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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Mitsuko licked more and more, motivated by the moaning of her partner, more so by being told that she was doing good. For a first time, it was everything she could dream of doing and being done to her. She remembered that some of Jumi's licking made her feel incredibly pleasured even if she couldn't figure the why directly. Sexual education had taught her much however and it made her wonder if the way Jumi twitched at times were the same she felt herself. Trying to remember the spots, she tried to lick them rougher.

Mitsuko's hands meanwhile really pushed Jumi's thighs up and against their owner but without too much force, just enough to be felt that she was locking her partner fated to be licked until she would come. Her unnatural strength came from her sword, now still hanging at her neck but harmless for Jumi, blessing her with power a little stronger than that of a common human. With an innocent blushing face, her eyes still closed, Mitsuko was eating out Jumi's pussy relentlessly, taking in all of the juices that leaked for her.

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To be…used?  Rin understood how that sort of thing could be appealing to a man, how hot it could be to imagine a girl like that.  Not something she would have actually done to anyone.  But as a fantasy, it could be hot.  But now she was on the other side, as a girl, imagining what it would be like to be ‘used’.  The most casual of sex, her body an object to please men.  Not something to embrace completely.  But the thought of it turned her on a little.

He had taken the first step, but encouraged her.  Now it, was up to her.  Shifting around, eagerly, bouncing a bit.  As those images went through her head.  It was still a little strange, but the metal, pierced to the shaft, in addition to the cold, was probably helping.  Waiting to see how he did give her chest attention.

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Jumi let Mitsuko guide her body.  Found the end position rather hot.  She had learned well, from the little Jumi did either.  It felt good everywhere inside her, but was so much better in certain spots.  Now that Mitsuko was focusing on them, the pleasure ramped up quickly.  Mitsuko’s strength kept her from squirming, but the other girl could feel her body trying to.  How wet it was getting, just for her.  To a degree few had succeeded.

She could not say much at all at the moment.  Reduced to continuous moaning.  Sometimes soft, sometimes loud.  It felt both short and long, Jumi had no idea how long Mitsuko did it.  But her body shook, the wave coming through her entire body.  She did not know how it happened how much more was inside her.  But the spray in Mitsuko’s face was hard and intense.

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"Yes yes just like that My Little Star. Move those beautiful hips enjoy your Knight's cock." He growled thrusting up again and again into her sweet body before massaging her breasts. Pinching and flicking Rin's nipples playfully before sucking on the right one. His tongue circling around the tender nub as he used his fingers to pull the other the other nipple playfully.

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Alexandrine was back at the merchandise stands.  Looking over a piece being sold by a skilled artist, one with some reputation in places like this.  The artist, a woman perhaps a few years older than her, looked very nervous.  “…I heard your speech…I hope you are not bothered by this…I would give it to you…if you want.”  It was a very well made, very detailed and painted ceramic piece.  Of her and the old team.  All happy.  Posing.  A defeated large monster lying behind them.  It was in fact a little painful to look at.  She had hid all her picture’s of the old team.  Childhood pictures with Emiri, her sister.  Old nightmares might return, if she displayed it at home.

It was not for her though.  It was for Elie.  “That will not be necessary.  I will buy it.”  Stuff like this might disappear soon, as news of what happened spread.  Existing material of the team, made before the news, hard to find.  This especially, she would not take for free something hand made, that clearly had much time, work and love put into it.  It was one peace of her apology.  She paid full price.  Had it very carefully boxed up securely and took it back to the van.  Placing it in a safe place.

She was not going to run from this.  Just like she insisted Elie not run when they met.  She would not run from making up for the fact she hurt the girl.  The apology might not happen today.  But it would happen.

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It was an interesting feeling, her breasts played with.  They were not very large.  But large enough she felt the difference between the chests of boys and girls.  He had an idea what to do as well.  She found them surprisingly sensitive to his touch.  Not nearly as intense as what she was feeling below.  But it was turning her on.  Motivating her body to move more.  She was not going especially hard or fast.  But she picked up the pace.  Making sure to get the shaft as deep as she could.  Of course she was feeling the intense pleasure of Magical Girl and Knight again too.  So even these small movements were giving her intense pleasure, drawing the noises out of her again.  Showing growing comfort with this sort of sex.

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Mitsuko continued for a while, licking her best spots roughly in the end. The moaning and Jumi's body shaking in a wave made the schoolgirl release her grasp but only ever so slightly. The instant she was finally given her partner's orgasm is when she had stopped licking, first as a shock of what was happening and next, because she was showered by Jumi's squirting, catching her off guard despite the fact that she had herself squirted for her before. The receiving experience was new to her but she did not try to avoid it.

Having had enough taste of her juices, it didn't feel too bad that she could not get the most of her flow but her face and her hair had been drenched by it, making her keep her eyes closed until it was over. Only when Jumi was done, Mitsuko finally opened her eyes slowly in a shock, blushing red for many reasons... First, from what she had done and was only realizing now and next, from the state she was in for Jumi to see. The schoolgirl released her legs gently for her to lay them down to rest once more, on each sides.

"I...", she only muttered, feeling a little ashamed but not dirty, Mitsuko even enjoyed the state she was in now but her eyes looked nervously at her friend. "I-I am sorry, I didn't mean to go so hard on you. It felt so warm, it tasted so good... W-what am I even saying? I would never... normally... do this. I...", she told her friend, still having a sight on her pussy. Leaning closer, she kissed Jumi's pelvis then pulled herself up to her height before she hugged her for comfort, clutching onto her sex partner, enjoying her warmth.

Just like that, for now, Mitsuko was laying on top of Jumi. Not looking at her but holding onto her, her wet face and hair laid and dripped against her body. She had become so bold that she had went all out when it was not really like her to even do this to begin with. She had no regrets nor any fear that jumi would be upset at her anyhow. It was merely the shock of what she had been capable of doing herself to someone else. And yet... Despite this... The wet naked cuddle with Jumi felt right. She wanted more of it.

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Azreal seeing Rin enjoying herself made his desire for her grown even stronger. He switches to suck other nipple, enjoying the taste of this young girl's body. He couldn't get enough. Her small breasts were perfect and form fitting in his hands. He sucked a but hard on this nipple and bit it playfully pulling back before thrusting back up into Rin. His cock twitching hearing her moans of bliss as the sex between Magical Girl and Knight was better then anything else she had ever felt.

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It had been a while since Jumi did that.  Especially so intensely.  She let Mitsuko let her go and embrace her, as she took a moment to recover.  It was a little cute, shy girls, especially after their first times, could be rather cute.  “What are you apologizing for?  That felt amazing, if anything I should be apologizing for your face.”  She finally lifted her arms are returned the embrace.  Holding her, pressing their bodies together.  “…I could get used to this.  Leave your bed at home, when you move.”  She had joked about it before.  She was slightly more serious now.  Them sharing the same bed, sleeping together nightly, whether there was sex or not.  She was sure there would be a lot.  But maybe not every night.

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Mitsuko was deeply embarrassed but loved the contact, the scent of Jumi calming her as she cuddled near her breasts with her face. When the Fairy said that she should be the one to apologize, Mitsuko shook her head slowly, provoking a rub of her face against jumi's chest. "D-don't... I... I loved that...", she told her, a little quietly. She was not shy exactly but she was new at it and she would love to get used to it but she had gotten more tired from it than she had thought. After all, she had went through two orgasms in total yet still managed to get two out of Jumi as well. One, technically, caused by the Fairy starting the fun but Mitsuko had gotten comfortable enough to finish it. Now, she wanted to lay against her.

With the offer from before soon being repeated to her, which she had taken seriously, Mitsuko smiled softly. It was from the subtle praise about how Jumi could get used to this that did it as well. She rubbed her face against her chest some more, doing so very slowly, more so to get comfortable with her and less to provoke any sexual tension. "I will do it... Thank you, Jumi...", she said, even more quietly. She made it seem as if she was going to... Fall asleep. This did not take long before she stopped moving altogether, breathing calmly. She barely could sleep much, she had been assaulted by an unknown enemy and she had met with Jumi. This had been the best thing of the day for Mitsuko but it had been exhausting.

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Ah she fell asleep.  Jumi was happy enough with how much they got done.  They would decide what to do in the morning.  No rush to wake up.  Take their time.  The transformation should cover clothes, while they considered looking for replacements.  It would be good to introduce Mitsuko to at least some of the team as well.  Figure out anything else to do as the day passed.  If she tried to find Alexandrine, or anyone else.  The crowd might make things hectic.  But they should be able to have a fairly relaxing day.

She just held the girl quietly, for a bit.  Letting the lingering excitement from the orgasm pass, before finally drifting asleep.  Not the first time she had properly slept with someone, but it was maybe a little different.  Not as purely sexual as it tended to be.

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Rin was still rather inexperienced.  The intensity was probably making this faster and easier than it usually was.  This was not a case where the man had any difficulty at all in pleasing the woman, especially as Rin’s lingering reluctance continued to melt.  The work on both parts of her body causing her to moan louder.  No longer caring if anyone heard.  She started bouncing harder, wanting more, wanting to know just how good she could feel.  And while she not necessarily want it to be short, she was not caring if this made it faster for one or both of them.  Of course she also did not have the usual reason to care about a man finishing quickly.  It would be better, if she could give him a few quick orgasms in a row.

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A long rest later, Mitsuko started to wake from her slumber, feeling her pillow gently... The scent and texture were different from what she was used to for a split moment before she realized, not what but who, she was sleeping on. Her face turned red a bit again as she was realizing everything she had done. Her body and mind had rested, thankfully, so she felt her mind being more clear for thoughts. And yet, still, she had no regrets about the moment she had spent with this cute girl she was cuddling. The dream was continuing on.

If Jumi was not awake yet, or even if she was, Mitsuko would pull herself gently to her face and kiss her on the lips. Her body was still messy from what Jumi had done to it but she planned to take a shower soon. Not without this girl however. She didn't want to leave her yet. She would sleep with her and she was okay with it. Even if they would not have a deep relationship, just being with her was good enough. For Mitsuko, Jumi had become a kind of girlfriend. She knew Jumi had other relationships but she did not really mind that.

If Jumi was not awake, Mitsuko would try to wake her up but if she was already awake, she would try and offer that shower to her, her hand holding hers.

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Jumi was not an especially deep sleeper.  She had plenty of nights in places much more dangerous than this after all.  She could relax more than usual, but she shifted into waking up with the kiss.  A reminder of the previous night.  In addition, to feeling the other girl’s body.  She reached up.  Rubbed her eyes and yawned a little.  Their dark windowless room making it seem earlier than it probably was.  “Mm mornin’, Mitsuko.”  She mumbled.  Still a little half-asleep.  But quickly waking up.

”Day 2 it is.  Any plans for the day?”  She had not plans originally.  Even now she did not really.  Other than a few things that might not take long.

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Mitsuko smiled as she saw her wake up. "Good morning, Jumi...", she said calmly but with a hug, her body warmly squeezing but gently against her. "I... um, I don't have plans, actually. I will stay with you, if it alright.", she told her as she held her hand. "Let's have a shower... Or a bath. My hair are in a mess but it was worth it... I-I left you in a mess too, though...", she remarked, moving up from her to sit delicately on her partner's belly, still holding her hand. An idea sprung to her mind from something that she had noticed the day before.

Moving away from her to Jumi's side, Mitsuko reached under her and picked her up to hold her against herself, surprisingly easily as well. "D-do you mind if I carry you? Also, please tell me where we can find the showers. I'm afraid I don't know the place very well. I've come here so quickly..." She told her, moving to stand on the floor instead of the bed. The sight of Jumi like this only improved the opinion she had of her though she tried not to focus on what mess she had left on her while sleeping against her, treating her like a pillow.

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“No baths here, unfortunately.  Showers’re at the end of the hall, opposite side of where you came in, past all the rooms.  It is an open shower…not gender segregated.  But there is a decent chance we will be alone, ignored if we aren’t.”  Well, going in the morning meant it was a little less likely to be alone.  But Jumi was sure they would be ignored, except maybe if they found someone who knew her.  Even then no one was likely to stare or do anything that might make Mitsuko embarrassed.  That was what these rooms were for.

Being picked up like and that offer, that was a surprise.  This girl continued to be rather cute and surprising,  “Ah, suddenly feel like a princess, maybe a bride…”. Maybe someone would look at them after all, if they were not alone.  But this made it more likely they would left alone.  “But sure, go ahead.  Off to the shower.”  She was not really bothered to be seen like that.  If Mitsuko enjoyed it, she would let it happen.

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Mitsuko blushed again as Jumi spoke of feeling like a princess... Perhaps a bride was too much but Mitsuko liked the idea, like when held her protectively, of being a kind of guardian to her. She would need to master the sword and her magical form but that was a promise she still held onto. Jumi was too adorable to not want to keep safe even if she already had went through abuse and who knows what else. She wanted to be at her sides, now. For the better... or the worse... Holding her close and carefully, she started leaving.

Making her way out of the room, Mitsuko followed directions. Both she and Jumi were naked but compared to the day before, she was a little more comfortable with it. Not entirely but she would not cower if she was seen naked. If anything, she would be embarrassed but she had her good share of that already. Walking quietly on her bare feet, she made sure she did not hurt her princess anywhere then finally entered the shower room, whatever it was like. Mitsuko took a peek inside as she went, wondering if anyone was there.

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It had been rather busy hadn't it? Day 1 of a celebration and the air definitely felt like it. It was light. Beautiful. The smiles were brighter than the stars and the cheers were louder than thunder. Magical Girls. Magical Knights. Fans of one. Fans of both. It was thrilling to be in a place where they could all unite and enjoy themselves in love for the people that kept them safe and provided more than a little thrill in other ways. The rooms were especially useful for that last bit weren't they? Rie had made liberal use of the private rooms though she was never so opposed to doing so without that. She had mostly hosted private meet-and-greets, innocent talks. It was only a little while before those innocent meetings became teases. Peaks of heaven, and come night? Well she found a nice couple to show a little magic. It was very early morning however where Rie would escort them out and someplace else to sleep as she geared for the day.

A jogging suit that seemed a little more tight than practical, showing off curves that often kept eyes on her, and she had left. A run. Rie was a physical being and as such devoted herself to many physical activities. Nothing felt better to her after a good night of sex and relaxation than a job...as if she hadn't sweated enough already. She would return, no soon after, to use the showers of course and she beat pretty much anyone there. Not gender segregated so the eye-candy could float galore. Not private so any washing was done under watchful eyes. Rie didn't care. She had grown up in a decently large family so having little privacy was normal to her. It was all safe really.

No one would dare to act in anyway but perfectly in public no?

Pffft. Anyone who thought that has never met Rie Takagi. Majihira Aibori, or Magic Nurse Ivory for the inclined. She was, most days, shameless and others? Actively opposed to the concept. She happily stripped down to her birthday suit once again, and once again her developed form was on display. Satin, near flawless skin. The subtle bounce of her large bare pink-tipped breasts, and the curve of her hips and soft rear. She didn't even seem to move in any way as to hide the well shaped hair just above her sacred place. She was of good breeding as her former...honestly worrisome swim coach would say but she'd heard them from her classmates enough to take solace in them instead.

She traveled into the showers and to one of the running heads, the place already quite steamy and relaxing. There wasn't really much of anyone in there quite yet, a few people but they would ignore her though she did not extend the same gratitude and would greet them with a sweet chirp and hello on the way, and maybe a complement or two. Rie was the wrong person to be around when you wanted to be totally ignored. The young lady liked to make everyone feel seen. It was nice...even if it was deep down for some she was sure.

People would leave, ready to enjoy another day but Rie was enjoying the water. She liked the water and the peace of it all cleaning and relaxing. Cleaning and relaxing and soon those doors would open yet again and she didn't hesitate to look back "Morning~!" she would sing to whoever just entered. Her big red eyes scanned to see who it was. Another girl she'd never seen. Cute and in her arms like some manner of princess was....

"Jumi!" at least having mercy not to use one of the many nicknames she had thought up for the beauty. She smiled a little bit "So this was your dance partner for the night?" she questioned as if she didn't know the answer. She looked to the girl "Rie Takagi." she'd introduce without hesitation and stand there proud. She didn't really have the type of mindset that screamed modest let alone shy.

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Azreal smiled softly. "Is my little star getting tired out? Is the pleasure to much?" He said rolling his hips thrusting into her gspot wanting Rin to cum. He wanted to see her come undone again and again by his cock. "Is my little star wanting my cum deep inside her? You wanting me fill you full. Fill your tiny womb with my cum?" He thrusted faster and Hardee the tip of his cock popping into her womb. "Yes just like that. Your prefect. I love your body male or female. You're perfect for my cock." He moaned massaging her breats and pitching the nipple playfully after having sucked them for a good long while. His cock pulsing and twitching like crazy while he fucked the entrance to womb with the tip of his cock.

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Okay.  That was interesting company to greet them in the morning.  It was someone Jumi wanted to introduce her to sooner or later.  After last night it would hopefully not be too much, to meet in the shower.  “Well, something like that.”  It was technically true, but ‘dance partner’ implied the more casual partners she usually had.  “Mitsuko, Rie, Rie, Mitsuko.”  She quickly made introductions, then elaborated further for Mitsuko.  “Rie is part of my team.”

Then a little more for Rie.  “She stumbled into my room last night.  Brand new Magical Girl, something attacked her.  Still not precisely sure what it was.  But this is possibly the safest place in the world right now.  Invited her to stay with me.”  Some of the other plans they made could wait just a little to be revealed.  “My plan is to nominate her to join the team.” Rie of course had to approve of that.  The whole team did.  But Jumi expected it to be easy enough to convince them.

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“…No.  I’m not tired yet.”  Rin had gone a while with the boys earlier.  But she was more passive there, and sharing with Emi.  It had not drained her as much as it might have.  She still had plenty of energy.  “I want it.  As much as I can have.”  She had no idea how much that might be.  But she wanted it.  It just made her move more, along with him.  Both trying to draw it out of him and into her.  He said it again.  He really wanted her both ways?  Well that was not going to happen tonight.  She still had a little time to prepare.  Tonight was teaching her she really was a girl deep down.  To enjoy men at least as much as women.

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Mitsuko saw the new girl and she face looked shy for a moment as she watched them, still holding Jumi closely. "Good morning...", she replied. As she listened to them, letting them converse for the moment, something felt like it was twisting inside of her as she heard the way she was referred to, like if she had been nothing but a one time fun thing. It was of no surprise that Jumi had more relationships, which did not bother her, but the wording had felt wrong with what she herself felt about what she had experienced with Jumi.

"I-I'm Mitsuko Kugimitsu... It's nice to meet you...", she said for politeness. but gently moved Jumi so she could stand on her feet for the time being. For the rest, she preferred to remain quiet and see how the showers functioned instead, seeing that like a distraction. Her state also didn't help the situation but she didn't want to comment on it. Warm water is all she wanted now. A mean to relax as she was a bit tense from finding herself with another person who knew Jumi. It was not jealousy but she just was not comfortable, yet.

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Azreal cupped her cheek as he moved his lips just right to sink his cock deeper into her womb. His metal piercing massaging the opening and rubbing against her silky smooth insides. "Oh God you're so tigth. Your womb is prefect." He smiled before changing his thrusts into a more jackhammer like state. "Fuck...so close. My Little Star. I want more of you. Tell me how want me. Tell me what you wish for me to do that beautiful body of yours." He purred before gripping her hips so that when he cam it would stay deep inside her.

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Rie would giggle and wave to the shyer seeming girl as Jumi confirmed her identity. The usual, somewhat dry tone from Jumi didn't bother her at all. She simply gasped a little as she was informed that the girl had been attacked "Really? Did you notice any lingering injuries during your love making?" a rather reflexive question on Rie's end. She wasn't a real nurse or doctor but her time as a magical healer had given her something of a need to make sure people were alright after any incident. She figured if they had stayed together for the night she must have been fine but she could hardly help it. It was a flash of genuine worry though it was unwarranted at the end of the day.

She watched Mitsuko move away, somewhat awkwardly before looking to Jumi concerned for a moment before deciding to tease Jumi a little bit instead "Wow you find a maiden in trouble and invite her to bed? You sly Fairy." poking her with her elbow through the air though she was glad that the young woman ended up someplace safe. Rie had been on the team for a few years but given where they were and who she was with? There was no better place to end up.

Join the team? Rie blinked a few times looking from the pink-haired vision to the black-haired beauty. She hummed looking Mitsuko up and down. She had no idea what her skill was, and what power she had but if Jumi wanted her on the team...

Rie bounced a bit and her chest followed. She was a great deal curvier than either of the two ladies, and perhaps most of the other girls on the team. She moved closer to Jumi "Oh? You must really like this girl if you want her on the team already." her characteristic playful nature on display despite their current location "Well then the campaign starts....now. I accept my bribes in kisses." she was half joking. Rie would say yes regardless because who was she to deny a girl a chance to be a hero if they had the power? She did wait to see if Jumi would play into it though or rebuke her because her guest was right there.

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“A little bleeding in the beginning.  But she did not appear to be seriously hurt.”  Jumi was less qualified than her teammate to judge the injuries, how much that enemy hurt Mitsuko.  She also left it unsaid she had a different girl in bed at the moment, asked to leave to take care of Mitsuko.  Well, she probably would not see that girl again.

“I’ll have you know though, this isn’t quite so casual.”  It was not a real relationship, though it had become more than she had with most girls.  Especially those who were not part of the team.  “She currently lives in the area.  But she has a hole in the wall back home know.  Has to move to join the join the team.  But we got that handled.  In a few days, she will be my new roommate.”

She did not immediately respond to the offer on the kisses.  Looking to see Mitsuko’s reaction.  But it was probably good for Mitsuko to see such things. As a member of the team, Rie and Mitsuko would probably be doing some of that sort of thing eventually.  All three of them at times.  Mitsuko might be closer to Jumi than others, but Jumi hoped she would not get jealous.  Even be happy to join in.

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