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Love! Magic! Peace! Light! The Magical Girl (and Knight) Convention!

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That was not the answer Alexandrine wanted.  Not what she meant.  But the demon was so good.  She felt herself tightening around Exzel as she said those words.  Love?  It was a betrayal of everything she believed in.  Betrayal of a new friend.  Elie loved this demon.  She was starting to understand why.  As a Magical Girl, she almost feared love.  Almost none of them dared to attach themselves to a single person.

This demon.  Could she love her?  Could the demon truly love her?  “Promise me…I’ll never be alone again…I’ll do anything…”. Her greatest fear.  Losing the new team she had started to build.  To be alone again.  Nightmares of the past.  Asking for a demon’s promise is something she would have thought stupid until now.   But the demon was offering something she was so desperate for.  She almost believed the demon meant it.  She was so close to giving in.  The right words.  While continuing to fuck her like this.  She was so good at it.

Edited by SataiRolePlayingGuy
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It had felt so good.  So natural, cumming inside Emi like that.  He could tell she liked it.  The boy tried to follow Emi’s lead in kissing her back.  He tried humping her a few more times, but he learned it was difficult for a boy to continue sex so soon after orgasm.  “Too bad she has to hide her identity.  She could give this kid her number.  He clearly wants more.”  The second boy Emi chose added.

The punk slid forward.  The last one who had not had a turn with her.  He wondered just how aggressive she wanted it.  He wanted to do something different.  Not just do it hard.  He guessed this was more about the girls pleasing fans.  To truly please a Magical Girl took something special.  But what?  His hand gripped her shoulder, silently telling Emi his turn was next.  To just do her, he did want that.  But he considered what else he might do.  He had watched her.  She did not seem to like it especially rough but was that something she simply did not like, or did someone just have to do it right?

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…It had gone on for some time.  Rin, Emi and the boys.  In the end both girls got a taste of all four boys.  Though Rin avoided the crossing the line of double penetration or anal.  Telling them she just really wanted it in her pussy.  Though she gave a few more blowjobs, or hand jobs too.

Since the Magical Girls and Knights were allowed to sleep in the private rooms, there was a temporary shower set up in there.  Not gender segregated.  She had switched back to her boy form, freeing herself of the reminder from the lingering feeling of cock inside her, or semen.  Though the taste lingered in her mouth. She did not know what happened to exactly, but this had to be the ultimate form of birth control, she figured.

Now she was naked.  ‘She’.  It was back to how this all started, a young naked boy in a shower where girls might join her.  Or boys.  After that experience she was very confused.  She had hoped changing back would free the confusion.  That it was just that body.  But she did not feel much different.  She was alone for now, but did not know if it would last.  Would women walk in, a repeat of how she met Emi and Alexandrine.  At least no men should touch her in this form.

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It had been a long trip from Russia to Japan. Once his plane landed he had his limousine take him to the convention center. His beautiful sliver hair shimmered in the pale moonlight as he entered the area only Magical Girls and Knights could enter. 

Each step he took a light cold breezed followed. His crimson red eyes seemed to glow in the darkness as he walked to his room. "Что за ошеломляющее путешествие. Не могу дождаться, когда заселюсь. ((What a mind numbing trip. I can't wait to settle in.))" He said in his beautiful russian accent. He put his things into his room before looking at the showers. "Душ - не самая плохая идея. ((A shower doesn't sound like a bad idea.))" He smirked knowing most of Magical Girls and Knights would either be busy sleeping or pleasuring fans and giving them their most wildest dreams. This wasn't his first convention but he had a bigger plan in motion. He had gotten intel that his family was somewhere near the convention and he was just dying to see them again.

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Being a public shower, and not knowing who might join her, Rin had not taken a lot of time.  Just enough to feel clean as she could.  She stepped out, just wearing a towel.  A boy’s body and face, but slender, somewhat feminine, someone who could pass as a girl while crossdressing, unless you looked really closely.

This was a safe area.  Even the fans taken to the rooms were not allowed this far in.  She was not really looking around.  But also did not care if she was seen.  She lifted the arm, with her ring.  It glowed pick.  As she dropped the towel, the true proof she was at least physically a boy, perhaps visible for a few seconds, before the light shifted her, female figure and organs replacing the male.  Nude other than the light, for a few seconds, before her costume appeared.  Of course an experienced Knight would know a few Magical Girls out there were gender benders.  And it usually meant, deep down, they were transgender, girl in spirit at least, whether they realized it or not.  But they were very rare.  The man she had not noticed watched her was almost certainly aware they existed.  But this might have been his first time seeing one.

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Posted (edited)

Azreal stopped a small smirk appearing on lips ad he watched the transformation. His mind racing with ideas. This was first time he had seen a young man transform into a beautiful women. He cleared his throat and smiled. "Hello young lady is the shower open?" He asked. He stood barely covered by the shadows casted by the area. The moonlight made his hair shimmered and his eyes looked into Rin's. "I'm sorry I couldn't help but stare at your beauty. If I may ask what is your name my lady?" He said bowing taking the back of Rin's hand and kissing it. 

Azreal could feel something deep inside him growing and yearning to show this women what true pleasure was even in his male form. Azreal had never felt attraction to a  male but this one seemed different. He hoped he'd lucky and have this beautiful women moaning his name by the end of night. However he had to be gentle until he had Rin right where he wanted her.

Edited by ElieCapulet30
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Rin jumped a little, in surprise.  She had not thought she had been watched.  She knew how much the stranger had seen, if he was there the whole time.  It was a Knight though.  There was no harm in him knowing.  Though she was a little embarrassed.  “Ah, sorry, you misunderstand.  I’m as surprised about this form as anyone.  But I’m really a boy.  My name is Ryan, though I call myself Rin while transformed.”  It was true she always wanted to be a Magical Girl.  Just a Magical Girl, not an ordinary girl.  It was still a surprise to her.

The gentlemanly approach made him seem nice.  How a Knight should be.  She did not pull her hand away.  Though it was a little strange.  “I was the only one in the shower.  If you want to take one, maybe I’ll see you later.”  It was good to interact with other Magical Girls and Knights.  See what she could learn.  Maybe make connections.  There was no harm in spending time with this man.

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Azreal smiled taking a step back. "What a handsome and beautiful name. There's no judgement here. If I may would you accompany me in shower. I know it's weird to ask but after a demon attacked my family and my team a while back I like to be in the company of others while being in places like this. I guess it's due to my truama. Also I'm very sorry for startling you." He said before clearing his throat once more."Also how rude of me my name is Azreal Dimitri Arst de Capulet at your service." He his russian accent appearing making him sound a bit husky and seductive. "If you wish I can make your accompanying me worth your while?" He said softly. 

He could tell Ryan/Rin was a young magical girl. So getting her to follow him might be easier then he thought. Maybe he gain some information while he was at it if he got her drunk enough on pleasure first. He knew his master's main enemy would be here but luckily he had not run into her just yet. Maybe she was entertaining a fan or maybe even another magical girl or knight.

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Rin wrestled a little bit.  She had just taken a shower.  Was the Knight after what she thought he was?  But then she had already just had sex with four boys at the same time.  He was a Knight too.  It was much more intense with a Knight.  She had experienced it from the other side.  As a boy, with Emi.  How would it feel, letting a Knight fuck her?  There was uncertainty.  She would be lying to herself if she pretended she had not enjoyed that.  But this felt different.  Not that she felt in danger from the man specifically, but about that what he seemed to think about her might be right.

”…I just finished taking a shower…but maybe”. She was hesitant, but did not attempt to leave.  Did not outright say no.  But then, the talk of trauma and demons leaned her towards him.  An experience similar to Alexandrine.  Maybe he just wanted company.  That would not be bad.  His last offer made her curious.  “Worth my while?”  She asked, her head slightly tilted.  Wondering if he meant something specific.

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Azreal smiled backtracking a bit as he went to answer her question. "Yes I'll make it worth your while. You must know the bond between a Magical Girl and Knight is like nothing anyone can explain." His eyes stared into Rin's his aura calm and cooling. "Is there anything you wish to experience or try? I will make your wish and desires come true Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star))." The nickname seemed to roll off the tongue. 

"I completely understand if you wish to retire for the night. I would never wish to make a lady uncomfortable." His voice smooth and silky as he walked closer to the showers. A light icy breeze followed him and swept itself near Rin hoping to made her nipples hard and make her follow him into the showers.

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Rin bit her lip.  Had he just made the offer?  Even after seeing her transformation.  He wanted her that way.  She did not know what the nickname meant. Was it a nickname?  But the way he said it…it reached her.

Then the breeze.  She had not guessed it might be his power.  Did she want to experience anything?  Was he going to try to touch her in the shower?  She did not know what was going to happen.  But she silently followed him inside.  Her eyes darted between him and the ground.  She knew he would be naked soon.  Until today, she would have not considered looking at a naked man.  But now, her eyes twitched back and forth.  “What did you just call me?”  She asked with some curiosity.  “What was the language?”  To get to know each other a little.  There was no harm in that.

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Azreal smirked a bit as he walked into the shower. "Oh I called you my little star. I said it in Russian. I should have asked for consent before giving you a nickname. Outside of being a Knight I'm also a famous singer in Russia." Hearing he was famous singer seemed to remind Rin of someone else. He smiled seeing that Rin might have been a bit uncomfortable. "If you wish you can turn around so you don't have to see me undress." He smiled. His smile was warm but sweet. However it held a darker meaning. 

Azreal began to take off his shirt. His toned built body appearing. Scars from battles of the past accompanying them. His hair fell in streams downhis shoulders that looked like starlight. He hung up the shirt before starting to unbutton is pants. His skin seemed smooth and well taken care of even with all the scars. Once his pants were off his treasure trove appeared. The line of hair leading into a V shape. He folded his pants and took off his boxers. He had a frim ass for a man his age and best of all was length. At fully erect he was 8 inches. A small shimmer came across Rin's eye as his cock was pierced. The piercing looked even and like a ladder of sorts. 

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Rin was not aware she blushed slightly at that explanation.  To give a ‘girl’ you just met that name.  It felt like something you would give a girlfriend.  At least a crush.  “Ah, no, I don’t mind…thank you.” She did not know how she felt about a man calling her such a feminine nickname.  But maybe it touched her a little.

She was standing a little behind him still.  Mostly saw his back side.  She could not completely look away though.  He was a real man.  Not like the boys.  The punk was the most masculine of them.  This man was more.  Signs of his fighting.  His strength.  Her eyes lingered a little where she would not have dared looked before.  His ass, something that as a boy, almost seemed the forbidden thing to look at.  She had a glimpse of the shaft.  He was bigger than those boys.  The piercing’s caught her off guard.  Something she could imagine doing to hers.  Mixed feels, unease as a boy, imagining how it would feel.  But curiosity as a girl.

A singer?  That name?  She was reminded of posters she saw in that building.  When they went to fight that demon.  A demon she had no idea was completely corrupting Alexandrine at the moment.  “Oh, are you Elie’s relative?”  A friendly question, she had no idea of the danger of.

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Azreal turned around a bit surprised. "Elie...Like Elieon...my little niece Elie.Моя драгоценная роза. Моя милая маленькая принцесса Вероны. ((My precious rose. My little princess of verona)) She's still alive? Really?" He seemed overjoyed by the new but in reality was snickering. His shaft was now in full view for Rin to see. "You've just given me the best news I've heard in awhile." He said smiling at Rin. His body was much better then any man she had seen before.

"I do hope to see her again. Has she come to the convention? Maybe as a fan?" He asked not knowing his niece was a magical girl herself. "I do wish to reward you for giving me such happiness and joy. Anything you desire I'll give to you or do." His voice smoothing Rin making her fall for him.

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Did he know Elie was a Magical Girl? Rin was not aware that it was something that could, but did not always, repeat in a family.  Some families ever had the power.  Especially if both parents did.  That sex felt so good for them was meant more as a motivation for Magical Girls and Knights to have children together, to pass the power on.  This had not been explained yet, was not publicly known.

She did not know if she should say that.  “I met her a few days ago.  She was having a concert in town and a demon attacked her.  The team I just joined rescued her.  Well the others did the rescuing, I was just along.  I only became a Magical Girl the day before.  Still don’t know what my powers are.  She was here today too, but I assume she left by now.  Watched me and one other new girl on my team sing.  We were hoping she could help train us to be professional too.”

His offer.  Fear and desire conflicted in her.  Her eyes shifting towards the shaft and away.  “…I…don’t know what I want…who I am…”. If he was a little more assertive.  Took what he wanted, ‘gently’ at first, she might be his for the night.  What happened after the night was less certain.  Corrupting her would take a very slow and careful process.  But he could maybe find other uses for her.  Especially what he wanted now.

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"I see ashame really. I'll have to caught up with her later then but as for now..." He stepped closer to Rin. "You are you and you are prefect female male or even both." He smiled kissing her cheek. His natural scent was comforting like the smell of coffee and new book. His eyes staring right through her. "As a Knight it be my pleasure to show you the ways of passion in any form you desire." He said gripping Rin's chin lightly not enough to hurt her. His shaft only inches away from the towel that was protecting her. The room grew a bit colder ad his other hand rested next to Rin's side. "If I may ask would I be your first or have you pleasure others in the way of sex Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star))."

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That nickname again.  It softened her.  Somehow she understood it.  Wanting to look good to the man.  She suddenly understood the potential shame of sexual experience that a girl might feel, but boys almost never did.  Even though Emi and Alexandrine seemed so casual about it.  “…I did things, as both boy and girl, with my new team members that first night…the shower you saw me came out, I was with one of them again….and a few boys.”  She admitted it, she already had sex with boys, fans.  She should have no problem letting this Knight teaching her a more intense pleasure.  The cold drew her a little closer to him.  A chill through her body.  But he might be warm.  She leaned into the arm.  She was nervous though for some reason.  Why did she care if that bothered this man she just met.  A man she knew wanted to have sex with her too.

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As Rin leaned into his arm he felt warm and welcoming. He smiled caressing her cheek sweetly moving some hair behind her ear. "Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star)) you don't need to feel ashamed of doing sexual acts as a male or female. It's a natural thing we need in life." He said his smile drawing her in. He picked up her chin again and before whispering in her ear. "May I kiss you? May I show you the pleasure and desire between us? I only wish to give you what you desire. What you crave and yearn for both female and male. I want to show you a new world of passion that only I can give. All you have to do is give me order. Give me the command." He said his cock tapping against the towel as he pulled back holding her chin waiting for her answer.

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“….Wait…female and male?”  The uneasiness squirmed up again.  The ultimate line, she feared crossing.  To let a man have sex with her as a boy.  “You want me that way?”  It was something that had long felt taboo.  She was not gay.  Sure, she had done it with both boys and girls as a girl.  But that was just her being extra-straight.  Still straight as a boy, and as a girl.  That’s what she told herself at least.

”Only you can give?”  He could show her a pleasure she had not felt yet.  But could any other Knight do the same?  There was unease.  But her eyes closed, her head tilted up further.  She did not think she was ready to do it as two men.  But she was going to let him kiss her.  Teach her what Emi and Alexandrine felt when she did them as a boy.

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Seeing the shock in Rin's eyes he let go of her chin stepping back. "I'm sorry my lady. I....I see I have upset you or made you uncomfortable. That was not my intent." He said turning around. "I'm sorry I took up your time. Please enjoy your night  Моя маленькая звездочка ((My Little Star))  and make it to your room safety." He said his tone of voice a bit sad and depressed as the icy feeling seemed to disappear. He walked over to shower and turned it on. He was going to play on her guilt or his guilt for the time. He would have to play it by ear for now. If Rin came to him apologizing and saying she wanted it then he would have her right where he wanted her.

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Exzel released Daimonds wrists and slid her arms under her back. One going around her lower back, embracing her, even as her forceful thrusts rocked her body. The other going up her back, fingers running through her hair. A more intimate hold, where she could hug and cuddle Daimond as she skept penetrating her faster, playing on her need to not feel alone.

She spoke softly into her ear. She felt so good, she was leaking pre-cum in Daimond, just making her that much slicker, "You'll never... have to be alone again. Submit to me, Tell me... you are mine... and our contract... will be completed." She moaned loud, their bodies pressing against each other, as her cock plunged into deep into Diamond faster and harder still. "There will be... a spell... on you. My spell! Ugh! Yess! Binding!" She bit Daimond's neck, lightly, siphoning, tasting just a bit of her energy, it was delicious. Their hips were smashing together as she fucked her wildly now.

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She knew it.  The demon was going to take her further.  If Alexandrine willingly agreed to this, without compulsion, it might be a spell no one could reverse.  Maybe Exzel could release it, or maybe not even her.  The words though.  Was the demon being honest?  Offering her one of the things she yearned for the most?  How strong would the spell be?  What would her new mistress make her do?  If she said yes, this demon woman would be her mistress more than sexually.  Alexandrine would serve her for the rest of her life.  She knew that.  She knew that.

They way the demon held her.  Was it genuine?  The Magical Girl inside her told her it was all an act, to seduce and use her, to snap out of it.  But the demon's power had already filled her body.  She could find happiness like this.  She hated betraying Elie, betraying others as well.  But maybe she could do what Elie hoped to do.  Turn this demon to their side.  If she could do that, there was no harm selling her soul to the demon.

It was so risky.  She knew the opposite could happen.  This demon might make her evil, an enemy of humanity.  A true Broken Girl.  She was doing everything she warned Elie about.  But...deep down...she wanted this.  Maybe it was the corruption the demon already put on her, her soul already had a stain.

"Claim me.  Make me yours completely.  My pussy is yours."  All the words the demon asked her to say.  She surrendered.  A complete submission in her voice.  Surrender.  But most importantly, it was willing.  She waited.  To feel if a deeper power already took her.  Or if the demon was going to speak a more detailed contract, one she was ready to agree to.

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Rin stood there for a moment.  The uncertainty gnawing at her.  Did she want to do it?  She could not bring herself to leave.  This seemed to be a good man.  Though she did not have the life experience to try to judge a man as a girl, to know to be more careful who she had sex with.  Him being a Knight made her feel safer.  In such a public place too, even if no one was around them.  This would just be tonight, wouldn't it?  She could be his little star just for tonight.  And while she was scared...she wanted to feel it too.  She let the towel drop.  "...No, it's not your fault.  It is mine."  She walked around him.  Into the water, just in front of him.  "You can do it, kiss me."  Of course she was offering more as well.  But she let him decide how to do it.  A man like him.  She kind of wanted to feel him take the lead, thought he would like that.

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That was all she needed to hear for tonight. The words had been said. "Yeesssss!" An infusion of pure pleasure washed over Daimond as she submitted completely. Exzel's dark aura mixed with hers infusing her with jist a taste of dark magic. It was intoxicating, overwhelming, glorious, as the their auta's mixed. Exzel kissed her, and absorbed the slightest amount of magic from her to feed her own hunger.

The deal was done. Now she was just fucking her for the pleasure of it, and to finishing claiming her body. Her moans crescendoing in Daimond's ear as their hot bodies whwre all over each other. Exzel could feel herself moving toward climax, her cock rock hard and throbbing as she pounded Daimond. "Mmmmmm! I'm going to fill you up!"

Because the pleaure was ao intense, she screamed a few more arcane words, in ancient yokai language. Focusing her energy, Exzel summoned a great power. Bringing forth a magic with her hand behind Daimond's head, she moved it down behind her neck, purple glowing tendrils wrapped around her neck, and in a bright flash, manifested as a black collar, with runic demonic script barely perseptible, that read, "Slut. Property of Exzelcryth, body and soul."

"Now, cum for me!" She commanded her new toy, even as she gave her the warmest loving embrace as she furiously ploughed into her.

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The power shocked Alexandrine, nothing like she ever felt.  A darkness completely filled her, burning her, mind, heart, soul.  Changing her, but in ways that both might have to fully discover.  A new woman.  Not evil, but with a deep corruption inside her.  Obedience too.  She was property of the demon now, wanted to obey her.  It scared her at first, but started to feel more natural.  "Yes, mistress, I want to feel it."  She said, with a faint glee.  No longer feeling any shame about having sex with a demon, turned on by it even.   Though there was lingering guilt, it was suppressed by her pleasure.

She felt the tendril wrap around her.  Was the demon going to choke her?  No.  She could not see the words, but she could feel the collar wrap around the neck  Tightly, but not choking.  Yes, she was obedient now.  Would not feel insulted if the demon called Alexandrine her bitch, a collar suited the new version of her.  It was different than a mark, but shared some similarities.  She had been claimed just like Elie, not the same way, but with some similarities.  Was the collar symbolic?  Or did it give the demon control over her?  She was now eager to find out.  If anything the collar was the last step, she easily came at the demon's command.  She believed the demon's words, hoped that warmth was genuine.  It would only make her more obedient if she believed it was, especially if it truly was genuine.

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