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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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This was strange.  But Jumi had enough experience as a Magical Girl to not be easily scared.  Was this some strange magic?  Something Shinigami was doing, without realizing it?  She could not rule out that maybe she was still sleeping, that this was a dream.  All she could do was press forward.  Well, she could have tried waking up Shinigami, or just going back to sleep.  But she preferred not to do that.

She cautiously made her way down the stairs.  Listening for anything else.  That storm was still going?  That was a little strange.  Was it actually a natural one?  Or maybe were they further from home than realized, where it might be more common?  Either way, she walked quietly, did not say a word, as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs and looked around.

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The floors she would see as she went down would just all look pretty much the same, like copies of each others. The bottom however made the storm sounds a little louder due to a door being completely open to the outside. It was impossible to see outside due to the dark of night and the heavy rain falling. The skies sometimes gave a flash and a rumble but what it revealed didn't look like anything normal. A devastated world, if anything could be seen. Suddenly, the whispers would stop but before Jumi realized, something grabbed her from behind, hugging her. The arms wrapped around her didn't have fur but the feeling was a woman. Her head then showed close to her side with white hair and red eyes. "ሃዐ፱'ዪቹ ጮጎክቹ..."

Her voice had spoken in a silky low whisper, in a language not quite english. "...ዐዪ ሃዐ፱ ሠጎረረ ነዐዐክ ፪ቹ...", she said with an apparent smile before she grabbed the hand of Jumi holding the apple, bringing it up to her own lips before she took a bite of it while holding both her hand and the apple. But then, she moved the apple slightly to the front of Jumi's own lips as she was herself eating the piece she took. "ፕልኡቹ ል ፪ጎፕቹ...", the girl ordered to the fairy, making obvious what she wanted out of her if she didn't understand her words. The apple looked normal anyhow, even after she bit into it. Nothing about it seemed unusual. The girl however would hold her firmly, her arm against her belly in her hug, waiting for her to obey.

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Something was off here.  That much was certain.  Did all these barriers just go up when Shinigami slept?  It certainly seemed possible.  This was her first time wandering the house while Shinigami slept.  But then, were Mitsuko and Nall trapped behind one of these doors?  She did not feel right calling out for them.

Then she made it to the door.  Had it been left open since Shinigami returned?  She gazed outside, trying to see anything.  The flash of light, revealed something very concerning.  They were not in their world?  Jumi had probably not been here before but she had seen things like this.

Then she jerked as she was grabbed, for just a second, she thought it was Mitsuko.  Then the voice.  Was this Lenneth?!  But then the face.  No, this was something else.  A demon?  “…What are you?!”  She hissed as the apple was bit into, and presented.  She knew better than to automatically bite.  But she felt she could not snap free, calling for Shinigami or Mitsuko could be dangerous as well, they might not have time to reach her.

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The girl sighed as Jumi obviously resisted, even if slightly. She left the apple in front of her for now while forming some magic with her other hand, so close to her belly. She didn't appear to cast anything at her, however. A weapon instead formed in her grasp, being a scythe that she now held the fairy with. "ጎ'ጮ ዐቻቻቹዪጎክፏ ሃዐ፱ ል ሠልሃ ፪ልርኡ ፕዐ ሠⶴቹዪቹ ሃዐ፱ ርዐጮቹ ቻዪዐጮ... ፪ልርኡ ፕዐ ⶴቹዪ...", she said, without regard for how clear she might have been or not but she then pressed the apple against Jumi's lips. "ፕልኡቹ ል ፪ጎፕቹ...", the girl repeated her order, a little more coldly than before. Even though she was holding her this closely, she did not seem to have any sexual interest in her, not even teasing her once physically.

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A scythe?  Wasn’t Shinigami the death spirit, creature, whatever here.  This felt very dangerous.  Was she going to be killed if she kept resisting?  Was this some test?  Biting the apple seemed dangerous though, she was not stupid to manipulation.  Nothing was right about this.  Back to where she came from?  Her?  Who was her?  “I did not come here alone.  Did you do something to Mitsuko?”  That was the new fear.  Did something happen to her while they slept?  Were the barriers meant to keep whatever this was out.  There was no sexual feeling, but that just made it worse.  ‘You’re mine’, that was what it said earlier?  What did it intend for her.

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The girl just seemed irritated at this point but she still smiled. "ሠⶴልፕ ጮልኡቹነ ሃዐ፱ ፕⶴጎክኡ ፕⶴቹሃ'ዪቹ ⶴቹዪቹ...? ፪፱ፕ ጎቻ ሃዐ፱ ጋዐክ'ፕ ሠልክፕ ፕዐ ፏዐ ፪ልርኡ ፕዐ ነⶴጎክጎፏልጮጎ...", she said, shrugging lightly then pushed the fairy away from herself, holding the apple for herself and took another bite from it, simply eating it like it was a normal fruit. "ል ነⶴልጮቹ ፕⶴልፕ ነⶴቹ ፪ዪዐ፱ፏⶴፕ ፕⶴቹነቹ ቻዐዪ ሃዐ፱ ልክጋ ሃዐ፱ ጋዐክ'ፕ ሠልክፕ ጎፕ... ፕዐዐ ፪ልጋ...", she simply said. Jumi might see the girl better now, wearing little clothes, black panties, striped thighhighs and some black shoes. Her top of her clothes seemed break down into a torn robe that floated magically or sort around her. On her ears, she wore some kind of skull earrings.



The girl smirked for a bit before she burnt the fruit to dust. "ልክጋ ፕዐ ፕⶴጎክኡ ፕⶴጎነ ሠልነ ሃዐ፱ዪ ሠልሃ ዐ፱ፕ ዐቻ ⶴቹዪቹ... ሃዐ፱ ነⶴዐ፱ረጋ ⶴልህቹ ፕልኡቹክ ጎፕ... ፪ሃቹ ፪ሃቹ, ክዐሠ...", she said and waved to the fairy before she soon disappeared in a dark magic circle that she formed on the floor. As soon as she was out of sight, the whispering around Jumi then started a new, unceasing but not too loud nor too quiet. Just ever present and not very clear on what they said if anything. The door may be wide open but that didn't look like a good nor a comfortable escape mean for her, with what land waited on the other side of the door and the rain storm.. Maybe a hint from the girl would tell her what to do but she was gone...

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Jumi had a hard time understanding everything the strange girl said, especially at the end, only picked up pieces of it.  Was a little surprised after getting a look at her.  Not what she expected, had no idea who she was or what she really wanted. But it did not look like a demon…though some demons looked human. If she had been held much longer, she had been tempted to try to summon the chains, use them to wake Shinigami.  But that no longer seemed necessary.

She was supposedly offered a means to go home.  But why?  Who was she?  At this point it seemed safer to just let Shinigami send them home when the days were done.  Especially as she took another look the outside.  She closed the door, not wanting anything else to sneak in, as she began exploring just a little more, see if she could find Nall or Mitsuko.

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The place itself looked like a twisted version of the Manor she saw before going to sleep. Most places seemed sealed by barriers, if not all places she could normally go. Only one entry really was open and it certainly didn't lead to Mitsuko nor Nall. Approaching that area seemed to increase the whispering in Jumi's ears. The room itself looked mostly empty but a flickering light inside showed a symbol etched on the floor, one that was the same as Shinigami's symbol on her chest. On the wall was an engraving taking the shape of a drawing; A small creature of foxian appearance but above it was a large unholy being of unexplainable form or shape. Above it... The only "lettering" that she would find would be 5 symbols: ጋቹልፕⶴ.

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Jumi was back to wondering if this was a dream.  It was probably safer to go back to Shinigami.  Maybe wake her up.  This did not feel right.  She was beginning to feel Mitsuko and Nall were not here.  Had the girl actually offered her a way back to the 'normal' house?  Was the apple something she actually should have ate?  It was too late now.  Unless eating the one back in the bedroom would help.  She was not sure if that other girl taking a bite out of it changed anything or not.

She walked carefully around the room, cautious about not stepping in the symbol on the floor, at least not yet.  Though maybe that was the solution.  She looked at the symbols on the wall.  Was the fox supposed to be Shinigami?  Then...whatever was above it.  Something somehow connected to her.  The word unfortunately was unreadable by her.  If she could, would something happen, if she said it?  She put a finger on the foxlike etching, rubbing it a little, she did not really expect anything to happen, but if she had to touch something, that seemed safest.

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The light above her kept flickering at random times but that did nothing much around her until Jumi started touching the wall. Briefly, in one flicker of light, every walls around her started showing the words "Shinigami" and "ነⶴጎክጎፏልጮጎ". Even the whispers started speaking her name in one language or another but the words on the walls soon changed to other words along with the flickers of light. Two words clearly showing "Wake up" here and there. The whispering started saying it loudly as well, repetitively. The manor itself seemed to start shaking very slightly, like a small earthquake was happening but all that happened was the words changing in the walls and even outside the rooms to words like "You should not be here" and still more "Wake up".

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What, was this some sort of haunted house thing now?  Jumi might have been a little shaken, but not terrified, over what was happening.  Watching the name, reappear the messages.  Wake up?  Was she in a dream after all…or?  Was she supposed to wake up, or was Shinigami?  If it was her, how was she supposed to wake up?  She was not going to risk hurting herself on the chance it was a dream.  But then there was the whispering.  Was it to her!  Was it Shinigami?  She saw two options left.  One was to go back to the bed try to wake up Shinigami.  But she ought to try one last thing, while she was here.  She walked into the symbol on the floor, to its center, would at least wait a moment to see if anything happened.

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The symbol itself wouldn't do anything more than what touching the wall did. The place would just keep shaking lightly, not enough to damage the place but still enough to be constantly felt. The whispers being a jumbled amount of words repeated to jumi would just playing in her head over and over. An eerie sound coming from elsewhere made itself heard after a moment and this time, some of the words changed to "Escape", pointing directly toward the door of the room and toward where Jumi came from, outside of it on the wall. Whatever entity "haunted" this place really tried to make her leave. What was becoming clear was that she was not alone anymore, the girl from earlier aside who might have tried to push her out of this.

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Escape it said.  But where?  She did make her way out of the room.  But where was she supposed to go from there?  Was she expected to go out into that wasteland?  She was very reluctant.  But she could still try one last thing, unless the voice or the house itself tried to stop her.  She made her way back towards the stairs.  Hoping she could wake that Shinigami.  Even if she could not, it might be a good idea to grab the second apple, before leaving.  Maybe that was where the voice wanted her to go anyway.  What she was supposed to escape was still unclear.  The room? The house?   This dream, if that is what it was?

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After Jumi left the room, the words seemed to continue in one specific direction, even writing over the stairs. The eerie sounds kept making themselves heard around her and the source would soon show up as a few creatures appeared inside the manor, looking like undead like creatures. They were pretty slow however but the whispering still seemed clear about what she had to do... "Escape" and "Wake up" was being told to her over and over with arrows pointing back upstairs. Among the whispering, an uncomfortable pause to them gave way to a clear girly voice making herself heard, "I told you to take a bite, didn't I...? She won't save you...~ ♪", but before anything else, the whispering simply resume, no signs of anyone but creatures around.

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That voice again.  “After saying I will be yours, classic demon talk, by the way.  You grabbing me, drawing a scythe.  I don’t know who or what you are, but don’t be surprised I don’t trust you, acting like that.  Could not even understand everything you said before.  At least you’re clear now.”  She did not know if the girl could hear her, but if she could speak, it was worth saying, just in case.  That might have been the easiest action back there, but she could hardly be blamed for her caution.

Then the creatures.  Undead.  Probably nothing more dangerous than other things she had fought over the years.  But she did not intend to find out.  Drawing her wings out, she charged forwarded, swaying to the sides, leaping, brief seconds of flying, as she made her way to what seemed to be the destination, where this all began.

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The creatures could not really do much against her speed but they were all around the shaking place now. The closer Jumi was to the room, the quieter the whispering got as well. On the last floor, nothing seemed that much different than before but she still was not safe yet. Where it all began, in the bedroom, Shinigami still seemed asleep like nothing was happening. The room itself emanated a certain aura of safety, though. The whispering stopped once inside and, in comparison to outside of it, the bedroom almost looked normal. Close to the bed on the nightstand, the one apple still remained, untouched. None of the creatures would follow her there either. For once, things were completely quiet except for the storm outside...

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No answer from the girl, of course.  That was the most troublesome thing here.  She could not shake off this was a manipulation from whoever that was.  The room seemed quiet.  Which was a little troublesome.  It now looked like it was whoever that was, not Mitsuko, who had left this room as it was.  The apples, the tucking in.  She quickly grabbed the apple.  Considered biting.  But she had to at least try, in case that girl had darker plans after all.  She walked up to the sleeping Shinigami, shook her a little.  “Hey, can you hear me.  Something is wrong.”  She had to at least try to wake Shinigami up, before biting the apple.

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Shinigami seemed deep asleep but Jumi would get no response from her. She was certainly alive, with her breathing normally, but no shaking or speaking to her really would wake her up. The vixen looked calm in her sleep too, whether she was herself dreaming or not, peaceful. With what was outside, this might have been surprising however none of their sounds were heard now. To someone in this situation who didn't see what was outside, this would just be a dark bedroom in the middle of the night and nothing else. Shinigami herself looked oddly at peace in contrary to her usual demeanor but sleeping would do that. She would feel as real as Jumi remembered from touching her, too. Warm and messy from what sex they had together.

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Was getting back into bed, going to sleep, an option to ‘wake up’?  With all the quiet in the room, it did not seem impossible.  If not for the creatures outside, she might have tried it.  With a sigh she took Shinigami’s hand.  “I might be walking into a trap here.  If I am, I expect you to find me.  Take too long, I might belong to someone else no matter what I feel.”  She took that threat for real.  The idea someone might want to break her did not seem impossible.

She had little choice though, it seemed.  Holding Shinigami’s hand in one hand, the other lifted the apple to her mouth, and she. Took a bite, waiting to see what if anything happened,

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As soon as Jumi took a bite and swallowed the piece, she would instantly feel dizzy, feeling her consciousness slip away whether she tried to fight against it or not. The world around her warped and vanished as she would be forced asleep against her will. A sleep without dreams or nightmares. Only a void lasting for a very short moment before she'd find herself waking up again, seemingly in the same room as she just was in, in exact details or almost. Jumi would find herself tucked in again, with Shinigami sleeping close to her. The door still slightly open like she first had seen it. The storm could still be heard outside with the rain but no whispers this time. The two apples were still on the nightstand close to the bed, untouched.

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It was a strange experience.  Disoriented by the unavoidable sleep.  Then back to the beginning.  The only difference she noticed was the whispering seemed to be gone.  Was she back in the ‘real’ house or not though?  Could she find Mitsuko and Nall this time.  Or was that strange girl playing a game with her.  She would find out soon.  She imitated her first steps, carefully getting out of the bed, grabbing one of the apples.  And made her way out, listening for the whispers, looking for the sealed doors, or whether it was back to the normal house.

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The layout of the manor seemed to be back to normal now and no seals of any sorts could be seen. Jumi would see that her current bedroom was one to the right of the one they were in before. The bed in there was not as much in a mess as what they left it in, with the blankets and sheets being gone from it. A voice coming from the main hall could be heard, however. It sounded like Mitsuko but she was giving effort grunts with Nall seeming to encourage her. If the fairy approached, she would see her with her blade in hands downstairs seeming to train the way she was doing so in the arena with the statues. She was however still naked, showing her body as she attacked the air, just practicing her swings and some magic.

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Was it just a dream after all?  Perhaps, in a sense.  But it felt like more.  Demons were certainly capable of entering dreams.  She believed there might be a real danger now.  That girl did not feel like a figment of her imagination.  She took the threat, at least she considered it a threat, quite real.  Someone wanted her, for some reason.

She was relieved to see Mitsuko, walking closer, but giving her space to train.  She supposed she would find out what Mitsuko thought about what happed with Shinigami soon.  It was probably worth letting them all know about the dream, including Shinigami.  Shinigami just might even know who that girl was.

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Mitsuko trained a little more but when she found herself distracted by seeing Jumi, a smile drew on her face and she discarded her blade for now before she came to her, "Jumi...! Oh I didn't wake you up, did I...? You... um...", she eyed Nall a bit before looking at her again as Jumi might still have traces of Shinigami on her body. The valkyrie cleverly hugged her close, though. "I wasn't sure to believe it but you and her really did it... How was it?", she asked quieter, blushing but happy to see that a reconciliation of sorts happened between them. "Oh and I'm sorry, Jumi... I picked you both up while you were sleeping. I-I probably should not have but I was checking on you and I saw what happened... So...", she said a little nervously at the end.

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Jumi hugged Mitsuko back.  "Looks like you had the right idea, leaving us to work it out...it was...quite the experience.  We seem to be on good terms now."  She wondered how much to say about what the two of them did, it might be amusing to see Mitusko's reactions at least to the breast milk and the chains.  For now though she held off on that.  "I think we should be good for the rest of the time here...though"  Her face grew a little troubled.  "Sorry, I had a strange dream just now.  Stuck in a strange version of this place, but with most doors sealed, and only one strange open room, the outside a wasteland...a girl too, one I have never seen before.  Claimed I would be hers, soon...I am not completely sure if she was part of the dream or not."  Mitsuko deserved to know.  It might sour an otherwise happy moment, but it was good to tell her immediately.

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