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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Mitsuko stared toward Shinigami who didn't seem to move, at least not much... A conflict in her mind made her unsure of what to think. On one side, Shinigami was one of their enemies and she had hurt Jumi somehow. But on the other, she was just laying there. One thing was sure, she could not ask Jumi to help her with this... She had to be strong. "A-alright... I will try to move her somewhere, maybe her bed. She would be upset after cleaning it, though... Maybe her bath, then...  You don't have to stay, Jumi...", Mitsuko told her sincerely.

Shinigami's ears seemed to twitch as they talked, before her voice could be heard. "...Can you keep it down...? I just need a rest...". Her voice seemed exhausted and she still didn't move but Mitsuko and Nall both looked surprised for a bit. Mitsuko seemed to frown after a second, though. Clearly the fox was hurt but something about her still made the valkyrie upset that she not only went somewhere after what happened with Jumi but also avoided looking at her, only to return like this. It was a lot for her, a lot that maybe Jumi had adapted to.

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Knowing she was more or less ok, caused Jumi’s displeasure to come bubbling back up.  But she was very quiet.  Speaking her mind caused all this, knowing what the creature thought about her, she was tempted to walk away, return to the couch.  Shinigami wanted them to be quiet?  Well, she did not want to talk to her right now either.  She just stood there, an unpleasant look on her face.  For now though, she just silently stared at Shinigami, the mood making her reluctant to speak to Mitsuko or Nall either.  She was not inclined to help Mitsuko.  But she did not immediately walk away, wondering if Mitsuko still intended to move her.

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Mitsuko felt lost in the moment but looking at Jumi for opinions made her get her answer before she needed to ask: Jumi still wasn't happy with that fox. With a frown on her face, she walked to Shinigami, walking a bit in the blood but at the moment, she only had one thought. "W-we thought you were dead. Well, at least I thought so...! Why did you leave like that and made Jumi upset? I wanted you both to get along, not angry at each others.", she scolded Shinigami who sighed and pushed herself up sitting, apparently with some difficulty.

Her wounds didn't look good but she wasn't begging for help. She might even have seemed a little amused by it. "Get along... With her human lectures about love...? I did not bring any of you here for such thing...", she spoke weakly with a strained voice while leaning against the wall. "I found your Lenneth, by the way. A fun and small cat girl, she is. It wasn't in her best interest to call me a dog but it wasn't in mine to underestimate her. I didn't think a toothpick would hurt this much." Mitsuko stared at her before her eyes became more upset.

There was a lot to take in... Shinigami dismissing Jumi then admitting to go after Lenneth, only to recklessly hurt herself. While unaware of what Shinigami had fully done while with Jumi, Mitsuko simply went and gave her a slap anyway, risking being killed for it and making Nall panic on his side. She felt shaken by some fear but faced her anyway, "T-this is not a way to treat us, Shinigami... You can't hurt Jumi and you can't hurt me... You're strong but I almost died to Lenneth. This is not a game... I-I thought you liked it with us.", She said and left.

A part of Mitsuko seemed hurt as well, while she just went by Jumi and Nall to return downstairs, careful not to slip, while Shinigami didn't do much to react to the slap. Her eyes would however look toward them before she would avoid looking at them altogether, just remaining there. This time again, she did not look pleased, whether it was the pain or what Mitsuko had done and said. This feeling she couldn't explain was not new to her, though. Getting up slowly, Shinigami headed down the hallway, seemingly walking toward the bathroom.

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Jumi silently listened, until Mitsuko was gone, watched Shinigami start to walk away.  She would not, could not say everything she wanted to.  But… “It wasn’t a lecture…”. She said softly, dull tone.  “You made it clear what you think of me.   I will be going back to the couch.  Neither of us want me in the bed, clearly.”  Was Shinigami capable of realizing what she did?  Would or could she care, if she did?

Whatever the case, Jumi did not wait for an answer.  She turned and walked back down the stairs.  She did not want to explore anymore, did not care who if anyone lived here before.  She would wait the days out.

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Shinigami had slowed down but didn't turn around when Jumi spoke. The only response was a kind of short "tch" sound from her before she continued on her way to the bathroom. Nall would remain flying there for a bit, watching her before he would go after Jumi. "Are we really going to leave her alone...? She could die...", he said, feeling glad that the fox at least didn't hurt Mitsuko in retaliation. The girl was waiting downstairs now, not wanting to leave Jumi alone. She knew what Jumi would say... Or she guessed. She might not care at all.

Mitsuko was at a loss but depending on what Jumi would say, she would still speak to Nall, "There's nothing we can do for her... She is not like us, Nall... Besides, death does not affect her, does it?", she asked, thinking back to what Shinigami told them before. It made her a little more upset to think of how much the fox could toy with her own life and so, with their feelings. She still was not aware of what she had done, however. Nall seemed to focus on something else while flying around them. "Well, if she dies... We would be stuck here, right?"

The question struck at least Mitsuko as she eyed Jumi silently. The fox had taken them there and she could take them back... But... What if she actually died? She didn't know where they were, IF they were anywhere at all. In Mitsuko's current knowledge, death would only be an inconvenience to her... Right? Doubt still troubled her... Would they be locked in this place if Shinigami was gone? Whether by dying or by abandoning them? The valkyrie looked at Nall with a worried face but she wouldn't respond yet, just really looking at the fairy.

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Jumi heard the sound, did not know what it meant.  In the moment she did not care.  She would see what happened later.  As far as she was concerned, it was up to Shinigami to repair the damage she did…if she cared.  She felt better with Mitsuko, but it was not something Mitsuko could fix.  Not directly at least.

She listened.  She did not like being silent with Mitsuko, but she did not want to talk about Shinigami.  She was not concerned that Shinigami could die, it certainly did not look like she was in danger.  As for their concern, it was not baseless, but how true was it?  If somehow Shinigami died, would they be stuck here.  She wondered if they really would be stuck in the house.  They might have to figure out exactly where they were, how to get back. But was it as bad as they suspected.  Not that Jumi wanted her die, the hurt was not that severe, but she was not concerned either.  Just walked and listened.

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Mitsuko had to consider things as they were and she would not subject Jumi to deal with Shinigami, whatever had happened between them. "A-alright... I... I will take care of it.", she said, uncertain, as she started to climb the stairs back up. Someone had to check on the fox. Nall's eyes widened as he panicked again, knowing where that could lead, with what she had done. "Mitsuko! She might kill you..." he cried out, looking worried. Mitsuko didn't stop but she turned to them, "You stay with her, Nall.", she ordered, having to do this alone.

If she couldn't find a stupid medkit of sort in this place, she would grab sheets and use them as bandages. Yes, she could face the possibility of Shinigami retaliating against her and this was absolutely scary to think of but it was either her risking it or possibly locking the the three of them here forever. Someone had to do something. With this motivation in mind, she would head after Shinigami. If death really was of no consequence to her, she would have tried. But if otherwise... She would help her friends. A first step into being a heroine.

Nall would just stare, obey and not move from near Jumi but he looked at her. Even he was seeing how things had turned for the worst but he had no idea of what had happened between them. He was worried for other reasons. "...Are we really letting her do this?", he asked in a whimper. Mitsuko was always throwing herself at death, or so it seemed. He focused on Jumi for now, almost begging for her help with his sad expression. He was not as included in this deal as they were but three days like this did not feel great for them at all.

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Jumi watched Mitsuko, a bit of concern.  No longer knowing how much of what the creature said was true.  But she could not step forward, could not follow.  “…I’m sorry, Nall…but I can’t face it right now.  Sometimes the littlest things hurt the most.”  The voice was still dull.  Should she have reacted like this?  Shinigami was right, she was weak.  She was no longer certain about anything related to her.  That if she went to the bedroom, would Shinigami treat her like those other demons had?  Without a strong apology or apologetic gesture, any sex right now would be Shinigami raping her.  It no longer felt impossible.

”She told you to stay with me, I appreciate it.  But if you are worried, go see Mitsuko.  Tell her I insisted, if she complains.”  She gave Nall the choice, which girl he would stay with.

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Nall sighed to the response he got, feeling worried about all of this. "B-but...", he started then just looked gloomy, knowing he didn't have the power to change her mind. Their fate was resting on the survival of that fox and only Mitsuko risked being killed to help it. He didn't know how bad Jumi was hurt though but a lot was at stake and this conflict was not going to make their days easier. As Jumi spoke again, Nall felt his heart twist inside... He could not face Mitsuko and tell her that he left her alone. She asked him to stay with her... He'd obey.

"I can't... I would not stop anything if that fox decided to kill her.", he simply said, defeated. He would be useless if she was attacked, probably putting himself in danger as well. It wasn't good. At the same time, She did not look capable of attacking anything right now. Underestimating her would be a mistake, though. Or so Nall thought. Whatever was going to happen up there with Shinigami was not going to be all sunshine and rainbows. "W-what are you going to do, then?", he suddenly asked the fairy, curious about what even was her plan.

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Jumi rested her forehead against the wall.  “We are here because we were powerless even in the convention hall.  There was an army of Magical Girls and Knights there, and it still would not have been enough…not without losing far too many at least.”  If Shinigami faced Lenneth, she presumably reclaimed her power first.  Seemed like she would have been worse off otherwise.  Jumi truly was not worried that Shinigami was in any real danger.  As for Mitsuko, she felt some concern, but could she do?  If Shinigami did try something, it was not like she could stop it.

”…I get it, I look pathetic right now…the veteran Magical Girl, reduced to this…”.  She sighed.  “I don’t know.  Maybe Mitsuko can slap some sense into it…I don’t know if it can care…not as different from a demon as I hoped…”. Crawl back to the couch, sleep.  That’s what she wanted to do…though for now she stood in the hall.

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Nall blinked to the first affirmation. He was there, sure, but he did not exactly know the power levels in play. Was that ONE fox really as powerful as Jumi was making it sounds? At the same time, Lenneth was not a gift to fight either. But still... Shinigami did not seem like the immortal kind, with what state he had seen her in. Still, Nall remained close to the fairy quietly until she would speak again. However, Jumi would only beat herself down, which made Nall a little sad, despite the fact he didn't know her that well yet.

Nall would fly around her to her other side slowly, "You don't look pathetic... You look, weeell...", he seemed to blush before he shook his head, "Look, it's okay to be scared. I'm scared, too. For Mitsuko, or of not finding fish to eat... You know? You both saved everyone from the big scary girl, didn't you?", he asked so casually but meant well, continuing, "I think she is different from a demon... She's scary but demons have looong claws and creepy eyes. Mitsuko said that she is soft and warm... A bit like me.", he joked a little.

He was not sure of what to think of Shinigami himself but Jumi looked exhausted, conflicted, overall different from when she saw her in the kitchen and before that. Moving closer to her head but not pushing himself onto her, he hesitated before he spoke, "Mitsuko needs you... She said that meeting with you changed her life. You two are friends, right? I saw you sleep together but I didn't want to bother so I went under the couch.", he explained his location. "Two girls sleeping in the same bed means no boys allowed."

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If Jumi was in a better mood, she might have teased Nall about that first comment.  She was sure Nall had no sexual attraction to her, couldn’t have done anything, even if he did, but if a human had said something like that it could easily have interpreted a certain way.  She did appreciate his attempt to cheer her up, though so far it had not been very effective,

It was not fear technically stopping her.  It was true, she did not think they could fight her, if she was out to kill.  But it was pain that stopped her.  In someways she looked like a hurt girlfriend, especially since she was naked, but this was something more…pure?  A damaged trust, intensified by her feelings about demons.  Well maybe there was fear, not of her or Mitsuko being killed, but of Shinigami treating her like that.  “I wanted to believe she was…but you did not hear her words…I care about Mitsuko…but…”.  What could she do to help.  Ironically the Rie of all people would be the most help here.  What would she even do up there?  She was not even sure exactly how much Mitsuko was doing or trying to do.

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Nall tilted his head as Jumi spoke her feelings, "You're right, I didn't hear her words but why are you worried about that mean fox's words, anyway? You care about Mitsuko but you're not with her right now. Me neither but I'm too small to help her. Besides, she asked me to stay with you.", he said afterwards, pouting and starting to lose hope with how things were going. This mess with this unruly host was going to get them killed or worse. Already that Shinigami shamelessly left her own blood stains everywhere.

Mitsuko could be heard shouting from one of the rooms but it didn't sound like a panicked scream or anything. What was happening was not exactly clear but Nall only looked more and more annoyed with Jumi not doing anything. Granted, their situation was not looking pretty but he had expected more of a fight from them. Nobody else was going to save them, if he understood things correctly. Nall himself was powerless to do anything except normally being there for the keeper of the sword. This wasn't good.

As he looked gloomy again, Nall gave up for now and flew to the nearby stairs to land on a step, avoiding the blood. He would do nothing but what Mitsuko had asked out of him; watching Jumi quietly with his red eyes. Thankfully, he was not hungry but he did not really think that she was going to stay around for long anyway. In fact, the two had barely eaten anything since their arrival. This was another problem. Nall felt helpless trying to help them. He would have to have them eat something soon, somehow.

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There were deep issues here.  Jumi did not care so much about what Shinigami thought or felt as a person.  The problem was encouraging her not to care might lead Jumi back to thinking all demons were the same.  Did Nall care about that?  She did not know.  Did Mitsuko care?  Earlier she might have, but now she was not sure what Mitsuko thought about Shinigami.  Whether she was angry in the moment, or it was something deeper.

Now Nall was getting annoyed, she could tell.  Didn’t he understand?  Had he never felt anything like this, one reason or another?  That it was counterproductive?  If that was the only thing she was aware of, it just might have hurt more, made her more unwilling to move.  But then she heard Mitsuko’s yelling.  She strained her ears, trying to figure out if she could hear it from here.  She was presumably yelling at Shinigami, but what was she saying.

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Despite the fact that Mitsuko could be heard shouting once, her voice had been muffled by the door that was between her and them. Shinigami herself did not make herself heard and Mitsuko's voice would not be heard again for the moment. Nall would try and stay still on the step for now, observing the struggling girl who he didn't want to bother too much for the time being. He already had tried to talk to her without much success. There was little to add that would change this outcome if she didn't really want to hear any of it

In a way, he could see why Mitsuko had asked him to keep an eye on Jumi, whether she knew or not what Nall was signing up for. He didn't know her past but a strong or fearsome enemy was not exactly something new to him. How Shinigami had treated her or Mitsuko was something he couldn't understand fully in this situation but he tried to remain positive on the matter of their survival. He guessed, with the way Jumi seemed to hate the fox now, that their priority would be to make sure that she would end going back home.

Nall, however, felt like if these girls didn't eat anything, they probably would not make it to the end of that deal. Hesitating a little, he would take off and approach the fairy. "I know it's not the right time but are you not getting hungry yet? Even a small body like mine has to eat every now and then. You and Mitsuko are going to starve if you keep going like this...", he said with his concerned expression. If he could not encourage her to help Mitsuko somehow, maybe he could encourage her to at least eat something, for her sake.

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Hearing Mitsuko yell, curiosity over what it was about, had stirred something in Jumi.  Wondering whether she should move.  The fact there was no other sound, from either Mitsuko or Shinigami meant it was probably not an emergency.  Not in the sense either of them had to move this second at least.  Then she heard Nall’s suggestion.  It was true.  They were about to consider eating, when Mitsuko made the suggestion that accidentally led to all this.  Mitsuko was probably hungry too.

Jumi lifted her head from the wall.  Eating and sleeping had been her plan until the three days were over, whether that might change or not.  Even if she was going to do anything.  She should probably eat first, consider bringing Mitsuko food, if she decided to go up.

She glanced at Nall, turned, nodded and slowly walked back towards the food they had seen earlier.  She did not know if it would make her feel any better.  But it was something, and she was hungry, like he said.

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Nall smiled that his suggestion got Jumi to react toward wanting to eat. Mitsuko would need to eat as well but that was for soon or later. Flying after her, Nall remained close to the fairy for the time being until the reached to the kitchen. The place was old, as they could have seen before, but the food storage(s) contained enough food to last for a while and all of it was surprisingly fresh. Jumi could find a bit of whatever she liked. Surprisingly, there were tools that she could cook with as well if she required something more than raw products.

Nall, being a simple cat, just really went to pick up a few things he could put his teeth on for the sake of just filling an empty spot. Sure, it was concerning that Mitsuko was by herself but a part of Nall was sure that she would be alright for now. He would stay sharp in case he heard any concerning noises, though. For now, he would certain enjoy to see the girl eat something. His eyes sometimes eyeing the girl's body but usually not staring too long. Whether he would admit it or not, something about Jumi definitely was pretty to look at.

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Jumi did not have the energy to make anything complicated.  Nothing that required cooking or other work.  She gathered a few simple quick easy things.  Set them on a table.  She ate fairly quickly, not overly rushing but not taking her time either.  It would not take her very long to eat, not that tended to be the sort to go out to eat.  Sure, she enjoyed a good tasting meal, but rarely spent a great deal of time eating.  Would she try something more for Mitsuko, maybe put just a little work into it.  But there was not time to be too elaborate, and it was not something she was really an expert in.  But for now, she ate.

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Nall kept observing Jumi and at least had the pleasure to see her eat something. He would also eat enough to fill himself before he would sit and wait, having planned to help her somehow if she wanted to do something for Mitsuko as well. With hunger out of the way, it would be easier for them to think more clearly. "We have to take something for Mitsuko to eat, too. Are you going to be okay?", he asked her after a moment. "We don't know if she is alright but that fox probably won't hurt her... Not if what she said about her is true.", he said in reference to what he spoke about before. He figured that if Shinigami wanted to hurt Mitsuko, she would have done so already, especially with the slap the girl gave her.

Still, he thought wise to at least check on her, more so because of the time she was taking with her up there. Nall would wait patiently for Jumi to be done, first. They probably would not cook anything but the abundance of food allowed for something good to pick up and bring, which Jumi would have to do as Nall was not exactly capable of carrying anything with his small legs. He "could" carry something in his mouth with his bite, though. It just had to be light enough for him. While he waited, Nall tried not too stare too much at Jumi. Even for him, there was still a certain uneasiness with staring at the body of a woman. More so with one he did not know that well yet, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

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Jumi silently ate some more, enough to get her full enough.  Would she be okay?  That was a difficult to answer.  She really did not want to do this.  But Mitsuko did need food.  Needed to be checked on.  It was the one with her she really did not want to deal with.  Hopefully Shinigami was unconscious or something, she did not have to deal with looking at her or interacting with her, hearing more of what the creature thought about her.  The mood on her face was not very pleasant as she took her last bites, considered that question.  "I don't know."  She honestly answered the first question.  While looking over the various remaining food, her mind a little too out of it to decide what to actually take.  Also not having spent enough time with Mitsuko yet to know what she like most.  It was another difficult question, though not as hard as the question of going upstairs.  The uncertainty and frustration, probably visible on her face.

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Nall watched the girl's state deteriorate more and more... Whatever had happened between her and the fox was destroying her more than anyone expected. For someone who was so daring to follow Mitsuko as a prisoner of such a terrible foe at first, Jumi looked like she was losing herself little by little. No wonder Mitsuko had asked her to stay with her. He gave a small sigh but just sat there, giving her the time she needed. Trying to force her to do something she didn't like or want would only make everything worse... for everyone.

Visibly, Jumi didn't only struggle but faced an inside conflict of unknown proportions. Such a consequence was not what he thought would happen from a soft and warm creature... But he didn't know what exactly she could have done to her. Words hurt, certainly, but this was a distressful change of emotional state. Jumi was not in any state to make a serious decision at all, let alone a decision in general. Nall would stand up and go pick some food that might be good for a human and brought them back to nearby Jumi's location quietly.

She would find some basic but nutritious food put close to her. Fruits, mostly. An apple, a pear, a banana, some pieces of bread. Other things of the kind that Nall could easily carry with his teeth. Jumi was not meant to carry them all if she didn't want to but just a few of what she thought may be enough. Nall would then sit there, waiting. He could see her expression and so, he would not say anything. A part of him hoped he would somehow manage to make her feel better but right now, it was best to let her figuring things on her own...

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Jumi did not feel like she had gotten worse, though it was not easy to prepare herself for what she knew she had to do.  If there was any new issue it was that, and frustration over the food choice.

Would she go back to her old self?  Hopefully.  At least something close to it, but it depended partially on how the remaining days went.  Mostly what Shinigami did, though, Mitsuko and Nall could help.  With a sigh, she stood up, gathered as much as she could into her hands.

This was more for Mitsuko, she was not eager to see. Shinigami, though that was probably unavoidable, as she slowly walked back in the direction Mitsuko had gone, listening for any sound.

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Nall proceeded to follow her, taking off after soon after she started leaving. As they both headed to the stairs first, they went back up to the 2nd floor, avoiding the trails of blood still there. The large spot left by Shinigami was unavoidable to miss but it continued to the bathroom a little further. The door was closed but no sounds came loud enough for them to hear. Only when close to the door, Mitsuko's voice would be heard from inside, "...~are a real handful, don’t you?", the voice said in a bit of exasperation, apparently being a question.

Shinigami would not answer. Instead, Mitsuko continued, "You would be in a worse state if I didn't wrap these around you... Why did you make this so difficult?", she asked, only then to hear the fox reply, seemingly still with an exhausted voice, "...It's not a human's business to take care of me." Mitsuko however, seemed irritated as she replied, "It's not what I heard when we bathed... You liked us taking care of you..." Shinigami, however, didn't respond, not vocally at least. Nall blinked as Mitsuko seemed to be alright but he would look at Jumi.

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Jumi paused at the door.  She really wished Shinigami had been either asleep or unconscious.  She was going to have to deal with it one way or another after all.  But with that tone…maybe she would fall asleep soon…if her presence did not change anything.  Reluctantly, she did her best to open the door, with hands full of food.  She took a few steps in, but looked down at the food, rather than looking over.  “We brought food, Mitsuko.”  She said softly.  In a fairly flat tone, not especially happy or sad.  Waiting for a hopefully happy reaction from Mitsuko, trying not to think about how the creature might react.

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Nall would come in right after Jumi, seeing Mitsuko in the bath with Shinigami. This time, the bath didn't have as much water as there was during their official bath. The voice of Jumi made Mitsuko look behind at them and blush slightly, with the fact she was trying to clean the fox up in a more "wound cleaning" fashion than an actual bath, leaving the fox wrapped by bed sheets in some parts. While they bathed in more or less tainted water, Mitsuko made sure to drain the water while she was cleaning the wounded fox.

"Oh... Jumi. Thank you... This should be good for the both of us. Shinigami needs to get her strength back as well.", she said before turning to Shinigami and finishing another rinse before she would leave her be for now. Standing up, she would then leave the bath carefully and grab a tower to dry herself. After she headed to them, she smiled to Nall. "Thank you for keeping an eye on her.", she told him then looked at Jumi herself. "I don't get why she... I-I mean, are you alright, Jumi...?", she asked after noticing her state.

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