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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Mitsuko pouted gently, trying to keep it to herself as she was turning the shower on. The reaction was mostly from them speaking of her injuries and treating her like a maiden in distress as if she was a kind of prize. She was sure that they were merely joking or taking it with humor but Mitsuko really had felt lucky to just be alive and her wish to protect Jumi still was strong. What she had felt with her was the best feeling she ever had with someone. But as she was already warned, she would have to share that feeling and it was fine.

Still, she didn't want to be treated like a random one time dance or a weakling. Jumi seemed to defend her on at least one of these points and telling Rie that she was going to become her roommate made her happy, reminding her that this reality still existed. While she was listening, she simply set herself under the shower that she had turned on, finally relaxing a little while her wounds washed off some, at least making the blood stains disappear, leaving the scratches and marks Lenneth left behind with flinging her out of the house.

Right now, Mitsuko was not really bothered if the two of them wanted to kiss. With Jumi trying to see her reaction, she only seemed to focus on standing under the shower rain and emptying her thoughts. Surely she would get used to Rie sometimes if she managed to prove herself to her and make her see her worth. She seemed nice but Mitsuko had a hard time trying to fit in this duo who knew each others well already. What mattered to her now was that she had found something in Jumi that she never had before in anyone else.

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Rie let out a sigh of relief "Well if any pain lingers just let me know." she said and with that weight off her shoulders she could focus on doing what she did best...annoying her teammate. She didn't flinch as Jumi, ever so straight forward, corrected her that this particular fling was more than a quick spring rain. That, however, only seemed to delight Rie more than anything. If she had a tail it was more than likely to begin wagging in that moment as those deep red eyes lit up with a jovial excitement "Moving in together?" she would whistle "New Nickname~" she pointed a slender finger at Jumi "Lightspeed Kuromori. I can drop a line to someone willing to help you move a couch if you want. I'm happy for you two." adding to her repertoire. It might have sounded like Rie was being a little mean but she was just having fun and she possibly had a little bad influence from a friend in red armor she had made a good while ago. 

She genuinely found it sweet that Jumi and Mitsuko had this manner of bond. It was an envious thing wasn't it? It might not have been the typical definition of a romance but who would frown on this kind bond between two girls in a dangerous profession? Not Rie. She looked over to Mitsuko who was in her own little world but no doubt heard every word. She watched her closely watching the blood run off her. It was concerning in some way but she doubted the Raven haired woman liked her enough to allow her a check-up yet...or at all given her teasing. It was a bit much for a first meeting.

She was definitely not going to entertain the thought that Mitsuko wouldn't be on the team. She instead moved up to Jumi close enough to press herself against the girl. She assumed Jumi had already let her know that Mitsuko would likely not be the only person she ever shared her form with. The dangers of being a magical girl aside, magical girls did seem to be quite amorous rather than innocent. Rie was no exception.

She hummed and looked at Jumi seriously, dropping her jovial jokester facade "She's in obviously." she whispered to her but even with that confirmation from Rie she went in to press her soft lips against Jumi's anyway. If Jumi, or Mitsuko didn't stop her she'd happily wrap her arms around the pink haired girl to take a good grip of her rear and pull her into that soft form and go for a deep kiss. She was, deceptively, a pretty assertive sort but even if she couldn't progress it there she'd happily take a kiss.

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That was a difficult question, Rin had so little experience.  Trying to decide what she wanted someone to do to her, as a girl, was not an easy thing to decide.  She had not expected to be in the situation before a few days ago.  Before coming here was reluctant to even consider having sex with a man.  What did she want?  Burning with pleasure, she also had a hard time thinking.

She could only give a ‘boring’ answer for now.  “More….I just want more…”. Maybe with more time, experience, she could give a better answer.  It was not like she had any fantasies.

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Jumi was just trying to reassure the teammate who was focused on healing that it did not seem to be anything serious, in damage to her body.  Sure, it was more casual at the start.  Even now it was only a more limited seriousness, but still something not exactly casual.  She hoped the two would get along soon, figure each other out.  Though for now, she focused on washing.

It was a bit of perfect circumstances, how and why it moved so fast.  Oh sure there were jokes that could be made about ‘roomates’, that would be somewhat accurate here, but they were not exactly a couple.  Friends did not seem the right term either.  Jumi and Rie sort of had a relationship like that, but it was a little different with Mitsuko.  In a way hard to explain.

Of course, Rie would not make it easy though.  The girl was acting to a degree like she had with Mitsuko last night.  This was not the time or place to go too far.  

She let Rie kiss her, she had a relationship like this with the whole team.  To a degree, though Mitsuko might eventually learn she found something at least slightly stronger.  She did not have to feel jealous about the two girls deeply making out next to her.

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Azreal growled. "As you wish." He said flipping Rin onto her back before slamming away at her tigth pussy. "Fuck yes my little star. Right there in your womb...yes." He moaned before burying himself deep popping into Rin's womb as his second load of cum flooded Rin's womb.He rubbed where he felt his felt hia cock deep inside before he began to move his hips storing his cum inside her to make sure every inch would have his seed inside it.

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Mitsuko kept an eye open to watch the two others as she, for now, only really stood under the shower more than she really washed herself. Rinsing her body was a start but she thought to leave the rest to something more special, assuming she could pull it off. A bit shy still be determined to become something more to Jumi, she quietly moved to her after she had relaxed enough, behind her more precisely, and plainly started to wash her, figuring she did not need permission after how close and casual they've been in a single night and morning, with the carrying that she enjoyed doing. Jumi had very long hair but she would push them aside to start with her back first, promising herself to take care of her hair soon...

Mitsuko felt like it would be a chance to feel more of her future roommate, especially if they were going to do more fun things together. She had to get comfortable with it but not only it, also Jumi's other girlfriends. This is why she mentally accepted that she would not flinch if Rie somewhat did the same to her or anything. Touching was fair but also being touched. If Jumi was open to play then she would need to be open to be played with as well. Random thoughts made her blush about that but she remained focused for now, treating Jumi's back, her shoulders, her neck... It was not just her hands alone, though. She had picked up a cloth and some soap that she used to treat her, only waiting for what they'd do.

Mitsuko was not being very talkative but she was not upset or anything. A little shy for sure but also under the shock of what had happened to her the day before, with Lenneth. Jumi's experience had helped her immensely but at this moment, with the water touching her wounds, it was hard to be subtle about the impact it did on her own body. The sword happily hanging at her neck still, her lifesaver of sort, remained against her chest for all to see. Without it, she would not even be alive. Or this is what she was thinking. Yet, touching Jumi again somewhat helped her find relief but a light shaking may still be noticeable to a sharp eye. She did not seem to be in any pain but the trauma of the event was still affecting her.

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Ah the eternal question for Rie in simple times. Test the limits and see just what made the girls tick? Risk their wrath? Her interest in the human condition, influence quite a fair bit by her status, did extend to their thought. Jumi was always interesting. Rie wouldn't call them friends but they weren't enemies. Mitsuko didn't really have to worry much about competition at least in regards to whatever Jumi and her had. One did not expect an, at most, physically intimate business partner to interfere with a deeper bond forged in whatever ethereal and psychological forge this quick bond was made in. Rie wasn't even going to really make light of it no no. 

That thought didn't even cross her mind as she pressed the kiss with Jumi who seemed to accept it and Rie enjoyed. Deep and long before she broke it to look at Mitsuko who had joined them and began to wash Jumi's hair. Rie couldn't help but study her. She wasn't upset, no, but it was clear to the woman that physically there was still something to be addressed. She would grumble a little bit. She had left her supplies out with her stuff having not expected this. Truthfully it was making her anxious even with Jumi's assurances that it didn't seem that bad.

Mentally? Jumi was the only remedy for that but Rie had an idea. Distraction.

Rie hummed and looked on thoughtfully before she popped her lips and waved her fingers at the quiet Mitsuko "I mean iiiiif you're gonna get the back-" she moved away to grab the cleaning supplies she did bring. A sweet scented bodywash she liked to put on and a spare loofah. Of course hair-hashing was a much more gentle act. Rie however looked downright devious as she advanced, a quick pour and some squeezing. The time to stop her from going overboard would be soon....or never.

She gently placed the loofah on her shoulder "I'll get the front." and if Jumi didn't stop her she'd start to her down, focusing, admittedly on her more sensitive parts as a bit of a tease. She really wanted to step out and get the salve to help with those scratches but for now? This would do especially since they were, in some way, a team "So moving in together? Have you decided on who gets the TV remote most?" she said teasing a bit more.

"That sex must have been incredible huh?" she chuckled and would use her free hand to idly grope at Jumi if that girl didn't admonish or stop her "You got any tips? I, too, would like to make a cute girl cum so hard she immediately decides to become a housewife." she didn't really need help on that front but it just seemed too funny not to talk about to her.


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Oh, they were double teaming her now?  To a degree at least.  Jumi was unsure how far Mitsuko was intending to go.  Rie on the other hand, could easily be guessed, from experience and knowing her.  Her plan had been to stop this from going very far.  But if Mitsuko was getting involved, maybe better to see where it went.  Hope they did not get an audience.

Both washing her from each side.  She kind of enjoyed it, still not stopping anything Rie did.  Neither seemed to be jealous of the other.  Rie was just being Rie.  “Guess you just got to get lucky.”  Her approach had not really been different, the living together was a coincidence of Mitsuko needing to move anyway.  She was trying to balance her answers.  Just the way Rie asked things, she wanted to be honest, while not sounding more casual about it than she meat to to Mitsuko.

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Rin was not sure if that growl was positive or negative.  She hoped not to disappoint him, that he understood why it was too soon to answer that question well.  But she got what she wanted moaning loudly.  Her body shaking, the intense orgasm, as he came again, being filled so much.  She could feel it all.  Even after he pulled out, she might be full and leaking.  She looked up with desire, panting, unsure if it was over for the night.

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Mitsuko looked at Rie address her about taking care of Jumi from behind, soon telling her she would pick the front instead. It made Mitsuko blush a bit as she knew what she was going to get but that did not faze her otherwise. The next questions made it sound like she and Jumi were becoming a couple but even she understood that, to her, girlfriend was the most appropriate word and it probably applied to Rie as well, soon maybe for Mitsuko as well. "I-It's not like that... Besides, it will be Jumi's home. I will let her decide."

The topic about sex made Mitsuko somewhat hide behind Jumi but she was actually washing more of her still, simply lowering down to her butt to keep washing her. It was one thing to wash herself this way but another to wash someone else. Her experience with her made it easier, though. She was gentle with her, too. Not reaching to anything of her in the front, leaving it to Rie. "I... I'm no housewife but if you must really know, I enjoyed my time with Jumi... I was thrown out of my home so she offered me to stay with her..."

Mitsuko could not begin to explain what had happened that night but she was glad that Jumi had been there for her, to help her, to introduce her to her new life, to make her feel things she would never have felt otherwise. Her first experience being Jumi licking her there only to have sex with her thereafter... It had been wonderful. Mitsuko leaned against Jumi a bit, her cheek against her butt as she hugged her gently, feeling thankful to her. But also, with Jumi's story of being sexually abused... Mitsuko wanted to protect her.

By Jumi's own words, Mitsuko felt lucky, that day. Not completely lucky... But she was alive and the Fairy was part of her life now. Plus, she had powers that she needed to make use of. Having practiced some of it on targets in secret was nothing compared to the real thing but she would adapt quickly. For now, she would focus on what was important... She washed down Jumi's legs, having knelt behind her by now, she made sure that no spots were missed. Then, she carefully brought one foot to her and started washing it.

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Azreal looked at Rin pulling her close. "Is my little star filled to the brim? Does she want more or would you like your Knight to help wash you up. While I wash you up you could tell me about your friends." He said holding her lovingly kissing her cheek. "And don't worry that growl was playfully I wasn't disappointed at all. You were perfect."

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Rie couldn't help but note the way the two answered her with Jumi maintaining this fair and balanced outlook, but Mitsuko while not outright saying the words spoke with much more emotion. She sounded enamored and that was sweet. She allowed them to give their answers while she focused on washing Jumi though each answer was punctuated by a snicker before she couldn't quite take it anymore and just blurted out "Girlfriends! You two are so silly." but she did find it funny how they were struggling to really put a term on it but Girlfriends covered it well enough she felt. She cleared her throat "I, on the other hand, am just a mere Sexfriend." she said though she couldn't help but lose focus to touch her chin "Well I'm not entirely sure on the friend part so SexCoworker could work too." resuming her jokes happily before she returned to Jumi's body and worked downward with her.

"Literally clearly." motioning between Jumi's legs to Mitsuko though she was speaking on both clearly enjoying her time and being thrown out of her house. Still though with that handled Rie had another idea. She felt she had covered most of Jumi's front and would leave the rest to Mitsuko..for the time being. She hummed and stood up and once again she pressed in close highlighting the difference in their sizes "Speaking of Lucky..." she looked her up and down "Finding a cute girl, making her fall head-over-heels in a single day, and then getting washed like a princess. You really are quite the lucky one~" she wrapped an arm around her and took hold of her chin "This Magical Girl thing does have its rewards doesn't it?"

She gently walked her fingers over Jumi's tummy and downward "And now she's even washing your feet~! Just what the doctor ordered." she hummed as her hand crawled lower and lower until it ended up between her legs, a slender finger focused between her lips and a thumb above just before her button as she moved them in concert slowly. Lovingly.

"I hope you don't mind if I get familiar with Mitsuko too. It'll...help me with work." making sure Mitsuko could hear that. She knew Jumi wouldn't mind it and likely expected it but Rie figured that declaring her desire to get to know Mitsuko and Jumi's explicit statement might help Mitsuko feel more comfortable in this situation.

"In fact...its been awhile since your last check-up." she smiled "I think I can handle two patients at once." deciding to make a joke out of her position for good measure.

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They were not exactly friends in a conventional sense.  Jumi would agree with that much.  Though she thought coworker was putting it a bit casually.  They certainly did not have an ordinary ‘job’.  With each other’s lives on the line, there ought to be a strong trust.  Without the trust, there was the fate of Alexandrine’s old team, even more likely.  That had happened to that team even with a strong bond.

Jumi really did not think ‘girlfriends’ was the right word.  But trying to argue that would not be easy.  Even if she was not being distracted.  Mitsuko was being fairly…wholesome? about it right now, though she wondered if that would last.  Rie on the other hand…

”…As long as Mitsuko is okay with it, you can do whatever you want.”  Jumi was not a jealous girl, she expected this, encouraged it to a degree.  This was a line that should be crossed at some point.  Though this was not the time or place Jumi would have chosen.  Mitsuko probably should get a look, but this was just ‘playing doctor’, with her.  Of course Rie was on the verge of ramping this up.  Her fingers so close.  “Checkups are what we are calling this though now, hmm?”  Of course, she was not exactly stopping it.  She and Rie did have some similarity in this area.

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Mitsuko blushed a little as she heard Rie mention girlfriends. She did not know if the rest of what she had said was true but she believed Rie could be the same, unless she didn't see herself as such. She really didn't mind washing Jumi, anyhow. Like a princess or like anything... This life was tenfold better than the more serious scholar life she was living before. Compared to this magical experience, she would not return to it now that she knew what this life was starting to be like. Doing all this for Jumi was a way to thank her.

As the comment about her washing Jumi's feet came up, Mitsuko couldn't avoid a faint smile, doing exactly so because she liked it. With her position, she was able to wash her sole with her hands gently but she had more in mind. For now, however, she made sure that she cleaned it well then followed with her toes and under, from her own perspective, the top of Jumi's foot to her ankle. When done and rinsed, she leaned toward it and gave her sole a kiss and a tender lick before moving on to her other foot and do the same.

She would not care if she was judged for it. It was her way to show how much attention she liked to give to them. But while she was doing this, Rie mentioned getting familiar with her and she figured she knew what it meant. Looking up as well, her face turned a little red as she saw Rie being playful but so she was herself, only with a different part of the cute fairy. She didn't mind if Rie wanted to do anything, though. She might even be happy if she did... With the way it sounded, if she had healing, she might even help her.

"I-I'm fine with it, please don't worry... As you told me, it's not something I should be ashamed of...", she smiled honestly while washing Jumi's other foot, not afraid to explore more of what this world had in store for her. She was new at it but she did not hate feeling pleasure or getting feelings she had never felt before. If anything, it made her feel spoiled that they were so inclined to involve her in their game. She was feeling like she was dreaming or maybe even dead after the attack but to her, all of this right now felt real.

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"I knew you'd agree." she whistled giving her a gentle kiss pulling back to Jumi could make her note on her choice of words. Her side swayed side to side "Hey sometimes healing requires a little more...physicality." she would playfully correct but indeed Jumi was just letting it all happen. but who would stop this? Two women lavishing affection on you at once was something quite a good amount of people could only dream of. She would curl a finger to gently and worm it into Jumi as she pressed her palm against her button gently.

She looked to the side as Mitsuko chimed in to say she was also fine with it. She couldn't help but smile "Good lessons from the pretty fairy~!" she and she withdrew for a moment knowing she was leaving Jumi a little cold but she had a thing she wanted to do. She looked at Jumi "Well then you two? Its time for your Medicine!" which were words Jumi likely recognized as being the trigger words for a certain girl's transformation though this would be a bit controlled given their certain circumstance. Being that she was already nude all Rie needed to do was was blow the two a kiss as a role of ivory white fabric appeared in her hand. She tossed it into the air but controlling the transformation it only appeared to conjure up the cap on her with the odd symbol.

Her hair would actually lengthen and upon opening her eyes those red orbs they had been looking at would turn yellow instead but generally, at least these days, there was little need for her body to change to fit her transformation outside of the little that protected her identity. They were luckily alone so she didn't feel bad about this display. On her hip after a brief flash appeared a decently sized white bag and she'd pose, raising a leg and winked to the two as several different color hearts emanated from her eye before fading. Rie's transformation was normally elaborate but getting those wet wouldn't help her then. She remained naked outside of the bag and nurses cap though generally all together she'd often look and act close to a whole doctor.

"Magical Nurse Ivory at your service~!" she chuckled. She did love her transformation even if she couldn't pull off the whole thing right now but at least Mitsuko would have a small idea of who she was dealing with. Rie did trust her. She hummed and reached into her pouch to pull out what looked like two antique vials one Green and one clear  "Its not fair for our cute fairy to be the only one receiving love." she said and moved closer to her, beaming at her.
"Let me take care of you~!" though she sounded...a little intense. Healing was exactly what Rie had in mind and she knew exactly how she wanted to do it.

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It was as safe as any place to transform.  Only other Magical Girls or Knights were allowed here.  Far enough no guests spending the night in one of the rooms should see anything, if they happened to come out.  It had all been quite enjoyable.  But if it was ‘doctor’ time, Mitsuko needed that more her.  She got enough last night, she was not bothered by a gap in attention.  Let the other two focus on each other for a bit.

She let Mitsuko keep doing her thing.  Until she stopped, or Rie interrupted her.  Showed no hint of being bothered by the foot attention.  Not a surprise to her at this point.  She doubted Rie would be bothered either.  Especially now that she was going to be healing in her way. “Yes, yes, make her make her all better, nurse.”

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Mitsuko continued with Jumi's foot for a bit, wanting to finish unless interrupted but at the end, making sure that it was washed well, she still gave it a kiss and a tender lick, blushing but feeling lucky that she could do so much. Everything had a price however and Rie might want to be the one to play with her next. Letting go of Jumi's foot but carefully placing it down near the other one first, she turned to look around herself, curious about what either of them had in mind for the rest. She remained sitting there for now, though.

Jumi's hair still required to be washed but she figured that they could wait or Jumi would take care of it on her own. Next thing she had noticed was Rie's fancy transformation of sort. As even jumi encouraged the nurse to get a check on her, Mitsuko looked curiously at them, wondering what she was to do, if anything. Magical girls had special ways and means to do things so besides being a little shy and obviously new at this, she watched them and let whatever would happen happen. Still, she also had a look of curiosity in her eyes.

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Tell him about her friends?  Rin was not really sure what to say.  Not that she felt he could not be trusted.  But there was the question of what to say.  “…I think that was enough, for today.”  She easily could have taken more.  But she was satisfied.  “I’m not really sure what to say.  I haven’t known them very long.”  She did consider them friends, but she only knew a little about each of them.  Even if she did try to tell him everything, she had not had time to learn a great deal about them yet.  Was there anything specific he wanted to know?  That might help, but there was no guarantee she could answer.

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Like Rie needed to be told what to do now that she had decided to do it. She fished two more vials from her pack "Don't worry cutie~!" she bit the caps all at once to pitting them out though they merely faded into sparkles "I'm a professional Magical Healer. I've been doing this since I was a kid.... well not this part..." not that her methods looked all that refined as she proceeded to pour vial after vial onto her hands and rub them together. The vials she gathered tossed aside also just fading into bright sparkles so nothing was left behind. She got close to Mitsuko "Now you just relax." moving behind her so she had the full ability to touch Jumi if she wanted. 

Rie's hands would end up squarely on her side at first and even with the water it would feel cool at first but also warm. There was a pleasant heat that seemed to radiate from from slender fingers, a gentle smell that was almost like candy but not overpowering. It was a magical thing and with each gentle move that substance would cover Mitsuko and not seem to run out. She gently massaged it into Mitsuko, and focused watching for any particular moves from Mitsuko that would tell her where to press and focus.

There wouldn't be much pain even as those hands wandered over her scratches and marks in fact, by design, the healing of those marks was meant to feel heavenly rather than painful, like an energy would radiate through her that was focused on touching every pleasant point in her body. Rie didn't cause pain if she didn't need to instead using her magic to make the healing process pleasurable and in situation like this? Stimulating. That warmth and vibration making the job easy but she had done something a bit more. It wasn't new but purposefully she would focus on other areas that weren't necessarily in need of healing.

The older woman happily pressing into Mitsuko's back, allowing her to feel her fine, smooth, skin and brazenly pressing her large breasts against her. She would moved her hands up to Mitsuko's chest, gently caressing, groping, and brushing her fingers against her nipples. Her hand hands moving down gently aiming between her legs though only teasing at the edge of her lower lips, circling upward to press and rub at the hood just above her button. Rie couldn't help but place gentle kisses along her neck, and behind her ear. It seemed even the areas that didn't need healing would feel that magical power radiating out though only a little less so.

She gently hummed and blew into her ear "Don't be afraid to tell Nurse Takagi what you need and we'll get it aalll taken care of~. Its only us in here~ " she cooed. The large breasted healer was usually the dominant sort in these matters she did like to listen especially when playing nurse. It was only right to treat a patient well though sometimes what they needed was something rougher. She had tools for that too in her magical bag but right now she was focused on her hands to get totally familiar with her body.

She did of course look up to Jumi to let her know she was still in her sights "I'm sure she has all the desire in the world to still wash that beautiful hair of yours so don't make that difficult for her....or you can help me make sure we've got her all covered. I'm sure you gave it plenty of loving last night but I'm sure she wouldn't mind some more would you Mitsuko?" of course it was up to Jumi how she wanted to fit in. Rie wasn't going to ignore her soon.

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For now Jumi just stood and waited.  She might join in, but she waited, since it sounded like Rie was getting into it.  Waited to see how distracted Mitsuko was, whether she tried to keep washing, wanted her join in or just let Rie do her thing.  Back to them, she could imagine some of the things Rie was doing, based on experience.  It was a little hot, but not enough to work her up after everything that happened the previous night.  She had been satisfied quite well, and would take more to start getting her really excited.

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That was a little bit of an embarrassing story, even to someone Rin just had sex with.  “Well, I don’t know their full names.  But Alexandrine and Emi.”  She was a little surprised he did not already know Alexandrine’s name at least.  As a veteran Magical Girl, a number of other Magical Girls and Knights probably already knew it.  But maybe the two of them had never really talked.  It was a little strange, but not enough to worry her.

”It was random.  I was stopping to take a shower in a gym, on the way home from work and the two of them happened to be there.  Later that night, I was spending some time with them, when they figured out I was a Magical Girl.”  The sex in the van that was a big part of it did not really seem important to mention.

”As for Elie.  We were driving around the next day.  She was performing at a concert, with Alexandrine sensed her being attacked by a demon, we went to help.”

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"Ah I see and Alexandrine is the famous Diamond Sorcereress I've heard so much about. I'd love to meet her one day soon. Maybe you can introduce us. And Emi was it I don't believe I've heard of her." He said helping Rin washing up their upper body before putting PH balance soap on his fingers and hand and began to finger her pussy to clean her out.

"Elie is a singer? A famous one no doubt?" He asked smirking seeing his cum dripping onto floor and into his hand. "Well Elie must have been help to be saved from an amazing team of magical girls. I hope to meet her as well. You see I've been away in Russia for some time with my singing career."

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Mitsuko was sitting on the floor more or less now, looking curiously at Rie who had come behind her. She did no moves to be wary of her or anything, just waiting as she relaxed, just as she had told her. She looked surprised for a moment as she was touched but kept calm otherwise. The feeling was nice, considering the odd temperature change to the feeling. This massage was something that she needed and it  definitely made her relax if she wasn't already. At least, her body and her heart rate seemed to calm down to a peaceful pace.

The feeling she received from it was familiar, not in kind of magic but from the sword that was hanging to her neck. Mitsuko gently grabbed hold of it with a hand, closing her eyes. A kind of power she knew she could trust. It was not exactly similar, of course, but it felt like what she had felt the first time she had touched it. A heavenly kind of feeling... Of course Rie's power was different in what kind of magic was used and the intention. Mitsuko never had any idea what a healer's power felt like but it certainly felt good... It felt very relieving.

And then, if it could not become better, Rie made her presence felt against her back and it wasn't all... Her hands found their way to Mitsuko's breasts and started playing with them, seemingly gently. This made her let out a gasp but she still was not fighting it back nor said anything, trying to see how far Rie was going to go with her. It felt good enough that she would not complain anyway... She was really being spoiled. But then, the nurse's hand lowered downward, teasing her... Also giving her kisses at the same time... It was a lot.

"W-what I need...?", she asked in reply to Rie's question. Her eyes looked toward Jumi but she didn't need her per say, right at this moment. She did not know what she needed with such treatment making her feel good, however. She was sure Rie was capable of making her feel even better, though. Right now, with her hands touching her freely, it did feel pretty amazing already. Rie was right that Mitsuko wanted to wash Jumi's hair but the feeling given by the nurse was slightly overwhelming yet desirable enough to want more of.

She certainly would not mind if Jumi joined her to it but right now, Mitsuko could easily take more of this, which made it hard for her not to beg for it. The relief was something that was welcome but there was more to it than simple relief. Rie was probably enjoying this as well... Well, the valkyrie was not exactly in bad hands... She saw no reasons not to trust them. "Please continue like this...", she honestly requested, gripping the sword tighter, which saw the emotion change and the grasp in one way that activated it in the moment.

A pure light suddenly glowed faintly from her back, which then formed her angelic wings between her and Rie, leaving a soft feathery feel between them. The wings appeared to have gained a slight amount of length but not enough to turn around her yet. Still, they were about two feet long now... Yet nothing else but them appeared, leaving her nude still. Mitsuko seemed to have felt it happen as she looked slightly behind herself, blushing at what had happened. "O-oh... I don't know how I... I'm sorry..." She only said to the nurse.

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Rie couldn't help but pout a little at Jumi who didn't seem to have much reaction yet, not even responding to her requests. It was no surprise to her but she thought she was giving a pretty decent show. Did she need to step it up even more? Or perhaps she simply needed to-

No. No. She focused on Mitsuko. Jumi would be in her hands as well soon enough but for now she had a new, much more in need girl squirming in her grasp. Her cute gasps, the little jumps of her body. She chuckled under her breath especially as she was asked, so innocent, to elaborate. She blew gently into her ear after giving the lip a gentle kiss "Listen to your body. You'll know." she responded gently. She let her have her mind to try and search for it though of course looking right at Jumi wasn't difficult but even with Rie listening the only request that came to her ears was to continue like that. It was good enough for her, she was learning the quirks of Mitsuko as she went.

She did so and pressed harder, fingers moving to her rosy peaks to focus on and tweak gently as her fingers traveled lower and gently rubbed at the entrance between Mitsuko's legs. Really Rie intended to go all the way but the....something happened. A bright light and then a sudden softness. Rie couldn't conceal a high pitched Eh!! in surprise as suddenly between them was a set of wings. Rie was...distracted by them blinking the lights from her eyes as she looked to Mitsuko who apologized.

Rie moved to touch the wings...gently. She could feel how soft they were, not useful for flying yet? But they were nice. She was not even more curious about Mitsuko's powers. She wondered "Angel? Holy power?" or was it something else? She didn't imagine she was just a bird of course but they definitely added to her appearance. Rie looked towards her again and smiled before pulling Mitsuko into her proper making sure to be careful of her wings but she liked the softness. A hand went to her breast again but it was less gentle instead happily taking hold, bouncing, and kneading the naked bounds. Going right for the sensitive ends to roll, press, and tweak to her hearts content the liquid and energy still radiating from her hands.

"What a cute and curious patient you are~" she cooed in her ear "Is that normal for you or...is there something more?" the glint in her eye would be a familiar one to anyone who did know her. A warning that the woman playing sweet nurse was about to play curious doctor. She had a smile on her face...no need to wonder if Rie was enjoying herself.

"Small but beautiful but I don't know what this means so-." she said and she would try to sit back and spread Mitsuko's legs with her own for Jumi to get a good look at. She remained close "I'm going to fuck you silly and see if we can't find out more~!" right in her ear, a sensual and hungry growl so both ladies could hear her own desires in that moment. She was upping the intensity another step. The hand at her breast working as the other moving down between her legs again but this time? Rie didn't hesitate to plunge at least one long, sylphlike fingers into Mitsuko's pussy and move with a knowing firmness there. It wasn't her first time but it was her first time with her. Her hands still coated, sending that energy careering even deeper.

The pace of her hands was steady with occasional moments of change to keep her guessing and alternating between her own hands so Mitsuko could feel the love and attention payed to her breasts and pussy at different intervals.
Rie would pay rapt attention, looking for any sign of Mitsuki's particular quirks, her favorite spots, and moves.  She would continue to kiss and whisper to her actually trying to overwhelm the girl, adding more fingers potentially as she adjusted.

She did only have to hands however so hopefully Jumi would join in and help her draw a bit more of this interesting situation out. Failing that...Rie still had some party favors in her bag and one of them was designed for more interesting internal actions and customized for a multitude of situations. Sexual healing was, after all, at least one area Rie traveled in clearly.

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