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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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Elie thought for a second. "Well for you...I'll so a six card spread and a outcome. It's called the circle spread and is mainly done for children who are reserving reads. I do understand that this might seem confusing but trust the fates and what they tell you." She smiled. Her cards fanned out as a soft starry night aura of shadows appeared around her. "Your first card will talk about your past as a group. Since this is a group reading. Your first card is the two of wands reversed." A small illusion of two wands appear floating above the card. "The card tells me you two in your past tired to give up on something to soon or you acted too quickly during a event. You need to lay down ground work in order to move forward in life. You may be excited or scared but you have eachother and that's what matters most."


Elie looked at Emi sweetly and lovingly like a mother would. Her voice was sweet and down to earth. "Your next card will tell me about your present. What your living right now. Your card is the Sun face up. One of the major arcana has come to see you and greet you with it's wisdom." The illusion of a Sun floats above the card. "The Sun is telling me that in your present is full of warmth, freedom of care and seeing the bright things even through the darkness. It almost says you're coming out of a inner turmoil or conflict with yourself. You have done so much work to process past trauma and push through it. You're stepped into power and you and only you can truly own up to who you are. With this new inner light slowly shinning through, new found energy, confidence and love will come with it. Even recognition and success. Now all that's left to do make that light shine bright." The room filled with warm loving aura that seemed motherly tickling everyone in room.


"Now onto your third card which is your known desire. This is what you want as a group. Your next card is the three of cups reversed." Three tiny elegant cups appear floating above the card. "This card hints to me that you might be to hard on yourself and don't wish to reach out and ask for help. However you know that people are there to help you reach your true potential. You want friends to help you and be here for you thought thick and thin. That's your known desire but a shadow of doubt you put upon yourself is making it harder for your desire to shine through."


Elie looked at Alexandrine. "I do hope after the reading you will comfort them and help them. I also wish to know if fates were correct in my reading." She sighed before turning back to Emi and Rin. "Now your fourth card in your Heart of the Question. This is the question that you hold dear in your heart. Your card is the ten of wands reversed.

Ten wands float above the card just as the other cards kept their illusions floating above them. "Your heart of the question...the question you hold dear is are you a burden to those around you? Are you not good enough. Words of celestial wisdom: You need to seek out a support group. People you can trust to be there for you." Elie giggled. "Looks like the fates are telling you that your known desire will be coming sooner then you think."


Elie took a deep breathe her throat a bit dry. Doing two reading in one day wasn't something she was use to. Maybe after this she would get a drink. Maybe see if the stage was open so she could sing or something....but singing might dry out her throat more. "Alright your next card is what is yet to be unfold before you reach your future. And the card will be the Ten of Pentacles." 

Ten coins float above and dance on the face of the card. "That is yet to unfold I'd happiness, wealth and stability. This card tells me your support group friends/family or community will help lift you up. You will enter into a new type of community of riches, resources, love and stability and best of all you'll share it with the help who helped you along the way."


Elie looked into Emi and Rin's eyes. "And finally your last card before your outcome. This will be your future. The fates tell me your future is based on the card The seven of pentacles. Your future will be full of energy, love, happiness and most of all friends and family that love you for you but remember to look at the bigger picture and keep those you love close."


Elie closed her eyes as the illusion seemed to disappear  and the tarot cards for the reading flew back into the deck. Two Elie's surprise two cards floated out. "Ah looks like your outcome is to be two cards that's very rare. Shall we see what the outcome is. This outcome could be event you need to face or it can be as simple as a chance in the way you act. So now need to be scared. Lets see the first card....Oh...." Elie was a bit shocked. "The Moon another major arcana.....the Moon has two sides one dark and one light. A Ying to a Yan. You will have fears and doubts about moving forward and that is the dark side of the moon showing through but you also have strenght and the power of friendship as well which is the lighter side of the moon. You just need to find balance. That balance can be a friend, lover or role model and the second card......" Elie's eyes widen as her body shiver and shook. 


The card flipped over as the illusion of the devil appear. "The....The Devil.....The Devil tells you that you should enjoy lustful things and enjoy corruption. The Devil himself a demon of corruption and lust could be sign of greater danger coming in your future." Elie looked into the devil's glowing red eyes as she felt fear take over her before the illusions faded and the cards flew back into the deck and rested on Elie's side.



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It was a lot to take in.  Vague.  No real details, but there seemed to be truth in what it said about the past.  Suggestions that the idol path would lead to success and happiness for both of them.  Alexandrine was ready to give encouragement, like Elie asked, until the final card came up.  She listened to what Elie said.

There were several ways to take this.  From the point of view of some, the lust and corruption could be the same thing.  Just doing more of what they did in the van.  Or going through with Rin’s idea, with the boys.  It did not have to mean anything ‘evil’, did it?

She intended to verify that with Elie, and try to reassure Emi.  “Do not be scared of the final card, Emi.  Listen to what she said in the earlier ones.  You have made progress with the pain your past.  Found people that care about you.  It sounds like you will find happiness, if you overcome your initial fears.  You two can find a life to be proud of happiness.”

”…As a Magical Girl or idol…”. She shrugged. “There is no harm giving into ‘lust’, if you want to.  I don’t care who or how many you do it with.  Like I told you, those of us in this world tend not to get that attached to one person.”  Sure, love was still possible.  Emi might even marry someone someday.  But she was still free to screw around with whoever she wanted.

”…Corruption, on the other hand…”. She turned back to Elie.  “That does not necessarily have to mean anything to severe, does it?  It is not telling her to give in to her father’s blood?”  Or was it?  But perhaps in less severe way?  Do it, but in a way Emi could control?  Not become a demon or broken girl, but embrace the power a little more?

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Emi remained quiet, composed, focused even as the cards were drawn out. She was certainly curious about this sort of thing, sure, but did she believe that it would speak the absolute truth? No. Unless that was her power? In that case maybe it was! Did that mean she just couldn't change her future?

First to appear was the two of wands. She had failed to complete something in the past, or had rushed through something. Was it that first night they spent together? It was a reading about the two of them. Confusing, but then the past wasn't really the focus either, was it?

Next was the sun. The present. Warmth. Freedom. Progressing past trauma. That was scarily accurate for the most part, although she wondered if she was actually fully past her trauma. As for her inner turmoil, well, that was still there. She had plenty of it, even now as she considered a singing career. The part about new power was definitely referencing Rin. It was good to know that her fortunes were looking up!

Her known desire was next. Three of cups. She was too hard on herself? Maybe. But then she had good reason for it too. She was a monster who had killed people and other monsters alike! Maybe she was slaying monsters for what she perceived to be the right reasons, and maybe the killing of people had been accidental, but it still didn't excuse her actions. That had been one of the things that her mother had tried to avoid, even when she had been a magical girl, or at least she had been told as much.

If I hadn't been born then she would not have suffered. She would have lived.

Heart of the question. Ten of wands. Was she a burden to others? That was certainly one question she had, although she didn't know if it was the most pressing one. Heck if anything it was more of an acknowledgement. She needed a support group. That she at least knew that she had. But then perhaps this card was more for Rin?

This looks somewhat taxing. I do like the pretty effects though.

Their future. Ten of pentacles. Happiness, stability, and wealth. Friends would help friends. That was rather promising! Hopefully it was meant for both of them, although if at least Rin managed to attain that then she would be happy herself. There was also the seven of pentacles. Energy, happiness, family, and love. It was similar to the last one but not quite the same. Truth be told she preferred that one herself, but also knew that it might fit Rin better given she still probably had a family.

Finally the outcome. Two cards as opposed to one. Her ears perked up a bit. Did this mean one for each of them, or both for each? The first was the moon. That sounded harmless enough! One dark side and one light. Fears and doubts about moving forward. She was already feeling that, at least when it came to singing. The strength and power of friendship. Hopefully she already had that one too! Find balance. It made sense.

The devil?

Emi sat up a bit straighter. That sounded worrying right off the bat! Her face gained a pink tinge. Lust. Also corruption. Potential danger in her future. Or Rin's future. Either way it didn't sound good. If anything it made her even more worried about losing control over herself!

Maybe I will fight that Demon lady. Or the fire dog. Could that be what it means? Will I lose this time?

Her gaze shifted to Rin, and then to Alexandria. More red entered her cheeks as the idea of being with others sexually was expanded upon. She shifted a bit in place, legs squeezing together at the idea of being with anyone, let alone multiple boys at once! Sleep had not done as much as she'd hoped to abate those urges.

At Alexandria's question her gaze instead shifted back towards Elie, curious as to what her answer might be. She wouldn't dare try to willingly tap into the power of her Demonic blood. That had only ended poorly in the past. Still, she was curious as to what the woman had to say on the matter.

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Elie looked at Alexandrine. "The Devil comes in many forms. It could be a person or thing. A event or obstacle. It could be about her Demonic blood even. Maybe even meeting a parent. I can only read the cards and tell you what they tell me. Giving into to much lust could be a bad thing. As the moon said you need to find a balance or you will become corrupted. So please choose wisely and do things for you and those you card about. I can tell from your faces mainly Alexandrine and Emi you doubt my powers are 100% correct am I right?" She asked. Having seen the Devil and those red glowing eyes had thought Elie off her rhythm but she was rather sad that these two magical girls didn't have faith I'm her readings.

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“Emi saw her mother die.  I killed her father with my own hands.”  Alexandrine ruled out the possibility of it being a parent.  “It isn’t that I doubt your power.  But for better or worse, a lot of it is up to interpretation.  It is good general advice to keep in mind.  But it is lacking anything specific.  Unless it is possible for you to find clearer answers?  If it is not too straining on you.”  She had seen too much to outright dismiss a power like this.  But like most powers, it had its limits.

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The little bunny nodded in agreement. "It is more that I am confused about the interpretations, I think. Some of what you divined is scarily accurate, so I don't think it is false." Of course there was also the fact that the reading had been for both of them, not specifically for only one of them. What was said might apply to both, but perhaps it might also only apply to one! There was a lot of wiggle room, but regardless the readings had been accurate enough that she couldn't discount them.

"Still. Thank you. It does help a little, I think."

A lot of what had said had been quite positive! There were things which were negative, and things she still couldn't believe herself to be capable of, but that was by no means a fault of the woman's magic. No, that was all on Emi.

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Posted (edited)

Elie held back her sadness as she smiled. "You're welcome Emi and Rin. Do what you wish with this knowledge. If you wish to believe the fates then do so if not then don't it's your choice but I should take my leave." Elie said grabbing her bag and bowed. "Thank you for your time. It was a honor." She said before leaving the room.

Once outside the room and a good distance away tears started to stream down her face. "I....I....thought I could help but.....maybe my powers aren't good enough after all." She said disappearing into the crowd maybe to find something to drink, maybe to hide away, or maybe to go home she really didn't know herself at the moment.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Alexandrine frowned a little.  She knew pain.  She had tried to encourage Elie.  While pointing out things might not be dangerous, for Emi as suggested.  She stood up looked to the other two.  “I think I need to talk to her a bit more.  You two can stay here, or go back into the crowd.” She stepped outside into the hall.  Went looking for Elie.

Rin turned towards Emi.  “It was interesting.  So, what do you think now.  About either of my ideas?”  Was she willing to consider either the professional singing or the boys now?  “We could do something else too.”  She was curious if the results of the draw made her more willing to consider either.

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Elie had went to a vendor and bought a cloak to cover herself up as she just transformed back to her normal self. She put it on and blended into the crowd after what just happened she didn't feel right being here. She would make it to the room she left her personal bag in just go, that was her plan. She wanted to disappear. She knew from the beginning her powers weren't good enough to help others and the mosy famous magical girl seemed to have prove that. "I should have left in the beginning. Staying here was a stupid idea......" She said making her way to magical girl only area where they came in from parking and etc.

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Having known she tried to escape before.  Without Jumi here to talk about it this time, after a few minutes of failing to find Elie in the crowd.  Alexandrine beat Elie to her destination.  She stood there, blocking the way.  Her face did not show expression very much these days.  But there was some pity and sadness.  “Please do not leave.  Do not misunderstand what I just said as dismissing you.  I do believe Emi appreciated your advice.  Though we may have to wait a bit to see if she chooses to sing.”  She stepped forward, firmly embraced the girl.  “You have gone through a lot recently.  Don’t run away…like I did…”

She simply held the girl for a moment.  “You can talk to me, about anything.”  She repeated the offer from before.  “Just stay with me, in that form.  Pretend to be a fan, no one else will interrupt us.  Spend some time here just with me.”  Just do some things together.  That seemed to be the best thing.  For Elie, maybe herself.

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It was somewhat of an abrupt departure. Emi was left confused, offering the woman a friendly wave as she exited. Alexandrine's frown said a lot, especially given her normally stoic expression. Her quick leave and apparent sudden need to speak with the woman left the bunny with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Did I say something wrong? Do something wrong?

Her ears drooped somewhat, a slight frown permeated across her lips. She looked to Rin, nodding in agreement. It had been interesting! She just was not usually very good at conveying emotions. Here this woman, who had just been through a lot, had come to assist them and somehow Emi had managed to mess up even that. Or perhaps it wasn't Emi's fault? Maybe it was something more personal, something the woman felt or decided about herself. That was possible, probable even, but then Emi had the bad habit of assuming she had been the one to bring misery upon others.

"I feel a little better about it, I think. Singing, I mean. But I just don't think it's right for me."

She flopped back against the couch, gaze cast towards the ceiling. "I don't like having all those eyes on me. It scares me."

As for the other thing, well, she had been considering it. A faint pink returned to her cheeks as her thoughts lingered in that direction. It sounded nice, yes, but then what had just happened also put a damper upon her mood. She didn't really feel very good about herself. Also that warning about the devil card. Would doing this too much lead to her corruption? Might it awaken her other self? Nor would she even know how to begin to choose the right people.

I wonder if that man we met at the battle is here. No, this probably isn't his sort of thing, right?

"Maybe eventually."

Something else. What else would they do? "We could walk around. Maybe that will give us ideas?" Heck, it would work for the other thing too if they found people they were interested in!

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“Elie is still probably confused from what that demon did to her.”  Though they did not hear Elie’s talk with Alexandrine and Mitsuko, suggesting Elie might have fallen for the demon.  She was a Magical Girl now.  Emi and her both had to worry about that now.  There if nothing happened here, there was a non-zero chance Rin might lose her virginity as a girl to some demon or monster.  She tried not to worry about that.

”We could get something to eat, if you are still hungry.  Maybe sign some autographs or let fans take pictures with us?”  A small step.  Fan interaction, but not as intense as singing…or sex.  Maybe Emi would be ready for that.

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That was true. She couldn't imagine going through what Elie had gone through. Maybe it wasn't Emi's fault. Or maybe it was. Who was she to say? But it was probably partially her fault. There was no shaking that thought completely.

"Food sounds nice" she replied softly, pausing to consider the other ideas. More eyes on them. Less eyes, however. She needed to get somewhat used to that, especially if she was going to be operating publicly! That and if she ever did wish to try singing. Maybe it would eventually help?

"We could try autographs. And photos."

Of course depending on the type of photos things certainly did have a chance to heat up! But then she probably wouldn't have agreed to those either. She didn't need nude pictures of herself passed around. That would just feel weird.

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Rin nodded and led Emi out of the room.  Back into the crowd.  There were  a few more eyes on them, from those who watched them sing.  A few brief congratulations or asking if the wanted to do anything together.  Rin politely brushed them off as she made it back to the small cafeteria area.  A number of table were occupied now.  Some just fans, some a mix of Magical Girls/Knights and fans.  There were still a number of empty ones too though.  But first, Rin led Emi to choose what she wanted to eat.  “Pick whatever you want.  We don’t have to pay.”  Basic needs like food were covered for the Magical Girls/Knights.  The private rooms were also a place they could sleep if they wanted.  Especially for the ones who travelled significantly to be here.

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Once more they were back out in the crowd, and once more there were eyes upon them. She did her best to offer smiles and timid bows of her head, and allowed Rin to do the talking. Her friend was far more confident, after all. Emi still held the plushy, not wishing to accidentally leave it behind, squeezing it close to her chest as they ventured through the mass of people. Her face grew flustered, the plushy squeezed harder still whenever roaming hands touched somewhere inappropriate.

When they arrived she breathed a sigh of relief, glancing around at the various dining options. Ultimately she would go with something simple: pizza! A large slice of cheese pizza in fact. Simple to eat, clean if one was careful enough, quick, and delicious!

"What sort of photos are normal to take?"

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Posted (edited)

Elie looked at Alexandrine trying to push away. "You don't understand. You really don't. If you knew all that I went through......then you understand why the cards and fates mean so much to me. Why...being my other self means so much." She ripped her hood off showing herself crying. "Those cards are all I have...and known besides singing for the past couple of years. I finally step out of my comfort zone to do readings for others and then I get....get well what you did." She said as she panting tears streaming down. 

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Rin grabbed something similar.  Though she took two.  She let Emi have the snack plate earlier, could eat more.  She led Emi to one of the further back tables.  There was a chance someone would try to talk to them or join in.  But with the two of them there, it was less likely.

She could reassure Emi it was not what she might be worried about.  Those sorts of pictures might be taken in the private rooms.  Or at special studios, if they wanted to officially sell them later.  “Oh, nothing too unusual.  Sitting next to, standing side by side.  Maybe making poses.  An arm around the shoulder or holding hands.  Nothing more than…slightly ‘sexy’?”  Something like putting their hand on her butt might be allowed.  One of them kissing a boy on the cheek?  Sitting in a boy’s lap.  Nothing that went too far though.  No clothes coming off for anyone or blatantly sexual positions.


There was much to say here, these two women had a number of similarities.  “The attack you asked me about?  You lost someone there, didn’t you?”  Oh Alexandrine knew much of her experiences very well.  “I will spare you the details, not tell you how I watched that horde, including Emi’s father, kill my old team…One of them was my sister…That is something the public will never know.  The rest were friends on a level most would never understand.  But you might, someday.” 

“I already told you I experienced things like what that demon did to you.  I felt nothing like love for them afterwards.  But I won’t judge you.  If you think you can turn her, I won’t try to stop you.  I only ask you be careful.  Love with a demon is dangerous.  We have seen it backfire.”  She did not let go.  Still transformed, she was considerably stronger.  Might have been even if she was not.

”I was not dismissing your cards.  But there are things they say, and things they don’t.  The things they don’t may or may not be a blessing.  Understand I say them to save Emi from becoming her father.”  That was the most important point to make here.  She had to be careful about how it was made.

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When the two of them arrived at one of the tables in the back Emi took up a seat, one as close to the corner as she could. It was smart not to leave one's back open. Even here, in this relatively safe space, she tried not to let her guard down. That and it was just a good thing to practice.

Hungrily the bunny took to biting into the slice of pizza she'd picked up. It was pretty good! Especially good in comparison to the cold snacks she often had for meals. Pizza was one of those things that was difficult to get wrong though, especially when it came in so many different flavors.

She listened to Rin while she nibbled upon the delicious food, nodding along slowly to her words. Sit next to people. Stand next to them. Put an arm around them. Hold hands. Wait, that one was a bit spicy! But not too spicy for her not to do it.

Hold hands. Wow.

Making poses might be fun. Sexier stuff was starting to push things but, again, nothing she wouldn't do. Of course given her outfit she was worried that it might constitute most of the requested photos from her.

"I think I can do that."

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There was a little progress at least.  It would be seen if it led anywhere.  Of course, Rin would not go out of her way to encourage things.  It was up to the fans to get her into it.  If they went back to one of the rooms it would be because Emi invited at least one of the boys.  "All the dirtier stuff is unofficial.  At least mostly.  For most of us."  It was possible one or both of them would have drawings like that next time.  "Just be careful about looking for pictures of yourself online.  Before too long, some of the artists out there might come up with some weird stuff."  Not that she wanted to scare Emi, but it was better that she was warned, did not find that sort of stuff by complete surprise.

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Emi's face lit up a bright pink as Rin continued with the talk of lewder topics, all while she continued to nibble at her pizza. She wondered what sort of person decided to make the dirtier stuff officially. Not that there was anything wrong with it, of course. If anything it was more impressive! To be able to show off everything without worry was a state she figured she'd never be able to attain.

"Oh. Yes. I know that."

She had used the internet before. Not so much for that sort of thing but even she could not escape from it! It wouldn't surprise her if lewd fanart emerged of her without having to ever get undressed. No, people's imaginations were powerful!

At least in some of those stories my chest will be bigger.

Once she finished her pizza Emi gently patted a napkin to her lips, cleaning up anything that had lingered. "What sort of things do you hope people make of you? For things like artwork and comics, I mean."

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Well the public was never going to find out the truth.  About the boy behind this appearance.  That was for the better in some ways.  Rin could only imagine what the weirder artists might come up with.  Of course there would also have been stuff like what she did with Rin and Alexandrine in the van that night.  She tried to imagine what the more traditional media would come up with.  Especially now that they were connected to Alexandrine and she admitted the old team was gone.  "I could see them writing us as a pair of ordinary school girls in private."  Of course they did not know the truth about Emi either, making that more likely.  "Pair of ordinary girls, trained by the legendary Diamond Sorceress.  Hiding it from everyone else.  While we go on adventures."

Art though?  "For individual drawings, might have to see what my powers actually are.  I figure that would have an impact on it."  Drawing her in the middle of some attack, or using her power.  Surrounded by some sort of element if it was specialized.  "Or taking care of my cute little bunny."  It came out spontaneously.  Even she could not really say exactly how she meant it.  It was true, she found those aspects of Emi rather cute though.  Liked encouraging them.

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Elie glared darkly. "I know you're story most of it.....the death card spoke to me about you and yes I lost alot in that event.....13 to 14 years ago. I lost my family and my mother and father are to busy for me......they...they never make time for me. They...they never say they're proud of me.....I....I only have my cards. Hearing people doubting my readings even the tiniest bit hurts....." Elie said sniffling. "Those red eyes of the devil reminded me of...of those red eyes I saw that day as my father protected my mother and I...I....just can't. My cards are more of family to me then anything else."

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Red eyes.  Those damned red eyes, on that hideous mockery of a mix of Rabbit and man, none of Emi’s cuteness.  No, it was a  coincidence.  He would not have gone so far away.  It was not especially rare for demons anyway.  Unfortunately it probably meant that demon could still be out there.  Something to maybe deal with later.  At least get the local team looking into it.

All the more strange, she would fall for a demon.  But like she said, she would not judge Elie for that.  “I’ve spent the last few years alone.  Until I met Emi a few days ago.  A promise I made to my old leader, as she was dying in my arms.  A promise to live for them.  Not to cry for them.  It was the only thing keeping me going until then.”  If it could be called going.  Yes, there was her parents.  A few others like Jumi, who kept reaching out to her.  But for the most part she just lingered in her apartment when she was not working.  That was why she was so cold, no tears talking about things like that.  Elie had her cards.  That promise was almost sacred to Alexandrine.

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Posted (edited)

"I.....I just want to be noticed by my parents...but being a famous singer isn't enough. So I thought I could try....to get close to other magical girls but the only...only one that noticed me was that demon. So....So I've taken it upon myself to chance her even if I get hurt along the way. That is the promise I made myself....one day I will prove the power of tarot and fate will noticed and loved just like any other magical girl power." She said showing her strong will but her glare seemed to remind her of a man that was next to rabbit demon. He had long white hair and red eyes.

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An ordinary girl. Human. Not a monster. Emi's tail wiggled happily at the thought. She would have liked to see that, to experience it. No shame. No fear. No corruption. At least if they wrote stories she could read them and pretend to be something she wasn't. Then again there were people who would probably draw a bunny version too, touting it as some failed transformation, but at least she would have the other ones.

"I like the thought of that."

Rin had a point about her powers. They needed to see what sort of thing developed there. That would also decide what genre she might tend to fall in. The note about her, specifically about her being cute, did bring another sharp fluster to the bunny's cheeks. No longer was her mind on the potential artworks.

"W-well. Should we visit some fans?"

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