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Blackberry Falls Bestiary

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Blackberry Falls Bestiary.

The forests of Blackberry Balls abound with strange creatures and monsters that pose a danger to anyone unwary enough to leave the unbeaten path. Anyone can post a monster or creature here, if it is for public use. It can be of your own creation or from a book, movie or TV that you like. Just complete the little form below and reply to the topic. Easy! Any creatures or monsters that you mention in the roleplay, do not need to be placed in here. It's entirely up to you, especially if you wish to share a version of a creature or monster with other roleplayers.

Rules of this thread.

  • Anyone may submit a monster to this thread. Fill out the template below and respond to the thread.
  • A reply should reflect a general or average specimen of monster. A short summary of them as a species and general behavior.
  • While the author of a post is credited with the monster this thread and anything in it is for public use on EcchiDreams. You will not be asked for permission before the monster you have posted is used, however anyone using a monster featured in this thread must adhere to what the author posted. Anyone may take what is written here as inspiration and modify it to fit their needs.
  • If you wish to create a monster that is not for public use post it as a new thread here in the extra information section. Such post remain the property of the author and permission must be obtained before they are used.
  • Monsters in Blacberry Falls are not limited to this list and are not required to be placed in here once you have created them.

Name: The type of monster
Region: The area it can be found in
Diet: Food it eats
Description: General look, behavior, method of operation ect.
Intelligence: What level of intelligence do they have
Weaknesses: Known common weaknesses
Hostile: Are they aggressive towards people
Danger: The danger it poses to people

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Name: Goblin.

Region: Mostly found in forests and rural areas, but some of them are daring enough to explore more urban areas. 

Diet: Omnivorous. They are not really picky and will eat pretty much anything they can.

Description: These small little buggers are considered a pest in most regions. They are known for raiding farms to steal food or anything they might deem valuable at night. Some groups containing more advanced variants of goblins can also attack lone travelers, often resulting in death. While an individual goblin is hardly a threat, they usually live and hunt in groups of at least six. Most are about 1.30 meters tall and weight about 20 kilos. Being as weak as they are, goblin must rely on numbers to survive, which is why they live in nests. While most nests will only contain about one or two dozen of them, on very rare occasions, a nest can evolve and become a mega nest, containing hundreds of them. In extreme cases, maybe even thousands. Aside from their numbers, the biggest danger a goblin might present is their potential to evolve and become a stronger variant.

Intelligence: Primitive. They are capable of using basic tools and weapons such as swords and daggers, but they mostly just swing those things around without any sort of technique.

Weaknesses: As stated before, they aren’t exactly known for being super though. Their bodies are pretty fragile, making them susceptible to basically all sorts of damage, from shots to melee weapons and anything in between. Most goblins also don’t wear any sort of armor and only cover themselves with basics clothes made of stolen silk or leather from weak and small animals.

Hostile: Very hostile. If someone is approached by group of goblins it’s pretty much a guarantee that they will attack. The only occasion in which a goblin will not attack is that if they decide they are at very heavy disadvantage, and even then they are not smart so their chances of actually reaching that conclusion aren’t very big.

Danger: While a single goblin is hardly a threat, it’s very rare to see them alone. The work together based on instincts and can be very aggressive once they are in big groups. Obviously, the bigger the group, the higher the danger. With  enough numbers, they can take down most preys without much issue.

Edited by Akira
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Name: Warrior Goblin.

Region: Mostly found in forests and rural areas, but some of them are daring enough to explore more urban areas. 

Diet: Omnivorous. They are not really picky and will eat pretty much anything they can.

Description: These guys are goblins that fought a considerable amount of enemies and lived to tell the tale and learn from their battles. As result, they have acquired better gear and are capable of wielding weapons with far more efficiency than normal goblins. In particular, they are able to use melee weapons and even shields in a somewhat capable way. Additionally, they have grown to be way stronger and bigger than their counterparts, reaching 1.70 meters in height and weighing over 60 kilos. The great majority of them wear armor that was either taken from fallen enemies or put together using stolen items such as thich leather and metal.

Intelligence: Primitive. While they surely are smarter than normal goblins, warrior goblins are still very much limited when it comes to brainpower. They are capable of wielding melee weapons with some level of proficiency and can even repair their armor from some light damage and use shields, but other than that, they are still mostly dumb.

Weaknesses: Despite the fact that they are much tougher and physically capable than most goblins, it is very easy for pretty much anyone to take advantage of their lack of brains. They can’t plan any sort of ambushes by themselves or apply any sort of battle tactic without outside support. If left to their own devices, they’ll simply charge at the nearest enemy head first without thinking twice.

Hostile: Very hostile. While goblins in general aren’t exactly known for being docile, warrior goblins take things to a whole new level, being even more aggressive and down right brutal in battle.

Danger: For obvious reasons, these guys are even more dangerous than regular goblins. While they aren’t as nearly as plentiful as their basic counterparts, they are over twice as strong and aggressive. Most of them stay inside the nests to provide safety for their offspring, but big enough nests can afford to send some outside to look for food and supplies.

Edited by Akira
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Name: Archer Goblin.

Region: Mostly found in forests and rural areas, but some of them are daring enough to explore more urban areas. 

Diet: Omnivorous. They are not really picky and will eat pretty much anything they can.

Description: Much like the warrior goblins, these guys are goblins who have fought in the front lines and lived to learn from their battles. However, instead of gaining increased muscle mass and weight, they instead gained increased brainpower. Additionally, their skin has also grown a bit darker, making it easier for them to hide among the leaves of the forest trees and bushes, as well as dark places in general such as caves.

Intelligence: Semi-primitive. These guys have learned how to properly use and craft basic bows and arrows using wood and stone, as well as using the environment to their advantage by camouflaging themselves and hiding to strike their foes down with ambushes. They are sent outside at a slight higher frequency than the warrior goblins, but they are still not the most common sort of goblin seen outside, obviously. With that said, they still can’t be considered geniuses and their ambuses and tactics can become predictable enough to anyone experienced at dealing with them.

Weaknesses: While they are at least smart enough to keep themselves out of direct combat if at all possible, they are still as physically weak as any normal goblin. Once a stronger opponent manages to find and get close enough to them, they are pretty much screwed.

Hostile: Mostly hostile. These guys aren’t as aggressive as most goblins because their evolved brains allow them to more easily recognize non advantageous circumstances, thus, avoiding conflicts they can’t win.

Danger: Alone, an archer goblin might not be as dangerous as a warrior, but with help and support from other goblins, they can be just as dangerous, if not more. 

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Name: Mage Goblin.

Region: Mostly found in forests and rural areas, but some of them are daring enough to explore more urban areas. 

Diet: Omnivorous. They are not really picky and will eat pretty much anything they can.

Description: One of the rarest goblin variants in existence, these guys mean business. No one knows for sure what leads to the creation of a mage goblin, but the most popular theory says that they are archer goblins who have stolen books about magic and spell casting, read them and were able to actually learn how to put the knowledge to use. Being such a rare variant means they rarely, if ever, are sent on expeditions outside the nest. In fact, they are so rare that even mega nests rarely have more than six of them. 

Intelligence: Advanced. These guys have very high value due to their intellect. Aside from being able to use magic, they are also pretty good at analysing their enemies and coming up with tactics to defeat them. Mage goblins are also known for having an endless thirst for knowledge. Additionally, they are among the few types that can actually speak human languages.

Weaknesses: Despite having the ability to use magic and spells, they are still pretty weak when it comes to physical feats. One’s best chance at killing a mage goblin is to get close and finish them with melee strikes or force them to exhaust their mana pool, leaving them pretty much defenceless. 

Hostile: Mostly hostile. Much like archer goblins, these guys are smart enough to recognize when they are in an advantageous situation and avoid fights they can’t win, so they aren’t as aggressive.

Danger: Despite rarely leaving their nests, these guys aren’t as nearly as dependent on numbers as the other goblin variants and pose a considerable threat to pretty much anyone who doesn’t know how to deal with them. Of course, if there are other goblins with them, and there usually are, they are even more dangerous. 

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Name: Goblin King.

Region: Mostly found in forests and rural areas, but some of them are daring enough to explore more urban areas. 

Diet: Omnivorous. They are not really picky and will eat pretty much anything they can.

Description: The only goblin variation that is rarer than the mage goblin, there can only be one king per nest, obviously. In fact, mega nests literally can’t exist without a king. Much like the mages, no one is certain about how a goblin becomes a king, but the most accepted theory is that an archer has evolved and developed exceptional strategic and tactical abilities, excelling at commanding other goblins until eventually becoming their leader. These guys always wear crowns on their heads made out of metal stolen from outside the nest. Some of them are even made out of gold. 

Intelligence: Advanced. Aside from also being able to speak human languages, goblin kings are known for being exceptional leaders, capable of coordinating hundreds of goblins at the same time without much issue. Also, they are capable of cooking up some pretty elaborate strategies and tactics to deal with their foes. Much like any king, they keep the most capable fighters of their nests as bodyguards. Getting close to a king is no easy task.

Weaknesses: Even though they are very clever, goblin kings are still weak on their own, which is precisely why they are always surrounded by other goblins to keep them safe. If you manage to get past their defenses, they are usually not very powerful foes.

Hostile: Very hostile. Kings only leave their nests if they are kicked out by another king or if their nests are destroyed. Should they find an intruder inside their nests, they won’t think twice before sending his subjects to attack and dispose of the enemy.

Danger: Arguably the most dangerous goblin variant in existence, since their presence means you are dealing with a big nest. Maybe even a mega nest. If you can’t deal with a swarm of foes when you see this guy, run for your life.

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