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Okay I just figure I'd say here but I think the reason my hands being tied (or so it seems) right now is because I dunno how far I can go with character lores. Or is there a world rule or limit to follow? I'm a little afraid to push too far but the ideas that I have involve advanced kind of lores. Also, I know we already mentioned that most if not all non-humans are enemies. (Demons, aliens, etc previously mentioned). So I do wonder how far that goes and if there ARE friendly parties on certain sides. Knowing this would be the only way I can avoid a plothole down the line, I think. Since I'm trying not to go out of line but I might already be with god type characters being in the world right now. So yeah. x.x

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There is the kind of stuff already in story.  Guardian Beasts, spirits, there is at least an in-universe belief that gods may be helping too, though it is being left vague on whether those beliefs are true or not.  And the nature and variety of things like Guardian Beasts or spirits is pretty wide.  Beyond that, I guess the question is exactly what sort of thing(s) were you considering.  

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Well, it's no surprise with Lenneth, Mitsuko and Nall being around that there is a story that will tap into god lores a little. My next post does get a little more into that but I have to figure if I can include almost whatever I want or not. We know by example that Lenneth is directly under Odin in some stories. But Nall is also related to other kind of gods on that side. I may have dug a hole by including these characters and it may or not sound bad depending on how deep I can go. This is what I worry about.

P.S.: The current Lenneth is technically an Ethereal Queen guardian where she comes from but there's a reason I'm not going there. I don't want overpowered characters ruining everyone else's fun. I know what limit I should not breach. Can't develop characters if gods become too helpful nor if enemies become too powerful. I think I'm fine on that side so far. Only issue for now is what story I can give to these characters without making them look like walking plotholes just being there for entertainment.

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With gods there was also the question of Hikaru’s ancestry.  He may or may not be (distantly) descended from a god, as the source of his power.  Beings connected to gods are probably fine.  True gods are unlikely to be directly involved, but they could be indirectly involved, as sources power, or sending others like Nall or Guardian Beasts to help.

Or just with nature of the club, possibly doing something like what may have happened in Hikaru’s ancestry, becoming the mother or father of a new line of Magical Girls/Knights.  Choosing someone else (probably a Magical Girl/Knight, but maybe a seeming random/ordinary person, to have a child with).

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Well, I think the best for me is to finish that post and see how good it gets. I personally don't think that it should be a problem. I probably just worry for nothing. It's just to make sure everything is "fine". It's not like I'll throw us in Asgard anyway. There might be some details about stuff. Best I explain with my writing. 🙂

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Another episode of "I am acting weird again.", I've made a new conceptual character. (Conceptual means that she is a concept for the time being, depending on people's reaction about her.) I made the symbol myself with paint and it is not a google found image. I made mathematical calculations to do it right. But yeah, I've described what I could.

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As her descriptions imply, the rumors about it happening may or may not have been inflated and twisted in its story. She IS capable of casting doom on others, though. (Imagine the typical death oriented Final Fantasy boss or something.) IF the rumors were true however, they would affect mortals as immortals are not capable of dying... or something. XD Her playful yet deadly nature doesn't make her unfriendly or anything, though. As in, I have no idea if she cares about others with her or not. So far, Demons don't seem to form parties.

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Went for a little experience. Also wondering if @AsBloodTurnsEverCold would like a turn in this or something since I am sure Ren is still in the facility. (And you seem to have followed everything so far.). You might be involved into this unless you don't want to. I still thought I would ask since you had a time with Mitsuko and Jumi. 🙂

Also please tell me if I go too far. I am allowing myself some liberty but I also want the story to be good and enjoyable. >< (I especially feel weird about it because I'm not the club host but welp. My imagination is overflowing with ideas.) Anyhow, please let me know if anything feels off or wrong. Otherwise, thank you for the fun so far.

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Yeah, I don’t mind mind Rie showing up again.  Taking initiatives generally isn’t a problem either.  Though they should probably leave the building to look into things.  Avoid complicating other stories with a danger actually entering the building, and not being discrete like Exzel was.

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Well, the fancy thing is that I don't know who else is around. But I didn't really imagine a fight starting either. I didn't think as far as what other stories are affected by it, to be honest. If it is a problem, I can try and change things. But yeah, nobody is in the hall of the convention except those IN the convention topic, no? Because if they have to leave, it might lead to an evacuation. WHICH might impact things more than planned. I wanted effects but not total chaos. XD So it's good to know if things are fine or no.

But yes, the "source" as it is now would be in the hall of the convention. As I really didn't plan a large scare war or anything. In fact, going outside may even remove from the effect I was looking for. Welp... Just let me know if we go with what I had in mind OR we wipe the idea altogether. The event would be very in-character for what I had in mind, though. I thought about it for a while and it goes well with the personality I am looking for for the character. Unfortunately, we can only see that IF we actually do it. So, yeah. ><

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Well its a full swing convention as far as I can tell so while others might not be playing there at the moment I imagine there are still other people especially Magical Girls and Knights

But I'll leave it up to y'all before I have Rie barge in just in case.

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