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  1. 1. Are Traps Gay?

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Oh bloody hell... First off, I know this is just a meme, and not as John Bain (Totalbiscuit) says "Transphobic" but I'm going to go ahead and say this anyway because this topic's existence needs to be validated according to the rules of EcchiDreams and I don't want to take it down, it's a debate so it's valid... So I'm going to be a dick and say: Not Necessarily. Then attempt a wall of text explaining my position, because apparently I've got nothing better to do.

Yes, some "Traps" might be gay, some "Traps" might not be gay. It's all down to individual circumstances and you can't really take a brush and paint an entire group as being homosexual, just because they look feminine. Likewise you can't take the same brush and paint people who don't look like traps as hetrosexual. I mean if you answer No, does that mean that "Reverse Traps" are not "Reverse Gay", and if you answer yes, does that mean Reverse Traps are Reverse Gay? It's the logic of it all. 

A "Trap" who is a male and looks female might be straight, is that "Trap" Gay then? And by that logic if that "Trap" is actually into males then does that make the Trap, straight? Assuming of course that Trap = Dude that looks like a lady, and that Reverse Trap = Lady that looks like a dude. It's age old question, one which we may never answer definitively in our lifetimes. But... In tribal politicts I'm going to answer "No." and I will viciously defend my position until I die... And in the spirit of this clickbait shit going on, I give you:

Top 5 Reasons Why Traps, Aren't Gay!

Assuming you are a male and your partner is also male-to-female trap.

  1. Traps aren't gay. There is like... Literally not scientific proof to back up the assertion that they are. 😄
  2. Liking Traps doesn't make you a "Faggot" - One could argue that if you're just fucking someone who looks, acts and talks feminine then you won't end up with a child, no matter how many times you fuck them. If you get married to one, you don't have to worry that "she'll" turn around, divorce you and fleece you blind in the divorce courts, because legally (I'd assume) you're both male, so stand equal chance. For that reason alone, that's sensible, to marry a trap, also No Children = No Child Support. 
  3. Traps are more likely to be empathetic. This is not gay, on it's own.
  4. Traps know "How to take it like a man".
  5. Are you still reading this? It's already established that Traps aren't Gay! The Science is Settled! REEEEEEEE!

Inb4 someone is triggered over this post, it's a joke.

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  • Senior Staff

A handy flow chart to help... 🙃

Are Traps Gay?

Does 'Trap'
/  like men?  \

|           |          |
No         |       Yes
|                    |
No Homo!      
|        Yay Gay!



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  • 1 month later...
10 minutes ago, Arno said:

Traps are gay.... But..... Who gives a flying fuck. They are adorable

*triggered* although yes..... they are cute. but they're so not gay...... dude!

I was going to post this video a little while ago but my internet spazzed out. "It's CountDankula on YouTube, everyone should subscribe." - Alex Jones.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 5 months later...

Traps are gay and its OK! 😋


Thin waist, bubble butts, cute faces! If you like Traps, then your just into girly features, even on men! I think this actually helps to break down our sexual psychology quite a bit! We aren't really attracted to genders, we are attracted to features! I have broad tastes, but there are men I would never dream of sleeping with even though I'm generally attracted to them IRL. In the same way, even though I'm bi, there are plenty of women I would not find attractive either. Why? They aren't composed of the features I find attractive! What is a trap? A boy with the features of a cute, slim girl! If you like cute slim girls, you will like traps, gay or not. And there in we find a little insight into how we actually view attraction and sexiness! ❤️❤️❤️


  • 5 months later...

I mean think about it this way: guys are at least 50% gay since they like to dress like dudes but they like girls, meaning that they like their own boyish appearance which makes them at least half gay. Traps on the other hand, dress like girls because they do like girls. So even if they get f*cked by other guys they are still at least 50% straight. 

  • 1 month later...

I won't lie. I may have joined this group because this conversation is hella fascinating to me!

First! We should have a brief discussion on whether or not we're defaulting someone's sexual orientation and/or gender identity! Does this trap/reverse trap identify as their sex? If that answer is yes, then they are considered cisgendered. However, does being a trap/reverse trap count as selecting a different gender entirely? To assume that someone's gender identity has changed because of their aesthetic expression sounds suspiciously like invalidating someone's gender identity to me. tldr If your trap is identifying as male, and they like to fuck boys, they are hella gay. If your trap identifies as male, and they want to fuck girls, then they're hella straight. 

With Reverse Traps, just reverse the roles. RTs wanna fuck boys, super straight. RTs wanna fuck girls, hella gay.

  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
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