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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Azreal looked down at Rin and smiled. "Are you sure about this Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star))? Once we start there's no going back." He said stepping closer to Rin a hint of worry in his eyes, even though it was all just an act. He had pushed her gently against the wall lifting her chin once more.

"I promise to be gentle in whichever form you pick. I will only go harder, faster, deeper upon your command. I am your Knight as you are my magical girl for tonight and another time you wish and desire." He said before his lips claimed Rin's. His lips were soft for man as he deepen the kiss. He had done it, he was going to take Rin and make her/him his in some way or another. Either his pet or inside spy either worked for him.

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Rin closed her eyes.  Opened her lips, her tongue hesitantly reaching for his.  She was still scared, where it might go.  Even though she had no idea of the darker plans for her.  She slowly raised her arms.  Wrapped them around him, a loose embrace so far.  But basically giving permission, no going back he could make his move.  Have his fun, think about exactly what he might want to make her into.  Though tonight it was probably going to be mostly sex.  Make her want more.  Become 'her Knight' in a longer term sense.  It would be more effective, maybe more fun to be slow about it.  Slow enough she did not realize what was happening, at least for a while.

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Azreal feeling her tongue smiled. Her pulled her closer making sure she felt the warmth between them. His length started to harden against her tiny body. One of his hands held her lower back the other caressing her cheek. His tongue slipping into Rin's mouth to claim her. He had gained some information from her already about his niece but he hoped she'd spill more in the heat of the moment. 

After a moment or so he had used a bit of powers to turn his fingertips ice cold. He moved the hand at the small of her back slowly up toward her chest. His touches feather like with a bit if icy touch. He looked into her eyes as the hot water dripped down his body. His fingers having danced crossed her nipples. The cold making his touch playfully with a mix of hot and cold.

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Rin felt a little pleased by their bodies pressed together.  Man and woman.  Woman.  She felt the shaft harden against her.  Confusion and curiosity over the piercings.  She pressed her small breasts against him a little.  As his tongue moved, her’s surrendered to his, but played with it at the pace he set, not completely passive.  Hinting deep down she wanted this, whether she admitted it or not.  To feel what a man like this would do to her.

She jumped, but pressed harder against him, as the icy fingers touched her back.  Strange, in a good way.  But she sought the warmth of his chest, and the water.  But then more surprise as the hand began to move.  Her nipples hardened before they made contact, know that was his target.  She let a muffled moan into his mouth, when the fingers reached them.  A shock through her body.  She got the impression this man knew how to please a woman.  Nervous or not, there was a hotness inside her, her body  was fully a woman and desired it, whether her mind was ready or not.

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"Mmmmmmm. Delicious! You are claimed!"

Exzel thrusted powerfully, as she came inside Daimond, filling her with her warm seed. Not to get her with child, but to infuse her with dark energy, a will to be more obedient, to serve when called apon. It was not total control, but a lesser degree, a will to do as she was told, though strong souls could resist at times, it was difficult. A will to be her mistress's slut.

But more. Under her contract, with her collar serving as a way to for her to focus and tap into the dark forces Exzel had corrupted her with, she's be able to tap into some shadow magic she may have not before. She true was more than the old daimond sorceress now, if she chose to use her link to Exzel. A Daimond Witch now, in secret.

If she wished it, the shadow magic could hide the collar, or dismiss it into the aether, unless her mistress summoned it back. But when it was around her neck, the corruption, the link to the shadow would be more pronounced. Otherwise, she might almost be able to, but never quite, feel like her old self. When either Exzel or Daimond summon the collar from now, she would get a surge in dark energy, and a slutty desire.

Exzel held Daimond long in her embrace. She was genuine about her not needing to be alone anymore. Genuine about being able to give her some comfort.

"You are mine."

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Alexandrine felt it.  The warm thick fluid.  Not her first time being inseminated by a demon.  But the first time she wanted it.  It was like a human’s, but more…invasive?  She felt it flow in.  But it did not aim for her womb, her body absorbed it.  Another invasion of her body.  But now she welcomed it.  Wanted to see what the demon would do to her.  The collar was part of it.  She could feel its power influencing her.  But was it tricking her into doing anything?  Or drawing out the darker side all humans had to some degree?

She felt content in the demon’s embrace.  As desirable or more than anyone else she had slept with.  She had not been the leader of her old team.  Led the new one only because only she could.  She was not bothered by not being the demon’s equal.  Yes, unless the demon tried to make her betray those closest to her, she would willingly, even eagerly obey.

”I am yours, for the rest of my life.  My mistress.”  She confirmed the demon’s claim on her.  Now it was perhaps impossible to truly break the unholy union.  Maybe chip away aspects of it, but not the core bond.  If Exzel wanted to do anything to bind her even further, she would accept it.  Now she wanted to prove her loyalty.

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Azreal broke the kiss a string of saliva contenting them. "Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star)) your body is reacting perfectly." He smiled bending down a bit as he started to kiss her neck, down to her collarbone to her chest and then to her nipples. "I promise to make you scream my name as the night goes on." He smirked lightly pitching one of her nipples before wrapping his mouth around the other.

His tongue circling and flickering Rin's small nipple before biting it softly to stimulate the tender flesh. His right hand began to massage her other breast and tease the other nipple with his cold fingertips. His left hand spread Rin's leg gently as not to harm his preious little star. His index finger and middle finger spread her lower lips. Oh how he wanted to pleasure her tiny pussy but we was wanting till she begged for him to touch her there. After a moment or two his mouth would switch to the nipple to give them equal tender loving care.

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Mitsuko ran off. All she could do was run. She had wings but they were small and she didn't know how to use them. She was wounded from a single attack, albeit a surprise attack without mercy, but she kept going. Sometimes, she looked back to see if she was followed but apparently, she was alone. There were those who looked at her strangely, with the fact she was luckily alive, bleeding from a few areas on her body. Thankfully, it was not bad enough to threaten her life anymore but she still felt it. Her valkyrie armors meanwhile made sure to hide her previous nakedness. Mitsuko only wanted one thing for now and it was to reach the convention, regardless of what was on her way or who looked at her.

Upon reaching the place, she dashed inside and finally took a breather of relief when she felt safe. If she was, at least. There was no time to explain to anyone. Most would not understand except maybe the magical girls she had met before. Last time she had seen them, they were in one specific room and Mitsuko thought that maybe they would still be there. Only one way for her to know. In a hurry, she moved as quick as she could on her legs and headed back toward the room she had been in before, searching for anyone who could hear her. She didn't care so much about her own state right now. Perhaps one of them could explain to her why she was attacked by a strong yet young looking girl suddenly.

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Unfortunately for Mitsuko, none of the girls she had talked earlier were available to help her.  Two were arguably in as much danger as she was or more, and one had left.  One had already fallen to a demon’s seduction and the demon probably was not done with her.  Only Emi was potentially in a position to help her.  But she was not in the room or immediately in sight.  Another girl had chosen to use that room.

Mitsuko came into the room to find Jumi, her arms wrapped around another girl, in bed. Both looked up in surprise.  Jumi did not recognize the girl, but could she see was one of them.  And in trouble.  “…Ah, sorry.  Give me a minute.”  She looked to the fan with her.  “Look for me tomorrow, we can pick up where we left off.”  The girl nodded, stood up quickly got dressed and slipped out.  Jumi quickly got dressed.  “What’s going on?  You look like you’ve been in a fight, but I can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to attack this place.”  She was concerned, but not panicking.  They were in one of the safest places in the world.

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Mitsuko found nobody else but this one girl she didn't really know but seeing how she was at the moment she had found her, she quickly stepped back with a blush. "I-I'm sorry. I thought... I was searching for the Diamond Sorceress... Or Elie. Anyone...". She only said, looking in bad shape and not quite feeling well. "...It did not happen here. I was attacked in my home, during my sleep... This girl...", she spoke with distress, wondering if she could trust this woman. She seemed trustworthy, however. "There was this young girl who wanted my sword... She destroyed my room, threw me outside... Through the wall...!", Mitsuko held her head, still feeling pain from what happened. "I... I managed to escape. This was the only place I knew..."

She was so exhausted that it was lucky that she was standing still. The efforts she had made from running all the way to the convention also didn't help her state.

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“Don’t feel embarrassed.  No big deal, and we’re both girls.”  Not that Jumi would have been bothered if a boy saw that either, honestly this girl was cute too, no harm letting her see.  “You can call me the Rose Fairy.”  Both Magical Girls, real names might be revealed later.  It just felt right to use the alias to start.  Get the other girl used to using it, even if real names were safe back here.  “The Diamond Sorceress is one I’ve known a long time.  Though my team is based is a neighboring region.  Have not seen her for a while.  She might not be spending the night.  We can sleep in these rooms if we want, but she’s local, might have gone home.”

”Same with Elie.  New girl.  Guessing you are a new girl too?  Don’t know her much, but talked to her a little today.”  She walked over.  Put her arms on Mitsuko, to help hold her up.  She honestly would not have minded taking this girl to the bed.  But that was rather quick, even for her.  Especially under the circumstances.

”Girl doesn’t sound like a demon.  Though some appear quite human.  You should be safe.  It is strange.  We definitely should look into that.  But you should be safe here for the short term.  Are you okay?  Did she hurt you bad?”

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Mitsuko looked at the woman trying to comfort her and explain to her that the ones she was looking for, weren't there now. It was unfortunate but at least she was not alone. "Rose Fairy... I see. This girl had strange ears on her head. And a tail, too. Everything happened so quickly, though... If my sword had not been there. Can demons be this young?", she asked, still fazed that a short girl was able to overpower her this easily. Truth was... She had been quite hurt but she did not want to let it make her look weak. She was tired but alive.

A thing that Mitsuko had not planned was that with how hurt she had been, her magical form could only sustain her for so long. A slight regenerative power made sure she was healed but even that could only go so far for her, with the fact she had no experience as a magical girl. No training. It didn't take very long before her magical form vanished to safely take the form of her sword, soon hanging at her neck, on top of her chest. Which... was now bare due to having no clothes beforehand, resulting in the schoolgirl being left nude.

Mitsuko took a bit to notice before she looked down, blushing plenty as she was now naked in front of a stranger. Her eyes also had returned to blue. The wounds seemed to have healed enough to stop the bleeding but it was still mostly embarrassing. Reacting quickly, she tried to hide her body with one arm over her breast and her free hand between her legs, knowing it was barely enough. "...T-this is not my day...", she whimpered, being in such state for the first time with anyone, not counting when she'd change for gym classes.

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“It’s okay.  I promise to protect you.  We support each other in times like this.”  The naked body really tempted her.  Her eyes lingered up and down, probably giving a hint to Mitsuko.  They were both girls, but Jumi was not hiding she liked girls.  Her earlier company made that obvious already.  But Jumi had to be a proper lady.  Hold back…at least for now.  After staring for a little, she turned around.  Though Magical Girls were often pretty open and casual about that sort of thing.  Maybe Jumi would have company tonight after all.

“You said it destroyed your wall?”  She looked at the girl.  Probably her age, maybe a little older.  Which left her living situation uncertain.  “I would suggest you sleep in one of these rooms tonight.  But do you live alone?  If not, might have to find an excuse.  Need to explain the wall too.”

”Demons come in all shapes and sizes.  More are made the same way as us.  Though their children generally kept in their lairs, don’t cause trouble like that.”  It might be something else.  But without seeing it, it was hard to say what it was.

“Should be able to find you some sort of clothes.  They do sell some here.  Nothing like what you would wear at home though.  Stuff like what we wear transformed.  So our fans can wear something similar.”

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Mitsuko observed the one who was with her and blushed at the obvious vibe she was giving off. It was difficult to hide that she was herself more interested in other girls and being naked in front of one, without the innocent purpose to change clothes as excuse, felt oddly different. Of course being naked wasn't her intention but the thought somehow drove her pain away for a moment. It was obvious that this girl was staring at her but she didn't feel herself very confident that she was attractive to look at.

Or at least, she was merely being self-conscious and probably worried for no reasons, just like she had been in the shower earlier that that. "...You don't have to look away. I-I mean, I don't really mind.", she said this in a manner that she knew might be taken the wrong way. Why was she even getting nervous, anyway? This girl was cute but it was not like she was thinking anything like that. "I... I don't live alone. But my mother had to go away for a while. Nothing will be able to explain this... I should be dead..."

Mitsuko sighed, slowly lowering her arm and getting a more casual posture. She was embarrassed but at least nobody else was there. She also had something else in mind as Jumi told her about the shapes of demons. Nothing much could really help except one thing. "Oh, she said her name was Lenneth..." Now that she thought about it, the name didn't seem very informative to her. The name was not really Japanese in form so maybe she originated from elsewhere but why did she come after her sword...?

As for the clothes she could wear, Mitsuko was hesitant. Sure, something was better than nothing but right now, she only wanted to feel safe, even if it meant being naked. Although, with this girl being there with her, she didn't know what to think. She would have to dress up with something at a moment or another, if she hoped to leave this building, let alone this room. Only this girl saw her like this, long enough to even stare, but Mitsuko didn't want to give anyone else that chance. It didn't feel right...

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Yeah, it might be taken the wrong way.  Jumi turned back around, but at least her eyes did not wander, for now.  Focusing on the girl’s face.  Sure, she would like to get to know the girl in other ways.  But she did not want to be too aggressive, get the feeling to be mutual.  She might bluntly ask at some point.  But wanted it to be natural, mutual.

”…Name does not ring any bells.  In the morning can maybe try contacting foreign teams, see if any have heard of them.”

“Too bad, you weren’t lucky enough to have parents the same as us.  Most of us are just born to random parents, but there are cases where kids inherit power from one or both parents.  Would have made it a lot easier for me.”  She tried to make some girl talk.  See if they could get closer.  Maybe be friends.  Friends that got physical with each other.  “You asked about demon kids.  Some of us are or were kids.  I’ve been fighting since I was 8 years old.  Constantly sneaking out as a little kid.”

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Mitsuko bit her lip when the girl turned around but she didn't try to hide again, focusing instead on what was going on at hand. "I suppose it's for the best that I stay here... My mother will be fine, I do not think that this girl even knew about her. She showed up in my room... I never heard my door open... This is what I was warned about. I thought she would do something but she attacked me.". She did not know what to think. In fact, if any girl had to show up in her home, she did not expect that it would be a little girl.

The last part of Jumi's conversation attempt sounded unbelievable but at the same time, Mitsuko didn't know much of magical girl lives. Looking down at the sword hanging at her neck, she felt like a newbie at this. "I only found my power not long ago... It sure felt like this power and me were connected but then this girl...". She shook her head, thinking it was best not to think about this for now. "I've always wanted to be a heroine like in fantasy stories but it only felt like a dream. And yet, now, this dream has come true."

Mitsuko eyed away but blushed again, distracted by the fact once more that she was still naked, seen by a magical girl. Her body hesitated between hiding what she should or just stand still and do like it was not actually happening. Still, this distraction did help her forget some painful things that was bothering her earlier. Or at least, whatever it was that made her feel horrible before didn't feel so bad now, anyhow. Smiling a little, she looked at Jumi, yet still blushed. "Thank you for being there. I feel a little better, already..."

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Jumi smiled and nodded.  “We can have a sleepover.”  An invitation to share the room.  But a more innocent one at this point.  Work up to the invitation for sex.  “We do have to figure out what that girl was, but it is clear you were chosen for this.  Some of us are born with it, some of us are given it by someone else.  But I’m convinced everyone who becomes one was meant to, no matter how it happens.  Anyway, I have over a decade of experience.  Feel free to ask me any questions you have about being a Magical Girl.  We can talk about other things too.  I’ve been doing this so long, I don’t get much time to relax like this.”  

“I could get naked too, if it feels more natural for us both to be.”  She offered that as a complete joke.  Not meant to be sexual, though if Mitsuko wanted her to do it, she would.

”You should get some rest too.  Would you prefer to go the chairs, or stay here?”  They had been standing the whole time.  Mitsuko at least really should either sit or lay down, she figured.  Whether they stay here or go to the living room portion of the room.

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Rin licked her lips as the kiss was broken.  She was quiet, but it felt good as the tongue worked her neck and slowly made its way further down.  She did not know how she felt about being made to scream his name, or how he would do it.  A moan came as he went to work on her breasts.  Louder, continuous, as the mouth and fingers went to work.  She thought she would hate the cold touch, be hurt by it.  But it was surprisingly good.  Then his hand teased her below.  Made her think about it.  It was why they were here.  He wanted to fuck her, and on some level at least, she wanted him to do it.  But she was not ready to ask.  There was another hole he still had to tease too.  Decide whether he cared about doing it like this.  Or if he wanted to tempt her to want to be changed back to a boy to take it there.  She was still uncertain.  Was he being nice.  Or did he genuinely want to fuck her as both girl and boy?

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Mitsuko appreciated the girl being there for sure, both as a mean for relief for what happened and also as a moral support. Slowly, she was getting more comfortable to her presence even if she didn't quite knew her yet. She KNEW she was chosen for this but explaining how was difficult. Some voice had spoken to her. "I don't really know if I have questions, to be honest... I feel like I am getting the hang of this. I feel like I've trained for this. My efforts in gym classes will finally pay of." This much, Mitsuko was certain of it, anyhow.

At the mention of Jumi offering to be naked, a normal girl would have joked back about it or let it go. Girl sleepovers were nothing new. Mitsuko however simply stared while her face turned red for a second until she had to slap herself mentally to gain back focus. Maybe the fact that she never had anyone joke with her sexually made her prude. Or it was because she was herself naked and hiding nothing. "I...", she started, not succeeding so far to look like it didn't faze her. "...I do not mind...", she said, unsure but not against the idea.

On the idea of rest, especially following this moment of heat between them, Mitsuko did not look sure about what to answer. Rest was not exactly on her mind.

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"H-Holy Shit! It's Stone Knight Lauger?!" One of the younger knights almost shouted, garnering attention toward the direction he was looking at. 

One of the sorceress' said, "Oh my God! It's really him! Join my team Lauger!!!" 

As the large eight foot man was crowded by men and women alike, he looked to Takamo, "A little help?" 

"Nah," Takamo states as he stood up from his spot, bored out of his mind from thr hour they wasted by just being here. But he certainly had a smirk, "You wanted me to be here, but it looks like your fans take priority. Have fun." 

With a malicious grin did Takamo walk away from Lawrence who was starting to shout. Truth be told while Takamo entertained the idea of being a knight once more, he knew it was all for naught. But wondering about was better than sitting on his own thumb. Entering the second floor of the building where there were plenty of rooms did Takamo walk by staring outside the windows.  He didn't feel bad for leaving Lawrence like that, Takamo needed some him time afterall but it also gave him time to think. 

Being a manager, associate, and even actor in a variety of T.V., film and unfortunately porn industries has left the twenty three- twenty four year old man burnt out. While he won't admit it, Lawrence urging Takamo to take a few months off was a blessing in disguise. He needed a vacation,  some time to stretch his arms, actually be a free man for a change. Ahd that also meant attempting to getting on a team for once. But who in God's name would take such am individual such as the Witching Knight as a teammate? That was yet to be answered. 

Propping one of the windows open, Takamo sat on the open ledge. He dug out a cigar, a fancy looking one, and flicked his fingers together creating a short burst flame, lighting the end if the cigar in the process. No need to cut the enclosed tip off when your magical flame burns through it easily, yes? It wasn't difficult to imagine that no one recognized him here either, being a celebrity across the seas in a variety of dramas on television, being a porn actor here and there, and his role as a knight, but when one is at a place such as this convention everyone was far more focused on everything around them versus one individual.  It was... Refreshing, not being clamored to, not being rushed, not being flirted with by gold diggers and thereof. 

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Jumi caught the blush.  She had slept with enough girls.  She knew she made at least a little progress.  It was a joke, but since Mitsuko agreed, she decided to go along with it, thinking Mitsuko might have kind of wanted to see.  “Well, this does not come off quite like normal clothes.  But once you know what you are doing, you can undress, while staying transformed.”  There were no buttons or zippers or anything on her outfit.  It was either this, Or forcibly tear it off.

She closed her eyes.  There was a faint pink glow, and all her clothes disappeared.  Completely naked, like her new potential friend.  She kept her closed for a few seconds.  Pretending she was finishing it up, but really letting Mitsuko have a chance to stare unnoticed, check her out, if the girl wanted.

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Mitsuko waited, watching but not really staring yet. If anything, she was learning at the start. Then, Jumi's clothes suddenly disappeared, catching her off guard a little. She had expected a more traditional way of undressing herself but the way her clothes magically vanished worked decently well. Her eyes looked at the girl, now finding herself staring up and down, almost forgetting she was herself showing the same things to her. The difference in that split moment was that the Rose Fairy's eyes were closed, allowing her a free view.

Mitsuko's flush probably could not reach higher but she kept asking herself why she even was affected like this. She had no feelings for this stranger and naked girls were more or less a common sight in changing rooms. Perhaps it was the fact that this one moment felt more personal. Or that this girl was purposefully showing herself to her. At the same time, she could not be blamed... Jumi did offer and Mitsuko had told her that she did not mind, instead of any other answers. After seeing plenty enough, she tried to shift her gaze away.

Even though she could not make her embarrassment disappear, the schoolgirl did at least try not to look like she had been staring, whether it worked or not.

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Waiting a few more seconds, Jumi opened her eyes.  Yes something like showers/locker rooms or public baths, there was nothing inherently sexual about two girls being naked together.  Though Jumi had added a little of a sexual atmosphere intentionally.  By now she had to think Mitsuko realized she was flirting with her at least a little.  She was being subtle, but not that subtle. But she also was not in a rush.  She hoped it happened tonight, but it did not have to be immediately.  She wanted to get to know the girl too.

”Let’s sit together on the couch out there.”  Not as blatant as the bed, but somewhere something could happen.  She took the girl’s hand, ready to support her, if she slipped.  Walked her to the couch, sat her in the middle and then sat next to her.  Only a few inches apart.  She did not try to lean in or touch yet.  “No questions about being a Magical Girl, hmm.  How about questions about me?  Though I have to admit, starting so young, I don’t have as much of a ‘civilian’ life as others.”

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Mitsuko played along and whether she was comfortable with it all or not, she did not really hide or anything now. Following Jumi to the couch, she finally sat down and rested her legs while the fairy sat right close to her. They might not have been touching but she definitely could feel her close. It took Mitsuko taking a breath to finally turn to her, as the magical girl spoke to her. "I'm sorry, I am still new at this but I am learning... I want to be able to use this sword but the first time an enemy found me, I was forced to run..."

Thinking about an alternative line of questioning, Mitsuko looked at Jumi and realize one difference between them. A magical power had come to choose her, changing her life that she already had lived for a while but according to the Rose Fairy, she always lived as a magical girl or about. "Have you fought many enemies, then...? What is it like to live this way? As a magical girl, I mean.", she asked her, her eyes not able to help looking at her sometimes, a small part of her trying to compare Jumi's breast size with her own.

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Azreal looked up at Rin and smiled pulling away from her nipples. "You ready Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star))?" He asked kissing down her stomach and down her forbidden area. Azreal could scene Rin was getting there. His tongue licked at her sweet folds before finding her cilt. He closed his eyes loving how she tasted. He used his right hand to lift her leg onto his shoulder so he have his tongue reach deeper inside her. His other hand massaging her hip to keep her grounded. 

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