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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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“It is more you, than anyone.  But it started with them.  Especially the boy.”  Alexandrine was going to be completely honest with her mistress.  It started a little, that first night in the van, with Emi and Rin.  Then the cabin with Toshiro.  That night had been amazing.  But not comparable with her mistress.  “For years, since that day, I could not enjoy sex.  I tried several times.  With men and women.  Felt nothing, just let them do it.  That did not change until I met Emi.  I found her and Rin having sex.  She invited me to join in.”

”As for him, I was surprised.  He was huge.  In every way.  Never seen a man so big.  He was a Knight too, makes it more intense for us than with a normal person.  Until tonight, nothing compared with it.  I told him he could have more.  He knows where I live.  I was his first time, but he knew what he was doing somehow.”  It was weird, not exactly intended.  This was the demon she swore herself to, but she briefly felt like she was having girl talk with a friend over a boy she had sex with.

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Mitsuko listened intently, feeling like the information mattered a lot. If anything, the mood was not spoiled by it but improved. With the last part telling Mitsuko that it happened to her a few times, she hugged Jumi tighter. She was new to magical girls but she had a sword and her armor was not meant for her to stay far away in battle. She wanted to become her protection. "I... I will protect you, Jumi... You only had a glimpse of what I look like as a magical girl but I know what I intend to use this sword for.", she said, wishing to keep her safe.

The part after that made her feel a little ashamed, even though it did not happen to her yet. This pleasure she had felt just now, she loved it. But if she came to love being raped. Or maybe not love... But still enjoy the pleasure out of it, out of her control... Would she really look at herself the same way? Perhaps, for a magical girl, sex was something to get used to. Both on the good and the bad end. A fight did not end with rape if she was capable to save herself. But she should not see it like a thing to despise herself for either. It's how she saw it.

But the thought still made her face flush a bit, thinking that sex could be part of her life like this. Something she just had felt for the first time. She swore to get used to it, though. Somehow... To not lose herself but also to protect Jumi as she said she would. And strangely enough, Jumi was the one who Mitsuko could feel and experience it from. The one she wanted to feel and experience it with right now. "I won't feel shame... I will try. Thank you, Jumi. I... want to get used to this, if this is what my life could be. Please... I'd love to feel more of it..."

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Jumi hugged Mitsuko back as she did.  The girl cared about her clearly.  She felt the same way, they would protect each other.  “I should teach you more about the ‘sex culture’ we have, while we are at it, but if you want it that badly…”. Jumi hated leaving a girl horny, especially if the girl was horny specifically for her.  She sat up, looked over the girl’s body.  Teasing her just a little.  “…But what should I do?…More of the same?  Something new?  Maybe we should take it to the bed.  We are clearly sleeping with each other tonight.  Feel free to leave your bed at home when moving time comes, unless you really like it.  You will be welcome to sleep with me nightly.”  That was the sort of ‘roommates’ they were going to be.

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Mitsuko smiled a bit, feeling shame now only because of how she hid her nudity before yet slowly felt closer to another girl sexually now. She had changed but it was for the best in her opinion. As of her being told that she wanted it this badly, Mitsuko nodded quietly without waiting. She did not see herself as horny per say but this pleasant feeling of pleasure was so fresh to her that she wanted to feel it more... Perhaps it was the same thing. As she was asked if she wanted more of the same, she froze for a moment, looking at her clueless.

"T-the bed sounds good, yes... But... If I must get used to it, I think you should surprise me so I know what I'm signing for.", she told her and suddenly felt a bit ashamed again. Yet, if she HAD to get used to it, maybe it would be better not to sugar coat it, at this point. "P-please be rough, if you have to... It's the only way to know what I'm getting into... D-don't worry, I won't back out or be afraid.", she tried to reassure Jumi, figuring that maybe making it a little playful would be fun too. At least she will be prepared if serious things came to be.

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“Oh, you say things like that, when I don’t have the strap on.”  That was the sort of thing Jumi wanted to use, when Mitsuko asked for rough stuff.  And she was like this after talk about being raped by the enemy?  Jumi did wonder if she was actually turned on by that?  Not that she would judge the girl.  Fantasies, were fantasies, and she could understand how some girls might be turned on by it, purely as a fantasy.  If Mitsuko was going to go that far, she was half tempted to find a boy.  Put a mask on him, let him pretend to be monster and go at her.  But that was drastic.  Keep it to the two of them.  While she did not absolutely rule it out, it sounded like it not would be anytime soon, if ever, that she set up Mitsuko having sex with an actual boy.

She led Mitsuko to the bed, let her get in place.  “Something that will please both of us, this time.”  Yes.  This was a good thing to teach early.  She took Mitsuko, got her onto her back, head on the pillows.  Though she took one pillow and put it on the other end, each with their feet at the other’s head.  She shifted her legs, rolling to her side, it would probably not take long for Mitsuko to guess what she was doing. It was not long until her pussy was pressed against Mitsuko’s, and a few seconds later she started grinding them together, with a soft moan

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Mitsuko's face turned red but she didn't mind whatever idea she wanted. She was ready for about anything but she kept quiet, curious about what Jumi would do. Soon brought to the bed, she was made to lay down and she relaxed for a bit. As she watched Jumi but otherwise quietly laid down and waited, wondering what she would do, she soon was nicely surprised to see her lay on the other side and put her feet closer to her. An embarrassing blush covered her face but the real purpose was so their pussies would join up.

Before she could think about doing anything, Jumi simply started rubbing her own pussy against hers. "O-oh... W-we're doing it...", she said while moaning softly from that feeling. "I-It pleases me a lot but I... may have to admit to something, Jumi... I...", she started, her body moving slightly to feel her partner's pussy more. "I... hope you won't mind if...", she said, gently grabbing one of Jumi's ankles. She never had the chance to do this and a part of her couldn't pass it up, not after they were put this close. Would she judge her?

Mitsuko leaned close and kissed the sole of the foot she was holding, soon licking it thereafter. She was so ashamed of herself that she would pull this off on her new friend. She was sure that she would be judged for it but Jumi was so beautiful and teasing... Even her pussy was cute, now grinding her own and making noises that turned her on quickly, made her moan a bit louder than when she was being licked. Mitsuko had quickly fell to pleasure and horny wishes she hoped that Jumi didn't mind. To her, she was in heaven...

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“Hmm?  Do you like feet?  Not a personal fetish of mine.  But I’m not bothered by it.  Do whatever you want with mine.”  There was honestly very little if anything that would bother Jumi.  While she was not personally into it, it was kind of hot, how much Mitsuko was.  She was not going to stop it, encourage it instead.  She moaned from their grinding against each other.  “Please tell me, any fantasies you have.  Anything you have wanted to try.  Don’t be scared.”  She was curious if Mitsuko’s foot fetish went both ways.  As a gesture of trust, she decided to see.  Though it was a rare thing she did not have much experience with.  She followed Mitsuko’s example, licking her foot in a similar fashion.

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Mitsuko felt ashamed but she didn't stop licking until she was asked if she liked feet. Jumi was not shaming her, at least. She was even allowing her to continue, which made her lean in to kiss her foot some more. "I-I... Yes, Jumi... I think yours are pretty. I did not really think of it until I see them up close, though..." She said, getting slowly comfortable as she leaned her face against Jumi's sole while her pussy kept grinding along with her partners, feeling the wetness between their lips. "T-to be honest, I am living my fantasy now...", she replied but she had to be as honest as possible to this girl she allowed, no, wanted to have sex with. Still, she felt like it went a bit too far. Her pussy felt really good and her mind was clouded, though.

While she moved to kiss and lick her foot again, she spoke gently, "I... would like to feel it... between my legs...",she said, speaking of Jumi's foot. It was not the only fantasy she had but in the moment, it is what she could think of. "B-but your pussy is wonderful... W-we don't have to...~" Mitsuko spoke, moaning as she was feeling so good, "~do it now... Or at all...", she ended, feeling ashamed again but kept herself busy with gently licking Jumi's toes. As she felt her foot being licked as well, Mitsuko looked down and felt happy but at the same time... "Jumi... You don't have to do it if you don't want to... I understand... P-please do whatever you like to me, instead...", she tried to offer, not minding if Jumi didn't like it as much.

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“Mitsuko.  Relax.”  Jumi said in a warm voice.  The grinding got harder.  The girl was turning her on.  She could not stop herself.  “I want to do…mmm…at least try anything you want.  Once we are done with this…mmm…I’ll use my foot.  Trust me.  I won’t judge anything you suggest.”  She was more than a random girl.  Not some fling.  She would indulge the girl’s most private fantasies.  The whole ‘do whatever you want’ was admittedly hot too, but she wanted this to go both ways.  She would have kept the attention up on the foot, but since it did not seem to get her off, she stopped that part.  Focused on the grinding, letting Mitsuko do whatever to her foot.

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Mitsuko thought long about what fantasy she could have but a few were not accessible to them. In the scary world that she knew, it even meant demon related fantasies but she did not want to fall down to that. "If you say so, very well Jumi... I'm sorry for being nervous...", she told her but felt happy that Jumi wanted to give what she wanted to her. Rubbing her foot with her hand while she struggled to keep sane from the grinding, she tried to speak honestly, "I-It feels so sudden, being with you like this but I truly love it and I'd love to try all of my fantasies on you...", she said, trying to be clear between the moans. "Y-your breasts, your pussy...", she shyly repeated the word. "Y-your butt, your feet... I would love to kiss and lick them all."

Mitsuko allowed herself to speak all of her secrets and fantasies to her new friend. They were having sex plus, she felt like she could trust her. She liked her and she guessed that Jumi had more tolerance to pleasure, perhaps due to her experience. The schoolgirl herself was drooling a bit, moaning louder and louder but resisting her orgasm for now. "T-there's a little more, as well...", she started again, "I... would really like to know what tentacles feel like...". Mitsuko used Jumi's sole to hide a part of her face but didn't shy to lean against it. "I'm sorry if it sounds silly... In the stories, it always looked like it feels good..." She resumed taking licks of her sole while her hips moved faster involuntary. Her body really wanted this pleasure with her.

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Jumi silently listened. Silent other than her moaning.  Trying to please both of them as much as possible.  The breast and pussy stuff, simple enough, stuff Mitsuko was going to get a chance to do anyways.  She had already offered to let Mitsuko play with her breasts.  The foot stuff was something she was at least willing to try.  It might be enjoyable, just because of how much Mitsuko enjoyed it.

Only the last part was tricky.  “Too bad…I can’t exactly grow tentacles for you…mmm”. She said.  A few girls out there had powers that could do something like that, something similar to tentacles at least, Jumi was not one though.

A tentacles fetish was borderline.  Closer to a fetish for monsters and demons.  But a little more innocent.  Honestly a way girls could try to experience that fantasy with fewer risks.

Some tentacles of course were used by demons or other monsters.  But they were a natural part of the world.  Not out in the open.  But they existed in the wild, if you knew where to look.  They were not allowed to grow in the open.  They were not a threat like the monsters or demons were, when on their own.  But they often tried to keep any woman they caught.  Like other such creatures, women could give birth to new tentacle monsters.  At least a few out there were probably born that way.

Jumi considered it a risky thing to get involved with.  But supervised, and done occasionally, it was generally safe.  “I know a place though…maybe in a few days…I can show you…”. She felt Mitsuko moving more, with a louder moan, she went stronger too.  Suspecting the idea of actually being able to experience that fantasy was just going to get her even more into it.

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Rin felt the chill as she was lifted and pressed against the wall.  She was happy to wrap her legs around him.  Her eyes drawn to the shaft, nervous yet excited.  Her breath getting deeper.  She closed her eyes as instructed. Waited.  It was just a small penetration so far.  Limited the reaction.  But she felt a sharp shock of pleasure.  Unlike the other boys, as  he penetrated her.

She did not really get the whole counting thing.  But he seemed to find it important.  “…one…”. She softly said through breathing.  Hoping for more.  Like he said.  It was good.  There was so much more coming though.  And she wanted it.

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Mitsuko nodded a bit to what she was told but replied, "I-It's alright... Don't worry about it... I-I know what the risks are, now. What those are from, in reality... I should not have mentioned it. I did not even think I'd be doing this at all..." she smiled and felt like her limit was coming again, the same feeling before orgasm, this intense pleasure that she could not keep hold of any longer. Giving a last kiss on Jumi's sole, Mitsuko moved up from her position, blushing again as she tried something. She kept her leg close to her, however.

The School girl was soon sitting in front of Jumi, having felt and watched how their pussies were rubbing, how it looked in fantasies... This would be one she'd fulfill. Keeping the motion going while hugging her leg, she started grinding her partner's pussy harder. It was cute and so wet right now, probably from each other's juices making incredible sounds. "T-this is for you, Jumi... I-I hope I'm doing it alright.", she said as she moaned loudly. She barely could keep it up but she did, up until it became too much, made her moan out...

Her toes scrunched, her body squirmed but she kept grinding a bit while she cried out in orgasm, squirting against Jumi's pussy and wherever it reached on top of her while she held her leg up closely against herself. In the moment of ecstasy, she hoped that Jumi also felt as good as she was right now. Mitsuko stopped grinding as she was feeling the effect of the orgasm yet she remained there, against her, loving it as their pussies kissed. This dream coming true was turning out better and better as she was living it in reality.

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Jumi hated leaving a girl’s fantasies unfulfilled.  She would drop that subject for now, but it was worth considering.  It was safer than other creatures at least.  Especially with someone to keep an eye on things, prevent it from going out of control.  Maybe they could look for one of those girls who could mimic if.  Alexandrine probably could do it, though she did not know if Mitsuko might find that weird.  Maybe not drop it completely after all.  “There are a few girls who might be able to do something like that.  Especially in a place like mmmm this.  If you don’t mind mmmm having a third girl with us.”

It got a lot harder to speak, as Mitsuko pleasantly surprised her, with the position change.  She had a little idea of how this stuff worked after all, and was willing to take initiative.  “M…mmmm….Mitsuko…”. That approach ramped it up for her a lot too.  Letting out a strong moan and quick but intense spray of a squirt on the other girl.  Content to leave themselves pressed together as she caught her breath.

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Mitsuko smiled, pleasantly panting and loving the position they were in right now, after feeling Jumi also squirt against herself from her own orgasm. She held her leg close, cuddling it, rubbing her face against it but figured that Jumi might tire to have one leg held upward. Lowering it gently, she gave a final kiss on her foot and finally moved it down to have it lay down. She moved away and sat between her two legs at the same time, letting her own legs and feet to Jumi's sides, over her legs. "Thank you, Jumi... I appreciate that you're willing to help me figure things out. I-It's not a pressing matter, though. Perhaps it would be best to start with your toy idea... As I told you... I'd like you to be rough with me, if you must."

She told her partner, not afraid of pleasure. Not afraid of the beautiful girl who was laying in front of her, seeing her naked body so smooth as it was, her pussy messy from the rough sex which made Mitsuko stare for a bit. Did her own pussy look like this as well, from grinding Jumi's? She looked down at herself, only to see her pussy spread a little, drenched wet and aroused, her clit erect, unlike anything she saw before. "O-oh my...", she muttered, not realizing Jumi could see it even better than she was. She moved her hand to touch herself a bit, feeling her clit but her toes scrunched a bit from the feeling. "I-I... This feels good but I never saw it like this before...", she said, blushing but looking back toward Jumi.

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“…Let’s make things clear…before getting carried away.  What do you mean exactly by rough?”  Jumi could certainly be rough, if her partner was into it.  But it was a vague concept, with a lot of levels.  Unclarified, it could mean many things and she might go a lot further than intended.  “Also, go ahead…your chance to touch my body.  Anything you want, however you want.  All for you.”  Give the girl a chance to really appreciate another girl’s body for the first time.  “Go ahead, touch yourself too, if you want.  I did not get a chance to play with that while giving you my tongue.  Play with mine, if you want.”  She laid there on her back, presenting her body to the other girl.

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Mitsuko looked at Jumi intently but shifted her gaze away from the sight for a moment. "W-well, I mean... If we have to face what threats demons may pose to us, I figured that I should be trained to not be ashamed by this pleasure... You seem to know a lot about it, too.". She explained while looking back to her, being given a chance to things to her. "A-all for me?". She looked down at herself but she wasn't sure where to even begin. She did say it before... She would kiss and lick her breasts, her pussy, her butt, her feet and what more, if she had the chance. Although, she already had plenty of the last one, having left her one foot pretty wet from it. Still, Mitsuko thought that if it was safe for her then surely it was safe for Jumi.

Testing things first, Mitsuko touched herself, not caring that Jumi could watch. It made things even better... Her fingers ran cautiously against her own pussy, her slightly spread lips, circling around until she stopped to rub her clit again, making herself gasp softly. Then... She tried to bring two fingers inside and dug all the way, making her toes scrunch suddenly as she gave out an embarrassing moan and pleasured face for Jumi to see. "O-oh this feeling..." Her fingers were as deep as their length allowed and she felt inside, rubbing inside of her vagina, basically masturbating for a short moment for Jumi to watch. She then pulled them out and watched the wetness coating them before she looked at Jumi and moved closer.

Offering her hand to her, to do what she liked of it, she stood over her on her four but with her hand over Jumi's face. Mitsuko thought that she may want the share instead of taking it for herself. Then, after she decided, the schoolgirl could take the moment she was given to really touch the beautiful girl she had the chance to have sex with.

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Hearing Rinxs sweet voice count the first inch made his cock pulse and twitch a bit. He slowly thrusted till he was half way into her soft wet chambers. "You're half way there Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star)) only for more 4 inches to go." He smirked whispering into her ear. Kissing her cheek and down her neck making sure she was alright. The aura around him cold, icy even as he smirked channeling his magic to tip and head of his cock making them ice cold. However the rest of body was warm to the touch.

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It still was not quite the answer Jumi was hoping for.  Did Mitsuko want to ‘play’ rape her, for example?  Be aggressive?  Show her how demons might force themselves on her?  There were so many ways she could be rough.  But this was not the moment for that.  She was turned on, watching Mitsuko touch herself.  She did not look away.  No, she stared rather intently.  And when the hand was offered, the fingers that had been inside.  Licked them.  Took them into, her mouth.  Began sucking on them, waiting to see what Mitsuko would do to her.

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Exzel found it interestingDaimond had been with the other 2. Maybe on some level, they weren't as diffetent as she had supposed. Then listened to Daimond's description of Toshiro. Quite surprised at one detail, "You say it was his first time?" She chuckled a little, had felt some of him when she had lifted him and threw him, nodding in agreement of her assessment, he had felt well equiped from the brief grab. If she had know he was a virgin, she might have came at him from another angle to take advantage of him. But no matter, everything had worked out better than she could have hoped.

She thought a moment, if her collar manifested while she was with the boy, she wondered if it would tap into the darkness she had felt deep down within him. "Well, I'm glad you are getting back into it. Because I'm going to enjoy using your body."

She reached out fondling Daimond with a smooth caress of her breasts. "If he comes back for more, let me know. I sensed an untapped darkness in him somewhere. I don't know what it is, but perhaps we can use it."

Standing, Exzel walked naked, with her swaying hips, to the table where Wlie had left her gift. Thoughtfully picking it up and opening it. The necklace caught her eye immediately. "Beautiful!"

She looked at it closely before picking up the card and defining to read the message on it...

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Alexandrine was no longer in a position to protest bringing anyone into the darkness.  And while Exzel was certainly a demon, 'dark', it was not the same as other demons.  Alexandrine was a little under her spell at the start, but deep down, she chose this path.  She would have snapped out of it, if she had not.  Her only shame was that she hurt Elie in the process.

Did Exzel want the boy too?  It honestly did not matter to her.  Mistress or not, she was comfortable casually sharing partners.  Even if the boy left more of an impression on her than most.  She had been tempted to want him to 'make her his'.  That was no longer possible.  She belonged to this demon completely now.  She was incapable of wanting anyone more than her.  "Yes, mistress."  She said it with no reluctance.  If it was Exzel, there was no problem with him joining her in the darkness.

She silently watched Exzel take the necklace and the note.  The words Elie wrote to her returned to her mind.  Her initially unknowing betrayal.  Could Elie forgive her?  She was afraid that might be the case.  But would their shared bond to the demon heal the damage?

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Mitsuko watched Jumi lick her fingers, put them inside her mouth, even sucking them... She left them completely limp for her, watching intently how Jumi was tasting her juices for a second time, this time from a closer perspective. But it was not only that... Having another girl lick her fingers like this made her feel happy. She waited that she was done before she pulled them away gently and leaned closer, giving her a rewarding kiss on the lips, both for her and herself. Much more was waiting for her from this girl. It was time for it.

After the kiss, Mitsuko was free to explore her fantasies for the first time as she wanted... They were, for most people, pretty tame for a start but for Mitsuko, it was the first time she could do this with someone she liked. She already had done much that she should not have if her life had remained normal. Mitsuko gave Jumi an affectionate hug, showing her protective nature again for a split moment, before she pulled back and smiled, moving lower slightly to kiss the girl's skin, starting with her neck, her shoulder and going lower.

Mitsuko had closed her eyes while she was doing this, letting her lips enjoy it. Her hands moved to caress Jumi's sides, she had full access to do anything she liked after all... Anything her dreams wished for. Therefore, she would not stop unless Jumi specifically told her to. Reaching the top of her breasts, she kept giving kisses and only opened her eyes when she felt the softness of her breasts, wanting to see them. Wonderful... Mitsuko then gave one a kiss then started licking around the areola before tenderly licking her nipple.

She looked shy and definitely inexperienced but she was enjoying this. A moment later, she put Jumi's licked nipple inside her mouth and started sucking on it. One of the hands she was caressing Jumi with slid from her side to her belly, wanting to feel more about her partner but not yet below... Her fingers wandered about, feeling her navel then a little upward on her midriff, slowly moving up to the breast Mitsuko was not currently enjoying. She felt around her breast then slowly brought her palm over it, giving it a kind squeeze.

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Exzel read the card, "A Lotus has a hidden meaning it means your wish to be saved. But also remember this: Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty."

She was contemplative as she read it. Thinking about Elie's singing persona, "The Lotus Princess," and her use of the Lotus imagery. Here was a necklace with a lotus in a heart. She had given her a Lotus keychain earlier. The necklace was very thoughtful and stirred a feeling deep within her.

The more Exzel thought, at the words of the card, she wondered if Elie wanted, or needed to be saved from something. The lotus was something she seemed to use as a personal mark, that was clear. She must be the lotus, Exzel thought. Did the words she had written have a message regarding that? Perhaps though the way she lived and the image she projected, her roots desired to be in the mud? Was that a allusion to how she felt about Exzel? Was Exzel the mud and dirt here? Did she think her influence was naught but dirt under the surface? She felt a twinge of pain deep down.

Perhaps she was reading too far into it... but it left her with an empty kind of feeling, unsure what meaning to take feom it. Did a lotus need the mud to live, or was it growing it's own beauty despite the... dirt?

She still look contemplative as she looked back to Daimond. "Mmm. You are a beautiful one. I'm already looking forward to sewing you again, and putting you back under me. But I must be away for now."

She walked back to Daimond and kissed her full on the lips as she held her. Mixing their auras one last time before she left. Her power was so strong it tingled her lips with that nice feeling, just her did the same for Daimond. She fondled Daimond once more as she stepped back and released her grip. Dressing herself, and taking her earrings with her.

"Stay sexy! Keep that body safe." She commanded, as she manifested a swirl of purple energy and called forth a portal and stepped through, gone in a flash. The room suddenly quiet behind her.

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It was interesting wording, on the note.  Alexandrine was not entirely certain what it meant.  Though there was some beauty in it.  An expression of feelings.

She smiled at the compliments, eagerly returned the kiss, softly moaned at the fondling. The mixing of auras, she loved so much, their power united.  Letting the darkness in again.   Yes, this woman, demon or not, deserved loyalty, obedience.  She deeply believed that. 

Then her mistress left.  She was alone.  But not truly alone.  Her mistress would never abandon her.  She reached towards the neck.  She could not feel the collar.  But she knew it was still part of her.  Proof of what she was now.

She went to bed.  Drifted off into sleep easily, a peaceful one.  Free of fear of the past, of old nightmares she had seen far too many times.  Then the morning came.

When it came, it was quiet, just her.  She could feel it though.  She had calmed down without the collar, or the corruption of the kisses, but she could still feel it.  The darkness that had deeply infested her soul.  Deep enough though, not to influence her aura.  Emi, Rin, Jumi, Hikaru, Toshiro.  None would feel the darkness, unless she wanted them to.  Maybe someday, but not today.  Only her mistress knew what she was now, Elie could maybe guess.  Maybe she would feel it, when the eventually met again.  She had to do it.

She made a quick stop in the showers set up for the Magical Girls and Knights.  Returned to her room.  Focused, her robes appeared again.  She looked as she always had.

She stepped into the other room.  Picked up Elie’s gift necklace.  Put it on.  Whatever happened, it meant something to her.  Now she had to buy the gift, she would eventually give Elie.  The day she would eventually beg for forgiveness over the pain she caused.  Hopefully make things right.

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After the fingers were pulled, Jumi returned Mitsuko’s kiss, a strong but affectionate one.  Acknowledging the growing bond there.  Then she let Mitsuko go to work.  Closing her eyes.  She was not going to stop her.  This kind of touch was very intimate, sexual, but a different feeling than what they had done so far.  Most of it did not give pleasure directly, but she wanted more of it.

The kissing though, that gave a little excitement.  Small shivers as they moved down.  It got more exciting as the girl finally got her chance to experience another girl’s breast.  She would not offer advice.  Let her do whatever she wanted.  The nipples hardened, Jumi breathed a little deeper, as they were kissed.  She moaned softly, when the sucking started.  That was good, she was clearly into it, wanted them.  It was a smaller pleasure, but she enjoyed what Mitsuko did to both breasts, with mouth and hand.

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