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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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That last comment reminded Jumi of something Shinigami said earlier.  “Was this what you meant, when you told me you were going to show me ‘the secret of your scent’?”  At the time she had no idea what was meant.  Looking back now, maybe this was what she meant, just the source of it.  At the time she had wondered if it meant something else, some power to her scent, or something like that, some other secret more peculiar to Shinigami.  She heard of some demons having pheromones, but that may have been limited to true succubi or incubi.  Shinigami may not have had any power in it, powerful as she was.

She thought it did make sense to be a little surprised by this.  She was not judging Shinigami or anything, but she had the impression this sort of bathing was rather rare for a demon.  The fact Shinigami had to steal supplies only added to that belief.

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Shinigami looked pleasantly surprised by Jumi's question for a second and smiled to her, replying: "Why, yes! Did you think I meant something else? I was inviting you to take a warm bath with me so you could see how I maintain this fur of mine. Perhaps even have you enjoy a moment to help me clean it.". Mitsuko herself looked slightly confused by Jumi's words but she figured that it was something they had discussed about when she was unconscious. For sure, the fox seemed to be at least a little passionate about bathing.

Mitsuko still smiled gently herself, seeing Shinigami being so... casual about this. She looked playful for a fox who had threatened them earlier. It was not the kind of thing she expected from an enemy, at the very least. Enemies surely were playful but not like this, or so she assumed. Still, she had to remind herself of what position she and the fox were in in this world, if only because of what she was warned about. Her eyes then looked toward Jumi as she said, "W-we should help her, Jumi. After you're done with me, if you like..."

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In hindsight, it seemed rather obvious, but Jumi felt she could not really be blamed for thinking it might mean something else.  But clarifying what it meant could come later.  For now she just quickly finished Mitsuko’s legs, taking a slightly extra amount of time on her feet, for Mitsuko’s sake, but she left what perhaps needed the most washing for later.  As long as they got to it before the bath was over it would be fine, same with finishing washing herself.

When that was done, she moved her arms out of the way, and gave Mitsuko a light nudge, she was willing to join in, but it felt right to let Mitsuko take the lead, have her join in.  She kind of wanted to watch Mitsuko do it briefly, before joining in.

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Mitsuko seemed to enjoy herself, not minding that some parts were left for later. It's not like she really felt it bothering her for now, anyway. She would have to be cleaned later but it could wait for now. The part about washing her feet, now being in the hands of Jumi rather than what she had felt before, made her actually relax for a good moment, making her close her eyes. Only when she was nudged, did she open her eyes again, looking first at Jumi then at Shinigami and finally at Jumi again. She was telling her to go.

Mitsuko felt better physically and Jumi's cleaning did wonder to help her. Slowly going to the fox, she didn't hesitate to touch her but didn't go too far yet, only holding on to her arm. The fox, who had watched her come, smiled to her as she knew exactly what Mitsuko wanted. She didn't feel like Jumi was hesitating but rather letting her go first, which was fine by her. After she gave Mitsuko the shampoo, Shinigami sat comfortably. "Enjoy if you will. Don't miss a spot, alright?", she told the schoolgirl, observing her.

Mitsuko nodded and tried to treat this like washing a pet. She never really had a pet, at least before Nall, but she figured it would be easy. Starting with her arms would be easy, seeing that the fox woman never finished. Taking some shampoos of the near full bottle, Mitsuko started in a manner that Shinigami couldn't have herself. Starting from the shoulder, she started massaging gently but still a little roughly to clean the dust and dirt out, if any. She was careful not to let her hand slip anywhere as she washed.

Shinigami's reaction spoke for itself as she displayed a relaxed expression. Washing herself was satisfying, but being cared for and washed by someone who took the time to do it well... That was bliss. Mitsuko went about it and could touch the fox this much for the first time on her own. While she was only doing her arms for now, it still told her a little about how Shinigami was built. Reaching to her hand was even better, washing around her palm and carefully around her fingers, all left fully limp by the fox for Mitsuko.

After she was done with her arm, Mitsuko proceeded to her other one by moving around her calmly. Shinigami, by that moment, was leaving it to her to wash it but she was not blindly trusting them yet. Watchful eyes kept observing them, not that she was worried or anything. As Mitsuko continued to massage the fox's arm, she looked over at Jumi, wondering if the fairy would also join in, should she choose to. Two hands on her could potentially double the pleasure and comfort she was giving the fox woman.

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Jumi watched Mitsuko.  She had no real experience washing animals either, that and uncertainty over whether there was anything unique from Shinigami being a demon was what led her to her earlier question.  Mitsuko seemed to be enjoying it, and doing a good job, which was why she wanted to give them at least a moment before joining in.  Also to see how Shinigami reacted to the ways Mitsuko washed, see how much she should follow the example.

She considered what to do.  She ought to join in, whatever she felt, she was not really uncomfortable with that much.  She thought about doubling down, working together on the same areas, but perhaps it was best to start somewhere else.  Somewhere perhaps more awkward for Shinigami especially with fur.

She shifted over, took some of the shampoo.  Began working on Shinigami’s shoulders, the back side of one of them, inching down slightly, indicating she intended to work the back, giving her the chance to do any movement she might need to to make that easier.  Jumi intended to take her time with it, move slowly.

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Mitsuko worked to finish washing Shinigami's arm while Jumi decided to move closer toward her back, prompting the fox to move away from the edge of the bath to a sitting position near the center instead. The valkyrie made sure to hold her hand when she changed position and give the fox a smile when Jumi started. Shinigami's tail instinctively moved away to give Jumi space as well but it started moving around when she felt her shoulders and back being washed; A place she hardly could reach on her own in any normal times.

Mitsuko soon finished with Shinigami's hand then let go of her gently. The fox could be seen having a relaxed smile on her face while Jumi was mostly the one touching her for a bit, even though the schoolgirl was the only one able to see it for now. "I knew a bath could feel good but I did not know it could feel this good...", Shinigami muttered, vocalizing her satisfaction of Jumi's care and probably Mitsuko's as well, which made the valkyrie oddly happy to hear it from someone like her, feeling like they were being praised for it.

"Well, it's not done yet... Please move your legs toward me, Shinigami...", Mitsuko softly but bravely requested, entrusting the care of the fox woman's upper body to Jumi. Shinigami smirked and extended her legs as requested, inciting the girl to reach for them and carefully touch her paws. The length and size of them made Mitsuko surprised but she tried her best to explore them gently, which the fox didn't seem to mind as she was enjoying the comfort. Soon, the valkyrie started washing and massaging them appropriately for her.

Shinigami gasped quietly, feeling almost spoiled at this point. She had never really received a massage from anyone before, let alone had been washed. It was something she could certainly get used to. Turning her head sideways, the fox focused on Jumi a little more, "You're treating me so well, I may have to reward you both for it. Don't forget my hair and my ears, would you?",  She nicely reminded the fairy, requesting some more care. It didn't take much to see that she seemed to like the teamwork effort made by the two girls.

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Jumi kept the advice in mind, she would get to it in a little while.  For now though, she took her time with the back.  As she got more room to move, she slowly worked down and across it.  She watched the tail a little, but that would be something for later, maybe Mitsuko, they would see.  She doubted she could accidentally hurt or discomfort Shinigami in any way, but she had to be a little careful, some of it was probably more sensitive than other parts.

She did not exactly ‘massage’, but tried to put a little more work into the back, even if it was a little questionable to what extent a demon like this could get stiff.  But she was somewhat following Mitsuko’s lead, seeing if it would also do well in another part of the body, as she made her way to the mid-back.

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For what it seemed like, Shinigami did not seem like an usual demon, if she was one. Even just being washed with some effort put into it went well into making her feel good and relaxed. At the same time, she did not seem so different from another certain hellbeast, which neither had met yet. Her nature was therefore not very clear. And yet, she appeared to enjoy this just as much as a human or anyone with a functioning body system would. Jumi would at least feel the same parts she could feel on someone else. The same muscles...

Shinigami was, for all intents and purposes, not that different from them except in race, shape and style. Mitsuko was discovering more of it as well, on her side, having made sure her paws were rid of dust and dirt before moving up her legs very slowly. Being in a comfortable mood, Shinigami teased Jumi by moving her tail to wrap around her stomach, putting no pressure against her however; Simply feeling the fairy, rubbing around her in a gentle manner but not getting in the way. She would move her tail if Jumi didn't want it.

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Jumi let the tail move as it wanted, a strange feeling, but not really unpleasant.  Something she might get more used to in time.  She kept working down, until she approached the base of the tail, she would leave that for later though.

Instead, she followed the earlier advice, taking her time at first to wash the hair, something more familiar, but she put care into nonetheless, trying to be thorough.  The ears were trickier.  She had never washed anything quite like them before.  She focused on the outer side for now, one at a time.  Lightly working the shampoo into the fur and skin.  She was not sure if he other side needed different treatment, but she had a little bit of time before worrying about that.  This was one of the parts of her probably most different though, and needing to learn as she went.

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Shinigami felt jumi moving down but give up momentarily once low enough. It didn't bother the fox too much as she was being treated well, following with a good feeling on her head next while Mitsuko was going up her legs slowly, treating them gently. Her ears twitched gently when they were being washed and she seemed to enjoy the shampoo alone just fine. Granted, washing her probably thought more time than it ever would for Mitsuko and Jumi together but at least it wasn't something she needed to do as often either.

Still, Shinigami could feel that neither of them were used to do this even though they tried to do it well. "You're not bad at all... Don't you worry, however, I will not be making you work like this every times. I needed a cleaning like this for a while and I'm glad you two are at it. During the best days, I only need to soak in a bath for a while. It's not too much, is it...?", she asked them about the effort required. Mitsuko herself didn't stop, seeming to like it. "N-no... It's nice to do this. Before yesterday, it might have been different."

Shinigami eyed the newer magical girl. She already knew that Jumi had and spoke of experiences, a little thanks to Mitsuko, but she was starting to figure how much of a newbie the blue girl was at this. New and washing the body of a fox woman so willingly, among other things she had done and let happen. A naive one yet honest in her movement and words, showing almost no real fear besides knowing that Shinigami was a potential enemy of humanity. "You're new with them yet you had wounds, what happened?", she asked.

Mitsuko finally froze slightly while washing her legs near her knees, her eyes staring at Shinigami as if she had read into her. Her eyes moved back down sadly and it already told much to the fox but without any context. Mitsuko was wondering if she should tell the truth or not but lying to her would not be a good idea if she could detect it. "I-I... Someone came after me after I found a weapon. And she... threw me outside my own bedroom... through the wall...", she explained nervously, not liking to remember. Shinigami frowned.

The fox woman didn't move at all, letting them wash her still if they wanted to. Still, that story bugged her, not because she felt bad for the girl or did she? "You find a relic and you're already made a target of those which you fight. How predictable... Did you fight back?", she asked curiously but all Mitsuko could do was shake her head slowly. Sighing quietly, the fox poked the girl with her paw. "You're safe here, for what it is worth... I can't let my playmate be a target, now can I?", she said. Mitsuko looked up back to her, blushing.

Shinigami smirked and looked back to Jumi, trying not to bother her while she was washing her though. Mitsuko seemed to look at Jumi as well before she resumed washing the fox. "And I am guessing this is how you've met... The both of you will be safe in this place. I said three days and I will not have anyone bother you during that time.", she commented, appearing to offer them protection. At the same time, Shinigami didn't want anyone to come destroy the place, with how comfortable she was herself there, with them.

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Jumi listened as the two of them talked, stuff she also only knew about from what Mitsuko said.  And a little elaboration from Nall, which was probably worth mentioning.  “Nall says it was a goddess, or child of a goddess, something like that.”  Protection.  That was one of the things she had been hoping from here.  Why Jumi hoped her opinion of Shinigami as a goddess was closer to right, even if Shinigami disagreed.  She hoped Shinigami could protect them.  She chose to trust the creature’s word for now, but there was a question of how their power compared to each other.

It was something they might not find out.  She would like to think that Lenneth would not find them over the next few days, regardless of the difference in power between her and Shinigami.  Especially if they were far away.  Jumi had no idea where they were, how easy it might be to trace them.  “But yes, that’s how we met.  She found her way to the room I was in, while escaping from the attack.”

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami listened to the Fairy, thinking about what she was told. Nall was the cat that was with them, she thought. More importantly, the enemy that was after Mitsuko was no small demon. "A goddess, you say. Of all kinds of enemies you could have made...", she groaned lightly, not exactly seeming bothered but not seeming happy about it either. Her power level would be hard to define as she had not used a real attack so far if not some curses of sorts. An almost imperceptible concern could still be read from her expression for a frame of time before she would shake her head slowly. "Well, no matter... I will be keeping you both safe right here in this manor, just as I said...", the fox told them both.

Mitsuko kept washing Shinigami's legs up while Jumi confirmed how they had met. That felt right as she was not planning to keep it a secret from anyone, anyway. Shinigami seemed amused by the stroke of luck from her misfortune but focused on the problem at hand. A goddess was after Mitsuko but the chances that she would find her in this manor were low. Sure, Mitsuko was found at her own home once but the girl had been alone and she appeared to have attacked only once. Her motivations were unclear but the fox felt that they were safe. If she showed up, she would have to deal with a fox girl in bad mood from seeing her three days starting to be pleasant being spoiled. It would upset her.

"For now... Let's make sure we all come out of this bath clean. Then... I will take care of the bed while you two and the cat use the manor as you see fit. The room will be yours to sleep in whenever you like but I advise not to wait too long. I will be taking care of personal business while you enjoy yourselves.", Shinigami told them, whatever the last part meant. She was trusting them with the manor, at least. Something she had mentioned before. Mitsuko soon finished with the fox's thighs but didn't dare go further for now, gently letting go of her. Shinigami only appeared to smirk from it but patted her head. She could take care of that place herself but she hoped that one of them would wash her front.

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Jumi was not really sure what to expect in the rest of the manor, but she figured they would find some ways to keep themselves occupied, and it would probably be warm enough to comfortably follow the rule of remaining naked the whole time.  She was a little curious to see what the whole building looked like and what was in the various rooms.

That would be after finishing the bath.  She left the front for now to Mitsuko.  She decided to finally try washing the tail, taking a little time to test the reactions as she slowly worked from the base of the tail and gradually working her way up.  Not rushing the end of the bath, but a little curious to see what the portions of the days they were not with Shinigami would be like.

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Shinigami reacted well enough to the tail base washing, if reacting well was showing a certain pleasure from it. No harm, only good feeling. She had to do an effort to stop her tail dead, leaving it as relaxed as possible within Jumi's grasp, even slowly moving away from her to make it easier to hold and wash. Mitsuko saw where Jumi was going with it and her plan to leave the front to her would not go that way. Maybe Jumi was thinking to leave it to the schoolgirl, who was admittedly close to her and directly in front of her.

Mitsuko took a moment to focus about what she was supposed to do and decided to go for it. Surely it would not be different from when she would wash herself. Or Jumi, considering she would be washing another person this closely. Mustering some courage, she moved closer and started at her belly, taking the time to feel it with her palm or feeling how similar she was to them. The layer of fur felt good on her hand and then there also was the warmth. And her hands felt the fox's navel; A proof of her birth to this world.

Shinigami liked both sides of what was happening and felt amused to let Mitsuko continue her exploration, whatever it meant for the girl. Mitsuko continued after a moment and touched her sides, going up slowly to wash under her arms. The moment of truth couldn't be closer but she had to be brave, feeling like Shinigami was letting her full opening on touching anyway. Her hands soon felt the softness of the fox's breasts and her eyes widened as she could feel the details and the size. She's bigger than Jumi, She thought.

Mitsuko might have seen them before but the thought did not come to her until she could touch them. It took a moment for her to resume and start washing her breasts as best as she could, not rushing with them but trying to not miss a part of them. Her eyes could not avoid looking up but Shinigami watched her, intrigued but enjoying it. The valkyrie made sure not to be too rough on her nipples but still made sure to leave them clean before she'd go elsewhere. Where else could she go, though...? It was almost over.

Figuring that she could give herself a little more time, Mitsuko finished washing her breasts slowly while taking a moment to enjoy them. At the end, her hands moved above them to finish her front, giving the fox a rub of her shoulders and neck, where Jumi had been done with already. Then, she moved up very gently to her cheeks, running her fingers slowly over the symbols under her eyes and on her muzzle, finally finishing with a gentle touch of her nose. Her hands then moved away while her eyes looked at her.

Mitsuko wondered about one final thing after this bathing experience with Shinigami but it was not something she could express in words. Her closeness and the oddly caring attitude of the fox made her question herself about things that probably would make her sound crazy. With a certain hesitation, she moved closer and held Shinigami close into a hug, feeling her breasts against her own smaller ones but she didn't care. She had to know. Shinigami looked surprised, seemingly unsure about how to even react to that.

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There was a lot Jumi still had to figure out too.  She would give the creature a degree of trust, not treat her as an enemy unless she did something to change her opinion.  It was strange to think of demon in such a way, she was skeptical many others were like this, she had seen too many others for this to change her opinions about demons in general.  But maybe her opinions about Shinigami herself would continue to warm up a little.

Shingami herself seemed to be at least mostly washed now, Jumi was not bothered by what Mitsuko was doing.  On the surface, someone might think this was moving into ‘Broken Girl’ territory, but Shinigami seemed different enough, Jumi was not worried about that.  She would not judge or say anything about the hug.  She just waited to see how Shinigami would react.  It was clear she was not used to it.  Demons probably did not  hug each other very often.  Jumi was also unsure if it was a gesture of friendship, or something else on Mitsuko’s part.  She would not be bothered by whatever it meant though.  She just finished off the tail, curiously watched what the other two might do.

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Mitsuko just kept hugging her, too far gone to back up and justify it somehow, melting in apologies for it. She just remained there, looking for a reaction, feeling Shinigami's fur against her own skin. The softness of her breasts. It was a feeling she enjoyed. At least the fox was not trying to push her or even reacted with hostility. She seemed astonished for a moment and while her tail was finished, there was a hint of moment thereafter that could be defined as wagging slowly. Otherwise, her body was quiet and calm at first.

Shinigami could feel the hug being a bit tight, too. The girl was not doing this half way through. She was stuck in this position with her between her legs and holding her close. Not a single soul ever had done such a thing before. She knew it was a mark of affection for humans, though. If she thought Mitsuko was joking about her feelings before, the girl took it up a notch by embracing her instead of taking her experience with her so far like a game and just washing her, until they would move on. Something was different.

The school girl didn't seem like she was forcing it nor falling to corruption. Mitsuko only wanted to feel Shinigami close but more so, make her feel someone close as well. The fox's heart didn't give much back for it but she could feel it against her chest while hers probably was thumping a little against her. It was hard to say if Shinigami even felt it but her tail may still be a hint that she at least found some pleasant feeling into it. Soon accepting her fate, the fox moved to hold the girl as well, seeing no harm in making it last longer.

Shinigami probably didn't even realize her tail's behavior as Mitsuko was currently taking all of her focus with this surprising move. "What's with humans and their lack of fear in the face of death?", she joked with a smirk before she looked behind, remembering that Jumi was there as well. She seemed to comically freeze for a second before she spoke, "Not a word... Although, your friend clings to me like it is her first...~ Wait, it is... Still, not very wise of her to be this reckless...", she said, despite her own body speaking otherwise.

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Jumi watched the tail and eventually Shinigami returning the hug, it was hard to be certain of how the creature felt, but at least she did not appear displeased, maybe even liked it?  It did not seem as dangerous as she might have considered it earlier.  Not as dangerous as hugging some other demon at least.  Though it was hard to imagine hugging another demon for any reason.

Recklessness was how they got here, though not her own or Mitsuko’s recklessness.  But she did not say anything about that.  “Mitsuko is an honest girl.”  Pure perhaps, no longer a virgin, but the sort of purity others often associated with Magical Girls, the truth of which varied by individual.  She would not say anything about Shinigami’s reactions either.  She just slid away just enough to finish cleaning herself quickly, as they had their small moment.  A small smile on her face, mostly about how happy Mitsuko seemed to be, and curiousity over where these days would go.

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami looked at Jumi for a moment, taking what she was told for what it was worth, before her eyes returned to Mitsuko. The girl was awake and conscious of what they said but it didn't seem to bother her. She would end separating gently from the fox with a blush on her face, hoping Shinigami had enjoyed it as much as she did. The fox woman observed her for a moment, having felt a lot from the both of them in this bath but never a hug, especially from a human. If she had met any, none would have gone as far.

Mitsuko retreated to finish washing herself, embarrassed yet happy of what she had felt and hopefully made Shinigami feel. The fox remained quiet for a bit, seemingly trying to compute what she felt. At its basic level, it was not hard to understand what she felt but in its complexity, it was hard to admit what she felt. It troubled her but it would have been a lie to say that she didn't like it. Both of them had felt their bodies pressing against each other, feeling the softness and warmth of it, along with their heartbeat within.

Shinigami followed suit and finished washing herself before she would end the bath once everyone is clean. She would drain the water then stand up to step out of the tub, leaving to pick up some towels for them. She knew that humans used them to dry off their furless skin but it also worked to remove the excess of water from her own body as well. The fox would first take the towels to the two girls before she'd take care of herself, however. "Once you're done, you're free to go anywhere. I will go take care of the bed."

Mitsuko only nodded gently, drying herself with the given towel before she would look at Jumi, her attention now on her. She would wait that the fairy is done but she would also give her a warm hug, feeling like she deserved attention as well. She would be spending a little more time with her now that Shinigami was gone. There was Nall to check on as well but that would be for later, when they leave the bathroom. "What do you want to do, Jumi...? Should we go eat? It will be a little strange to be nude." She said shyly.

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After Jumi finished washing and drying herself off, she returned Mitsuko’s hug.  Whatever happened between Mitsuko and Shinigami, the relationship between her and Mitsuko had shifted as well.  No longer the borderline uncertain relationship it had been.  She silently held the girl for a moment, would let Shinigami do her thing.  She mentioned work on the bed, but Jumi figured it would be some time before they returned there.  The creature had also mentioned ‘personal’ things, maybe she would be up to something else too.

As for what to do, “Wouldn’t be the first time I walked around a place I was living or staying naked…though 3 days straight is a new record.  Might as well look around the place, see what else is here.  Give Nall some company too, wherever he ended up.”  They could leave him alone if he was sleeping, but otherwise they should keep him company at least some of the time.

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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko held Jumi for a moment before she let go, ready to leave the bath. "I think we'll be alright... It's not like we have to go outside. It was not too cold, either. I think we could make a fire, too.", she said, thinking that there surely would be a fireplace in a manor like this. As long as there also was wood to light it up. Mitsuko stood up for now and left the bath but offered her hand to Jumi to help as well if she didn't leave yet. Shinigami had already left to wherever inside the manor or outside, depending on her intentions.

When they would leave the bathroom, they would find the hallway they came in from earlier. It was well lit, for a manor, and gave them many choices of places to go. It was possible that Shinigami had left to the room to clean the bed as she said she would so going there probably would not be a good idea right now. The rooms they could see around them seemed to have similar or different uses depending on the section they were in. The place looked well furnished but there were no signs of any humans anywhere around.

If they went back downstairs, they may find the kitchen, a dinning room and other rooms like a small library, an office or other rooms for recreation purposes. The place was large and one could find it maybe questionable whether Shinigami was or not using any of these rooms for herself. The girls may also find it difficult to find Nall unless they called to him, hopefully getting a response. Mitsuko herself didn't know him anywhere enough to know where he would lounge while he waited for them. Or if he explored the place.

Windows were visible here and there but there wasn't much light coming out of them. If it was not visible, a sound of rain could be heard knocking against the glass outside. The manor was not exactly creepy but their loneliness in this large place might make it unsettling. Mitsuko herself held onto at least Jumi's hand for the time being. She was not afraid but still did not want to let go for now. "Where should we go, jumi?", she asked her friend, letting the more experienced magical girl decide on the next steps to do, now.

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Jumi took Mitsuko’s hand and stepped out of the bathroom.  It was warm enough, at least for now.  The atmosphere of the place would take a little getting used to.  She had wonder how long it had been since another human had been here.  She found it very hard to believe Shinigami had the place built.  At least some of the rooms did not seem like ones she would have used either.  Though it did not feel at first glance at least that any rooms were particularly dusty/long ignored.

She was making only brief glances though.  This was the first time the two had been alone here.  Their home for the next few days, sometimes alone, sometimes with Shinigami.  She did not think there was much to say at the moment though, about what happened in the bedroom or bathroom, Mitsuko’s shifting feelings for the creature.  There would be more of that later.  For now they would find a way to occupy themselves.  She was just wandering for now, glancing in rooms.  “Wonder what an attic or basement in a place like this would look like or have in it.”  It just felt like the sort of place that would have such areas, with stuff either Shinigami and/or previous human occupants left inside.  She was not necessarily looking to explore either immediately.  But her eyes kept glancing at the ceiling, for any hint of an attic entrance, they might explore later.

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Mitsuko followed Jumi closely while they wandered. The question about attics and basements would make her wonder, now that they were alone. They had time for themselves to visit the place and Shinigami never told them that somewhere was forbidden for them. They could visit anywhere they liked, provided they weren’t stopped by any locked doors. It was impossible to tell at the moment whether there were any keys to be found in the manor. They would have to be careful, given how unprotected their naked bodies were as well.

"Do you think there would be ancient things... Or objects that someone owned in this manor? The manor would not be haunted... right...?", Mitsuko asked more quietly about the last part. As seemingly alive the fox was, she was not one to underestimate and perhaps a haunted manor was not out of question. Nothing right now seemed out of the ordinary. Even paintings, if any on the walls, looked as normal as one would find them in any other houses or locations. It was doubtful to think that Shinigami collected those for herself anyway.

The manor was mostly quiet except for the noise of the rain and possibly what sound came from the bedrooms, clearly signaling the fox's presence. As Jumi searched for a way to the attic, she might find one place in the ceiling where a hatch with a hanging cord could be seen. It was more or less visible but was apparent enough to one who searched for it. If they remained on the second floor, they would not find Nall anywhere for now. After a while, the lights would flicker slightly, accompanied by a distant rumble that mingled with the rain.

Mitsuko's eyes would widen as she held Jumi tighter. The two of them were alone and nude in a manor that seemed to be all but comforting. It was the second day that she was away of her home but this time, the place they were in felt completely unfamiliar to her. However, she tried her best to remain brave for her. Shinigami herself did not seem to be too bothered by it on her side, continuing to do what she was doing. "I don't think we should stay here... I mean, where we are right now...", Mitsuko said, suggesting to go elsewhere.

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Jumi was still unsure whether the building was as conventional as it seemed.  If they were in an ordinary place.  Their world, or something else that looked like theirs.  Did the darkness meant they were some disatnace from home, if they had not been shifted at all in worlds?  None of it was certain.

”It’s probably not haunted.”  She had not felt any hint of any other presence in the mansion.  Though the name Shinigami did not exactly help, even if she was trying to trust the creature.

She paused at the cord, tempting her to pull it.  “Our host does not seem the sort to randomly collect old things.  I can only guess who might have previously owned the place, if any hints of them remain.”  Maybe there was something interesting up there.  “Though a basement might be better than an attic, in the current weather.”  She kind of wanted to look up there, but it might be better later.  It was also hard to say much light was available there.

She gave Mitsuko an encouraging embrace, and began to move on.  Getting down to the first floor at least would not hurt.  They could decide if they wanted to do something there, or maybe look for a door to a basement, if there was one.

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Mitsuko felt at least a little reassured by hearing Jumi's answer. She was not thinking about Shinigami the same way, though. At least the fox did not give her any reasons to doubt her, yet. Having no idea what kind of enemies they had, she was worried about whatever supernatural beings or creatures that could exist, especially in a place like this. Jumi brought up a valid statement a moment later, making the schoolgirl think about what really was around them. Who owned this furniture? Or the paintings? Were they real?

Still, a thought haunted Mitsuko anyway. "I am not sure if I like the idea of going up there... Or down there. What if we're stuck in the dark...?", she asked, despite trying to be brave. There were still a good reason to be worried, with this unknown place. The fact that they were nude instead of being clothed or as magical girl made her feel so much more vulnerable. she didn't really hate it as long as they were safe but venturing into unknown areas felt dangerous. In fact, she wondered why Shinigami wanted them naked.

It was the rule of the fox girl... They had to stay naked for three days. A strange rule for anyone in the human world. Was it so she could see them like this as much as she liked? Mitsuko blushed some at the thought. For a creature that didn't seem to be the raping demon kind, wonderful sex aside, Shinigami seemed to appreciate their nudity. Unless she had a concealed motive or reason for it. For now, Mitsuko tried not to worry about it and follow Jumi as they went downstairs to explore it and perhaps find the basement.

Sounds could be heard from one of the hallways as they approached. They didn't sound like unnatural sounds, depending on the way the girls heard them. The hallway in question lead toward the kitchen area where the dining room would also be found. If nobody else really lived in this manor besides Shinigami then the sounds could only really come from a certain other creature who came to the manor with them. Hopefully, anyway. Mitsuko held Jumi’s hand, watching her and hoping they were thinking the same thing.

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“Wouldn’t be the first dark pit I wandered into.”  Jumi was not so concerned about that, though they would have to be careful, on the stairs and to avoid wandering into anything sharp or otherwise risky.  But as long as they were slow and careful, they were not likely to hurt themselves.

That was if they found a basement, though.   For now they had just made it to the first floor.  Seemed safe enough.  Though Jumi still walked slowly.  “Pictures…maybe books…mostly liklet things to have been left, if there are any hints of the old owners.”  Things like furniture could have been too of course, but it was harder to be sure.  Less likely to say much about the owners too, except maybe more of a hint, besides the house’s size, that they had been well off.

As she approached the sounds, she listened a bit, as they got closer starting to get a better sense of where it was coming from and what it might be.  “If he wasn’t sleeping, most likely looking food.”  She actually was not sure if there was anything else besides food and sleep in a place like this that would interest the little guy, if he could not be with them.  It had not been allowed by Shinigami, but she guessed Nall did not really want to watch Mitsuko or her having sex anyway.

He had apparently been asleep a long time too.  Their shared breakfast might not have been enough for him.  She walked a little more quickly towards the source of the noise, not really worried about it being anything else.  It did not sound like a more ordinary animal, and she doubted Shinigami had pets.

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