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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Push harder.  The thought gnawed in the back of Jumi’s head.  Some part of Shinigami loved this.  If she pushed in the right ways, who knew what could happen.  She was both scared and incredibly tempted to try.  It no longer seemed impossible this could change things between permanently.  Possible, but far from certain.  Dangerous.  But so tempting.

It had to wait.  She was loving this.  She was shaken a little out of her dominant mode, with it difficult to concentrate.  This was Shinigami’s reaction to instructions, right?  The desire she had for Jumi specifically?  She was certainly giving Shinigami a lot to lick, making her adjust her movements, as she started grinding harder against her face.  Her attempt to give Shinigami a small reminder, that she was still in charge.  One besides.  “…Yes…yes”. She called out as she moaned.  It probably would not take long.

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Shinigami was excited for sure, especially in this position. Her penis was a mess and her pussy was drenched wet and she was giving Jumi a tender licking of every inches of her pussy, her nose sometimes rubbing on her clit as she licked deeper with her tongue. She moaned softly, tasting her wonderful juices but she wanted to push her to orgasm for more of it, doing so nicely too. She was loving it and she wanted to show it to her. The grinding against her face didn't stop her or anything, if not encouraged her while her body showed signs of pleasure and loving it. Her paws and hands were relaxed, despite being stuck tightly while the fox impatiently waited for her reward from delicious sexual partner.

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It was not that much longer.  It was not as strong as the orgasm that came just before the chaining, but was a good strong one.  A nice loud moan, her body stopping, unleashing her final reward onto Shinigami’s face.  Panting some.  “…Be…a…good girl…clean me up, before I get off.”  She would linger for a moment.  Pleased this was going so well.  Though the thought continued to swirl around her head. Take it to the next level.  Could she do it?  She was still uncertain.  But Shinigami seemed to enjoy be treated like this…was it just the moment?  Or would she be happy if Jumi took it further?

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Shinigami soon found herself squirted on her face and inside her mouth but she gladly took what she could, leaving what else on the fur of her face. Even after Jumi had climaxed, she still played being dominant and ordering her to clean her up but the fox complied, licking her pussy tenderly again yet less roughly this time, taking any juices she finds for herself to swallow. She would even lick inside gently to clean her everywhere, not without enjoying her pussy a little more, before she pulled her tongue back. She would only be looking at Jumi then, waiting for what else was reserved for her. At least her body had a good moment to recover, making her available for more or anything that the fairy may have in mind.

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Jumi finally got herself off Shinigami’s face, looked down on her, looked towards the penis, curious if that would get any reaction out of her.  She still wondered if Shinigami would actually beg, if left to wait long enough.  She scratched the fox’s neck, another playful pet like activity.  Jumi did not yet believe that was actually possible, but did kind of turn her on, imagining Shinigami choosing to take that role.  But a more limited ‘taming’, if even that, was much more likely.  But whether she could accomplish any of that at all, Shinigami seemed to enjoy other gestures like this.  So she tested another one, while she considered what to do.

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Shinigami licked her own lips after the fact a bit and her penis was hard still, teased by Jumi making her lick her pussy. Despite her locked position, the scratching on her neck felt good enough to make her lean against it, still unsure about what the fairy had in mind for her. Her tail did wag a bit, perhaps excited for what was happening or what might happen, if anything. The wait was peaceful but she still felt more and more aroused by Jumi over her. Whether she liked it or not, Shinigami was Jumi's pet right now but did want to leave herself helpless. She simply didn't know what it would entail for her. The lack of any movement at all, and possibilities to touch or feel Jumi seemed to work well to make her a little fidgety as she watched her.

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…Was it possible?  Could Shinigami truly be made into her pet?  It would change so much.  Could Shinigami be convinced?  To give up her pride, willingly be Jumi’s pet?  It did not seem impossible, but the chance was very small.  It was much too early to actually say that might be a goal.  Keep inching towards it, see how receptive she was.  But just be dominant too, try some things with her power.

“Maybe play around with these a little.”  Jumi sat up, focused her attention, her new power.  Shifting Shinigami up, off the bed, held only by the chains.  “Wonder if you would enjoy being in a certain position?  Maybe keep trying different things.”  Shinigami gave her this power, on some level did she enjoy being bound?  Whether in general, or specifically by Jumi.  “I wonder, if I could put a collar and chain leash on you too?  You just might like it.”  She thought out loud, testing if she could do it.

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Shinigami watched what Jumi was doing until she was moved effortlessly to be lifted above the bed. Such was the power of her chains and equally so when used against her. The sudden movement caused the fox to groan and widen her eyes in surprise as she found herself with her legs raised high and her arms extended. Only her tail hanged down while her penis remained up and hard, whether it was or not against her will. Her pussy was dripping down her butt and her tail at the moment. Jumi was well using her power and there was nothing stopping her. "...A certain position? Keep trying what you like...", she said with a bit of challenge in her voice, not really meaning anything bad toward the fairy.

Jumi then made a certain suggestion, more for herself than for Shinigami, making the fox move some but any attempt was futile. Jumi was already attempting to use her power according to her wish, forming a dark magic bind around her neck, with a chain attached to it. With the magic set upon the fairy, she would simply know how to make these things anyhow, especially since she was already a magical girl capable of calling upon her own magic. "...A collar? Do you think I'm some kind of pet? And what do you think you will do...?", she asked, still a bit defiantly but being made more and more helpless. Only her tail seemed to be free but it wasn't doing anything to help her nor really moving right now.

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"A pet?  Not really....but..."  Jumi walked over, whispered in Shinigami's ear.  "That would be the ultimate domination though...wouldn't it...you choosing that?   Become a human girl's pet, by choice."  She stepped back.  "But like I said.  We are just seeing where this night goes...but all chained up like that...doesn't it feel right to be collared, at least right now?"  It was very dangerous.  Jumi was not admitting to going for that goal.  But admitted it crawled into her mind as a dirty little impossible fantasy.  But for now she was just being dominant, a little more strongly and aggressively now.  Pulling on the collar.  She was a little concerned, Shinigami might be angry that she dared even consider the option.  For now she waited for the reaction.

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Shinigami's tail seemed to react a bit with a small wag when whispered to her ear but her face didn't seem to be that amused. Being helpless for her was a thing but now, she was beyond helpless... Even if she tried to move, the only parts of her that seemed allowed to do so were her hands or her toes curling slightly... Then there was her penis twitching slightly and her tail very slightly wagging. The chains were otherwise holding her wrists and ankles very solidly with no chances to escape. Her collar and chain were hanging down against her body, between her breasts and even between her legs close to her penis unless Jumi took it in her hands. Her expression seemed to have gone from defiant to a bit angry.

Her tail, however, still seemed to wag gently but... She was indeed chained a lot now, and it could be worse still if Jumi wanted. And as if that was not enough, Jumi pulled on her collar, presumably with the chains hanging from it, making her groan in helplessness. One side of her had offered to Jumi the mean to do this and it wasn't meant to stop just yet... The other side of her wanted to cum, to feel pleasure, her body stained with her own cum added to everything made her care a little less about her state. A part of it was hot but another part didn't like being anyone's pet. Shinigami had always been a dominant fox except for when she was raped but that moment had been intense, even to someone like her.

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Jumi was still waiting.  Shinigami said she would not beg, but how long would that last?  She had no intention of repeating that, just waiting.  She decided to play up the pet aspect a little.  "You do react well to touches like this."  She said as she scratched Shinigami's neck again.  The touches she might give a pet.  "Do you just like them in general, or do you like that I am doing them?"  Offering her the power as well.  Was it just because she wanted the fun of being chained up?  Or was it because of Jumi specifically?  Jumi was not going out of the way to make Shinigami her pet, but that might change if it looked like Shinigami was willing to give into it, embrace it.  it was just a game for now, or just in the moment.  But making Shinigami think about it a little more.  Like how Jumi was imagining it.

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Shinigami observed her captor, so to speak, wondering what she would do but Jumi's hand reached to scratch her neck. Did she really react well...? She did enjoy the feeling but her tail was the one betraying what she felt by wagging gently. The question didn't exactly mean much to her or maybe she didn't like the idea of answering it. Her eyes simply looked away, trying to ignore her own wish for pleasure for now, despite her body hardly being capable of doing the same. "...I don't see what you're talking about...", the fox replied. The lack of actual pleasure, especially in this rather lewd position, was starting to make her feel a little wanting but her pride would not allow her to beg for it, not yet. Her body language was visible, however. Both her pussy and penis were still ready and hard and she seemed to move her hands slightly nervously along with her toes curling a little more. Her tail stupidly swayed gently from the scratching.

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Jumi watched the reactions.  Slow progress.  Well she did not know about Shinigami becoming her pet, but the begging was looking more likely, the longer she waited.  She began petting Shinigami’s back, with her other hand.  She was reacting to the touch at least.  “This seems to give you a different sort of pleasure.  Such a good girl, you are.  Maybe I’ll just do more of this, until the right moment.”  Wear the pride down slowly.  Both about begging and just maybe about being a pet.  Though even that was possible, one night probably was not enough.

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Shinigami blinked while her back was pet and it sure felt nice but it didn't feel the kind of nice the dark vixen was looking for. They had started with much sex and pleasurable fuck but now, it was becoming clear that she was being teased, making her wriggle in her seemingly unbreakable binds, "...You must be joking...", she said a little coldly to the fairy, in response to her just doing this for a while. Normally, she would have taken care of any lust that she had on her own but right now, she was made impossible to even touch any of her parts that would feel good if they were touched. A small deviation from her plan with giving this girl power. Her complaint was not begging but it might feel like it went toward it slowly.

The dark fox, being terrifying enough, was in a state where her reaction to Jumi's behavior was uncertain. What she would do when free was also not quite certain but she might or not get her revenge in due time. Maybe not in a way to hurt her but she would get her payback in given time, or so was what Shinigami was thinking about. The game of helplessness was enjoyable until she was being toyed with in manners that she was not exactly used to. No real worry was visible on her expression, only a slight desire for pleasure and clear annoyance. Her feelings were fueled by her inability to do anything about her situation... It didn't help her pride that she was being treated like a pet, and it was starting to annoy her.

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Jumi was shaken a little.  This was what she was afraid of.  She was pushed into completely unfamiliar territory.  Let herself get carried away.  She dropped the leash, stepped back, as if lost in thought.  The pain from before was not completely gone, though she was recovering a lot.  Fear of a repeat of that chilled any further desire to explore in that direction.  She paced a little, thinking about whether to just put an end to this whole part of it, rid the chains.  It was a power she probably never deserved.  Not that she wanted this night to end but maybe it was better to return to what they were doing before.  It was probably just a moment of indecision, but the concern of crossing lines she mentioned before was deep and showing.

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Shinigami observed the girl lose some of her dominating power suddenly, probably due to her anger being more and more obvious. She had been playing being a bit dishonest with her own feelings for a bit, knowingly or not, but this had become less of a game now with the reaction Jumi showed. At least, it also distracted the fox from her sexual drive and something finally worried her somewhat. She was not wriggling anymore but her tail also wasn't wagging. If anything, the lack of comfort in that position just made her move her hands or her toes slightly. Something gave a hint that the girl suddenly was terrified or something and it was not hard to guess what, with Shinigami having furious thoughts flowing...

And yet, the vixen seemed to observe her calmly, her body seeming to calm down a little for the moment, including sexually. "...Hey, girl... You've been doing alright... Don't you flinch on me, now. I might be in bad posture like this, and I will admit in pain as well, but it's no fun if you don't have fun as well, is it...?", she asked with a bit of teasing, despite her wounds still being there after all. In this position, it was even possible to see what marks she had gotten under her thighs and legs. A human would probably not have survived this much damage. Her eyes shifted to the side, "...I might just not like this collar too much. This body is still yours for as long as you're in command...", she told Jumi quietly, in a way, kindly.

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Jumi was shaken out of her thoughts by Shinigami's words.  Encouraging words, almost warm, at least by her standards.  Shinigami was trying to prevent her from having another breakdown?  Still, despite those words, she did not feel as in control as she had been.  That there were clearly things she should not do, and she did not fully know where those lines were.  Still she walked back over.  Her lip twitched with uncertainty, as the collar disappeared.  "Do I now?"  She said with a little more confidence again.  But hoping to clear up some uncertainty.  "Hmmm just how much do you like this?  Just how far should I go?"  The smile returned a little.  Would Shinigami's pride allow her answer that.  Jumi might go far, she had shown hints, but she wanted more certainty of how far was safe.

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Shinigami looked back to her, free from the collar at the very least, but she had no real answer for the questions she was asking. The only time she had felt this imprisoned was with the beast that had made her a toy for its thirst and hunger for her body. A dangerous game that she was allowing Jumi to play, only because she didn't think her capable of being worse or making her feel worse than how she felt at that time. The pain, the position and only this human being in control, were another thing she was letting happen in spite of... something else. And Jumi was asking how much she liked this or how far she should go, but she had no real answers, only the faintest hint of pain visible in her eyes.

And yet, her answer seemed to be otherwise, "...As far as you wish...", Shinigami told her, although the answer didn't sound completely honest. The fox silently cursed herself for this moment of weakness. She had never allowed herself to be so helpless or passive with anyone before. Mitsuko and Jumi each evoked different feelings in her, but in the end, she would be the one to face the consequences. "...If I must be your plaything, so be it. I am defenseless, after all. If you need to do something, then do it. Otherwise, you're free to leave me here until your power is gone...", she told her, shifting her gaze away and giving Jumi a choice so neither of them would be hurt by whatever the vixen could do.

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Jumi was still not sure how true that all was, but she was not going to push further.  Just would be careful, keep looking for any hints she was crossing the line.  But she would make this a little less tense.  "...You have been a good girl..."  She shifted the chains again, so Shinigami was pinned to the wall, arms legs out and extended in a 'X' position.  Jumi walked over.  "You've been wanting this or something like it for a while.  So here is your reward."  No matter what sort of domination it was, the one being dominated deserved an occasional reward, if they were doing well.  Considering Shinigami's personality and pride, she had been doing rather well.  She got onto her knees.  Took the neglected penis into her mouth, began sucking on it enthusiastically.  Tongue wrapping around it, head bobbing up and down a little.  No discomfort or issue that it was not human.  At this point, maybe that even turned her on a little.  Though only for Shinigami's specifically, other demons/monsters would remain a problem.

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Shinigami kept her eyes on Jumi, trying to remain calm. If she had to be honest, the good girl words still made her tail wag a little for reasons. Perhaps she enjoyed to hear it but now, with that said, Jumi even proceeded to move her again pin her to the wall and not only but also spread out and made easy to be played with. Her body was showing signs of arousal again, especially as a reward was mentioned. Even if she wanted to respond to the praise, she wasn't sure what to say but her tail mostly spoke for her while her penis did the rest for the situation she was put in. The reward was pretty easy to figure out when Jumi kneeled down in front of her. The fairy was taking control of the situation once more.

"...Are you sure you want to...~", she started, sort of teasing but couldn't finish before Jumi simply took her penis in her mouth, "~...l-lick it after what I...", she was pushed to moan softly in pleasure... "...F-fine, good girl it is...", Shinigami quietly let out as she was being sucked and pleasured tenderly with her tongue, referring to herself for the first time with what Jumi had called her. Her tail wagged between her legs and her pussy was dripping down easily. It was difficult to be angry at anything now, with the care the fairy was giving her and most specifically, her purple member being hard and sticky for Jumi to taste all she wanted. Maybe the vixen did like being called a good girl... At least, she enjoyed this.

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jumi had forgotten where Shinigami last put her shaft, in the confused emotions, until it was already in her mouth.  She tried not to think about though.  If there was a change in taste it very small, easy to ignore, if she did not think about it.  If anything she sucked harder, when Shinigami pointed that out.  Wondering if it would please her more to keep going under those circumstances.  She would make up for the brief mistake her way, something she had more experience with.  The domination could wait a little.  Shinigami could look down and see it was not just reward, Jumi was enjoying this too.  The eagerness as much her own desire as an attempt to please Shinigami.

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Shinigami did keep her eyes on Jumi and her body was well reactive to the pleasure. Succeeding to make her stutter even if slightly and accept the praise of being a good girl was being one example and her wagging tail was another. Both her pussy and her penis were sensitive and getting treated like this now did well to make her vulnerable, left to moan and nothing much else. It would barely take long enough for the vixen to start leaking precum again for the fairy. If this was a fight, she would have been in trouble, assuming she was sexually attacked, which might or not explain why she was raped by the beast, however that actually happened. Her body was wriggling ever so slightly, sometimes grunting by how good it felt.

The fox's eyes saw Jumi as a beautiful thing though, like Mitsuko with her own style. For Jumi, it was how pink this girl was. Lot of humans had boring colors but these two had nice shades of blue and pink. They were both pretty in their own ways and manners, which made Shinigami feel lucky to have gotten them as guests. Admittedly, she was being a little spoiled by these two, both sexually and not. Jumi was taking care of making her feel like a good girl being rewarded for something. Mitsuko would probably be more submissive but that was for another time. If the fairy kept being this good, Shinigami would not be able to hold herself from cumming for very long, her body, hands and toes, tail even, visibly feeling it.

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Jumi had her eyes closed, only had the movements of her body, limited as they were, and the expected drops in her mouth, as hints of how close she was getting.  Swallowing them, she kept going.  Of course there were other things she could touch, but she focused on that earlier, so now she focused on the penis.  Giving it genuine affection, and fulfilling her hunger for it, occasionally making happy soft moans, in her enjoyment.  She found some happiness again after the brief scare.

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Jumi's eyes being closed held a special meaning, even for Shinigami... This girl was not only not afraid to suck her and let herself be fucked by the fox but did the former while closing her eyes, even though Shinigami could not really do anything to scare her now, she felt like there was still a certain trust for her. For one presumed to be an enemy... Jumi was not forced to it, she was even in command... The feeling on her penis wasn't rough or forced either but affectionate and drawing pleasure out of it. This made the vixen moan even more and her only way to show her appreciation of sort, was to wrap Jumi's body with her free tail, "hugging" her with it... Remaining there for the moment of sexual connection...

Her pussy had already been pleased but it was feeling good anyway and it would certainly join the orgasm at this rate, very soon... The fox's penis was twitching more and more. Her body's reactions were becoming a little more intense and her moans were getting louder. "...I can't... take more...", she groaned before she moaned louder even while her body convulsed in orgasm, soon cumming from both sides, one inside Jumi's mouth and throat and the other, squirting hard between her spread legs, most likely against the girl who was sucking her and her tail wrapped around her. Only a good moment later would Shinigami just hang there, left panting with whatever the fairy would do with her, calming down slowly.

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Jumi was after this, knew it was coming, let the one hole spray on her while swallowing everything that came out into her mouth.  Every drop, licking it clean, trying to suck anything left out that she could.  Once that was done, she stood up, licked her lips.  Then looked down at it.  “Would have had a few more options here with my toys back home.  Chained up like that, all this, it just feels like it would make so much more sense for me to be using one of those on you.”  Jumi was mostly thinking out loud, about how there was one option she usually had available, did not hear, that seemed appropriate.  She was not really expecting to be able to do anything about it.

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