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Seems like there is a lot of uncertainity with Basement group 1. You are free to handle it as you want, but I think it would be good idea to do interest check to see who is still interested in continuing the scene. And those who are interested might want to talk about what you want to do with the scene, get over the door dilemma, move the group somewhere else and do something else or what.

@diogora @SataiRolePlayingGuy @Chiyako @DreamsnThings @Warning @CuteKitten

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Pretty sure three of us are just waiting for people outside the storage room to make their move. I think we were waiting on Trish but since they have elected to pass it would move on to Leona.

That said, if we're just considering pushing forward from where things are now, at this point Jijii is just going to try to remain concealed and follow Ao and Fonfon.

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13 hours ago, AsBloodTurnsEverCold said:

Ooof, yeah you have a good night

13 hours ago, Gardsorm said:

Yikes, stay safe, Dio! 

13 hours ago, Kissa said:

Get well soon : ( 

Good Morning! Thank you all for the kind words! I'll be honest and say I still haven't made a full recovery, but I'll follow Celestine's example and took an Ibuprofen hoping the placebo helps : p 

As for the basement scene, I'd say we wait for @CuteKitten to make a post, if she's still interested. 
The situation with how much Nadia is 'hunting' Jijii in a way has made the scene a bit unpleasant for me, since Ao wouldn't just...allow that, but I also don't want him to constantly be on the run from Nadia, so I would hope we could conclude this storage room scene quickly. I want to give the characters the option of who they would like to stick with, but once the scene ends, I'm hoping to split off into smaller groups.

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I wasn't sure if I should make new thread, because there is probs only a couple of rounds left before small time jump. In the end decided I will move the rest to another thread to keep things in order. Basement Team 2, now Farm team, no need to post yet. Kissa gonna take a nap and do farm post then.

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@Gardsorm @AsBloodTurnsEverCold @diogora

Made new thread, it's under Exterior. Decided to make it closed because there isn't much left of the scene.

Heavy dispense of belief on the farm and factories, because I know nothing. Imagine them being functional and everything being normal. 

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