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An Angel Loses Her Wings (SataiRolePlayingGuy x AirAllie14)

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The woman looked down, considering the angel's blunt honesty.  It was not what she expected.  But was it maybe for the better?  She had to believe the angel could at least see her daughter, but probably only if she knew where to look.  If she knew who her daughter actually was.  It was hard advice to take though.  How could she just forget her daughter, having some vague idea what she was going through?  "...I will see him again in the next life, can you at least tell me that much?"  She wanted to believe the things the priest said, what waited for a person after death.  But her faith had been shaken.  The hope she could at least see him again, and other relatives who had already passed, through the war or others.  She presumably still had years left, as long as she could support herself, but she was desperate to have something to look forward to.  "...But for a mother to just forget her child.  Forgive me, holy one, but if you had a child of your own, you would understand how hard that is.  How could I face her, expect her to forgive me, in either this world or the next if I do that?"  To move on from her own child, reduced to an animal and plaything for their invaders.  Even if the prince managed to resuce her and bring her back, she was afraid of what the Vanarions might have made her into, if she could ever be the girl she remembered again.

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Anahel nodded and said, “yes, you will be able to see your beloved again in the holy world. That I can guarantee.” She then listened as the woman spoken about her daughter once more. “I can feel your fear… I told you before… I don’t know what your daughter is going through or is she is even alive… if you hold off hope that she is still alive… she could be changed… and if she is dead… it may bring more pain for you… either of these possibilities and even the one I suggested will be hard on you and for that I am sorry…”

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The thought of seeing her husband made her feel a little better.  Something to cling to.  She knew if she took her own life that would be denied to her.  Her daughter was more difficult, and it made her think about others like her.  "...Nearly all of our young girls were taken to that fate.  With your help, I am sure his highness will free many of them.  I only hope it is not too late for most of them.  Humans can be weak, to go through the things they do.  I watched some go through part of the process.  You might even see one before the day is over.  A few were kept by the soldiers here.  Some may have been left behind by the ones you killed."  The slave girls.  Beaten, broken, tortured into complete submission.  Was it possible to save the ones that had gone through the whole process?  Could they live without their master?  The woman had no idea.  She would be curious to see what Anahel could accomplish with one of them.

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Anahel nodded at the woman’s words and said, “yes, no doubt we will find and free as much of them as we can and with hope, maybe your daughter as well. The broken ones… I will try and do my absolute best and if one of them happens to be your daughter. I will heal her. I promise this to you,” Anahel knew that it was bad to make promises you could not guarantee but this is what she had to do to comfort this woman.

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The woman nodded.  "I don't know if you can have a child, be a mother.  If you can, I hope you do someday.  To really understand the bond between mother and child.  Though hopefully you won't understand the pain I feel now."  She turned and slowly walked out.  She was sure Prince Maxim would free most of them.  But would that be enough.  Even at this point, most had probably been fully broken.  If they were brought home they would have a generation of mostly former slave girls.  The kingdom would need a long time to recover.  How many of them could be saved from that.

Once she left the room, the first test of that question was brought before Anahel.  This time the priest escorted the girl.  A girl with an empty look in her eyes.  Who was only moving because the priest was guiding her.  He walked her up to Anahel and guided her to her knees.  "...One of the slaves girls.  I believe this one was taken by the officer you struck down earlier today.  We changed her out of the outfit, if you could call it that, he had wearing.  But upon realizing her 'master' was dead, she has barely responded to anyone."  He shook his head.  "It may take a miracle to restore her.  I pray for your success, holy one."  He did not know if any human could restore this girl to something close to what she was.  An angel maybe. hopefully it was not beyond her power too.   He stepped back, but stayed in the room for now, just in case.  The girl was almost a doll, doing nothing but breathing, having lost the purpose of her life, her master killed.

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Anahel looked at the girl who was brought to her by the priest. She looked horrible. She could see just how broken she was. She could probably try to use her magic to  fix the girl but she wanted to see if she could solve this with her words first.

”Hello there,” she spoke softly and knelt down to meet the girl’s level. “My name is Anahel, can you tell me yours? Can you tell me what happened to you…?”

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The girl was still almost a doll.  Even an angel in front of her barely stirred her.  But then some thoughts in the back of her mind brought some light into her eyes, as she made connections only a slave would.  "...You...you killed master.  I belong to you now."  She was a slave, property.  The idea she would ever be free again was alien to her at this point.  "Just call me slave, holy mistress.  My name doesn't matter anymore."  Her perspective of what happened had been significantly twisted.  The pain, the humiliation, it was just things that were necessary to open her eyes.  "I was taught.  I was shown my place in the world.  To do what master wanted.  To be his."  She had a twisted pride in her complete submission, a happiness to obey, to know she was doing what he wanted.  Even if he did not praise her, the lack of complaints or punishment from doing anything wrong was enough.

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Anahel shook her head as she heard these words. “No. I shall not call you that. You are not a slave. You are not owned by anyone. You are free to do whatever you want and live however you would like. All I am here to do is to help you. I will not ask anything if you. I will not let you do anything for me. That man who you once called master is gone. That man did horrible things to you. Didn’t he? He made you forget your name. He made you forget who you once were. You are no one’s property.”

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The girl was too far gone to be convinced that easily.  She had been trained, twisted, she had felt genuinely loyal to her master in the end.  A twisted sort of love even, though probably only one way.  She truly could not imagine a different life anymore.  "I'm a slave.  That's all I will ever be.  If you won't take me, I need a new master.  Do you hear me, priest?  Prince Maxim?  Give me a new master or send me to Vanoria."  She grew an excited smile.  "I heard from master.  They would put me on auction.  I will belong to whoever pays the most.  Belong to him either for the rest of his life, or until he sells me."

She looked at Anahel as if she could not comprehend the question.  The idea that any of it was horrible.  "People are blind to the joy of being a slave.  The trainers have to be harsh.  To teach us to serve enthusiastically.  You don't know the joy in in the moment you feel when you finally genuinely submit.  To do what your master says because you want to."  There was a pride in her voice as she said this.  As if it was natural and good.

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Anahel looked at the girl and began to frown even more. How the girl could talk about such horrifying things with an excited smile on her face. She was too far gone. Anahel was unsure if she really could help this girl. She had to try though, she just had to, but would even her angelic powers be enough to reverse what had been done, or would she just hurt the girl even more? She didn’t know what to do. She had never met someone like this before. 

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The slave looked at the angel, almost a pitying look on her face.  "You don't get it?  Of course you don't.  You haven't been taught.  To do what master wants, because he wants it.  It feels so fulfilling.  The people of Zenis never understood.  Even those who swear oaths of loyalty.  It isn't quite the same."  Anahel probably did not understand the situation completely.  She would have normally stayed silent.  She had been trained not speak unless spoken to, not to speak to her betters without permission.  But she considered herself Anahel's property at the moment.  She was trying to convince the angel to take her as a slave.  In Vanoria only men could be masters.  But this was a special case.  An angel ought to have the right either way, and she earned it by killing her master.  "You don't even know everything they do to you.  Some of it hurts.  Some of it feels so wrong.  But you learn.  It is meant to teach you.  Some of it even feels good eventually.  The trainers are so skilled.  They know how to teach a girl to be a slave.  To open our eyes."

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Anahel continued to shake her head with disappointment. “No. What you say is wrong. What those men did to you was a sin. What you talk about is sin, don’t you see that? Stop this right now and god will welcome you, god will forgive you and help you.” She begged that the girl would see the error of what she was talking about and what was done to her.

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To invoke the divine added an interesting twist.  The slave had a different view point.  "That's why you are here, mistress?  To punish them?  Is it a sin because the masters are imitating the gods?  Aren't we all slaves to them first?  Human and angel?  To be damned if we do not obey their commands?"  That was the lesson of the Vanorian priests.  Humans were already slaves to gods.  Was there anything wrong with humans serving other humans in that case?  The proof that it was fine was in how much girls like her enjoyed it after it was over.  "Am I evil?  Are you saying I will be damned if I continue to be a slave?"  Of course there were other things that came with being a slave that were likely more sinful.  But the girl had a hard time understanding what was wrong with choosing to continue this life.

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Maxim stepped out of the shadows at this points, gesturing the priest to do the same.  He had not seen Anahel like this, it was best to give her a chance to calm down.  "Take the girl back to wherever you had her resting.  We might try some more later.  Apologize to anyone else still waiting."  The priest took the slave's arm and slowly led her out, the light in her eyes dimming again.  Maxim rubbed his forehead in frustration.  That girl was one of his people, his responsibility, he was not shipping her off to Vanoria.  "...I had hoped you could reach her.  Maybe we can find a way later."

"...I had heard stories of Vanorian slave girls from visitors to father's court.  But this is the first time I ever saw one, what the training does to them.  If a girl living here is already like that...nearly every young girl in my kingdom has probably gone through it by now.  Thinks similar to that girl.  I intend to free as many as I can.  But healing them may take most of my days as king, after the war is over."  Unless he and Anahel could figure something out with that girl, this would not be fast or easy to fix.  A whole generation of girls stolen and twisted.  Only a small number, like the first girl who visited Anahel were spared.  She made have been made a slave too, if they had been much later.

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As the girl was taken away, Anahel continued to sit there on the floor. This was how bars things were like down here in the human world. It was horrible. Maxim’s words hit her hard as well, if this was the case then there really would be no hope for the woman’s daughter who she had seen before. 

Anahel couldn’t take it. As she continued to think about this, what looks liked tears began to stream down her face. “I couldn’t help… god… please give me guidance… show me what I’m to do to help these people…”

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Maxim did not know if this was out of place.  To see an angel reduced to tears like this, he could not help it though.  He walked over and embraced her.  Holding her tightly and silently for a moment.  "...I'm not giving up on them.  They are my people.  I need to free my kingdom first.  Then punish Vanoria for its crimes.  But after I am king I will spend how every long it takes to try to heal all of them."  He still held her, the angelic figure feeling so human human now, like the little girl she appeared to be.  She was going to help him win this war, free them all.  She said she would do anything he wanted.  But she was not his slave.  He could not just leave her in pain like that.

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Anahel’s eyes seemed to widen as she felt Maxim suddenly brace her and try his best to comfort her. “I do not want to give up on them either… I just… I don’t know how to help them…” she told him and admitted but then she said, “however… if you refuse to give up… if you believe that there is a way to help these girls then… then I will follow you and I will not give up either…” As Maxim continued to hold Anahel, her appearance looked like it was slightly becoming more human.

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Maxim decided to dig a little on some what he heard either, asking as he continued to hold her a little longer.  “Forgive me for have listened in on your talks with the other girls.  I just wanted to make sure I could step in, in case there was some misunderstanding, between human and angel.  But you said you believe you used to be human?  Do you remember anything about it?  How long ago, or anything about your life as one?”  It sounded like she had forgotten most of it.  But he was curious if she remembered anything at all.

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Anahel continued to sit there and listen to Maxim as he asked his questions. She gave a small nod and began, “yes… I believe I did used to be human… I don’t remember a lot or how long ago… I only remember flashes…” she told him, “but even then it’s still not enough…” even as she began to explain more about this, her body seem to become more human.

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Maxim did not notice any change yet while holding her.  Changes were likely to be more subtle and on the inside at first.  Things even Anahel might not actually feel at first, or not realize what it was.  He finally let her go, now that she seemed to have calmed down.  “Walk with me, if you would like.  I want to take more of a look over the town, see how much needs to be done before we march to the next target.  As you said to the older woman, I do intend build some sort of shelter and ideally support system for people like her, with no way to support themselves.  Maybe more.  I don’t want to stay here too long, but it could be a few days.”

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Things were still quiet on the streets when they left.  The shock that the Vanorians were gone and they had been liberated by their prince…with an angel, was still settling in.  That and the loss of so much of the population hurt it further.  “I had hoped to start rebuilding an army with the capture of the city.  But it has lost too many people.  I may have to rely more on your power for now.  When we have several more cities I might be able to pull small amounts of men from each.”  Of course so many men were lost in the war itself, his father’s armies.  The army was going to be more symbolic than anything.  Even after the kingdom was fully liberated, they would have to rely on Anahel to take the war to Vanoria.

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That was another question to consider.  “How long do you intend to remain in the mortal world?  My prayers that brought you here would be fulfilled after restoring my kingdom, and bringing justice to Vanoria.  After that there is nothing obligating you to remain here, do you have permission to remain longer, and if so, how long do you intend to stay?”  Of course the war with Vanoria was likely to be longer now.  His previous intention was to march straight towards the capitol, execute Urbanus for his crimes.  But now might have to search the empire for his people among the slaves.

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