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Hmm. Depends what kind of information. An asset must be something that helps overcome this scene. 

There're a couple of ways to create an asset. Spending PP gives you a d6 asset that only helps out in the current scene. No test required

You can perform a test to create an asset, given that the method makes sense. Which I think it does. In this case the asset is the size of the effect die. Failure would probably mean you take more stress as the vines keep fucking your character. It's a little unclear the duration, but information might be good for the entire adventure. I dunno.

You can choose.


So arousal goes up to a d12. If it's already at 12 and you take more you're stressed out. It means you're removed from the scene. How that plays out depends on the scene. However after that we cut to a new scene where you are recovering from the aftermath.

Your arousal is set to the effect die of the difficulty roll. If the effect dice is equal or less your arousal is stepped up instead.

Your arousal is stepped down by one during exploration or transitional scenes. 

Nudity works mostly the same. Expect you can't take more nudity at a d12. As that is but naked. And you don't recover it during slower scenes unless there's an in universe reason for it.


So whenever I set the difficulty I roll a dice pool just like you. I use the dice in the crisis pool and doom pool. As well as stress if relevant. It doesn't really concern you. It's just to give you an idea of the threat. 

In this case I rolled a 1 on a d6 from the crisis pool, a 2 on another d6 from your arousal and a 3 on the d10 from the doom pool. 

I cannot use the 1 for anything so it gives me a total of 5 with a default effect of d4.


When rolling. You get to pick one of the dice to be an effect dice. The result of the dice doesn't matter, only the type.

It isn't used in every tests. But, for example when you made that asset. I picked a d10 to by your effect die, and therefore the size of the asset is a d10.

When rolling against a crisis pool. The effect die decides how much of the crisis pool you remove. If the effecf die is larger than a dice in the crisis pool. That die is removed from the crisis pool. If the effect die is equal or smaller a die in the crisis pool is stepped down.

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