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Okay, I love how I really did imagine the QTE and the slowdown as Hellhound was right upon her. The little window allowed by the zigzag. Then suddenly, portal. That was perfect. I will probably wait for others to play their turn before I play mine but that was pretty fun to read. The beast girl is greeted into the world of magical girls with style.

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I've done battle stuff for like decades but don't quote me on that. Even I am not completely an expert on how to word things out in a narrative fashion. I do try, however. And my imagination is a pretty powerful thing. There's also the fact that I'm trying to gauge everyone's power at the same time, as well as Hellhound's own power.

Whether you know Alexandrine's powers or not, you made quite a statement with Zorn about how she was to be feared. (She'd probably whoop Hellhound if she is that powerful, too). There has to be a reason she is named the "Diamond Sorceress" and I feel like it means literally what it is, imo. Diamond material magic or something.

That said, when even Zorn is afraid of her, then yeah. Beast girl is no match for her. She is tough but that only goes so far against a goddess.

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He’s seen her when she’s really pissed off.  In the final battle against his previous master, where she lost her old team.  Went on a bit of demon bloodbath.  Though only a fraction of them were left at that point, her team took out a big portion of the demons with them. He was almost killed himself, played dead to avoid being finished off.  He is partially warning Hellhound for her own safety.  But of course also does not want anyone else to get her before he feels ready to get revenge.

Right now she isn’t out to kill of course, just make sure Emi and Toshiro don’t get hurt or captured.  Especially Emi.  If she feels her newly forming team is in danger, she is not going to take it well.


May push the convention along a bit there, Emi being tired should be able to set up the conversation between Alexandrine, Elie and Mitsuko.  Rin and Emi can join in later.

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17 hours ago, Chiyako said:

Yeah I've been giving time between posts too. Although tomorrow I may be gone for most of the day. And maybe Sunday too I dunno.

Depending on how busy your Sunday is, this may be a short nap for Emi.  They can join the conversation whenever she is rested.

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Might get busy writing in a bit.  May give Jumi a convention post.  Something for Takamo or 'Fujiko' to do, if they don't meet each other.  Also may write up an intro for 'mystery character' (that for now will remain vague about exactly what she is).  Might write a start for the Emi/Zorn alternate story as well.

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2 hours ago, Chiyako said:

Alternate story?

I had mentioned the idea before.  The possibility of doing ‘what if’s’ of a sort, to see how things might have played out differently.  If people liked the idea, while keeping the main story going.  In Emi’s case I had mentioned examples of her joining her father, or if she had agreed to the previous offer to marry Hikaru.

I thought I had remembered seeing a reply from you saying you liked the possibility.  But now I’m not seeing it, other than a reaction to the post I first mentioned it. Up to you then, if we do that.

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Sorry to voice my opinion here but I agree that seeing where the true story goes on first would be better. At least for the sake of character development. I did some sort of what if stuff myself (Well, it was not exactly what if but more like crossovers with stories from certain games) and it really was best done when we're comfortable with our characters.

It's NOT a bad idea but I think it's best if it's not rushed. When we know our characters well, we know better how they'd react in some alternate universe.

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Back to the question of Mystery Character.  I’m still probably going to take some time to decide exactly who she is.  But I suppose the better question is if there are any options on the poll anyone is strongly against?

At this point the broken by Exzelcryth option is probably ruled out.  Most of the others are still at least an option.  The only two others that have much chance of getting ruled out are a member of Alexandrine’s old team (if someone decides to do that).  Or a member of Emi’s mom’s team, if Chiyako doesn’t like that.  Though that is perhaps the one thing that might might increase the chance of Emi joining her father, other than her new team getting broken with her (extremely unlikely, but looking at it as almost nothing involving my characters is absolutely impossible).

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We'll see if Mystery Character ends up being that.  Emi, Rin and Elie at least (maybe Alexandrine) have a chance of meeting Zorn fairly soon after the convention, with Elie's new character.  But of course there is still plenty of fun to have with the convention first.

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The funny thing with this convention is how time feels twisted. At first, I thought the wanderer happened after the convention. (Everyone feeling happy -> Fight breaks out) or at least that's what I was told with Hellhound's position. Now, the thing is, I saw somewhere how Elie is already "sealed" (From Exzel's encounter). Sooo... How does that work?

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Yeah this got a little confusing with how things happened.


Rebuilding from scratch (pre-time skip)

Wanderers/Reigniting (during time skip)

Rebuilding (after time skip)


The initial stories were set up without considering timing compared to each other, and Rebuilding moving faster than others.  It worked out this way so Elie could be saved in Wanders and then come to convention afterwards.

After we are past the convention, confusion like this is unlikely to repeat.

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Posted (edited)

Nice. But then I have no idea where Zorn/Hellhound are, during the convention. Probably elsewhere as these two seem easier to explain. At least Mitsuko doesn't have to be around for the wanderer part as it's too early in her time. The Elie paradox is the only thing that made me curious. Also because Exzel basically ignored Elie during the convention. Or she might have slipped a word about her somewhere. (Hence how I learned about it). At the same time, she was hiding but still. So between convention and Wanderer, Elie somehow got saved.

Now, that would be hilarious if Hellhound just went to the convention and went "Hi" in her goofy manners. But then that would point like 10+ cannons right at her. Then again, that's where the mystery is because until the wanderer event is "done", Hellhound's current status is, besides alive for sure, completely unknown and unpredictable. So even if I wanted to play the silly card (Out of fun), there is not a single way I could do it without creating a potential plothole. (Note that it's not a plan of mine or anything, just a big what if fun thinking. xD)

Edited by Warning
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Zorn at least will probably be going back home after things in the forest are resolved.  At least a little talking with Exzelcryth.  Ellie’s new character will make an appearance at that point too.  It would be during the convention.  But since he at least plans to stay away from it, may keep it a separate thread.  Might go back to Reigniting.  

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