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Fluffy greets

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Hi there! 

So i've been here for about a month now, i've gotten my profile set up, made a thread and wrote down my roleplay preferences, however because of recent happenings i haven't gotten the chance to introduce myself. This whole Corona-crisis has made everything a bit hectic and i didn't have much time to come online.


I go by Floof, Floofypoof, SoftBoyFloof.. there's a lot of floof. However, @Floofenstein is the real, first Floof. Therefor i'm the second Floof (unless there are more Floofs here). I have accepted my place in this Floofy society. 😂   You can also call me Killian, which is my real name. I'm fine with anything to be honest. Nicknames are fun too.

I'm from Belgium, that one small country in Europe. It's nice here. We have chocolate and fries.. yes, French fries are actually from Belgium, which seems to confuse a lot of people. Belgium in general is quite confusing; we're divided into 2 parts: Flanders and Wallonia. We speak Flemish (sort of Dutch) in Flanders and French in Wallonia.. And then there's also this tiny German part somewhere. Like i said, confusing.

I love drawing and writing. I've been drawing since i was a little kid. I've been following animation classes for 8 years or so. I make stop-motion videos, try a bit of digital animating. However because of Corona that has been cancelled.. I can still draw and animate at home, but it's much more fun to do it together with my friends. I draw both traditionally and digitally but i struggle a lot with my art, i'm a perfectionist and i'm never satisfied with what i draw, which is why i rarely put my art on any social media as well. Sad times man.. I usually draw humans, it's been a long long time since i've drawn any furries or animals.

I love gaming! I'm a PC gamer. I play a lot of overwatch, but games like minecraft never stop entertaining me. I'm a minecraft veteran and i'm proud. I always play with friends, it's more fun to play like that. Unless it's a single player game of course.. but i often just call with friends to have some company when i'm playing single player games.

I like music too, my favorite band is Imagine Dragons, my favorite singer is Melanie Martinez. I was lucky to still have the opportunity to go to her concert before the lockdown of my country.. That was quite the experience. I play the piano, i've taken lessons for 2 years, then i quit because my teacher was all about those 'classical songs' which aren't bad to be fair, but i wanted to play more pop songs, so i simply used youtube tutorials to help me out because i already had the basics of playing the piano. I try to sing every now and then too but let's just say that's not my greatest talent.

What else is there to say..

Oh! I love animals. I have 6 chickens and one dog. I love chickens a lot to be fair. A lot of people think they're 'just' chickens you know, people usually don't see chickens the same as a pet dog, but those little birds do mean a lot to me.  I love them. My dog is a good boy. He's 8 years old, but still thinks he's a puppy which is adorable.

My other hobbies are fitness and mermaiding. I've always been very insecure about myself and my body, but i've told myself i just need to do what i want to do. So i bought myself a merman tail and went swimming. It's honestly an amazing hobby, i love it. I went to a diving center every now and then, swimming together with fish and other mermaids and merman. I'm proud of myself for actually starting up this hobby.

Of course i love writing too, i got into roleplaying when i was around 12 or so, when i was on an online platform with animals and such and i saw how people were roleplaying. Slowly i grew up, my writing skills became better (so did my English because it's not my first language) and here i am!

I guess that's it. What a beautiful introduction

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Hey there! I think I've actually said hello to you on a status somewhere (probably the one where Floofenstein was messing with you tbh) but I figured I'd jump in on the formal introduction thread as well. You seem to have the site mechanics pretty well down, so I'll just say I hope you have a good time here ^^

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Hiya Floofy~! ^-^ Welcome to EcchiDreams! I’m glad to see that you took the time to write up an introduction post on the forums! Sorry to hear that the whole COVID-19 situation has created some stress… I think more-or-less everyone on Earth is feeling tense and on-edge about it all, so I don’t blame you if you have felt overwhelmed by how crazy it’s all been. >.<

Ooh, Belgium is a country I have heard a bit about here and there! Well, mostly just Brussels and things that have gone on there before, but I know a bit about Belgium too. It’s a fairly small country, but if we’re including all the tiny principalities and microstates around Europe, then there’s quite a few places that Belgium is bigger than! Sorry if I got carried away there …I like my geography, heheh. ^^; I’m guessing the German-speaking part of it is Eupen-Malmedy, in eastern Belgium? (Totally didn’t Google that. x//P)

It’s great to hear that you draw, and it’s always good to have that creative outlet… especially during times like this where isolation can lead to chronic boredom. Drawing can be very tricky though, and sometimes it’s just impossible to have something look perfect. …That’s why I always label any art that I do as “experimental” so that it can be badly done on purpose! 😂 Bad me, I know… TwT

But still, it would be nice to see some of your work if you ever felt like sharing them one day. No pressure to do so though! Only if you feel like it. We have a Creative Corner for all art and art-related stuff, which you can find here!

PC games, woo! Minecraft is such a wonderful game~ 😊 do you tend to play with friends on survival, creative, or more on online PvP servers and stuff? :3 I have a long history with that game as well… ❤️

Ahh, music is always good too. 😇🎶 I’ve heard Imagine Dragons before and always liked their song “Radioactive”. If you’re into music, you might like some of the music posted here and you’re welcome to post some songs you like there too!

I might be getting too carried away with this reply post. xD So, I’ll wrap it up here and just say lastly that if you need help with anything or have any questions, you are more than welcome to reach out to a staff member or ask around the community. Staff have
purple names, that way you’ll know it’s us! A full list of us can be found here.

And with that, I hope you enjoy your time Dreaming with us. n.n Good luck out there~!


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Yes i do think you've commented on that status. Thank you again!



My geography isn't that great.. even when it comes down to my own country xD. There's a lot of nice things about Belgium. Even if it's small, there are a lot of things to enjoy.. especially brussel's waffles. I have a feeling i talk a lot about food when it comes to Belgium and it's specialties. But food is nice in general.

Sometimes i make art of roleplays i really enjoy, perhaps if i ever make something again i can post it ^^ I usually make a sketch using my pencil and a paper, then color it in digitally. However i've been looking for new brushes to use on my program but it's a bit of an experiment so i have no idea how everything will turn out. It's always a surprise! 😂

I'm a huge fan of the basic survival, it has always entertained me. I'm a builder so i love putting a lot of effort into houses/bases, adding a lot of details, which is why it takes a long time before i ever finish the game. However creative is nice to, sometimes i build a few things on creative with friends. I've recently downloaded a big modpack called RLCraft and it basically makes the game 10x harder, so many new mobs, new items. I don't think i've ever died this much. Even though it might make the game hard, it does make it more fun too!

Thank you for the warm welcome! ♥


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oh! properly welcome, then! Glad you've stuck around and are enjoying yourself!

i don't think many artists are super satisfied with what they make, from what i've read. But that just means you always keep improving instead of going "eh, good enough"

Also, hard games are fun games o.o (says the one who's presently enjoying run number three or whatever on dark souls 3)

hope you keep having fun here with us!

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  • Community Administrator

Hello and welcome to EcchiDreams! It's nice to finally get introduced! 

I've been to Belgium! Granted this was years ago back when I was still a young'un. It was a school trip, visiting the Trenches. I never got to actually see them, since it was raining really hard on the day and the teachers didn't want to risk us slipping. Which was a shame, since I wanted to see them. At least I got a nice massive bar of chocolate from it xP So I guess it wasn't all bad, I guess? XD

Sorry to hear that your classes have been cancelled. That sucks, but not the first time I've heard of classes been cancelled. I'm not much of a drawer myself, but I have done one single piece of digital art and that was basically doing a planet in a nebula with a star. It wasn't bad but I think I have potential there although @XenoSera improved the image to the point where I was actually happy with it lol

I like gaming too! Even if I'm very bad at it lol But I've been playing Minecraft for a long time, too. My brother bought me an account on my eighteenth birthday when it was still in BETA. It's my most played game, for sure. @Sunstone made a Minecraft thread, so feel free to check it out and share any stories/builds you have. Would love to see what you've built!

I like music as well. I often sit there and listen to music while doing various shit like posting, or playing games. I can't play any instruments, though. I'm not that musically inclined ^^;

I don't think having chickens as pets is weird. Not at all. I used to have a friend who had snails as pets and thought that they were the cutest things ever. Not only that, but some people keep ants as pets and think they're cute. I think of chickens as slightly unusual, but not weird in the slightest xD; 

Anyway, hope to see you around the site. If you need any help, or just have a question, please don't hesitate to contact a member of staff!

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  • Community Administrator

Hello and welcome to EcchiDreams, @FloofyPoof!

It seems like you're a "Yaoi" roleplayer? I don't know, I'm equating all male x male roleplaying as Yaoi, I'm sure someone is going to tell me that, that is a gross generalisation and tell me why I am wrong. xD But I'm quite into that myself, as is @Neptune (as you can tell from her title). It's a shame I don't do private roleplaying, but I am sure there's going to be someone who can scratch that itch and fill that need. 

You put in a lot of effort with your introduction post; so I want to reciprocate that effort, by giving you something to read. 

I'm from United Kingdom, England to be more precise, which is actually just one of four countries that make up the UK. It's a strange country, but despite its flaws, I love it. I'm kind of unapologetic about that. I haven't really told many people what my real name is, it's kind of a closely guarded secret. 😄 But I have many names that people refer to me by, namely because of my old usernames. Like Tripp, Wolfie, and so on. But some people call me Tem, Tema, Temae, and what have you. I'm not fussed about that part.

I have a lot of different and peculiar hobbies.

I like photography, and to that end I own a Canon 750D DSLR camera with a 28-135mm Ultrasonic lens, which I've taken all kinds of pictures with, but one of my more prouder shoots was about 330 or so images that I stitched together in a timelapse:

I'm very much into technical stuff relating to Computers, particularly hardware and technologies, and so forth. Which coupled with the fact like that I also like to game from time to time. I, like yourself, am a PC gamer too. Not so much into Overwatch. But certainly into Minecraft (Currently doing a hardcore run at the moment) that started off as a challenge but has ended up being something I kind of like doing. I also play a lot of open world RPG types like The Witcher, Skyrim, Fallout, etc. Sometimes I play a bit of Euro Truck Simulator. It's relaxing. But my favourite goto are space sims, like Egosoft's X-Series, Elite: Dangerous, etc. 

I'm also into music too, I might play, but I'm not really comfortable about opening that pandora's box. But I've posted up a list of bands that I commonly listen to, recently. I don't want to make this about me, as this topic is supposed to be about you! So you can see some more stuff about me on my About Me page on my profile. 😄

I love dogs, my Weimaraner who passed away a couple of years ago to old age, was a puppy - mentally - right through to the end, and she was on old gal. I'm sure your dog will pretty much be more the same. ^_^ 

I have honestly never heard of "Mermaiding", I actually have two questions about it. Does the tail make it easier to swim, or is it about the same - just different, or does it make it more difficult to swim? Also what is it maid from? (Couldn't resist making a pun). 

As for drawing, I can just about manage stick figures. I'd love to see what kind of stuff you've drawn, if you're willing to show it. 🙂 I might not be much of a drawer, but I am a bit of a conasuir when it comes to drawn art... 


Anyway! Again, welcome! I hope this welcome was much better than my first one. I look forward to seeing you around and hopefully see you being a regular here!

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I love the united kingdom. I've been to Wales once. Traveling is very limited to me because i have a lot of fear of planes. Boats are okay, this was my first time traveling by boat and it was nice. But i prefer the car or train more. 

That timelaps is beautiful! I do like photography too, i use my phone for that though. 

When swimming with a tail, i wear a monofin. it's basically like flippers, but they're merged together in a fin. I have a stronger monofin, i can go quite fast with those. Other monofins are more flexible, those go slower but have a more 'flowy' effect. There's two types of tails; Fabric and silicone. The fabric ones are cheaper. I bought them at a well known store (on the site because they're from america), fabric tails can go from 30 dollars (from very cheap and not really great stores) to 150 dollars. It's definitely not a cheap hobby.. The silicone tails are usually completely made out of silicone and these can easily go up to 3000 dollars. They're so beautiful, but my wallet can't handle that.

I got to know mermaiding when i was still a kid, watching shows like H20: just add water. In the past i never found a hobby that suited me, but now i have and i love it. Sadly enough all the pools are closed at the moment. 



Thank you! ♥

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