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“Caroline! Hi, so glad you could come.”

“Merry Christmas! Ah, Mr. Hawkins, you sly dog you, who is this lovely lady?”

“Hugh, please, show Mr. and Mrs. Anderson where to hang up their coats.”

“Happy holidays George, how’s that leg treating ya?”

“Oh Vonn! Hey girl, you look great!”


And so on and so forth. As much as Harmony enjoyed playing hostess, she was feeling like she was being stretched thin. Her impeccable memory did allow for her to remember most of the old faces of residents who’ve been staying at Ecchi Apartments, but she had to admit that there were a few who slipped her mind. Still, she greeted everyone gracefully. Pointing them towards the drinks and food as well as ensuring they received a raffle ticket for the chance to win a month of free rent. Beyond that they were free to enjoy the party on their own. It was a good thing that she and her older brother Hugh Oberlin, the other landlord, only had to stand here for another few minutes or so. After that they’d leave hosting duties to another staff member. But it was important to them as the owners of Ecchi Apartments to greet as many of their valued residents as possible. 

No matter how much she had to twist Hugh’s arm to smile. Still, that didn’t seem to stop a few people from giving him the googly eyes. And she could understand why. Her brother was a tall man with inky black hair and strong noble features. And he was dressed to impress in a sharp looking red suit with a crisp white undershirt and designer shoes. That was as far as he’d go with the festive look but Harmony had no problem with wearing something a bit more flashy. Her cocoa skin was wrapped in a sparkling red dress that clung to her curves. One leg was exposed to the thigh, showing off her long, smooth legs encased in strappy red heels. The dress itself was trimmed in fuzzy white fur to match the Santa hats on both her and Hugh’s heads and her long deep purple strands tumbled over bare shoulders. 

But they weren’t the only ones highly decorated. No, the great hall in Ecchi Apartments was done up professionally with lights and holly adorning the walls. Bright red and gold bows and baubles hung from the ceiling. There were trees decorating the four corners of the room. Wreaths on the wall and Christmas music filling the air. There were games, plenty of alcohol and non alcoholic beverages, food, and of course all kinds of Christmas desserts and candy. The hall was huge so it was more than adequate to accommodate however many residents wandered through. There were even small rooms attached to the hall for people who wanted a chance to escape from the overstimulation of the party. Or, for them to have a moment of privacy be it alone or with friends. 

There really was something and someone for everyone here. From good wholesome fun to activities not suitable for minors or unsuspecting eyes. Still, Harmony simply relished in the Christmas spirit she felt in the room. The bright smiles of everyone she had greeted so far made her heart warm. Plus it felt nice to do something for her community. She never anticipated that Ecchi Apartments would grow this much and be so successful while she was away. And while she couldn’t promise to be here permanently, she definitely wanted a chance to commune with the people who made this dream come true. 


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Hunter comes in as he drops the last cases of wine and alcohol from his work as they gave him a good deal, as he bought it for the party specifically. A perk of being a bartender in the popular bar downtown. Hunter was dressed in his casual blong black sleeved shirt and black slacks as he dressed fancy but at the same time something comfortable as he looked around and could see the many people that were here, and the ones that were just coming . Hunter was the type of person who helped out whenever he could and when he heard about the party coming up, he asked Harmony about getting them the drinks.

He looked around the room, as he was searching for her, as he wanted to be in good terms with her and perhaps becoming friends as that was one of his goals ever since coming here, to find a good place near his work, and to become friends with the landlord.


Connor looked at himself in the mirror, straightening his tie one last time and checking the cuff links mounted on his silk shirt. His clothes might of been tailored, and of an unmatched cut, but the damnable things did not stay ironed. At this point in his life, Connor had just resigned himself to this fate, though it has always worked for him. Sakura bounded into the bathroom. She was wearing a simple, low cut top, that she couldn't fill out and a short skirt that showed almost all of her long, painfully skinny legs. "Come on, aren't you ready yet" she pestered.

Connor couldn't suppress a chuckle. He remembered being that age, being so excited about anything with the word party attached, but who knows, tonight could be fun. He slipped on his jacket, just as rumpled as the rest of his outfit.

"Let's roll"


The two enter the hall, arms linked. Sakura immediately pulled away, making a beeline for the long table setup with hors d'oeuvres - being the stereotypical bottomless pit of a teenager. Connor, scanned the room, taking in decorations, almost overwhelmed with the sheer size of the hall. A single whistle signified his approval. No time to gawk, there was necessary social protocol to observe before mingling with the other guests. He hoped to find companionship for the evening, but there as already the backup plan of having one drink too many and crushing it at karaoke.

He approached the hosts, hand extended in greeting, giving a warm but mischievous half smile "You must be Harmony, I've heard so much about you.  And Hugh, we talked on the phone."


After being a newcomer for some days,and still have to interact with some,Kris will prepare his stuff to Christmas.

Not much,just a Chrisman sweater and some casual jeans

"Hope I'm looking good"


After a long walk,he finally joined the room,he did the basics,grap a drink and snacks.

Sits on a chair and listen to other people talk,at the moment,he looks for someone have a friendship with,but still on his own space,wondering if he does everything right to get some friendly vibes.


They were mingling now, Harmony and Hugh, no longer confined to standing at the entrance. But of course, being the owners, their job as hosts never ended. As people entered many seemed to be making a beeline for them both. “Ah. Hunter right? I see you’ve brought plenty of booze,” Harmony grinned, lifting her hand which was holding a Christmas cocktail. “Can’t have enough of that stuff.”

Hugh nodded, offering his hand to Hunter, “Your donation is much appreciated. Hope you enjoy the party.”

That would’ve been the end of the interaction but sure enough someone else approached. “Oh, Mr. Richards, yes, we did speak. Hope you and your daughter are settling in nicely.” Hugh acknowledged. 

Harmony eyed the man with a curious look, smirking slightly at his words. “Only good things I hope. Welcome to Ecchi Apartments. And hey, drink up, dance, eat and whatever else. Just have fun. You too Hunter,” she added, turning her attention back to the other male. Beside her, Hugh made his excuses to the group, having spotted someone he recognized. Leaving Harmony to continue playing host for the time being. 


Connor stepped away, having always been one to take a hint. He had also never been one to turn down an open bar, so when he spotted the case of alcohol his attention was officially peaked. He searched through bottles, finally coming up with whiskey. Using a glass from the stack set beside the punch bowl he poured himself a generous double, before returning the bottle to it's home. Now, properly accessorized it was time to mingle. His only goal was to have a good time. If it was a good time that ended up in the arms of a woman, or a man, all the better. Turning on the charm, leaning heavily into his accent, he waded into the fray.

Sakura had piled a plate with all manner of puffs, balls, and mystery substances spread on crackers, and only a careful balancing act kept them all from the floor. She made eye contact, and shared a nod with her dad in the crowd, before retreating to a corner table with her treasures.

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“Cool party huh?”

She almost hadn’t heard him speak, and when she did, she turned to the speaker with a polite smile. It was hard not to roll her eyes or twitch her lips in amusement at that line. “Well I should hope so. My brother and I put a lot of work into this party. I’m Harmony Oberlin by the way,” she introduced herself. She offered her free hand, “I’m one of the owners. But please, don’t let me keep you from having fun. What happens at this party, stays at this party,” Harmony laughed, winking. This guy seemed nervous or maybe just shy so she hoped he would relax and have fun here. 


"Kris,thanks btw"

It's seems the first steps was done,while not having a full opinion,he thinks harmony is a friendly person that wants people best

Taking her advice,starts to tasting some alcohol but not super strong,and do a little dancing with hand movement on the dance floor 

After going a little wild,hopes that he is giving the best to show people that he is a cool and fun person 


Lidded eyes gazed wearily forward, just focused enough to keep track of the yellow lines on the pavement that sped by in the glow of the headlights to stay aligned. All of the traveling he'd done lately had him worn out, bored and it was difficult for his mind to not wander when behind the wheel and driving on the highway. There was some kind of music playing on the radio, but he tuned it out some hours ago and he wasn't sure what station was playing what genre now. The air in the car was cool, but the heater was running at a decent warmth to keep him comfortable. God, Noah was tired.

Catching sight of a large sign coming up, his head righted from it's leaned back position on the seat's head rest, recognizing the name of the city. His brows lowered for a moment, focusing on a memory. He knew this city... His hand reached forward to touch the screen of his docked phone, which had GPS open to navigate him on his journey, and entered the name of a certain apartment complex he was told about some time ago by a friend. His eyes drifted back and forth between the screen and the road, but a new route was set and he hummed, wondering if he would be wasting his time... 

Within the next few minutes, he found himself in the streets of the bustling city that was being graced by a gentle snowfall, the hype of the holidays appeared to be in full swing and now he was definitely alert, watching other cars go through reds, make illegal U's and generally be menaces to society, the sounds of horns surrounding him. Soon enough, though, he'd made it to the large apartment complex, which seemed closer to a resort than an apartment building, judging by what he saw on the outside. "Damn...", He said to himself, looking at the establishment with a blank expression.

Spotting a space in the lot marked "visitor parking", he pulled in - sure to be almost perfect between the lines to give the vehicles on either side of him plenty of room, and pulled the key from the ignition switch. He glanced over at the complex again from the driver's side window through the falling snow, drawing in a slow, deep breath, then leaned over and fished around the back seat to fetch his fitted brown leather jacket, which he pulled on over his simple gray sweater that he wore underneath, accompanied by dark pants and - breaking up the otherwise we'll put together ensemble, were a pair of yellow sneakers. 

He nudged the door shut and clicked the lock button on his key fob over his shoulder as he walked away from his car, hearing the horn sound off a short beep. He made his way slowly to the entrance to the lobby, his eyes drifting up, his hands in his pockets as he turned around in a carefree way as he walked, watching the snow and his visible breath, which he never failed to be entertained by for some reason. Upon reaching the entrance to the lobby, he opened the door and stepped inside, shaking off the cold a bit as the warmth inside pleasantly welcomed him. 

Blinking and looking around, somewhat aimlessly, he noticed that no one was there. He leaned over the counter and peeked at the floor, but he wasn't sure what he was looking for, it almost seemed cartoonish to him after. There was a bell, which he reached toward, but retracted his hand with a short head shake and a cringe, knowing how annoyed he would be if he heard that shrill, annoying chime from the professional end and decided against it. Where the hell was everyone?

He peered down a hallway, hearing the faint sound of music and catching the scent of something sweet. Naturally, he decided to investigate - maybe he would find someone who worked there that could give him some information...

As the sounds of chatter grew louder, he had a feeling he was stumbling on something and got the feeling that he wasn't supposed to be there, but, there he was all the same. 'When in Rome', as they say, right? Whoever they are. His fingertips trickled across the wall as he strode down the hallway and rounded a corner to look upon an extravagantly festive main hall, which he had to pause to admire for a good few moments. Work was definitely put into this, the lights and decorations, the large trees, the tables of various refreshments... He grinned, having a feeling he knew who was the mastermind behind the festive decor.

There didn't seem to be a host to greet him, so he pulled his lips inward and made his way in, turning his body to squeeze slyly between a few people who were standing too close together while they gabbed with others, and scanned a table he passed with various candies, cookies and cake bites. Reaching down, he snatched a classic candy cane and spun it around his finger like a gunslinger, then peeled the thin plastic wrap down, holding it by the hook, and held it between his teeth as he came to a small bar with a sharply dressed man behind it. 

"What can I get you, sir..?", He asked.

Noah's brows raised and he stared at the bartender for a moment with the candy cane hanging a bit limp between his lips, then he pulled it out with two fingers and asked, "... Open bar?".

The bartender nodded and chuckled, "Yes, sir, everything here is provided by the owners.".

Noah nodded and said, "Wellp, I'll take whatever you think is festive.". He reached into his jacket's inner chest pocket and fumbled around with a few bills to leave a decently sized one on the counter. "Merry Christmas, bud.", He said.

The bartender nodded and smiled, "Well received, sir. My sincerest thanks. Enjoy.", and placed a short glass of a milky looking drink on the counter in front of Noah.

"Thank you.", Noah nodded and picked up the drink, smelling it. "Gingerbread..?", He asked himself, then took a sip. A hum came from him as he nodded and looked over the drink, then leaned against the counter on his back and elbows, looking over the party. He was entirely out of place, seeing how everyone was dressed - particularly when he spotted the long, silky, ebony locked Hugh Oberlin mingling with guests in a highly festive suit, which he almost spat his next sip out at the sight of. He did look damn good, though. The bastard always did...

But if he was here...

His eyes darted back and forth until he spotted her. Harmony. So, she was still here after all, he thought as he raised the glass to his lips and watched her interacting with a guest. Without even realizing it, he'd downed the remainder of the drink and he was tilting the glass more and more, but getting nothing. Coming back to Earth, he looked at the glass and turned around to face the bar again, where he placed the glass down and said, "Ah... Little something stronger this time, please and thank you.".

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By the time Aurora arrived the party was definitely started if not already in full swing. She stood on the outskirts of the main hall, mentally preparing to join the fray. She certainly looked the part, having spared no expense in regards to her outfit and hair. As a chef, her schedule was usually so busy that parties were out of the question. Not to mention that it was rare that she had an opportunity to get dolled up. The tight green bandage dress and silver heels felt foreign against her curves. She was used to the bulky cotton of her uniform. Not this. Still, it felt good to be able to get girly for once.

Now she just had to relax, ah, alcohol. Perfect. 

With haste she made her way to the open bar, ifly wondering just how loaded the Oberlin siblings were. At times Ecchi Apartments functioned more like a resort than any apartments she’s ever lived in. Not that she was complaining though. “Here you go, it’s one of tonight’s special cocktails. We call it The Grinch.” The bartender said as he slid over a tumbler filled with a bright green liquid with a cheery floating on top. Aurora thanked him with a smile and took a hearty sip, her hazel eyes scanning the room once more. Damn, they really outdid themselves with the decor. And one glance at the refreshment tables proved that they had done the same with the food too. She could bet that it would even live up to her exacting standards. 

Drink in hand, she ventured out into the crowd, doing her best to navigate between the throng of bodies. She was doing well until she bumped into a man with a slightly rumpled appearance. It was clear that his clothes were fine, but perhaps could use a good press. But Aurora was much more concerned with whether or not she’d caused him to spill his drink. Her own cocktail had sloshed a bit onto her hand in the collision. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry. Forgive me, but this place is pretty crowded. Looks like everyone is ready to get into the holiday spirit,” she smiled nervously. “Uh, but yeah I hope I didn’t get anything on you, you obviously went to some trouble to look this good. I’m Aurora Lake by the way. But people tend to call be Roe.”


Drink in hand, she ventured out into the crowd, doing her best to navigate between the throng of bodies. She was doing well until she bumped into a man with a slightly rumpled appearance. It was clear that his clothes were fine, but perhaps could use a good press. But Aurora was much more concerned with whether or not she’d caused him to spill his drink. Her own cocktail had sloshed a bit onto her hand in the collision. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry. Forgive me, but this place is pretty crowded. Looks like everyone is ready to get into the holiday spirit,” she smiled nervously. “Uh, but yeah I hope I didn’t get anything on you, you obviously went to some trouble to look this good. I’m Aurora Lake by the way. But people tend to call be Roe.”

Connor was not the wild party animal of his youth, but he was still seasoned and that experience proved useful this night. A little whiskey sloshed over the side of his glass, onto his slightly scuffed shoes, but he recovered quickly. This was not his first party foul, nor would it be his last. "No worries, luv" He replied, again flashing a rakish smile. He used the moment to recover as an excuse to drink in her curves, and let his imagination fill in the details of what lay under the dress she had been poured into. He made the only decision he could in the circumstance - see if he can find out how his imagination stacks up against reality.

"Name's Roberts. Conner Roberts. Nice to meet you, Roe." he said, returning the smile. What Aurora had offered up with timidity, Connor returned with a nonchalant confidence, wrapped in a British accent and poorly pressed suit.

"I'm new to the building" Conner offered, in way of small talk.

1 hour ago, Pixel said:

Lidded eyes gazed wearily forward, just focused enough to keep track of the yellow lines on the pavement that sped by in the glow of the headlights to stay aligned. All of the traveling he'd done lately had him worn out, bored and it was difficult for his mind to not wander when behind the wheel and driving on the highway. There was some kind of music playing on the radio, but he tuned it out some hours ago and he wasn't sure what station was playing what genre now. The air in the car was cool, but the heater was running at a decent warmth to keep him comfortable. God, Noah was tired.

Catching sight of a large sign coming up, his head righted from it's leaned back position on the seat's head rest, recognizing the name of the city. His brows lowered for a moment, focusing on a memory. He knew this city... His hand reached forward to touch the screen of his docked phone, which had GPS open to navigate him on his journey, and entered the name of a certain apartment complex he was told about some time ago by a friend. His eyes drifted back and forth between the screen and the road, but a new route was set and he hummed, wondering if he would be wasting his time... 

Within the next few minutes, he found himself in the streets of the bustling city that was being graced by a gentle snowfall, the hype of the holidays appeared to be in full swing and now he was definitely alert, watching other cars go through reds, make illegal U's and generally be menaces to society, the sounds of horns surrounding him. Soon enough, though, he'd made it to the large apartment complex, which seemed closer to a resort than an apartment building, judging by what he saw on the outside. "Damn...", He said to himself, looking at the establishment with a blank expression.

Spotting a space in the lot marked "visitor parking", he pulled in - sure to be almost perfect between the lines to give the vehicles on either side of him plenty of room, and pulled the key from the ignition switch. He glanced over at the complex again from the driver's side window through the falling snow, drawing in a slow, deep breath, then leaned over and fished around the back seat to fetch his fitted brown leather jacket, which he pulled on over his simple gray sweater that he wore underneath, accompanied by dark pants and - breaking up the otherwise we'll put together ensemble, were a pair of yellow sneakers. 

He nudged the door shut and clicked the lock button on his key fob over his shoulder as he walked away from his car, hearing the horn sound off a short beep. He made his way slowly to the entrance to the lobby, his eyes drifting up, his hands in his pockets as he turned around in a carefree way as he walked, watching the snow and his visible breath, which he never failed to be entertained by for some reason. Upon reaching the entrance to the lobby, he opened the door and stepped inside, shaking off the cold a bit as the warmth inside pleasantly welcomed him. 

Blinking and looking around, somewhat aimlessly, he noticed that no one was there. He leaned over the counter and peeked at the floor, but he wasn't sure what he was looking for, it almost seemed cartoonish to him after. There was a bell, which he reached toward, but retracted his hand with a short head shake and a cringe, knowing how annoyed he would be if he heard that shrill, annoying chime from the professional end and decided against it. Where the hell was everyone?

He peered down a hallway, hearing the faint sound of music and catching the scent of something sweet. Naturally, he decided to investigate - maybe he would find someone who worked there that could give him some information...

As the sounds of chatter grew louder, he had a feeling he was stumbling on something and got the feeling that he wasn't supposed to be there, but, there he was all the same. 'When in Rome', as they say, right? Whoever they are. His fingertips trickled across the wall as he strode down the hallway and rounded a corner to look upon an extravagantly festive main hall, which he had to pause to admire for a good few moments. Work was definitely put into this, the lights and decorations, the large trees, the tables of various refreshments... He grinned, having a feeling he knew who was the mastermind behind the festive decor.

There didn't seem to be a host to greet him, so he pulled his lips inward and made his way in, turning his body to squeeze slyly between a few people who were standing too close together while they gabbed with others, and scanned a table he passed with various candies, cookies and cake bites. Reaching down, he snatched a classic candy cane and spun it around his finger like a gunslinger, then peeled the thin plastic wrap down, holding it by the hook, and held it between his teeth as he came to a small bar with a sharply dressed man behind it. 

"What can I get you, sir..?", He asked.

Noah's brows raised and he stared at the bartender for a moment with the candy cane hanging a bit limp between his lips, then he pulled it out with two fingers and asked, "... Open bar?".

The bartender nodded and chuckled, "Yes, sir, everything here is provided by the owners.".

Noah nodded and said, "Wellp, I'll take whatever you think is festive.". He reached into his jacket's inner chest pocket and fumbled around with a few bills to leave a decently sized one on the counter. "Merry Christmas, bud.", He said.

The bartender nodded and smiled, "Well received, sir. My sincerest thanks. Enjoy.", and placed a short glass of a milky looking drink on the counter in front of Noah.

"Thank you.", Noah nodded and picked up the drink, smelling it. "Gingerbread..?", He asked himself, then took a sip. A hum came from him as he nodded and looked over the drink, then leaned against the counter on his back and elbows, looking over the party. He was entirely out of place, seeing how everyone was dressed - particularly when he spotted the long, silky, ebony locked Hugh Oberlin mingling with guests in a highly festive suit, which he almost spat his next sip out at the sight of. He did look damn good, though. The bastard always did...

But if he was here...

His eyes darted back and forth until he spotted her. Harmony. So, she was still here after all, he thought as he raised the glass to his lips and watched her interacting with a guest. Without even realizing it, he'd downed the remainder of the drink and he was tilting the glass more and more, but getting nothing. Coming back to Earth, he looked at the glass and turned around to face the bar again, where he placed the glass down and said, "Ah... Little something stronger this time, please and thank you.".

One of the strangest things about being a host at a party is that you often went from being surrounded by a swarm of people to being left standing all alone. Sure, her encouragement to the guests to enjoy the party might have seemed like a signal to get them to leave, but truly she was only being polite and courteous. The last thing she wanted was for her residents to feel like they had to kiss her butt all night. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t want to continue talking to anyone. Still, as Harmony looked around at the people gathered in the hall, she was pleased to note that everyone seemed to be having a good time. And this was just the beginning. Wordlessly she took another sip from her drink, releasing it with a sigh. Her polished fingernails tapping restlessly against the frosted surface of her glass as she surveyed her surroundings. 


It was hard for her not to let that lonely feeling creep in. Even with the cheerful twinkling lights illuminating the otherwise dim room, and the many festively dressed bodies all dancing, chatting and eating in the hall, Harmony was feeling like a mere observer. Not a participant. And she simply adored Christmas and the holidays in general. This was a time for being kind to your fellow man. A time to reflect on your life and acknowledge the important things that mattered to you. But it was also easily a time that many people thought about what they lacked. Or what they desired. She had hoped that the hustle and bustle of being the hostess would distract her brain from such thoughts but to no avail. On cue, one of those romantic Christmas songs started playing and Harmony had to laugh out loud at the irony. If she wasn’t so sure of the facts, she’d think that she was in one of those cheesy holiday movies that came on tv. 


And that’s when she saw him. “Noah…” 


He was across the way, posted up at the bar, and while it had been quite some time, there were some people who you just couldn’t forget. Impeccable memory aside, Noah DaSilva was ingrained into Harmony’s very existence. At least, he had been at one point. Her eyes raked in his appearance from his dark hair and clothes, a sensible, well fitting brown leather jacket, gray sweater and dark pants—to those ridiculous yellow sneakers. She couldn’t help but smile fondly at the sight. It was so Noah. Since Harmony was not one for being shy, (even if her heart was stuttering at the sight of him) she found her legs moving almost of their own accord straight to the bar. Her hips swaying and the sea of bodies parting naturally as she made her confident prowl over to him. “My, my, my, well if it isn’t a sight for sore eyes,” she greeted, a full smile lighting her features once she was finally within earshot. “My goodness, Noah, it’s been…well too long really. You look good. How have you been? And what on earth brings you here?”

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8 minutes ago, DoctoroMindbender said:

Connor was not the wild party animal of his youth, but he was still seasoned and that experience proved useful this night. A little whiskey sloshed over the side of his glass, onto his slightly scuffed shoes, but he recovered quickly. This was not his first party foul, nor would it be his last. "No worries, luv" He replied, again flashing a rakish smile. He used the moment to recover as an excuse to drink in her curves, and let his imagination fill in the details of what lay under the dress she had been poured into. He made the only decision he could in the circumstance - see if he can find out how his imagination stacks up against reality.

"Name's Roberts. Conner Roberts. Nice to meet you, Roe." he said, returning the smile. What Aurora had offered up with timidity, Connor returned with a nonchalant confidence, wrapped in a British accent and poorly pressed suit.

"I'm new to the building" Conner offered, in way of small talk.


Well that accent was really unexpected. And dare she say that it was a pleasant surprise? Aurora licked her lips, her own eyes drinking in much more of this man’s appearance. That accent admittedly sparking her curiosity all the more. When he introduced himself she smiled politely and nodded, “It’s nice to meet you Conner. Although I guess the circumstances could’ve been a bit better,” she chuckled. “And welcome to Ecchi. I’m not exactly new here. I’ve been a resident for a few years. Although I must say that this is the first time that we’ve had a Christmas bash quite like this. Then again, I’m usually so busy at the restaurant that I’m hardly around for the festivities,” she admitted. “I’m a chef,” she explained. “What about you?”



Well that accent was really unexpected. And dare she say that it was a pleasant surprise? Aurora licked her lips, her own eyes drinking in much more of this man’s appearance. That accent admittedly sparking her curiosity all the more. When he introduced himself she smiled politely and nodded, “It’s nice to meet you Conner. Although I guess the circumstances could’ve been a bit better,” she chuckled. “And welcome to Ecchi. I’m not exactly new here. I’ve been a resident for a few years. Although I must say that this is the first time that we’ve had a Christmas bash quite like this. Then again, I’m usually so busy at the restaurant that I’m hardly around for the festivities,” she admitted. “I’m a chef,” she explained. “What about you?”

Conner noticed her licking her lips, a subtle sign, but a good one. Though, perhaps it was just the whiskey starting to kick in, making him frisky and increasing his confidence. But he sees his an opening. He produced a card from inside his suit jacket with a flourish. Bold black text, crisp, on fresh card stock. It read:

Omni Multinational
Connor Roberts
International Sales

"I do love a good party, but it's getting a little crowded in here. Perhaps we should retire somewhere a little more private." Connor said, waving his glass at one of the secluded alcoves. A bold, calculated move, an offer but without demanding a commitment - probing to find out if she was also interested in sharing a little companionship this evening.

17 minutes ago, DoctoroMindbender said:

Conner noticed her licking her lips, a subtle sign, but a good one. Though, perhaps it was just the whiskey starting to kick in, making him frisky and increasing his confidence. But he sees his an opening. He produced a card from inside his suit jacket with a flourish. Bold black text, crisp, on fresh card stock. It read:

Omni Multinational
Connor Roberts
International Sales

"I do love a good party, but it's getting a little crowded in here. Perhaps we should retire somewhere a little more private." Connor said, waving his glass at one of the secluded alcoves. A bold, calculated move, an offer but without demanding a commitment - probing to find out if she was also interested in sharing a little companionship this evening.

A business card? Well that was smooth… Aurora couldn’t keep that impressed grin from appearing on her lips. She examined the card, committing the information to memory. “International sales, huh? That sounds…. Interesting.” Boring actually, but probably not without its perks. Including being lucrative. Her curiosity was peaked once more and Roe took a slow sip from her drink as she waited to hear what he’d say next. And what he said almost made her choke. Wow, he really was bold. While his comment didn’t necessarily lack finesse, it was just way too soon in her personal opinion. 

Stepping back, Aurora took one look at the little alcove he gestured to and she shook her head. “No thanks. It is crowded admittedly, but I’ve only just got here,” she explained. “And it’s not a party until I’ve drank at least one drink and shaken my ass a bit,” She laughed, doing a little shimmy for emphasis. “You’re more than welcome to join me on the dance floor, but I totally get it if you’re wanting to take a break.” Just because he was vaguely handsome and had a nice voice didn’t mean she’d just go for him right away. She wanted to have fun. Mingle. And she suspected that he was used to women falling into his lap after seeing his business card. Well she wasn’t so easily swayed. 

1 hour ago, Harmony Frost said:

  “My, my, my, well if it isn’t a sight for sore eyes,” she greeted, a full smile lighting her features once she was finally within earshot. “My goodness, Noah, it’s been…well too long really. You look good. How have you been? And what on earth brings you here?”

The bartender placed another short glass on the counter and dropped one large ice cube into it, then filled the glass with a high-quality whiskey. "This should do the trick.", He said, almost playfully.

Noah nodded in thanks and reached for the drink, then his smile dropped a bit and his eyes raised up to stare at nothing in particular as the approaching clicking of heels could be heard behind him. He glanced up at the man, who stood upright and gave a polite nod to someone over his shoulder. "Is it... Is it her?".

The bartender's brows lowered and he leaned in inquisitively. "I beg your pardon?", He asked.

"Is it her? Harmo-...", Noah started, then hushed himself to a loud whisper, "Harmon-.. Harmony?". The way he stumbled over his words and played with the rim of the glass of whiskey gave away that nerves were playing with him. That, and how his fingers began snapping in an odd, hasty rhythm.

The bartender's head raised and he looked at Noah with a downward gaze, his mouth opening into a bit of a knowing smile. "You know, the beverage will only work if you drink it.", He suggested, then went to help a young woman with a drink that he called "the Grinch".

Noah, heeding the man's wisdom, tilted his head back and downed the strong, but smooth liquor, feeling the burn pour over his tongue and the back of his throat. He set the glass down and exhaled with closed eyes from the intensity, just in time to hear Harmony's melodic voice from behind him, a voice he hadn't heard in far too long. He almost laughed at her comment, because his own eyes were actually sore. His lids still closed, he drew in a breath and turned around to greet her.

... And then, that smile. His heart seized in his chest for a moment at the sight of her, but his eyes were locked onto hers and he couldn't properly drink her in as she engaged in the formality of addressing how long it'd been since their last meeting. "Harmony Oberlin. You look...", He began, pausing only for a brief moment to think of a less forward way of telling her that she looked like Christmas morning itself. 

"... Stunning.", He settled on the easiest, but most honest word he could conjure. To think, a professional writer, a wordsmith, at a loss for words at the mere sight of an old flame. The old flame. "I've been well. Busy... Sort of what also brought me here.", He started, "I'm doing some book signings and I happened to be in the neighborhood, you told me a long time ago about this little endeavor and, well... I wondered if I would find you here. Maybe ask if you wanted to get a coffee and catch up a bit, but, uh...". 

He rotated his hand with the candy cane in a whirling motion, indicating the entire party, "... This is your doing, isn't it? It's got you written all over it.", he looked around, then settled his eyes on her again, "It's beautiful, really...", his lips pulled inward, but a smirk was clearly growing, "Did you have to talk Hugh into wearing the hat?", he asked.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Pixel said:

The bartender placed another short glass on the counter and dropped one large ice cube into it, then filled the glass with a high-quality whiskey. "This should do the trick.", He said, almost playfully.

Noah nodded in thanks and reached for the drink, then his smile dropped a bit and his eyes raised up to stare at nothing in particular as the approaching clicking of heels could be heard behind him. He glanced up at the man, who stood upright and gave a polite nod to someone over his shoulder. "Is it... Is it her?".

The bartender's brows lowered and he leaned in inquisitively. "I beg your pardon?", He asked.

"Is it her? Harmo-...", Noah started, then hushed himself to a loud whisper, "Harmon-.. Harmony?". The way he stumbled over his words and played with the rim of the glass of whiskey gave away that nerves were playing with him. That, and how his fingers began snapping in an odd, hasty rhythm.

The bartender's head raised and he looked at Noah with a downward gaze, his mouth opening into a bit of a knowing smile. "You know, the beverage will only work if you drink it.", He suggested, then went to help a young woman with a drink that he called "the Grinch".

Noah, heeding the man's wisdom, tilted his head back and downed the strong, but smooth liquor, feeling the burn pour over his tongue and the back of his throat. He set the glass down and exhaled with closed eyes from the intensity, just in time to hear Harmony's melodic voice from behind him, a voice he hadn't heard in far too long. He almost laughed at her comment, because his own eyes were actually sore. His lids still closed, he drew in a breath and turned around to greet her.

... And then, that smile. His heart seized in his chest for a moment at the sight of her, but his eyes were locked onto hers and he couldn't properly drink her in as she engaged in the formality of addressing how long it'd been since their last meeting. "Harmony Oberlin. You look...", He began, pausing only for a brief moment to think of a less forward way of telling her that she looked like Christmas morning itself. 

"... Stunning.", He settled on the easiest, but most honest word he could conjure. To think, a professional writer, a wordsmith, at a loss for words at the mere sight of an old flame. The old flame. "I've been well. Busy... Sort of what also brought me here.", He started, "I'm doing some book signings and I happened to be in the neighborhood, you told me a long time ago about this little endeavor and, well... I wondered if I would find you here. Maybe ask if you wanted to get a coffee and catch up a bit, but, uh...". 

He rotated his hand with the candy cane in a whirling motion, indicating the entire party, "... This is your doing, isn't it? It's got you written all over it.", he looked around, then settled his eyes on her again, "It's beautiful, really...", his lips pulled inward, but a smirk was clearly growing, "Did you have to talk Hugh into wearing the hat?", he asked.

Why did it feel so easy to fall right back into things with this man? Shouldn’t meet ups like this be more awkward? Or…stiff? And sure, whilst there may have been some nerves present. Harmony didn’t feel any of the misgivings she expected to feel in a situation like this. She watched as he drank in her body, a part of her wondering how she’d measure up to the way she was back in college. But then he called her stunning and she let out a sigh of relief, beaming at him even more. Part of her was considering her reaction to be silly and overdramatized. After all, Noah was an old flame. She shouldn’t care this much, right? But he wasn’t just any old ex. He was different. Special. As casually as she could, she moved a little closer, leaning against the bar as she listened to Noah’s explanation with rapt attention. 


So he was on a book signing tour and yet he had somehow managed to think about her. And on top of that, he still remembered her mentioning her brother building this place and even where it was located. That thought alone was enough to make Harmony swoon. She could feel a familiar tingling and twisting in her belly, the butterflies that seemed to only come out whenever Noah was around. And apparently he wanted to see her and get….coffee. Harmony’s lips quirked at this, and she gave her bottom lip a tiny bite letting it go quickly. Getting coffee didn’t seem like a bad idea at all. Although she hoped that didn’t mean he wouldn’t stay a while longer. “Sure, I’d—“ but his smooth toying with the candy cane broke her concentration and at this point he’d directed the conversation to the party. 


The knowing tone as he rightly guessed that it was all her doing made that twisting in her stomach increase. “Yup, all me. You know how much I love the holidays and I simply couldn’t resist going all out,” she admitted, joining in on his smirk when he pointed out Hugh wearing a Santa hat. “You mean threatened him,” Harmony replied, chuckling. “He secretly loves it too, I think. Christmas,” she breathed, looking from her brother back to the man standing beside her. 


“So…back to you,” she insisted, reaching out to rest a hand on his bicep, “You said you were doing a book signing? Like a tour?” She questioned, grinning at him. “That’s awesome! You must feel so proud of yourself! I always knew you’d be successful one day. You’re an amazing writer.” She squeezed his arm gently, “Well you must tell me everything. I don’t want to wait for coffee, you have my undivided attention right now.”

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Harmony Frost said:

"So…back to you,” she insisted, reaching out to rest a hand on his bicep, “You said you were doing a book signing? Like a tour?” She questioned, grinning at him. “That’s awesome! You must feel so proud of yourself! I always knew you’d be successful one day. You’re an amazing writer.” She squeezed his arm gently, “Well you must tell me everything. I don’t want to wait for coffee, you have my undivided attention right now.”

"Mm..", Noah nodded, twisting the cane between the corner of his lips, his eyes on Hugh with Harmony, "Santa baby~", he purred in a playful manner, then shifted his attention back to Harmony as she tried to put focus on him instead. He paused and pulled the cane from his mouth, not looking at her hand on his arm, but his blood ran hot the moment she made contact. He hadn't had such contact with her in years and the memory of her, and the reality of her all at once made his veins feel like they were pumping fire through him.

He inhaled silently, then half-shrugged. "I just typed some words that helped sell paper.", He said, making his profession seem as dull as possible, shaking his mind of the sensation she put in him, then waved his arms at his sides, "I wanna know about this. Look at this place, these people. You told me about you and Hugh...", he paused and his eyes drifted off to the side, thinking for a moment how odd that sounded, "... You and... Your brother... Were starting this up, but I didn't expect something this... Well, grand.".

He lifted a finger to her and turned around to face the bartender again, "Can we get two of that gingerbread one you gave me before?", he asked, holding up two fingers.

"Of course, for you and Miss Oberlin?", The bartender nodded and got to work on the drinks right away.

"Miss Oberlin.", Noah grinned over at Harmony, but couldn't keep his eyes from wandering this time. No one could ever hold a candle to her, in his opinion and maybe it was just the time apart from her, seeing her for the first time in forever, but the years had been more than kind to her. Her dress was fitted so we'll to her body, her long hair was so fine and perfectly draped over her bare shoulders, her thigh peeking from under her dress showing just enough to attract attention. 

"Enjoy.", The bartender said, placing the drinks on the counter.

"Thanks again.", Noah said, snapping back to reality as he lifted the drinks and handed one to Harmony. "Well, ah... I'm not really one for these kinds of things, but... To seeing old friends again?", He suggested as he tapped his glass lightly against hers.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Pixel said:

"Mm..", Noah nodded, twisting the cane between the corner of his lips, his eyes on Hugh with Harmony, "Santa baby~", he purred in a playful manner, then shifted his attention back to Harmony as she tried to put focus on him instead. He paused and pulled the cane from his mouth, not looking at her hand on his arm, but his blood ran hot the moment she made contact. He hadn't had such contact with her in years and the memory of her, and the reality of her all at once made his veins feel like they were pumping fire through him.

He inhaled silently, then half-shrugged. "I just typed some words that helped sell paper.", He said, making his profession seem as dull as possible, shaking his mind of the sensation she put in him, then waved his arms at his sides, "I wanna know about this. Look at this place, these people. You told me about you and Hugh...", he paused and his eyes drifted off to the side, thinking for a moment how odd that sounded, "... You and... Your brother... Were starting this up, but I didn't expect something this... Well, grand.".

He lifted a finger to her and turned around to face the bartender again, "Can we get two of that gingerbread one you gave me before?", he asked, holding up two fingers.

"Of course, for you and Miss Oberlin?", The bartender nodded and got to work on the drinks right away.

"Miss Oberlin.", Noah grinned over at Harmony, but couldn't keep his eyes from wandering this time. No one could ever hold a candle to her, in his opinion and maybe it was just the time apart from her, seeing her for the first time in forever, but the years had been more than kind to her. Her dress was fitted so we'll to her body, her long hair was so fine and perfectly draped over her bare shoulders, her thigh peeking from under her dress showing just enough to attract attention. 

"Enjoy.", The bartender said, placing the drinks on the counter.

"Thanks again.", Noah said, snapping back to reality as he lifted the drinks and handed one to Harmony. "Well, ah... I'm not really one for these kinds of things, but... To seeing old friends again?", He suggested as he tapped his glass lightly against hers.

The movements he was doing with that candy cane were…distracting. It wasn’t even anything overtly sexual, but it kept drawing Harmony’s attention to his lips and by extension his tongue. And his hands. She really shouldn’t be paying this much attention to a piece of candy. And in typical Noah fashion, he was downplaying his talent again. She shook her head, giving his arm one last squeeze before she let go. “Your words have always moved me so it’s not like you’d be bragging if you told me the truth,” she added gently. Back in college hee friends had often wondered why she had picked this man. Most of them expected for her to chase after flashier men. But Noah had the power to captivate both her body and mind in ways most men fell short. Perhaps that was why she was single now.


But enough of that, he was redirecting the conversation back toward her. When he called Ecchi Apartments grand she blushed, smiling softly. She spared a look around herself and even she had to admit that she was proud. “Well…we—“ but he cut her off to order them both some drinks. Giggling as he teasingly repeated what the bartender said and referred to her as Miss Oberlin. It was true, she was a boss now. Managing a very successful apartment complex and all the other amenities that had been added onto the building. In a way, Ecchi Apartments was like its own ecosystem and it was a huge responsibility. But Harmony never backed down from a challenge. 


The drinks arrived and she thanked the bartender, her eyes easily sliding back to Noah’s as he proposed a toast. “Yeah, to seeing old friends again,” she agreed although friends didn’t exactly measure up to what they had been in the past. Still, Harmony clinked glasses with him and took a hearty sip. She hummed in approval at the taste and started to speak again, “Thank you. But you know it’s always been Hugh’s dream to open up a place like this and carry on the family legacy. As his sister it just made sense to help him whenever I could.” She trailed off, not exactly wanting to talk about work right now. “So, now you’re an author. What else have I missed? Is there…well, do you have someone back home waiting for you to get back? A girlfriend or a w-wife?” She asked, wincing at her stammering. But inside she was bracing herself for bad news. 

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, Harmony Frost said:

The drinks arrived and she thanked the bartender, her eyes easily sliding back to Noah’s as he proposed a toast. “Yeah, to seeing old friends again,” she agreed although friends didn’t exactly measure up to what they had been in the past. Still, Harmony clinked glasses with him and took a hearty sip. She hummed in approval at the taste and started to speak again, “Thank you. But you know it’s always been Hugh’s dream to open up a place like this and carry on the family legacy. As his sister it just made sense to help him whenever I could.” She trailed off, not exactly wanting to talk about work right now. “So, now you’re an author. What else have I missed? Is there…well, do you have someone back home waiting for you to get back? A girlfriend or a w-wife?” She asked, wincing at her stammering. But inside she was bracing herself for bad news. 

Noah's eyes stayed on Harmony as she spoke, over the glass as he took a long drink, himself. That glass of whiskey had him feeling good and loose, just enough to find a sort of comfort zone talking to his successful past flame. He lowered the glass and smiled a bit, his eyes looking down at the murky liquid as he swished it in a gentle circle in his hand. Harmony always was dedicated to her family, even when her sibling could be... Stubborn, difficult, she was there without question each and every time to be his foundation while his own was eroding beneath him. It was a trait that used to worry him at times, but one that he also always admired in the deepest possible way. 

His eyes shifted up to meet with hers again as she brought up his own profession and he shrugged a shoulder with a smirk when she asked what else she missed, but his lids narrowed a bit when she brought up the possibility of a special someone. He tilted his head and grinned playfully, a sort of flirtatious skepticism on his face as he was definitely picking up what she was putting down. The two always did have slight jealousy problems over one another.

His gaze held on her for a moment after asking, then he held his left hand up, his fingers spread apart with the digits wiggling one at a time, then showed her the back and palm once more. There was no ring on his finger, nor an impression or discoloration to indicate there had been one any time recently. He also made note when she touched his arm before that she also lacked one, which came as a great surprise to him, if he was being honest with himself. Harmony had standards, certainly, but the fact that no man had a ring on her finger was...

"Astounding.", He completed his thought out loud after another sip of his drink. "Here we are, after all this time, friends from a lake who were given the sea, in an endless ocean.", He smiled and placed his empty glass down, then waited for her to finish hers before holding his hand out to her. "Are you still terrible at dancing?", He asked.

  • Love 1
On 12/19/2022 at 10:37 AM, Pixel said:

Noah's eyes stayed on Harmony as she spoke, over the glass as he took a long drink, himself. That glass of whiskey had him feeling good and loose, just enough to find a sort of comfort zone talking to his successful past flame. He lowered the glass and smiled a bit, his eyes looking down at the murky liquid as he swished it in a gentle circle in his hand. Harmony always was dedicated to her family, even when her sibling could be... Stubborn, difficult, she was there without question each and every time to be his foundation while his own was eroding beneath him. It was a trait that used to worry him at times, but one that he also always admired in the deepest possible way. 

His eyes shifted up to meet with hers again as she brought up his own profession and he shrugged a shoulder with a smirk when she asked what else she missed, but his lids narrowed a bit when she brought up the possibility of a special someone. He tilted his head and grinned playfully, a sort of flirtatious skepticism on his face as he was definitely picking up what she was putting down. The two always did have slight jealousy problems over one another.

His gaze held on her for a moment after asking, then he held his left hand up, his fingers spread apart with the digits wiggling one at a time, then showed her the back and palm once more. There was no ring on his finger, nor an impression or discoloration to indicate there had been one any time recently. He also made note when she touched his arm before that she also lacked one, which came as a great surprise to him, if he was being honest with himself. Harmony had standards, certainly, but the fact that no man had a ring on her finger was...

"Astounding.", He completed his thought out loud after another sip of his drink. "Here we are, after all this time, friends from a lake who were given the sea, in an endless ocean.", He smiled and placed his empty glass down, then waited for her to finish hers before holding his hand out to her. "Are you still terrible at dancing?", He asked.

For a second she thought she had upset him with her question. They had slight jealousy problems in the past and Harmony didn’t think those traits would easily go away no matter how long it has been. Noah’s gaze never left hers, a knot firming in her stomach as she feared that he’d be telling her about some chick back home. But no, his hand was free from any jewelry or signs that he had a wife tucked away. And she knew he wouldn’t lie about having a girlfriend or something. That wasn’t his style. Honestly it was a little surprising, but maybe he’d been too focused on his career to form any serious attachments.


Lucky her.


She tried and failed not to look so pleased by this newest development, but her tiny smile and the glimmer of lust in her eyes was clear if you knew what you were looking at. She sipped her drink slowly, arching her brow at his poetic words. Just words on paper her butt, once again she felt that signature fluttering in her lower abdomen. These butterflies that seemed to belong solely to this man. As he offered his hand, she smiled softly before snorting slightly when he called her out. “At this point my hopelessness should be studied,” she admitted. It pained her to be lacking in something but nobody was perfect. No matter how much she tried. Still, she readily took his hand, her fingers grazing his palm. The warmth of him feeling like she was coming home. 


There was a nervous tension in her bones as they walked onto the dance floor. As much as she was anxious to be this close to him again, the reality of the situation wasn’t missed on her. This was her old love and it was startling how very easy it was to fall back into him again. And even more so was how much she wanted to. Just seeing him again had flipped an internal switch and now feelings that had gone dormant were roaring back to life. “I hope I don’t disappoint,” she murmured, “I’ve tried to get better over time but it’s been a while….” Yikes, why did it sound like she wasn’t talking about dancing? Her body flushed as she met Noah’s eyes and gave him a shy smile. 

  • Love 1

As Harmony's hand delicately rested over his upturned palm, Noah guided her to the dance floor. There were such obvious differences between the two just in their mannerisms and style. The way Noah looked like he practically crawled out of bed and decided he was good for the day, against Harmony's well put together ensemble, looking absolutely perfect for the occasion. Noah had a carefree stride, almost like he was walking to music at all times, relaxed, whereas Harmony's movements were fluid and graceful, almost like she was floating.

Still, here the two were, stomachs in knots like they were just out of highschool again, their hearts aflutter, their pulse pounding through their veins, after so many years it was as though they'd just seen each other yesterday. Noah shook his head with a grin at her commentary and turned to face her, his hand sliding around her side to her back to pull her close, her hand still resting on his own. A slow song was playing, which was a nice change of pace for them, considering the girl he caught a glimpse of at the bar a few minutes prior really going for it on the dance floor before.

"There's never been another like you.", He said, looking straight into her eyes as he took the lead. Nothing fancy, just sort of moving slowly with her, almost as though dancing wasn't the point at all. Because it wasn't. "Cara mia.", He said in a breathy tone with a grin, not unlike Gomez would to Morticia.

"So...", He began, "Miss Oberlin.", he smiled like he was ready to laugh, unable to shake that from his mind, "When you're not busy keeping this place from burning to the ground for Hugh, what do you find yourself doing?". Reaching his arm up to twirl Harmony, he pulled her back in after and leaned her back. The song wasn't entirely fitting for a dip, but he didn't give a shit. This moment was for them.

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