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3 hours ago, roll to seduce said:

Part of me wants to just play a brash dwarf with a big sword. Dwarf Fighter or barbarian maybe.

Though, human bard or rogue could be fun as a more charming character. 

Enchantment wizard might be especially devious. Something monstrous like goblin.

all sounds very exciting! im very partial to goblins, altho an enchantment wizard would be 2014 content. i'd be happy to do a little bit of house ruling to bring it up to 2024 standards if you're interested in going that route!

17 minutes ago, WickedCadrach said:

I went with elf partly because it was a safe choice, but it doesn't spoil the sexiness for me if you go with any of the more iffy ones. Thinking about it, the only two you list that I haven't had some level of enjoyment with in the past are halfling and gnome. 

The others can speak for themselves, but I give a thumbs up to any race you want to play 😁👍

i agree! im open minded about character species, i think the only thing that cause me concern would be something like insectoid creatures


With the fact that we have a life cleric, we have the healer nailed down atleast. 

With this being a dungeon module we probably want some way to open locked doors/containers

And some degree of a front line would probably be good...

Currently im thinking a harengon since they have a solid initiative/mobility tool which seems extra valuable for one person to have high, and possibly leaning into that as an assassin rogue or maybe gloomstalker(if that books available)

Theres also a few fun options with the high initiative mindset to try and play as a buffing wizard/sorcerer...

A few options related to being a back line blaster/DPS...

Alternatively if people are feeling freekier i did say im fairly flexible in terms of what races i play. Im not double checking the books right now but plasmoid, centaur, satyr... basically anything in the exotic or monsterous categories are all races i would enjoy playing if theres particular intrest in one of them.

If anyone has requests, please, i need to narrow down options atm xD

6 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

With the fact that we have a life cleric, we have the healer nailed down atleast. 

With this being a dungeon module we probably want some way to open locked doors/containers

And some degree of a front line would probably be good...

Currently im thinking a harengon since they have a solid initiative/mobility tool which seems extra valuable for one person to have high, and possibly leaning into that as an assassin rogue or maybe gloomstalker(if that books available)

Theres also a few fun options with the high initiative mindset to try and play as a buffing wizard/sorcerer...

A few options related to being a back line blaster/DPS...

Alternatively if people are feeling freekier i did say im fairly flexible in terms of what races i play. Im not double checking the books right now but plasmoid, centaur, satyr... basically anything in the exotic or monsterous categories are all races i would enjoy playing if theres particular intrest in one of them.

If anyone has requests, please, i need to narrow down options atm xD

harengon is in the content list, assassin and gloomstalker are both in 2024 phb, plasmoid is not within the content list, but centaur and satyr are!


ok, anything in particular there or otherwise that you as a person find sexually interesting or engaging or the opposite for that matter? im equal parts trying to build a functional character and trying to gauge others interest in the more sexual side of the RP.

last thing I want is to be left out of anything lewd since a harengon is basically a bunny girl and some people actively don't like furies sexually as an example X.x


Hmm. Okay, I'll move away from wizard to glamour bard instead, as bard seems to also be full casters in 5e. I'll keep it as goblin.

Alternatively, if our cleric is going more backline, big axe dwarf barbarian or fighter might be more fun. 

Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

ok, anything in particular there or otherwise that you as a person find sexually interesting or engaging or the opposite for that matter? im equal parts trying to build a functional character and trying to gauge others interest in the more sexual side of the RP.

last thing I want is to be left out of anything lewd since a harengon is basically a bunny girl and some people actively don't like furies sexually as an example X.x

i'm open minded with such things, and a bunny girl is totally acceptable for me and NPCs will certainly engage! in terms of what im looking for, mostly to have some diversity within the party in terms of what you play and what you desire, so that something close to the full range of NPCs are available/interesting as romance options!

16 minutes ago, roll to seduce said:

Hmm. Okay, I'll move away from wizard to glamour bard instead, as bard seems to also be full casters in 5e. I'll keep it as goblin.

Alternatively, if our cleric is going more backline, big axe dwarf barbarian or fighter might be more fun. 

in terms of party balance, what i'll mention is that there are opportunities to add certain NPCs to the party temporarily or potentially even permanently if you make an impression on them. so if the party is missing something, there's a way to get more of that thing! that being said, NPCs who join the party likely wont scale in power so they may eventually become less impactful relative to the challenges you face.


Edited by NewHere

Soo no sexual preference from the DM excluding keep it diverse for the character list... which seems fairly easy as im not looking at elf, dwarf, or goblins currently which are what the other two seem to be eyeing, and since im trying to avoid the classes others want... im going to probably end up fairly different just because of how i approach character creation 

@roll to seduce @WickedCadrach either of you have race/character/personality requests for this? Im prone to decision paralysis during character creation because i like too many options xD if you can tell me a fetish or desire you want added to the party ill try and work it in to guide my character 


Sneaky sexy bunny girl rogue is something I'd like. It's best not to get to complex at the start, because figuring out things in play is an important aspect of the game.

I would like a balanced party, despite balance being less important in 5e. Mostly because it sucks for the dm to have to manage extra DMPCs since as far as i remember, 5e doesn't handle hireling very well.

Posted (edited)

Yes, ☝️If you are feeling harengon, I'm down to have anthros in the party. A rogue without a front liner to get the flank might be rough though. 

I was, thinking backline support for my cleric, but if we're thinking party needs, I would be down to go paladin and share some front line duties. 

Something like: a) rogue + barbarian + cleric (or) b) rogue + bard + paladin 

Does that make sense? 

Edit: I'm not sure how rough it would be to roll with rogue + bard + cleric, but if that works for the group, I'm down to do it. 


Edited by WickedCadrach

ah, I missed that detail. gotcha

as a aside, since it seems like both of you like the sexy bunny hunny rouge angle, ill lean into that... currently looking at the party and the 2024 classes im thinking ill go with the Thief subclass, especially since we are a little light on the magic user side of things, having someone who can use wands, scrolls, and the like feels rather nice


1st level with your standard starting equipment and setup!

sounds good! so we have a big muscle barbarian, a cleric of the goddess of beauty/love, and a sexy honey bunny!

no problem with me if you decide to change anything from now, but it's good to have an idea of composition. we'll just need sheets and preferences from everyone. do we think that can be done by end of friday so we can start next weekend, or do you need more time than that?


... Im thinking of making a harengon illusionist wizard, leaning into the stage magician aesthetic crossed with the magicians assistant and rabbit in their hat. grabbing either charlatan or criminal and playing it as closer to a con artist, grabbing some lock picking in the process, with the spell knock as a fall back... she definitely would not immediately land on the "good" portion of the alignment chart, but I also dont think she hits "evil"... I frankly think she falls under the true neutral banner for her alignment, or possibly lawful neutral/evil depending on how her... currently... petty crimes and the like are seen, she wont hurt those who cant afford to loose what she takes, but she will take what she can steal safely without ruining the marks life or livelihood...

as for why she is joining along for this particular journey? she see's this as the chance for a lovely scam, well she is on this journey she will be seen by the common folk as a potential hero!... with all the perks of being revered and respected coming with it. letting her make some coin along the way, if we succeed the benefits and the pay should be enough for her to live comfortably for awhile, and if it doesnt succeed? well theres nothing stopping her from getting away, leaving the area, and pretending this never happened down the line! she just needs to avoid getting.. too attached to her new traveling companions... ;3

if backgrounds matter past that, im leaving it as a simple case of a wizard dropout who started using her powers for the greater good... that greater good being to line her own pockets, she was smart and academically was doing quite well at the wizard college, the issue was her tendency to retaliate against those who caused problems for her or her friends rather... explosively...

im going for a cold, mildly bitchy character whom once she opens up and starts liking you would basically fight the world if it meant keeping you safe... she may never tell you she likes you, but once she does like you, you will be safe, she will make sure of it.

  • Love 1
Posted (edited)

I'll play a shirtless dwarf. Stormcloud tattoos covering his entire body. Huge hammer. Short well kept hair and beard to not cover up his tattoos. I'm going zealot and follower of Talos.

Outside battle he'll be warm and friendly. He doesn't believe in fate or the future, so he lives his life like every day is his last. 

He probably went to Chult on a whim. Having no loyalty to land or people he boarded a ship as a worker for some gold, or maybe even as a pirate for the excitement. Following leads to more exciting and thrilling adventures.

Is there a mercenary background. I'd probably go for that.

Edited by roll to seduce
  • Love 1

i've wanted to see an illusionist wizard ever since i saw the new version, so it'll be exciting to see her in play! and a zealot barb will be very useful in chult im sure.

in terms of your backgrounds/motivations, neither have any issues so feel free to go ahead with them! my only recommendation would be that your characters will be willingly putting themselves into an extreme amount of danger in the setting, and if they're the type to do that on a whim then cool, but if you want to tie a personal connection to Syndra (the patron of your expedition and someone suffering from the death curse) or the death curse in general, that might be helpful for your own character motivation. again, we can proceed without it if you don't think you'll need that and are more happy to just go with the flow and not be concerned as much about linking yourself into the campaign.


Not really sure how i would want to work in the death curse angle, currently im planning for my girl to get attached to the party, to the point where shes here more to keep them safe rather then her initial motives, selfish start to a selfless end kind of angle..

If one of the party is invested shes going to hit a point where shes invested in helping them, even if shes a standoffish bitch to start


I think my elf cleric will be fresh from the temple, and I'll lean into her naive inexperience as a personal obstacle. Her upbringing in the temple of Sune will also give her some initial biases that beautiful = good and ugly = corrupt, and experience will have to teach her different. 

For backstory connections, I'm thinking her mother was killed when she was young, but her father obtained a resurrection for his wife by calling in a favor from Syndra (perhaps they knew each other from long ago when Syndra adventured still). Syndra then pulled strings with the temple of Sune to make the resurrection happen. As a spare child, her aristocratic father gave her to the temple of Sune as an act of piety in thanks for his wife's resurrection. 

She learned the temple's doctrines and practices regarding beauty, love, and pleasure for years, and now that she's an adult, she's been sent out on pilgrimage to put her talents into practical use: to bring Sune's beauty to the world, to see what new pleasures the world offers that she may bring back to the temple, and to test herself against the ugliness and suffering of the world. But while on her pilgrimage, she learned of the curse and knows that her resurrected mother also suffers. She knows about Syndra from her father's stories and sought her out to offer whatever skill she has to the expedition Syndra has planned. She's not only going to save her mother but because such ugly suffering is marring the beauty of the world and she feels a strong compulsion to stop it if she can. 

(First idea and totally open to notes)


Let's see here. I'm just gonna write down my choices:

Grom the clanless

Dwarf Barbarian


16 13 16 10 12 8

Skills profs:

Perception, Survival, Intimidation, Athletics

Tools profs:


Weapon Mastery:

Maul, Javelin

Origin Feat: Tough


Common, Dwarven, Giant


Maul, 4 Javelins, backpack, 2 potions of healing, 11 gold coins.

After arriving to Chult, he was dared by Syndra to face the death curse. Of course he's no pussy so he dropped everything to join her expedition. 

Notable details about the sheet. Being a tough dwarf barbarian with 16 con we end up with an amazing 18hp at level one, though he only has 14 ac.

He's bi, though has a preference for femininity.

For kinks, he's into fancy folk in complicated outfits. It's something about tearing off expensive clothing that turns him on. He's also into risk, so he's aroused by dangerous or risky situation.

Limits: I'd prefer if we stayed away from blood and gore. I'd also like to keep anatomies somewhat realistic. Though I can tolerate that being stretched by the use of magic.

  • Woohoo 1
Posted (edited)

I'm going to follow Roll's lead here, and I'm on board with the limits and preferences you mentioned. 

Inoria Val'Beacent
High Elf - Cleric of Sune

S -  D  -  C  -  I  - W - Ch
8 - 14 - 12 - 10 - 17 - 14

AC: 15  HP: 9

Skills: Religion, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion
Tools: Calligrapher's Supplies

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic

Obvious Gear: Traveler's Clothes, Holy Symbol of Sune, Lyre, Dagger, Sling + bullet pouch, Backpack, Blanket, Rope, Waterskin

Orientation: Bi with no obvious preference

Description: Light skin, slender, waist-length golden hair, orange-gold irises, fair-elven features. Inoria wears well-kept travel leathers, keeps her hair in a tight braid, and wears breeches when she's journeying. She wears flowing red and white Sunite robes for rest and when spending time in towns and cities.

Link to the full sheet: 

Link to Kinks/Limits (Note these are my relevant preferences and not necessarily Inoria's - nor is it a list of demands, 😉 )


Edited by WickedCadrach

both look great!

for inoria, as she's a high elf i'd reccomend checking out the new true strike! can be quite a nice damage cantrips for primary casters like clerics, altho all the classically useful wizard cantrips are also there ^^

for grom i love that he's arriving with no clothes at all 😄 and 18 hp is great! dwarf/barb is fantastic for that.

3 hours ago, NewHere said:

for inoria, as she's a high elf i'd reccomend checking out the new true strike! can be quite a nice damage cantrips for primary casters like clerics, altho all the classically useful wizard cantrips are also there ^^

Wow! Yeah, I didn't realize how different it was. That definitely opens the door to use some weapons I wouldn't otherwise as well.

3 hours ago, roll to seduce said:

 And anything giving protection is for cowards.


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