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The Obliging Wench Tavern - OOC Chat

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I plan on staying! I said some stuff in the discord but I'll reiterate some of that here.

1) Combat would work better with maps. It's difficult to judge ranges for casters, who generally take on battlefield control roles which might require such things. Also without proper ranges it's too easy for enemies to close in. With the longer time between posts in this format it does give time for a map to be drawn up if we do reach combat. Something with marked grids might help (allowing us to say which spaces we move through, etc). Could even make it something we can download, edit, and upload to show what we plan to do.

2) Combat itself doesn't work as well with this format but it is definitely still doable. I think you've handled it pretty well all things considered so far! That said, spacing combat situations out more makes them feel more important and more dangerous. It's not a bad thing to have a game that has less combat, or ways to avoid it through other means (whether that be diplomacy, stealth, etc), as long as it is players choosing how to handle situations (for better or worse for their characters). Don't be afraid to let us make mistakes, to let us lose, or to let us win!

All in all I think it's going well so far. I'm excited to have more down time to get to know the other characters more, since the party hasn't had a chance yet of doing that.

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15 minutes ago, IsabellaRose said:

I've very much enjoyed reading along. My muse just isn't relenting. I can't seem to get back into roleplay. Replies just don't come. I wish I could play, because you're all so amazing, but I know I'll just slow things down or force someone else to continue my story.

I won't remove you from the club so you can continue reading once this mission is finished I'll simply leave the character on the mansion in case you ever wish to retake it. Fair?

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17 hours ago, MagnificentBastard said:

I won't remove you from the club so you can continue reading once this mission is finished I'll simply leave the character on the mansion in case you ever wish to retake it. Fair?

As long as it doesn't bother anyone that I'm lurking around reading, I'd love that. Thank you. 

...and sorry everyone, for starting something I couldn't finish. I should have known better but it just sounded like such an awesome idea.

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42 minutes ago, IsabellaRose said:

As long as it doesn't bother anyone that I'm lurking around reading, I'd love that. Thank you. 

...and sorry everyone, for starting something I couldn't finish. I should have known better but it just sounded like such an awesome idea.

Dint feel bad you will retake it when you feel like it.

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Posted (edited)

Hey everyone! I've been given the responsibility of being the DM for this club and am definitely interested to know what the people who are interested in joining are looking for in an erotic DnD group. Feel free to post or message me directly with ideas and preferences for what an ideal group would be like for you! That includes things like the setting, the story, and the rules! My idea is to base this on DnD 5th edition which is more widely known and more easily understood for new player in my experience. This means alot of the standing rules will get adjusted so be ready for that! I look forward to seeing where we go with this!

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So did MB. I've played PF1 but never DM'd it. The rules in place are certainly very fleshed out but I wonder if the popularity of 5e will draw in more people.

39 minutes ago, onearmeddruid said:

i mostly do pathfinder


This is the other big issue... trust is a big part of doing any kind of RP system here in ED, we can upload bots to discord but I realized alot of people are super hesitant with giving that out. and r20 can help with the visualization but that requires a dedicated time slot from our players to play since it doesn't really have notifications or anything like that. It would all depend on if people were willing to leave this site in the first place. Personally I'd like to use discord but I if anyone isnt comfortable with that thats a no go.

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So I personally don't mind discord but I understand others may be hesitant to do anything off site, which is understandable.

The other option which I know someone else did a dice based system here was the DM was in control of all dice rolls and just told the players what they had.

It puts extra work on the DM.

The other solution would be to roll dice ourselves and just announce what he got... but then you run into the issue of "he's rolled 9 nat 20s in a row!" 


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5e is more popular but the shallowness is a turn off for more experienced players, I've found (Being a Pathfinder girl myself)

Dice depend on if people are gonna be honest. ...or, yeah, the DM does it, but then people're gonna keep asking if the DM got the right modifiers. 5e would be good for that.

Discord works and works pretty well, if people are comfortable with it, which...why not?

It all definitely depends on people being willing to actually wait on people, also.

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Posted (edited)

Yea, I can appreciate depth and the awesome rules we already have and I'd be willing to learn the system if we can get a group to participate consistently, but like you said if we're going to be popping in and out as opposed to having a set playtime 5e would certainly be easier to manage and to do on the fly.

However I was also thinking about a set up that is more focused on shorter encounters with smaller groups as opposed to an epic adventure that can be stalled waiting for one persons reply. Then we all gather again in a meeting location and use that as a social hub. This would allow players to drop in and out at will without having to be written in and out. Allowing for the detailed story just in an episodic format that no one feels like they are overly obligated to play.

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Pathfinder is just a lot. It's incredibly, super, similar to dnd 5e for anyone worried about that, but the main thing is it has a loooooot more options and a fair pile more math. both of which can be intimidating and clunky.

I do like that idea, though. More episodic makes it less of a scary commitment, also...and less of a problem when people vanish, as they do.

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My thoughts exactly...it seems though alot of the people interested have PF experience but if we want the club to grow 5e might be more appetizing. how do you feel about using discord though @Floofenstein

3 minutes ago, Floofenstein said:

Pathfinder is just a lot. It's incredibly, super, similar to dnd 5e for anyone worried about that, but the main thing is it has a loooooot more options and a fair pile more math. both of which can be intimidating and clunky.

I do like that idea, though. More episodic makes it less of a scary commitment, also...and less of a problem when people vanish, as they do.


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