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I actually joined this website because the roleplaying community is my little spice of heaven. I wanted some new grounds to grow my skills and new partners! That being said I’ve been a writer for a couple odd years now. Ecstatic I found a new community that seems to slowly be growing into something special. Honestly, I only ever worked on two other sites before. Right now I’m currently interested in finding a partner to do a Good Place RP. I’m a huge fan of the show an would love to work in that universe. Other than that I’m a huge fan of DC and the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

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  • Community Administrator

Welcome to EcchiDreams @FantasyMadeReality,

If you haven't done so already, please consider the following to make yourself stand out more in the community:

  • Complete your profile.
  • Fill out a Roleplayer Preferences form; to let others know what your preferences are.
    • If you're into private roleplaying (Not publically on the forums, but on EcchiChat (The chatbar) or by EcchiTexts, then consider letting people know.
    • Remember; if you post around on the forums, say play in forum games and what have you, consider putting a link to your preferences in your signature for maximum exposure. 

If you need help with anything, please do not hesitate to ask the community as a whole, or the staff (Who's names are in purple) as we'll be more than happy to help anyone out. I welcome you to EcchiDreams and look forward to seeing you around. 

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