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Shinigami's Manor. (Shinigami's Entry)

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Shinigami didn't let go, not just yet. She seemed to make herself comfortable with it while watching the girl within her grasp. Her question came to her as neutral or simple question. A question without human emotions? Was it meant to be sexual, then? Or simply possessive? Not as a slave but as her thing? Whatever it meant, it was tempting. "...I want you, if that's what you want... You and Mitsuko have been entertaining guests so far... It had been a while since I've had sex with a human... Plus, you made me good in the bath as well. No humans have tended to my paws or my tail, before... I don't know if I could even let you go but the deal was a deal, was it not...?", she said, admitting what she enjoyed.

Shinigami would remain like this, holding Jumi close. She knew that her and Mitsuko were still different in certain things but both together completed something that the fox enjoyed, whether Jumi believed it or not. Two perspectives, both soft and rough, on sex and bathing, perhaps more even... Just this moment, holding Jumi, was different from what she would normally do. She did so based on what Mitsuko had made her feel before, thinking that she could feel or make Jumi feel the same, despite her own pathetic state right now. Something that Jumi might feel as her grasp was not exactly tight or stable, her body felt warm but vulnerable and hurt, barely standing fine. The fox was strong, but she had limits.

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Jumi considered Shinigami’s words, felt the body against her’s.  There was lingering pain…but maybe it was recovering.  What did she want from the creature?  It would obviously be different from Mitsuko.  She could not imagine a conventional sort of love between them.  “My offer on a new deal at the end of this remains open…consider what I might offer, if I’m happy enough…”. She did not spell it out.  But there were certainly things she could guess.

”…How close are you to healing?  I will take Mitsuko’s place helping you…if you need it…if you heal soon…”.  She was nervous about making offer.  A big one.  One that might change.  “You are the host.  It is your choice.  I offer a way to make up for what happened.  If you wish it, take only me to bed tonight.  You can still have time with both of us, or just Mitsuko.  But I offer this to make up for what happened last time…do you desire me alone tonight?”.  Yes, this was probably the best way to do it.  She was offering what might be a life changing experience, maybe for both.

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Shinigami tilted her head as an offer was still open. "...I can't really promise you happiness... You know who or what I am..." There was barely much to debate there. She was not a human and making a human happy was not exactly in her domain. There was no real romance to Shinigami, no real flirt, nothing like what a human could offer to her... But she still had enough conscience to enjoy something with her, be it sex or seemingly even just being close. Conscious enough not to lower herself to rape either of them, by choice.

With the question of her healing, that was a tough one with how painful her wounds were. But Jumi was offering herself? "...Would you, now? Without some of my powers, I cannot heal myself and I still do not want to have them back just yet... But what Mitsuko did indeed helped... Taking you to bed, though? You would have sex with me again, by your own will...? To enjoy this fox's penis again...?" She said with a smirk, teasing a little but her tail did wag some. "...I suppose I would like that. Only you and I...", she replied to her.

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Jumi committed to it.  She was sure Mitsuko would be surprised, probably even happy, not caring it would just be her and probably Nall for one night.  Jumi did not know what to expect, but this was the right choice.  "After everything that just happened...I think I need this."  The possibility of a step in the right direction.  Beginning to heal.  "I don't expect you to treat me like Mitsuko does, or any other human.  Treat me the way you want...if you desire me, that is enough.  I'm ready for anything tonight.  All night, just us."  She truly did not know what to expect.  But perhaps that made it better.  She did want this.  She felt confident of that.

"What do I need to do, to make you ready?"  She had not imagined doing this earlier, but she was prepared.  "Though the girl who caused all this would have been a much better healer.  Don't expect much skill or experience from me."  She had no idea how much still needed to be done before bed.  But she was prepared.  Was it going to be conventional work?  She was not sure how much there was left to do that Mitsuko had not.

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Shinigami simply nodded to the girl's first statement. It was mysterious to the fox but it was part of what she got herself into, with these two. A human needed her for anything was odd but it was proof that she did like it... With a normal demon, a girl would only like it so much because it was forced on them or they were corrupted by it. Shinigami did neither of these things so the words felt more meaningful, in some way. Jumi was giving herself to her, again. To which, the fox felt something mutual in the sense that perhaps she would need it as much, after what had happened. "...Then so be it. But maybe you should take this chance to make a request, as Mitsuko did...", she said, offering to fulfill a fetish or something.

As for what she needed to be ready, there was a first answer to give, "...Let's get rid of the cat... As for the girl, she would have been dead without Mitsuko... Perhaps for the best... I don't require experience from you, only your body and your mind...", Shinigami said with a smirk before she'd surprisingly pick Jumi up in her grasp, holding her butt before she would open the door and eyed Nall. "Out of here with you... Find the girl and tell her what you want. Her friend will be safe so leave us alone...". Nall would gulp a bit but nodded and took up, flying straight for the opening of the door and outdoors. He had good reasons to believe that the fox would keep her word. Mitsuko would know. The fox then looked at Jumi.

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Jumi had momentarily forgotten Nall was in the room, lost in the moment as she was.  Well, it made things convenient for passing the message to Mitsuko.  “…Body and mind?”  Jumi asked with some caution.  Not fear though.  She was not going to try to stop now.  She told Shinigami to do what she wanted to her.  She meant it.  She considered herself prepared for anything, but was curious exactly what was being planned.  It looked like she was possibly going to bed sooner than expected.  Since it seemed healing related.  “…I’ll consider it.  We have all night, think about what you want to do to me.”  There was some excitement, maybe even a little arousal, as she waited.

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Shinigami seemed confused about the first question but replied, "...Is this not what you humans say? The body and the mind... Some would only require your body but I thought you'd like to know that I am fine with both...", she grinned lightly, whether she was joking or not but she probably referred to those who would gladly rape her without caring about her feelings. There was still some oddity with this fox but she seemingly tried to give Jumi some space for her mind as well. A choice to accept what pleasure she'd offer to her.

The fox held Jumi close for now, "...Is that so? Would what I want to do with you differ from what I've done last time...? I'm not sure how much I can surprise you but I can offer being rough with you... Or do you have anything else in mind? I'm open to hear the way you would like to be fucked... You know I'm not shy to lick anywhere...", she smirked at the end, referring to what she had done for Mitsuko. As she waited for her response, Shinigami would still walk out the bathroom for now. She had enough of resting in the bath.

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“I thought you talking about healing specifically.”  Jumi had not been sure if Shinigami was referring to some strange demon ritual or not.  Some thing that truly involved her mind directly in some way.  It did not seem to be that though.

She wrapped her arms and legs around the demon, as she was carried.  This was going to be similar in some ways but also different.  There was something about it being the two of them.  That Shinigami genuinely desired her, that was good enough.  Shinigami could maybe feel some excitement in her heartbeat.  “Just let tonight happen.  We will see if there are any surprises.  If you want me to do anything to you, I will do it.”

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Shinigami seemed amused, "...Healing, hm? Yeah, my body is in pain but there's things that beat that... I will heal in time, perhaps faster than you would if you were hurt this much... But I am fine...", she said, being stable for the moment. Still, despite what she could do with Jumi, the fairy was hiding her game well or perhaps she did not have anything specific in mind, leaving it to the proper moment to wish for anything. Mitsuko only spouted her wish in the moment she was teased for it, after all. It was hard to say for now...

The fox would bring Jumi to the bed room, which was now clean and like nothing had happened. Closing the door behind herself, she then brought Jumi to the bed and sat down between her legs. If they had to have sex then the first order of the evening was to lay bare before her guest. Shinigami would simply get rid of her sheets, revealing her body as it was, wounded but not as badly as she was found the first time. If she healed naturally, it would look fairly good as it was. Soon, the fox also reached to touch her pelvis.

A moment later, her penis would show, as naturally as it seemed to be but not yet grown at its full size. Shinigami simply smiled to her but not yet pushing anything sexual on her, wanting her to be ready, first. If there was anything Jumi wanted to do or say before some fun would start between them. The fox was otherwise between the fairy's legs, kneeling and sitting there for now, just taking a good look at the girl she was going to have sex with again, depending on what they would feel like going for. What feeling or fun?

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As she was put on the bed, Jumi watched it reappear.  The idea of a futanari was still fascinating to her.  She still did not look at Shinigami’s body quite the way Mitsuko did.  But perhaps something had changed.  By now Nall must have told Mitsuko, but what exactly did he say, what was Mitsuko hiding.  “You want to hear my desires?…I want Mitsuko to hear how much I love it, hear you please me.  I want to hear her too, when you are alone with her.”  She admitted at least one desire.  It was perhaps something that came with an open relationship.  For Jumi at least.  She had been incredibly aroused watching the two of.  “She wants you more than me…at least for now…”. She admitted there was a chance tonight might change that.  “You have something to please us, that we lack.  I can please her, but you can in a way I can only imitate with plastic.  She loves it so much…it does feel good.”   She reached over.  Took the shaft into her hand,  jerked it a few times, to watch it harden.

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Shinigami watched this girl speak but all of it amounted to wanting the fox to make her moan loudly. Or to make Mitsuko moan loudly later... It's true that Shinigami had a certain bonus but that didn't mean something too bad for Jumi and her lack of similar feature. The fairy seemed jealous or envious of her having this penis and this alone made her smile but still... It was true that Mitsuko really did seem to like it a lot, especially for a new magical girl. Jumi's hand onto her penis felt good and her body reacted accordingly to that.

As her penis turned hard, Shinigami left Jumi to do what she liked, "...I can make you moan if you like but that does not tell me if you wish for anything special, does it? No places you would have me fuck...? Or lick...? Why does your friend seem so content to have her feet teased...? Where is your weakness...?", the fox asked teasingly, perhaps wondering the same for herself. She was not sure if she had such a "fetish" of her own. Her paws felt nice being rubbed but she felt normal to enjoy it. Her tail, her ears, all felt nice equally.

Shinigami enjoyed feeling good, whether it was on her pussy which didn't get so much attention yet, or on her penis, which got plenty. Her breasts felt quite good as well being touched but she could not imagine such a place where being licked by say, Jumi or Mitsuko, would feel better than being sexually licked, not that she really knew since it was never tested. She was licked down there but that was all she had felt on that side. "What now, then...? Will you play with me or will I have to make you moan?", she asked teasingly

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“It is simple, but you did wish to know my desires.”  She wondered what to do.  Mitsuko had beaten her to sucking off Shinigami.  But she might still do that later.  It was something Jumi enjoyed doing.  “It does appeal to you though?”  She considered the answer.  “Well, I am sure I am asking for the impossible, but if you could take me both ends at once, well if you could take the place of two boys at a time even better.  I would not compare it to Mitsuko feet, but if you want to take me from that side, I find it quite enjoyable.”  It was not an extremely strong fetish, but Jumi certainly enjoyed anal.  Had taken it in both ends at the same time, by groups of boys a few times.  She did not know if she had anything comparable to Mitsuko’s feet, but Shinigami would certainly find her sensitive spots.

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Shinigami nodded to the first thing as she was indeed curious about what Jumi wished. "I'm afraid I can't promise anything...", she told her as she moved over her, letting her penis free for the time being. "I am not a loud moaner myself and I also doubt Mitsuko is... She does have a cute moan, though... I will have to disappoint you, as I don't intend to break her.", she told the fairy while amused to hear what she had in mind. More so as she heard what she hoped to get out of this... An impossible wish for Shinigami to fulfill...

The fox also thought strange that Jumi would speak of Mitsuko's feet or what fetish the poor girl had blurted out for her in her most embarrassing moment. "Now, you're not being very fair to me, are you? Asking for things that I can't give you... Is it out of punishment? Mitsuko’s wish was strange, to say the least, but easier to fulfill...", she told her before she would lick her face in a friendly manner, soon laying down against Jumi's body, leaving her futanari part between them for now. "...Or is it possible that I can't satisfy you...?"

Shinigami had not spoken in a mean tone or anything. She still looked weak but her words were questioning the fairy honestly. Perhaps she had been through so much that this fox willing to play nice was no longer enough to satisfy what Jumi was longing to feel. It was obvious that Jumi had a rough past that even Mitsuko would know nothing about, making the valkyrie easier to play with. For Shinigami to even feel some sympathy for the fairy, as she already had proved by listening to Mitsuko, was already a feat on its own.

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“I said nothing about breaking.”  Jumi calmly answered.  Yes, that was one thing she was still trying to avoid here.  As for Mitsuko’s volume.  It was still too soon to know for sure.  Who knew how loud she could be if pleased enough.  It was at least worth a try.  “Just encourage her to let it all out, if she wants.  Not to be shy.”  Maybe it would not happen, but Jumi would enjoy it if it did.  Probably have to touch herself in response.

Jumi only mentioned the feet because Shinigami brought it up, trying to answer her question about having anything similar.  There was nothing more to it than that.  “You ask for my desires, I tell you them, does not matter if it is possible or not.  We would not be here if I did not think you could do it.”  They seemed to be at the point it was better to just say things than be quiet about them.

She leaned forward.  “This side of you isn’t bad though.  Maybe this night will go even better than expected.”  She was not sure if it was just a brief thing.  She decide to be honest.  “You want to know what I want most?  Healing of my own.  To get over the past.  And you know what, I think you can do it.  I am not asking you to change or look at me differently than you do now, to act human.  Just to do what you want, figure out what I want specifically as we go.”  It was out there.  They would do it mostly Shinigami’s way, but now Shinigami knew what Jumi wanted most.

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Shinigami smirked at the first words. At least it was understood that inflicting trauma on the poor new girl would not do well for anyone. "Did you not say that she mostly had an attraction to others of her kind...? I am not doubting you but she did seem to take well being fucked... At the same time, I am the same as she is except for this one little difference. She tightened enough around me that I could only cum so much inside her... You were not bad either, though... She was daring enough to want a taste after I was done."

The fox mostly teased but it was part of the sexual game. A little bit of mental excitement before things would get physical. But more about Jumi's desires, she was fine with listening. "I asked, yes... But I also asked for things that you would enjoy me doing, didn't I? By what means would you like this fox to have her way with you...? Or... Perhaps you would like to have your way with me? I may agree to even make myself helpless if you wished for it... You humans like games, don't you? I would like to hear it", she would tell the fairy.

The last part seemed to be more important. At least when it came to Jumi. The fox was not the most socially adapted beast but Jumi still shared her weakness with her, or her wish to find healing from her past, even putting her trust in Shinigami to help her with it. In short, Jumi told her to be herself, which seemed to be more than enough for her. The fox girl nodded, feeling more or less as protective as she did before. For Mitsuko, it was Lenneth. For Jumi... It would be other demons. "As you wish.", she replied, licking her face.

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The idea of treating Shinigami more like she had treated Mitsuko that night.  It was interesting.  If it felt right, maybe it could happen.  “Like I said, let’s just both do what feels natural.  Some of that could happen, if it feels right, maybe I will do that, but I’m not making any guesses what will happen.”  The licking was different.  Felt like something new.  Jumi did not dare make any assumptions, did not know how she felt herself, but maybe things had changed between them, at least a little.  If it felt right, and Shinigami seemed willing…could she even be eager in the right circumstances?  She just might do it.  The thought of it did turn her on a little more.  To imagine her like that, especially wanting it.

For the first time, with some genuine affection, she put her hand on Shinigami’s back, rubbed it, kind of like a pet, but different.  Some affection, some sexual desire.  Shinigami surely felt the change in Jumi.  She had been willing before.  But tonight she truly wanted it, badly perhaps.

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Natural, Jumi said... Shinigami would be happy to oblige, with her penis still between her and the fairy, longing for some warmth... The fox knew that Jumi was tough enough to handle at least a little bit of fucking before they might enjoy something else. Nothing better for them than to get themselves started. This wish was fueled by the girl rubbing her back, making the purple furred woman move only so much to point her penis at her partner's pussy... At first, rubbing and trying to split her lips, hoping to penetrate her vagina.

Shinigami would keep licking Jumi's face, somewhat tenderly until she would succeed to push her tip inside. Then smirking at the feeling, she would next push her way inside and lick the girl's face again, not letting her much time to take it easy. Surely Jumi would spread her legs herself if she wanted to enjoy it better but the fox would soon start thrusting herself into her, getting rougher and rougher but with a steady pace. Her own tail started wagging with sex starting and she would gasp close to Jumi's face, staying against the girl.

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“Mmmm…Shinigami…”. Jumi moaned out, as penetration.  Was it the first time she had used her name like that.  So far it had been the creature, or demon in her mind.  She had tried to trust Shinigami, before, but there was something different.  This the licking.  She was nervous, but hoped something had happened here.  That something was changing, though she did not know what yet.  Her legs easily spread, her body would make any adjustment.  To let her in, do it how she wanted.  “…I like that…do it as much as you want.”. She admitted about the licking too, it felt genuine, some sort of feeling, though it hard to say what yet.  There was a degree of warmth between them now.  She had to be careful, avoid another insult, but she also wanted to encourage it.  Her hand continued to ‘pet’ Shinigami.  She seemed to like it.  Jumi was starting to like doing it too.

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Shinigami grinned as the girl gave in to her, giving her the space to fuck her better. Hearing her own name from her also felt nice. The fox would lick her face more, tenderly on the cheek and all the way up before she started thrusting into her pussy a little harder. "...I like that, too. Let's start by giving your body a first orgasm, shall we...?", she asked, licking her face lovingly again then hugged her and fucked her. Unlike her first time with Mitsuko before, this time's first time was with Jumi and only her alone. Her penis was enjoying the fairy's pussy a lot and while she was fairly rough, she kept it nice for the both of them, not wanting to cum too fast. The fox moaned quietly, squeezing her partner's body under herself as she hugged her, leaving no chances for her to escape this fox leaking some pre-cum inside her vagina as she kept pushing her penis in and out repeatedly, enjoying this quite a lot. Her tail wagged more and more as well.

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Jumi was enjoying the way Shinigami was touching and licking her.  Her efforts seemed to working, Shinigami did not seem to be putting up an act.  That was enough for her.  There was an eagerness to see where the night led.  The tail was wagging too.  Shinigami was happy.  That made her moan louder.  “More…like that…I love it…”.  She embraced harder.  Pet her some more.  “…Do you…enjoy being touched like this?”  She did not want to treat Shinigami like she would a pet.  But Shinigami seemed to enjoying it.  She had some behaviors that were closer to animals than demons.  She found it…cute?  If it did not insult Shinigami, she would explore it more over the night.

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Shinigami looked pleased with the comment and it was hard to disagree... Jumi was moaning louder and she was herself feeling good, making sure not to cum just yet. Her own moans could still be heard easily by the fairy being this close to her, while she was leaking more precum. "...I'm glad you like it this much... Just a little more before I cum inside you...", she said with a pleased smirk, looking forward to it... The petting added to why her tail was wagging but sex was obviously being the primary element causing her to be excited.

Still, to the question which Shinigami thought was cute, she nodded slowly, "Mhm... I do... I don't mind if you do it more... It makes me feel... quite good...", she spoke, moaning a little between words. While the fox might be a scary beast at times, she had these moments of pet or animal behaviors that she didn't seem to mind showing or didn't realize about. Her body appeared to be very honest on that side. She seemed to enjoy Jumi taking some liberties to make her feel like a good girl, as well... She was getting close to cum, now.

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Knowing she could not get pregnant, relaxed Jumi a lot there.  Made her want to feel it.  She always enjoyed the feeling of a man cumming in her.  It felt right, natural.  Though with others, the risk made her very cautious about it, even using birth control.  But she could let it happen. “Fill me…A little harder…I think…I will orgasm when I feel it.”  As she closer, her hand briefly paused.  It was difficult to focus on that as the pleasure mounted.  A subconscious desire was perhaps beginning to build in her, she did not realize yet.  To explore the ways she could treat Shinigami like that, how much of it she liked.

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Shinigami felt pleased to hear that Jumi wanted the fox to let what was becoming unavoidable happen. With a nod, the fox started fucking her a little harder and it would not take so long before her penis would throb in orgasm, thrusting in deep and leaving Shinigami to moan in climax, cumming in sync inside her pussy for a short moment. Her body twitched and even her tail slowed down so she would feel it but she was hugging Jumi, not focused on if she was also climaxing to the fox cumming inside and filling her nicely.

Regardless, Shinigami would still pause and hug her, panting at this first satisfying pleasure with Jumi, letting her body squeeze hers on top of her and between her legs. Her head just resting to the side of hers for the time being. Her tail would soon wag gently again once she started recovering from it but Shinigami would not do anything more for now until she felt like the fairy was ready to continue or do something else with the fox. She was open to play a little more, now that their bodies got a taste of pleasure together.

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Jumi did not yet make the sort of noise Mitsuko might hear, but she let a deep moan, and tightened, a release of her own as she felt Shinigami release in her.  There was a smile on her face and look in her eyes, look directed at Shinigami.  It was hard to define, but certainly pleased.

”…I’m looking forward to harder later…but that was really good.”  Her hand went back to work on Shinigami’s back.  She did not yet dare say anything like ‘good girl’, but she probably felt something like that.  They had all night, there was plenty of time, for lots of sex, but they could have a few moments between times.  It felt good, Shinigami’s warm seed inside her.  “…not many have touched you like this before?”  She wondered, about the petting.

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Shinigami was still inside for the moment, just resting a bit, but she replied to the smile with a smile of her own, the compliment made her tail wag slightly more but she'd respond, "I will give you harder but I thought to be a little nicer for our first orgasm of the night...". She would move but the hand on her back felt nice... Being inside Jumi felt good... The last question made her more or less lose her smile but she did not look upset or anything. "...Not many have touched me at all. Unless you mean the beast of the basement..."

The beast that supposedly raped Shinigami once, for lack of a softer word, but she seemed to imply that she did not have many good relationships or anything with anyone, other humans or perhaps demons. Still, she looked teasing enough to not look too bothered by her fate, whether she felt actually ashamed by it or not when the fact happened. Shinigami would gently pull out of the fairy's pussy after a moment, releasing a bit of cum and leaving herself leaking slightly, but remained close for what "petting" she got.

Feeling a little better, she gave Jumi another lick on her face and smiled to her, wondering if she had anything to say for what was to come next.

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