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Warning got already ahead of me : ) But yes, char sheet drafts are sent to me via PMs. 

On other news, you might have got empty notifications because I have been testing the club editing. Sorry about that. 

We have now 2 accepted chars, which you can see under Characters. I'm going to wait till we have at least 5 in total before making IC sections and starting the game : ) 

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Sorry, just thought I'd help. Also, the existing characters do help a little to make my own character sheets. I am hesitating between certain characters currently but as I'm already bad with character bios to begin with, the length I am seeing for those terrifies me. I can write paragraphs of texts and details when I actually write and develop my character but writing a bio is my bane, especially finding all the details in advance. x.x

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Don't let it worry you too much, I'm much the same way when it comes to writing. I'm told sometimes I get too excessive and needless with details, so I find myself needing to trim it back so I don't make people sit through blocks of text. : p

It's never a bad thing to let your creativity wander a bit when making a character though. Besides, I've seen some of your characters, and I do feel when you've had the time, you show the effort in your sheets, Warning. ^^

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1 minute ago, Gardsorm said:

Don't let it worry you too much, I'm much the same way when it comes to writing. I'm told sometimes I get too excessive and needless with details, so I find myself needing to trim it back so I don't make people sit through blocks of text. : p

It's never a bad thing to let your creativity wander a bit when making a character though. Besides, I've seen some of your characters, and I do feel when you've had the time, you show the effort in your sheets, Warning. ^^

I mean, Fonfon is the only one with a ginormous sheet but this is also because I've had years of experience with her in my own roleplay universe. I know everything about her (From my own creative perspective) I'm afraid that I can't describe this amount of details without knowing the character first. Which I know will sound dumb to many people. I learn the character as I play them, usually. And many develop into long time characters.

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No problem @Warning : )

The bios and other details don't need to be lenghty as long as they serve their purpose. The history bit can be short too, just something about what kind of surrounding your character is coming from and what they have been doing prior Avonmore. Also, history can be hidden from other players if your character hasn't opened up to anyone about it.

At the moment I have no tropes in mind I need, but I thought it would be good to mention that you are allowed to control NPCs too for your own scenes.

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We got our 3rd accepted charcter posted tonight. Yay!

And since it was asked, here is how you can post your own character After they have been approved. I added the advice on how to do it in the Characters section too.

Go to Character page on the club.

Choose 'Add images'

Choose 'Create new album'

Title is your character name

Put character text in the text editor and add edits (like bolding text).

Choose 'Create album'

Add image/s

Choose 'Submit all images'

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2 hours ago, DreamsnThings said:

I am completely unsure on what character to make XD
anyone have any tropes/character concepts they want in the RP but dont want to play themselves?

The thought is appreciated, but I think I'm good for now. ^^ I even tried to shape one of my old guys a good bit differently, so looking forward to how this will play out ingame...

1 minute ago, Warning said:

I am possibly working on including Fonfon within this story but I am a little stuck on the data input. But again, I am just trying for fun. if it leads anywhere then good. If not then... welp...

All we can do is see how it works out. o: Not sure who Fonfon is but I look forward to seeing how they turn out here! 

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welp, Im probably just going to make something silly and simple without thinking too deeply then... anyone have opinions on a nurse who ended up here due to malpractice charges? Im wanting to avoid particularly dangerous characters and it feels like someone with a degree of medical knowledge might be apreciated when everyone running the island disappears?

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Celestine is a doctor, but I'm fine with having a nurse too. 

I thought today about prison tropes, and my prison tropes knowledge is based on Oz, Prison Break and Prison School. The tropes that come to mind are:

-Way of life criminal, who returns to old ways as soon as they get out.

-Supremacist racist.

-Gangster/gang member

-Bit odd old guy who has been there decades and is gonna die in old age in a prison.

-Smart guy who gets bullied, because physically weak and lack street smarts.

-Smoothtalker who nagivates effortlessly between different cliques/groups.


-Musclehead. Plenty of brute force, no brain.

-Sick bastard who has done the most horrible things mind can come up with and feels no remorse.

-Young person who was in wrong company and got in trouble.

-Rich kid who thought "my dad is a lawyer" is gonna save them from all consequences.

-White collar criminal who was on the top of the world outside and has now problems being low on the prison hierarchy. 

-Wrongly accused; one who is innocent but was sentenced to prison anyway, one who took the blame for someone else.

-Unreasonably sentenced. Someone whose crime would usually gain much smaller penalty, but because the victim was someone important or for some other reason the case got huge public attention the sentence was the harshest possible.

-Accidentally criminal. There was no malicious intent, but the person caused a bad accident by their actions and is now paying for it.

-Religious person.

-Someone's bitch. More nicely put, a prison mascot.

-Crime world celebrity. (Like in real life Charles Manson (Manson family), Dennis Rader (BTK) and David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)


I probably forgot some tropes, but if these gives ideas or inspiration to someone, it's what I aimed for : )



I was thinking that in the early stage of the game 3 chars per player would be good.


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8 hours ago, Gardsorm said:

Sorry folks, that was probably me because I've never created a character album before on Ecchi. >_>;

But glad to be done aaaaaaa! 

Nah I also had to be walked through how to do it xD


32 minutes ago, Kissa said:

I was thinking that in the early stage of the game 3 chars per player would be good.


Ah, I definitely have some work to do then!

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Ok sooo I like the idea of playing the "accidental criminal" trope kissa mentioned, but rather then one big crime it was a series of events. Im thinking of playing a black furred catfolk/neko (unsure how floof im feeling) who is a Jinx, causing bad luck wherever she goes... im assuming that theres something in place that stops inmates magic normally (since magic is allowed for character creation) so whatever that is/was also blocked her bad luck.

No clue how strong/weak something like this would be, but i figured someone like this could be a fun thing to mix into the cast

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Falkcrest Corporation provides all prisoners black and white striped prison uniforms and anti-magic collars, which are worn around the neck.

I also asked Kissa just the other day and I was informed that the collars stay on after the power outage at the prisoner, so any characters trying to remove their collars will have to find a way to do so in RP 😊

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