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Open Club · 644 members · Last active
The best kind of desires are the ones that you are not 'supposed' to have. The fleeting thought about a sibling. The urge to be a little closer to your mother. The source of all those daddy issues. The ultimate temptation of savoring the fruits of your own offspring. Whatever it is, feel free to indulge those forbidden desires and experience the satisfaction of giving and receiving pleasure from those closest to you... in your own family.
Open Club · 72 members · Last active
Open Club · 183 members · Last active
Need a quick RP fix without the hassle of finding a partner, discussing and setting everything up? Got a bunch of ideas that you know will never get used, or just want to test them out? Bored and looking for some quick action? Or horny and just need a quick nut? Ya boi Noods got you. Come on down to Hit It & Quit It! (Yeah, I kept that title!) If you got an idea in your brain you want to get out, go on over and post it! Then it's open season for anyone and everyone to reply. Or if you can't think of anything... go check out the posts and see if anything tickles your fancy pickle. BUT THERE'S A CATCH!! Replies are limited! So make them count! (Refer to home page for how it works.) If you got a tingly feeling in your dick or your clit~ Just come on in to Hit It & Quit It~
Open Club · 17 members · Last active
Pine Heath is a town buried in a dense forest up against a lake, virtually far away from any other civilization. Though isolated, the town itself is self sufficient, however due to its remote locations it had become the perfect spot for the supernatural. Miles away in massive reserve is the Midnight Mansion, named after the self proclaimed "Midnight Pack" of Pine Heath. They fiercely guard their territory from outside threats, however they have to contend with an equally powerful clan. Far off to the lake, in the center of the body is the large and looming Blackthorne Castle, home of the Vampiric Blackthorne Estate. The land has been part of the estate for many years, claiming to be nobles, but should they be discovered as otherwise it could be the end of their existence. Here, the players can play as a Werewolf of the mighty Midnight Moon Pack, or they can partake in the affairs of the fearsome Blackthorne Estate as a Vampire or Thrall. This Club is based around the Supernatural and is Slice of Life, where everyday life amongst these clans are played out. With both clans do come face to face and even come to conflict, they put their survival of their respective groups first.
Open Club · 29 members · Last active
The demon kings mansion has been taken over, the demon king over thrown, and in there place a new demon king takes root... welcoming all manor of potentially submissive servents, slaves, prisoners, military personal, captives, military personel and whoever else wishes to serve. welcoming submissive's and switches of all genders, species and races. take heed in the new master you will be serving. Owner note: i claimed this club from a club adoption along with 3 others. by the looks of the primise it was original ment to service the lust of a single individual by having the setting act as the manor of the demon-king. so I'll try committing more to that premise.
Open Club · 1 member · Last active
Welcome to The Collective, on a world far from the issues of Earth, we have a established a new colony. Everyone works for the good of all, you know to each according to his need, from each according to his ability and all that. But perhaps what has drawn in more colonists is the practice of total free love within The Collective. Any two consenting individuals can go at it anytime, anywhere. The overall setting is a far-future high-tech setting on something of a frontier world, meaning highly advanced technology such as FTL spaceships, cybernetics, and gene engineering exist, but the world we are on is not fully settled and is thus lacking in large urban centers and certain amenities you might find on more fully-settled worlds.
Open Club · 22 members · Last active
Before the first trilobite wriggled through the muck that would become Earth's oceans, the Ring Builders left us the door to the Milky Way. The door remained closed until we'd stumbled around the solar system for the brief decades it took humans to turn our tiny corner of the galaxy into our latest warzone, While looking for tools to gain supremacy over each other, the humans fumbled the lock open and discovered the Ring Gate. It lead to a starless, locationless pocket filled with gates, and like rats we scurried through. Warlords, rebels, idealists and zealots - every shade of human hope and ambition, from the most noble to the most depraved. You were among them, one ship, stolen from a corporation on the far side of one gate among thousands. You are, as many crews are, bound as chosen family. Interconnected lovers, some poly, some monogamous all bound to each other by affections. And the need to survive. There is no going home. Imprisonment, or likely worse, being uploaded to the cloud to spend eternity as digital slave labor, while your bodies are sold to the highest bidders to inhabit as repossessed vessels of immortality, is all that waits on the other side of the gate to Earth. Going through the gate promised freedom and a future free of oppression - now all that remains is to make that happen. We need a full crew. Captain, pilot, engineer, doctor, deckhands and whoever else you think fits. I expect to be more of a GM for this than play a character, so billets will be handed out as people request them. I'm taking inspiration form a lot of places on this - The Expanse cyberpunk, games like Eclipse Phase and shows like Farscape and Altered Carbon. The key point is, you're in this together, bound by affection. You need not be involved with everyone, but a web of intimate relationships ties everyone together every bit as tightly as the need to survive.
Public Club · Last active
A group for feral dragons. Other species are also welcome. It's a group for people to find roleplay partners with similar interests, or those willing to explore. Transforming people into ferals has been known to happen. People that haven't played ferals before can post some very good details and be creative. This will all depend on how good of a roleplayer you are. Anyone is welcome in the group. -
Open Club · 46 members · Last active
humanity is doomed. the earth isn't as you may remember it. after a fierce escape of a tentacle creature from a lab in japan, more and more of its kin began to show up. overtaking the earth and forcing humans to hide away in quarantine zones and other, makeshift settlements. nobody knows what those tentacle creatures are, or how they were designed. all that is known is that they enjoy kidnapping humans who venture too far and breed them, until they're nothing but carriers for those creatures' eggs or babies.
Closed Club · 2 members · Last active
It's the year 5,000, the lands have fallen, the oceans have sunk, and the earth has been destroyed, and nothing on earth no longer exists. However a select number of humans have been chosen to be reincarnated onto a new planet to survive, explore, discover, and populate the new planet as they are the first of their new species. The new planet is a newly formed alien planet, with at first what seems like there would be no signs of life, aside from the reincarnated chosen ones and the plant life that exists on the new planet. Upon being reincarnated they are given new bodies and will no longer be fully human, though they maintain their memories of their life on earth, they will make new memories as they live together on this new planet and make it their home. -
Open Club · 26 members · Last active