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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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2 hours ago, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:


Alexandrine’s hand gripped Fujiko’s back, without realizing it.  She found it hard to believe it was a place she never heard of, but she was not going to push for details.  This had been difficult for the woman.  It was not the same as her experience. But she could imagine much of it.  The demon lord probably was not Zorn.  He focused on this area.  It was good that one was gone as well.

She did not ask how far Fujiko was used.  It would not surprise her if they had both been used that way.  “I keep both my lives separate.  If you understand I will say very little about my civilian life or identity…I would not mind spending more time with you.”  She did want to spend some time with Emi and Rin.  But perhaps this was something she had needed.  She was vulnerable at the moment. The demon knew how to speak to her, and had an appealing form.  “I will spend time with you today, if that is what you want.”  Just sit here, do some of the other things around maybe.  Though Fujiko needed more work and time to tempt Alexandrine to invite her to a private room.

"That is very wise. I would do the same, in your position."  'Fujiko' gave one more soft, heartwarming smile. "Truth be told, this is the first one of these I've been to. Would you mind, showing me around a little? I heard there was singing, and I do so love music. Whenever you need to go, by all means, please just say the word."

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When Elie looked away, Mitsuko looked toward who she was looking at. That woman over there was most likely the Diamond Sorceress that she was told about. She felt like she was recognizing her from what she had seen of her before. But the other woman with her was completely unknown to her. With all of the activity going on at the convention, it was not difficult to conclude that it could have been anyone from a fan to an acquaintance. As she finished eating soon enough, and drank the rest of her lemonade to help digest it all, she looked back to Elie. "So we're really going to meet with her? She looks busy right now so it's alright if we wait... I would not want to bother her.", Mitsuko said, feeling a little nervous again, understandably.

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Alexandrine looked up, to see one familiar face, and one not so familiar.  This was probably convenient though.  “We can do that, but it looks like we will be joined by a few others for a little.”  She stood up.  Walked over to Elie and the unknown girl.  “I’m glad you decided to stay.  We both probably needed this.”  She looked at the girl with her.  Another new Magical Girl?  “Welcome.  Did the Princess of Fate bring you to meet me?  We can talk in a little.  But it is almost time for my new teammates to sing the song they signed up to do.  I should go watch.  You are all welcome to come along.”  She stepped forward slowly, seeing how many would follow her.  After the song was over, maybe she would talk to one or more of them more.  There were a few days too.  If Fujiko decided to do something else, they might meet again later, by themselves.

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Elie smiled as she nodded before she blushed softly seeing the Diamond Sorcereress coming her way. "Looks like you'll get to meet her. She's on her way and Mitsuko it's alright she's sweet." 

Once the Diamond Sorcereress arrived she smiled. "Yes I'm very gald as well and I do believe this young lady would like to talk about some magical things that have happened. Also I decided to spoil myself. You did say self care helps people heal. I do hope my tarot reading and magic that happened during ot didn't upset you." Elie said before hearing that there would be singing. 

"I'd love to watch the other girls sing and see how much confidence they gain for it." Elie said standing up having finished her food and drink. She garbed her bag and looked at Mitsuko. "Care to follow." Elie said softly following the Diamond Sorcereress.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Mitsuko nodded from the reassurance offered by Elie and her gaze turned to the Diamond Sorceress coming to them. "H-hello. Yes, She hoped that we meet... Your teammates singing? I would gladly watch.", She replied to Alexandrine then turned to the Princess again. "Of course I would like to follow...", she told Elie before getting up herself. Things were starting to move in a way that she was being introduced to more than one magical girl already and she would have a chance to listen to some of them singing. Mitsuko followed the two closely, quietly observing the surrounding curiously and soon, more at the stage, wondering what it would be like and if she would witness more magic happen or not.

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Fujiko saw Elie, before she saw her and her heart fluttered. An unexpected response, but it was her marked one here.

"That sounds wonderful, I will meet with you again sometime. I think, I should like to have a pretzel now. Until we meet again."

Fujiko made a quick escuse stood and bowed to Alexandrine, her hair covering her face from Elie's point of view, just in case. At that point see turned and walked calmly away. She did not want Elie to see her at this point, so made a tactical withdraw for the time being, there was a lot to see, and a lot of people to talk to after all.

Edited by Balthier
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A round of applause snapped Emi's attention out of her thoughts and towards the stage. She hadn't even noticed that Rin had taken one of her hands. Emi gave it a nervous squeeze as the girl wandered into the back of the stage. Their names were called up. Her heart raced within her chest.

Sing. Right, we're going to sing. Then maybe I can get something to eat. Or drink. And then maybe, well, I don't know. Something? Just get through this.

With a nod towards Rin she made her way out and onto the stage. The crowd was thankfully not as large as the one they had been in front of before. Unfortunately it was just the two of them on the stage now, as opposed to Alexandrine being there too. She had drawn more attention as well. Already Emi could feel her legs trembling.

Gosh, why did I agree to this?

Releasing her grip upon Rin's hand Emi reached up to fiddle with the microphone, to scoot it down to a height which both of them could properly use. At least she couldn't get as close to it. It would mean her voice wouldn't be heard as well, she hoped. Once she had finished both arms returned to the Diamond Sorceress plushy that she held against her torso.

Now all that was left was for Rin to do the introductions, and to get them started!

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Alexandrine was a little surprised by Fujiko running off.  Did she feel out of place in a crowd?  Especially when the rest of the crowd was Magical Girls?  Well it was not a big deal. She suspected the woman would find her again later if she wanted.  “She suggested music, just as I saw you two.  Maybe she will watch it on her own.”  The woman’s words and approach had left a strange touch on her.  She kind of hoped to see her again.  “It does let us talk a little more openly.  Though we still have to be careful about the crowd.”  Maybe the three of them would talk more after it was over.

She heard the last words of the words of the previous singer.  Poor girl.  One of the ugliest aspects of this life. A girl beaten, tortured, sometimes seduced, into completely giving up everything she stood for.  Her team was spared that sin.  They would die first.  She was sure they did.  She did not see all of their bodies.  The area made too sick to search.  But she had felt their powers fade, until she was alone.

“I do not know that one well.  One of the foreign visitors.”  The name escaped her for the moment.  But she was sure it would be remembered.  “Rin and Luna should be next.”


As the girl finished, another set of cheers and she stepped off the stage.  Rin followed Emi to the front.  Looking over the crowd.  Seeing Alexandrine, and the girl they rescued among them.  Would that help Emi, or make it harder?  She hoped it helped.  “Hello, everyone.  Rin Nyoko  and Luna Rabbit here!  Ready to make our debut as Magical Girls and singers.  My friend is a little shy, but we hope to have a lot of fun here and may see some of you later.”  She gave a wink to the crowd.  She knew she was encouraging the boys.  But she might as well go in for the whole idol gimmick.  “If any of you have connections to the music world and are impressed by our singing, let’s talk about going pro!”

Rin was getting ambitious, Alexandrine had to give her that.  She assumed that was not completely without warning to Emi.  Though it was unlikely they would have to worry about it.

The song Rin and Emi practiced here that morning started up.  An opening to an anime story about a fictional team of Magical Girls, but written by a real one.  Upbeat but strong.  Rin remembered her practice, brief as it was.  Was singing the singing the lyrics well.  Letting her voice guide and encourage Emi’s.  Her body moving with the rhythm.  Nodding along her body swaying a little with it.  How much of a show should she put on?  How much would Emi?

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Elie listened to Rin and Emi sing. Her heart soaring. She wished she could go up on stage and sing but her singing voice would give her away. "They're good." Elie said watching them letting herself relax a bit. "Daimond Sorcereress are they wanting to become famous outside their magical girl state?"

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Seeing Alexandrine in the crowd prompted Emi to squeeze the plushy a little tighter to her chest. It did help her to relax a little, but looking out to see her also meant looking out to see so many others who had gathered. She felt their eyes all over her body. Legs shifted, instinctively closing together slightly.

When Rin introduced them her ears perked straight up, as did the rest of her body. Her only response was to offer a quick bow towards the crowd. Already Rin felt more professional, at least in terms of the idol aspect of everything. She seemed to be pretty good at speaking with the crowd! The promise was a bit worrying in the moment, even though it was something they had discussed and she had considered, but that was simply due to the stage fright that she was feeling. Well, probably.

Going pro?!? Isn't that too straight forward? Oh gosh! But I'm not that good. It should be okay. That won't happen. Not to me. I'll be fine. Maybe Rin will make it though. She seems like she might like that. I'll just try not to hold her back.

When the music started to play the sounds of her heartbeat almost drowned it out within her mind. She had a poor start, forgetting for a couple of lines what the lyrics were. Upon joining in her voice was a bit too quiet, more or less drowned out by Rin's and the music. However when she finally decided to close her eyes, to shut out the rest of the world, her soft voice did at least become loud enough to offer something pleasant, a contrast to Rin's more confident singing.

Of course focusing on the singing was her primary concern in the moment, but Emi did dance a little bit. It mostly consisted of hugging the plushy to her chest and swaying in place, even occasionally bumping her hips out from one side to the other. Really that was the majority of any moves she tried to pull. Not like they were expecting too much, she hoped!

As the song continued she did at least begin to grow more confident. Her eyes opened, although she tried to focus more upon Rin and the microphone. She started to move her upper body slightly, although mostly in a sort of dance with the plushy that she held, which was quite embarrassing and had her cheeks instantly pink. It was pretty much the most effort she could afford to put forth for the remainder of the song.

I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this!

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“This was something they talked about on their own, when they were exploring the grounds this morning.  First I’ve heard of it.”  Alexandrine explained as she listened.  It could be a way for Emi to legitimately support herself, if they were good enough.  But she was not qualified to judge.  Though she was impressed with their singing so far.  She tried to smile at Emi to reassure her a little.

Rin moved along with Emi as she sung.  Keepin unison, bumping hips together once or twice.  This was her idea.  She knew it was much harder for Emi.  She would do her best to lead.  Draw more of the attention.  But they were a pair, a duo.  Emi had her place here.  She did not intend to do this by herself.  One other things she would not do alone.  At one portion of the song, singing about the bond of a team, she turned Emi to the side, faced her.  Put her free hand around Emi’s back.  Sung to her directly.  Was that a pro move?  She was not sure, but it felt right, here.

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Alexandrine was smiling. Rin was smiling. Emi tried her best to smile. It was maybe a little forced, but deep down part of her was enjoying this. She just had to ignore the fact that so many other people were watching, and listening, and focusing upon herself.


Emi's internal screaming was thankfully just that: internal. With any luck nobody would notice how truly terrified she was in the moment. Thankfully she had exceptional balance and incredible strength, especially when it came to her legs. The bumping of hips didn't manage to throw her off. In her untransformed state it might have. No, here she recovered with a sway of her hip opposite the side that was bumped. It all looked intentional.

During the song she found herself turned to face Rin. A hand settled around her back. She nearly stuttered at that moment, nearly messed up but, thankfully, had managed to recover, to continue singing more or less smoothly and uninterrupted. Perhaps if they'd practiced more it all would not have been so terrifying.

Please end! Just end! When does this song end?!?

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'Fujiko' watched Elie from afar, saw her talking to Daimand S and wondered what they were talking about. No matter, there were too many people to hear. Instead she turned her attention to the stage, slowly eating a big soft pretzel with cheese sauce on it. Having to lick her lips after a bite to get the cheese off it.

It was a pleasant song, Emi seemed a bit... unrefined in some movements, but it was interesting to watch for Exzel none the less. She did, actually enjoy music, so this was a bonus.

Edited by Balthier
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Mitsuko listened to the song and observed the singers. Something didn't feel quite right with them but it was not what they sang... She could easily empathize with what one of them was going through, looking so nervous she could faint. Perhaps she never did that in front of everyone before. Still... The song was pleasant to the ears. A part of her hoped that this nervous singer would be alright. Even if she wanted to help, she could only do so much for someone she didn't know. Still, when she saw her partner face hers, she thought she probably would be fine. She had someone to take care of her while they were singing. The best Mitsuko could do herself was to smile, not show concern that could make her more nervous if she noticed.

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They were only singing one song.  Only on stage for a few minutes.  Even if it felt longer.  Rin let go of Emi for the final lines of the song, but stood at her side.  Then the song ended and the cheering began.  Alexandrine of course was not that expressive.  But clapped along with the audience, smiling.  A few louder cheers came from the audience.  A random voice or two saying how much they loved the song, or the singers.  Rin waved at the crowd.  Winked at a few who appeared extra enthusiastic, her other arm wrapped around Emi’s shoulder.  They had to wait a moment to step down.

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For Emi it felt as though an hour had passed. The singing! The dancing! The being in everyone's view! It was only slightly physically taxing, but the mental anguish was beyond belief. In reality it only lasted a few minutes, and by the time it had finished Emi at least appeared to be more confident, although given her state at the start that really wasn't saying very much.

It's over? Oh gosh it's over! It's finally over!

The clapping and cheering didn't help. It only meant that they were still watching, still focusing upon the two of them. Nor did the many loud noises help. Her senses were hyper focused in that moment, an unconscious attempt to be aware of any potential approaching danger. This was, after all, quite the vulnerable position to be in! Sure, there were magical girls and knights around, but would that not be the last place one might expect an attack to come from and, therefore, a prime place and time for it?! Or maybe she was just overthinking things.

Thankfully Rin had an arm around her shoulder. She might have just passed out then and there! Emi at least offered a timid bow of her head. Then she turned and stepped off into the back of the stage. Once she was out of sight the bunny collapsed to her knees, clinging the plushy tightly to her chest.

We made it! Oh gosh we made it. That was terrifying! I don't feel so good.

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Elie could see the fear in Emi face and in her voice as she sang. She looked at Alexandrine and smiled.."I wish to talk to them as my civilian self and magical girl self. If they wish to go professional I can help them. They have so much raw talent." She said looking at them. "They remind me....oh me at that age." She seemed to say dreamly looking off into the distance.

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"They both do, hm?"  Rin had certainly been much more eager about it than Emi.  Maybe two sides of her earlier self?  Fear and excitement?  "You think they have potential then?"  Elie would be much more qualified to judge.  Possibly the sort of person Rin called out for, to help them take a step into that world.  "We can find a place to talk about that.  And any questions you two have."  She addressed Elie and Mitsuko.  Before leading them towards the back area that Emi and Rin had wandered off to.  That was a somewhat private area, but there were better options.

"You did a good job!"  Rin congratulated Emi, rubbing her head as the two of them rested.  She suspected they would be joined soon.  By Alexandrine, and that woman, Elie, they had rescued the other day.  Rin saw her at Alexandrine's side.  "You saw how much they enjoyed it.  It was not just me either.  They would love to see us again.  Though don't worry, we can do quieter things from here on."  Other than the potential boy hunt, what they did from here on might be easier on Emi.  At least to a degree.  "Though now that we've done that.  We should spend some time signing autographs at some point."

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Elie giggled looking at Rin. "You two sang beautiful. I can see the raw talent that can be shaped. Autographs might be bit much for little bunny right now. She seems overwhelmed." Elie walked over to Emi before looking at the Diamond Sorcereress. "Should I be alright to transform here?" She asked her voice soft as she then looked at Emi. "Deep breathe little one. You did amazing. Is there a singer you wish you could meet or is a role model?"

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Her eyes closed as she felt Rin's hand atop her head, ears flopping to the sides. It felt nice. Relaxing. Helped to calm her down. Physical affection was quite potent when utilized upon her, especially in specific sensitive areas. Or her head. Nostalgia helped there too.

See me again?

Quieter things sounded nice. Autographs she could probably do. There was no singing there. Maybe the occasional question. Sure, a line of people, but they would be seated at a table. Emi was short. One would need to be within the first two, maybe three rows to properly see her, at least depending upon how people crowded around. She could handle that much.

Sign autographs. Make people happy. That sounds nice.

It was far easier than being on stage. The biggest issue would be appearing kind to others. She knew that she had a sort of resting expression devoid of emotion. Apathetic. Maybe even upset if one looked closely enough? Or bored? Not that she was actually any of those things, it was just what she was used to.

At least Rin is good at looking happy. She can look happy for the both of us.

When Alexandrine and Elie approached her ears stuck up once more, eyes opening to look towards the two. A meek wave was offered towards them. As instructed she pulled in a few deeper breaths. How deep was she supposed to go with this? Emi didn't really know, but it did start to make her feel a little more relaxed. Also maybe a little light-headed. That might have been the lack of nourishment though.

A favorite singer?

She pondered the question for a moment. It wouldn't really hurt to give away such details. "I didn't really have much music growing up" the bunny replied softly. "Or television. I do like music though."

Listening to it, anyway. Singing is too scary. How do people even do that?

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There were things Elie did not know about either Emi or Rin.  Things probably worth telling her.  But maybe they should move first.  "There are things for us all to talk about.  The private rooms are more for personal meetings with fans.  But it may be good for us all to visit one.  Have a talk before going back out in to the convention, doing other things."  She looked to Emi.  "Give her a little time to rest as well."  She walked over, took Emi's hand.  Helped her up.  "Let's hold off on any transforming before we get there.  You should always make sure you have as much privacy for that as possible."  Rin nodded.  Staying at Emi's side.  Realizing there was a fifth girl, quiet so far, who would apparently be following them.  Yet another new Magical Girl, it seemed.  "There will be some food already in the room."  Alexandrine guessed at least Emi, probably Rin too, would want something to eat.

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Mitsuko had been watching them for the moment, not wanting to disturb them. Still, she was not sure if she should even be there now or not. "Um, sorry. I can leave for now if you wish to be alone. By yourselves, I mean. I would not want to be a bother." She knew that she was not really anyone for any of them and only Elie really had made her feel like she could join them. Yet, the situation looked like this small group knew each others and Mitsuko did not want to intrude. "Unless it's alright that I stay...", she said, looking a little toward Elie but then also at Alexandrine. She also was not sure if she should be transformed for as long as had been so far, not that she was getting tired or anything by it, anyway.

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Elie looked at Mitsuko and grabbed her hand. "No please stay. I promise things will get better. Remember your reading? Fate is testing you." Elie looked at Alexandrine. "I agree the private rooms would be for the best. I will talk to Emi and Rin there." She said looking at Mitsuko. "We're all friends here."

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“I’m sure you both have many questions.  Come along.”  Alexandrine led the way, as Rin helped Emi along.  They passed through the crowd, the occasional hands patting them.  Mostly the two new singers, and the well known veteran Magical Girl.

She led them past various stands and booths, activities towards the back.  Several staff, and volunteer Knights were watching the entrance to a hall in back.  “Diamond Sorceress.”  One greeted them.  It was understood why she was here and she was handed a key, with a room number on it.  She led them into the hall.  “Fans and guests can only come back here with a Magical Girl or Knight accompanying them.  A place they can meet privately.

She walked to the door and unlocked it, letting everyone follow inside.  “Rin, take Emi in the back, to let her rest.  You two can join us after she has recovered.”  Rin nodded picked up one several plates with various snacks on it and led Emi to the back.

The room looked a lot like a hotel room.  Intentionally.  Rin led Emi towards the back, where a single bed waited and helped her onto it.  Setting the plate next to her and sitting at her side.

Alexandrine gestured Elie and Mitsuko towards the furniture in the main room.  There was the table, surrounded by a few chairs and a couch.  “Take a seat.  I’m sure there much you both want to know.  Before I start trying to explain things, do either of you have questions?”

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