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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Mitsuko would keep going on for as much as she possibly could, feeling hazy from so much at once. When Jumi finally stopped and pressed against her, moaning her soon-to-come orgasm, she didn't stop licking intensely, going as rough as Shinigami was going on her. Mitsuko closed her eyes when she finally felt her orgasm fill her mouth and wash her face. She stopped licking as roughly but still kept going to get as much of her juices as she could. Once the orgasm ended, Mitsuko didn't try anything to stop her from remaining there, feeling her pussy against her face.

Shinigami seemed to have waited for Jumi to feel her happy moment before she would increase the roughness further, digging deep inside her vagina to find her weak spot while licking all of her juices and cleaning up her inner walls. Mitsuko whimpered and just moaned loud against Jumi, feeling ashamed but powerless and it only took a short moment before she would cry out and quiver in orgasm, squirting hard inside Shinigami's mouth but also outside, at Jumi's back, which she hardly had any control on. The fox girl kept licking roughly even as she was coming.

At the end, Shinigami finally gave a final lick, pulling her tongue out of her pussy before cleaning the entrance a little more gently. The exhaustion of 3 orgasms through sex, fingering and cunnilingus slowly got to her though and her grasp on Jumi weakened before she'd slowly lose consciousness, leaving her body limp. Shinigami would still finish cleaning her but then gently released her and laid her down, licking her lips, "Tch... She could not handle this much... She would have no chances if she was raped. They would still fuck her like this.", she said to Jumi.

Shinigami didn't mean any judgement by it, knowing the girl must have been new at this. Still, she had been pretty intense on her, three times. "I will be carrying her... Can you walk?", she asked Jumi, showing at least a little concern about if she was capable to function after being fucked AND licked for a long while, one orgasm after another. "If so, I will bring you both somewhere we can enjoy a good time to recover. I can show you the secret of my scent as well.", she smirked, not seeming worried about Mitsuko's deliciously spent body, her pussy left slightly spread.

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Jumi was quite satisfied for the moment.  Though she could easily do more, she had done all nighters with partners before.  “It was only last night, I took her virginity.”  She explained just how little experience the girl had.  Of course she did not need any explanation for how creatures might rape her.  How long they could go.  Especially was a group.  She did not respond to that, but did not seem bothered by it either.

She stood, her legs were a little wobbly, but it passed quickly.  “I can walk.”  She wondered if they were going to the previously mentioned baths, or something that would be more surprising.  The comment about her scent was confusing as well, but she was not worried, rather curious to see just what was meant.  She looked over Mitsuko’s sexy body, no longer the pure virgin, but deeply sexually satisfied.  Hot, sexy.  She was happy this was the girl who became her girlfriend.  She waited for Shinigami to pick Mitsuko up and would follow her, wherever she intended to go.

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Shinigami smiled to the fairy from the revelation which also confirmed her suspicions. "And so, she learned of pleasure with you but she didn't expect being fucked this tightly yet...", she grinned, feeling good about surprising Mitsuko the first time when she pounded her. Looking at Jumi, she still smiled and moved closer to her, "You were not bad yourself, for someone who was raped by demons. You clenched my penis like a good girl and made me cum a lot...", she teased and leaned close to kiss her cheek.

The reason Shinigami brought it up was her way to praise her for remaining strong and taking it, despite her difficult past. She didn't want to remind her difficult times but to Shinigami, they were part of who someone was and wouldn't hide it. Still, her comment also left a hint of concern for the fairy. Once said and done, she moved to Mitsuko and picked her up princess style, leaving her pussy to drip down a bit. Shinigami did not care about the lewdness of it. The bed would be made clean later as well, anyhow.

Then, finally, she left the room but waited for Jumi to follow. They would go through a hallway but there were no signs of Nall as they went. Where they went wasn't too far anyway. A bathroom could be found further, having a large bath on the other side of the room. A certain amount of soaps and shampoos could be found there, all human made. There was no way that they were all from the manor, though. "I might have stolen resources from your kind. I love my fur being clean." she said, her tail moving.

The bath really seemed to be made for luxurious bathing, for a manor's perspective, allowing them all to fit inside if they wished. It was not ready yet or anything but if Shinigami kept clean, it was certain that she knew how to operate it. For Jumi, it would be a bath like any other ones. "Believe it or not, I did not come to your convention only to say hello. You humans have quite good things when it comes to treating your body. I hoped to find more to treat myself... Instead, I found you.", she teased with a smile.

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Jumi appreciated the compliment and took the kiss to her cheek.  There was still some uncertainty over what she felt for the creature though.  She no longer considered Shinigami the obvious enemy she seemed to be in the convention hall, but as much as she had wanted the sex, she had not yet warmed up to Shinigami like Mitsuko had.  “It had been a while since I got a good dick.  Other women are great, but I need both.”  She partially explained.  “Like I said…you seem different.”  Maybe Shinigami was not the goddess she felt like.  She had some similarities, both in body and thought, to other demons.  But she did not seem entirely the same.  Jumi hoped that she was observing this objectively.  That she was not being ‘corrupted’.

She hoped Nall had found some comfortable place to rest, was not uneasy about what was happening.  She and/or Mitsuko should spend some time with him, over the three days.  But he was probably fine alone for short periods.  Good as all that was, it had not been that long in time.

She followed into the bath, looked it over.  She made no comment on where the bathing materials came from.  She doubted there was much of that in demon areas.  She stood back, let Shinigami put Mitsuko wherever she was going to, and she assumed would begin preparing the baths.

She ‘found her’.  She assumed Shinigami was referring to both of them.  They had committed to the three days, but she was unsure what the creature wanted or expected.  Shinigami avoided a clear answer before, but she hoped to get one now.  “If I had not come with, had not made this deal, what was your plans for Mitsuko?”  There was no hostility or suspicion in the question.  She just wanted to know.

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Shinigami enjoyed the sort of compliment just the same. In fact, being complimented by a human, even if in a subtle manner, still made her happy. She could tell Jumi did not trust her yet though but she still had submitted to her, made her feel good and let herself be fucked. Still, a part of her knew it probably was not completely willingly, even if not out of fear as she had precised. The girl enjoyed what she had gotten but only as much as Shinigami behaved. Nothing she could do about how it affected her personally.

As Jumi stood back, Shinigami moved to put the girl down somewhere, being careful about not hurting her. Then, she started demonstrating her knowledge of human baths by turning the water on before she took a moment to select what soap she was going to use for it. Even if for a brief moment, the fox could be seen wagging her tail lightly, looking eager to it. How she had come to know about liking baths or soaps was unknown but she seemed to know which ones she liked, soon using one with the water.

After a bit, she then looked toward Jumi as the bath was filling, to answer her, "While you all thought I was going to kill her and eat her soul, I would not have done differently than what I did with you being there. A pleasure you would not have known if you had not come, would you?", she asked in a teasing way then looked at the bath filling up, continuing, "Seeing a human ask me to lick her feet so casually was intriguing... Without fear, she let me pleasure her in ways she had never known. I like her.", she told her.

A moment later, Shinigami went to pick Mitsuko up then carried her to the bath and knelt to put her down, already seeing the water and soap act on her sore body. Her gaze then shifted to Jumi again. "It's almost ready... Your body must be clean before you wander free. I'm sure you'd enjoy this moment to wash her or me as well. I think you will like the soap I chose for you two.", she casually said and sat down in the bath herself, gasping softly and letting her tail sink and soak as well while the bath finished filling.

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“But did you have a long term goal?”  Was Jumi’s fears of what could have happened justified?  “Without a deal, would you have kept her here longer?  Especially after seeing how she reacted?  Would you have made her yours?”  She did not even necessarily mean it in a darker sense.  To make Mitsuko want to stay with her forever, forget her old life.  Jumi did not think it was impossible Mitsuko would have willingly, maybe eagerly, made that choice, if they were alone together long enough.  “That was what I was thinking when I decided to go with.  That if I did not, I would never see her again.  Because she might want you too much to leave.”  She saw no reason not to admit it.  Be honest with the creature.  Seeing how Mitsuko reacted just made her believe it could have happened even more.

She stepped into the water, let herself soak.  She would wait for the answer before doing anything else.  This was a talk they probably needed to have.  To help Jumi truly understand her situation.  Understand her host.  It could have an impact on the second deal, Jumi offered after the three days.

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami observed Jumi and soon put a stop to the water after the bath had been done filling. The silence of the room then took its place, water movements and some dripping aside. It was not hard to see the fox looking upon Mitsuko as well who was merely resting there in the water. As her eyes moved back to gaze upon Jumi, she finally replied, "I did not think that far ahead... But yes, I planned to keep her around for a while and treat her just the same as I treated you. If she decided to stay then I would not stop her but I had no way to know that she would enjoy me fucking her this much, did I?". She grinned and slowly moved closer to Jumi, starting to see more of why she actually had followed.

Once close to her, Shinigami kneeled over her legs but also made sure to sit on them, keeping them locked with her own legs on each sides of hers. Her hands went to each sides of Jumi as well, pressing against the bathtub as her face was right close to hers, "It's the only reason why you're here... To make sure she does not forget about you and what little pleasure you shared to each others. She is taking a liking to me and the way I've played with her and you fear losing her attention.", she said, without hostility but seemed amused by the fact, "This is why you so willingly participated in playing, didn't you? You didn't want her to enjoy this too much otherwise risk losing her.", she questioned the fairy.

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Jumi felt a tension as the creature made her move on her.  With her animal-like appearance, it felt a little like a predator striking prey.  But a different sort of a predator-prey relationship.  There was a sexual tension back in the air.  But this time it was purely between the two of them.  Jumi would be lying if she pretended it did not turn her on at all.

”…Like I said…that was my reason at first…I’m still figuring you out.  But I’m trying to trust your word, that you don’t have darker desires for either of us…”. It was the submissiveness she had already shown.  That was why she was a little excited for this sort of attention.  That Shinigami understood to treat her a little differently from Mitsuko, if she did, Jumi might eventually feel the same way Mitsuko did about her. “…When I saw what you did to her.  That you please her as a man too…how much she loved it…I do believe she is a lesbian.  She would never willingly sleep with a man…but she could enjoy you as a ‘man’, when I saw how much she loved it…it turned me on…”

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Shinigami remained so close to her, hearing her but grinning only more. "I had desires to make you feel good then enjoy a warm bath. I am not like the demons who have raped you and would do so again but I can't say that pounding you was not a good part of my day.", she told her, having indeed enjoyed rough sex with Jumi before she eyed toward Mitsuko as Jumi told her about her. "And a lesbian found that a girl can fuck her pussy and even cum inside her... She clenched me, begged me for more through her body, drooled when I filled her womb with my cum... She came so much harder when I licked her pussy senseless, she could not hold anything back.", she said, not without pleasure.

Her eyes finally shifted back to Jumi and she focused on her more, moving her hands to cup her breasts. "Are you looking for more sex with me...? I was not going to be rougher on you but if you wish for it, I would gladly fuck you unconscious as well, give both of your holes lot of attention. Make no mistakes, I would not leave you in harm's way... I'd wash you and tuck you in comfortably after I'm done with you.", she teased Jumi, trying to see what she was looking for with her exactly yet still showing that she'd give her care if it went that far. Her hands seemed to squeeze and massage Jumi's breasts regardless, enjoying their shape and softness for the first time as she was keeping her eyes on her.

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Jumi bit her lip.  She was not completely sure what she wanted.  Did she want to feel the same desire Mitsuko had for this creature?  The creature wanted her, Jumi did feel arousal over that.  She listened to what the creature offered.

”You can have some one on one time with Mitsuko over these 3 days, if you want, like you originally planned.  I do think you could have made her yours only, made her even completely forget about me eventually, if I was not here.  I’m not scared of that anymore though.”

She was comfortable with that.  A mix of the three of them together, and one on one.  The offer with Mitsuko was a lead up for herself though.  “You hope I eventually feel the same, don’t you?  I’ll let you try.  You can also have time alone with me, when you want.”

”You are much more powerful than me.  I understand that…I want you to remind me of that regularly.  I’m not your slave, but I want you to keep reminding me of the differences between us.  Be as rough as you want with me.  You have other tricks like your magic dick?  Things no human could do to me?  Show them to me.  It does not have to be now.  Now is probably better for relaxing.  But before these 3 days are over…”. She had offered a potential way to warm her up to Shinigami.  She did not know what to expect, but the offer was made.

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami listened while her hands gently treated her shamelessly, not to pleasure her but to at least make her feel nice in this moment with her. Jumi was confessing her thoughts to her, almost like she was a friend. She was allowing her to have some good time with Mitsuko alone but then, what about Jumi herself? The fairy soon shared her thoughts about that part as well, all the while Shinigami soon let go to grab some shampoos before her gaze returned to her. "Close your eyes.", she ordered to her.

Shinigami seemed to take a certain pleasure in starting to wash the fairy's hair while still listening to her if she should speak while she was doing it. A surprising touch from the deadly fox, surely. She had not answered yet, waiting for Jumi to finish talking. If what she was doing was not relaxing or strange enough, Jumi would feel the fox's tail brushing against her legs and feet underwater, not focusing on a part in particular but since her position locked her like this with Shinigami on top of her legs anyway.

While still washing her hair, the fox finally replied at the end, "My answer to what I would do to you doesn't change... Being alone with you to do so may even be interesting. I'll be rough with you but you will have to enjoy me treating you like this as well... No other tricks from me. And when we play again, I'll let you enjoy my own body as well...", she told the fairy as she was finishing with her hair, finally rinsing them off with the water of the bath. "You can touch my breasts if you like, too.", she offered to her.

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Jumi was certainly getting a lot of help cleaning herself today.  Though while three bodies were present, she was unsure when Mitsuko would wake up.  She had never actually seen someone lose conscious from pleasure like that, had no idea how long it might last.

She closed her eyes as instructed, some idea what was coming.  She doubted there would be proper sex here, though the atmosphere had not completely faded, and Shinigami was being a little…playful?

She let her hair get washed, showed no obvious reaction to the tail.  Another reminder she was doing this with a demon.  “You can do what you want too.  That is part of the deal.  I’m just offering advice.”  She was not bothered by this sort of treatment, it just seemed unlikely, at this point, to make her feel something like Mitsuko did.  That said she wanted more or less for Shinigami to do what she wanted.  It would just be more effective, if she wanted certain things.

She considered the offer to touch her breasts.  Jumi still had not touched most of the creature.  She had been focused on the no longer present part.  Touched the hips a little while sucking.  There was no harm in it.  The same as another girl, except for the fur.  She reached up, groped one of them, but did not do too much yet, still getting used to the feel of Shinigami’s body.

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Shinigami finished with her hair while looking at her with an amused smile. "Advice or a wish to the fox...?", she asked, wondering if it was Jumi wishing to be overpowered by her. "Did I not give you what you wanted when you asked me to go hard on you? I think you even begged for more instantly...", she added, remembering the roughness with which she had fucked Jumi. The position she had held her into to make Mitsuko see it all as the fairy was pushed to orgasm, only to be taken next by her very own friend.

Now with being done with her hair, Shinigami lifted her butt from Jumi to reach for soap, making her stomach rub against her face or almost if she did not move her head. Upon sitting down again in the same position, she started the preparation for washing her body but made sure not to get in her way if she wanted to touch. Her gaze did observe the girl, wondering if Jumi was not looking to be treated like a slave or a pet even if she denied being one. No... She wanted to be reminded how inferior she was...

The fox was not going to be her mistress but simply herself a little more with her than with Mitsuko. More rough, more dominating, more punishing. Or so is what Shinigami had observed her liking or enjoying during their first session together. She was going to be herself as well during bath times as she liked the idea of doing what she was doing now, hinted by the fact that her tail happily moved around underwater, still brushing against Jumi's legs. There was presence with her and she wanted to wash them.

While Shinigami started doing so for Jumi, she felt the fairy's first attempt at touching her breasts. Or at least one of them. Hers were larger than Jumi's by at least a cup or two and a layer of fur covered them, complementing her purple colored nipples that she surely got a glimpse of a few times by now. It would feel soft in her grasp but also squishy for what fun she wanted to have with them. Shinigami left them to the fairy, liking the touch and smiling to it while she was focused on washing the girl with her hands.

As for Mitsuko, she seemed to be doing alright while only sleeping or resting. The exhaustion of a first time feeling pleasure this brutal on her body must have gotten to her, having had the fox fuck her then finger her for two successive orgasms. She then felt a last one after she had been dominated by them both, that one being the roughest one on her after she had been mercilessly licked. The bath was doing her body good, helping her recover, hopefully to wake up in better shape when she'd open her eyes.

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Advice, to maybe make her feel something like what Mitsuko did.  Could that be considered a wish?  Hard to say.  Shinigami suggested she could do to her, what she did to Mitsuko.  Knocking her out through pleasure.  Was it possible?  Probably.  Maybe not quite as easily as Mitsuko, but maybe not a great challenge either.  She could only guess what the creature was really capable of.

She did not lean into the stomach, but did not try to avoid it either.  Let it rub against her however it might.  Other ways to get used to the differences in Shinigami’s body.

”I had not had a good dick in a while.  You are a woman, sometimes with a good dick.”  She observed, regarding what she felt back then.  “I saw what it did to Mitsuko.  It was hard not to get turned on.”  Demon or not, that sort of pleasure, not rape at all, was hard for her body to ignore.  “Keep giving Mitsuko more of that, doesn’t make me jealous.  As for me, guess you will have our one on one time to figure out what I really want.”  What she knew she wanted and subconscious desires were another question.  The uncertainty if she wanted something she did not know she wanted yet.  She was not scared of finding out.  She did not feel what Mitsuko did, but she was neither scared or ashamed of the possibility that Shinigami might eventually make her feel that way.

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Shinigami looked amused from the way Jumi was wording it, "I'm a woman who had a good time pounding your pussy as roughly as you wished.", she said and gently rubbed her cheek with her muzzle while she was still washing her, "I'm glad that you liked the view...", she added and kept going with the bath, wondering if the girl would touch her breasts more as well, IF she was interested in them at all. She still wanted to give the benefit of doubt and not yet hinder her movements if she wanted to touch them more.

The fox listened to Jumi and figured that the conclusion was, at least, that Jumi did not dislike being around her. Shinigami replied after a moment, "Your girl seems to enjoy what I did to her pretty fine and you don't seem to hate being in my presence, either. Bold of you to speak of what you want but I did say that I wouldn't do anything to you that you don't enjoy as much, didn't I? It may be your only chance to show this fox what you really want.", she said, grinning teasingly but that fun would be kept for later.

For now, Shinigami wanted to find out if the fairy would take the offered moment to touch her body. In fact, the fox decided to give her a real chance to do so, stopping to wash her for now and scooted back on her legs, finally offering her the soap and the shampoo, "How about you please me, this time...? Or rather, explore me yourself? I'd enjoy a good scrubbing from you. A chance for you to really feel who you're dealing with while making me happy.", she told her, pretty much asking for Jumi to wash her, this time.

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Maybe Jumi would feel it later, overwhelmed into unconsciousness by pleasure. She could not pretend there was no interest in experiencing it, though she had confusing feelings regarding the creature.  Trying to trust her word, and their recent experience proving she comfortably be intimate with her, though she was not sure how a ‘softer’ approach, or purely as two women would go.

She was perhaps being given an opportunity to find out.  Though a bit of a borderline.  This whole washing each other experience being semi-sexual.  She took the offered soap and shampoo, but figured she should clarify with her.  “Am I supposed to do anything different?”  With a fur covered body, she was unsure how much to focus on the shampoo compared to soap, her first impression would be to only use shampoo.  But was unsure if it really mattered.  Beyond the fur, she had skin like Jumi’s, but it was demon skin, and she did not know if that impacted anything.

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Shinigami looked at what she had offered to Jumi and while she had specifically picked that soap for her human partner, she figured it would not work very well for herself. "Wait...", she moved up and went over Jumi to reach for one she liked better for herself, seeming to take a moment with her body leaning over the edge of the bathtub, near her side. Her tail wagged gently but she didn't seem to think of what the fairy could see for now. A bit later, she came back down and gave her another kind of flower-scented shampoo.

Now sitting comfortably near Jumi instead of on top of her this time, Shinigami smiled, "This will be better... I can wash myself everywhere with this. I have a lot of fur so you can see why I need a lot of these... I had to steal quite many to keep myself clean.", she explained, not without pride in what she had done solely for the sake of... bathing? However, her eyes hesitantly looked toward Mitsuko, then back to Jumi. Finally, she retracted her offer, saying, "Actually, never mind... You go take care of her; I'll wash myself instead."

The fox had changed her mind suddenly, grabbing her shampoo before she moved away to the other side of the bathtub to sit down there. Like a shell, she had closed herself. She was used to being alone and while she had enjoyed their playtime, bathing was a valued activity of hers. She did not make her feelings very obvious all the time, yet something seemed to bother her. Instead of letting Jumi wash her, she had retreated herself to let the fairy take care of Mitsuko instead. The sleeping girl seemed to rest peacefully still...

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Jumi had understood what Shinigami said as she wanted Jumi to wash her, and assumed everything given was for that.  She watched the demon go off on her own.  Unsure what to do.  She was a little out of her element.  She had made the move on Mitsuko, but if she was ever prepared to do that for Shinigami, it would take time.

Mitsuko did need to be washed, whatever else happened.  For now she would deal with that, while trying to figure out Shinigami.  She moved over to Mitsuko, began gently scrubbing her with the soap, starting with the face, slowly working down, neck, shoulders, lingering a little on the chest.  Would she take any initiative with the creature?  Maybe, but only after handling Mitsuko.

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Shinigami was on her own side, barely looking at them if she wasn't eyeing them while she was taking care of herself for now. Otherwise, she seemed to be doing her own thing, washing herself like a human would but taking a little longer to deal with the fur that she had to lather the shampoo into. It looked like quite some work but somehow, the fox knew how to do and took her sweet time to do it correctly, barely finishing her arms for now. Mitsuko would be easier to deal with, having been in the bath for a certain while.

The girl seemed to react slightly as she was being washed, but it took her a moment to finally open her eyes, gather her senses, and realize where she was. A smile slowly spread across her face as she began to feel the warmth and comfort of the bath, and even more so when she realized it was the fairy who was washing her. "Jumi...", Mitsuko only said as she spoke, only then looking around to see Shinigami on her own further before she shifted her gaze back to her friend, "Is everything alright...?". she asked, worried for her.

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“Hmm maybe, I still don’t really get her.  Nothing really exciting has happened since you fainted.  Never seen that before, by the way.  She brought you here, I followed.”  She commented, now washing Mitsuko’s arm.  “She cleaned me up a little.  Seemed to offer me to do the same, but when I asked to be sure I was doing it right, she went over there to do it herself, suggesting I wash you.”  She tried to explain it as best as she understood it.  But she did not completely understand what was going through Shinigami’s head.  Certainly unlike any other demon she interacted with.

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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko blinked, seeming to understand that a lot had happened since she had fainted, even if nothing exciting according to Jumi. She still found herself in a bath while Shinigami was casually washing herself. Did demons even take baths, normally? A question Mitsuko definitely could not answer with what little knowledge she had. The strangest was how Shinigami even seemed to enjoy it. Still, Mitsuko felt confused with what little information she was getting from Jumi. "She made a good suggestion...", she teased softly.

She appeared to enjoy waking up to jumi taking care of her, wanting more of it too. Another part of what Mitsuko considered a dream came true, if she was not still sleeping and dreaming. "It's very odd... Did she not enjoy her time with you?", she asked, at the risk of ringing true. She didn't know what had happened but she also didn't want to hurt Jumi. Still, she felt a little embarrassed that Shinigami was the one to bring her there, outside the bedroom, naked for Jumi to see. The fox intended for them to take a bath with her.

In a way, it felt special. Shinigami could have left them in a mess yet she didn't. Mitsuko was glad since her body felt relaxed from it. "What do you think, Jumi? Should we go help her...? Maybe she would let us touch her fur if we ask.", the schoolgirl commented, wishing for a chance to feel her again as she only could touch her tail before yet she loved the feeling. However, the fairy took priority right now. "You can finish washing me if you wish... I would not mind that.", she said softly with a gentle smile, really enjoying it.

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“I don’t really get her.”  Jumi answered bluntly, but not as an insult.  She had not known either Mitsuko or Shinigami very long, Shinigami even less, and they had not had much personal talk of course.  “I can’t say for sure what she thinks of me.”  She could not say for sure what she thought of Shinigami either.  She was reluctant to make assumptions about why the creature went off on her own.  She was trusting Shinigami’s word, as long as she lived up to it, but was not sure how she thought.

She began washing lower.  Her stomach for now.  Getting close.  “You do need a lot of cleaning.  Guess, we’ll see how fast she cleans.”  They were getting close to the spot of Mitsuko’s that needed most cleaning.  She did not know exactly how long Shinigami would take, if the fur slowed her down.  But they would see what happened when she was done with Mitsuko.

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Mitsuko seemed surprised, almost feeling like Jumi was not very happy about something when it came to Shinigami. A feeling she hardly could share herself, despite knowing that she should normally be more careful about someone like her. With Jumi continuing to wash her, Mitsuko gave a look toward Shinigami who seemed to continue like they were not talking about her until she soon replied, "I can hear you both with these ears... Do you humans always speak this much? Did you expect something exciting?"

Mitsuko frowned slightly in response to the annoyance Shinigami seemed to express. She definitely did not sound pleased. "W-we're sorry.", the schoolgirl replied, not meaning to speak for Jumi obviously but she did not want to make the fox upset either. Shinigami tried to enjoy her bath but it had not been a big success so far. What had started as a playful little thing for her, with having guests as well, did not seem to please her as much as she appeared to be earlier. Mitsuko at least wasn't awake to witness it...

Perhaps the fox did not enjoy something about Jumi or perhaps it was something else. For the time being, Shinigami paused her washing, which she had barely started anyway, to watch them. "If you have questions, ask them... If you want to wash me, I can be patient but I will have you scrub every inches of my body.", she told them, regaining a bit of smugness. Mitsuko gave Jumi a brief glance before shifting her flushed gaze back to Shinigami, making her grin with satisfaction. It didn't take much to tease the girl.

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Jumi was not upset, she was just not sure what to do, after Shinigami went to wash herself, washing Mitsuko while trying to figure out what to do.  She did not have a problem with Mitsuko washing Shinigami, something she would probably have fun doing.  If anything, Shinigami seemed more upset, based on her reaction to what she had meant as an innocent question.  She probably would have washed Shinigami, something like what she wanted, after making sure how but now, she was seeing what happened.

She focused on washing Mitsuko now, moving to legs but not distracting her, by touching what was between, seeing if Mitsuko did have anything to ask, or managed to lighten the mood, a mood she assumed was only going to be briefly awkward.

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Mitsuko looked tempted, which only amused the fox, but she probably didn't understand the consequences of what she had been thinking or doing. At the same time, she did not feel like what she had done with her so far was much consequential. Would she get in trouble with other magical girls for it? Jumi had warned her of demons wanting to rape them yet Mitsuko willingly allowed Shinigami to have sex with her, to touch her outside and inside, to lick her... And she had enjoyed it. Her career had launched on a rough start for sure.

Then there was Jumi, who Mitsuko had a good time with as well. A relationship that was more acceptable and one she still cared about. Seeing the fairy wash her made her happy, especially after she had been left weak and vulnerable. Still... Jumi didn't seem to mind how painfully obvious her curiosity toward Shinigami had been. If she had any questions, she was not sure where to start, IF anywhere. Perhaps what she had in mind before. "U-um... Do you take baths often? I-I mean, do you enjoy bathing?", she dared to ask her curiously.

Shinigami grinned at first, not needing long to figure what exactly she was asking. "I do take baths every now and then and I do enjoy it. Do you think it's unusual? I believe you had a chance to see it for yourself before, didn't you? Did you like the scent when you came close to me? Or when you hugged my tail?", she asked the girl, making obvious where she was going with it. Mitsuko nodded shyly, having to admit she was pleased with it and the softness. Shinigami smirked and continued, "So yes... I like my fur to be soft and clean..."

A demon, or whatever she was, had a sense of cleanliness. Something Jumi could have easily deduced from Shinigami's proud confession about stealing bath soaps and shampoos for her baths. If it might have been normal to Jumi, it was quite surprising to Mitsuko, who had expected something less clean from a demon. Yet, she couldn't help but remember the pleasant scent from her, now that the fox had recently taken some pleasure in reminding her. Mitsuko was visibly confused by her feelings even though she tried not to show it.

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