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6 hours ago, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

Things have been calmed somewhat.  Of course, Jumi is not thrilled by exactly ‘taking Rie’s place’ might mean for Mitsuko.  She really does not want want to lose her new roommate/borderline girlfriend.

A few corrections here and my feelings since yesterday did NOT change. Mitsuko did not do it for Rie but for Jumi exactly because she respects her enough to also respect the anger Jumi had for seeing her friend being "threatened" with doom. And for the record, Mitsuko's FP (Friendship Points) for Rie is plummeting like a downhill river. The bit of respect, if any, that she had for her upon meeting with her is principally gone to the point she wonders if being part of the team is even worth it. In Mitsuko's case, it's a struggle between her new found love for Jumi and her absolute disgust for Rie's ticking bomb of an attitude. She doesn't want to die, obviously. But taking her place would allow Rie to remain safe for Jumi, who she believes both already have a history together and is worth protecting. Keyword, protecting. She is willing to protect Jumi with her life (as she said she would).

As it was demonstrated, Mitsuko realizes that she is (for now) more or less out of her element and daring to establish a de-escalation between them has put her in a bad position. She might not realize all of what she's doing but she had went with what her heart told her to do. She can be combative but she also wishes to give her all to protect those she cares about. Hence how she came to be the Valkyrie. By tossing her sword back to Nall, she was ready to make sure Jumi will have another day with Rie who, honestly, while she doesn't understand the appeal there but they seem to be good friends and it was one thing she thought was worth to give herself for. It's not like anyone else was gonna do it anyway. Rie was so focused on trying to badmouthjutsu Shinigami with no thoughts that all she would have achieved was to get everyone else killed for her reckless attitude so yeah...

Take this as a fun little backstory for what's really going on here as I felt it would be fun to at least explain the motivations behind what is really going on in this scene.

11 hours ago, Balthier said:

Honestly, I feel like a bad guy type showing up to the convention, and not at least trying to be discreet, like Azreal, would go down almost as well as a goody-good magical girl showing up at Zorn's liar.

In either case it feels like asking for a beat down, or completely dismissing the hordes of adversaries as a credible threat. Just my perspective.

As for this part, I was totally aware of what I was doing. And this is why Shinigami is not hellhound nor any other demon. If such courage or recklessness is not backed by a form of equal power then the scene would not have as much impact. Let's be honest, what would happen if hellhound showed herself the same way Shinigami did? She could summon her inner beast and take out a few people but she would effectively end dead without escape. A fact that was made evident when she tried to go but she was told no exactly for this reason. Shinigami's lack of fear or stress shows that something's definitely off with her. Something that she can back with power. Her little demonstration (that I could have made much worse) was only a hint of why she thinks she can just go there and not care about what happens to her. Her profile explains even how fearsome she sounds like...

I am not condemning the resistance she was given by saying this but I feel like a proper explanation was due. Now if we want to complain about her being OP, we have to ask if the complaint IS because she is OP or because some characters feel powerless before her? Because if it's the latter, well I'm sorry that the hero is not always the strongest one all the time? Lenneth would be considered OP but she got no complaint so far. Mitsuko was beaten by her and she's my character so of course no one has any reasons to complain. Yet. I feel dizzy at the fact such interesting looking scenarios attracted such drama but welp. I had motivation for some cool scenes but those are mostly built on my own. (Let's remember I wrote that Hellhound decimated an entire town to herself). The balance of power is creating some unexpected tension. This is what is destroying my mood...

I am still in full confusion that Shinigami was sold as a broken character (themed on death) but I get complaints only AFTER I decided to use her. It kinda ruins the fun...

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I’m still looking forward to where it goes, and think the character could be interesting.  Even the potential horror aspects you mentioned before (though there might be a better time and place for that, don’t have anything specific in mind, the convention was just a complicated place for that sort of thing, with everything happening).  Will see what happens with Mitsuko, sometimes surprising things happen.  Depending what happens, might give Jumi some interesting development.

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17 minutes ago, SataiRolePlayingGuy said:

I’m still looking forward to where it goes, and think the character could be interesting.  Even the potential horror aspects you mentioned before (though there might be a better time and place for that, don’t have anything specific in mind, the convention was just a complicated place for that sort of thing, with everything happening).  Will see what happens with Mitsuko, sometimes surprising things happen.  Depending what happens, might give Jumi some interesting development.

Yes, I realize this but at least the lack of such horrific elements is so far explained by her intentions made clear that she wasn't really there to kill anyone. She wanted however to let everyone present know that she exists and she is to be feared and this is where the interesting drama started. Let's put it in context, an unhinged character who can probably doom her entire surrounding dares face an entire clan of magical girls and knights. She also made very clear that dying would have little consequences for herself WHILE another character was doomed to die by her. The result here is kinda self-explanatory. Bad end, you kill her anyway and nobody's around anymore to stop the doomed character from dying.

She is the seven hells in person and she still has enough control to simply show her face and entertain herself with the reaction of everyone surprised to see someone there. Actually, I enjoyed a lot Azreal in this scene because he was absolutely conscious of what Shinigami represented and tried to give a chance for her to set her ground without escalation. Or at least it seemed like it. When you look at everyone else's reactions, you realize quickly that they're all due to one person who couldn't shut the hell up even if her life and everyone else's depended on it while she claimed with a straight face that people had faith in them and counted on them to protect them. She was putting everyone's lives in jeopardy.

To Mitsuko, it's something she will remember for a good while and this is why I think an association with her is no longer possible. And this where she is torn with the idea that she met Jumi and wants to be there for her but anyhow this scene will go, Mitsuko will not really be able to stay with her like she hoped to do. Rie represents the entire opposite of what Mitsuko tries to be. This is why Mitsuko remained silent yet horrified while the scene was going on and she finally spoke out when a life was about to end. Protection vs endangerment. She wanted to be the blade to protect the ones in need. The nurse is being the reason everyone's in danger to begin with. The contrast here is ultimately very funny.

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We’ll see where it goes.  I won’t try to force it to go one way or another.  But Jumi is not going to just accept never seeing her again and will at least look for ways to try to get her, see if she can find any help from someone/something that might not be powerless against Shinigami.  Not saying whether she will succeed, but she is at least going to try.  Mitsuko left too much of an impression, and she is too much the hero to just give so easily.  But she knows she is powerless in the moment.

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I understand. And yes, even if Shinigami's weakness is not >known< with all she can do, it doesn't mean she does not have one. That said, I've left you with details of my feelings about what's going on in ET. I seem to see that this is not exactly making everyone happy anyway so I will wait and see what your opinion(s) is before I continue writing on this path.

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10 minutes ago, TheLoliRealm said:

I want to get into this but I'm not sure where to start.

Basically, you need to make a character that would fit as a Magical girl or knight. Or you can also make a villain who are mostly demons but can also be aliens or others potential forces. After that, one of us can always see where such characters would fit best but you can also have your own ideas about that. Check the character list if you want an idea of what we have. Anything or almost is fine but magical girls are mostly humans while villains can be pretty much anything. After that, the fun part is inserting your character into the story. 🙂

Edited by Warning
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2 minutes ago, Warning said:

I like the fact that Azreal seems like he's plotting to perhaps recruit Shinigami or something. (Or have his master whoever that is perhaps extend the offer)

Azreal is my bad boy. I need him to try to have him help his lord build up his forces and gain valuable information.

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That would be an interesting path for sure. She is a bit on her lone self right now. I imagine her powers would be a gem to get but considering how deadly she sounds like, I also think not everyone wants to have a shot at her. She is darkness incarnate. Still, I'm open for any attempt at trying to get a grasp on her. (Right now, there's only like one master so I imagine bunny man would go for her. XD) Unless I'm forgetting another top villain somewhere. Forgive me if I do. I know there's also the succubus but I don't know how she compares.

P.S.: I plan to regulate her power bar here and there in time to not make it too unfair to have a fight against her. I may sound like I am power tripping but this really is not my objective with them. (By them, I include Lenneth but that girl will be a force to be reckoned anyhow, for anyone who knows her). But yeah, just saying. Trying to make this fun for everyone. So yeah, feel free to have Azreal give the message to anywho is his master and we can see where this leads to. I sincerely hope to make her an interesting character as I like her a lot.

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The convention mega-thread quiets down a little more, with a few more characters leaving (amusingly, walking into the demon’s portal in reply #666).  The link was added in that post, but Jumi/Mitsuko/Shinigami are off in a new thread now.

Still have enough characters there, the convention thread should be going for a while, but gradually we will be breaking up into more separate threads again.  May not have another one with that many interacting characters for a while.

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I made calculations. The post their enter the portal is post 667 but indeed Reply 666. I KNEW IT. I told you that Shinigami was death. XD She has an upside down cross on her face and ended the scene as reply 666. Maybe people will believe me now. :3 But joking aside, yeah. There's not many main characters in the convention, now. At least I think.

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Technically my characters my characters are everywhere and nowhere until otherwise directed but yeah (so if anyone wants to interact with them there that is indeed an option. All of them are free right now.)

Actually that brings up a small question I have
Would it be possible to have Location story topics? Nothing tied to specific stories but just locations kinda similar to the convention like [X] city or whatnot that pretty much anyone could use or do they all need to be for specific events? Would probably be difficult to keep up timing I guess though.

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Same for Hellhound who I still need to find a thing to do with her. I've been hesitating on a follow-up with her, though. If I introduce characters with/for her or not. She will be an improved version of herself when she's back to Zorn now that she broke out of her laziness a little. I think all of my characters (existing) are set otherwise.

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Character I have free:
Rie Takagi [Medical Magic Girl] (though currently in a mood)
Frei Igarashi [Toku Magic Knight]
Kazane  Shirasaka [Civilian - Establishment Owner]
Altered Imperiabeast No.690 / Seru Okada (Alien warriors - Infiltrator (Civilian))
General Obsidous / Anji Hayashi ( Alien General and Scientist - Infiltrator (False Magical Knight))

Currently working on another one to even this out but picture searching is real difficult

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