kind to her when it was all over, moments of peaceful euphoria having tamed her cruelty.

"Is the door open?" questioned the one known as Lily. A bestial girl like her, although with the features of a cat. Smaller than the other two but still larger than she was by at least a foot. Jijii suspected that the woman felt at least a little pity for her. Sure, she beat the mouse as well, played with her when Kate did, but she also fed her extra scraps and seemed to pull her punches. Perhaps she had been the punching bag before Jijii's arrival.

"Squeaks." Her nickname. She didn't speak, but she could make noises. Squeaks were common when she was scared, and that first night she had been terrified, especially so when fists started to fly. "Check it out."

Having already been searching for the door's handle, it took Jijii less than a second to pull upon the object, to release it from its position with another loud clicking noise. Metal rattled as the door slid open. Before it had even finished she felt a heavy foot against her soft rump, thrusting with enough force to send her tumbling out into the hall. It took her a moment to orientate herself, to push herself to her feet in preparation for a dash back into her cell, as she dare not incite the anger of the guards.

There were no guards. No lights. In fact she couldn't even really hear the tell-tale hum of switched on electrical systems. Eyes widened in a mixture of realization and, therefore, terror.

Everything was open to everyone. She wouldn't be in trouble leaving her cell, but neither would anyone else. Something was happening, and soon there would be a riot. Worse still, Bertha would have the cover she needed to be rid of her.

"Can't see shit" Bertha spoke behind her. Moving as quietly as she could within the darkness, Jijii took a few steps away from the cell. All her focus was set upon going unseen. Unheard. Upon Bertha's exit. Kate's exit. Lily's, the one she was worried a little more for. Cats could generally see well in the darkness. Hiding from her was going to be impossible.

A scream erupted within the wing, drawing for a moment everyone's attention. Then laughter. More screams. Shouts. Shuffling feet.

It was happening. Jijii didn't wait. She knew which direction the central building was located in. Keeping low and keeping quiet, the little mouse sprinted across the dark hallway. If there were guards she would be safer with them. And if there weren't? Well, perhaps she could arm herself. Feed herself. Hide in places unfamiliar to the other prisoners. Lose her cell mates in the chaos of what was about to transpire. As long as the men were still locked up it would be the safest place to be.

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Fonfon had been resting at the top of the bunk beds of her cell before things happened. A bit too relaxed with her hands behind her head, with one leg bent at the knee and her other leg resting on top of it, leaving her foot hanging in the air, her ears twitched when she started hearing things that were not exactly normal for what a day a in prison was. Opening a single eye to look around, only to see the lights flickering out abnormally before they would shut down, leaving the cell and the surrounding in darkness. A smirk drew itself on her lips as she opened both her eyes and arranged her position to sit up and look around, seeing a little in the dark. Now, this was pretty odd.

Whoever shared her cell, smart enough not to annoy the werewolf girl in normal times, seemed to not like the darkness for herself. "Are they toying with us or what, now...?", the voice spoke, wondering if that was a game of sort. Fonfon turned around to then drop herself to the floor from the bed before her eyes would eye the woman, tough in stature but still surprised by the sudden event. When the cells finally all unlocked at once, Fonfon only turned toward the gate without a words instead of responding to her. If that was a game, it was quite the interesting one but it was not going to remain fun for a long time, with everyone being left to themselves, especially in the dark...

Some mix of panic and complaints could start being heard, proving that it was affecting everyone. Fonfon herself could only grin at the moment and even her tail was excited with whatever this game was. "If this is their idea of a game, they should be careful who they're playing with.", Fonfon finally said as she approached the gate to look outside, not touching the gate yet in case. The woman knew that this wolf girl was, at the very least, at ease in the dark but that didn't make herself feel better. She knew she would not get any help from her. With a fight that seemed to start somewhere, showing that some prisoners were out there on their own, it was all but comforting right now.

Fonfon tried something with the gate, touching it carefully then pulled it open, giving way to her freedom. Weeeeell, not exactly. It was hard to tell how far the game went right now. IF that was indeed a game and not something else... No generators yet, which meant it was either done on purpose or... Something bad happened? The wolf girl would not go ask anyone yet. In fact, she would actively use her sense to avoid confrontation for the time being, unless it came to her. With this darkness setting everyone in panic, only a few gifted in seeing in the dark would be able to have an advantage right now. She was going to use her own to avoid any conflicts for the time being.

It appeared like nobody was going to stop them from being free, either. Fonfon was not even realizing yet that this was affected the entire place, which also meant the other side of the prison. The chaos being installed was already a lot to focus on as she watched many inmates trying to find their way around, many others picking fights with other ones and nobody to stop them. They were left to themselves, to kill each others even... Or worse, or better in Fonfon's opinion. Although, one would need to be a little insane to think about that now. Too much chaos for her liking. Quietly walking around, Fonfon would try and find her way between fights and people going around.

Her eyes soon locked on a few peculiar inmates but one of them in particular was... a mouse girl? An adorable thing sprinting around amidst the chaos. And she was not the only odd things around, if she counted herself in the lot. Preferring to avoid humans for now, she would try and follow or at least see how far she could follow her, for no reasons whatsoever for now. Fonfon remained quiet on her feet as well, guessing that this girl was doing the same in order to find a safe place away of the chaos growing worse. The mouse was also much smaller and so more vulnerable than she was but even Fonfon knew that appearance was not everything. She still remained very careful...

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The noises got louder, screams, crying, running.  Not everyone was going to make it through this night alive.  Nadia was not the only killer her.  Some seemed to be trying to make it to the center building.  Idiots.  If the doors were open, the doors to the other wing probably were too.  Did they think the men would protect them.  Men were just as likely, or more to kill.  If they were lucky they would be killed before being raped.  Or were they little sluts, so desperate for dick, they wanted to go that way?

She had no friends here.  She was alone.  She could not hope for a real weapon, but she had to find something improvised.  She had to try to get out of the building too.  Nothing was safe here.  But what could she use?  Had anything been left on the floor.  She gripped at the collar, futilely trying to rip it off.  Her secret weapon was not usable unless she could get it off or deactivate it.  Could it be deactivated?  Could it be somehow made into a weapon, if she got it off?

A few unluckily girls tried to get in her way.  One she vaguely recalled having some fight with.  She left them bloody, on the floor.  Would they make it through the night?  Nadia did know or care, she did not go for the kill, but did not go easy either.  She did not where she was going, just making distance between doors to other buildings, or crowded areas.

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one, two, three, four...
trish's first instinct when the lights went off was to keep track of the moments
...five, six, seven, eight...
there were two others in her cell, they shot to their feet and were immediately seeming to panic
...nine, ten, eleven, twelve...
no, not panic, they were boarderline thrumming with excitement as they went to peak through the bars of the cell door
...thirteen, fourte-
The sheep like womans eyes shot open as the unmistakable screeching whine of the cell door opening caught her attention, throwing off her count
...seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty...
catching herself she straightened up quickly enough to watch the two of them dash out from the cell door, they were a little impatient...
...twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four...
something felt off, there wasnt just one cell door opening at this point even if those two were one of the first to open their door... OUR door.
...twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight...
she knew things were about to go to shit, quietly, slowly, and methodically she got off from the top bunk, inching her way down as she watched prisoner after prisoner darting past the open door, their prison uniforms giving them away in the low light
...twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two...
with practiced haste she ducked behind the bunkbed of the cell, quickly stripping off her uniform and chucking it aside onto the other side of the room, tugging the flimsy sheets of the bed to hang over the edge
...thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six...
she started hearing screams of pain, panic, and exhilaration... THIS was why you needed to be careful when others take their opportunity. with barely a sound she slipped under the bed and pulled the sheet over the edge... not exactly the best hiding spot, but should be good enough to avoid any passing glances... and its not like a random cell is a high priority spot to loot
...thirty-seven... forty... fifty... sixty...
a full minute had passed since the lights out, the sounds of violence only grew louder
seventy... eighty... ninety... one hundred...
give it 10 minutes, the guards should settle it or the fighting should move somewhere else so she can slip out then... just have to wait
one fifty... two hundred... two fifty... three hundred....
five minutes down, the fighting wasnt rampant, and no one seemed to be screaming the usual schtick about getting back to our cells or the usual guards voices at all
...four hundred... five hundred... six hundred... six hundred and 17... six hundred and 26...
the fighting was getting closer not further. the wet meaty sound of flesh impacting filled the room as all too close to her hiding spot another prisoner collided with the bunk bed she was hiding under.

and trish just had to let out a gasp... really hope no one heard that.

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Leona was lying in her bunk within the dimly lit confines of her cell in Avonmore Prison, her imposing figure taking up most of the narrow bed. The cold walls surrounded her, a place she had called home for years now. It was an ordinary evening, or so it seemed. The hum of the overhead lights buzzed in the background, a constant reminder of the isolation and monotony that permeated the prison. This was just another night for her, nothing special—at least until the lights went out. The sudden plunge into darkness was followed by the murmur of confused voices echoing down the corridors. Some of the newer inmates were clearly agitated, while the seasoned ones like Leona remained calm, used to the unpredictable nature of prison life.

However, this blackout was different. The hum of electricity faded into nothingness, leaving the air heavy with anticipation. No emergency generator that should normally start. In the darkness, the metallic clicks of electronic locks malfunctioning could be heard, signaling that the cells were no longer secure. It was an open invitation for chaos—a situation that could turn violent at any moment.

Leona, however, remained oblivious, sleeping soundly while snoring despite the escalating tension. She sleeps completely relaxed with her muscular arms folded behind her head and doesn't think about anything around her. Her cellmate, a rather small and wiry lizard girl with keen eyes, named Lizzie, had become somewhat of a reluctant sidekick to Leona. The two of them had fallen into an uneasy companionship, the smaller woman been doing something like another couple eyes on her back. Despite Leona's imposing presence, the little reptilian had somehow wormed her way into the Lioness's good graces, or at least had learned how to avoid her wrath. She had been awakened by the noise and could feel the shift in the atmosphere. She climbed down the bunk bed and tries to get a little overview of the current situation. Just like the other inmates, she also notices that the cell doors are open and becomes slightly nervous, something like this has never happened before.

Seeing that the situation was rapidly escalating, she tried to wake Leona, tugging at her arm and hissing urgently. "Leona! Wake up! Something's wrong—get up, now!" But Leona just groaned, turning over in her sleep, her formidable physique barely stirring. The lizard girl, now in a mild panic, heard the shuffling of feet outside their cell. She knew that some of the other inmates had unfinished business with Leona, and this blackout had given them the perfect opportunity to settle the score. They wouldn't wait long. The door to their cell creaked open, and shadows loomed in the doorway. The lizard began to shake Leona more violently, her voice barely a whisper. "They're here, Leona... they want revenge!"

It is common knowledge among the older inmates that it is best to always give Leona a wide berth. She is something like the lone lioness among a herd of gazelles, she doesn't take anyone seriously and takes whatever she wants. Mess with her because she's taking something from you, get on her nerves when you try to get it back or just stare at her and you'll end up in the infirmary with broken bones, bruises all over your body. This is something like an unwritten rule that all older inmates have internalized and have learned to live with. However, there are always newcomers, who believe they can join together in a group and put her in her place. What an incredibly stupid Idea...

The burly, black woman and her gang of newcomers stood in the doorway, their silhouettes menacing in the darkness. The leader sneered, her eyes glinting with malice. "Rise and shine, Lioness. Time to settle scores." The Lioness, now aware of the impending threat, opend her eyes and smirked coldly. There was a reason she had earned her fearsome reputation.

She slowly sat up and rose from her bunk as stood at her full height, her muscular frame towering over the intruders, a deadly calm settling over her. The reptilian woman quickly scurried to the back of the cell, knowing better than to get in the way. Leona's lips curled into a smirk. "You should’ve stayed in your cells, ladies. But if you’re that eager for a beating... who am I to disappoint?" She cracks her fingers and her neck as she subtly stretches her massive muscles to wake up properly.

The intruders hesitated, realizing too late that they might have begged off more than they could chew. Leona's gray locked eyes onto them, filled with a predatory gleam. With a voice like gravel, she muttered, "Come here then," The tension broke as one of the bolder inmates lunged at her. The fight that followed was brutal and fast. Leona's strength, honed by years of underground fighting, combined with her instinctive expertise, made her an unstoppable force. The confined space of the cell only added to the chaos, but Leona moved with precision and her punches landed with bone-crushing force. Admittedly, she has taken a few punches and kicks here and there, but that's nothing she's used to anyway. Her opponents quickly realized their mistake, but by then it was too late. Leona's rage was unleashed and the lioness proved once again why she was a force to be reckoned with.

When Leona has dealt with her unwelcome guests and knocked all four of them unconscious, she finds herself in the corridor of her prison track, with fighting going on all around her. Leona now also notices that something is different, normally the prison guards would appear, intervene and bring them all back to their cells. However, there is no trace of them to be seen at all, what is going on here?

Edited by CuteKitten
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The whispering sounds of her followers didn’t wake up Anjira, but the lack of sound did. The vulpeculan opened her eyes and her ears twitched, trying to catch the sound of air ventilation machine’s or ceiling lights’ humming. Nothing. When she opened her eyes she immediately paid attention to how it was darker than usual. The dimmed night lights on the hall were off. 


A redhead fellow fox woman shoved the fourth one to wake her up. The two looked at Anjira like they were asking silently what now. The only source of light they had was the star light coming through the little window near the ceiling of their cell. It was getting noisy outside their cell. 

“Is it open?” Anjira asked.

One of them tried the door, and it opened effortlessly. The dark fox woman slid down from her bed and reached for the shiv she had hid inside her mattress. Swiftly she hid the makeshift blade in her clothes. 

 ^The backup should go on any moment now…^ The still sleepy wolf woman muttered as she rubbed her eyes. 

^It has never taken this long.^

“If there is something wrong with the electricity, they are already calling for help and soon they are here in full riot gear to beat us up and shove back to our cells.” Anjira spoke while she went for their hide and took out her cellphone. The time the phone took to start up felt like a small eternity. “No reception… “

^The whole island is without electricity?^ A blonde fox wondered aloud. ^That’s going to take a longer time to fix then.^

“We can think about that later. I’m certain we are about to get some company. Let’s go get the others and do some dirty laundry before they come to put us in order.” 

The mutual understanding drew a blood freezing cruel smile on their faces. Without a word those who hadn’t armed themselves picked up their simple prison weapons and followed their leader out of the cell to go meet their comrades, before heading to find those who had had this coming for a long time. The kind of chaos that was unfolding around them gave them the perfect opportunity. Good luck at figuring out who had killed who!   



Celestine woke up on the click. She stayed on her top bunk and observed the situation in silence. The white fox expected the guards to rush on the hallways and beat with their batons anyone who had strayed out of their cells, but there was no sign of guards. Not even an announcement to tell them to stay in their cells. This felt like something was horribly wrong. 

Someone was running in the hallway opposite from their cell. There were people lurking in the hallways, like they were preying to others. Or then they couldn’t see that well in the dark. The sounds Celestine heard… Bad things were happening in the darkness. There were fear, pain… and death. 

“Ingaril. Wake up. Inga, you must wake up. Something is wrong. The doors are open and there are no guards.” Celestine got off of her bed and carefully shook the old fox woman who had wrapped herself in her blanket like she was trying to cocoon herself. How could she sleep through all this noise like that? 

^Mmhm… W-what is it sweetheart?^ The woman moved slowly and Celestine helped her to untangle herself from the blanket. 

“Do you hear that? There is… They are out of control. The guards haven’t come and we have lost electricity.” The younger fox sounded worried so the older one patted her shoulder in a calming manner.

^Everything will be fine. Don’t worry, sweetheart.^

“Was it like this when that riot happened?” 

Ingaril was sentenced to life in prison. She had been in the Avonmore Prison from the beginning so she had seen a lot here. In 2012 there had been a huge prison riot on the W-Wing, which cost the lives of many prisoners and guards alike. 

^Things were different then. The guards had more freedom… and we had less rights back then. It was fated to happen. One can take only so much before breaking. It was one incident that started the whole thing… There was no loss of electricity then. Celes, it’s best we go now. The animals are out of their cages and they don’t discriminate in picking their prey.^ Despite the situation the woman sounded calm.

She put her shoes on and wrapped her self-made blanket shawl around her frail shoulders. The way she tapped her breast pocket to check something was still inside it was a stuck habit. 

“Wouldn’t it be better to wait here for the guards?” Celestine asked quietly.

It was the right thing to do. Wait for them to come and put everything like it had been. Celes felt her heart beating fast. She avoided looking outside their cell. The sounds were enough. Those sounds… they horrified and excited her at the same time. Celestine was afraid of going where all the violence was happening. She was afraid of what might happen to her… for another reason one might think.

^We don’t know when they are coming. Something bad might happen to us. Let’s use this opportunity, Celes. We have a chance to spend some extra time outside this cell. Let’s make the most of it before they take us back. Now then… Do you have all you need?^

“I… Yes. I have everything.” Celestine slipped her shoes on and grabbed a thick book with a worn cover. The prayer book of Aeona. 

Ingaril smiled when she saw what the younger vulpeculan took. She nodded softly and then the pair slipped out of their cell and doing their best to avoid everyone, they headed out of the W-Wing and towards the Central building.


[Continues on Central building]

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Leona stood at the threshold of her cell, her chest rising and falling as she surveyed the chaos unfolding in the darkened corridor. The air was thick with the sounds of grunts, shouts, and the occasional thud of flesh meeting flesh. It was a symphony of violence that, under different circumstances, might have stirred something within her—a thrill, a desire to join in. But this was different. This wasn’t just another day in Avonmore Prison. The usual order, however tenuous, had broken down completely. There were no guards in sight, no alarms blaring to restore control. It was as if the very heart of the prison had stopped beating, leaving only anarchy in its wake.

Leona cracked her neck, her muscles still humming with the adrenaline of her recent scuffle. The blood on her knuckles wasn’t hers, but it was still warm, reminding her that she was very much alive, very much in the thick of it. She glanced down at the unconscious bodies of the fools who had thought they could take her down. Pitiful. She almost felt sorry for them—almost. With a dismissive snort, she stepped over their prone forms and into the corridor, the cold cement floor rough under her bare feet.

Lizzie, her lizard-like companion, scurried to her side, her wide eyes darting nervously around the chaotic scene. “Leona, what do we do? The guards aren’t coming… something’s wrong.”

Leona ignored the nervous chatter, her mind already calculating, assessing. The Central Building. That’s where she needed to be. If there was any information, any clue as to what was going on, it would be there. And if not, well, she’d just have to carve out her own path—like she always did. She may also find a way to remove that annoying anti-magic collar, which makes her feel like a domesticated animal.

The hallway stretched before her, a gauntlet of flailing limbs and snarling faces. Inmates were taking advantage of the situation, settling scores, looting cells, or just fighting for the sheer hell of it. It was like a twisted playground, where the strongest or the most desperate ruled, at least until order was restored. Leona smirked, her lips curling into a cold, predatory smile. This was a world she understood, a world she could navigate blindfolded. The only rule was survival, and she had perfected that long ago.

She started down the corridor, her long, powerful strides carrying her forward without hesitation. Bodies crashed into her, but she shrugged them off like they were nothing more than nuisances. A wild-eyed woman, her face twisted with rage, lunged at her with a makeshift shiv. Leona didn’t even break her stride—she caught the woman’s wrist in a vise-like grip and twisted, the sickening snap of bone barely audible over the din of the melee. The woman crumpled to the floor, howling in pain, but Leona was already past her, eyes fixed ahead.

She felt the heat of battle on her skin, the electric charge of danger that had always been her constant companion. But there was no need to engage, not unless someone was foolish enough to get in her way. As she moved through the chaos, she could feel eyes on her—some filled with fear, others with hate, a few with grudging respect. But none dared to challenge her directly.

Lizzie followed close behind, sticking to Leona’s shadow like a lifeline. The little lizard was smart enough to know that staying close to the Lioness was her best chance of making it through whatever this was. They passed through clusters of brawling inmates, Leona shoving aside those who stumbled into her path with casual brutality. Most didn’t even try to fight back, recognizing her as an immovable object in the storm of chaos.

A very few of the weaker or smarter ones, desperate to avoid the chaos of the ongoing brawls, saw the opportunity to follow her, hoping to find safety in her shadow. Lizzie was the prime example, a small shadow clinging close to Leona’s imposing figure. However, hardly anyone could muster their courage, the fear of herself was simply too great.

After a few minutes Leona’s sharp eyes spotted a familiar figure. A wiry rat-woman with cunning, beady eyes, notorious in the prison for her illicit dealings. Leona recognized her immediately, recalling the small luxuries she occasionally indulged in—cigarettes or alcohol, small comforts in the harshness of this hell.

With a deliberate change of course, Leona made her way toward the rat-woman, who was currently tussling with another inmate. Without hesitation, Leona grabbed the rival and knocked her out with a precise blow to the temple. "What the-" The rat-woman looked up, startled and alarmed, but before she could react, Leona had her by the collar and shoved her into an empty cell. "L-Leona?! W-why at such a moment? D-don't you have anything better to do?"

“I don’t have time for games,” Leona growled, her voice low and menacing as she pinned the rat-woman against the wall. “Hand it over. Everything.”

"Okay, okay, just please... don't hit me in the stomach again, I still have a stomach ache from last time..." With trembling hands, the rat-woman began emptying her pockets, frantically trying to appease Leona’s looming wrath. She produced cigarettes, a small bag of grass, some jewelry and a handful of other small items—everything she had. But Leona wasn’t satisfied. With a quick movement, she spun the rat-woman around, shaking her until every last hidden item fell out, then threw her onto the bed. The rat-woman groaned in pain before collapsing, unconscious.

Leona squats down grabbed what she was after—a few cigars and a pack of matches. As she picked it up, her eyes caught sight of another figure huddled in the corner of the cell under the bed, trying to make herself as small as possible while hiding under a blanket. It was a sexy sheep-like woman with a cute face. Fear was etched across her features as she stared at Leona like she was the embodiment of death.

Leona raised an eyebrow and stowed her loot in a trouser pocket of her prisoner's uniform. “Little Lamb,” she murmured with amusement, as the corners of her mouth form a slight smile. “If you’re weak, you’d better find some strong allies. It’s the only way you’ll survive in here.” Even though many people think Leona is callous, she still shows her nice side quite often. She sometimes gives advice to weaker people, helps them when she feels like it and occasionally smiles when she's in a good mood. 

Leona stood up again and left her where she was, turning and exiting the cell with her prize secured. She had what she wanted, and now there was only one thing left to do: continue the path to the Central Building.

With one last glance at the unconscious rat-woman and the frightened lamb-woman, Leona stepped back into the dark, chaotic corridor. Lizzie followed silently behind, grateful that Leona hadn’t turned her attention to her. The path still lay ahead, and Leona knew this was just the beginning.

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Nadia had kept on the move, until she heard a fight coming from up ahead.  Slowly shifting towards it.  A voice familiar to her as well.  To anyone who wanted things.  She probably not a source of weapons unfortunately, but as she heard the beating, she thought maybe she could get something out of it.  She just had to be careful about who was doing the beating.  Then she saw the figure, stepping out from the cell.  Not a woman she had personally met, but only one woman here could have a build like that.  She thought it was a waste of a woman's figure.  But she did not dare say that, she would not do anything to intentionally irritate that woman.  A potential living weapon here, it was risky, but perhaps it was worth sticking with her.

She stood facing her, held her hands up.  Showing she was unarmed, but there was a little blood from the girls she beat earlier, which would hopefully impress her.  "Not looking for a fight, Lioness.  If you don't mind me asking, where are you planning to go?  I can fight but would feel much better with a weapon.  Unfortunately, ones aren't easy to find here."  It was time for prison politics.  No one did anything out of the good of their heart.  "I can fight.  Have killed.  We can help each other through the night.  If you don't think I'm good enough, I'll pay you back one way or another after all this is over."  Maybe she should have waited for the answer of where she was going first.  But she would be much better off following someone like this.  Unless she found some shiv or something some other girl had managed to get and lost, she did not seem likely to find a good weapon around here.

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     six hundred and twenty eight, six hundred and twenty-... ah fuck it. Trish was absolutely not in a position where tracking the time since the blackout mattered at this point. her big doey eyes wide as the ratfolks goods where scattered along the floor, including a cigar landing a few inches from her own face.


     welp, this was uh... not great, trish was absolutely not a fighter, prefering to slip out either unnoticed or at least quickly in these kinds of situations. and in this exact moment she locked  eyes with the fucking lion... tiger?... panther? frankly trish was only familiar enough with the woman to know she was nicknamed after a big cat, but either way stealth was out the window. that, and right now she was on her belly, under a bed, with the door to the cell being on the other side of... Leona? was that what the rat lady said? either way, trish was not exactly in a spot to get out quick.

Double F.U.C.K.

then the womans words practically purred from the womans mouth as trish felt her blood run cold in her veins... fully expecting for shit to go wrong real quick... but then... she gave trish some advice instead? before walking out?

Scratch that F.u.c.k., this might be a good chance.

with a slight rush after Leona stepped out of the cell trish crawled out before looking over Anise, the rat woman that was just shook down by the... Lioness! that was the nickname. but thats beside the point, anise was a tricky bitch. liked to indulge in the good stuff but also kept things a little hidden with the help of a needle and thread. feeling around she found it, an extra pocket sewn into the back of her shirt, right along the edge. a simple shakedown would keep this shit hidden.

thats where she kept the good stuff, f.u.c.k y.e.s.

not wasting a moment trish tore the seam, pulling out not just a cigar, but a proper cuban one, from Wuelta abajo. this was absolutely Anise's treasure, and Trish's ticket into someones good graces... speaking of which... "Hey uhm, miss Tigress?" with a little trot out of the cell trish followed behind as quickly, holding out the cigar as an offering "I-I figured you would want this"

trish, in her rush, forgot she took off her prison uniform to hide and was currently absolutely naked infront of her, holding out a cigar... F.U.C.K.

Edited by DreamsnThings
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Leona was just about to continue her way and heared as the lamb spoke. She turned around and stood tall, her imposing figure casting a shadow over the trembling form of Trish, who now stood naked before her. The little lamb, her real name beeing Trish, was a pitiful sight—exposed, vulnerable, and utterly terrified. Leona couldn't help but let out a low, amused laugh. The sound reverberated through the air, dripping with amusement.

Leona's piercing gray eyes bore into Trish's, filled with a mix of predatory delight and dismissive superiority. "Well, what do we have here? Someone gathered their courage and crawled out of hiding~" she purred, her voice a velvet undertone of mockery. With deliberate slowness, she reached out and ruffled Trish's hair, the gesture almost affectionate, but undercut with a condescending undertone. She leans down as she brings her head next to Trish's. "Did you forget something, little lamb?" she whispered, her lips brushing close to Trish's ear, the warmth of her breath sending a shiver down the smaller woman's spine. "You're naked." Leona's free hand moves to rest on Thrish's waist, she exercises her dominance.

Leona's hand then slid down, her fingers brushing against Trish's exposed skin before gently groping her buttrock. The gesture was more than just an assertion of dominance—it was a reminder that in Leona's world, only the strong had control. With a casual motion, Leona removed her hand from Thrish´s head, reached out and took the cigar from her hands, her fingers brushing against the smaller woman’s trembling ones. "You’re full of surprises," she remarked, her voice low and slightly teasing. She inspected the cigar, rolling it between her fingers, noting its quality, while continuesly gropping her buttrock. It was a decent offering, far better than the cheap stuff that usually circulated in the prison. A smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. "Thanks, little lamb," Leona gave her buttrock a final, playful but firm squeeze, before pulling back and store the cigar in her pocket. Her interest in Trish already waning as she turned to continue on her path.

Lizzie, meanwhile, looted a few of the other unconscious woman around them and got some more normal cigarettes. She giggles and mumbles under her breath, while beeing envy of Trish. "Leona will definitely like them, maybe she'll stroke my head too, hehe." When she has checked everything in her bags, she notices Leona setting off again and quickly follows, hidding in her shadow once more.


The echoes of the earlier chaos had started to fade, the fighting around them dying down as they slowly approached the Central Building. Leona's stride was unhurried, her every step radiating the confidence of someone who feared nothing and no one. Her sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the aftermath of the carnage with little more than a flicker of interest. Her gray eyes, locked onto the figure approaching her—another challenge, perhaps?

But as the woman stepped into the dim light, Leona's instincts told her this one was different. Her sharp gaze took in the details: the woman’s stance, the wary yet confident look in her eyes, and the way she held her hands up, palms open, a sign of non-aggression. But the bloodstains on her knuckles spoke a different story—this one was no stranger to violence.

She folded her muscular arms across her chest, her imposing figure casting a shadow over Nadia. "Not looking for a fight, huh?" she said, her voice a low growl that matched her fierce appearance. "Smart move." She could tell Nadia wasn’t weak—at least not entirely. The woman had guts to approach her, especially when everyone else knew to keep their distance. "You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. But I don’t need dead weight slowing me down. You stick with me, you pull your own weight. I don’t babysit."

She stepped closer, towering over the woman, her presence as imposing as ever. "As for where I’m going... I want to go through that door there to get to the Central Building. Maybe we can find a clue what the fuck is going on here there." She removes her arms from her chest and pulls on her anti-magic collar, trying to move it with a finger, slightly frustrated wearing it. "Maybe I'll get rid of this motherfucking collar there too."

With that, Leona walked past her and turned her back on Nadia, a calculated risk that showed she wasn’t threatened. Her braid swinging behind her as she moved with the fluid grace of a predator. She didn’t wait to see if the woman would follow—she knew she would. Survival was the name of the game, and Leona had long since mastered the rules.

With one last big step she pushes open the door to the Central Building and enters it with those who are willing to follow her.

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Nadia showed no reaction to the other woman, who came out of the cell, naked.  Yeah, that was closer to what Nadia expected from a woman.  But the Lioness seemed to have at least a passing interest in her, someone who could ‘pay’ for protection in another way, not too uncommon in a prison.  Maybe someone to look into later, if it was only a passing interest the Lioness had.  She also was not going to question the other woman with the Lioness, she apparently had a reason to be there that Lioness approved of.

”I’d have been killed long ago if I was dead weight.  Don’t worry, I don’t expect special treatment, wouldn’t have it any other way.”  She sighed at hearing the destination.  “Much as I’d love to get this collar off, that was one place I was hoping to avoid.  If the doors to that building are open, the door to the men’s wing is sure to be open too.  Anyone else, I would say it’s dangerously stupid, though I’m sure you can fight them off.”  She was following though, a little behind, another sign she did not intend to be a threat.  She said she was sure the Lioness could defend herself.  If it was a small group that was certain.  If it was a bigger group, that would be more concerning.  But in some ways this was her style too, go in, fight.  She just wished she had a weapon.  She remained on guard as the door opened, waiting to see if anyone attacked.

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Trish had mustered up her courage to try and make this offering, all in hopes to get into the Tigress's good graces...

which seemed to instantly go out the window as the tigress whispered about how she was currently naked, fuck. theres being open with your body and theres forgetting you stripped to make it easier to hide under a  bed. "oh whoops! sorry about that miss leona! my cellmate was having me help them with something between their legs when the power went off!" Trish made a quick call, bluffing a little to make herself seem a little weaker, and a little more harmless. matching her own words with a little giggle as she slowly curled a bang of her hair around her finger. smiling sweetly to the... strong woman in front of her, all well panicking inside.

watching the lioness for another moment, trish was originally resigned to leave her uniform behind to follow along like... well a lost little lamb. but that was right around the time nadia started talking with the lioness. trish, not one to miss a chance as eyes were elsewhere, slipped back to grab her own uniform... putting it on quickly before spotting anise... the rat woman who was out cold once again... figuring it could not hurt to check, trish quickly pulled off the rat womans clothes, bundling them into a ball before running back out. anise was a bitch, and anything that could put her into a tougher spot was absolutely something she was fine to see. glancing around she spotted the body of another unconcious inmate... tucking the bundle under their arm before making her way back, hopefully with none the wiser about her little... detour, a big smile on her face as she came back to the pair of muscle bound woman... smiling delightedly as she half skipped, pretending to not have a thought in her pretty little head... as she discretely eyed the exits... keeping quiet well following along.

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