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Princess Lost in Thought

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Elie went quite as she nodded she had alot to think about. Maybe she talked with Exzel and tell her, her feelings and maybe set her free. She already felt horrible for fact of running away but she was raised on noble principal of one lover and only one. She sighed. "Y...yes I'd like that Umi and thank you I....I will go back to copying now." She said biting her lip. Was she in wrong for wanting to love Exzel and only her? Was she taking away Exzel's freedom by doing so? Was she no better then the General who had her before hand? She had all these thoughts racing through her head as she sped up copying the text. 

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Umi hoped this went well.  The demon…Exzelcryth, she was sure to find Elie at some point again.  Whatever happened with Alexandrine, she would not ignore the woman she marked.  She hoped those words helped her understand and forgive Alexandrine as well.  Alexandrine was not trying to steal a love.  Though she was concerned about the possibility of Alexandrine being made into such a ‘slave’ by the demon.  Extremely dangerous, if Elie was not right, was not able to bring the demon out of the darkness.  Hopefully this knowledge would help, in their next meeting.

She went back to the first book she pulled.  Looking for what it had to say about Nexus Devils.  “When free, they love to wander, travel.  ‘Fun’ seekers, sexual or otherwise.  The women easily learn or are potentially trained to seduce.  Perhaps more effectively than any demon other than a succubus or incubus.  Powerful shapeshifters, but perhaps limited to humanoid forms.  But all this, especially the portals, means demon lords often force them to serve.  Bind them.  Though I suspect she was not marked by her former lord.”


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Elie to lost in thought had almost finished her family history which had taken up almost half her notebook. She yawned abit her eyes getting sleepy as her head rested on the table. A bright light came from her tarots as a women smiled grabbing her hoodie blanket and placing it on her. "You look so much like her My Lady. It's a honor to serve by your side." She smiled brushing some hair back behind Elie's ear. She looked over at Priestess and smiled. "Hello a pleasure to meet you High Priestess Umi. I'm the Queen of Pentacles." She said floating next to Elie in order to protect her.


((But with blue eyes))


🌟 Celestial Meaning- 

Attributes: Nurture, Provision, Hard Work, Pragmatism and Resourcefulness.

Reversed Attributes: Materialism, Laziness, Neglect, and Work Home Conflict.

The Queen of Pentacles is a generous person who uses her money, wisdom/knowledge and resources in order to support and help others. She encourages beauty and investing in a charitable cause. She always finds a pragmatic way to nurture, ground, and care for those she loves. She's reliable, loyal and resourceful in her support as she tends to others and herself.

Reversed: The Queen of Pentacles  shares the negative qualities of many pentacles cards: materialism, laziness or overcommitment to her projects to points she neglects those around her. Alternatively, she could also be focusing so much on others that she neglects her own needs. The point is, the reversed Queen of Pentacles warns of imbalance. Check in with yourself, your resources and those around you to see how you can reestablish balance.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Umi looked up at the figure.  In truth she was not entirely certain of the nature of these beings.  Spirits?  Angels?  Perhaps not gods, but something divine?  She was a priestess though.  She would treat it with respect, whatever she exactly was.  “It is an honor, your majesty.  Forgive me, I am not entirely certain what sort of being you and the others are.”  She looked to Elie.  Asleep?  “Did you appear because you wished to speak to me?”  Did she know something Elie did not?  Want to ask her something?  Umi was unsure exactly what to expect from this meeting.

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The Queen smiled softly moving the books and notebook. "We're more of divine spirits or angels some call us and yes she's asleep. All this information at once was such a overload on her. She really is beating herself up at moment thinking she's no better then that demon general. If I may, may I use some of magic to make copies of these books for my lady or at least a copy of her family history and copies of the pages about this Exzel and what she is." She asked seeing Elie was uneasy and teary eyed. "Juliet was alot like her....always crying when things got hard. She's a spitting image of her." She said rubbing Elie's back. "Sadly only three of cards have awoke the others don't believe she's earned them back. She has Death, The King of Wands and now me." 

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“Her jealousy has not fully settled either.  Uncertainty if she has a rival she can’t win against.”  Umi added, saying something that probably did not need to be said.  A holy it being it was, holy, but not divine.  Something to respect, but not worship.  “Of course, your majesty.  You may copy whatever you need to.”  What she said was interesting.  “You knew her ancestor?  Do you know if there is a way to fulfill Elie’s wish, to speak to her?”  A potentially less pleasant question could be asked too.  “Do you know, who the fourth survivor of her family is?”

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The queen looked at Umi and smiled as she used her magic to copy the book cover to cover perfectly and the information about Exzel and her kind. "Yes I did serve her ancestor and there's a way she could speak to her but she'd have to be  bathing in rose water with petals floating on surface of water with the Lovers card active and sadly that card has locked itself away. She can't use its power until it deems her worth. However your other question yes I do know the fourth living Capulet. Why do you ask?" She said putting the notebook away and pencils smiling at Elie. "I will take care of you My Lady read easy everything is copied and you have your own book of information which will magical change when new information is found." She said kissing Elie's head. 

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Well, that was an interesting requirement.  Umi would do her best to remember.  Tell Umi after she woke up.  She assumed it would be a short nap, she would still be going home, not spending the night in a guest room.  Though Umi could set up that up if necessary.  “She was reading those records about her family.  She had no idea there was a fourth living member of her family, or who it might be.”  One more answer she could potentially get for Elie, while she napped.

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"I see. Well the fourth Capulet is alot like Tybalt in my eyes, that damn fiend. The fourth Capulet is her Uncle Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet. He is a Knight and would have been Elie's husband to be if they followed the old way. He has sliver hair and red eyes and all the fates agree he is to blame for the family's downfall. Sadly however she can't prove it without hardcore proof." The queen sighed looking at all the loose books left out. "Would you like me to use magic to put away all these books? I have a feeling My Lady will awaken within the hour. She has been crying so much and not wishing to take care of herself. Also you seem confused on why she needs the Lovers card to speak with her am I correct?

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Silver hair?  Red eyes?  But Elie mentioned a 'black rabbit' too.  A sickness troubled Umi.  The connection no one wanted to make.  If this man betrayed his family, was responsible for the attack...if he was not alone.  The location did not fit, it was long ago.  But if this man was still alive...if the black rabbit was not what it seemed.  Demons were involved somehow.  That much was known.  "I would be grateful, your majesty."  She said in a troubled tone.  She dreaded confirmation of what everything seemed to point to.  Assuming the Queen could answer. "It is a rather peculiar set of circumstances required.  I would be grateful for an explanation, if only for my curiosity, to explain to her as well, if asked...but I must ask one more question..."  She looked down, took a deep breath.

"...Does the demon general Zorn still live?"

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The Queen of Pentacles started to put away the books and listened to Umi words of worry. Once the question was asked she sighed closing her eyes looking at Umi with sorrow. "I beg of you Priestess if I tell you the truth please don't tell My Lady. She has already been so much. Azreal her uncle. The reincarnated of Tybalt I swear to the gods betray his family and signed a contract with a demon. A high demon with black fur and rabbit like ears. If this is the Zorn you spoke of with my Lady then the answer is yes.He's awake and might be planning a attack. Azreal is his spy....his pet you might say. If Zorn asks him to jump.....he asks how high. I doubt Azreal knows about My Lady but when and if he finds out her life is in danger."

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Revulsion spread through Umi.  “Thank you, your majesty.  I will not speak of her uncle to her, perhaps not others either yet.  Though there are a number I must quickly tell of the demon’s survival.  He cannot be allowed to complete his preparations.”  Hikaru, Alexandrine, Emi.  Perhaps others.  Elie though, she would hold off about the uncle at least.  Though maybe she should be warned about Zorn as well.  For the reasons already mentioned back at lunch.  To keep her on guard.

”But, please do explain the other part.  About the card, speaking to her ancestor.”  They had got briefly distracted by that horrible news.  Informing others could wait a few minutes.  She did not know when she get another chance to speak to this one.

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"I understand Priestess that the fear of Zorn returning is chaotic and that if Azreal gets his hands on My Lady and turns her over to Zorn. He could make her use her cards for evil. She'd fight him on course but if he pleasured her just right and got into her mind there would be stopping it. I do hope that demon can protect her." She said feeling Elie starting to stir. "The Lover card has Romeo and Juliet's souls tied to it. They were sealed into that card to protect them from evil. Juliet was last to use Tarot Cards in the Capulet family. Looks like my My Lady will awaken soon."

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Umi nodded.  It was probably good to tell Elie at least some of what she just heard.  Though she would follow the Queen’s advice.  The last warning troubled her.  Though she had to wonder if Zorn was capable of pleasuring Elie right.  As told to Elie, he cared far more for his own pleasure.  If the girl enjoyed it, that was just a bonus.  Would he try to actually try to seduce anyone, other than Emi?

It was not a threat to completely ignore, but she hoped it was a very unlikely danger.  “No one wants to see him hurt anyone else.  We will protect her, save her, if he somehow finds her.”  She looked to Elie, smiling a little, the sight of her slightly calming Umi.

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The Queen smiled as she fainted away as Elie rubbed her eyes looking around. "Hmmm.....Umi.....did I fall asleep? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I'm sorry if that was disrespectful. I promise not to do it again." She said worried and frantic till she saw hee hoodie blanket on her and a copy of her family's history book and pages she needed on Exzel and her kind.

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Umi smiled softly.  “Your…friend?  Sorry, not sure the term for this.  But the Queen of Pentacles appeared as you slept.  She used her power to finish the copying.  She told me a few things as well.  Good….and bad.”

It was just best to get it out there.  “The good news first.  She told me there is a way for you to speak to your ancestor.  The method was rather specific though, not something you can do immediately.  To put it in her exact words….”

“She’d have to be bathing in rose water with petals floating on surface of water with the Lovers card active. Was what she said, it appears her soul is tied to that specific card.”

Her face darkened.  She could not tell Elie everything, but she could warn Elie.  “She also gave dreaded news…Zorn lives after all…he is rebuilding.  Preparing for an eventual attack.  I will make sure Hikaru, Alexandrine and Emi learn quickly.  We do not know where he is.  But as long as he does not know that we know, he should stay quiet until we can find him.  That said.  Be careful.  Do not live in paranoia, but be alert, especially alone.  Away from human settlements.  We will search for him.  Hopefully protect you and anyone else he might hunt.”

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Elie listened to Umi then looked at her tarot cards. "Wait another one came back to me. So that makes three. Maybe....maybe I have to unlock them by doing specific events ot tasks. But this is great once I get the Lovers card I will have to speak with her and maybe even Romeo. But....about the other news Zorn is alive. But how Alexandrine killed him and....and would he really want anything to do with me when Alexandrine, his daughter Emi and Hikaru are around?" She asked grabbing the copies. They looked prefect just like the originals. "Wow she did this all for me."

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“I hope you regain them all soon.  You get to have your talk.”  Umi tried to mix the happy with the unpleasant.  “I’m sure Alexandrine tried.  Believed she succeeded.  I do not know exactly what shape she left his body in.  But my guess is he survived, barely.  May have truly appeared dead, without him having to fake it.”  Umi of course was aware of a reason Zorn might specifically target her.  But she had to trust the queen, give a more general warning.

”He may not target you specifically.  But if he or his forces stumble across you, he may see an opportunity.  Do not fear.  But be careful.”  She stood up.  Placed her hand on Elie’s shoulder.  “If you wish to go home, I will guide you to the gate.  I could stay with you, until you reach the house, if you would like.”  Not offering to spend the night at the house.  But an extra body for the ride home, if Elie wanted.  “You could try to join Alexandrine, for your protection.  If you feel you have overcome the jealousy.”  This was another way to potentially heal that pain.  If Ellie chose it.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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Elie looked at Umi and sighed. "I see....I don't know...I don't feel ready yet to talk to Alexandrine it's only been a day. Besides I doubt my powers would help her team anyway. I know Emi and Rin are her team so far." She put the book and papers away. "I'll have to think about joining her. I just....I don't know....did my cards tell you anything else about my family or anything?" She asked packing up. "And I'd love to be taken to gate. I do hope if I'm ever in trouble I may return here. You and Hikaru have been nothing but sweet to me. I do hope to tell him about my finds one day soon." She smiled taking out her cell phone so she could call Sebastian for a pick up.

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Umi hated to lie or deceive the girl.  But she had to trust the Queen.  Trust she knew Elie better, that it would hurt too much to reveal the truth.  Hopefully, if Elie did find out, met that man, Elie could forgive both her and the Queen.  

She led Elie up the stairs, out of the library, through the halls.  To the doors to the main temple and ultimately the gate.  “She did tell me she knew your ancestor.  That you two were very similar.  Though we did not have a very long talk.  Yes, if you are ever in danger, troubled, or just want to visit, you are welcome to return.”

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Elie smiled happily as she held her bag close as she decided to text Sebastian instead. 'I'm ready to come home Sebastian and please bring two tickets to my next concert please.' She sent the text and looked at Umi. "Oh I see well you and Hikaru are always welcome to come over to. I feel like I found my way here and it helped clear my mind. I found wonderful friends and allies now." She said seeing the gate come into view.

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Umi hoped Elie considered her advice on Alexandrine, but understood why she was not ready to make the final decision on that.  She would not linger on that.  She would simply wait with Elie at the gate, until her ride came.  She smiled at the mention of tickets, understanding what it meant.  “We just may do that sometime.”  The search for Zorn was important, but they could always take a little time for something like that.  “I will let Hikaru know when he returns.  And tell if he finds anything about the demon…Exzelcryth, or Alexandrine.”

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Elie smiled as a few minutes by and the limo pulled up. "Thank you Umi please keep me updated and these VIP tickets are yours and Hikaru's to my next concert. I hope to see you there and maybe we have dinner that night together. I really owe you guys." She said hugging Umi handing her the tickets before getting into Limo and waving goodbye. 

Sebastian smiled. "My Lady seems in better spirits. Did you get all the answers you needed?" He asked as Elie turned to look at him. "I got most of them and another card came back to me. I feel like I have found new friends and powerful allies. When we get home I'll take a bath and then visit the ancient Sakura blossom tree before bed." She said softly at peace for the first time since the event.

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Once Elie got home she had a new spring in her step as she entered the estate. "Sebastian if I may ask could you draw me a bath in hot springs with rose water and rose petals. I....I feel like a need a bit of relaxation and self care." Sebastian smiled brightly seeing his Lady. His princess happy once more. "Oh course my Lady. You find some comfortable pj's and I draw that bath right away." He said having never been happier.

Elie seeing that Sebastian was happy once more brought a different kind of warmth to her heart. Sebastian was the closet thing she had to father that actually loved her and made time for her. She walked upstairs to her bedchambers can stripped down to nothing but her underwear before grabbing a robe to cover herself. She found a elegant black lingerie dress that she bought a while back. She grabbed it along with her backpack with her tarot cards and family history. "Umi and Hikaru really came the perfect time. I feel.alot better now....I....I think I might be able to face Exzel now but Alexandrine is a different story." She said looking out her window seeing the ancient Sakura blossom tree dancing in the light breeze of the evening.

Elie smiled as she walked back downstairs and to the hot spring pools where Sebastian was just finishing up. "Here you go My Lady and I have fresh fruit and drinks waiting you. May you enjoy yourself and don't be afaird to call on me." He bowed. Elie hugged Sebastian tigthly and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Sebastian for always believing in me and treating like daughter. It really help." She said walking into the hot spring pools. 

Feeling the steam hit her face and the smell of lotus and roses filled the area she looked around seeing a small wooden table with snacks and drinks and area for her books near the pool. She got her stuff settled in before stepping up into the pool. The water hitting her feet and then ankles she let out a small moan of relief and delight. "This feels so good and he even added hints of Jasmine. Thank you Sebastion what would I do without you." She said softly to herself before submaring herself into the warmth of the hot spring slowly starting to relax.


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Exzelcryth had rested well in her fortress after the night with Daimond Sorceress, and unexpectedly running into Elie at the same convention. Dressing today, in a black bikini, she had slept in late, and spent part of the day taking in the scenery around the area. The mountains the forest, it was all quite breathtaking. She let Elie have some time, she was young, Exzel had forces herself on her, and probably traumatized her. Yet she was the one she had marked. She had been drawn to her elegant demeanor, and had claimed her. She taught about Elie and Daimond on and off.

Towards the end of the day, as dusk set in, she decided it was time to visit her mark, and find out what she was up to. It was a good sign she had went along, and not told Daimond who she was before she had made her move. Yet she had gotten very upset when she left. It might be time for damage control. With a well practiced form, Exzel gather the energies and created a portal to where she sensed Elie, stepping through the tear in reality and emerging in a secluded corner of Elie's garden. She didn't see anyone, but could sense Elie was on the grounds somewhere.


No sooner had that portal closed, did she open another one, and pull out a golden harp. Music had drawn her to Elie to begin with, it had given her a glimpse into her soul, or so she thought. So now it was time to try to return that. Sitting down on a stone she strummed the harp, channeling her emotions and played an old song that filled the garden with a lovely yet haunting sound.


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