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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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“Not like I knew it was going to happen until I did it.”  Jumi shrugged it off with some humor.  It was true too, at first at least.  Ignoring she had drank every drop she could out of both breasts.  So, that actually did have an impact.  Would anything else happen if she kept doing it?  If Mitsuko did it, especially after dealing with whoever that girl was?  But this just made her decision more certain, even if she had only temporarily been connected to Shinigami like that.  “There were other things that might surprise you, but hearing about that should probably wait.”

She just watched the rest, a fairly nice scene, until they were done and she got out and began to dry.  “As long as the outside is not as unpleasant as it was in the dream.”  Well, it sounded like they would have to leave that way after drying and finding Nall.  Though she also picked up the two apples, after drying.  They could not carry too much, probably did not need to.  But at least a little food might not hurt to carry.

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Shinigami made sure the two are ready before she started going. Mitsuko meanwhile would call Nall back to her, which was fairly easy to do with him flying around the manor a bit. "We're leaving, Nall... She said that this place is not good for us to stay. Can't really explain...", Nall himself looked confused but the fox didn't stop for details, bringing them to the front door and gave it her full strength, breaking them open, being a bit loud about it. There was still rain but nowhere near the scene that jumi had seen before. For one, it was not dark then the rain was not as heavy either. Still, they would be left wet. Nall was nothing but confused about this change of situation but at least the fox was with them and not against them.

Shinigami then just left the place and looked at them. "It's not so bad at all... We only have to go further.", she told them and walked ahead. There seemed to be really nothing ahead but that was when the dark fox stopped and put a hand in front of her, creating a wave in the air. What could be defined as a magic bubble that surrounded the area started losing stability before she forced a portal gate into it. "And this is our exit... Jump in when you are ready...", she signaled to the three others. The other side of the portal seemed to show a clear weather area, a field of wheat of sort, nothing close to what the city was but also nothing in any way devastated like Jumi had seen before. "W-what is going on here?", Nall only asked.

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Not as bad as Jumi was concerned, but she did wonder exactly where they were.  Were they even actually in their own world or not?  Shinigami had said some strange things about the house, which she still did not really understand.  Probably would not learn at this point. Though Shinigami mentioned something about a sight to see, she was curious what that was about.

But maybe that was after they left?  She watched Shinigami open the portal. A new, seemingly random place.  Just out in the wild?  “Oh nothing.  We just apparently have a crazy stalker we have to deal with.  Nothing a Magical Girl can’t handle.”  She was partially being confident for Nall, but she suspected together, they could all handle it.  She took the lead, going through the portal.

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Nall blinked in confusion, knowing about Lenneth but he wasn't sure if she was what Jumi was referring to. Mitsuko herself followed with him in the portal afterwards and Shinigami followed last. Where they landed was a large wheat field  in the middle of nowhere basically. The grass didn't really reach over their knees, though. The terrain didn't seem farmed or anything, though and their feet would feel natural ground while they would be themselves under the sun now. The valkyrie felt a bit drenched wet anyway, squeezing some water out of her hair while Shinigami focused on something else instead of dealing with her own wet fur. She was facing her own portal now and tried to use her own power against it.

As the portal or whatever was inside was under assault now, a warped sound of distorted energy was blasting around them, almost mixed with screams in the distance. The very structure itself of the portal and everything inside seemed to be obliterated. "...Behold... Everything that was part of me... is now... becoming... forfeit...!", Shinigami snarled with struggle before the portal would be reduced to magic atoms but unleashed a sound and wave of explosive energy all around them strong enough to push everything back. Nall was easily sent flying back while Mitsuko and Jumi would probably feel the effect as well however, the vixen quickly grabbed hold of them, just in case, shielding them from the horrible effect.

Once over, only a sound of returning wind could be heard around. Whatever she had done did not just close a portal... If her manor survived that magic anyhow, it was nowhere to be found now. Mitsuko would stare but smile in thought that it was over, "...I am not sure where we are now but I don't feel as comfortable being naked outside of your home as I was inside...", she only said in complaint. The fox would look at them but her eyes looked elsewhere for now. "You have magic dresses or whatever, don't you...? Maybe it's time you used them and stood behind me.", she said and warned, taking a step forward and looked around. Only Nall flew back to them for now, about to ask but remained quiet...

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That wording again.  Being part of her and now being gone.  Jumi was not sure whether or not to be concerned by that.  Hopefully it did not have any negative impact on Shinigami, but she watched as it disappeared.  Never completely discovered the true meaning of the things she saw in her dream.

Screams though?  What was that?  The tentacle monster?  Or was there something else there?  She did watch it cause at least some discomfort for Shinigami too, but hopefully not for long.  Resisting the shockwave, she dug in as best she could, but was grateful for Shinigami’s help.

She then observed her surroundings.  Why this place?  Where were they?  Nothing in immediate view.  Were they at least close to home?  She took a moment to relax, before hearing Mitsuko point out the lack of clothes.  Jumi might have preferred to let her body dry off a little first, before putting hers back on.  But something about Shinigami’s last words made her put hers on and step behind.  Were they alone?

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Mitsuko would do the same, this time transforming completely with her own armors, feeling better already. In front of them, a void formed, enlarging into a gate of sort. "ነⶴጎክጎፏልጮጎ...", a voice spoke before a shape came out of it, one not too unfamiliar to Jumi but also one too familiar to the fox. "ጋጎጋ ሃዐ፱ ፕⶴጎክኡ ፕⶴልፕ ጎ ሠዐ፱ረጋ ረቹፕ ሃዐ፱ ፏዐ ፕⶴጎነ ቹልነጎረሃ?", the white haired girl asked with a grin to her face. Using some power from the void, she suddenly cast a dark magic circle right under the fox as chains appeared to grab hold of the dark vixen who growled defiantly, before forcing her to her knees. "...I take it you liked what I did...?", she snarled but the girl swung an arm down, a magic scythe struck the ground near them.

The move itself didn't make the fox flinch but Mitsuko jumped a little. "ልፕፕቹጮየፕጎክፏ ፕዐ ጋቹነፕዪዐሃ ፕⶴቹ ነዐ፱ዪርቹ ዐቻ ሃዐ፱ዪ የዐሠቹዪ, ጎ ጋጎጋክ'ፕ ፕⶴጎክኡ ሃዐ፱ ⶴልጋ ጎፕ ጎክ ሃዐ፱...", the girl responded, not without annoyance. "ፕⶴጎነ ጎነ ሠⶴልፕ ሃዐ፱ ሠልክፕ...? ፕዐ ፪ቹ ል ሠቹልኡረጎክፏ ረጎኡቹ ፕⶴቹጮ?", she said, waving her hand lightly toward them before pointing at the fox's wounded body. "ሃዐ፱ ረዐዐኡ የልፕⶴቹፕጎር ልክጋ ፕⶴቹጎዪ ነዐ፱ረነ ፪ቹረዐክፏ ፕዐ ጮቹ.", the girl finally claimed but Shinigami wasn't having any of that, pulling on her chains, "Don't you get close to them... They're not a threat to y~", Shinigami angrily started but a bind around her muzzle silenced her. "ሃዐ፱ ርልዪቹ ል፪ዐ፱ፕ ፕⶴቹጮ...?", she asked with amusement, pondering...

The girl's energy then distorted to show a larger figure, similar to what Jumi may have seen on the wall's scripture, its eyes staring closely at the fox. "ልክጋ ሠⶴልፕ ፏጎህቹነ ሃዐ፱ ፕⶴቹ ዪጎፏⶴፕ ፕዐ ጮልኡቹ ነ፱ርⶴ ጋቹጮልክጋ? ጎ ርዪቹልፕቹጋ ሃዐ፱...", the voice said while some energy from Shinigami's magic circle summoned what looked like tentacles. One of them instantly pushed itself inside her pussy, making her moan out while another pushed itself in her butt, causing her to moan out a little louder. "ዪቹጮቹጮ፪ቹዪ ሃዐ፱ዪ የረልርቹ...", the voice warned as three more tentacles aimed for her front side. Shinigami's body forced to reveal her penis, which one tentacle took for itself while the two other ones assaulted her breasts, all mercilessly.

Mitsuko could only blush red as the fox was forced into submission. "J-jumi... W-what is going on? We have to do something...", she tried to say but this girl made difficult to focus now with the fox being left to be raped while this... deathly form shifted its gaze to the others, momentarily taking the form of the girl again, "...Anything to say or do you agree with what this pathetic fox said...? She should be serving me and instead get attached to you... Not very loyal of her to try and destroy my gifts to her... Can you humans really like such a monster created for no other reasons than kill your kind and feed your souls to me?", the girl said grinning, watching them while Nall looked shocked. Mitsuko could only feel bad for the vixen.

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“Mitsuko, Nall.  Meet dream girl.”  Jumi went into a defensive stance as she appeared.  “…Still as hard to understand as ever, most of the time.”  She had still had a difficult time picking out much of what was said.  Her face tensed as Shinigami was enchained.  Did they have power to fight her?  Shinigami never clarified exactly who this girl was.  What she was.

”Awww, and here I thought you wanted me.”  She said sarcastically to the girl.  Then the tentacles.  An interesting punishment.  But if they were not careful, she and Mitsuko might be on the receiving end of them.  “She’s no Zorn, not comparable to many other demons I’ve fought.  We would already be dead if she was.”   She stepped forward.  This was maybe even more dangerous than the convention.  No harmless bystanders.  But did they have a chance of winning in battle.  “…You on the other hand…shouldn’t treat your daughter like that.”  She doubted this girl literally gave birth to Shinigami, but might have been able to be called a mother of sorts, if she did in fact create her.  “So, what’s your game here?  You don’t feel like the sort to wake me out of that dream out of kindness.”

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Shinigami didn't seem to take long for her body to react intensively to the assault, already squirting a bit. If she was cumming, was hard to say with the tentacle sucking her penis or whatever. Her tail moving moving constantly as well as her toes spreading or curling were the only hint of what being raped did to her, as well as her body moving as she was fucked. A thing the girl didn't seem to care about for now but Nall seemed frozen still, watching the scene powerlessly. Mitsuko blushed red still but her answer to the girl's question begged only one response. Sure, Mitsuko might also be hit by what was happening to the fox but this wasn't her goal. She moved to the fox and kneeled near behind her, hugging her. If Jumi had to fight, however, Mitsuko would quickly join if she could do so. "Shinigami... Be strong... I don't know what it's like but I'm here...", she told her, only getting moans from her.

The girl was focused on Jumi for now and Mitsuko's attempt at comforting the fox didn't do much to stop it from happening. At least Mitsuko wasn't targeted. "My daughter...?", she asked with a smile, "She enjoys it, I am not sure what you mean... She was created without feelings for your kind yet found herself enamored by your ways... She was made to bring souls back to me and she spared what humans she could have killed in order to achieve her goal. So many humans in one place and not one dead... She failed me.", she said with a bit of annoyance before she gave a calm look to Jumi, "That dream... It wasn't one for you to be mine just yet... You were still protected by Shinigami but only for so long. If the souls had not helped you, you might as well have been mine. You are lucky, I cannot kill you myself but she can... There are rules in place. Why are you so attached to her...?", she asked quietly.

Mitsuko tried to hold onto the fox seemingly having multiple orgasms forced upon her. Even her breasts were being milked, for what milk she could still give. Shinigami's belly showed how deep she was getting fucked as tentacles didn't shy from also cumming into her and pulling out to have her squirt out, only to trade place and fuck both holes again. "...She won't be able to take much more..." she muttered and held the fox tightly. "I-It's because we love her...! P-please stop doing this to her...!", she shouted while trying to undo the muzzle bind off Shinigami as she was struggling to even moan out from all of the pleasure she was getting. The girl stopped briefly to look at Mitsuko and undo the muzzle herself by magic, letting the fox breathe, pant but mostly moan some more. "Can it be...? Prove it to me...", she told them but also looked at Jumi, wondering if that was a sincere feeling.

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There were rules?  Jumi was still very reluctant about trusting anything this girl said, and said rules probably went out the window if she or Mitsuko attacked but maybe they were not in quite as much danger as she feared.  Could they use force to try to free Shinigami though?  Break the tentacles?  That was probably risky, assuming they could even do that, it probably would not last long.  The girl still did say just 'not yet' about her after all.  But it was unclear exactly what this girl wanted.  Her soul?  Or something else?  Apparently there were other souls as well.  Was that the source of the whispering?  The undead?  Were they actually a threat to her after all?

"Enjoys it?"  Jumi replied, a hint of bitterness.  No, this was all too familiar.  Shinigami might have been feeling pleasure in the moment.  In the moment, some part of her might actually want it.  But Jumi had a very good idea of how she would feel when it was over.  "You wouldn't get it.  But I understand what she is feeling now."  This girl probably genuinely would not get it.  She seemed to think more like what she expected demons to think like.  But then, after Mitsuko's final cry, they were asked to prove it.  A few very dangerous, potentially very stupid options came to mind.  Repeat what Mitsuko did with Shinigami back in the hall?  Very likely to backfire, this girl was unlikely to see things Shinigami did.  "Well, you can't have my soul as a snack.  But I'm willing to do a lot to prove it."  The trick was, what would convince a girl like this?

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The girl herself tilted her head, not seeming to understand this human too much. What did she understand what Shinigami could be feeling? To her, the fox was moaning out but even this girl saw Shinigami being drained out of any stamina she could have had left yet it didn't seem to make her stop her tentacles from raping her. The last part made her grin and move closer, "If you're not to become a soul of mine, you're of no interests to me... So what ረዐፕ could you possibly do to prove it your ረዐህቹ to this monster?", she asked, putting emphasis on words in her own language. Mitsuko herself started to see the effect of Shinigami being drained sexually. "J-Jumi...", she whined, begging for help for the dark vixen's sake. The affection given by Mitsuko already seemed to disturb this deathly girl, not understanding why a human would be touching or hugging even, such a beast. Or feeling any sympathy for her, at all...

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That was the question of course.  How to prove it to someone like this?  Who seemed to have an absolutely foreign thought process on this sort of thing.  “Does her surrendering her power, giving me a portion of it mean nothing to you?  I suppose it doesn’t, since you are still asking for proof.”  She hesitated for a moment.  “I could offer something that everyone here, except probably you, would take as a proof.  You would probably just assume I wanted to have some fun, offering to take her place over there.  Though maybe her reactions would convince you neither of us think it is as fun as you think.”  She was mostly just ranting now, trying to think of something that could prove it to whatever this girl was.  Though she technically made an offer.

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The girl's face seemed to change into an annoyed expression after a bit. "Flinging your petty insults at me, aren't you...? To offer your own body, though... Perhaps sending her to the humans is punishment enough, after all. If you love her so much, you will be her only hope but how long will that last?", she asked with a smirk and snapped, the tentacles seemed to finish, cumming a last time inside and outside of the vixen, some of it again Mitsuko herself, before the magic chains also broke, leaving her in the valkyrie's grasp to convulse in her umpteenth orgasm as cum leaked out of her spread pussy and butthole. Her penis also cummed a last time, leaving her to pant heavily in exhaustion while being barely conscious.

The girl glared a bit at Jumi, "I could kill her right now if I wanted but death would be too easy for her... She defied me by attempting to destroy what was once hers, she will not be getting them again. She will now suffer the cost of siding with humans instead of killing them... And the price of her weakness before them. So here is my gift to you, humans... She is yours but the day she dies will be the day her soul returns to me to do with her as I please...", she warned with a certain threatening voice before moving back. Mitsuko herself felt embarrassed but she didn't care about the girl's presence anymore. Feeling her state, she made her clothes disappear to not stain them, leaving both naked and even messy.

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“Sorry I’m not nice to someone who only wants to eat my soul.  I’m not exactly sure what you expected, or what would have been proof to you.  Whatever you are.”  Jumi did not have the mood to be nice without reason.  She was not stupid enough to attack, but why should she treat the creature any better…especially since she somehow accidentally succeeded.  She watched as Shinigami was freed, but kept her eyes on the other girl.  She was just going to leave like that?  If so, they accomplished half their goal.  Though the question of how to handle Shinigami became a much more complicated one.  Not one she intended to shrug off though.  She had a lot of responsibility for this.

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The girl shook her head, "I think I have the proof I needed, as disgusting as it is to see it... You and her ready to sacrifice yourself for one who killed many of your kind. It would be pointless to play this game longer than I did... You earned her freedom but what you do with it is in your hands. Don't look so surprised... Even she was willing to protect you. I didn't think that she'd go this far but so be it.", she told her and Mitsuko in conclusion with a mix of amusement and disgust. The fox's state was what she judged to be punishment enough for the time being, until humans would see her for what she is and maybe tried to eliminate her themselves. This game between Shinigami and humans was not over yet, or so she was thinking.

A blue tint of light could be seen at the distance soon enough, flying toward them, most likely attracted to the insane amount of energy produced in this area. A blue theme colored catgirl flew toward them but stopped at a distance, noticing the scene happening before her gaze turned to the deathly girl. She looked like she was recognizing at least two of them but neither were in state to fight. The white haired girl looked behind herself only to be annoyed, "A friend of yours? No... Not a human. That energy... Is she the one who hurt Shinigami? She is one of them...", she asked, almost with a growl, forming her own personal scythe. Mitsuko herself didn't like where this was going, trying to move herself so she may piggyback the fox.

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Well neither of them really liked each other.  As long as this girl was going to go away was enough for her.  Ignoring vague words that suggested the girl wanted her soul.  But that would be dealt later.  Hopefully she would just leave in a moment, then they could figure out what to do about Shinigami.  Should she call Alexandrine?  No Alexandrine probably did not have enough experience yet, with that Emi girl yet, to be of any help there.

But, then she saw it coming.  Another figure.  Not recognizable as a friend she knew.  But maybe a local Magical Girl…wherever they were.  Or was it an enemy?  She stepped back to Mitsuko and Shinigami as it got close, watched her land.  Jumi looked over her with a sigh.  About ready to curse her luck.  “Please tell me that is not Lenneth…”.  She unfortunately was not looking for the answer from Mitsuko and Nall.

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Nall himself having been quiet until then seemed to be slapped awake by Jumi's question as he shook his head and looked at her, "...You probably do not want to hear the answer to this question...", he said while close to panic. Mitsuko herself dreaded to see this but she kept Shinigami's slimy body on top of hers, apparently too weak to do or say much but still. "...She is. We have to leave right now, Jumi...", she said, almost panicked as well. The deathly girl looked focused on Lenneth right now while the neko had formed her own spear and dashed ahead but was quickly stop by the white haired girl's scythe. Many dark magic circles then formed around the entire area. Whatever they planned, it probably was not good for them.

Shinigami seemed to move but only ever so slightly. "...S-stupid girl...", she muttered quietly before using some power to create a portal not far from them, one that seemed to lead back to the convention, where the three had first been snatched. Shinigami just seemed to drop against Mitsuko afterwards, who couldn't help but smile but look at the portal which was only stable enough for a moment. "I don't care what anyone thinks... I am doing this for her... Let's go, Jumi...", she told her, preferring to be far from Lenneth if she could help it. If that girl was going to keep her busy or unable to come after them for a while, even better. With this in mind, she simply went through to the other side. Nall stared for a bit then followed.

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Dream girl was going to fight Lilith?  What, she wanted to give them a chance, see how they handled Shinigami?  There was no time to question motives.  Mitsuko was right.  They had to get out of here and soon.  Thankfully Shinigami managed to get another portal open, one to much more familiar area.  Though she wondered exactly which one of all of them was the 'stupid girl'.  But she help Mitsuko pull up Shinigami and pushed them towards the portal.  "Get her into one of the private rooms for now.  We will decide what to do from there."  Hopefully no one would see them before that.  Short term, they had to figure out a way to hide her, best they could.  Long term, well that was something they had to figure out.  For now though, they just needed to get through the portal and into one of the rooms.

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Mitsuko knew that her being naked and messy was not going to go unnoticed and a big purple fox stained with cum wasn't going to help, either. The scent was so strong about them, too... It made things  hard to focus but she had to get her to a bath asap. She'd be embarrassed forever for being like this, probably giving everyone the impression that she or both got raped, but she didn't want to care right now. Once on the other side, she hurried faster than anyone could do anything to stop her, even if they noticed. She had been there before, she knew where the private rooms were. Obviously, she'd get looks but no panic if not concerns about what was even going on. Nall would fly above, right behind them.

The portal itself didn't last very long after Jumi stepped inside. Whatever happened on the other side was someone else's problem, now. But for now, Mitsuko was thankfully fast on her feet with her newfound strength. Whether anyone was in the private room she went in or not, she would go to the bathroom or wherever she could find a bath and moved Shinigami inside before turning on the water and taking whatever bath soap she could find to mix in with. Soaking in with cleaning water was going to do her some good right now. Mitsuko would join shortly, with her own state being pretty messy thanks to the tentacles that raped the fox. For now, she'd lean against the wall sighing while Nall was quiet.

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They stood out, but hopefully with Shinigami’s loss of power, the crowd and other Magical Girls/Knights would look the other way.  Not see Shingami as anything like a demon.  Hopefully she would be confused of one of the Magical Girls that transformed more significantly.

Her and Mitsuko transformed, carrying her, hopefully helped reduce suspicion.  They made it quickly back to one of the rooms, where Jumi could finally relax a little.  She let Mitsuko do what she needed with herself and Shinigami.  She let out a sigh.  “That was potentially the easy part.  We have to think about what to do next.”  She did not intend to abandon Shinigami obviously.  But the question of how to handle this long term was not an easy one.

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Shinigami, for now, was unconscious but resting in the bath. Mitsuko would look like a mess but at least she was more at peace now... The deathly girl didn't look like she'd come after them, dream wise or other. She hoped for Lenneth to get a taste of what she had done to Shinigami but for now, Mitsuko could relax. "T-they saw me like this... I never really did anything like this before, that was so embarrassing. I'm not letting her be hurt by anyone here, though...", the valkyrie said, nervously thinking, even shaking a bit. This was a lot, as much for her as it was for Nall who landed somewhere to rest his wings. "T-that was not what I had in mind when I imagined this...", Mitsuko muttered with a blush.

She was still feeling the tentacle's cum over her own body... Luckily, Mitsuko was not the subject of rape but she could feel Shinigami's overwhelming torture as she held on her. Rough and relentless. For a moment, she rested her face against her hands as she tried to get a hold of her mind, a breather... "T-they will have to accept her... She doesn't mean to do anything bad. I think so...", Mitsuko said quietly, looking anxious, but she would check on the fox as a mean to distract herself from negative thoughts for now. After she made sure the bath would not overfill, the valkyrie petted the vixen's head then looked toward Jumi, "You will have to help me... I think they would understand...", she said with hope.

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Jumi thought about what Mitsuko said last first.  Getting people to accept Shinigami.  This crowd was one thing.  The general public was another.  That was the big question.  Were they just going to take her home, and if so, how much would they have to hide her?  When it came to Magical Girls/Knights, there were people she knew, people she could probably get to see it her way.  But demons did not just live with humans, and there was a reason for that.  Convincing the world Shinigami was different would not be quick or easy.  That girl, Shingami's 'mother' of a sort, seemed to understand that.  That was part of the punishment as she saw it.  "I would not worry about how anyone saw you.  Everything going on here, it probably won't stick in anyone's memory too long."  Mitsuko was a brand new Magical Girl no one knew yet.  They might not have even realized she was a real one, unless they recognized Jumi at her side.  And Jumi was not one of the more famous ones here either, especially to people from outside her hometown.

"As for convincing people.  I can think of some who would trust my word.  But we have to be careful about this, take our time.  Can't just make an announcement on the stage or try to arrange a media interview.  It would be too sudden."  She intended to help.  She had a similar goal anyways.  But they had to take small steps at first.  Not shock the world with something it would find hard to believe.  But maybe, eventually, people as a whole could accept it.

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Mitsuko sighed quietly at the first part, hoping Jumi was right. "Well... Maybe Shinigami on my back helped... But they will remember her. I think everyone saw her... Unless you're saying that someone will wipe their memories.", she said, feeling a little silly but still... In the world of magical girls, she would not be surprised anymore. Looking at the fox, she continued, "I am staying by her side, no matter what. If they try to hurt her, they will have to hurt me. Lenneth will do worse to me than they will..." She looked serious with her words before her gaze shifted between them then she moved to check on Shinigami. Nall flew closer, asking, "...You know... They don't look at me weird. Could she pass as a guardian...?"

Mitsuko herself ignored the question, climbing inside the bath to find herself on top of the unconscious fox. At least she herself didn't need to be washed again and soak as much, as she just needed her skin cleaned up a little. On thing worried her, though... Shinigami was not only unconscious right now. Of course she was not dead either but she was pretty weak... She had been hurt... Then had spent lot of efforts while weak and then finally this... All that without eating a single thing or receiving proper care. The dark vixen was at her limit and she still had opened a portal for them. Being against her, she could barely feel her heart. "Jumi...! We need a doctor...! O-or someone who can help her...", she cried out.

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Jumi considered what Mitsuko said first, and Nall's question.  It was not a bad question, but she was not sure how practical it was.  They generally were not humanoid and human sized.  But before she could think too much about any of that, she heard Mitsuko call out for help.  That Shinigami was in danger.  A healer.  Well, Rie was probably not a smart option here.  A traditional doctor certainly was not either.  She tried to think of something to do.  Then she ran to the corner of the room, to check something.  A sign of trust in her fellow Magical Girls and Knights.  The possessions she left in the corner of the room, before they made their surprise trip to Shinigami's house were still there.  She pulled out her phone and made a call.

Alexandrine was still roaming around the halls, hoping to find Emi, when she got the call and answered.  "Is something wrong, Jumi?  I don't know if I can help.  I am looking for Emi, and found out something I need to take of soon."  Jumi knew who Zorn was, what he did, of course, but she did not want to say it on the phone.  "I'm in one of the private rooms, Alexandrine.  I am with someone who needs healing and Rie isn't an option for various reasons.  Could you please come quick, you don't have to stay.  Or try to find someone more specialized in healing."  Alexandrine bit her lip.  She hated being distracted, but something like this was important and she should take care of it, before looking more for Emi.  "Alright.  There should be someone here among the girls who can help.  Just give me a minute to look for her."  Not someone she knew personally.  But she knew of many of the girls here, just as many probably knew the Diamond Sorceress.  She just had to find the girl.

Once the call was over, Jumi looked to Mitsuko.  "Help should be here soon.  She should be fine."

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Posted (edited)

Mitsuko seemed to relieved to hear it and she would simply hug the fox while in the bath. It was difficult not to feel everything against her body but she focused on her heartbeat for now. She was not pleased with what was done to her but she'd try her best to keep her safe. At least Jumi was back home now so she didn't need to check on her as much. Nall would finally relax in a "normal" place too, for the moment. Not that he hated the manor or anything but it was not really a holy or a good place to be in, if anything.

In the crowd of the convention was a pink themed girl seeming to have a good time. She had seen the naked girl and fox run through and heard everyone's whispers but she wasn't herself as judging, but more curious what that was about. A magical girl in trouble, perhaps. She did not seem to be alone, followed by another one behind them. For now, she had let it go and appeared to just enjoy some food on her own. Her ribbon animal themed scheme really made her noticeable easily but she looked happy with that.

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Alexandrine had an idea who she was looking for, appearance-wise at least.  Though she had not really spoken to the girl in the past.  She dug her way through the crowd.  Hearing some of them talking about a strange trio.  Of four, talking about the little guardian with them.  One of them not human?  Was that what this about, why Jumi needed this sort of help?  Well, she was no longer in a position to complain about that sort of thing.

There was a lot to look through.  Someone who might stick out normally, blended in quite a bit.  But eventually her eyes settled on the girl.  She pushed her way forward.  Nodded at her as she got close.  “Excuse me.”  She said softly, but loud enough to hear over the crowd.  “I have heard you a healer.  I have a friend who seems to need one for someone she is looking over.  Could you come with me?  Apparently they are resting in the private rooms.”

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