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Yes, No, Maybe

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Maybe. If I am thirsty, I have no choice but to swallow my justified pride.

You can meet your soulmate (like, a person who will actually spend eternity with you. No bullshitting) but with the twist that you need to tell a secret to your parents. A secret to this day they dont know about. Are YOU doing it?

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Yes. I've felt like I've found that person before but lol. But if I had the opportunity to actually do it the only person I would have to disappoint is my old man, and I give no shits about his opinion. So yeah, I'll take my soul mate and love her forever with absolutely no weight on my mind.

You create a clean and sustainable source of energy, but it can be easily duplicated, making it valueless. It's efficiency would cause the fuel market to crash and the economy of the world along with it, but the environment will be safer. Do you publish the research?

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I don't think the fuel market will crash the entire world economy that bad. Some economic loss, sure. Some wars, sure. But to finally have hope for the future of all mankind. Yup. I'll publish... anonymously. No oil company headhunters coming for me. 😉


You've lost your mojo. Whatever gets you hot & bothered & ready to go had been TURNED OFF. Nothing does it for you anymore. To get your joie de vivre back, your doctor advises you that you need to [insert your worst fear or biggest sexual turn off ever here, whichever is worse]. Worst still, you need to do it live, on world-wide television broadcast. Do you do it?

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Take it, sell it for what it's worth, bring the cash back to the old woman. It's the right thing to do. Of course, when I did that, the old woman donated the cash to her church, so... maybe not quite the result I was hoping for, but I guess it was her money to do with as she pleased. At least I didn't feel like I ripped her off.


You find out you're a perfect match to donate [insert organ here] to someone who will die without your donation. The operation is safe and you will survive without incident, but the loss of this organ could reduce your lifespan by 5-15 years. Do you donate your organ and shorten your life to save someone else?

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Yeah, if I can give someone a shot at a better life. I don't wanna live past a certain age anyways honestly. I don't want to get to the point where I'm fragile and useless.

Driving down the highway in the dead of night, you see a car stopped on the side of the road with the hood open, a man and woman are waving their arms wildly trying to get your attention, you may have been the first car they've seen in a bit. Are you stopping to see what is happening?

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That's either the setup for a slasher movie or a porno... I can't tell which. 

In all likelihood, I'd probably slow, crack the window, ask the situation, and offer to call roadside assistance for them, while never taking the car out of gear because I'm exactly the kind of person who ends up as unidentified remains found in the woods a couple decades later.


Someone offers to pay off all your debts AND offers you enough to live comfortably for 2 years if you degrade yourself for them sexually on video... will you?

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That's tough lmao. I wanna say maybe, because I don't wanna drop plans I've already made and if it can wait until tomorrow I would happily join and help my mother. Never been able to perfectly replicate her recipes 😭

You find something you've been looking for for a long time while shopping and are carrying it with you. You overhear a kid's disappointment from an aisle over that he did not find the exact thing you're currently holding, you are aware this is a hot item that scalpers have been buying up stock for to resell for huge markups just because they can, thus causing scarcity and general unavailability for the people who really want them. Do you give it up so the kid's day can be made?

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No. My closest friends should know better than to think I'd ever date any of them.


Your closest friend asks you to borrow [insert a reasonable but large enough to impact your budget amount of] money, but can't (or won't) tell you why they need it. Assuming you have it available, do you give it to them?

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If they need money from my broke ass, they really need it. Plus I'm a patient bitch. they'll crack and tell me eventually lol.

You are offered the ability to partake in any drug or other substance to any degree for a year, with a full and irrefutable guarantee that you will suffer no negative consequences directly associated with the substance (impossible to OD, no addiction, no jail time for being caught with it/under its influence).

However, after the year, you become permanently allergic to any mind altering substance you consumed, with the severity/lethality of the allergy being proportional to the substance's mind altering effects (so for example coffee would make you break out in hives, weed or ecstasy might make you need an inhaler,  heroin would straight up be severe anaphylactic shock). Do you take the deal?

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Nope. I don't use anything other than caffeine as it is, but if coffee made me break out in hives? Not worth it for a year of whatever.


You have a chance to go back in time to witness (but not interact with or influence in any way) one historical event. The only caveat is that your return trip will put you five years in the future, so your trip back will cost you 5 years of your life. Would you do it?

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Probably. I'm entirely too trusting. It has occasionally bit me, but in general, my secrets are the kinds of things that when revealed, help weed out the kinds of people I don't enjoy spending time with from those I do. 


Would you tell your parent(s) your deepest darkest secret if they asked?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes. I tend to order food through delivery applications. I would like to believe that the drivers aren’t stealing fries or taking bites out of my food. If I did it, then I’m more convinced that it’s happened already.


Would you sell your privacy and have cameras on you 24/7 for a reality show? 


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