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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Jumi quietly watched the transformation and the initial use of the sword.  She could not give a lot of specific advice though.  “It will mostly be up to you to figure out the nature of your power.  It is different for each of us.  I can not tell you everything you are capable of, though your powers are likely all to be related one way or another.”  Of course, even in this open area they still had to be careful, not do anything that might be destructive.  “You may or may not have any powers independent of the sword or wings.  It’s the sort of thing you have to figure on your own.  Feeling the power inside you, learning how to control it.  I’m guessing you can use the sword to make that energy a ranged attack, but that is obviously something to test later.”  That was the extent of what she was capable of guessing.  Any other powers would be as much a surprise for her as it would for Mitsuko.

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Mitsuko nodded to Jumi's advice while Nall said nothing, probably feeling like she had covered most of what the girl could potentially learn right now. Although, the aura around the sword seemed to exude her strength, it was likely nothing compared to what she could do. Nonetheless, she had signed her magic entrance as a magical girl, now. Nall could only smile while watching her until he moved to land on her shoulder, sorta. "It's good, you seem to have gotten a start with it already. There's much ahead of you.", he told her.

She only turned her head a little to eye him... He was right but she didn't know if he referred to anything in particular, yet. It was clear that he was her erm... pet? She was not sure what he was but he looked like a cat anyhow. Surely he knew more about who was after her. "Nall... About a girl named Lenneth..." Nall's eyes widened at the mention of the name, staring at her for a bit like a scaredy cat. "You've met with Lenneth...?", he asked, it seems like he knew. Mitsuko nodded gently. Nall gained a seriously look, "She is a Valkyrie."

The name was familiar. Valkyries were warriors of the gods. They could be considered gods or goddesses themselves according to the legends and mythologies. Something Mitsuko had studied in, back at her academy. "She tried to kill me... I am only alive thanks to a miracle.", Mitsuko told him and Nall only kept his serious expression, figuring quickly that the sword had protected her. His eyes shifted toward Jumi, wondering if she knew about it. "She is no small threat. Though she looks... small. You have to be careful, Mitsuko."

The warning was taken seriously. Especially with the expression Nall was giving her. He did not seem worried for her to come back soon, at least. It did not mean she would not come back. For the time being, Nall flew off and went to Jumi, wondering about what else she knew, considering what she had given advice to Mitsuko about. He was not familiar himself with magical girls or even the world itself. "So you have magic, too...? Are there other ones with magic?", he questioned curiously, really seeming like he didn't know much.

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The subject of Lenneth finally came up.  That was something, but not much.  But maybe could tell them more in the future, since as Jumi suspected, he knew who she was.  Hopefully he could give them some idea of the reason behind the attack and ways to help fight her if they had too.

But those questions were interrupted by what he asked her.  He said he had been asleep a long time.  It would possibly be complicated to explain it.  “Oh, yes.  A whole bunch in this building.  How should I put it?  It is something like a celebration of such people.  Normally we are much more spread out, only very small groups in each area.”  She was not sure just how little he knew.  How tiny of a fraction of the total population it was.  There were many here for the convention, but even then, a tiny fraction of the people in the building, compared to the crowd.

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Nall's eyes widened again as he looked genuinely surprised. "A whole bunch...? It's amazing. So, the world is abound with magic.", he said, quite satisfied with the answer about how many magic users who existed in one place. Or in the world in general. He was however unaware that magical girls had their own war against demons and other enemies of varying strength levels. It's something Mitsuko could relate to as she was new into this life but she at least knew what magical girls were doing for everyone, with their power.

Nall seemed to realize he was as much an outsider as they were to him and he thought giving them a moment to get answers would be good. There were special looking humans around, among the fans who looked more normal, in a sort of way, but no creature like him were around. At the same time, he was and felt special anyway. "Maybe you have questions. I don't mind telling you what I can. Only one rule, you can't ask if I am a cat. Because I'm not. I may like fish but that does not make me a cat.", he precised seriously.

Mitsuko blinked, finally putting her sword and its power away but remained transformed, wondering more about Nall now. If he was not a cat, despite looking like one, what was he? Although, Mitsuko was in no way knowledgeable about magical creatures. A cat also normally didn't have wings or this fur pattern. "Wait so... What are you, then?" Mitsuko finally asked and Nall grinned in a playful manner, like he expected the question from a mile away. Who would not? "Maybe she knows...?", he teased Jumi, begging for a guess.

Edited by Warning
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Jumi did not know, but as a veteran Magical Girl, she did have one good guess that seemed more likely than others.  “A Guardian Beast?”  A concept Mitsuko had already been briefly informed about, in her conversation with Alexandrine.  Though they were more physically impressive.  That or some kind of spirit?  That was the sort of thing some individuals or teams had.  Sometimes as the aActual source of their power, though this was only seemed to indirectly fit that role.  Jumi waited to see if Nall confirmed or denied the Guardian Beast guess though.

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