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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Jumi’s anger switched to a sickness, a rare weakness in her legs as Mitsuko took action.  There was deep fear here.  She had given Mitsuko some warnings.  This creature was unlikely to do what a male demon or monster might do.  But its name hinted a much worse potential fate.

It was what she feared most, losing Rie or Mitsuko were both terrifying to her.  The claim of the creature’s intentions did not reassure her, since it looked like she did intend to do something with Mitsuko.  Not just go have a snack or whatever.  She had not been calmed.  “…No one is taking anyone from me…”.  It was a call more of desperation than strength.  She understood she lacked the power to force it.  But she was desperately looking for some way to stop this.  Mitsuko did not deserve this.

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Shinigami watched the whole event unfold, staying as patient as usual. Despite what it looked, she just seemed like she was enjoying herself more than anything. Mitsuko seemed light-headed from the whole situation but she was not ready to back down, yet. She did however appreciate Azreal's concern and praise for her bravery. This alone would not satisfy the fox, though. She probably could be slain if everyone went at her but would it stop her? The confidence that the fox showed was too much to bear, too horrifying to ignore... If it really was suicide to be where they were for her kind, why did she seem to take this much pleasure in taunting such fate? She was about to kill one of them without hesitation...

Then something wrenched at her heart as she heard Jumi's voice behind her... The voice clearly expression care toward her, a desperate wish to see her saved from whatever fate would wait for her, assuming that the fox still wanted to take her. Risking jumi's life to protect her would go against what she hoped to do, though. As much as she felt that Rie didn't deserve her, Mitsuko didn't want to throw what chance she might have given them away now. Shinigami seemed as relaxed as usual, scarily so, but her tail soon moved again as she spoke to them, "Let the girl come with me and I'll leave peacefully... This is the only deal I'm offering. You know she wants it and I'm starting to want it as well. I will treat her well.".

Mitsuko blushed a little from that, having no idea what she meant. Why did she even blush anyway...? Maybe it was a consequence of tasting pleasure, clouding her judgement regarding her emotions. She wanted to believe that Shinigami didn't want to kill her, at least... The tail brush tease of earlier at worst made her feel like she had other intentions with her. She hated to admit it but if that was so, it was still a fate better than death. She was still shaking but her decision could stop this once and for all, at least before Rie would make it worse for everyone. "D-don't worry, Jumi... I will be alright. I don't think she would take me only to kill me...", she told her, without looking back, keeping her eyes on the fox girl.

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For all the judging, Jumi felt the creature was just proving them right.  Mitsuko ‘wanted’ it?  Only in the sense she was trying to prevent things from getting out of hand.  There were other fears too.  Things that could happen other than rape or death.  ‘Death’ of another sort perhaps, losing her in another way.  Part of her desperately wanted to beg to go with Mitsuko, to protect her.  She did not say that, though if this creature really was some sort of god, Jumi guessed she might be able to sense that, if it was not obvious from the look in her eyes.

”…What are you going to do to her…”. She might not get an answer.  Might not like it if she did.  But she had to try to ask.  The there was also the question of how long.  If it intended to keep Mitsuko forever, that was better than death of course, but almost as painful for Jumi.

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Shinigami looked surprised but she guessed that it was in their heroic nature to doubt all of which they considered enemies. Humans were quite a special kind of species, after all. This made it even more worthwhile to have gone there and see the place and its magical beings for herself. Doing so revealed much about how their world was not as perfect as they wanted it to be. Inferior beings on one side and protectors who were not mature nor experienced enough to stand a chance against overwhelming odds on the other.

Still, more to the question, Shinigami felt right to provide an answer, "Nothing that she won't enjoy as much as I will. You don't have to believe me when I say that I will treat her well...", she tried to play nice and give a honest answer, whatever that meant for the likes of Shinigami or the way the heroes of the room would interpret it. Still, she was not completely heartless, "If you are so worried about her, I would gladly have you join her. I saw the look you gave each others...", she teased a little at the end but it remained the truth.

Mitsuko only blushed a little more, now. As much as she wanted to control that, it was hard not to be speechless at what the fox girl was doing. Ever since the first tease of Shinigami, she still wondered if what Jumi had warned her about rung true for this one fox in particular. She didn't want Jumi to suffer again though... Getting Jumi aboard would allow her to stay close to the one she cares about but what she had in mind for them was not clear. A small part of her felt like it would not be a bad thing, though. Not entirely...

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Jumi raised her arm holding the wand.  A gesture intended to keep everyone else quiet.  The Knight, the other man, Rie…she glanced at Nall.  If he had something important to say, she would listen.  What was going to happen to him?  What was the goddess who had chosen Mitsuko going to do?  That was perhaps one entity that could stop all this…though it was hard to say whether she or this Shinigami were more powerful.

She was skeptical of what the creature said.  What treating her well meant.  But then the offer was made.  Jumi would be allowed to go with, if she chose.  Feelings surged through her, professional and personal.  As a Magical Girl, and mentor of sorts, it felt wrong to abandon Mitsuko.  If they went together, maybe she could help get Mitsuko back home.  Their home, eventually.  She would probably be safe from that Lenneth though, as long as she was with the creature.

Personal feelings too.  Questions of what she really felt about Mitsuko.  It felt cruel to abandon her.  She wanted to be with her.  She glanced between Mitsuko, this Shinigami, a little to Nall.

She emphasized her gesture.  “This, is between us.  Please don’t interrupt.”  She said to the others behind her, as she took a step forward.  A hesitant, partial commitment, but she had not fully committed.

”Rie, don’t hate yourself over this.  I’m not planning on running from the team.  I want to return.  Help the others until I do…”.  When she might return and how were very big questions.  She knew she was risking something very dangerous.  “…Nall, I don’t want Mitsuko to abandon her mission.  It is for her I’m thinking about this.”  Another step forward.

She looked to Mitsuko, without saying a word.  Then to Shinigami, biting her lip.  “I’m considering it.”  She had no idea what would happen to both of them, if she did go.  But not knowing what would happen to Mitsuko, if or when they would see her again, troubled her as much or more.


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"Don't worry about it." was all she could really think to say to Azrael.

It appears to me that the purpose of Earthlings sound receptors are not to listen be they demon or human. Its certainly not effected by the size of their auricles.. What a curious evolution. I do wonder what their....I believe they call them ears are even good for. The general thought to himself as the other knight seemed to have, with no hesitation, misunderstood what the general thought to be a fairly simple series of sounds. Perhaps human language was inefficient? He merely smiled "Of course not, nor was I insinuating such but I can't say I've come to meet many heroes with a willingness to find sacrifices. I am merely suggesting that would hardly fit a noble image." but regardless it looked like this whole situation was...well...becoming rather trite if it hadn't started that way. Despite the suggestions he offered he was ignored and the Fox and the other two ladies seemed to continue on with their odd desire for tragedy. He merely sighed and threw his hands up. Earthlings.

"Ah....how trite." he said realizing what was going on. There really wasn't much to be learned. He shrugged and turned on his heel to make his way out and leave them to it. Perhaps there would be more interesting scenes elsewhere.

Rie on the other hand had made a decision and once this was over she'd need to speak to her team leader on it. It wasn't something she wanted to do but given things it was only for the best that she did it. She didn't like the idea of Jumi or Mitsuko going with this demon but Mitsuko was more than determined and Jumi well...that was her girlfriend. Rie was never wrong about these things realistically. She would blow a small stream of air from her lips but she knew it was pointless to stop them.

Rie wasn't going to hate herself over this but she was frustrated with the whole affair. A celebration ruined all thanks to some dumb fox. Rie did what any Magical Protector should do but the enemy here as beyond their means...or at least most of their means. She didn't now anything about the new knight of course but he seemed wholly unconcerned. Rie meant her words. Death before giving in but it wasn't her choice to make. She just looked to Jumi and sighed and watched her state her...if shaky desire to follow. She was trapped.

"Tch. I'm still a healer. I don't need to be on a team to do that but I'll watch 'em in the meantime. Just don't take too long with this nonsense please? I want you two safe......and I'd like to resign in a reasonable amount of time if its all the same to you." and of course she'd speak to the cat but frankly Nall might as well have gone. Rie just turned her back and walked off "Better you open that barrier before I chew through it." she spoke to Azrael while they had their moment.

She needed to go hit something. What an utterly worthless day.

(Last post from my characters in this.)

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Azreal looked at Rie and nodded as he opened the barrier for her. "There you go my lady." He said dispelling his ice barrier. He had a feeling Rie wasn't ok but he wasn't going to advance any further with her. 

Azreal looked person who called him a villain as he brushed it off. He turned to Jumi and Mitsuko with the fox demon. He bowed to Jumi and Mitsuko before speaking. "Will you ladies be alright or do you wish for me to stay with you. Your safety is my number one duty." He said glaring at Fox demon waiting to be dismissed.

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Mitsuko stared at Jumi, surprised that she'd willingly join her despite the short time she had known her. As she wished, she didn't say anything even as Rie continued her outburst. She was not surprised by it but regardless of that, at least she was alive even if always defiant. If Shinigami was as powerful as Lenneth was, she didn't want to see her try to face her. Still... The fox had caused quite a turmoil with her presence. Nall was also spoken to but after Jumi finally told the fox that she was considering her offer, he frowned and flew straight for Mitsuko to drop the sword in her grasp before he went for Shinigami herself, flying between her and them. "You can't take her away. Not after what she went through!", he shouted at her.

Shinigami blinked at the sight of the cat talking to her but her eyes shifted to Mitsuko who didn't look too much in bad shape now, thanks to having been healed, except for a few scratches and whatever her clothes was hiding anyway. Still, she shrugged it off. "She was the one who proposed for me to take her, wasn't she...? You can't deny this, cat boy." Nall knew that but he also knew why she had done it. "I will have you know that I am not a cat. And she only did because of what you did. That was mean.", he replied while Mitsuko watched, only feeling lightheaded still. Would Shinigami even know what being mean was. If she was the enemy, she probably had done much worse than threatening someone with potential death.

Shinigami still recognized that it was the truth but whether she actually cared or not was hard to decrypt. Her eyes returned to Nall, figuring that maybe going along with this wouldn't sit well with what she had originally planned. In fact, the playtime with Rie was not planned either and such was what lead to Mitsuko giving herself to begin with. She was growing bored with them anyway. "Fine...", she finally said, leading Nall to look surprised for a moment. Was she... going back on her idea? Shinigami continued, "But it doesn't mean that I don't want a moment with the girl...", grinning as she spoke. "You heroes have business to finish that I do not care about but I still want enjoy myself and I will. So, what will it be?", She asked.

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Had Nall made an opening?  Were there other options here after all?  She addressed Azreal first.  “I think it is safe for you to leave now, all of you.  I will resolve this peacefully, one way or another.”  It was something purely between her, Mitsuko, Shinigami and maybe Nall.  She would let Shinigami take both Mitsuko and her, if that was the only option.  But she was willing to seek alternatives, or…compromise, if the creature was willing.

She took another step forward.  “If there is no other option, we will both go with you.  I insist you reconsider your hope to explore this place though.  Even if everything you say is true, it won’t go well…but if you are willing to deal with ‘lesser beings’, I’m willing to figure out a deal me and Mitsuko will both completely agree to.”  If Mitsuko and Jumi were taken, it might be something they both ‘agreed’ to, but only out of compulsion.  She was offering the possibility of a deal she and Mitsuko truly agreed to.  What it might be was still difficult to determine.

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Azreal bowed. "As you wish Lady Jumi. Maybe you and Lady Mitsuko have my blessing from the celestial stars above for protection." He said saying the Capulet pray before walking past Shinigami glaring as if sending a message. A cold breeze sweeped past as he walked. His boots clicking against the floor. He had learned a bit of information that might be important and if his master knew, he might be pleased with another person to team up with. 

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Mitsuko gave a look at Azreal, seeming to appreciate the help or support offered. She was not too worried about Shinigami herself, for reasons she did not really understand. Her powers seemed fearsome, truly, but something else turned around her. Maybe she would be called crazy that she was curious about what Shinigami had in mind for the "girl she wants to have a moment with.", which made her blush considering who it clearly was about. Such was the world Jumi warned her about, or so she thought anyway.

The fox herself watched them but didn't say much at first toward Jumi's plans to resolve things peacefully. Only after Jumi spoke to her directly did she finally respond, "I see... No exploration, then. Your kind may get carried away...", she remarked while the reality around them seemed to flicker yet this was only noticeable by Mitsuko and Jumi themselves, not anyone else. A vision of the convention in its darkest moment came up very briefly with bodies and blood everywhere and a monstrous form where the fox stood.

Mitsuko barely had the time to realize before she stared at Shinigami who just stood there, her arms crossed still, calm and relaxed. "W-what was that...?" Nall himself turned to face toward her but looked confused while the fox either seemed like she had no idea or feigned ignorance yet she still smiled. She appeared to feel the cold breeze of Azreal but did not seem bothered by it. Mitsuko herself frowned and just headed for the fox, hesitating but as if to reassure herself, she reached to touch her and feel her fur.

Aside of the tease of earlier, Mitsuko was not even sure of what her kind felt like. She did not have the chance to learn of their enemies yet except for what she saw during her training. If Shinigami had been anything like the demon statues, chances are she would not even get so close to her but with what she just had seen, she wanted to make sure that she was real. Shinigami herself smirked but at least she looked amused. Her eyes shifted to Jumi, though. "You misunderstood. The powerless are the inferior ones."

Shinigami referred to the non-magical humans, probably estimating magical girls and knights to be superior somehow. She was not wrong if they compared between humans without magic and the ones with. Mitsuko herself had elevated to a new level by getting Althena's blessing, if that's what it was. Mitsuko blushed plenty now, moving her hand away before stepping back to Jumi, allowing Shinigami to look at them both. Her tail also moved again some after Mitsuko's explorative move. "I'm ready to hear your deal..."

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Jumi watched Mitsuko’s reactions, first the blush, then walking over to touch.  Was Shinigami right?  Did Mitsuko genuinely want this, more than Jumi, Nall, maybe even Mitsuko herself realized?  If so, that was just more reason to go with her.  Jumi suppressed any discomfort she felt from the several times demons raped her.  Understanding that this was going to likely at least partially include the three of them having sex.

The shift, vision?, caught her off guard, but she believed she understood what it was.  A sign of what might have happened, if Shinigami went out there, with or without them.

”Thank you, and I apologize for my earlier words.”  She understood the power difference, they could not force this creature to do anything.  Jumi’s words were tense but, honest.  Showing some respect was the best way to handle this.

“You want a moment with Mitsuko?”  But what did a moment mean to a presumably ancient and immortal creature?  “I offer you a few days with both of us, in another place.  At a time and place of your choosing.  I only ask it be somewhere there will be no violence.  Beyond that, I agree to do whatever you want.  Eating, exploring what life is like for us.  Anything.  Do you find this acceptable too, Mitsuko?” She did want to speak for Mitsuko, though it seemed like Mitsuko might want that.  Jumi was agreeing to unspoken assumptions about where this would go, activities included.  “It is a little hard for me, but I will trust you words of treating Mitsuko, and I hope myself, well.”  She was not entirely sure what that meant.  Whether they would experience anything new, with this potential god.

She decided to offer a little more.  “If you ‘treat us well’ enough, I’m willing to consider making another deal at that end of that time.”  This was getting very dangerous, but that was only going to happen if the first part went well, and she believed a second deal would not lead to anything dark.  The second goal was not planned to be too extreme, but it also depended on how this part went.

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Shinigami looked genuinely surprised as she was being thanked and even apologized to, even if it probably wasn't entirely honest and only out of fear for her, or so she assumed. Still... An effort was made. "There's the judicious ones of your kind... I'm glad to see not all of you are hopeless, after all.", she said, in her own kind of kindness for Jumi and potentially Mitsuko. Even the cat didn't seem too bad, for what a pet was good for. Nall watched them discuss but remained quiet for now, as Mitsuko and Jumi seemed safe.

The direct words of Jumi to Shinigami afterwards made the fox gaze at Mitsuko slightly, who herself could only stand there now and barely hide her feelings about it. She was close to Jumi and didn't really want to leave her, though. The offer made her turn her head to the fairy as she spoke and at the end, when asked for her opinion, Mitsuko nodded before looking back to the fox who listened calmly and even seemed to enjoy the offer so far, surprisingly. A demon probably would have jumped on other ideas quite fast.

For the first part, she replied with a small grin, "Yes, your kind would be wary but I am not going to blame you for it. I know what you fear and what you assume so boldly of your enemies... For the most part, you would be correct to fear for your kind... You've already experienced suffering at their hands, didn't you?", she asked shamelessly, taking more or less pleasure in guessing the obvious while looking at Jumi as she spoke. Mitsuko herself had no idea if Shinigami could see Jumi's past but she reached to grasp her hand.

Seeing it only confirmed to Shinigami what she was saying but she didn't add more to it, instead saying, "I said I would treat her well, didn't I? You will be given the same offer but I cannot promise that you will not feel the same feelings that were used against you, IF you decided to go this far.", she warned her, making Mitsuko squeeze Jumi's hand a little. "Otherwise, a peaceful place should not be hard to find. If you are so bold that you would make another deal, I will be looking forward to it.", she told them, not without a smile.

Mitsuko was ready to let her curiosity go so far but she still felt concerns that made her frown, "I-I do not mind going along with it but you must not do anything that Jumi does not like... I promised to protect her from it. I-If you have to do anything to her, I want you to do it to me, instead.", she said, trying to gather her courage in that instant. The fox herself seemed surprised before she grinned by the act, "You would enjoy that, wouldn't you? I didn't think you would want me all for yourself.", she replied to the valkyrie.

Mitsuko blushed red at that moment, seeing the implications be returned to her like nothing. She could not even find the will to retort without looking guilty of something that was only meant as a protective move for Jumi, to prevent her from suffering more than she had so far. The fox girl cackled at the result but then shifted her gaze to Jumi. "I imagine you would not say anything about that deal of yours before we actually enjoyed some time together, would you?", she asked, curious about what she had in mind.

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“I don’t know if you can read our minds or whatever.  I don’t know what you are capable of, just that you are powerful.  Just maybe you do deserve to be called a goddess…but it should be easy enough to guess, what I have experienced at the hands of male monsters and demons.  I’m hardly the only one of us who has.”  Jumi answered, calmly, holding back any discomfort she might have felt.

”If that is one of things you want to do with us…fair enough, I guessed that might be the case.  I’m prepared for us to do it together.  That is part of the deal I offer, we will indulge any desire you wish.”  Innocent or sexual.  Jumi was offering herself.

”I cannot tell you what I have in mind for the second deal yet.  It is something I will decide when the first is over, on how I feel after you have indulged yourself.  All I can say, is if you leave a good impression, it may be more than we are offering now, and maybe more eagerly.    For the first deal I offer us up to you for several days straight.  Less if you prefer.  I know my place compared to you.”  Jumi squeezed Mitsuko’s hand back.  They were going to do this together, whatever happened.  “I ask only a few things, to make this a genuine deal.  But how this plays out is up to you.”  Shinigami had all the power here.  Her only reasons to agree were to make Jumi and Mitsuko more willing, Jumi suspected that would be enough.  Especially now that they were showing her respect.

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Even Shinigami probably would blush as well if she wasn't under that fur with the way Jumi was somewhat praising her. The story about demons getting their way with their victims was anything but a new one to her. Pleasure and the ways to feel it was at least one feeling shared by all races in existence even if some races shamelessly forced it greedily upon everyone else to fulfill their own lust. Shinigami was not all that different but she was a little more reserved, in comparison to demons, on the ways to achieve things.

Lifting a finger, she smirked and replied to the intentions, "Well, this is not only about my desires now, is it...?". She finally stepped closer toward them as she continued, "These monsters took you for granted and I can hardly blame them. Whether it is for their own pleasure or to make you suffer, I suspect they succeeded at both.". Shinigami turned around them slowly, letting them turn if they wanted to keep facing her. She turned to them once having accomplished a half circle around them. "You two are quite pretty."

Mitsuko slowly but hardly recovered from her feelings but her head was still in the game. On one side, she believed the words of Shinigami to be true, on the other, she understood what Jumi told her about. She had been raped because she was appealing and demons didn't care about whether Jumi liked it or not. This is what she was warned about and she suspected that a demon would do the same to her that they did to Jumi. It was surprising that Mitsuko even did so much with her and more was promised to come.

"As I said before, I will not do anything that you will not enjoy as much as I will... A demon would not warn you, would they? If you come then you accept my terms... One of which involves getting rid of these clothes. Here's what I promise, however... Nothing but me will touch you, lest something wants to die in a horrible manner...", she told them while grinning. Mitsuko blinked, trying to understand that Shinigami was potentially offering to protect them? As long as it was not a trap nor a lie to go against her words.

Mitsuko looked at Jumi, still keen on wanting to protect her. Shinigami was however making her deal pretty clear. It was no longer really about the convention or about trying to reason with the fox. They were somewhat enjoying some good time already. The promise of sex would normally scare her in the normal world but her experience with Jumi, albeit very small yet wonderful, softened her a little. She did not know if it was a mistake or not to go by Shinigami's terms but it could prevent Lenneth from coming for her.

"A-alright. I am fine with it... If Jumi is...", Mitsuko finally said, praying that it wasn't a trap or something too good to be true. If she dragged jumi to their own deaths or worse, suffering or torture, she would never forgive herself. Shinigami either was very convincing in her lies or she honestly wanted to share good times with them. The fox smiled to Mitsuko's response while her tail moved again. "Perfect. If you're willing, I can bring you somewhere that would meet her terms.", forming a portal, showing a large manor.

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Protection.  She offered it.  It was something Jumi might have consider asking for in the second deal, in return for more.  But she offered it already.  She looked to Mitsuko, who was already more eager for this than she was.  Someone who could maybe protect her from Lenneth.  Would there be a price?  Jumi was still not sure what they were getting into.  The risk of consequences from enjoying it too much.  But she had to trust their inner strength.

She watched the portal open.  So, she chose to do it now.  For an uncertain but not especially long amount time.  For the moment both girls belonged to the creature.  But it was different now.  Short term and by choice.

Showing she had committed to the deal, and being in an isolated area already, Jumi nodded.  Closed her eyes, and with a second of concentration, her clothes disappeared.  “This is my choice, Mitsuko.  We are going through this all together.  I’m willing to do anything you do.”  She looked to the portal.  “If you want us now, I’m ready.  We’ll follow you to where you want us.”  She gripped Mitsuko’s hand tighter, waited for them to be escorted into the portal.

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Mitsuko watched as she soon saw Jumi's nude body once more, this time making her face flush. It was one thing in the bed room or the shower but in public? She did not exactly have the same mean to make her clothes disappear like this, as it wasn't her magic clothes. Nall himself looked taken by the sight and showed that even a cat could be shy at the sight of a woman. Surely, there were other teasing sights back where he was from. What he didn't expect is that Mitsuko would soon follow suit and undress.

Shinigami watched them, seeming surprised by Jumi's quickness to cut to the chase but smiled at the sight, only to get a bonus as Mitsuko would do it as well. The schoolgirl was hesitant to show herself but she was not going to let Jumi take the public nudity demonstration alone. Nall gasped but otherwise remained quiet. Once Mitsuko pushed the clothes away with her foot, only having her sword with her, she nodded and held Jumi's hand as much as she was holding hers. "T-together...", she added after Jumi...

The fox girl grinned and nodded back. "As I said before, pretty. No wonder these demons craved making you their plaything... But just because you're naked, it doesn't mean I will treat you the way they do. We will get to the fun in time... You may go before too many of your kind see you like this.", she told them, making Mitsuko nod and walk to the portal with Jumi and through. Nall hurried up after them, not willing to abandon them. Thankfully, Shinigami was going to allow it anyway. As long as he wasn't trouble.

Next Chapter in the Story... (Click here)

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 24/06/2024 at 20:32, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

OOC:  This post is in the evening of the second day.  Since Alexandrine is likely to have a quiet second day, and something to get done before she potentially shows up elsewhere.

Alexandrine kept to herself much of the second day, after buying the present.  Hoping not to run into anyone she knew.  She had been changed, she was not sure how easy it would be to hide from those who knew her well.  She felt mostly like herself at the moment, but deep down, she could feel the darkness inside her.  She could also feel the collar still, even if it was invisible.

She interacted a little with fans, signing autographs, taking pictures, but most stuck to more isolated portions of the building.  Until evening came.  She was eating in the back, away from the crowd.  When unfortunately, her hiding came to an end.  But it was not Hikaru who she expected to find her.

He walked up to her, the usual serious expression on her face.  “Alexandrine.”  He greeted her with a nod, then continued.  “Earlier today me and Umi and met Elie.”  Both faces looked at each other passively, Alexandrine not showing the unease inside her.  “We learned much, took her to the temple…She told us about the demon Exzelcryth, and why she left the convention last night.”

The head twitched.  Could he see what had happened?  Guess what had happened?  “She’s gone now.  If you wanted to ask that.  Don’t worry, I’m fine.”  She tried to shake off any suspicion, hide the corruption.  It was hard to tell if she had convinced him though.  “She caught me with my guard down.  Never guessed a demon would dare enter this place.  She isn’t stupid though, would not do anything to draw the attention of so many enemies.”

Hikaru could tell her more about what was learned about the demon, that he was not out kill her.  That just maybe Ellie was right about her.  But something more important needed to be said.  His hand tightly gripped the handle of his sword.  “One of Ellie’s tarot spirits told us something much worse…Zorn lives….”

The cold expression of Alexandrine’s face cracked.  Visible shock.  A sickness inside her.  “Impossible!  I made sure…”. She certainly intended to kill him, could he have survived all that?  Demons were certainly harder to kill than humans.  It was sometimes surprising what they could survive.  Had she not done enough?

An anger started burning through the sickness.  Fueled by the corruption?  But she tried to calm herself.  “We need to find him.  I’m sure he has not been quietly hiding.”  Hikaru nodded.  “I agree.  Though it may be best to wait until after the convention.  Give us all a little more rest, and just we can find more allies.”  Alexandrine nodded.  “Do you want to find Emi and tell her, or should I?”  Hikaru asked.

”I…need some time…maybe you should.”  Between the corruption, and shock of learning Zorn was alive, Alexandrine needed a little time by herself.  Process it.  Decide what to do.

”I will look around for her.  Tell her if she is not busy with others.”  Hikaru turned to give her the privacy she wanted.  As long as Emi was not doing anything too private, he would tell her quickly.


@Chiyako OOC: Meant to do this a lot sooner, but did not know if you wanted to write something first or had a preference on the timing.  Going to go with after Alexandrine found out about Zorn.  Left it open for what Emi might be doing.

As Hikaru was about to leave Alexandrine shook her head.  "No...I should do this...she should hear it from me.  That I was wrong."  She stood up stepped forward.  They hada shared pain through Zorn, Hikaru did too of course, but she felt this was best.  To decide whether to tell her what else had happened.  It felt like a potential betrayal, but the half demon girl was perhaps the one person she could tell, someone who was going to find out sooner or later.

Hikaru let her pass.  He was a little worried, but this was better.  Alexandrine was not locking herself away again.  She cared about Emi.  "Then I will return to the temple.  Try to discover is there is a way to find his hiding place.  We won't let him escape again."  He stepped away, leaving Alexandrine to step out into the crowd.  She had to try to find Emi.  She closed her eyes.  Focused.  Tried to find the familar presence.  It was difficult with so many other Magical Girls and Knights though, some familiar, some not.  Was she with Rin?  Someone else?  She sensed for Rin as well.  She felt vague presences, that might have been them, she stepped off to go look.  Hoping she was not too busy with something she could not easily be pulled from, though if she was doing something like a contest, it could wait a few minutes.  But she did not make any stops on the way.  The look on her face seemed to brush off anyone who wanted to talk to her.  They could tell she was focused on something important.

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@ChiyakoOOC: This may or may not be a little earlier in the day, after her time on the roof, but we will see how long it is before Alexandrine goes looking for her.

She was both part of the crowd yet stood out, invisible, yet drew eyes.  The small girl silently navigated the crowd.  Shifting away as people looked at her or tried to talk to her.  Fan, staff, other Magical Girls or Knights.  She eluded them all or silently dealt with their questions, standing their until they gave up.  She hated being around people, yet she was here.  Was it just because she felt an obligation as a Magical Girl?  Only she could answer that.  But she avoided all questions.

After having some food, she wandered over to the merchandise area.  One of the quieter areas.  Their were still eyes on her of course.  But she was less likely to be talked to.  It was also an area that somewhat drew people more like her.  Though few people were quite like her.  She enjoyed looking at the material for all the others here.  People similar to her in some ways.  But she would not approach at least most of them.  They fought the same enemies, but this girl's heart, thoughts, were surrounded by deep walls.  Walls even she only partially understood.  Partially shaped by her experiences, partially deeper causes.

She passed the models/dolls/statues.  Glanced at art.  But then ended up lingering on music.  Some sung by the Magical Girls/Knights, some sung by others about them.  She found it interesting.  How some of them could be so open, express things she did not dare.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alexandrine was having trouble sensing Emi's presence in the crowd.  She hoped she could find her, hoped she was not doing something difficult to disturb her from.  Rin had also not been pinpointed yet.  Most people, made space for her, but one made a point of not moving, getting in her way, forced Alexandrine to bump into her.  It shocked her for a moment.  She was about to force her way to the side, when she recognized the face in front of her.  An occasional ally.  And something potentially much more significant in the moment.  The woman talked first.  Formal, stiff, but with a hint of warmth.  "Congratulations, Diamond Sorceress.  I am proud, you finally overcame your grief over that day.  Found a new team...speaking of which...we need to talk, I'm sure you know about what."  The Emerald Inferno.  Member of a team she had sometimes allied with.  Now with a connection to her new one.  Alexandrine's eyes narrowed.  "Inferno.  Thank you, but I need to find my new team."  She leaned forward, whispered to her.  "Zorn lives."  The other woman took a step back.  "...But, you killed him..."

Alexandrine walked past her but made a point to shift to a less crowded portion of the building.  Where they could talk more openly.  "I've learned otherwise."  Was all she said to that.  "I need to find him, make sure he does not escape again.  But the others need to know."

"The bunny girl, she looks...."  Miya began, but was immediately interrupted.

"Emi Ueno."  Alexandrine answered the question with just the name.  Another shock to Miya.


"Her daughter.  I'm sorry, I only know what she has told me...Miriko is dead."  Miya stopped at hearing that, the shock flooring her.  But Alexandrine continued.  "She is Zorn's daughter."  All the pieces finally clicked for Miya.  What happened that day, why Miriko disappeared.  She was too ashamed to tell them?  A tear ran down her eye, which she quickly wiped off.  "Let's split up.  We need to find her.  I can only imagine her life up until now.  I have to apologize to her, not knowing."  Miya broke off without a word, to try looking for her.  Apologize for not knowing.  What happened to her mother.  Could not leave this unaddressed.

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Azreal having left the situation with the fox demon a while back. He entered the dealers room and main room where many magical girls and knights were mingling with fans. Since he was from Italy, well his family was he knew only a fair few would come up to him if any. He was mainly known for his singing career in Russia. He was second only to the Lotus Princess here. 

As he walked he kept his ears open for any information or anyone wishing to mingling. He was thinking about the magical girl/boy he had fun with the night before. The thought of having them or even another person on his sword was a thought that made him feel all warm inside. He stopped at a both looking at necklaces and bracelets based on different magical girls. He saw books,posters,figures,bags and so much more. Very few things had knights on them.

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OOC:  Okay, giving Azreal a real challenge here.  Maybe Rin will show up in a little bit (maybe Emi?  We’ll see.  She can show up soon or later).  But yeah, he’s going to have trouble interacting with this one.

Alexandrine and Miya were still running around, looking for Emi.  Or Rin, in Alexandrine’s case.  So far without luck.  But there was a lot of ground to cover, crowds to search through.  Rin was not at the merchandise section either, at least not yet.  But silent Ryoko, was still there.  The silent shadowy Magical Girl.  She noticed the Knight step into the area, but did not look at him, tried to pretend he was not there.  Kept some distance, as she browsed through things.  It was nothing about the Knight specifically, this is just who she was.

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As Azreal walked around. He saw the Diamond Sorcereress out of the corner of his eye. He kept hearing his Master's voice echo in the back of his head. He knew to keep his distance. He moved quickly as he weaved through the tables and crowd finding himself at a dealers booth that sold family charms from famous magical girl's families. He looked around seeing some of names he knew from Russia as this seller did it but country. 

He made it Italy and he saw it, his family's name. As he went to take a closer look he couldn't help feel someone was watching him. He stood up straight and looked around. The in counter with demon before this must have put him on edge. He scanned the area and the only thing he saw out of corner of his eye besides Alexandrine was a little girl who seemed to be watching in shadows as she looked at the dealers tables.

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