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3 minutes ago, MagnificentBastard said:


How is your character coming you need anymore help?

well before i go much further i need to decide if im sticking with the "farm girl chosen against her will trope"... im realizing its would make sense for my strength to be higher if i was a part of a farming family...  so i have been trying to fit the stats/class/features i have so far abit more coherently... so for you and the rest of the group i have a question... which one of the following is most interesting to have as your healer?

1. a farmers daughter who was never the best at actual work, but was loved by the community anyways, when the gods intervened in her life she was pushed by everyones expectations more then anything to actually go out and do something good she will be remembered by

2. a merchants daughter who was considered a little daft, her father planned to sell her as a wife to a lesser noble and was grooming her to be little more then a decoration, and when the gods blessing affected her her father saw her as a chance to gain his own noble title before sending her off

3. a lesser nobles daughter, whos father was maybe a count, baron, or marques. she was sheltered all her life till the gods blessing turned her life upside down

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3 minutes ago, DreamsnThings said:

well before i go much further i need to decide if im sticking with the "farm girl chosen against her will trope"... im realizing its would make sense for my strength to be higher if i was a part of a farming family...  so i have been trying to fit the stats/class/features i have so far abit more coherently... so for you and the rest of the group i have a question... which one of the following is most interesting to have as your healer?

1. a farmers daughter who was never the best at actual work, but was loved by the community anyways, when the gods intervened in her life she was pushed by everyones expectations more then anything to actually go out and do something good she will be remembered by

2. a merchants daughter who was considered a little daft, her father planned to sell her as a wife to a lesser noble and was grooming her to be little more then a decoration, and when the gods blessing affected her her father saw her as a chance to gain his own noble title before sending her off

3. a lesser nobles daughter, whos father was maybe a count, baron, or marques. she was sheltered all her life till the gods blessing turned her life upside down

I mean you could swap STR for DEX and wear heavier armor and that would work for the farmer.

As a DM I don't want to decide what you do for you I like your original concept and the new ones. But I will say that to me the concept/background is separate from mechanics of it.

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2 hours ago, MagnificentBastard said:

I mean you could swap STR for DEX and wear heavier armor and that would work for the farmer.

As a DM I don't want to decide what you do for you I like your original concept and the new ones. But I will say that to me the concept/background is separate from mechanics of it.

im at an impass as far as the STR/DEX route... im wanting to be fairly weak with most of my combat ability coming from enhancing others... so if i go STR it becomes a little too easy to be relatively potent on my own right... atleast with the dex route I "Look" weak (less armor, less muscle, etc)  so i think i want to keep it that way... 

i would like your opinion regardless, but if your opinion is "all of them work" then thats fine too... I want to keep concept, background, and mechanics coherent with each other to make some kind of functional flavor of a character

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8 hours ago, DreamsnThings said:

im at an impass as far as the STR/DEX route... im wanting to be fairly weak with most of my combat ability coming from enhancing others... so if i go STR it becomes a little too easy to be relatively potent on my own right... atleast with the dex route I "Look" weak (less armor, less muscle, etc)  so i think i want to keep it that way... 

i would like your opinion regardless, but if your opinion is "all of them work" then thats fine too... I want to keep concept, background, and mechanics coherent with each other to make some kind of functional flavor of a character

If you go the DEX route this works better with your last backgrounds. Because someone buying the weapon for her or telling her to buy it allows you to keep her daft/inexperienced and it's just a magic item helping her combat defiency.

Your second background works better with STR if we take idea that she developer muscles as farmer but it depends on what work she did. So it may also work with DEX.

The noble idea works with DEX if we understand she had little experience adventuring and it's her father giving her the tools he thinks she will need to succeed. In this I see her as extremely sheltered which would be good for you to ask questions in character. You could even have an arrenged marriage.

Making a DEX character is more efficient because it uses less stats and that's better for you. I also prefer it for aesthetic reasons.

Hope that helps.

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19 hours ago, DreamsnThings said:

1. a farmers daughter who was never the best at actual work, but was loved by the community anyways, when the gods intervened in her life she was pushed by everyones expectations more then anything to actually go out and do something good she will be remembered by

2. a merchants daughter who was considered a little daft, her father planned to sell her as a wife to a lesser noble and was grooming her to be little more then a decoration, and when the gods blessing affected her her father saw her as a chance to gain his own noble title before sending her off

3. a lesser nobles daughter, whos father was maybe a count, baron, or marques. she was sheltered all her life till the gods blessing turned her life upside down

@IsabellaRose @love_and_poprocks @Chiyako @Evergreen01 I want to hear peoples opinions on which background for my shy and somewhat clumsy/useless oracle should be, your welcome to come up with a fourth option along these lines, or opt out of replying entirely to this, but I appreciate anyone's input ^u^

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I'd play it as the last one, but only because a sheltered young noble woman has so much potential to run into things she's never encountered on her father's estate. She could be so naïve, clueless to innuendo, ready for the men and monsters of the world to just take complete advantage of her... 

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15 minutes ago, IsabellaRose said:

I'd play it as the last one, but only because a sheltered young noble woman has so much potential to run into things she's never encountered on her father's estate. She could be so naïve, clueless to innuendo, ready for the men and monsters of the world to just take complete advantage of her... 

thats kinda the feeling im going for, naive, ditzy, clumsy... a tad useless in her own mind, but trying her bestest to make others succeed! I also quite like the nobles daughter route, and this has the benefit of being something im doing for "the honor of my house"... well having no clue what that... actually means IC, its a good reason for a noble to send his daughter off if their was some godly intervention!

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40 minutes ago, MagnificentBastard said:


I like the idea but not sure Catfolk makes as much sense with that background. I am not saying is impossible just there aren't many noble Catfolk families in all of Mulva.

Regardless I like it.

Oh, right... completely forgot the race. That doesn't make as much sense with a catfolk character. Maybe merchant's daughter then. I think I see the curiosity of the catfolk lending itself more to a life of travel and trade goods than the life of a farmer. But that's just me. I'm sure there are catfolk farmers, too.

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Ok based on what people are saying, the logic that there would not be a catfolk noble, combined with the interest in the merchant route in general ill make my character a failed merchants daughter, and her father originally planned to raise her to sell her to a noble as a wife or concubine. but when the gods intervened he switched plans, setting her up to be a hero and currying favor with nobility, trying to up her value before selling her off later in life

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