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Guilty or Not Guilty

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Not guilty. My kinks are pretty vanilla, I guess.


The next person has an unfulfilled kink they would like to be fulfilled.

Beat me by THAT MUCH.

Guilty. I've read the main Tolkien books - Hobbit, LoTR series, most of the Silmarillion. 


The next person has an unfulfilled kink they would like to be fulfilled.

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Kinks? Not guilty. There's plenty of stuff I want to try but it's all curiosity - might discover some new kinks. I just want to try things out, like baba ghanoush (which I don't actually like) but you don't know if you don't try, right?

Next poster is more uncomfortable writing violence than sex.

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Not guilty that world is fuckin worse than the one we live in now 🤣 visiting the places in universal to be immersed in it can be fun, there's a lot of interesting things about it, my ex was really into Harry Potter. I've role played about it before and I might be open to it again some time.

The next poster prefers red Dark Magician over normal Dark Magician 

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Not guilty. I collect games and know those.

Next poster is DEEP in the fandom of something monstrously obscure.

Damn it. Out of sequence.

Not guilty. At least not original art. I own a few prints but it's all stuff you can get at any museum shop. Unless some needlepoint pillows from the thrift store count.

Next poster is DEEP in the fandom of something monstrously obscure.

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