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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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That creature.  Perhaps a similarity between them.  Made the pain from before a little stronger, but maybe now it was something that could draw them together.  Shinigami had at least some idea of how all that in the past had made Jumi feel.  “I only asked, because I was curious about what other types of touches like this you might like?  If you already had an idea.”  Shinigami was not human.  Jumi would treat her similarly, but not quite the same as human partners.  “…I want to touch you in ways you enjoy…or crave…”. If Shinigami had not had much experience, then maybe there were things she never experienced, but wanted too.

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Shinigami wasn't sure how to answer that question. For half of it, she was exploring what Jumi, and equally Mitsuko, were doing to her at random or given times. After she freed herself from her partner, she slowly sat in front of her, leaving her shaft to hang freely for now. Her pussy, not often relevant, seemed wet as well. "...I can't say that anyone touched me like this before so I can't really give you any answers.", she replied but still hoped that either of them would at least try again, as she felt kind of good when it happened.

Still, with a teasing smile, she knew what to say about the second thing. "...I know ways you could touch me right now that I would enjoy...", she simply answered, probably thinking that Jumi meant it sexually for that part. Her lack of social skills didn't allow her to see very deep in what she was told but her body did feel aroused now and ready for more, should Jumi want to do anything. The fox probably would not mind being touched anywhere if the girl went for it. As if to play along, Shinigami also rubbed the fairy's thigh carefully.

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Something to explore, Jumi was hoping to avoid anything Shinigami disliked too.  But they seemed to past the point of insulting each other like before.  They should be able to respect each other enough, stop the other if they got too close to a line.

Jumi believed she understood the hint. “…I do want to touch you in many ways…”. She leaned forward, her hand rubbed Shinigami’s leg.  Approaching both parts.  As much as she enjoyed Shinigami’s unique anatomy, they ought to do at least some of it as two women before the night was over.  Shinigami was clearly a woman, even if she also had a man’s part.  She only teased there though, slid her hand up, cupped one of the breasts.  Groped it.  “Let’s take the night to learn.  How you want to be touched, by someone you desire.”  She was just slightly taking charge.  Would she go further?  Maybe it would on and off…it would depend if Shinigami acted receptive let.  Not just eager let her try…but could she want it, at least in the right moment?

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Shinigami could barely avoid her tail wagging gently as she heard Jumi's words, her leg being touched, rarely so outside of bath or in general. Her penis twitched slightly in excitement but she otherwise did not show any signs of wanting Jumi to got for it if she didn't. The fairy's hand instead climbed up her body to touch her breast... The fox still seemed interested as she smiled. "...Hmm, alright... As you wish...", she quietly said, staying still for the fairy to explore what she probably could not see much too well last time. Among them, she was easily the biggest in the breast department and not even too big. With some fur making her soft breasts even softer to touch, she hoped Jumi would enjoy touching.

For the time being, her body would calm down a bit sexually but she still would remain aroused, her purple-ish nipples being erect since they started having sex and with Jumi groping her breast now, it only felt better on that side. She would just leave the Fairy explore, though. There was a lot that she could do and as Jumi said, they had the night to find out and they were alone to do so. The pink haired girl was an interesting sight and different from Mitsuko in some ways but Shinigami did not have alone time with the latter enough to really judge yet. Her mind right now was entirely focused on her current partner making her body feel good and not only from sex. She was curious to find out where it'd go...

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Nothing drastic as far as changes in Shinigami’s desires. So Jumi was not going to do anything drastic yet.  She just appreciated the interesting feel of the skin again, similar, yet different.  She was still a little in the lead though.  Considering how submissive she felt earlier, it was interesting.  “They feel nice.”  Jumi commented.  She leaned her face in began kissing one breast, again, a little interesting with the fur.  Moved her way to the nipple, pressed her tongue against it, rubbing, flicking a little, then she began sucking.  Slowly but firmly, at least to start.

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Shinigami smiled as Jumi commented on her breasts, complimenting them. Her body was one thing she was rather proud of but she never really explored all of what she could do or feel with it. Granted, the tentacles did a good part of that for her but it was a human being a little playful and much nicer to her now. "I'm glad... They're yours to touch as you like...", she simply replied but soon got to see what Jumi would do with them. Being kissed there felt good but it was only the start as her nipple would be targeted next.

The fox smiled and played along, rubbing the girl's head but only ever so gently, not willing to bother her. Her nipple felt good and as a result, her tail would wag gently again. "...You're not trying to milk me, are you...?", she teasingly said to her, which was a thing that was not yet explored or revealed. Could the death fox share milk to one willing to go as far as suck on her breasts...? But for now, Shinigami did not try to interrupt her, enjoying the feeling it induced on her. Her other hand would reach to touch Jumi's side.

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Jumi continued to quietly work on them, wondering if Shinigami had had any experience with sort of thing.  She of course had plenty of familiarity and experience with it.  But she was caught of guard by the statement.  Milk?  Did Shinigami have milk in breasts, even without having children?  Was it a joke?  Or was it one of those surprising things, like the penis?

She did not answer the question.  Not verbally at least.  But she began sucking harder.  Rubbing her tongue more against the nipple.  She did not know whether she really had milk inside her, but her technique had switched to one more likely to draw it out.  Especially if it was Shinigami had less control of, and anyone could draw it out, with the right technique.

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Shinigami observed the girl's reaction to her teasing but instead of stopping her or slowing her down, it only made her increase her attempt, showing the fox how Jumi seemed to desire it. She kept rubbing her head gently while her tail wagged more. "...I did not think that this would encourage you this much... I'm glad you enjoy my breast, though...", she said quietly, feeling good enough to gasp from what she was being done to. There were so many ways to be teased back sexually and Shinigami had invited her to do this.

It would take a moment but Shinigami's facial expression would change to embarrassment or discomfort of sort, soon indeed offering to Jumi what she had teased about. A squirt of warmth would flow inside the fairy's mouth while it happened. As it could be nothing but most likely her milk, the taste would be rather smooth and delicious as well, surprisingly. Her tail wagged a little still, showing that it still felt good, and the fox would hold Jumi close into a very gentle hug. A first time experience with her but a nice one.

Her other breast probably would require the same treatment as well but Shinigami would not complain if Jumi went for it as well. If anything, it would embarrass her a little more. After all, she was truly being milked by this girl, in the most pleasurable way as well... It was quite different from her previous experience before them, at least when it came to her breasts. And the fox would not stop petting her head, just letting her do what she had to do. If she had to tell what she thought of it, she honestly was not hating it...

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Jumi let out a surprised soft moan as she actually sucked milk out of the breast.  It was surprising delicious.  She was a little worried.  Shinigami was not human, her milk was not meant humans.  Would it change her, either temporarily or permanently.  Either way she showed no fear.  Shinigami would feel Jumi swallow.  This girl drank her milk, without hesitation.  Tried to draw more out of the breast.

She had gone this far.  She might as well commit to it.  She released the breast.  Licked her lips, silently looked at Shinigami for a second.  This time Shinigami knew Jumi was trying to drink her milk.  Did she know if that would change Jumi in anyway.  More importantly how did she feel about this trying to drink her milk?  In some ways, perhaps the most intimate thing they had done together.  Jumi mouth eagerly sucking, not in pleasure this time, but almost like a child, trying to draw more of the milk out.

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Shinigami herself blushed slightly at hearing the girl moan. And it did not come from being fucked by her or anything but rather from being milked, or rather, from the girl tasting her milk. Seeing her drinking her milk straight from her breast made her both embarrassed and excited at the same time. Her breast would be pushed to squirt a little more until nothing but drops would remain. And then... Like it was normal to Jumi, she pulled from her breasts and licked her lips, making Shinigami freeze for a moment of shock.

The eye contact between them still left the fox a little speechless but better yet, Jumi had gone for her second breast as well, assaulting her nipple for more of it... Shinigami gasped once more but again, did not do anything to stop her. Jumi was indeed committing to do this and she didn't want to stop her... Something felt wonderful about the fairy wanting her milk so much, seemingly loving it as well... As her tail kept wagging from it, Shinigami could not help but even let out some soft moans with what her breast felt like.

And with the effort Jumi was putting at it, it would take a similar amount of time before her mouth would yet again feel the warmth liquid squirt inside her mouth. The fox would again hug the girl while it happened, feeling really good. Her heart even beat a little faster but otherwise, she would wait as her milk was being drained, as much as Jumi would suck it out if she desired, getting some pleasured soft gasps out of the fox experiencing being milked for the first time. If she was calm enough, she would pet her head gently.

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Jumi did not know if Shinigami just naturally produced milk, but it seemed like she was the first to drink her milk.  And Shinigami seemed to truly enjoy it.  Maybe it made sense.  That she would feel something special for the first to suck at her breasts.  It was certainly a proof they had gotten closer in some sense.  Shinigami could feel her try to draw every last drop.  Eagerly.  Because she wanted to drink it.  When Jumi finished she licked her lips again.  “…Thank you…I did not think you actually had milk…but I loved drinking it…and you letting me do it…”. She just felt she had to say it.  That this was somehow more than sexual.  To drink milk from another woman’s breasts meant….something….though she did not know what for sure.  For Shinigami to let her do it, enjoy it, seemed to say something too.  But she did not know what.

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Shinigami waited until Jumi was done and despite what she had felt from it herself, she smiled a bit, "...You were eager... It was... cute...", she said, teasingly but perhaps honestly as well, still in her serious voice. The girl had fed on her breasts and, unlike when she had allowed her to suck her penis, it felt so much more personal and less sexual, in the way she knew. Jumi had silently agreed to drink every drops of it without hesitation, making the fox look sideways a bit. She could guess by her words that it had been delicious to her.

The fox would soon give her own breasts a nice rub before she looked at her partner. "...I'm glad you liked it.", she said quietly, saying it as a way to thank her for doing so as well, forming a connection between them. "But now, I will have to give your mouth a break for making these breasts feel so good...", Shinigami teased a bit again but leaned in to give her a kiss, before she reached to Jumi's hand and guided it to her penis, hoping for her to make her feel just good and hard enough again for their next session of nice fucking.

However, the fox would probably not give it to her pussy just yet. Perhaps another hole would love to feel the fox. She wished for her pussy to feel good as well but even she felt like she had been spoiled enough, in a way that could not be explained. Now, she wanted to spoil the girl back and would do whatever she wanted for what was coming next. Whatever was possible for her to do, anyway. Even if it did not involve fucking her. Though, her penis was growing less patient but she would wait to hear her before she moved.

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Questions about Shinigami’s milk production, if she was just constantly producing it, how long it took to replace, all those things, they would wait.  Jumi guessed Shinigami would answer them for her.  But it seemed best not to say anything right now.  Words did not seem necessary.  Both seemed to consider the moment special, but beyond that, it was difficult say what it really meant.  She just had a moment Mitsuko would never have.  Even if Mitsuko drank later, Jumi was first.  And Shinigami at least appeared to be happy to have let her do it.

Barriers were dropping between them, a deeper trust.  Was that the best way to put it?  She smiled as her hand returned to the penis.  Shinigami wanted more?  She eagerly jerked it again.  What did she want to do?  It felt like Shinigami would be more submissive, if she pushed for it.  The moment did not feel quite right though.  There was her earlier idea, but she never expected that to happen.  But she could try something else, a long those lines.  “Maybe something a little different, to start.

She let go laid on her side.  One hand softly gliding across one of her cheeks.  “Let’s try it from this end…have you been eager to try it.  I do enjoy it, even the other side is probably better.”

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Shinigami would gasp softly as her penis would be made hard again by Jumi's hand before she proposed a new idea. Then the fox watched the girl go lay down and tease her with her butt. It was a tempting sight, one from a different perspective. She had fucked Jumi from behind before but it was still about her pussy more than this other possibility. This time, her butt was the focus. Shinigami approached slowly and leaned in to give the fairy's thigh a long lick up to her butt but moved moved over her, touching it next.

A little exploration of this girl would not hurt, gently spreading her cheeks to see what she wanted the fox to enjoy this time. "Different is good... How tight will you be, though?", she asked, wondering how much she'd squeeze around her penis. But for now, there was only one way to find out. Guiding her own penis at her butthole, she would tease it with her tip first, which was still wet from leaking and sex from earlier. Shinigami changed their position to better do this, leaving Jumi under herself for now, helpless...

After a bit, the fox would finally start forcing penetration but pushed deeply without hesitation, squirting a bit inside from the tightness. "...This is how you like it?", she teased before she started pulling and thrusting back inside as deeply as she could, not hesitating to be rough and going as far as her knot would allow and not further for now. Now being over Jumi, she grinned a bit while fucking her and hitting against her butt with each thrust. There were many ways to make this rougher even but she'd start like this.

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How tight would it be, that was a good question.  Jumi relaxed herself. She chose this, wanted this, but still had to prepare a little.  Things had been soft for a bit.  But now it was likely to pick up at least for a little.  She let out a deep moan as it plunged inside.  Gripped the sheets as she began thrusting.  “Like…that…keep going…”. It was perhaps tighter than her her pussy, but she was enjoying it.  Not in pain.  She pressed her rear against Shinigami a little longer.  “…Don’t hold back…”. Encouraging Shinigami to do more if she wanted.

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Shinigami seemed to grin a little at the reaction but she was quite enjoying this herself. Jumi could hardly speak from the feeling she pushed upon her. "...Harder is what I am hearing...", she told the girl before she would start moving her own legs a bit to position herself and hold her from behind, starting to thrust hard into her and slam against her butt, the sound of her wet penis roughly fucking her could be heard. She was not completely merciless, though, still watching the reaction of Jumi to know when to stop.

If nothing was said to stop her, though, the fox continued like this for a bit longer, even making herself moan softly as she enjoyed Jumi differently but going by her wishes. Finding what she liked and simply having fun connecting with her sexually like this. She may change her position a bit later but for now, Shinigami wanted to see how well her partner was taking it so far. If anything, it was a reward to the girl for what she had done with her breasts just a bit before. Even if, quite honestly, Jumi was getting a bit spoiled.

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Jumi of course did want Shinigami to do anything she wanted to her as well.  At this point, she felt ready for anything.  Was willing to try anything.  This was a night for both of them, wherever it went.  To create whatever bond it might.  Recover from the earlier pain.  Of course it was a different pleasure with anal.  But Jumi enjoyed it.  Feeling Shinigami’s eagerness.  Giving Jumi what she wanted.  “…Don’t stop..,it’s good..”. She made it clear there was still no pain or discomfort.  But she would let Shinigami decide if she wanted more.

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Shinigami continued for a bit but she could hold from cumming for a bit, this time. However, she planned to give Jumi a full course of her wish and not pretend, if she liked it rough. Even her tail came to wag again from it and being encouraged to do more. With a grin, she would slow down and momentarily changed her position to turn Jumi on her side, wanting her to feel the full assault on her. With an arm, she would lift her leg, making her spread open a bit before she would resume thrusting hard into her while she held her body against her own. "...Not planning to stop just yet if you want more. I'm even hoping to make you sore before I cum into you...", she teased, licking her cheek from behind while fucking her roughly.

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Pain to a degree could come with this.  Jumi understood that.  The accidental sort from carelessness was certainly to be avoided...but if came from someone doing it good and hard enough, Jumi did not really mind.  Maybe even found it a little hot.  The other side of Shinigami was coming back out at least a little.  Maybe that was a good thing.  "If...mmm...you want...show much how much...you like that hole..."  She gave Shinigami full permission to go as far as she wanted.  Jumi was looking forward to it.  A hint of it already being felt in the position switch.

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Shinigami continued being rough but she had not said her last words yet, just playing with Jumi and increasing her pleasure high... She was soon coming to her peak but not before she would give Jumi the best fuck she ever had first. "...So you're asking for it... You really want me to give it my best shot, don't you...?", she asked with pleasure in her voice, moaning a little louder, soon slowing down her thrusting again, this time to gently pick Jumi up, holding her legs and her back, then brought her on top of herself before she started fucking her butthole very roughly and a little faster, not minding what lewd sounds would come from doing so. If it wasn't enough, she freed one hand that held her as Jumi was now against Shinigami's body, and started rubbing her pussy as roughly as she was fucking her, even inserting her fingers inside to spike her toward her orgasm.

Shinigami herself would do this roughly for a moment, moaning more and more until she would reach her peak, soon pushing her penis inside, Jumi's weight probably taking in her knot as well as she started cumming plenty inside her while her pussy squirted out under Jumi, her body in full orgasm. Her fingers quickly left Jumi's pussy as well when she did, just hugging around her belly instead. It would take a moment before she would calm down and pull out of her a little but not completely, holding the fairy protectively so she didn't fall while she herself dropped on the bed with her on top of herself. She didn't know if her knot had hurt the girl or not but Jumi would surely say it if she felt it in any way. Her tail would not even move with how rough sex right now had been. Jumi might even feel Shinigami's heart beating fast against her back as she tried to recover.

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Jumi felt a little excited as Shinigami said those words.  Experienced as she was, she believed Shinigami just might be able to do that.  Let out an approving squeal as she picked up the pace.  It felt great, though of course she was unlikely to orgasm purely from anal, without touching herself…or, Shinigami took care of that.

She got much louder, her wetness leaking, as the fingers first touched, then went inside.  The noises she made, calling Shinigami’s name several times, it was possible Mitsuko could hear it.  She groaned as she felt the knot push in.  She was vaguely aware of this.  Their bodies now could not separate until Shinigami finished.  There was actually something kind of hot about that, though it did hurt some, she liked it.  Kind of wanted to feel it in her pussy later, as well.

The orgasm came, and it shook things inside her, good enough to almost but not quite faint.  Probably left a mess too, though she was unsure. She let them drop, they both needed to recover.  It was quiet for the moment.  Though she felt amazing…also…safe?  With Shinigami there could definitely feel the heartbeat.  Though she unsure how much of that was purely the sex.

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Shinigami kept her hold onto Jumi, still being a little inside her but not caring for now. Her tail started swaying around slowly after a bit. "...That was rough... enough, wasn't it...?", she said with a smirk while still panting but she would finally help the girl and pull her gently from her penis, which plopped out and squirted only so slightly on top of the fairy's stomach before it rested against her pussy. She needed a longer moment now before she could resume what fun they were having but it wasn't too much of a bad thing after this.

The fox's hands started to rub Jumi slightly, just out of current affection while she was getting to recover. "...Now, I think it's your turn to enjoy yourself and I'm vulnerable... Though, I left you in a mess as well, didn't I...?", she asked while grinning but her words were true. She was weaker but she wanted Jumi to do a little more on her own, even if she was forcing more pleasure onto her. Shinigami had gone through worse than what this girl could do to her... Besides, none of her body was a secret to her. Except maybe her pussy...

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Tame the fox?  When Shinigami said things like that, a question lingered deep in her subconscious.  Could she do it?  Did she dare try?  It was incredibly dangerous to attempt.  It could backfire spectacularly.  But just maybe Shinigami would let her do it, if only under certain circumstances.  She did yet dare even seriously consider it.  But if Shinigami kept giving the right hints, realizing it or not, who knew what might happen?

She needed a moment to recover.  It just may have the best sex she ever had.  It took her a moment, but eventually she sat up.  “…Vulnerable hmm?  I do love how you can screw me the way a man does…but you are a woman…maybe I should try something new…”.  She hinted at what Shinigami had pleased for her, but Jumi had been too focused on Shinigami’s penis to give much attention too.  She reached down, rubbed Shinigami’s upper leg again.  Teasing, waiting a second to see if the legs spread on her own, or if she would do it.

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Shinigami was patient, waiting and resting for as long as it was required. Her body and, likewise, her penis would calm down after a moment despite how good it felt being where it was. And then Jumi got to tease her back, expressing her praise for what the fox did to her but also made the observation that she was a woman. She was being a little daring again but Shinigami only smiled to her words and released her from her grasp, only to watch her move down to her legs, ignoring her penis, which was a good thing for the moment.

At the same time, the fox would not have minded if that was what Jumi was aiming for but she appeared to have other plans and being a little daring with her. Her leg being rubbed felt good but Shinigami guessed that what she wanted was not quite only to rub her fur, making her spread her legs open, only to reveal her purple-ish pussy being slightly spread and wet, wishing for attention. Her tail would sway around but she otherwise tried to keep it calm while she remained laid down there on the bed, trusting Jumi with her body.

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Jumi’s hand teased a little, not quite moving in for now.  “You did quite with mine…but you do like showing affection a certain way…maybe I should show my gratitude properly.”  She slid down.  The fingers would wait.  Maybe Shinigami would appreciate this more.  She pressed her face between Shinigami’s legs.  Ignored the penis for now.  Began licking at her lower lips.  Licking the length of them, not yet entering.  Perhaps teasing, perhaps showing affection.  But she did not wait long to give her pleasure.  The tip of the tongue soon found its way to the clit, rubbed against it.  Played with it.  It seemed a good starting point.

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