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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Who was being left in whose care?  Shinigami had her idea what Mitsuko intended, but Mitsuko’s goal seemed to be to encourage her to feel the way Mitsuko did about Shinigami.  She was unsure how to make that happen, though she understood why Mitsuko might want it.  Would this help?  Well, it could not hurt to try.  Jumi would go along see if anything happened.

She preferred to wait to return to the bedroom.  “You have any other places for something like that, I haven’t seen yet?”  Some other sort of furniture to do it on.  It should not be too cramped, but honestly based on her experience with others, a slight lack of space, forcing them to stay close could help.

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Shinigami eyed the girl curiously. Another place for cuddling that was not a bedroom. So a soft place to sit or lay down... She certainly had an idea of where to bring her, where they would be in a quiet place as well. "Very well... Come with me.", she said, taking the girl's hand in her own before bringing her somewhere, at least allowing her to see more of the manor while Mitsuko was probably off on her own doing the same with Nall. Her tail wouldn't hesitate to rub against Jumi as they walked around.

More than one room that was not a bedroom allowed for them to cuddle or other things if they wished. Shinigami thought carefully about what would be a peaceful choice for it before she lead Jumi to another room on the same floor. There, they could find a drawing room of sort, with a fireplace and a few couches from different lengths and size. An old clock was above the fireplace but it didn't seem to work. Shinigami would pick Jumi up gently there so she does not hurt her feet on the furniture.

Bringing her to the longest couch, which looked sized enough for Shinigami's height but would otherwise barely fit two if they laid on it. The fox girl would go and lay down on it, to put Jumi down on top of herself, leaving her the freedom to do what she liked. For the first time, Jumi would see the fox girl in a relaxed mood but that didn't mean she couldn't be playful. Her eyes observed the fairy, just watching her. "Is this to your taste? We should have some time alone in here.", The fox told her, smirking.

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Jumi took the hand.  Felt the tail.  That was genuine?  Maybe it was not the same as Mitsuko’s feelings, but the creature did….like? Her in a sense?  She let Shinigami guide her, to an interesting room.

It certainly had a comfortable look and seeming feel to it.  She was surprised as she picked up.  Not the sort of treatment she was used to, but it wasn’t bad.  To one of the couches, and then on top of her.  That worked too.  Though know what Shinigami sometimes had, it felt a little strange to be on top.  Not that she had never been on top of a man, but was more used to the other way.  Both being on their sides was another option with sort of thing, but she did not try to shift positions yet.

She felt the body beneath her, so similar to Mitsuko and other women she had slept with, yet different, mostly the fur.  “It’s comfortable.”  She was not sure what was going to happen.  While Shinigami having one on one time with both had been her idea, this specific idea was Mitsuko’s.  Jumi found it interesting, but was not sure whether it would lead to anything else.  But for the moment at least, she just laid there.

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While Shinigami really was just being her teasing self with her tail, she mostly did what Mitsuko had asked out of her. She herself was not sure what to feel if anything for Jumi, let alone Mitsuko, the human who apparently liked her, with many evidences. This home was old-fashion yet the fox seemed to adapt to it and the furniture pretty easily. Who knows how long she had been there, perhaps alone even. She was certainly not used to company, anyhow. Shinigami was not exactly social either, in normal times.

The couch they were on would hardly fit the two of them on their side, especially with Shinigami's size, and the fox girl did not exactly see fit to place Jumi under herself. Being the bigger creature and, if she had to be honest, the fluffier one, she only saw being under the human girl as answer to... cuddle, if they were to follow Mitsuko's indications. Shinigami was not exactly cultivated when it came to human customs, except for baths that she somehow learned about and liked, at least giving her a good scent.

With Shinigami now being casually beneath Jumi and watching her, she seemed to wait for a reaction of sort. "Comfortable, you say? It's a good start... You can take it easy, girl. I will not bite you.", she told her, loosening herself up on her couch at that moment, even with Jumi on top of her. She left herself vulnerable on purpose, unwinding and stretching gently, but she did not hold the fairy hostage on top of herself. "Feel free to relax, touch, pet, whatever you like. We can keep quiet or talk.", she suggested.

The fox tried to get the fairy to unwind as well and decompress, perhaps build some trust. She didn't need Jumi to like her if she didn't want to. Shinigami was in a rare mood where she didn't feel like teasing, grinning, mischievous or cackling. Instead, she was limp and soft, one arm hanging down to the floor, almost normal... almost human. Even her tail lay inert between her legs, rather than being playful. Her other hand otherwise rested on Jumi's back, lightly brushing her skin in a relaxed and casual manner.

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Jumi laid there silently for a moment.  Just taking in the feeling, the two bodies, naked.  Two women who had already had sex with each other.  There was a subtle intimacy, perhaps instinctual, in how Jumi laid there.  Acknowledging the line that had been crossed.  They did not have the relationship she and Mitsuko had.  But she unconsciously acknowledged Shinigami in the way she would only do with someone she had sex with.

She felt she had to ask, maybe get a new sort of answer.  “What do you want, from me and Mitsuko?  Is this just a few days of fun and act like nothing happened.  Yeah, I offered you another deal, depending on what I feel at the end of the three days.  I know you did not plan this.  But you have both of us now, what do you want out of all this?”

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Shinigami was asked again a question she had heard before but she was pretty relaxed right now, her head tilted to the side, looking at the void. Her body would still not move but Jumi right now might be capable of detecting any faint reaction. Her heart was calm but picked up speed ever so slightly as she tensed for a short moment. Her hand did not stop yet... What did SHE want? Was this really nothing but a game to her...? And what other deal did she have in mind? Questions... What of the answers?

Shinigami had given Jumi the opportunity to talk but she was not prepared for this kind of talk. What did she want out of all this? It was a good question with a few potential answers. But how honest was Shinigami capable of being with her new guests? She had a certain pride to keep but right now, she looked like a content puppy enjoying the moment; Vulnerable and relaxed. Her eyes would soon shift their gaze to the weight on top of herself. With all of what she had felt so far, what did she really want...?

Her hand would stop moving after a bit but her eyes would shift away to the void again. Shinigami was not the kind to express herself to anyone. In fact, social interaction like this probably never happened before until now, along with a few other things that have happened in the past few hours. This moment alone was a first time for her. "More time with you both...", she simply said as her hand resumed moving. Whether she admitted it or not, she probably enjoyed their company more than she let on..

The hand that was hanging down would raise up above them as a magic circle of sort would form, showing the trinity of power of Shinigami and above that magic circle, three objects would form, apparently being extracted from her. Three relics that formed her power, turning slowly in circle above the magic circle with the triangle. Yet, one by one the relics would spread out and be sent through the walls, being removed as symbol from the magic circle until all three of them were gone, leaving nothing behind.

The magic circle having vanished as a result, Shinigami would lower her arm once more to where it was before. Physically, nothing changed, not even her heartbeat. And yet... This deal was a big one for her. She was making herself vulnerable on purpose. All she had to say for herself however was giving Jumi a smile before she would look away again. "I want more time with you both...", she said again, expressing more of a wish than a vague request this time. The context probably didn't change the 3 days deal.

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It was an answer that said so little, but said so much.  It was something Jumi had been considering offering, depending on how things went.  But she wanted to know more.  She would take a step towards Mitsuko’s goal here, but she wanted to know more.  “You do…hmmm?  What am I to you?  I have been a demon’s plaything before.  You do not treat me that way.”  She did not know if she would get a clear answer, she was picking up the creature was not used to this sort of thing.  “Why do you want to spend more time with me specifically?  You want me naked here for three days?  What do you think when you look at me?”  Jumi had never had a true relationship until Mitsuko, but these were questions she had asked previous partners in bed.

She was unsure what Shinigami was doing when she had admitted that, but that was something for later.  Shinigami was going to learn a lesson about intimacy with a human woman.  Questions she truly wondered the answer too.

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Shinigami's eyes shifted back to Jumi, looking at her while she was being questioned. It was true that she or Mitsuko were not exactly intended to be her playthings to rape as much as she liked, like what demons would do while keeping them imprisoned even. But that didn't stop them from being attractive girls to tease and provoke a little in sexual manners. "What you are to me...? A guest at my home. You might not be a demon's plaything but you are still mine for three days, as we're already agreed... Didn't we?"

The fox spoke what truth she was aware of to Jumi but the next questions seemed to destabilize her a little. A demon would normally take offense, probably punishing her even for her insolence and for daring to question her rules. But Shinigami remained relaxed, yet looked away again. "Mitsuko asked for us to spend more time together, didn't she? Besides, having you naked should please you. You have a sexual freedom that your kind does not allow you at all times. Don't you enjoy this freedom?" She asked her.

If Shinigami was not to rape them, she was playful a lot in nature. Her body enjoyed to feel things freely, like this moment with Jumi being on top of her. No uncomfortable clothes to stop contact between the two of them. Skin against skin, fur aside... But she saw her fur like a bonus for her partner. It was sensual if not sexual, relaxing even. To the common humans, it might be perverted but to Shinigami, she enjoyed it. The last question... She looked at her. "What should I think, girl?", she asked, poking her forehead.

Perhaps Shinigami didn't grasp what Jumi was asking her but she found hard say what she was looking at, other than a cute girl looking pretty on top of her. A girl she enjoyed to fuck without coercion, even if it wasn't exactly true. Guest or not, their deal was that the fox could do whatever she liked but she was not planning to rape them whenever she liked. Jumi didn't show any fear, much like Mitsuko. She was playing along by Shinigami's rules and treated her well. This, by itself, made the fox feel differently about her.

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The answer was not that surprising, she would have been more surprised if she got the sorts of answers previous partners gave.  The previous answer had been a little surprising, but as so many men and some women learned, giving a disappointing answer to a woman about such questions was not the best thing, even if they were not lovers.  She was not angry the way she might have been if someone else answered like that, but they had gone one step forward, one step back.

”Hmmm I see, well you can think what you want.  I don’t want to be a rude guest.”  No, she was not going to tell what Shinigami what she should think.  Even as a non-human, there were some lessons you learned from experience, not being told.  Yes, Mitsuko wanted this, unfortunately she was innocent about these sorts of things.  Mitsuko already liked Shinigami.  Jumi did not have the desire naturally, she had to be approached right.  She made no attempt to move, but she briefly went quiet.  But was she actually upset?  Irritated?  Or was she teaching Shinigami in her own way?

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami smirked for the first time in a while but decided to just remain there on the couch, under her. It was clear that something did not please the fairy about the situation, in comparison to the one who was going to just give herself away as peace offer. They were more or less her prisoners, after all. Prisoners with a lot of freedom, hence being more like guests in her manor. The fox was not going to say more herself, taking this moment with this makeshift blanket of a human to relax for a moment longer.

Mitsuko had not precised exactly how long the two of them had to remain together but Shinigami did not hold Jumi, if she felt like leaving for any reasons. Her hand had stopped rubbing her as well, simply resting on top of her without any pressure of any sort, limp... If the moment remained quiet for long enough, Shinigami would move slowly and hold Jumi carefully to sit her down near her as she herself sat up before she would stretch from her fingers to her toes. Smiling to Jumi, she would give her head a pat.

Shinigami then got up from the couch and took a look down at Jumi. "It was good having this moment with you but there are things waiting for me. I will let you on a secret, though. I temporarily gave up on my special powers. Take it as a proof of my good will... Do of it as you will. Use it against me or not... Find Mitsuko and tell her. I will go take care of some unfinished business, starting by going to find who this Lenneth is. As per usual, the manor is yours to enjoy...", she said and left, brushing her with her tail.

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Was it just going to end like that?  A complete failure of a lesson on Jumi’s part?  She did not believe Mitsuko would be pleased with the outcome either, the ‘cuddling’ was just a method for the goal she really had.  Jumi was trying to be supportive of her new girlfriend though she was not the sort to do something she hated just because a girlfriend wanted it.  No, just like the sex, she had chosen to do this.

”Oohhh?  You don’t want to spend more time with me?”  It was not quite ‘flirty’ or seductive, but not hostile either.  “I was trying to give you a hint, there are ways to treat a girl, if you want her to spend more time with you, and they had not fallen in love at first sight.”  What did she want out of all of this deep down?  Jumi did not even know herself, but it was not only Mitsuko’s potential disappointment that made it ending like this distasteful  to her.  Finding out about Lenneth was important of course, but it could be done one of the other times Jumi and Mitsuko were on their own.

”I made a deal, I keep my word.  That reason, and you being different, I have no intention of using your lack of power against you.”  It was an interesting choice, she really had a hard time figuring the creature out, but that seemed to be a mutual issue.

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Posted (edited)

Shinigami moved to a stop before she even left the room, turning her head and her body a little to look back at the fairy. If her tail had been wagging gently, it suddenly came to a stop as well. The question(s) seemed to beg for a reaction on her part but Jumi continued before the fox could respond. And yet, the continuation only succeeded in making Shinigami's face twist into a wide grin. "Trying to give me a hint? You humans are hysterical. Do you really think I follow the rules of your kind? Do you honestly believe I want you to spend more time with me? Love is a foolish human concept that holds you back,” she growled at Jumi, her irritation palpable. By the end of her words, her expression had shifted from amusement to one of annoyance.

Moving back to Jumi, Shinigami leaned forward to match her height, her face adopting a smirk once more. "Now, you listen... You are here as my guest because you were willing to join your friend but do not make the mistake of believing that my willingness to treat you well means that I have any interest in you or Mitsuko... I may not lower myself to rape you like a demon but don't go believing that I would not chain you to a wall. Three. Days. And we're almost down to two, aren't we? Enjoy your time in my humble abode...", Shinigami told the fairy before patting her head again, which may or may not be perceived kindly this time. The fox had somewhat reverted to her scarier self, whether she actually had meant or not what she had said to her.

After that, she would stand back up slowly before snapping her fingers, forming a top around her breasts and some panties of a similar color on her lower body. Her pink grey eyes stared down at Jumi a bit before she would turn around and start leaving, without any tail brush this time. She was not happy. The bit of humanity she had emanated in her earlier state of relaxation was blown away in this moment. At the very least, she had only felt threatening but still left Jumi unharmed, though she left the room feeling upset. Coincidentally encountering Mitsuko in the main hall, Shinigami did not stop to speak with her. Instead, the fox opened the doors to the storm outside and left the manor quietly on her own, leaving Mitsuko a bit confused.

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Mitsuko’s intentions had failed.  Shinigami was certainly not her lover or anything.  But that sort of reaction, especially from something that may or may not have been a demon, stabbed at something in Jumi. She had no desire to make a second deal right now, she would not stop Shinigami and Mitsuko from having their time, but she was not going to help anymore.  Deal with these two nights, only spend the time she had to with Shinigami.  Then move on.

Jumi just laid there, not having the energy to move.  Maybe she should go to sleep.  It might her only chance to get enjoyable sleep after all.  Demons were demons.  Hopefully Mitsuko would not hurt herself.  She had tried to trust Shinigami’s words in the beginning.  It was not broken.  But there was a crack.  A doubt over what would happen between now and the end.

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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko, having watched the fox leave, looked at Nall who hid behind her for a moment. "What was that? Where did she go...?", she asked as Nall didn't seem to know better than she did. It had been a while, not a long one, since Jumi had left with Shinigami. They should have been together still but for the fox to leave like this? "Come on, Nall...", she said and went to the direction Shinigami came from, searching from rooms to rooms until she found the place the two were at. Finding Jumi just there on the couch... Not seeming to do much.

"Hey, Jumi...", she told the fairy with a smile before she approached, now that she was alone anyway. Something wasn't right, though. It might explain why Shinigami stormed out... Mitsuko turned to Nall and gave him a sign to leave them alone for now, which he understood quickly, making him fly away. Mitsuko then went to Jumi and moved her legs to sit under them and leave them on her own laps. She would just gently rub her legs for now. "Did something happen...?", she asked carefully, being worried about her and ready to listen.

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Jumi was lying on the couch, on her back, eyes closed, but had not fallen asleep, when her girlfriend’s voice came to her ears.  She did not change her position.  She was silent but only for moment.  “I don’t understand her, and I don’t care anymore.  Trying to figure her out caused this.  She might not be quite the same as the average demon, but maybe she isn’t that different after all.  She probably won’t hurt us, but she made her thoughts clear.  I’m keeping my distance as much as I can.  I won’t tell you stop having fun, change your feelings, but she doesn’t think much of us.”  She laid there silently, taking a few breaths.  She did not want to upset Mitsuko, but she deserved to hear what Jumi thought.  “I’m trying to sleep, I would avoid the bed from now on, if I could.”  What would Shinigami do if she tried to resist?  She would probably not risk finding out, but she had no eagerness to return.  “Maybe she will let me sleep here though, just sleep with you.”  Angry as the creature seemed, Jumi considered that unlikely, but maybe possible.

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Mitsuko listened while giving Jumi a gentle rub of her legs. A part of her was glad to see her share her thoughts, not minding her taking place like this with her. The message was concerning, however. What Mitsuko had hoped for was, at the very least, a good time between the two. This had turned for the worst. The Valkyrie's eyes looked down at her own legs, also at Jumi's legs, being reminded of what the fox really was if she had managed to hurt Jumi. It didn't seem to be that way before but she had no reasons to doubt Jumi. "I-It's that bad, huh...?", she asked quietly. What did Mitsuko expect from this...? Even she was questioning herself about it. Did Shinigami not feel anything at all? The fox had not even looked at her when she left. What happened...?

Mitsuko simply listened, her hands caressing her legs for a bit before she would move them slowly and also move herself so jumi would be under her as she crawled to give her a naked hug, not caring about how it felt. Jumi needed some time, perhaps alone, perhaps not. She would not tease her but instead would hug her and keep her close. "Then let's sleep... I don't think she will bother us. Let's relax, Jumi... We will figure out what we're going to do when we wake up, alright?", she tried to reassure her friend, not thinking that she would be the one to try to reassure Jumi, instead thinking that the opposite would happen. Shinigami would have answers to give but that would be for another time. For now, Mitsuko didn't want to leave her friend by herself...

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Jumi’s past and experiences were of course influencing her.  She had started trusting something like a demon, and it backfired, as far as Jumi was concerned.  The damage could probably be repaired, but it was much more difficult than if a human had done this.  Shinigami had seemed to make it clear there would be no gestures of apology either, had meant everything she said.  Wanted to hurt Jumi, just not physically. Shinigami of course should have known this, being told of Jumi’s past.  Made it sting more.  She was not going to cry, she was not upset like that, but any optimism she had was more or less gone.

She doubted the creature was doing what she originally said she would.  Why should she care about of any of that, unless she wanted to fight Lenneth.  There would be words about Lenneth or Shinigami lowering her power.  She was not even thinking about them anymore.  ‘More time’?  A complete lie.  The trust was not completely broken, but she would no longer believe everything Shinigami said automatically.  That trust was at least temporarily broken.

Mitsuko could comfort her, but by herself, was unlikely to fix the deeper problem.  She silently let Mitsuko embrace her, the tension in her body relaxing.  It was only a few moments before she drifted into sleep.  She did not believe they would be left alone, but getting any sleep like this was enough to let her sleep, a brief peace at least.

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Mitsuko felt a little embarrassed to be nude with Jumi like this, barely used to be nude as a standard and against another girl. Still, she liked to feel her friend's warmth and was happy to share hers... It felt valuable even if it wasn't focused on something sexual, this time. She got comfortable with it, thanks to her, after all... Shinigami kinda forced her to adapt to it but it was one thing she was thankful for. But this time, Jumi didn't need anything but her silent support and perhaps her warmth, which she happily offered.

The storm could still be heard outside, unstoppable... But calm in its noises... A good ambience to sleep with the soft light that was present in the room. Jumi was awfully quiet and so would Mitsuko be, cuddling but mostly hugging and leaving her be. She worried for Nall but he was a smart "cat" and knew not to invade their moment. She really wanted to know what Shinigami had done or said but she wouldn't pry. Watching her friend find sleep would make her smile for now, moving gently so she could rest on her.

Mitsuko would lay her head on her chest, blushing slightly by the feeling of her breasts but she would simply rest against her, wishing to be there for when she would wake up. Hearing the beat of jumi's heart and the storm did well to relax her enough for her to fall asleep against her like this. A sleep that would go uninterrupted for a while if none of them woke up. Nall would have gone somewhere else, perhaps even explore more of the manor for Mitsuko and Jumi while they slept. If he checked on them was unknown.

~ ~ ~

Hours later, at an unknown time during the next morning, A loud ethereal sound could be heard from the main hall, similar to one made by Shinigami's portal. The storm seemed to have calmed down. No one would enter their room, though... Only faint sounds could be heard, climbing up the stairs at an irregular pace before a slightly heavier sound would make itself heard. Then, nothing. Mitsuko, who was already exhausted and only had a forced "nap", would sleep for a while longer against Jumi, hugging her closely.

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Jumi slept silently getting her rest, until she heard the noise.  The creature…the demon returned.  She listened silently, trying to see if they were going to be interrupted?  They weren’t?  Good.  She had little faith the demon felt any sympathy.  She was not going to try to find out.  She would ignore Shinigami for the rest of time if possible.  If the demon lost all interest in them, even better.  They could wait out the remaining time alone, avoid her, not talk to her.  Then leave when it was over.  That was the ideal as far as Jumi was concerned.  But would it be that simple?  She was not going to go out of her way to find out.  She closed her eyes again. If possible, would remain here until she needed to eat.

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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko would wake up a little while later, rubbing her face against whatever she was hugging before she opened her eyes, realizing what she was snuggling. Her face turned red a bit as she looked at Jumi to see if she was awake. No signs of Shinigami when she woke up. In fact, no signs of Nall either. The room had not been touched, not even the door. Slowly remembering what had happened, Mitsuko felt sad again. She knew her visit there was not going to be a rest, considering that she was a prisoner somewhat. She just thought that it would go better, with how comfortable they had been so far... To make Jumi go from somewhat interested to instead avoiding the fox completely was unexpected. Their three days were looking pretty grim as it was...

Being a little annoyed with this situation, she would give Jumi a small kiss before she got up slowly, careful not to hurt her friend, then left to find the culprit behind Jumi's change of mood. She had a thing or two to tell her, even though she knew or at least guessed that it would not change much in the end. It would only take a moment before her panicked voice would be heard. "J-jumi...!", she shouted from where she was, not really thinking before she did. Whether Jumi decided to react to it or not, Mitsuko would not come back to the room just yet. Nall soon came out from under the couch where Jumi was though, looking like he didn't have the best sleep. Mitsuko's voice probably woke him up. He looked at Jumi, now by herself. "...Did you hear that...?"

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Jumi immediately woke up at the cry of Mitsuko voice.  Something happened!  Did the damn creature do something?  The problem was the whole reason they were here was because they had no chance of fighting her.  Maybe if she had remained without her power, but Jumi could not believe she remained without it after what happened.

She shifted up to her feet, looked down at Nall, nodded. Her stomach was twisted, she did not know if she wanted to know.  But she made her way to Mitsuko, to find out.

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Posted (edited)

Nall followed behind Jumi as they made their way to the main hall. Mitsuko seemed to remain near the main stairway, looking at something. First thing noticeable was the bit of mess around the hall, probably from the noise that was heard before. It wasn't something very bad so far but if Jumi approached close of Mitsuko, she would see traces of blood on the floor starting from the middle of the hall and going to the stairs and up to the 2nd floor, what made Mitsuko stay away from walking too close to them.

Once Mitsuko noticed Jumi, she looked a bit worried and Nall seemed to take his shocked expression upon seeing it but remained away as well, this time close to Mitsuko. "I-Is that what I think it is...?", she asked, in reference to the blood. No signs of Shinigami could be seen from where they were, though. One thing seemed evident: Whatever this was did not stay on the first floor. Nall curiously flew up there, even for the time being, having easy access thanks to his wings. Mitsuko however was afraid to go see.

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Jumi looked over the hall as she made her towards Mitsuko.  Blood?  Something she had seen her share of over the years, she was past the point of being sickened by the sight of it.  Though it was concerning.  There was the obvious guess at what it meant…or was something worse than suspected.

There was the darker possibility.  Their host claimed she did not feed on humans…but, Jumi’s trust was shaken.  It was better than the alternative.  Did that stupid demon not reclaim her power before leaving?  There was also the possibility someone else was here, but it seemed too quiet for that.

”Someone is or was hurt.”  She answered the question.  If it s Shinigami, from when she seemingly came back earlier, it was entirely possible she had healed herself by now.

For now she watched Nall.  She had reasons to hesitate, some personal, some shared with Mitsuko and concern there was more going on than she thought.  For now she waited to see what either Mitsuko did or if Nall saw anything.

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Figuring that the two would not come up, Nall flew back down after a moment but didn't look exactly positive. "Um... Your friend is up there but I think she's...", he started saying, not sure he wanted to finish that sentence. Mitsuko's eyes looked concerned but she gazed at Jumi first before she hurry upstairs but avoided the trail of blood, generally left at the middle of the stairs. Nall felt like it was best to stay with Jumi for now, unless she went up too where he would follow after her. As he said, she was not far ahead.

Shinigami was just up there in the hallway, laying on the floor with the blood leading to her. A few cuts could be seen on her body but nothing seemed very lethal, at least for someone like her. What little amount of clothes she had were gone. One of the frames on the wall had fallen near her, stained by blood, probably due to her own doing. "...Is she...? Nall must be wrong, right?", she wondered, looking but not getting any closer than she had to. For her, she had no idea who she had went after, which made it worse.

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Was she what?  Nall did not finish.  So Jumi could not say for sure.  Dead?  She would absolutely shocked if that was the case.  Hurt?  The blood suggested that possibility.  The question was how bad though?  It did not look like a scratch.  But could someone like her truly be in danger?

She made her way along the trail of blood, eventually to the body.  She tried to suppress her current feelings about Shinigami, not to compare her to a demon.  She did not intend to make it worse, but she was not as upset as she would be seeing a human like this.  “…If he was suggesting she might be dead, I can’t imagine that.  But it is hard to guess how hurt she is.  It does not look severe, but something caused her to collapse.  Possibly blood loss, but I have no idea, her not being a human.”

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